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We present kinematic parameters and absorption line strengths for three brightest cluster galaxies, NGC 6166, 6173 and 6086. We find that NGC 6166 has a velocity dispersion profile which rises beyond 20 arcsec from the nucleus, with a halo velocity dispersion in excess of 400 km s−1. All three galaxies show a positive and constant h 4 Hermite moment. The rising velocity dispersion profile in NGC 6166 thus indicates an increasing mass-to-light ratio. Rotation is low in all three galaxies, and NGC 6173 and 6086 show possible kinematically decoupled cores. All three galaxies have Mg2 gradients similar to those found in normal bright ellipticals, which are not steep enough to support simple dissipative collapse models, but these could be accompanied by dissipationless mergers which would tend to dilute the abundance gradients. The [Mg/Fe] ratios in NGC 6166 and 6086 are higher than that found in NGC 6173, and if NGC 6173 is typical of normal bright ellipticals, this suggests that cDs cannot form from late mergers of normal galaxies.  相似文献   

We examine the K shell emission lines produced by isothermal and simple multiphase models of the hot gas in elliptical galaxies and galaxy clusters to determine the most effective means for constraining the width of the differential emission measure, ( T  ), in these systems which we characterize by a dimensionless parameter, . Comparison of line ratios of two-temperature  ( <1)  and cooling flow  ( 1)  models is presented in detail. We find that a two-temperature model can approximate very accurately a cooling flow spectrum over 0.510 keV.
We re-analyse the ASCA spectra of three of the brightest galaxy clusters to assess the evidence for multiphase gas in their cores: M87 (Virgo), the Centaurus cluster and the Perseus cluster. K emission-line blends of Si, S, Ar, Ca and Fe are detected in each system, as is significant Fe K emission. The Fe K /K ratios are consistent with optically thin plasma models and do not suggest resonance scattering in these systems. Consideration of both the ratios of H-like to He-like K lines and the local continuum temperatures clearly rules out isothermal gas in each case. To obtain more detailed constraints, we fitted plasma models over 1.69 keV where the emission is dominated by these K shell lines and by continuum. In each case the ASCA spectra cannot determine whether the gas emits at only two temperatures or over a continuous range of temperatures as expected for a cooling flow. The metal abundances are near-solar for all of the multiphase models. We discuss the implications of these results and examine the prospects for determining the temperature structure in these systems with upcoming X-ray missions.  相似文献   

New calibrations of spectrophotometric indices of elliptical galaxies as functions of spectrophotometric indices are presented, permitting estimates of mean stellar population ages and metallicities. These calibrations are based on evolutionary models including a two-phase interstellar medium, infall and a galactic wind. Free parameters were fixed by requiring that models reproduce the mean trend of data in the colour–magnitude diagram as well as in the plane of indices  Hβ–Mg2  and  Mg2–〈Fe〉  . To improve the location of faint ellipticals  ( M B > −20)  in the  Hβ–Mg2  diagram, downsizing was introduced. An application of our calibrations to a sample of ellipticals and a comparison with results derived from single stellar population models are given. Our models indicate that mean population ages span an interval of 7–12 Gyr and are correlated with metallicities, which range from approximately half up to three times solar.  相似文献   

We present the result of a photometric and Keck low-resolution imaging spectrometer (LRIS) spectroscopic study of dwarf galaxies in the core of the Perseus Cluster, down to a magnitude of   M B =−12.5  . Spectra were obtained for 23 dwarf-galaxy candidates, from which we measure radial velocities and stellar population characteristics from absorption line indices. From radial velocities obtained using these spectra, we confirm 12 systems as cluster members, with the remaining 11 as non-members. Using these newly confirmed cluster members, we are able to extend the confirmed colour–magnitude relation for the Perseus Cluster down to   M B =−12.5  . We confirm an increase in the scatter about the colour–magnitude relationship below   M B =−15.5  , but reject the hypothesis that very red dwarfs are cluster members. We measure the faint-end slope of the luminosity function between   M B =−18  and −12.5, finding  α=−1.26 ± 0.06  , which is similar to that of the field. This implies that an overabundance of dwarf galaxies does not exist in the core of the Perseus Cluster. By comparing metal and Balmer absorption line indices with α-enhanced single stellar population models, we derive ages and metallicities for these newly confirmed cluster members. We find two distinct dwarf elliptical populations: an old, metal-poor population with ages ∼8 Gyr and metallicities  [Fe/H] < −0.33  , and a young, metal-rich population with ages <5 Gyr and metallicities  [Fe/H] > −0.33  . Dwarf galaxies in the Perseus Cluster are therefore not a simple homogeneous population, but rather exhibit a range in age and metallicity.  相似文献   

We determine the underlying shapes of spiral and elliptical galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS DR6) from the observed distribution of projected galaxy shapes, taking into account the effects of dust extinction and reddening. We assume that the underlying shapes of spirals and ellipticals are well approximated by triaxial ellipsoids. The elliptical galaxy data are consistent with oblate spheroids, with a correlation between luminosity and ellipticity: the mean values of minor to middle axis ratios are 0.41 ± 0.03 for   M r ≈−18  ellipticals and 0.76 ± 0.04 for   M r ≈−22.5  ellipticals. Ellipticals show almost no dependence of axial ratio on galaxy colour, implying a negligible dust optical depth.
There is a strong variation of spiral galaxy shapes with colour indicating the presence of dust. The intrinsic shapes of spiral galaxies in the SDSS DR6 are consistent with flat discs with a mean and dispersion of thickness to diameter ratio of (21 ± 2) per cent, and a face-on ellipticity, e , of  ln( e ) =−2.33 ± 0.79  . Not including the effects of dust in the model leads to discs that are systematically rounder by up to 60 per cent. More luminous spiral galaxies tend to have thicker and rounder discs than lower luminosity spirals. Both elliptical and spiral galaxies tend to be rounder for larger galaxies.
The marginalized value of the edge-on r -band dust extinction E 0 in spiral galaxies is   E 0≃ 0.45  mag for galaxies of median colours, increasing to   E 0= 1  mag for   g − r > 0.9  and   E 0= 1.9  for the luminous and most compact galaxies, with half-light radii  <2  h −1 kpc  .  相似文献   

Near-infrared spectra for a sample of 31 elliptical galaxies in the Coma cluster are obtained. The galaxies are selected to be ellipticals (no lenticulars), with a large spatial distribution, covering both the core and outskirts of the cluster (i.e. corresponding to regions with large density contrasts). COsp (2.3-μm) absorption indices, measuring the contribution from intermediate-age red giant and supergiant stars to the near-infrared light of the ellipticals, are then estimated.
It is found that the strength of COsp features in elliptical galaxies increases from the core ( r <02) to the outskirts ( r >02) of the Coma cluster. Using the Mg2 strengths, it is shown that the observed effect is not caused by metallicity and is mostly caused by the presence of a younger population (giant and supergiant stars) in ellipticals in the outskirts (low-density region) of the cluster.
Using the COsp features, the origin of the scatter on the near-infrared Fundamental Plane (the relation between the effective diameter, effective surface brightness and velocity dispersion) of elliptical galaxies is studied. Correcting this relation for contributions from the red giant and supergiant stars, the rms scatter reduces from 0.077 to 0.073 dex. Although measurable, the contribution from these intermediate-age stars to the scatter on the near-infrared Fundamental Plane of ellipticals is only marginal.
A relation is found between the COsp and V − K colours of ellipticals, corresponding to a slope of 0.036±0.016, significantly shallower than that from the Mg2–( V − K ) relation. This is studied using stellar synthesis models.  相似文献   

We report the detection of hard X-ray emission components in the spectra of six nearby, giant elliptical galaxies observed with the ASCA satellite. The systems studied, which exhibit strong dynamical evidence for supermassive black holes in their nuclei, are M87, NGC 1399 and NGC 4696 (the dominant galaxies of the Virgo, Fornax and Centaurus clusters, respectively) and NGC 4472, 4636 and 4649 (three further giant ellipticals in the Virgo cluster). The ASCA data for all six sources provide clear evidence for hard emission components, which can be parametrized by power-law models with photon indices in the range Γ=0.6–1.5 (mean value 1.2) and intrinsic 1–10 keV luminosities of 2×1040–2×1042 erg s−1. Our results imply the identification of a new class of accreting X-ray source, with X-ray spectra significantly harder than those of binary X-ray sources, Seyfert nuclei or low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, and bolometric luminosities relatively dominated by their X-ray emission. We discuss various possible origins for the hard X-ray emission and argue that it is most likely to be due to accretion on to the central supermassive black holes, via low radiative efficiency accretion flows coupled with strong outflows. In the case of M87, our detected power-law flux is in good agreement with a previously reported measurement from ROSAT High Resolution Imager observations, which were able to resolve the jet from the nuclear X-ray emission components. We confirm previous results showing that the use of multiphase models in the analysis of the ASCA data leads to determinations of approximately solar emission-weighted metallicities for the X-ray gas in the galaxies. We also present results on the individual element abundances in NGC 4636.  相似文献   

NGC 4649 (M60) is one of a handful of giant Virgo ellipticals. We have obtained Gemini/GMOS (Gemini North Multi-Object Spectrograph) spectra for 38 globular clusters (GCs) associated with this galaxy. Applying the multi-index  χ2  minimization technique of Proctor and Sansom with the single stellar population models of Thomas, Maraston and Korn, we derive ages, metallicities and α-element abundance ratios. We find several young (2–3 Gyr old) supersolar metallicity GCs, while the majority are old (>10 Gyr), spanning a range of metallicities from solar to  [Z/H]=−2  . At least two of these young GCs are at large projected radii of 17–20 kpc. The galaxy itself shows no obvious signs of a recent starburst, interaction or merger. A trend of decreasing α-element ratio with increasing metallicity is found.  相似文献   

The distribution of galaxy properties in groups and clusters holds important information on galaxy evolution and growth of structure in the Universe. While clusters have received appreciable attention in this regard, the role of groups as fundamental to formation of the present-day galaxy population has remained relatively unaddressed. Here, we present stellar ages, metallicities and α-element abundances derived using Lick indices for 67 spectroscopically confirmed members of the NGC 5044 galaxy group with the aim of shedding light on galaxy evolution in the context of the group environment.
We find that galaxies in the NGC 5044 group show evidence for a strong relationship between stellar mass and metallicity, consistent with their counterparts in both higher and lower mass groups and clusters. Galaxies show no clear trend of age or α-element abundance with mass, but these data form a tight sequence when fitted simultaneously in age, metallicity and stellar mass. In the context of the group environment, our data support the tidal disruption of low-mass galaxies at small group-centric radii, as evident from an apparent lack of galaxies below  ∼109 M  within ∼100 kpc of the brightest group galaxy. Using a joint analysis of absorption- and emission-line metallicities, we are able to show that the star-forming galaxy population in the NGC 5044 group appears to require gas removal to explain the ∼1.5 dex offset between absorption- and emission-line metallicities observed in some cases. A comparison with other stellar population properties suggests that this gas removal is dominated by galaxy interactions with the hot intragroup medium.  相似文献   

We present a possible star formation and chemical evolutionary history for two early-type galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 1400. They are the two brightest galaxies of the NGC 1407 (or Eridanus-A) group, one of the 60 groups studied as part of the Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Study.
Our analysis is based on new high signal-to-noise ratio spatially resolved integrated spectra obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope, out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. Using Lick/IDS indices, we estimate luminosity-weighted ages, metallicities and α-element abundance ratios. Colour radial distributions from HST /ACS and Subaru Suprime-Cam multiband wide-field imaging are compared to colours predicted from spectroscopically determined ages and metallicities using single stellar population (SSP) models. The galaxies formed over half of their mass in a single short-lived burst of star formation  (≥100 M yr−1)  at redshift z ≥ 5. This likely involved an outside–in mechanism with supernova-driven galactic winds, as suggested by the flatness of the α-element radial profiles and the strong negative metallicity gradients. Our results support the predictions of the revised version of the monolithic collapse model for galaxy formation and evolution. We speculate that, since formation, the galaxies have evolved quiescently and that we are witnessing the first infall of NGC 1400 in the group.  相似文献   

We present analyses of the ASCA X-ray spectra of two Seyfert galaxies, Tololo 0109383 and ESO 138G1. In both cases, spectral fitting reveals two statistically acceptable continuum models: Compton reflection and partial covering. Both spectra have strong iron K lines, with equivalent widths greater than 1.5 keV. These large equivalent widths are suggestive of heavier obscuration than that directly indicated by the partial-covering models (  21023 cm-2),  with the actual column densities being 'Compton-thick' (i.e.   N H1.51024 cm-2).  We use the hard X-ray/[O  iii ] flux correlation for Seyferts and data from the literature to provide additional support for this hypothesis. Since Tololo 0109383 is known to have optical type 1 characteristics such as broad Balmer line components and Fe  ii emission, this result marks it as a notable object.  相似文献   

The group of galaxies RXJ1340.6+4018 has approximately the same bolometric X-ray luminosity as other bright galaxy groups and poor clusters such as the Virgo cluster. However, 70 per cent of the optical luminosity of the group comes from a dominant giant elliptical galaxy, compared with 5 per cent from M87 in Virgo.The second brightest galaxy in RXJ1340.6+4018 is a factor of 10 fainter (Δ m 12=2.5 mag) than the dominant elliptical, and the galaxy luminosity function has a gap at about L *.
We interpret the properties of the system as a result of galaxy merging within a galaxy group. We find that the central galaxy lies on the Fundamental Plane of ellipticals, has an undisturbed, non-cD morphology, and has no spectral features indicative of recent star formation, suggesting that the last major merger occurred ≳4 Gyr ago. The deviation of the system from the cluster L X− T relation in the opposite sense to most groups may be caused by an early epoch of formation of the group or a strong cooling flow.
The unusual elongation of the X-ray isophotes and the similarity between the X-ray and optical ellipticities at large radii (∼230 kpc) suggest that both the X-ray gas and the outermost stars of the dominant galaxy are responding to an elongated dark matter distribution. RXJ1340.6+4018 may be part of a filamentary structure related to infall in the outskirts of the cluster A1774.  相似文献   

Stellar population characteristics are presented for a sample of low-luminosity early-type galaxies (LLEs) in order to compare them with their more luminous counterparts. Long-slit spectra of a sample of 10 LLEs were taken with the ESO New Technology Telescope, selected for their low luminosities. Line strengths were measured on the Lick standard system. Lick indices for these LLEs were correlated with velocity dispersion (σ), alongside published data for a variety of Hubble types. The LLEs were found to fall below an extrapolation of the correlation for luminous ellipticals and were consistent with the locations of spiral bulges in plots of line strengths versus σ. Luminosity weighted average ages, metallicities and abundance ratios were estimated from  χ2  fitting of 19 Lick indices to predictions from simple stellar population models. The LLEs appear younger than luminous ellipticals and of comparable ages to spiral bulges. These LLEs show a bimodal metallicity distribution, consisting of a low-metallicity group (possibly misclassified dwarf spheroidal galaxies) and a high-metallicity group (similar to spiral bulges). Finally, they have low α-element to iron peak abundance ratios indicative of slow, extended star formation.  相似文献   

We study the distribution of projected offsets between the cluster X-ray centroid and the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) for 65 X-ray-selected clusters from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey, with a median redshift of   z = 0.23  . We find a clear correlation between X-ray/BCG projected offset and the logarithmic slope of the cluster gas density profile at  0.04 r 500(α  ), implying that more dynamically disturbed clusters have weaker cool cores. Furthermore, there is a close correspondence between the activity of the BCG, in terms of detected Hα and radio emission, and the X-ray/BCG offset, with the line-emitting galaxies all residing in clusters with X-ray/BCG offsets of ≤15 kpc. Of the BCGs with  α < −0.85  and an offset <0.02 r 500, 96 per cent (23/24) have optical emission and 88 per cent (21/24) are radio active, while none has optical emission outside these criteria. We also study the cluster gas fraction ( f gas) within r 500 and find a significant correlation with X-ray/BCG projected offset. The mean f gas of the 'small offset' clusters (<0.02 r 500) is  0.106 ± 0.005 (σ= 0.03  ) compared to  0.145 ± 0.009 (σ= 0.04  ) for those with an offset >0.02 r 500, indicating that the total mass may be systematically underestimated in clusters with larger X-ray/BCG offsets. Our results imply a link between cool core strength and cluster dynamical state consistent with the view that cluster mergers can significantly perturb cool cores, and set new constraints on models of the evolution of the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

We have assembled a catalogue of relative ages, metallicities and abundance ratios for about 150 local galaxies in field, group and cluster environments. The galaxies span morphological types from cD and ellipticals, to late-type spirals. Ages and metallicities were estimated from high-quality published spectral line indices using Worthey & Ottaviani (1997) single stellar population evolutionary models.
The identification of galaxy age as a fourth parameter in the fundamental plane ( Forbes, Ponman & Brown 1998 ) is confirmed by our larger sample of ages. We investigate trends between age and metallicity, and with other physical parameters of the galaxies, such as ellipticity, luminosity and kinematic anisotropy. We demonstrate the existence of a galaxy age–metallicity relation similar to that seen for local galactic disc stars, whereby young galaxies have high metallicity, while old galaxies span a large range in metallicities.
We also investigate the influence of environment and morphology on the galaxy age and metallicity, especially the predictions made by semi-analytic hierarchical clustering models (HCM). We confirm that non-cluster ellipticals are indeed younger on average than cluster ellipticals as predicted by the HCM models. However we also find a trend for the more luminous galaxies to have a higher [Mg/Fe] ratio than the lower luminosity galaxies, which is opposite to the expectation from HCM models.  相似文献   

We have measured central line strengths for a complete sample of early-type galaxies in the Fornax cluster, comprising 11 elliptical and 11 lenticular galaxies, more luminous than M B  = −17. In contrast to the elliptical galaxies in the sample studied by González (and recently revisited by Trager) we find that the Fornax ellipticals follow the locus of galaxies of fixed age in Worthey's models and have metallicities varying from roughly solar to three times solar. The lenticular galaxies, however, exhibit a substantial spread to younger luminosity-weighted ages, indicating a more extended star formation history. We present measurements of the more sensitive indices: C4668 and HγA; these confirm and reinforce the conclusions that the elliptical galaxies are coeval and that only the lenticular galaxies show symptoms of late star formation. The inferred difference in the age distribution between lenticular and elliptical galaxies is a robust conclusion as the models generate consistent relative ages using different age and metallicity indicators even though the absolute ages remain uncertain. The young luminosity-weighted ages of the S0s in the Fornax cluster are consistent with the recent discovery that the fraction of S0 galaxies in intermediate-redshift clusters is a factor of 2–3 lower than found locally, and suggest that a fraction of the cluster spiral galaxy population has evolved to quiescence in the 5-Gyr interval from z  = 0.5 to the present. Two of the faintest lenticular galaxies in our sample have blue continua and strong Balmer-line absorption, suggesting starbursts ≲2 Gyr ago. These may be the low-redshift analogues of the starburst or post-starburst galaxies seen in clusters at z  = 0.3, similar to the Hδ-strong galaxies in the Coma cluster.  相似文献   

We present optical and near-infrared colour maps of the central regions of bulges of S0 and spiral galaxies obtained with WFPC2 and NICMOS on the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). By combined use of HST and ground-based data, the colour information spans a region from a few tens of pc to a few kpc. In almost all galaxies, the colour profiles in the central 100–200 pc become more rapidly redder. We attribute the high central colour indices to a central concentration of dust. We infer an average extinction at the centre of A V =0.6–1.0 mag. Several objects show central dust rings or discs at subkpc scales similar to those found by others in giant ellipticals. For galactic bulges of types S0 to Sb, the tightness of the B − I versus I − H relation suggests that the age spread among bulges of early-type galaxies is small, at most 2 Gyr. Colours at 1 R eff, where we expect extinction to be negligible, are similar to those of elliptical galaxies in the Coma cluster, suggesting that these bulges formed at the same time as the bright galaxies in Coma. Furthermore, the galaxy ages are found to be independent of their environment. As it is likely that Coma was formed at redshift z >3, our bulges, which are in groups and in the field, must also have been formed at this epoch. Bulges of early-type spirals cannot be formed by secular evolution of bars at recent epochs, because such bulges would be much younger. There are three galaxies of type Sbc and later; their bulges are younger and could perhaps arise from secular evolution of transient bars. Our results are in good agreement with semi-analytic predictions, which also predict that bulges, in clusters and in the field, are as old as giant ellipticals in clusters.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of cooling flows on the T X– L Bol relation for a sample of the most X-ray luminous ( L Bol > 1045 erg s−1) clusters of galaxies known. Using high-quality ASCA X-ray spectra and ROSAT images we explicitly account for the effects of cooling flows on the X-ray properties of the clusters and show that this reduces the previously noted dispersion in the T X– L Bol relationship. More importantly, the slope of the relationship is flattened from L Bol ∝  T 3X to approximately L Bol ∝  T 2X, in agreement with recent theoretical models which include the effects of shocks and pre-heating on the X-ray gas. We find no evidence for evolution in the T X– L Bol relation within z  ∼ 0.3. Our results demonstrate that the effects of cooling flows must be accounted for before cosmological parameters can be determined from X-ray observations of clusters. The results presented here should provide a reliable basis for modelling the T X– L Bol relation at high X-ray luminosities.  相似文献   

We present the luminosity function and measurements of the scalelengths, colours and radial distribution of dwarf galaxies in the Coma cluster down to R =24. Our survey area is 674 arcmin2; this is the deepest and most detailed survey covering such a large area.
Our measurements agree with those of most previous authors at bright and intermediate magnitudes. The new results are as follows.
(1) Galaxies in the Coma cluster have a luminosity function φ( L )∝ L α that is steep (α∼−1.7) for −15< MR <−11, and is shallower brighter than this. The curvature in the luminosity function at MR ∼−15 is statistically significant.
(2) The galaxies that contribute most strongly to the luminosity function at −14< MR <−12 have colours and scalelengths that are consistent with those of local dwarf spheroidal galaxies placed at the distance of Coma.
(3) These galaxies with −14< MR <−12 have a colour distribution that is very strongly peaked at B − R =1.3. This is suggestive of a substantial degree of homogeneity in their star formation histories and metallicities.
(4) These galaxies with −14< MR <−12 also appear to be more confined to the cluster core ( r ∼200 kpc) than the brighter galaxies. Alternatively, this observation may be explained in part or whole by the presence of an anomalously high number of background galaxies behind the cluster core. Velocity measurements of these galaxies would distinguish between these two possibilities.  相似文献   

We present Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph longslit spectroscopy of the isolated S0 galaxy NGC 3115. We have determined kinematical data and Lick/IDS absorption line-strength indices for the major axis out to around 9 kpc and for the minor axis out to around 5 kpc (around 2R e ). Using stellar population models which include the effects of variable [α/Fe] ratios, we derive metallicities, abundance ratios and ages for the stellar population of NGC 3115. We find that [α/Fe] remains fairly constant with increasing radius at around  [α/Fe]= 0.17  for the major axis but increases rapidly for the minor axis to around  [α/Fe]= 0.3  . We also find that to first order, this behaviour can be explained by a simple spheroid + disc model, where the spheroid has  [α/Fe]= 0.3  and the disc shows close to solar abundance ratios. The disc also appears considerably younger than the spheroid, having an age of around 6 Gyr compared to 12 Gyr for the spheroid. We compare these results to those previously presented for the globular cluster system of NGC 3115.  相似文献   

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