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We present a collection of high-resolution chemistry and stable isotope records from the plateau of the Greenland ice cap during the cold event 8200 yr ago. Using a composite of four records, the cold event is observed as a 160.5 yr period during which decadal-mean isotopic values were below average, within which there is a central event of 69 yr during which values were consistently more than one standard deviation below the average for the preceding period. Four cores in north, south, and central Greenland show differences at decadal and shorter timescales; it is not yet clear if this represents significant spatial differences in response. The results show clear evidence for colder temperatures and a decrease in snow-accumulation rate. However, the changes in chemical concentrations for the ions looked at here are small, suggesting only minor changes in atmospheric circulation for this event. Apart from the decrease in methane concentration, Greenland ice cores give only weak evidence for effects outside the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

A Nordic symposium, with several invited speakers from other countries, was held in Lund, Sweden, in February 1985. The aim was to evaluate dating methods that could be used within the project 'Late Quaternary stratigraphy in Norden'. Some of the conclusions were: A more optimistic view was expressed about uranium-series dating of molluscs. The radiocarbon method offers a potential for some samples of an age up to 40–50 ka. Thermoluminescence dating is now established as an important method for some sediments of Late Quaternary age. Aminoacid analysis is used with success to establish a relative chronology on carbonate fossils.  相似文献   

The Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005, GICC05, is extended back to 42 ka b2k (before 2000 AD), i.e. to the end of Greenland Stadial 11. The chronology is based on independent multi-parameter counting of annual layers using comprehensive high-resolution measurements available from the North Greenland Ice Core Project, NGRIP. These are measurements of visual stratigraphy, conductivity of the solid ice, electrolytical melt water conductivity and the concentration of Na+, Ca2+, SO42−, NO3, NH4+. An uncertainty estimate of the time scale is obtained from identification of ‘uncertain’ annual layers, which are counted as 0.5±0.5 years. The sum of the uncertain annual layers, the so-called maximum counting error of the presented chronology ranges from 4% in the warm interstadial periods to 7% in the cold stadials. The annual accumulation rates of the stadials and interstadials are on average one-third and half of the present day values, respectively, and the onset of the Greenland Interstadials 2, 3, and 8, based on 20 year averaged δ18O values, are determined as 23,340, 27,780, and 38,220 yr b2k in GICC05.  相似文献   

Contiguous sampling of ice spanning key intervals of the deglaciation from the Greenland ice cores of NGRIP, GRIP and NEEM has revealed three new silicic cryptotephra deposits that are geochemically similar to the well‐known Borrobol Tephra (BT). The BT is complex and confounded by the younger closely timed and compositionally similar Penifiler Tephra (PT). Two of the deposits found in the ice are in Greenland Interstadial 1e (GI‐1e) and an older deposit is found in Greenland Stadial 2.1 (GS‐2.1). Until now, the BT was confined to GI‐1‐equivalent lacustrine sequences in the British Isles, Sweden and Germany, and our discovery in Greenland ice extends its distribution and geochemical composition. However, the two cryptotephras that fall within GI‐1e ice cannot be separated on the basis of geochemistry and are dated to 14358 ± 177 a b2k and 14252 ± 173 a b2k, just 106 ± 3 years apart. The older deposit is consistent with BT age estimates derived from Scottish sites, while the younger deposit overlaps with both BT and PT age estimates. We suggest that either the BT in Northern European terrestrial sequences represents an amalgamation of tephra from both of the GI‐1e events identified in the ice‐cores or that it relates to just one of the ice‐core events. A firm correlation cannot be established at present due to their strong geochemical similarities. The older tephra horizon, found within all three ice‐cores and dated to 17326 ± 319 a b2k, can be correlated to a known layer within marine sediment cores from the North Iceland Shelf (ca. 17179‐16754 cal a BP). Despite showing similarities to the BT, this deposit can be distinguished on the basis of lower CaO and TiO2 and is a valuable new tie‐point that could eventually be used in high‐resolution marine records to compare the climate signals from the ocean and atmosphere.  相似文献   

A new Greenland Ice Core Chronology (GICC05) based on multi-parameter counting of annual layers has been obtained for the last 42 ka. Here we compare the glacial part of the new time scale, which is based entirely on records from the NorthGRIP ice core, to existing time scales and reference horizons covering the same period. These include the GRIP and NorthGRIP modelled time scales, the Meese-Sowers GISP2 counted time scale, the Shackleton–Fairbanks GRIP time scale (SFCP04) based on 14C calibration of a marine core, the Hulu Cave record, three volcanic reference horizons, and the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion event occurring around Greenland Interstadial 10. GICC05 is generally in good long-term agreement with the existing Greenland ice core chronologies and with the Hulu Cave record, but on shorter time scales there are significant discrepancies. Around the Last Glacial Maximum there is a more than 1 ka age difference between GICC05 and SFCP04 and a more than 0.5 ka discrepancy in the same direction between GICC05 and the age of a recently identified tephra layer in the NorthGRIP ice core. Both SFCP04 and the tephra age are based on 14C-dated marine cores and fixed marine reservoir ages. For the Laschamp event, GICC05 agrees with a recent independent dating within the uncertainties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make use of the functional spectral analysis to infer the periodicity of paleoelimate in the Hongzuisi section since about 15 ka. Through combined analysis of organic carbon isotope and CaCO3 content, the law of paleoclimatic evolution of the Hongzuisi section is obtained. There were climatic changes from 10 ka to about 0.1 ka over the last 15 ka. Among these cycles, the cycle of several ka is most remarkable. The result indicates that functional spectral analysis is helpful for paleoclimatic study, which can provide useful information about paleoclimatic reconstruction and future forecast.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2005,24(1-2):173-194
The climate history and dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet are studied using a coupled model of the depositional provenance and transport of glacier ice, allowing simultaneous prediction of the detailed isotopic stratigraphy of ice cores at all the major Greenland sites. Adopting a novel method for reconstructing the age–depth relationship, we greatly improve the accuracy of semi-Lagrangian tracer tracking schemes and can readily incorporate an age-dependent ice rheology. The larger aim of our study is to impose new constraints on the glacial history of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Leading sources of uncertainty in the climate and dynamic history are encapsulated in a small number of parameters: the temperature and elevation isotopic sensitivities, the glacial–interglacial precipitation contrast and the effective viscosity of ice in the flow law. Comparing predicted and observed ice layering at ice core sites, we establish plausible ranges for the key model parameters, identify climate and dynamic histories that are mutually consistent and recover the past depositional elevation of ice cores to ease interpretation of their climatic records. With the coupled three-dimensional model of ice dynamics and provenance transport we propose a method to place all the ice core records on a common time scale and use discrepancies to adjust the reconstructed climate history. Analysis of simulated GRIP ice layering and borehole temperature profiles confirms that the GRIP record is sensitive to the dynamic as well as to the climatic history, but not enough to strongly limit speculation on the state of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Eemian. In contrast, our study indicates that the Dye 3 and Camp Century ice cores are extremely sensitive to ice dynamics and greatly constrain Eemian ice sheet reconstructions. We suggest that the maximum Eemian sea-level contribution of the ice sheet was in the range of 3.5–4.5 m.  相似文献   

A large ice sheet still covered almost all of Maine and eastern New England until ca. 15 cal ka BP, reaching south of 45 °S, despite rising summer insolation intensity and major ice recession elsewhere outside the North Atlantic region. Furthermore, the well-studied moraine belt along eastern coastal Maine, including the prominent Pineo Ridge delta/moraine complex and Pond Ridge moraine, indicates repeated readvances and stillstands between ca. 16 and 15 cal ka BP. This moraine belt reflects a considerable ice sheet response over eastern North America during this time period, coeval with the latter half of the European Oldest Dryas period. Moraine deposition was concurrent with reduction or elimination of North Atlantic meridional overturning, starting with the earlier onset of peak IRD and Heinrich Event 1 (HE-1). The existing 14C chronology suggests that the coastal moraine belt and the persistence of the ice sheet until ∼ 15 cal ka BP was a response to the severe cooling of the North Atlantic region after ∼ 17 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic and carbon analyses of a continuous varved lake sediment sequence in west-central Sweden (Lake Mötterudstjärnet) complement similar palaeoclimate proxies obtained from two varved lake sediment sequences in northern Sweden and one in central Finland. The varve chronology is supported by tephrochronology, palaeomagnetic secular variations and 14C AMS dating of terrestrial macrofossils. We apply a simple model in which the transport and deposition of catchment mineral matter reflect the amount of winter snow accumulation, spring snow-melt and stream discharge. Our data show that winter snow accumulation was generally enhanced in Sweden between 8100 and 7750 cal. yr BP. If dating errors are taken into account, the 350-year period of increased erosion is the geomorphic response to a multi-centennial scale climatic cooling that occurred some time between 8500 and 7500 cal. yr BP. The most significant erosion event in central Sweden was centred at 8050 cal. yr BP. It lasted 150 years (between 8100 and 7950 cal. yr BP) and is equivalent to the most extreme Holocene climate anomaly in the northern hemisphere, known as the 8 ka or 8200 cal. yr BP climate event. Our high-resolution paramagnetic susceptibility and ferrimagnetic grain-size parameters suggest that snowpack accumulation increased most significantly in northern Sweden between 7900 and 7750 cal. yr BP. We suggest that this north–south difference was a response to the re-establishment of moisture-laden westerly air masses, as meridional Atlantic overturning circulation was re-established at the beginning of the Holocene thermal maximum.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(3-4):386-404
This study provides an interpretation of interrelated Quaternary fluvial and aeolian activity related to climate change on Cooper Creek in the Lake Eyre Basin in southwestern Queensland, central Australia. The extensive muddy floodplain is characterised by buried sandy palaeochannels now almost entirely invisible but stratigraphically connected to source-bordering dunes that emerge as distinctive sandy islands through the floodplain surface. Luminescence dating has identified pronounced periods of fluvial activity represented by abundant sandy alluvium from Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 8–3. While all these sandy fluvial episodes on Cooper Creek were much more powerful than anything subsequent, they appear to be ranked in order of declining activity. MIS 8–6 saw reworking of almost the entire floodplain whereas subsequent phases of reworking were far less extensive. Source-bordering dunes were derived from active sandy channels in late MIS 5 (∼85–80 ka) and mid MIS 3 (50–40 ka). After ∼40 ka sand-channel activity largely ceased and the floodplains and channels were inundated with mud, isolating the dunes as emergent features. Although aeolian reworking of the upper parts of some dunes has continued to the present, they show remarkable resilience, having survived without appreciable migration for at least 40 ka. Whilst the channels once determined the location of source-bordering dunes, in an interesting role reversal the remnant dunes now determine the position of many contemporary flood-channels and waterholes by deflection and confinement of overbank flows.  相似文献   

The Diancang Massif is located in a region linking the Tibetan and Yungui Plateaus. Climatically, it is in a transition belt between the south and middle subtropical zones, controlled by Indian monsoon and westerlies. Thus, this study provides more evidences on the evolution of Indian monsoon since the Holocene. We reconstruct the history of climate on the Diancang Massif since 11.5 ka, using integrated correlation of glacial activities, early human settlement sites, and climate proxies abstracted from variations in grain size, magnetic susceptibility, geochemical composition, and pollen in lacustrine sediments. Six climatic stages have been identified. Stage I, from 11.5 ka to 9.0 ka, is a relatively wet period, corresponding to the onset of the Holocene; from 9.5 ka to 6.0 ka, the climate is arid; a cold period follows from 6.0 ka to 5.3 ka, and this is succeeded by a temperate stage from 5.3 ka to 4.0 ka; from 4.0 ka to 0.73 ka the climate is again arid. Compared with other regions dominated by the Indian monsoon, there is a delay in response of the climate on the Diancang Massif to the onset of the Holocene.  相似文献   

Jain  Nikita  Virmani  Deepali  Abraham  Ajith 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(1):139-172

In the last fifteen years, tsunami science has progressed at a rapid pace. Three major tsunamis: The Indian Ocean in 2004, the 2011 Tohoku tsunami, and the 2018 Palu tsunami were significant landmarks in the history of tsunami science. All the three tsunamis, as mentioned, suffered from either no warning or poor reception of the alerts issued. Various lessons learned, consequent numerical models proposed, post-2004 tsunami damage findings manifested into solutions. However, the misperceived solutions led to a disastrous impact of the 2011 Tohoku event. In the following years, numerous improvements in warning systems and community preparedness frameworks were proposed and implemented. The contributions and new findings have added multi-fold advancements to tsunami science progress. Later, the 2018 Palu tsunami happened and again led to a massive loss of life and property. The warning systems and community seemed un-prepared for this non-seismic tsunami. A significant change is to take place in tsunami science practices and solutions. The 2018 tsunami is one of the most discussed and researched events concerning the palaeotsunami records, damage assessment, and source findings. In the new era, using machine learning and deep learning prevails in all the fields related to tsunami science. This article presents a complete 15-year bibliometric analysis of tsunami research from Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). The review of majorly cited documents in the form of a progressing storyline has highlighted the need for multidisciplinary research to design and propose practical solutions.


In this study, we present new information on the glacial history of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and a local ice cap in Qaanaaq, northwest Greenland. We use geomorphological mapping, 10Be exposure dating of boulders, analysis of lake cores, and 14C dating of reworked marine molluscs and subfossil plants to constrain the glacial history. Our 14C ages of reworked marine molluscs reveal that the ice extent in the area was at or behind its present‐day position from 42.2 ± 0.4 to 30.6 ± 0.3k cal a BP after which the GrIS expanded to its maximum position during the Last Glacial Maximum. We find evidence of early ice retreat in the deep fjord (Inglefield Bredning) at 11.9 ± 0.6 ka whereas the Taserssuit Valley was deglaciated ~4 ka later at 7.8 ± 0.1k cal a BP. A proglacial lake record suggests that the local ice cap survived the Holocene Thermal Maximum but moss kill‐dates reveal that it was smaller than present for a period of time before 3.3 ± 0.1k until 0.9 ± 0.1k cal a BP, following which the ice in the area expanded towards its Little Ice Age extent. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characteristics of environmental change along the Holocene (<6 ka BP) bank margin of south‐west Exuma Sound, Bahamas, are defined by comparing mineral, isotope and lithologic stratigraphic patterns in deep‐water (1081 m) slope strata in ODP Hole 631A (Exuma Sound) with proximal (≈6 km) shoal‐water and insular geology of the Lee Stocking Island (LSI) region. After platform submergence, a bank‐top transition from non‐skeletal‐ to skeletal‐dominated deposition occurred in the LSI region by ≈3·8 ka, and is recorded in the adjacent slope sediments by a contemporaneous change in the abundance of transported allochems. The transition at Site 631 is punctuated by an anomalous shift in foraminiferal δ13C (–1‰) and δ18O (–3‰), which may represent a period of climate change that established a brackish coastal zone at least 6 km wide, coincident (≈3·8–4 ka) with bank‐top erosion and pedogenesis. Non‐skeletal allochems reappeared in Hole 631A sediments as the dominant transported allochem type by ≈2·4 ka, then again over the last several hundred years, and are contemporaneous with periods of increased platform‐margin circulation in the LSI region. Such rejuvenation of platform circulation may have resulted from rapid relative rises in sea level, superimposed on the net gradual post‐glacial rise. At Site 631, a prominent (25%) decline in aragonite abundance occurred during the period from 2·4 ka to the last few hundred years, and coincided with an increase in magnesian calcite and skeletal debris, and a positive shift in foraminiferal δ18O values. These patterns lend support to the hypothesis that, during this period, the LSI margin was barred by skeletal shoals, allowing bank‐top trapping of aragonite and hypersaline water, with increased coastal salinity (resulting from reflux of hypersaline waters through the shoals) and/or cooled coastal waters (caused by reduced exchange of warmed bank‐derived water relative to wind‐generated upwelling). Along the Exuma slope, a diagenetic overprint may further enhance the recent decline in aragonite accumulation. Integration of Holocene deep‐water slope and bank‐top stratigraphies along the bank margin of south‐west Exuma Sound reveals a pattern of punctuated environmental change superimposed on longer term development of interglacial conditions.  相似文献   

The development of the Gurbantunggut Desert is mainly controlled by the Westerly wind, and at present has little influence from Indian and Southeast Asian monsoons. A combined study using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) surveys and climatic proxies analysis was carried out in the southern part of the desert. The chronology extends back to 18 ka and is constructed based on 16 OSL ages from boreholes in the linear dune body and the inter‐dune area. The chronology suggests that sand deposition in the last 18 ka experienced two rapid accumulation phases at 11 and 2.5 ka ago which were also evident from the GPR surveys. These periods relate to increased aridity in the region. Five climate phases are identified from the last 18 ka, based on the OSL chronology and climatic proxy analysis with grain size and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The deglacial period (18.3–10.4 ka) is characterized by climate instability and possible glacial melting events. The Holocene Optimum peaked 8.5 ka and terminated 3.6 ka ago, when the regional climate became arid. OSL samples from the dune body cluster around 2.5 ka, which indicates rapid advance/extension of dune bodies at this time. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对普若岗日冰芯上部7.5 m样品中不溶微粒的元素含量进行了测定,分析了不溶微粒中Na、K、Mg、Fe、Zn和Al等元素近30年来的含量及相对含量变化特征.通过普若岗日冰芯中不溶微粒的元素含量、元素组分对相对含量等多参数的变化特征与青藏高原腹地降水量及温度记录的对比分析发现,冰芯不溶微粒中元素地球化学参数的变化与源区气候环境的演变具有较好的一致性.因此可以认为,冰芯中不溶微粒的元素地球化学特征能够作为指示区域气候环境演变的指标.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge is a complex process reflecting many interactions between climate, vegetation and soils. Climate change will impact upon groundwater recharge but it is not clear which climate variables have the greatest influence over recharge. This study used a sensitivity analysis of climate variables using a modified version of WAVES, a soil-vegetation-atmosphere-transfer model (unsaturated zone), to determine the importance of each climate variable in the change in groundwater recharge for three points in Australia. This study found that change in recharge is most sensitive to change in rainfall. Increases in temperature and changes in rainfall intensity also led to significant changes in recharge. Although not as significant as other climate variables, some changes in recharge were observed due to changes in solar radiation and carbon dioxide concentration. When these variables were altered simultaneously, changes in recharge appeared to be closely related to changes in rainfall; however, in nearly all cases, recharge was greater than would have been predicted if only rainfall had been considered. These findings have implications for how recharge is projected to change due to climate change.  相似文献   


古气候重建和模拟研究相结合可有效揭示气候变化的机制,但针对东亚夏季风区的相关研究还有待深入。文章基于现代观测数据及古气候记录的定量化重建结果,评估过去21 ka气候瞬变模拟(Transient Climate Evolution simulation over last 21000 years,简称TraCE-21ka)对现代东亚气候及古夏季风演变的再现能力,对比分析其异同并探索东亚夏季风区南部(SEASM)和北部(NEASM)特征时期的气候变化及可能的驱动机制。结果表明:TraCE-21ka模拟和定量化重建结果相对一致,即末次冰盛期偏干冷,全新世早中期偏暖湿,但模拟的变化幅度小于重建。相对于SEASM,NEASM变化幅度较显著。同时,SEASM的温度及降水和NEASM的温度在整个全新世期间模拟和重建的结果一致性较高,但NEASM模拟和重建的降水在晚全新世一致而早全新世不一致。相对于重建降水的南部和北部显著不同步变化,即南部降水在早全新世高而北部在中全新世高,模拟降水的南、北差异性较小,且为全新世持续减弱夏季风演变的结果。这种重建与模拟间的不同可能来源于地表过程对气候演变敏感度的区域性差异,也可能来源于粗分辨率模拟所造成的系统性气候偏移。


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