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Interactions between very/extremely low frequency (VLF/ELF) waves and energetic electrons play a fundamental role in dynamics occurring in the inner magnetosphere. Here, we briefly discuss global properties of VLF/ELF waves, along with the variability of the electron radiation belts associated with wave-particle interactions and radial diffusion. We provide cases of electron loss and acceleration as a result of wave-particle interactions primarily due to such waves, and particularly some preliminary results...  相似文献   

Cold dense plasma with the ionospheric origin is often observed in the outer magnetosphere with L values as large as 10. We have examined the electric field data accompanied by the cold dense plasma. The electric field data are obtained by the direct measurement of the drift motion of electrons released from electron guns. We get westward components of convection. In addition, there is an AC component of electric field in the ULF range larger than the DC component. If such a large variation of electric field exists in the vicinity of the stagnation point, the plasmaspheric plasma is expected to flow away to the outer magnetosphere. Then we have a test particle simulation by adding a potential variable in time. There is a particle outflow accompanied by the AC variation of electric field in the ULF range. If there are more complicated variations of electric field, it is possible that particles flow out frequently.  相似文献   

Based on ion distribution function found from the dynamic equation, the density distribution of He+ ions originating from the polar ionosphere and up-flowing along the magnetic field line is studied during quiet and weakly disturbed geomagnetic conditions. The results show the following. (1) The ionospheric up-flowing He+ ions mainly reside in the inner magnetosphere and their density has a negative radial gradient. (2) The ionospheric up-flowing He+ ion distributions along the magnetic field line are mainly controlled by gravity and the geomagnetic field configuration. Larger the gravity, larger is the ion density. Smaller the intensity of magnetic field, smaller is the ion density. (3) If the geomagnetic activity index Kp is high, more up-flowing He+ ions will enter the magnetosphere and the region where the up-flowing ions are dominant will grow. This is consistent with observations of ionospheric up-flowing ions. Some features of the geopause can be understood based on our theoretical results.  相似文献   

本文根据Cluster卫星上的粒子成像质谱仪(RAPID)探测器在穿越地球等离子体片过程中的观测数据,统计研究了等离子体片中能量离子能量密度的空间分布(氢离子能量范围从40keV到1500keV,氦离子和氧离子从10keV到1500keV),并且给出了离子能量密度在不同地磁活动时期随GSE-Z向分布的剖面.研究表明能量离子的能量密度以及能量密度的梯度与地磁活动指数Kp之间存在近似线性的关系.观测结果表明形成这种分布变化的主要原因是在地磁活动期间在电流片附近离子能量密度的增加,特别是其中的重离子成分增加更为显著.本文通过一个简化的电流片模型的数值计算,定性地研究了形成能量离子空间分布的机理.计算表明重离子在电流片中可以获得更多的能量,电流片加速可能是形成能量密度分布变化的一种可能的机制.  相似文献   

本文建立了一个包含离心力效应的自洽稳态土星磁层模型,并且用等离子体细丝模型对土星磁层等离子体径向输运进行了数值模拟.模拟结果表明,Dione(土卫四)附近的等离子体可能因为发生离心交换不稳定性(Centrifugal Interchange Instability)而被输运到离土星更远的地方.这种输运现象的发生是由离心力主导的,等离子体的黏滞效应和能量转移对输运过程的影响非常小(几乎可以忽略不计),但土星电离层电导率对输运过程有重要影响,电导率越低,径向输运过程越快,反之,高电导率在一定程度上会阻碍输运的进行.在土星电离层电导率σ=2 S时,Dione(距离土星6.3RS, RS为土星半径)附近的等离子体在5.52个小时中被输运到距离土星10RS的地方.本文的模拟结果还表明,密度受到扰动的等离子体是不稳定的,如果洛仑兹力和等离子体热压强梯度不能与离心力平衡,径向输运就会发生.密度大的等离子体在向外输运过程中会绝热膨胀而温度降低,密度小的等离子体则在注入磁层过程中因为绝热压缩而温度升高.  相似文献   

Variations of electron fluxes with energies 300–600 keV in the region of quasitrapping are analyzed using data of the low orbiting Coronas-F satellite. Enhancements in the electron fluxes with energies above 300 keV are observed at the polar boundary of the outer radiation belt. Meteor-3M satellite data, OVATION and AP models of the position of the auroral oval are used to determine the position of analyzed increases in the energetic electrons with respect to the position of the auroral oval. There is a significant number of events when these increases were observed at a few consequent orbits crossing the outer radiation belt boundary. Studied increases in relativistic electron fluxes are localized at the latitudes of the auroral oval. Different mechanisms of formation of observed enhancements are discussed. The possibility of the appearance of increases due to formation of local particle traps is analyzed using Tsyganenko geomagnetic field models. The role of the formation of local particle traps at the boundary of the outer radiation belt and its possible influence to the formation of the outer radiation belt is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The conditions are studied under which ballistic effects of transmission of waves through opacity barriers can be observed in magnetospheric experiments on board satellites. The mechanism of this effect consists of the regeneration of the radiation beyond the barrier by resonance electrons, modulated by a quasimonochromatic wave incident and reflected from the barrier. Ballistic processes in continuously inhomogeneous plasma are studied. Detailed analysis has been carried out for a barrier with a parabolic density profile. Recommendations are presented as to experimental procedures in circumterrestrial space and data processing. The possibilities are studied of observing ballistic effects in the course of active space experiments with sources of intensive broadband turbulence such as beam of charged particles, injected into the magnetosphere.
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石振  戎昭金  魏勇 《地球物理学报》2023,66(6):2236-2251

水星是太阳系中离主星最近的和最小的类地行星, 它具有独特的空间环境.水手10号(Mariner 10)确认水星拥有全球性内禀偶极磁场和磁层.但是由于早期观测有限, 人们通常将水星磁层简单地视作地球磁层的缩小版来研究.不过, 在信使号(MESSENGER)访问水星之后, 人们认识到水星和地球的空间环境有巨大差异.通过更深入的分析研究, 人们发现在水星内磁层中, 夜侧磁赤道面附近有带状的等离子体分布, 并且该等离子体带可能与多种磁层电流体系(分叉环电流、亚暴电流楔和东向电流等)密切相关.在贝彼哥伦布(BepiColombo)计划揭开水星研究的新篇章之际, 本文回顾近些年来与水星内磁层等离子体带及相关电流体系有关的研究, 并指出相关研究将是未来水星空间环境的前沿热点.


Measurements with the ion charge-energy-mass spectrometer CHEM on the AMPTE/CCE spacecraft were used to investigate the origin of energetic He+ and He++ ions observed in the equatorial plane at 3\leqL\leq9. Special emphasis was laid on the dependence of long-term average distributions on magnetic local time (MLT) and the geomagnetic activity index Kp. The observations are described in terms of the phase space densities f1 (for He+) and f2 (for He++). They confirm preliminary results from a previous study: f1 is independent of MLT, whereas f2 is much larger on the nightside than on the dayside. They show, furthermore, that f1 increases slightly with Kp on intermediate drift shells, but decreases on high drift shells (L\geq7). f2 increases with Kp on all drift shells outside the premidnight sector. Within this sector a decrease is observed on high drift shells. A simple ion tracing code was developed to determine how and from where the ions move into the region of observations. It provides ion trajectories as a function of the ion charge, the magnetic moment and Kp. The ion tracing enables a distinction between regions of closed drift orbits (ring current) and open convection trajectories (plasma sheet). It also indicates how the outer part of the observation region is connected to different parts of the more distant plasma sheet. Observations and tracing show that He++ ions are effectively transported from the plasma sheet on convection trajectories. Their distribution in the observation region corresponds to the distribution of solar wind ions in the plasma sheet. Thus, energetic He++ ions most likely originate in the solar wind. On the other hand, the plasma sheet is not an important source of energetic He+ ions. Convection trajectories more likely constitute a sink for He+ ions, which may diffuse onto them from closed drift orbits and then get lost through the magnetopause. An ionospheric origin of energetic He+ ions is unlikely as well, since the source mechanism should be almost independent of Kp. There is considerable doubt, however, that a plausible mechanism also exists during quiet periods that can accelerate ions to ring current energies, while extracting them from the ionosphere. It is concluded, therefore, that energetic He+ ions are mainly produced by charge exchange processes from He++ ions. This means that most of the energetic He+ ions constituting the average distributions also very likely originate in the solar wind. Additional ionospheric contributions are possible during disturbed periods.  相似文献   

Several satellites (GEOS-1, GEOS-2, ISEE-1, Viking and CRRES) carried electric field experiments on which probes were driven by a current from the satellite to be close to the plasma potential. The potential difference between an electric field probe and its spacecraft (with conductive surfaces) can be used to determine the ambient electron density and/or electron flux with limited accuracy but with high time resolution, of the order of 10–100 ms. It is necessary for the development of this diagnostic method to understand the photoemission characteristics of probes and satellites. According to the electric field experiments on the above-mentioned satellites, all materials develop very similar photoemission properties when they are beyond the influence of atmospheric oxygen. The photoelectron yield steadily increases over the first few months in space and reaches values well above those measured on clean surfaces in the laboratory. The method can be used for solar radiation levels corresponding to distances from 0.4 to 5 AU from the Sun.  相似文献   

Specific type of energetic electron precipitation accompanied by a sharp increase in trapped energetic electron flux are found in the data obtained from low-altitude NOAA satellites. These strongly localized variations of the trapped and precipitated energetic electron flux have been observed in the evening sector near the plasmapause during recovery phase of magnetic storms. Statistical characteristics of these structures as well as the results of comparison with proton precipitation are described. We demonstrate the spatial coincidence of localized electron precipitation with cold plasma gradient and whistler wave intensification measured on board the DE-1 and Aureol-3 satellites. A simultaneous localized sharp increase in both trapped and precipitating electron flux could be a result of significant pitch-angle isotropization of drifting electrons due to their interaction via cyclotron instability with the region of sharp increase in background plasma density.  相似文献   

DEMETER电磁卫星高能粒子在汶川地震中的初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用法国DEMETER电磁卫星的IDP粒子探测器数据,以汶川地震为例,在尽可能排除太阳活动和地磁活动干扰的情况下,分析了汶川地震前后高能粒子日变化情况,探索其作为汶川地震前兆信息的可能性.分别采用了时间序列统计分析、空间对比分析和重访轨道对比分析等方法.结果显示5月6日100~600 KeV能谱段的粒子通量增幅强度高达6σ,异常区域集中在震中的西北部区域约47°N~53°N,91°E~93°E之间,考虑到磁壳指数L约1.8~2.0之间,这一增幅现象可能是由于高能质子受地磁场扰动影响向西加速漂移的结果.同时对比6日100~500 KeV能谱段通量与其前三个月的重访轨道背景场,得出6日谱通量明显高于其重访轨道背景场一个数量级.最后,对于以上现象可能的物理机制进行了相关讨论.  相似文献   

The data of the ionospheric observations (the daily f plots) at the Yakutsk meridional chain of ionosondes (Yakutsk–Zhigansk–Batagai–Tixie Bay) with sharp decreases (breaks) in the critical frequency of the regular ionospheric F2 layer (foF2) are considered. The data for 1968–1983 were analyzed, and the statistics of the foF2 break observations, which indicate that these breaks are mainly registered in equinoctial months and in afternoon and evening hours under moderately disturbed geomagnetic conditions, are presented. Calculations performed using the prognostic model of the high-latitude ionosphere indicate that the critical frequency break position coincides with the equatorial boundary of large-scale plasma convection in the dusk MLT sector.  相似文献   

The structure of monochromatic MHD-waves with large azimuthal wave number m 1 in a two-dimensional model of the magnetosphere has been investigated. A joint action of the field line curvature, finite plasma pressure, and transversal equilibrium current leads to the phenomenon that waves, standing along the field lines, are travelling across the magnetic shells. The wave propagation region, the transparency region, is bounded by the poloidal magnetic surface on one side and by the resonance surface on the other. In their meaning these surfaces correspond to the usual and singular turning points in the WKB-approximation, respectively. The wave is excited near the poloidal surface and propagates toward the resonance surface where it is totally absorbed due to the ionospheric dissipation. There are two transparency regions in a finite-beta magnetosphere, one of them corresponds to the Alfvén mode and the other to the slow magneto-sound mode.  相似文献   

The flux asymmetries measured by spectrometers on board spacecraft contain information on particle parameters. The net flux intensity (NFI) method provides a tool to evaluate these parameters. The NFI method is valid when both the spin period of the spacecraft and the time resolution of the particle spectrometers are much shorter than the characteristic time-scale of the particle flux variations. We apply the NFI analysis to the flux asymmetry measurements made by GEOS 2 at the nightside geosynchronous orbit in the late substorm growth phase. The cross-tail current of energetic ions, their pressure gradient and average drift velocity, as well as a field-aligned flows are investigated. Current disruption at substorm onset and the –convection surge mechanism during dipolarization of the magnetic field are directly observed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the onsets of energetic particle bursts detected by the ICS and STICS sensors of the EPIC instrument on board the GEOTAIL spacecraft in the deep magnetotail (i.e., at distances greater than 180 RK). Such bursts are commonly observed at the plasma-sheet boundary layer (PSBL) and are highly collimated along the magnetic field. The bursts display a normal velocity dispersion (i.e., the higher-speed particles are seen first, while the progressively lower speed particles are seen later) when observed upon entry of the spacecraft from the magnetotail lobes into the plasma sheet. Upon exit from the plasma sheet a reverse velocity dispersion is observed (i.e., lower-speed particles disappear first and higher-speed particles disappear last). Three major findings are as follows. First, the tailward-jetting energetic particle populations of the distant-tail plasma sheet display an energy layering: the energetic electrons stream along open PSBL field lines with peak fluxes at the lobes. Energetic protons occupy the next layer, and as the spacecraft moves towards the neutral sheet progressively decreasing energies are encountered systematically. These plasma-sheet layers display spatial symmetry, with the plane of symmetry the neutral sheet. Second, if we consider the same energy level of energetic particles, then the H layer is confined within that of the energetic electron, the He++ layer is confined within that of the proton, and the oxygen layer is confined within the alpha particle layer. Third, whenever the energetic electrons show higher fluxes inside the plasma sheet as compared to those at the boundary layer, their angular distribution is isotropic irrespective of the Earthward or tailward character of fluxes, suggesting a closed field line topology.  相似文献   

The superdense plasma sheet in the Earth's magnetosphere is studied via a superposition of multispacecraft data collected during 124 high-speed-stream-driven storms. The storm onsets tend to occur after the passage of the IMF sector reversal and before the passage of the stream interface, and the storms continue on for days during the passage of the high-speed stream. The superdense phase of the plasma sheet is found to be a common feature of high-speed-stream-driven storms, commencing before the onset of the storm and persisting for about 1 day into the storm. A separate phenomenon, the extra-hot phase of the plasma sheet, commences at storm onset and persists for several days during the storm. The superdense plasma sheet originates from the high-density compressed slow and fast solar wind of the corotating interaction region on the leading edge of the high-speed stream. Tracking the motion of this dense plasma into and through the magnetosphere, plasma transport times are estimated. Transport from the nightside of the dipole to the dayside requires about 10 h. The occurrences of both the superdense plasma sheet and the extra-hot plasma sheet have broad implications for the physics of geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

During November 1992, a series of forward and reverse shocks passed the ULYSSES spacecraft. Spectral and anisotropy measurements are reported for protons and alpha particles between 0.28 and 6 MeV observed by the Energetic Particle Composition Experiment, data recorded by the Magnetometer Experiment and the high-energy (2.7-300 MeV) proton data from the Kiel Electron Telescope. An analysis of energetic particle, plasma and magnetometer data from ULYSSES has allowed a unique study of the corresponding arrival of fare particles, particles within a corotating interaction region and particles transported with a coronal mass ejection. We present an analysis of these data in terms of possible diffusive shock acceleration but conclude that this is likely to be incompatible with the short transit time of the particles. Shock drift acceleration of particles with energies 0.3 MeV/nucleon or solar acceleration followed by particle trapping behind the shock front are alternative possibilities.  相似文献   

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