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We present the design concept of the spectropolarimeter for the high‐resolution echelle spectrograph PEPSI tobe installed at the 2 × 8.4 m Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona. We discuss the optical key elements, the principles of operations of the instrument and its instrumental polarization effects (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Fabrication of an optical dual-beam spectropolarimeter as an add-on facility to an existing astronomical spectrograph at the Vainu Bappu Telescope is described. The polarimetric optics consists of a superachromatic Pancharatnam design half-wave plate and a modified Glan-Taylor polarizing beam splitter. Instrumental response, calibration and characterization of the system are presented. Performance of the spectropolarimeter has been assessed based on the results of observations of polarized and unpolarized standard stars. The attainable accuracy of the instrument is found to be dependent on the S/N of the data. The present data set yields an accuracy of ±0.5% at 4000 Å and ±0.3% at 7500 Å, at a spectral resolution of 7.2 Å. Analysis of spectropolarimetric data is systematically covered for removal of instrumental errors. The spectropolarimetric reduction software (SPRS), extremely versatile, user friendly and compatible with the IRAF image processing package, was developed for reducing spectropolarimetric data. The empirical relation by Serkowski (IAU Symposium 52, Interstellar Dust and Related Topics, J. M. Greenberg and H. C. van de Hulst (eds.), Dordrecht, Reidel, 1975, p. 145) for wavelength dependence of polarization due to interstellar medium has been fitted to the data for the star HD 43384 (9 Gem). Our result shows a polarization larger by 0.49% from Hsu and Berger (ApJ 262, 1982, 732). We attribute this difference to the long term variation in P for this star.  相似文献   

We derive a generalized van Cittert-Zernike (vC-Z) theorem for radio astronomy that is valid for partially polarized sources over an arbitrarily wide field of view (FoV). The classical vC-Z theorem is the theoretical foundation of radio astronomical interferometry, and its application is the basis of interferometric imaging. Existing generalized vC-Z theorems in radio astronomy assume, however, either paraxiality (narrow FoV) or scalar (unpolarized) sources. Our theorem uses neither of these assumptions, which are seldom fulfiled in practice in radio astronomy, and treats the full electromagnetic field. To handle wide, partially polarized fields, we extend the two-dimensional (2D) electric field (Jones vector) formalism of the standard 'Measurement Equation' (ME) of radio astronomical interferometry to the full three-dimensional (3D) formalism developed in optical coherence theory. The resulting vC-Z theorem enables full-sky imaging in a single telescope pointing, and imaging based not only on standard dual-polarized interferometers (that measure 2D electric fields) but also electric tripoles and electromagnetic vector-sensor interferometers. We show that the standard 2D ME is easily obtained from our formalism in the case of dual-polarized antenna element interferometers. We also exploit an extended 2D ME to determine that dual-polarized interferometers can have polarimetric aberrations at the edges of a wide FoV. Our vC-Z theorem is particularly relevant to proposed, and recently developed, wide FoV interferometers such as Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) and Square Kilometer Array (SKA), for which direction-dependent effects will be important.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of Stokes IQUV in spectral lines is required for precise reconstruction of stellar magnetic field geometries with Zeeman‐Dopper imaging. Spectral Zeeman features are intrinsically weak and subjected to a number of instrumental uncertainties. The aim of this work is to study the details of the instrumental uncertainties in the Stokes IQUV measurements in spectral lines and ways of their reduction. We make a practical comparison of the polarimetric performances of two high‐resolution échelle spectropolarimeters, namely SOFIN at the NOT, and HARPS at ESO. We show the residual spectra for both instruments to characterize the cross‐talk between the observed Stokes parameters. We employ a self‐calibrating least‐squares fit to eliminate some of the polarization uncertainties to derive the full Stokes vector from stellar spectra (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The next generation of solar telescopes will enable us to resolve the fundamental scales of the solar atmosphere, i.e., the pressure scale height and the photon mean free path. High‐resolution observations of small‐scale structures with sizes down to 50 km require complex post‐focus instruments, which employ adaptive optics (AO) and benefit from advanced image restoration techniques. The GREGOR Fabry‐Pérot Interferometer (GFPI) will serve as an example of such an instrument to illustrate the challenges that are to be expected in instrumentation and data analysis with the next generation of solar telescopes (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A high‐order Adaptive Optical (AO) system for the 65 cm vacuum telescope of the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) is presented. The Coudé‐exit of the telescope has been modified to accommodate the AO system and two imaging magnetograph systems for visible‐light and near infrared (NIR) observations. A small elliptical tip/tilt mirror directs the light into an optical laboratory on the observatory's 2nd floor just below the observing floor. A deformable mirror (DM) with 77 mm diameter is located on an optical table where it serves two wave‐front sensors (WFS), a correlation tracker (CT) and Shack‐Hartman (SH) sensor for the high‐order AO system, and the scientific channels with the imaging magnetographs. The two‐axis tip/tilt platform has a resonance frequency around 3.3 kHz and tilt range of about 2 mrad, which corresponds to about 25″ in the sky. Based on 32 × 32 pixel images, the CT detects image displacements between a reference frame and real‐time frames at a rate of 2 kHz. High‐order wave‐front aberrations are detected in the SH WFS channel from slope measurements derived from 76 sub‐apertures, which are recorded with 1,280 × 1,024 pixel Complex Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) camera manufactured by Photobit camera. In the 4 × 4 pixel binning mode, the data acquisition rate of the CMOS device is more than 2 kHz. Both visible‐light and NIR imaging magnetographs use Fabry‐Pérot etalons in telecentric configurations for two‐dimensional spectro‐polarimetry. The optical design of the AO system allows using small aperture prefilters, such as interference or Lyot filters, and 70 mm diameter Fabry‐Pérot etalons covering a field‐of‐view (FOV) of about 180″ × 180″.  相似文献   

An algorithm for cosmic‐ray rejection from single images is presented. The algorithm is based on modeling human perception using fuzzy logic. The proposed algorithm is specifically designed to reject multiple‐pixel cosmic ray hits that are larger than some of the point spread functions of the true astronomical sources. Experiments show that the algorithm can accurately reject ∼97.5% of the cosmic rays hits, while mistakenly rejecting 0.02% of the true astronomical sources. The major advantage of the presented algorithm is its computational efficiency. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The Coudé feed of the vacuum telescope (aperture D = 65 cm) at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) is currently completely remodelled to accommodate a correlation tracker and a high‐order Adaptive Optics (AO) system. The AO system serves two imaging magnetograph systems located at a new optical laboratory on the observatory's 2nd floor. The InfraRed Imaging Magnetograph (IRIM) is an innovative magnetograph system for near‐infrared (NIR) observations in the wavelength region from 1.0 μm to 1.6 μm. The Visible‐light Imaging Magnetograph (VIM) is basically a twin of IRIM for observations in the wavelength range from 550 nm to 700 nm. Both instruments were designed for high spatial and high temporal observations of the solar photosphere and chromosphere. Real‐time data processing is an integral part of the instruments and will enhance BBSO's capabilities in monitoring solar activity and predicting and forecasting space weather.  相似文献   

The X‐shooter data reduction pipeline is an integral part of the X‐shooter project, it allows the production of reduced data in physical quantities from the raw data produced by the instrument. The pipeline is based on the data reduction library developed by the X‐shooter consortium with contributions from France, The Netherlands and ESO and it uses the Common Pipeline Library (CPL) developed at ESO. The pipeline has been developed for two main functions. The first function is to monitor the operation of the instrument through the reduction of the acquired data, both at Paranal, for a quick‐look control, and in Garching, for a more thorough evaluation. The second function is to allow an optimized data reduction for a scientific user. In the following I will first outline the main steps of data reduction with the pipeline then I will briefly show two examples of optimization of the results for science reduction (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A baseband recorder for radio pulsar observations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Digital signal recorders are becoming widely used in several subfields of centimetre-wavelength radio astronomy. We review the benefits and design considerations of such systems and describe the Princeton Mark IV instrument, an implementation designed for coherent-dedispersion pulsar observations. Features of this instrument include corrections for the distortions caused by coarse quantization of the incoming signal, as well as algorithms that effectively excise both narrow-band and broad-band radio frequency interference. Observations at 430 MHz, using the Mark IV system in parallel with a system using a 250-kHz filter bank and incoherent dedispersion, demonstrated timing precision improvement by a factor of 3 or better for typical millisecond pulsars.  相似文献   

The Gaia SpectroPhotometric Standard Stars (SPSS) survey started in 2006, was awarded almost 450 observing nights and accumulated almost 100000 raw data frames with both photometric and spectroscopic observations. Such large observational effort requires careful, homogeneous, and automatic data reduction and quality control procedures. In this paper, we quantitatively evaluate instrumental effects that might have a significant (i.e., ≥1 %) impact on the Gaia SPSS flux calibration. The measurements involve six different instruments, monitored over the eight years of observations dedicated to the Gaia flux standards campaigns: DOLORES@TNG in La Palma, EFOSC2@NTT and ROSS@REM in La Silla, CAFOS@2.2m in Calar Alto, BFOSC@Cassini in Loiano, and LaRuca@1.5m in San Pedro Mártir. We examine and quantitatively evaluate the following effects: CCD linearity and shutter times, calibration frames stability, lamp flexures, second order contamination, light polarization, and fringing. We present methods to correct for the relevant effects which can be applied to a wide range of observational projects at similar instruments. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

FIES is a cross‐dispersed high‐resolution echelle spectrograph at the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), and was optimised for throughput and stability in 2006. The major 2006 upgrade involved the relocation of FIES to a stable environment and development of a fiber bundle that offers 3 different resolution modes, and made FIES an attractive tool for the user community of the NOT. Radial‐velocity stability is achieved through double‐chamber active temperature control. A dedicated data reduction tool, FIEStool, was developed. As a result of these upgrades, FIES is now one of the work‐horse instruments at the NOT. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The linear polarization of the Crab pulsar and its close environment was derived from observations with the high-speed photopolarimeter Optical Pulsar TIMing Analyser at the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope in the optical spectral range (400–750 nm). Time resolution as short as 11 μs, which corresponds to a phase interval of 1/3000 of the pulsar rotation, and high statistics allow the derivation of polarization details never achieved before. The degree of optical polarization and the position angle correlate in surprising details with the light curves at optical wavelengths and at radio frequencies of 610 and 1400 MHz. Our observations show that there exists a subtle connection between presumed non-coherent (optical) and coherent (radio) emissions. This finding supports previously detected correlations between the optical intensity of the Crab and the occurrence of giant radio pulses. Interpretation of our observations requires more elaborate theoretical models than those currently available in the literature.  相似文献   

The Plastic Scintillator Detector(PSD) onboard the DArk Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE)is designed to measure cosmic ray charge(Z) and to act as a veto detector for gamma ray identification.To fully exploit the charge identification potential of PSD and to enhance its capability to identify gamma ray events, we develop an alignment method for the PSD. The path length of a given track in the volume of a PSD bar is derived taking into account the shift and rotation alignment corrections. By examining energy spectra of corner-passing events and fully contained events, position shifts and rotations of all PSD bars are obtained, and are found to be on average about 1 mm and 0.0015 radian respectively. To validate the alignment method, we introduce artificial shifts and rotations of PSD bars into the detector simulation.These shift and rotation parameters can be recovered successfully by the alignment procedure. As a result of the PSD alignment procedure, the charge resolution of the PSD is improved from 4% to 8%, depending on the nuclei.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a case study of how NOAO is considering improving its management of Target‐of‐Opportunity (ToO) observations by integrating VOEvent into the flow of activities. We believe that using VOEvent to help document and track the use of ToO time will improve the user experience of ToOs at NOAO. It will also greatly aid in the management of the process and of the resulting data, allowing us to better track the ownership and provenance of the data and any resulting data products. Finally, it will provide an important method of archival access to the data and data “collections,” which might include not only processed data from a single VOEvent triggered observation but could also include multiple observations traceable to a single (or set of related) VOEvents. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

High‐fidelity spectroscopy presents challenges for both observations and in designing instruments. High‐resolution and high‐accuracy spectra are required for verifying hydrodynamic stellar atmospheres and for resolving intergalactic absorption‐line structures in quasars. Even with great photon fluxes from large telescopes with matching spectrometers, precise measurements of line profiles and wavelength positions encounter various physical, observational, and instrumental limits. The analysis may be limited by astrophysical and telluric blends, lack of suitable lines, imprecise laboratory wavelengths, or instrumental imperfections. To some extent, such limits can be pushed by forming averages over many similar spectral lines, thus averaging away small random blends and wavelength errors. In situations where theoretical predictions of lineshapes and shifts can be accurately made (e.g., hydrodynamic models of solar‐type stars), the consistency between noisy observations and theoretical predictions may be verified; however this is not feasible for, e.g., the complex of intergalactic metal lines in spectra of distant quasars, where the primary data must come from observations. To more fully resolve lineshapes and interpret wavelength shifts in stars and quasars alike, spectral resolutions on order R = 300 000 or more are required; a level that is becoming (but is not yet) available. A grand challenge remains to design efficient spectrometers with resolutions approaching R = 1 000 000 for the forthcoming generation of extremely large telescopes (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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