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Hydrochemical changes in a small tropical island’s aquifer: Manukan Island, Sabah, Malaysia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Small islands groundwater are often exposed to heavy pumpings as a result of high demand for freshwater consumption. Intensive
exploitation of groundwater from Manukan Island’s aquifer has disturbed the natural equilibrium between fresh and saline water,
and has resulted increase the groundwater salinity and leap to the hydrochemical complexities of freshwater–seawater contact.
An attempt was made to identify the hydrochemical processes that accompany current intrusion of seawater using ionic changes
and saturation indices. It was observed that the mixing between freshwater–seawater created diversity in geochemical processes
of the Manukan Island’s aquifer and altered the freshwater and seawater mixture away from the theoretical composition line.
This explained the most visible processes taking place during the displacement. 相似文献
系统采用B/S模式,以远程监测和自动化控制为基础,建设龙口市地下水信息化管理系统,实现地下水数据的在线管理和发布。对系统的结构功能进行了分析,利用计算机技术、自动控制技术、通信技术,探索地下水信息化的管理模式。 相似文献
Monitoring and methods to analyse the groundwater quality degradation risk in coastal karstic aquifers (Apulia,Southern Italy) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A multi-methodological approach based on monitoring and spatio-temporal analysis of groundwater quality changes is proposed.
The presented tools are simple, quick and cost-effective to give service to all sorts of users. The chief purpose of the monitoring
network is the detection of the piezometric or potenziometric level in the aquifer. The spatial and multi-temporal analysis
of usual chemical and physical data provides both an assessment of the spatial vulnerability of the aquifer to seawater intrusion,
defining a salinity threshold between fresh groundwater and brackish groundwater and of the water quality trend in terms of
salinity. The evaluation of the salinity trend or of salinity-correlated parameters highlights the effects of groundwater
mismanagement. The multiparameter logging provides a rapid groundwater quality classification for each well. The whole approach
allows evaluating the effects of current management criteria and designing more appropriate management targets. The Apulian
karstic coastal aquifers have been selected as a case study (Southern Italy). Three types of aquifer zones can be distinguished:
(1) areas with low vulnerability to seawater intrusion, (2) areas with high vulnerability and (3) areas with variable vulnerability
in which the salt degradation largely depends on the ability to manage the well discharge. The water quality degradation caused
by seawater intrusion appears to be a combined effect of an anomalous succession of drought periods observed from about 1980
onwards and increased groundwater pumping, particularly during drought periods. A management criterion based on aquifer zones
is proposed. 相似文献
This paper refers to the development of a conceptual model for the management of a coastal aquifer in northern Greece. The research presents the interpretation and analysis of the quantitative (groundwater level recordings and design of piezometric maps) regime and the formation of the upcone within the area of investigation. Additionally it provides the elaboration of the results of chemical analyses of groundwater samples (physicochemical parameters, major chemical constituents and heavy metals and trace elements) of the area which were taken in three successive irrigation periods (July–August 2003, July–August 2004 and July 2005), in order to identify areas of aquifer vulnerability. The study identifies the areas where ion exchange phenomena occur, as well as the parts of the aquifer where the qualitative degradation of the aquifer system is enhanced. The paper, finally, assesses the lack of any scientific groundwater resources management of the area by the local water authorities, as well as the current practices of the existing pumping conditions scheme as applied by groundwater users.An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
L. Walter Daesslé Edith C. Sánchez Victor F. Camacho-Ibar Leopoldo G. Mendoza-Espinosa José D. Carriquiry Victor A. Macias Pedro G. Castro 《Hydrogeology Journal》2005,13(4):584-595
Water pumped from 25 shallow wells (<31 m) in the Maneadero unconfined coastal aquifer was studied geochemically in order to determine the short-term compositional variability of the aquifer due to seawater intrusion during a drier than normal year (Fall 2001 to Fall 2002). The groundwater was commonly found to be mixed with seawater, with TDS concentrations in November 2002 ranging from 0.99 to 9.46 g l–1, having an intermediate Na+Cl– to Ca2+Cl– water-type. Rapid recharge events of short duration, after low and short rainfall events during the study period, are suggested from short-term fluctuations in water quality. Seawater intrusion is progressing faster in the central and southern coastal sections of the aquifer and has recently affected the quality of the sites pumping water to the nearby city of Ensenada. Only one of the wells used for the Ensenada water supply had a TDS concentration lower than the 1.0 g l–1 official limit. Low flow rates and high residence times of water are inferred to be the cause for high alkalinity in the east-central section of the aquifer. High NO3 in the east-central aquifer indicates that any NO3 infiltration due to fertilizer use was only slightly dispersed. After a short rainfall season during winter 2001, a significant decrease was seen for the previously most enriched site. However, concentrations above the 10 mg l–1 official limit persisted in 2002, affecting one well for urban supply (15.9 mg l–1). The water from this well is nevertheless mixed with better-quality water from other wells before being distributed through the citys piping system.
Resumen Se estudió la geoquímica de aguas bombeadas por medio de 25 pozos no muy profundos (<31 m) en el acuifero costero no confinado de Maneadero con el objetivo de determinar la variación de la composición en el corto plazo en el acuifero por la intrusión de agua de mar durante un año más seco de lo normal (otoño 2001 a otoño 2002). Se observó que comúnmente las aguas subterráneas estaban mezcladas con agua de mar, con concentraciones de sólidos totales disveltos (STD) de entre 0.99--9.46 g l–1 y un tipo de agua intermedia Na+Cl– to Ca2+Cl–. A partir de las fluctuaciones en la calidad del agua en el corto plazo se puede inferir que se dan eventos de recarga rápida de poca duración después de eventos de poca lluvia de poca duración y poco volumen durante el periodo de estudio. La intrusión de agua de mar está progresando más rápido en el centro y sur del acuifero costero y ha afectado recientemente la calidad de los sitios de bombeo de agua para la ciudad de Ensenada. Solamente uno de los pozos usados para el abastamiento de Ensenada tiene un STD por debajo del límite oficial de 1.0 g l–1. Se presume que las razones lentas de flujo y los tiempos de residencia largos del agua son la causa de la alta alcalinidad en el centro-este del acuifero. Una concentración alta de NO3 en el este-centro del acuifero indica que cualquier infiltración de NO3 por aplicación de fertilizantes ha sido poco dispersad. Después de poca lluvia en el invierno de 2001, se observó una disminución importante en la zona previamente más enriquecida. Sin embargo, concentraciones sobre el límite oficial de 10 mg l–1 continuaron en 2002, afectando a un pozo para suministro de agua urbana (15.9 mg l–1). El agua extraída de este pozo es mezclada con agua de mejor calidad y se distribuye por el sistema urbano de suministro de agua.
Résumé Leau de pompage de 25 puits peu profonds (<31 m) situés dans laquifère côtier non-confiné de Maneadero a été étudiée dans le but de déterminer la variation géochimique à court terme qui résulte de lintrusion deau de mer lors dune année plus sèche quà lhabitude (automne 2001 à automne 2002). Leau souterraine est souvent retrouvée mélangée avec de leau de mer, avec des concentrations en résidus solides dissous (RSD) qui sétalent entre 0.99 et 9.46 g l–1 pour novembre 2002, avec un type intermédiaire en Na+Cl– jusquà Ca2+Cl–. Les processus suggérés pour les fluctuations rapides de la qualité de leau sont des événements de recharge de courte duré suite à de faibles et brèves périodes de précipitations. Lintrusion deau de mer progresse plus rapidement dans les parties centrales et sud de laquifère côtier où la qualité de leau pompée vers la ville de Ensenada a récemment été affectée. Un seul des puits utilisés par la ville de Ensenada pour lapprovisionnement en eau potable a une concentration en RSD sous la limite officielle permise de 1.0 g l–1. Le temps de résidence élevé et le faible taux découlement de leau souterraine sont présumés être la cause de lalcalinité élevée dans la partie centrale-est de laquifère. La concentration élevée en NO3 dans cette partie de laquifère indique que la totalité de linfiltration de NO3 dû à lutilisation de fertilisants ne sest que très peu dispersée. Suite à une courte saison des pluies à lhiver 2001, une diminution substantielle a été notée au site qui était le plus enrichi avant la saison des pluies. Malgré tout, des concentrations dépassant la limite officielle permise de 10 mg l–1 ont persisté, affectant un puits utilisé pour lapprovisionnement urbain (15.9 mg l–1). Leau provenant de ce puits est toutefois mélangée avec de leau de meilleure qualité provenant dautres puits avant dêtre distribuée par laqueduc municipal.相似文献
The need for more agricultural or residential land has encouraged reclamation at the coastal areas of Korea since 1200 ad (approximately). The groundwaters of these reclaimed areas could be expected to reveal hydrogeochemical properties different
from those of areas directly affected by seawater intrusion. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the salinization
of shallow groundwater in a coastal reclaimed area and to identify the effect of land reclamation on groundwater quality.
Major cations and anions, iodide, total organic carbon, δD, δ
18O and δ
13C were measured to assist the hydrogeochemical analysis. Chloride, δD and δ
18O data clearly show that the Na–Cl type water results from mixing of groundwater with seawater. In particular, the δD and δ
18O of Ca+Mg–Cl+NO3 type groundwaters are close to the meteoric water line, but Na–Cl type waters enriched in chloride are 18O-enriched with respect to the meteoric water line. Meanwhile, carbon isotopic data and I/Cl ratios strongly suggest that
there are various sources of salinity. The δ
13C values of Na–Cl type groundwaters are generally similar to those of Ca+Mg–Cl+NO3 type waters, which are depleted in 13C with respect to seawater. I/Cl ratios of Na–Cl type groundwater are 10–100 times higher than that of seawater. Because the
reclamation has incorporated a large amount of organic matter, it provides optimum conditions for the occurrence of redox
processes in the groundwater system. Therefore, the salinization of groundwater in the study area seems to be controlled not
only by saltwater intrusion but also by other effects, such as those caused by residual salts and organic matter in the reclaimed
sediments. 相似文献
A geophysical and geochemical approach for seawater intrusion assessment in the Acquedolci coastal aquifer (Northern Sicily) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Vertical electrical sounding (VES’) surveys and chemical analyses of groundwater have been executed in the coastal plain of
Acquedolci (Northern Sicily), with the aim to circumscribe seawater intrusion phenomena. This urbanized area is representative
of a more general problem interesting most of Mediterranean littoral areas, where intensive overdraft favors a heavy seawater
intrusion through the coastline. Aquifer resistivity seems decisively to be conditioned by the chlorine and magnesium content
in the main aquifer of the region. Schlumberger VES’, together with piezometric and chemical–physical information of groundwater,
allowed us to perform hydrogeological and geophysical elaborations, to propose the occurrence of a relatively narrow belt
marked by fresh–salt water mixing. In the considered plain, pollution risk studies have been already realized by authors with
the proposal to identify—by parametric and synthetic zoning of significant hydrogeological elements—the most vulnerable sectors.
In detail, an intrinsic vulnerability mapping has been already performed, applying the well-known SINTACS system. This paper
intends to give—in this sector of Sicily—an example of integration of different methodologies, showing the role of geophysics
to describe the degradation of aquifers on the whole as well as to assess their pollution risk better. 相似文献
Greece is dependent on groundwater resources for its water supply. The main aquifers are within carbonate rocks (karstic aquifers)
and coarse grained Neogene and Quaternary deposits (porous aquifers). The use of groundwater resources has become particularly
intensive in coastal areas during the last decades with the intense urbanization, tourist development and irrigated land expansion.
Sources of groundwater pollution are the seawater intrusion due to over-exploitation of coastal aquifers, the fertilizers
from agricultural activities and the disposal of untreated wastewater in torrents or in old pumping wells. In the last decades
the total abstractions from coastal aquifers exceed the natural recharge; so the aquifer systems are not used safely. Over-exploitation
causes a negative water balance, triggering seawater intrusion. Seawater intrusion phenomena are recorded in coastal aquifer
systems. Nitrate pollution is the second major source of groundwater degradation in many areas in Greece. The high levels
of nitrate are probably the result of over-fertilization and the lack of sewage systems in some urban areas. 相似文献
Evaluation and numerical modeling of seawater intrusion in the Gaza aquifer (Palestine) 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
A numerical assessment of seawater intrusion in Gaza, Palestine, has been achieved applying a 3-D variable density groundwater flow model. A two-stage finite difference simulation algorithm was used in steady state and transient models. SEAWAT computer code was used for simulating the spatial and temporal evolution of hydraulic heads and solute concentrations of groundwater. A regular finite difference grid with a 400 m2 cell in the horizontal plane, in addition to a 12-layer model were chosen. The model has been calibrated under steady state and transient conditions. Simulation results indicate that the proposed schemes successfully simulate the intrusion mechanism. Two pumpage schemes were designed to use the calibrated model for prediction of future changes in water levels and solute concentrations in the groundwater for a planning period of 17 years. The results show that seawater intrusion would worsen in the aquifer if the current rates of groundwater pumpage continue. The alternative, to eliminate pumpage in the intruded area, to moderate pumpage rates from water supply wells far from the seashore and to increase the aquifer replenishment by encouraging the implementation of suitable solutions like artificial recharge, may limit significantly seawater intrusion and reduce the current rate of decline of the water levels. 相似文献
The Quaternary coastal plain aquifer down gradient of the Wadi Watir catchment is the main source of potable groundwater in the arid region of south Sinai, Egypt. The scarcity of rainfall over the last decade, combined with high groundwater pumping rates, have resulted in water-quality degradation in the main well field and in wells along the coast. Understanding the sources of groundwater salinization and amount of average annual recharge is critical for developing sustainable groundwater management strategies for the long-term prevention of groundwater quality deterioration. A combination of geochemistry, conservative ions (Cl and Br), and isotopic tracers (87/86Sr, δ81Br, δ37Cl), in conjunction with groundwater modeling, is an effective method to assess and manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta aquifers. High groundwater salinity, including high Cl and Br concentrations, is recorded inland in the deep drilled wells located in the main well field and in wells along the coast. The range of Cl/Br ratios for shallow and deep groundwaters in the delta (∼50–97) fall between the end member values of the recharge water that comes from the up gradient watershed, and evaporated seawater of marine origin, which is significantly different than the ratio in modern seawater (228). The 87/86Sr and δ81Br isotopic values were higher in the recharge water (0.70,723 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,894, +0.94 < δ81Br < +1.28‰), and lower in the deep groundwater (0.70,698 < 87/86Sr < 0.70,705, +0.22‰ < δ81Br < +0.41‰). The δ37Cl isotopic values were lower in the recharge water (−0.48 < δ37Cl < −0.06‰) and higher in the deep groundwater (−0.01 < δ37Cl < +0.22‰). The isotopic values of strontium, chloride, and bromide in groundwater from the Wadi Watir delta aquifers indicate that the main groundwater recharge source comes from the up gradient catchment along the main stream channel entering the delta. The solute-weighted mass balance mixing models show that groundwater in the main well field contains 4–10% deep saline groundwater, and groundwater in some wells along the coast contain 2–6% seawater and 18–29% deep saline groundwater.A three-dimensional, variable-density, flow-and-transport SEAWAT model was developed using groundwater isotopes (87Sr/86Sr, δ37Cl and δ81Br) and calibrated using historical records of groundwater level and salinity. δ18O was used to normalize the evaporative effect on shallow groundwater salinity for model calibration. The model shows how groundwater salinity and hydrologic data can be used in SEAWAT to understand recharge mechanisms, estimate groundwater recharge rates, and simulate the upwelling of deep saline groundwater and seawater intrusion. The model indicates that most of the groundwater recharge occurs near the outlet of the main channel. Average annual recharge to delta alluvial aquifers for 1982 to 2009 is estimated to be 2.16 × 106 m3/yr. The main factors that control groundwater salinity are overpumping and recharge availability. 相似文献
A modeling study of seawater intrusion in Alabama Gulf Coast,USA 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A numerical model of variable-density groundwater flow and miscible salt transport is developed to investigate the extent
of seawater intrusion in the Gulf coast aquifers of Alabama, USA. The SEAWAT code is used to solve the density-dependent groundwater
flow and solute transport governing equations. The numerical model is calibrated against the observed hydraulic heads measured
in 1996 by adjusting the zonation and values of hydraulic conductivity and recharge rate. Using the calibrated model and assuming
all the hydrogeologic conditions remain the same as those in 1996, a predictive 40-year simulation run indicates that further
seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifers can occur in the study area. Moreover, the predicted intrusion may be more significant
in the deeper aquifer than the shallower ones. As the population continues to grow and the demand for groundwater pumping
intensifies beyond the 1996 level, it can be expected that the actual extent of seawater intrusion in the future would be
more severe than the model prediction. Better strategies for groundwater development and management will be necessary to protect
the freshwater aquifers from contamination by seawater intrusion.
Jin LinEmail: |
Simulation of chloride migration rates in Paleo Pennar Delta Region, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Quaternary alluvial aquifers in the paleo Pennar delta region of Andhra Pradesh (Long. 80°0′ and 80°12′; Lat. 14°40′ and
14°20′) constitute an important coastal strip, with potential fresh groundwater resources and several well fields in operation.
The lineament patterns and traces of paleo channels provide basic information on the configuration and boundaries of paleo
delta and the possible neotectonic movements in the region. The paleo delta region is essentially characterized by freshwater
aquifer systems at the near-surface depths, (up to 50 m from ground level) with transmissivity values in the system ranging
from 1200 to 2500 m2/day. This groundwater system has been subjected to heavy draft situation over the last two decades, parlicularly near the
outer rim of the delta where an unlined brackish-water canal runs parallel to the coast imparting chloride contamination to
the adjoining fresh aquifers. A two-dimensional solute transport model solution was applied to assess chloride migration rates
inland under different hydraulic stresses, combining finite difference solution of flow equation and the method of characteristic
solution of solute transport equation. Groundwater flow and chloride migration patterns/rates were obtained for different
simulated stress events in the delta system, and measures required to protect the freshwater resources ara outlined.
Received: 2 January 1997 · Accepted: 4 November 1997 相似文献
A. El Mandour F. El Yaouti Y. Fakir Y. Zarhloule J. Benavente 《Environmental Geology》2008,54(3):491-503
The Bou-Areg plain in the Mediterranean coast at the North-eastern of Morocco is characterized by a semi-arid climate. The
aquifer consists of two sedimentary formations of Plio-quaternary age: the upper formation of fine silts and the lower one
of coarse silts with sand and gravels. The aquifer is underlain by marly bedrock of Miocene age that dips toward the coastal
lagoon of Bou-Areg. The hydrodynamic characteristics vary between 10−4 and 10−3 m/s; and transmissivities range between 10−4 and 10−1 m2/s. The general direction of flow is SW to NE, toward the lagoon. The aquifer is crossed by the river Selouane, which also
ends in the lagoon. The groundwater is characterized by a high salinity that can reach 7.5 g/l. The highest values are observed
in the upstream and in the downstream sectors of the aquifer. The temporal evolution of the physico-chemical parameters depends
on the climatic conditions and piezometric variations. The analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution of the physico-chemical
parameters suggests different sources of groundwater salinization: the seawater intrusion, the influence of marly gypsum-bearing
terrains, and the influence of anthropogenic products as the agricultural fertilizers, which cause great nitrate concentrations
that vary between 80 and 140 mg/l. 相似文献
Evaluation of groundwater quality in coastal areas: implications for sustainable agriculture 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
Seawater intrusion is a problem in the coastal areas of Korea. Most productive agricultural fields are in the western and
southern coastal areas of the country where irrigation predominantly relies on groundwater. Seawater intrusion has affected
agricultural productivity. To evaluate progressive encroachment of saline water, the Korean government established a seawater
intrusion monitoring well network, especially in the western and southern part of the peninsula. Automatic water levels and
EC monitoring and periodic chemical analysis of groundwater help track salinization. Salinization of fresh groundwater is
highly associated with groundwater withdrawal. A large proportion of the groundwaters are classified as Na–Cl and Ca–Cl types.
The Na–Cl types represent effects of seawater intrusion. The highest EC level was over 1.6 km inland and high Cl values were
observed up to 1.2 km inland. Lower ratios of Na/Cl and SO4/Cl than seawater values indicate the seawater encroachment. A linear relation between Na and Cl represents simple mixing
of the fresh groundwater with the seawater. The saline Na–Cl typed groundwaters showed Br/Cl ratios similar to or less than
seawater values. The Ca–HCO3 type groundwaters had the highest Br/Cl ratios. Substantial proportions of the groundwaters showed potential for salinity
and should be better managed for sustainable agriculture. 相似文献
Mei-hui Zhang Shi-yang Zhou Dan-dan Liu Ying Zhang Yu-xi Zhang Xi Chen Hui-wei Wang Bei Li Wei Kang Bing Yi Wan-peng Shi 《地下水科学与工程》2024,12(2):190-204
The coastal areas of the lower reaches of Oujiang River Basin are rich in groundwater resources. However, the unsustainable exploitation and utilization of groundwater have led to significant changes in the groundwater environment. Understanding the characteristics and genesis of groundwater salinization is crucial for preventing its deterioration and ensuring sustainable utilization. In this study, a comprehensive approach combining the ion ratio method, mineral saturation index method and multivariate statistical analysis was employed to investigate the hydrochemical characteristics and main controlling factors in the study area. The findings reveal that: (1) Groundwater samples in study area exhibit a neutral to slightly alkaline pH. The predominant chemical types of unconfined water are HCO3-Ca·Na, HCO3·Cl-Na·Ca and HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na, while confined water mainly exhibits Cl·HCO3-Na and Cl-Na types. (2) Salinity coefficients indicate an increase in salinity from unconfined to confined water. TDS, Na+ and Cl– concentrations show an increasing trend from mountainous to coastal areas in unconfined water, while confined water displays variability in TDS, Na+ and Cl– concentrations. (3) Groundwater salinity is mainly influenced by water-rock interactions, including the dissolution of halite and gypsum, cation exchange, and seawater intrusion etc. Additionally, human activities and carbonate dissolution contribute to salinity in unconfined water. Seawater intrusion is identified as the primary factor leading to higher salinity in confined water compared to unconfined water, with increasing cation exchange and seawater interaction observed from unconfined to confined water. 相似文献
Environmental isotopic and hydrochemical study of water in the karst aquifer and submarine springs of the Syrian coast 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The groundwater of major karst systems and submarine springs in the coastal limestone aquifer of Syria has been investigated using chemical and isotopic techniques. The δ18O values of groundwater range from ?6.8 to ?5.05‰, while those for submarine springs vary from ?6.34 to +1.08‰ (eastern Mediterranean seawater samples have a mean of +1.7‰). Groundwater originates from the direct infiltration of atmospheric water. Stable isotopes show that the elevation of the recharge zones feeding the Banyas area (400–600 m a.s.l.) is higher than that feeding the Amrit area (100–300 m a.s.l.). The 18Oextracted (18O content of the seawater contribution) for the major submarine springs suggests a mean recharge area elevation of 600–700 m a.s.l., and lower than 400 m a.s.l. for the spring close to Amrit. Based on the measured velocity and the percentage of fresh water at the submarine springs outlet, the estimated discharge rate is 350 million m3/year. The tritium concentrations in groundwater (1.6–5.9 TU) are low and very close to the current rainfall values (2.9–5.6 TU). Adopting a model with exponential time distribution, the mean turnover time of groundwater in the Al-sen spring was evaluated to be 60 years. A value of about 3.7 billion m3 was obtained for the maximum groundwater reservoir size. 相似文献