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Summary A suite of clinopyroxene and amphibole megacrysts and mafic–ultramafic xenoliths are present in ignimbritic rocks of trachybasaltic–andesitic composition from the Sirwa volcanic district, Morocco. The stumpy prismatic and sometimes euhedral clinopyroxene megacrysts are Ti–Al-rich diopsides with mg values in the range 0.82–0.87 and Ca/(Ca + Mg) ratios in the range 0.53–0.54. The prismatic, elongated amphibole megacrysts are calcic kaersutites–kaersutites with a narrow mg range (0.66–0.68). The xenoliths are represented by gabbroic and pyroxenitic types. In the gabbroic xenoliths two distinct textural types can be distinguished: medium-sized granular and banded. The granular type is characterized by the mineral assemblage Pl + Amph + Spl + Ilm + Ap. The banded type is distinct for the absence of Ilm and the presence of Cpx and Opx and shows alternating bands enriched in Pl and Amph, respectively. The megacrysts and, probably, the xenoliths are considered not cognate with the present host rocks since the calculated liquids in equilibrium with clinopyroxene and amphibole megacrysts over a wide range of physical conditions have different trace and rare earth element contents. The observed phase relations and thermobarometric calculations indicate that the megacrysts and xenoliths crystallized from their parent melts at P ≥ 10 kbar and T ≤ 1160 °C, i.e., in the upper mantle or near the crust-mantle boundary. A deep ( ≥ 30 km) magmatic chamber, where the megacrysts and xenoliths originated, and a shallow volcanic chamber, energetically activated up to explosive conditions by injection of deep-originated melts, is suggested to explain the occurrence of high-pressure megacrysts and xenoliths in the Sirwa volcanic explosive products. Received October 8, 2000; revised version accepted September 9, 2001  相似文献   

The Seiland Igneous Province of the North Norwegian Caledonides consists of a suite of deep-seated rift-related magmatic rocks emplaced into paragneisses during late Precambrian to Ordovician time. In the south-eastern part of the province, contact metamorphism of the paragneisses and later reworking of intrusives and associated contact aureoles have resulted in the development of three successive metamorphic stages. The contact metamorphic assemblage (M1) Opx + Grt + Qtz + Pl + Kfs + Hc + Ilm ± Crd is preserved in xenolithic rafts of paragneiss within metagabbro. Geothermobarometric calculations yield 930-960d? C and 5-6.5 kbar for the contact metamorphism. M1 was followed by cooling, accompanied by strong shearing, formation of the gneiss foliation and recrystallization at intermediate-P granulite facies conditions (M2). Stable M2 phases are Cpx + Opx + Pl +Ilm ± Hbl in metagabbro and Grt ± Sil ± Opx + Kfs + Qtz + Pl ± Bt + Ilm in host paragneiss. The M2 conditions are estimated to 700-750d? C and 5-7 kbar. A subsequent pressure increase is recorded in the M3 episode, which is associated with recrystallization in narrow ductile shear zones and secondary growth on M2 minerals. M3 is defined by the assemblages Grt + Cpx ± Opx + Pl + Ru + Qtz in metagabbro, and Grt ± Ky + Qtz + Pl ± Kfs + Bt + Ru in host paragneiss. M3 conditions are estimated to 650-700d? C and 8-10 kbar. The substantial pressure increase related to the M2 → M3 transition is interpreted to be a result of (early?) Caledonian overthrusting. Chemical zoning in cordierite and biotite suggest rapid cooling following the M3 event. The proposed P-T-t evolution implies that the tectonic evolution of the Seiland Igneous Province was long (at least 330 Ma) and complex and involved initial rifting and extension followed by crustal thickening and compression.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the results of mineralogical and petrographic studies of spinel lherzolite xenoliths and clinopyroxene megacrysts in basalt from the Jixia region related to the central zone of Cenozoic basaltic magmatism of southeastern China. Spinel lherzolite is predominantly composed of olivine (Fo89.6–90.4), orthopyroxene (Mg# = 90.6–92.7), clinopyroxene (Mg# = 90.3–91.9), and chrome spinel (Cr# = 6.59–14.0). According to the geochemical characteristics, basalt of the Jixia region is similar to OIB with asthenospheric material as a source. The following equilibrium temperatures and pressures were obtained for spinel peridotite: 890–1269°C and 10.4–14.8 kbar. Mg# of olivine and Cr# of chrome spinel are close to the values in rocks of the enriched mantle. It is evident from analysis of the textural peculiarities of spinel lherzolite that basaltic melt interacted with mantle rocks at the xenolith capture stage. Based on an analysis of the P–T conditions of the formation of spinel peridotite and clinopyroxene megacrysts, we show that mantle xenoliths were captured in the course of basaltic magma intrusion at a significantly lower depth than the area of partial melting. However, capture of mantle xenoliths was preceded by low-degree partial melting at an earlier stage.  相似文献   

Quartz Al–Mg granulites exposed at In Hihaou, In Ouzzal (NW Hoggar), preserve an unusual high-grade mineral association stable at temperatures up to 1050°C, involving the parageneses orthopyroxene–sillimanite–garnet–quartz, sapphirine–quartz and spinel–quartz. The phase relationships within the FMAS system show that a continuum exists between the earlier prograde reaction textures and those of the later decompressive event. The following mineral reactions involving sillimanite are deduced: (1) Grt+Qtz→Opx+Sil, (2) Opx+Sil→Grt+Spr+Qtz, (3) Grt+Sil+Qtz→Crd, (4) Grt+Sil→Crd+Spr, (5) Grt+Sil+Spr→Crd+Spl, (6) Grt+Sil→Crd+Spl, (7) Grt+Crd+Sil→Spl+Qtz and (8) Grt+Sil→Spl+Qtz. Minerals in quartz Al–Mg granulites display compositional variations consistent with the observed reactions. The Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) range of the main minerals is as follows: cordierite (0.81–0.97), sapphirine (0.77–0.88), orthopyroxene (0.65–0.81), garnet (0.33–0.64) and spinel (0.23–0.56). The reaction textures and the evolution of the mineral assemblages in the quartz Al–Mg granulites indicate a clockwise P–T trajectory characterized by peak conditions of at least 10 kbar and 1050°C, followed by decompression from 10 to 6 kbar at a temperature of at least 900°C.  相似文献   

Representative diamond-bearing gneisses and dolomitic marble, eclogite and Ti-clinohumite-bearing garnet peridotite from Unit I at Kumdy Kol and whiteschist from Unit II at Kulet, eastern Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan, were studied. Diamond-bearing gneisses contain variable assemblages, including Grt+Bt+Qtz±Pl±Kfs±Zo±Chl±Tur±Cal and minor Ap, Rt and Zrn; abundant inclusions of diamond, graphite+chlorite (or calcite), phengite, clinopyroxene, K-feldspar, biotite, rutile, titanite, calcite and zircon occur in garnet. Diamond-bearing dolomitic marbles consist of Dol+Di±Grt+Phl; inclusions of diamond, dolomite±graphite, biotite, and clinopyroxene were identified in garnet. Whiteschists carry the assemblage Ky+Tlc+Grt+Rt; garnet shows compositional zoning, and contains abundant inclusions of talc, kyanite and rutile with minor phlogopite, chlorite, margarite and zoisite. Inclusions and zoning patterns of garnet delineate the prograde P–T path. Inclusions of quartz pseudomorphs after coesite were identified in garnet from both eclogite and gneiss. Other ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) indicators include Na-bearing garnet (up to 0.14 wt% Na2O) with omphacitic Cpx in eclogite, occurrence of high-K diopside (up to 1.56 wt% K2O) and phlogopite in diamond-bearing dolomitic marble, and Cr-bearing kyanite in whiteschist. These UHP rocks exhibit at least three stages of metamorphic recrystallization. The Fe-Mg partitioning between clinopyroxene and garnet yields a peak temperature of 800–1000 °C at P >40 kbar for diamond-bearing rocks, and about 740–780 °C at >28–35 kbar for eclogite, whiteschist and Ti-bearing garnet peridotite. The formation of symplectitic plagioclase+amphibole after clinopyroxene, and replacement of garnet by biotite, amphibole, or plagioclase mark retrograde amphibolite facies recrystallization at 650–680 °C and pressure less than about 10 kbar. The exsolution of calcite from dolomite, and development of matrix chlorite and actinolite imply an even lower grade greenschist facies overprint at c. 420 °C and 2–3 kbar. A clockwise P–T path suggests that supracrustal sediments together with basaltic and ultramafic lenses apparently were subjected to UHP subduction-zone metamorphism within the diamond stability field. Tectonic mixing may have occurred prior to UHP metamorphism at mantle depths. During subsequent exhumation and juxtaposition of many other tectonic units, intense deformation chaotically mixed and mylonitized these lithotectonic assemblages.  相似文献   

Highly anhydrous granulites from Río Santa Rosa in the eastern Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina occur as a thick lens surrounded by melt-depleted migmatites. Grt–Crd granulite composed of Qtz+Pl+Grt+Crd+Ilm±Spl±Ath±Phl is the dominant rock, whereas Opx–Grt granulite appears as discontinuous lenses in the center of the granulite body. Grt–Crd granulite includes blocks of metabasite that are relics of refractory lithologic beds interlayered in the supracrustal sequence. A distinct assemblage composed of Qtz, Pl, Grt, Crd, Opx, Spl, Crn, Sil, Bt, Phl, Ath, and Fe–Ti oxides in different combinations was generated in a reaction zone between Grt–Crd granulites and metabasites at peak metamorphism (850–900 °C and 7.6±0.5 kbar). The PT trajectory of Grt–Crd granulites suggests an early prograde garnet-forming stage followed by nearly isothermal decompression that caused garnet breakdown. Melting and melt draining accompanying garnet growth was active during heating (to 900 °C) at intermediate pressures (∼7.6 kbar). Peak PT estimates for Opx–Grt granulites are similar to those obtained with Grt–Crd granulites, which indicates that both granulites passed through the highest thermal stage. These results constrain the late evolution of Opx–Grt granulite to a garnet-consuming stage. Furthermore, they imply that garnet formation in Opx–Grt granulite happened at an early prograde PT trajectory. Garnet growth in Opx–Grt granulite cannot result from heating at high pressure, which would lead to an apparent contradiction in the prograde PT paths of the two granulites. This discrepancy may be solved by demonstrating that Opx–Grt granulite is the product of synmetamorphic mafic magmatism that was contaminated while cooling. The Río Santa Rosa granulites are inferred to have formed in a thickened crust in which mafic magmatic activity providing a local heat input.  相似文献   

Archaean banded iron formation (BIF) of the Voronezh Crystalline Massif (VCM) contains coexisting clino‐ and orthopyroxenes with exsolution textures. The pyroxene in the VCM BIF is found in two generations, with only the first generation containing such textures. Clinopyroxene contains large (up to 5–10 μm) (0 0 1) orthopyroxene (Opx1L) lamellae in a host clinopyroxene (Cpx1H). This host Cpx, in turn, exsolves into thin (~1 μm) (1 0 0) lamellae of orthopyroxene (Opx2L) and clinopyroxene (Cpx2H). Orthopyroxene exhibits similar exsolution textures with large (up to 50 μm) (0 0 1) clinopyroxene (Cpx1L) lamellae developed in a host orthopyroxene (Opx1H). This clinopyroxene Cpx1L shows further exsolution of thin (1 0 0) Opx2LL lamellae and clinopyroxene (Cpx2LH). Point microprobe analysis, raster‐mode microprobe analysis, and microprobe element mapping of mineral grains with a large number of point analysis were used to determine the composition of the exsolution products and the primary chemistry of the coexisting clinopyroxene (CaO = 14.86–17.26 wt%) and pigeonite (CaO = 4.45–6.23 wt%). These pyroxenes crystallized during the peak of metamorphism, and application of the Lindsley geothermometer suggested that they formed at extremely high temperatures of about 1000 °C. Primary very dense CO2‐rich fluid inclusions (ρ = 1.152 g cm?3, Th = ?49.2 °C) were discovered for the first time in these BIF. With these data, the metamorphic pressure was estimated as 10–11 kbar (depth 36–40 km). Such ultrahigh temperature–high pressure (UHT–HP) conditions for the regional metamorphism of the Precambrian BIF have previously been reported only for Archaean meta‐ironstone from the Napier Complex (Enderby Land, Antarctica). They give an insight into the peak metamorphic conditions of the BIF of the VCM, their burial under thickened continental crust during this period of Earth evolution and suggest a more complicated multistage metamorphic and tectono‐thermal history for the region than has previously been postulated.  相似文献   

Alpine‐type orogenic garnet‐bearing peridotites, associated with quartzo‐feldspathic gneisses of a 140–115 Ma high‐pressure/ultra‐high‐pressure metamorphic (HP‐UHPM) terrane, occur in two regions of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Both exposures are located within NW–SE‐trending strike–slip fault zones. Garnet lherzolite occurs as <10 m wide fault slices juxtaposed against Miocene granite in the left‐lateral Palu‐Koro (P‐K) fault valley, and as 10–30 m wide, fault‐bounded outcrops juxtaposed against gabbros and peridotites of the East Sulawesi ophiolite within the right‐lateral Ampana fault in the Bongka river (BR) valley. Six evolutionary stages of recrystallization can be recognized in the peridotites from both localities. Stage I, the precursor spinel lherzolite assemblage, is characterized by Ol+Cpx+Opx±Prg‐Amp ± Spl±Rt±Phl, as inclusions within garnet cores. Stage II, the main garnet lherzolite assemblage, consists of coarse‐grained Ol+Opx+Cpx+Grt; whereas finer‐grained, neoblastic Ol+Opx+Grt+Cpx±Spl±Prg‐Amp±Phl constitutes stage III. Stages IV and V are manifest as kelyphites of fibrous Opx+Cpx+Spl in inner coronas, and Opx+Spl+Prg‐Amp±Ep in outer coronas around garnet, respectively. The final (greenschist facies) retrogressive stage VI is accompanied by recrystallization of Serp+Chl±Mag±Tr±Ni sulphides±Tlc±Cal. P–T conditions of the hydrated precursor spinel lherzolite stage I were probably about 750 °C at 15–20 kbar. P–T determinations of the peak stage IIc (from core compositions) display considerable variation for samples derived from different outcrops, with clustering at 26–38 kbar, 1025–1210 °C (P‐K & BR); 19–21 kbar, 1070–1090 °C (P‐K), and 40–48 kbar, 1205–1290 °C (BR). Stage IIr (derived from rim compositions) generally records decompression of around 4–12 kbar accompanied by cooling of 50–240 °C from the IIc peak stage. Stage III, which post‐dates a phase of ductile deformation, yielded 22±2 kbar at 750±25 °C (P‐K) and 16±2 kbar at 730±40 °C (BR). The granulite–amphibolite–greenschist decompression sequence reflects uplift to upper crustal levels from conditions of 647–862 °C at P=15 kbar (stage IV), through 580–635 °C at P=10–12 kbar (stage V) to 350–400 °C at P=4–7 kbar (stage VI), respectively, and is identical to the sequence recorded in associated granulite, gneiss and eclogite. Sulawesi garnet peridotites are interpreted to represent minor components of the extensive HP‐UHP (peak P >28 kbar, peak T of c. 760 °C) metamorphic basement terrane, which was recrystallized and uplifted in a N‐dipping continental collision zone at the southern Sundaland margin in the mid‐Cretaceous. The low‐T , low‐P and metasomatized spinel lherzolite precursor to the garnet lherzolite probably represents mantle wedge rocks that were dragged down parallel to the slab–wedge interface in a subduction/collision zone by induced corner flow. Ductile tectonic incorporation into the underthrust continental crust from various depths along the interface probably occurred during the exhumation stage, and the garnet peridotites were subsequently uplifted within the HP‐UHPM nappe, suffering a similar decompression history to that experienced by the regional schists and gneisses. Final exhumation from upper crustal levels was clearly facilitated by entrainment in Neogene granitic plutons, and/or Oligocene trans‐tension in deep‐seated strike–slip fault zones.  相似文献   

Sapphirine granulites from a new locality in the Palni Hill Ranges, southern India, occur in a small enclave of migmatitic, highly magnesian metapelites (mg=85–72) within massive enderbitic orthogneiss. They show a variety of multiphase reaction textures that partially overprint a coarse-grained high-pressure assemblage of Bt+Opx+Ky+Grt+Pl+Qtz. The sequence of reactions as deduced from the corona and symplectite assemblages, together with petrogenetic grid considerations, records a clockwise P–T evolution with four distinct stages. (1) Equilibration of the initial high-P assemblage in deep overthickened crust (12 kbar/800–900 °C) was followed by a stage of near-isobaric heating, presumably as a consequence of input of extra heat provided by the voluminous enderbitic intrusives. During heating, kyanite was converted to sillimanite, and biotite was involved in a series of vapour-phase-absent melting reactions, which resulted in the ultra-high-temperature assemblage Opx+Crd+Kfs+Spr±Sil, Grt, Qtz, Bt, coexisting with melt (equilibration at c. 950–1000° C/11–10 kbar). (2) Subsequently, as a result of decompression of the order of 4 kbar at ultra-high temperature, a sequence of symplectite assemblages (Opx+Sil+Spr/Spr+Crd→Opx+Spr+Crd→Opx+Crd→Opx+Crd+Spl/Crd+Spl) developed at the expense of garnet, orthopyroxene and sillimanite. This stage of near-isothermal decompression implies rapid ascent of the granulites into mid-crustal levels, possibly due to extensional collapse and erosion of the overthickened crust. (3) Development of late biotite through back-reaction of melt with residual garnet indicates a stage of near-isobaric cooling to c. 875 °C at 7–8 kbar, i.e. relaxation of the rapidly ascended crust to the stable geotherm. (4) A second period of near-isothermal exhumation up to c. 6–5 kbar/850 °C is indicated by the partial breakdown of late biotite through volatile phase-absent melting reactions. Available isotope data suggest that the early part of the evolutionary history (stages 1–3) is presumably coeval with the early Proterozoic metamorphism in the extended granulite terrane of the Nilgiri, Biligirirangan and Shevaroy Hills to the north, while the exhumation of the granulites from mid-crustal levels (stage 4) occurred only during the Pan-African thermotectonic event, which led to the accretion of the Kerala Khondalite Belt to the south.  相似文献   

In mafic granulites, garnet can form by reactions such as Opx + Pl = Cpx + Grt + Qtz; Opx + Pl = Grt + Qtz. As a result of isothermal decompression (ITD), garnet can then break down to a characteristic orthopyroxene-plagioclase symplectite. Mafic, iron-rich garnet-pyroxene granulite from the Guaxupé Massif has symplectite that formed by near-isothermal decompression, as a consequence of uplift of the granulite facies terrane. This symplectite was found to consist of vermicular clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene-plagioclase, with clinopyroxene clearly growing from the garnet that is breaking down, modal amounts of clinopyroxene being less than orthopyroxene. Electron probe analyses show clear differences between core (Cpx1), rim, and symplectite clinopyroxene (Cpx2). Considering also the presence of magnetite in the symplectite texture, garnet breakdown is thought to be better represented by a reaction such as Cpx1 + Grt + O2 = Cpx2 + Opx + Pl +Mt + Qtz.  相似文献   

Coronal reaction textures occur in metanorite and related intrusions in the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen of West Africa; they apparently formed by retrograde subsolidus reactions during cooling of the intrusions from 900 to 700 °C at c. 9±1 kbar. The coronas that formed around orthopyroxene (Opx) consist of sequential layers of diopside (Dio), hornblende (Hbl), garnet (Grt) and plagioclase (Pl) with inclusions of kyanite (Ky) or sillimanite (Sil). Three well-organized mineral assemblage sequences have been identified and modelled using steady-state diffusion theory for closed and open systems. The mineral sequence Opx|Hbl+Qtz|Hbl|Pl+Ky, formed by diffusion-controlled reactions in a closed system as layer thicknesses are very sensitive to relative component mobilities defined by Onsager diffusion coefficient (Lii). Models of this corona (type i) that satisfy modes require LCaCa≥LMgMg≥LFeFe>LAlAl~LSiSi ; however, small open-system fluxes involving loss of Al and gain of Ca are required to obtain the best fit between model and observed mineral proportions. Under steady-state diffusion, the monomineralic hornblende layer grew by replacing plagioclase whereas the |Hbl+Qtz| grew by Opx replacement. The type ii corona, which consists of the sequence Opx|Dio|Grt+Dio|Pl+Sil, is also stable under steady-state diffusion in a closed system. Modelling results show that the diopside grew by replacing Opx whereas most of Grt+Dio grew by replacing plagioclase. Stable solutions to the closed-system diffusion model that approximate the mode are restricted to the L-ratio regions where Fe, Mg and Ca are more mobile than Si and Al but are unstable when LAlAl>100 LSiSi . However, type ii corona mineral proportions were only closely matched when open-system loss of Al and gain of small amounts of Fewere considered in the diffusion models and relative mobilities were LFeFe≥LCaCa≥LMgMg>LAlAl~LSiSi . The modelling results indicate that Ca and Mg were the most mobile elements in the formation of type i corona whereas Fe and Ca were the most mobile components in the growth of type ii coronas. A third corona type, consisting of the mineral sequence Act|Hbl|Grt|Pl+Sil, is only stable in open systems and requires large external fluxes involving gain of Fe, Al, Mg and Na and loss of Ca to obtain a solution of the diffusion model that approximates the estimated mineral proportions. Extensive recrystallization of plagioclase to produce sillimanite or kyanite inclusions accompanying corona formation may explain the open-system behaviour indicated by the diffusion models.  相似文献   

Ultramafic blocks that themselves contain eclogite lenses in the Triassic Su-Lu ultrahigh-P terrane of eastern China range in size from hundreds of metres to kilometres. The ultramafic blocks are enclosed in quartzofeldspathic gneiss of early Proterozoic age. Ultramafic rocks include garnetiferous lherzolite, wehrlite, pyroxenite, and hornblende peridotite. Garnet lherzolites are relatively depleted in Al2O3 (<3.8wt%), CaO (<3.2%) and TiO2 (<0.11 wt%), and are low in total REE contents (several p.p.m.), suggesting that the rocks are residual mantle material that was subjected to low degrees of partial melting. The eclogite lenses or layers within the ultramafic rocks are characterized by higher MgO and CaO, lower Al2O3 and TiO2 contents, and a higher CaO/Al2O3 ratio compared to eclogites enclosed in the quartzofeldspathic gneiss. Scatter in the plots of major and trace elements vs. MgO, REE patterns and La, Sm and Lu contents suggest that some eclogites were derived from melts formed by various degrees (0.05–0.20) of partial melting of peridotite, and that other eclogites formed by accumulation of garnet and clinopyroxene ± trapped melt in the upper mantle. Both ultramafic and eclogitic rocks have experienced a complex metamorphic history. At least six stages of recrystallization occurred in the ultramafic rocks based on an analysis of reaction textures and mineral compositions. Stage I is a high temperature protolith assemblage of Ol + Opx + Cpx + Spl. Stage II consists of the ultrahigh-pressure assemblage Ol + Cpx + Opx + Grt. Stage III is manifested by the appearance of fine-grained garnet after coarse-grained garnet. Stage IV is characterized by formation of kelyphitic rims of fibrous Opx and Cpx around garnet, and replacement of garnet by spinel and pargasitic-hornblende. Stage V is represented by the assemblage Ol + Opx + Prg-Hbl + Spl. The mineral assemblages of stages VIA and VIB are Ol + Tr-Amp + Chl and Serp + Chl ± talc, respectively. Garnet and orthopyroxene all show a decrease in MgO with retrogressive recrystallization and Na2O in clinopyroxene also decreases throughout this history. Eclogites enclosed within ultramafic blocks consist of Grt + Omp + Rt ± Qtz ± Phn. A few quartz-bearing eclogites contain rounded and oval inclusion of polycrystalline quartz aggregates after coesite in garnet and omphacite. Minor retrograde features include thin symplectic rims or secondary amphiboles after Cpx, and ilmenite after rutile. P-T estimates indicate that the ultrahigh-metamorphism (stage II) of ultramafic rocks occurred at 820-900d? C and 36-41 kbar and that peak metamorphism of eclogites occurred at 730-900d? C and >28 kbar. Consonant with earlier plate tectonic models, we suggest that these rocks were underplated at the base of the continental crust. The rocks then underwent ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and were tectonically emplaced into thickened continental crust during the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

Mafic garnet-bearing granulites from Sostrene Island, 150 km southwest of Davis Station on the coast of Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, exhibit two-stage symplectic coronas on garnet, formed after peak metamorphic conditions (M1). An outer corona of Opx (Mg66) + Pl (An94–97) + minor Hbl mantles a finer-grained inner corona of Opx (Mg67) + Pl (An95–96) + Spl (Mg36). Both symplectites contain minor ilmenite–magnetite intergrowths. The finer-grained symplectite also occurs along a fracture cleavage in the garnet. The outer corona originated during a second metamorphic event (M2) via the reaction Grt + Cpx (Hbl) + SiO2= Opx + Pl (1), whereas the inner corona formed later in response to decompression and minor deformation, resulting in the fracture cleavage in the garnet, according to the reaction Grt = Opx + Pl + Spl (2). The grossular content of the garent (XGrs= 0.168) is almost exactly that which is required for the stoichiometric breakdown by reaction (2) (calculated XGrs= 0.167). The mafic rocks are silica undersaturated, and the SiO2 for reaction (1) was most probably derived externally from the surrounding felsic gneisses. Preferred P–T estimates for M1 based on garnet core (Prp40Alm42Grs17Sps1)–matrix Opx–Cpx–Hbl pairs are c. 10 kbar at 980°C. The fine-grained symplectite formed post-peak M2 at c. 7 kbar and 850°C. The enclosing felsic gneisses yield pressure estimates of between 5 and 7 kbar, which compare with conditions of c. 6 kbar and 775°C in the nearby Bolingen Islands. These lower P–T estimates are considered to be representative of the widespread 1100-Ma metamorphic event recognized in outcrops along the Prydz Bay coast. The high-P, high-T estimates derived from the garnet relics provide evidence for an earlier, possibly Archaean, high-grade metamorphic event.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1229-1240
Intrusion-bordering migmatites comprise a substantial, high-grade metamorphic part of the Alvand aureole near Hamadan, western Iran. Abundant Al-rich metasedimentary rocks and various granites occur in this region. Migmatites consist of Bt?+?Sill?+?Grt?+?Crd?+?Sp ± Opx melanosomes and Grt?+?Pl?+?Kfs?+?Qtz leucosomes. These assemblages reflect upper pyroxene hornfels to lower sanidinite facies physical conditions. The appearance of orthopyroxene in these rocks marks the pressure–temperature transition from the pyroxene hornfels to the sanidinite facies. Field relations, mineral parageneses, and pressure–temperature estimates suggest that intrusion of granitic magma and concomitant partial melting of metasedimentary wallrock units were the main processes involved in the migmatization. Peak metamorphism took place at 650–750°C and ~2–4 kbar; such high-temperature/low-pressure metamorphism was caused mainly by advective heat derived from the emplacement of plutons. Regional metamorphism, granitic magmatism, and contact metamorphism reflected arc construction and collision during subduction of a Neotethyan seaway and subsequent Late Cretaceous–early Tertiary oblique collision of Afro-Arabia (Gondwana) with the Iranian microcontinent.  相似文献   

Experimental clinopyroxenes synthesized at 850–1500 °C and 0–60 kbar in the CMS and CMAS-Cr systems and in more complex lherzolitic systems have been used to calibrate a Cr-in-Cpx barometer and an enstatite-in-Cpx thermometer for Cr-diopsides derived from garnet peridotites. The experiments cover a wide range of possible natural peridotitic compositions, from fertile pyrolite to refractory, high-Cr lherzolite. The barometer is based on the Cr exchange between clinopyroxene and garnet. Pressure is formulated as a function of temperature and clinopyroxene composition:
where a CaCrTs Cpx=Cr−0.81·Cr#·(Na+K) and Cr#= , with elements in atoms per 6 oxygens. This formulation reproduces the experimental pressures to ±2.3 kbar (1σ) and has a temperature dependence (1.2–2.4 kbar/50 °C, varying with composition) that is weaker than that of the widely used Al-in-Opx barometer (2–3 kbar/50 °C). The enstatite-in-Cpx thermometer includes corrections for the effect of minor components and is formulated as
where K)). The thermometer reproduces the experimental temperatures to ±30 °C (1σ). The uncertainties of the present formulations are comparable to, or better than, those of the most widely used thermobarometers for garnet peridotites. P-T estimates obtained for diamond-bearing and graphite-bearing lherzolite xenoliths and peridotitic clinopyroxene inclusions in kimberlitic and lamproitic diamonds confirm the reliability of the thermobarometer. Cr-diopside thermobarometry appears to be a potential tool for obtaining information on the thermal state of the upper mantle and the extent of mantle sampling by deep-seated magmas. We consider the Cr-in-Cpx barometer to be the best alternative to the Al-in-Opx barometer for the evaluation of pressure conditions of equilibration of natural garnet lherzolites. P-T conditions of equilibration can be directly retrieved from the composition of Cr-diopside alone, thus allowing application to partially altered xenoliths, inclusions in diamonds, and loose grains from sediments. We foresee application of the present thermobarometer to evaluation of the diamond potential of kimberlite and lamproite provinces and in diamond exploration where Cr-diopside from deep mantle sources is preserved in the surficial weathering environment. Received: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 17 March 2000  相似文献   

The Mollendo–Camana Block (MCB) is a 50 × 150 km Precambrian inlier of the Andean belt that outcrops along the Pacific coast of southern Peru. It consists of stromatic migmatites of Paleoproterozoic heritage intensely metamorphosed during the Grenville event (c. 1 Ga; U‐Pb and U‐Th‐Pb ages on zircon and monazite). In the migmatites, aluminous mesosomes (FMAS) and quartzofeldspathic leucosomes (KFMASH), contain various amounts of K‐feldspar (Kfs), orthopyroxene (XMg Opx = 0.86), plagioclase (Pl), sillimanite (Sil; exceptionally kyanite, Ky) ilmenite (Ilm), magnetite (Mag), quartz (Qtz), and minor amounts of garnet (XMg Grt = 0.60), sapphirine (XMg Spr = 0.87), cordierite (XMg Crd = 0.92) and biotite (XMg Bt = 0.83). The ubiquitous peak mineral assemblage is Opx‐Sil‐Kfs‐Qtz‐(± Grt) in most of the MCB, which, together with the high Al content of orthopyroxene (10% Al2O3) and the local coexistence of sapphirine‐quartz, attest to regional UHT metamorphism (> 900 °C) at pressures in excess of 1.0 GPa. Fluid‐absent melting of biotite is responsible for the massive production of orthopyroxene that proceeded until exhaustion of biotite (and most of the garnet) in the southern part of the MCB (Mollendo‐Cocachacra areas). In this area, a first stage of decompression from 1.1–1.2 to 0.8–0.9 GPa at temperatures in excess of 950 °C, is marked by the breakdown of Sil‐Opx to Spr‐Opx‐Crd assemblages according to several bivariant FMAS reactions. High‐T decompression is also shown by Mg‐rich garnet being replaced by Crd‐Spr‐ and Crd‐Opx‐bearing symplectites, and reacting with quartz to produce low‐Al‐Opx‐Sil symplectites in quartz‐rich migmatites. Neither osumilite nor spinel‐quartz assemblages being formed, isobaric cooling at about 0.9 GPa probably followed the initial decompression and proceeded with massive precipitation of melts towards the (Os) invariant point, as demonstrated by Bt‐Qtz‐(± pl) symplectites in quartz‐rich migmatites (melt + Opx + Sil = Bt + Grt + Kfs + Qtz). Finally, Opx rims around secondary biotite attest to late fluid‐absent melting, compatible with a second stage of decompression below 900 °C. The two stages of decompression are interpreted as due to rapid tectonic denudation whereas the regional extent of UHT metamorphism in the area, probably results from large‐scale penetration of hot asthenospheric mantle at the base of an over‐thickened crust.  相似文献   

This study performed equilibrium experiments in order to evaluate previously proposed formulations of the garnet (Grt)–clinopyroxene (Cpx) thermometer as applied to eclogites. The starting material is fine-grained powder of natural eclogite (<10 μm), whose main constituents are Grt (Fe:Mg:Ca∼44:28:28), Cpx (Na pfu∼0.55–0.60), phengite, quartz and rutile. Experimental conditions are 1,100–1,250°C at 2.5 GPa, and the run duration is 193–334 h. The experimental run products mainly consist of Grt, Cpx, and glass. In a preliminary experiment at 1,000°C for 144 h, Cpx grains are clearly zoned and most Grt grains maintain primary compositions. In the higher T (≥1,100°C) and longer run (≥193 h) experiments, Cpx in the run products becomes poorer in Na and higher in Fe/Mg compared with the starting material, and each grain does not show clear chemical zoning. Garnet compositions become poorer in Ca [Ca/(Fe+Mn+Mg+Ca)∼0.2–0.25] and lower in Fe/Mg compared with the starting material. The average composition of Cpx and the average of Ca-poor Grt compositions in each run product were used to evaluate previously proposed formulations of the Grt–Cpx thermometer. Temperatures calculated with formulations by Pattison and Newton (1989) and Berman et al. (1995) are much lower than the experimental temperatures, even though these formulations are based on the compositional bracketing-type experiment. One of the reasons for this discrepancy might be uncertainty of solid-solution properties of Al in Cpx, because the value of the excess interaction parameter for Al in the generally low-Al Cpx modeled by Berman et al. (1995) is much higher than those proposed by independent experiments, resulting in the estimated temperatures being significantly lower than the experimental temperatures.  相似文献   

In the central Minto Block of northern Québec, the Lake Minto and Goudalie domains are dominated, respectively, by orthopyroxene-bearing plutonic suites (granite-granodiorite and diatexite) and a tonalitic gneiss complex, both of which contain scattered remnant paragneisses. Two main granulite-grade mineral assemblages are observed in the paragneiss: garnet (Grt)-orthopyroxene (Opx)-plagioclase-quartz (GOPQ) and garnet (Grt)-cordierite (Crd)-sillimanite-plagioclase-quartz (GCSPQ). These show distinct lithological associations, with the GCSPQ assemblages occurring exclusively within the diatexite in the Lake Minto domain. Petrogenetic grid considerations demonstrate that the GOPQ rocks are higher grade than the GCSPQ rocks. Maximum temperatures for GOPQ rocks, obtained from equilibria based on Al solubility in orthopyroxene in equilibrium with garnet, range from 950 to 1000d? C, significantly higher than garnet-orthopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange temperatures of 700 ± 50d? C, the latter probably representing a closure temperature below peak conditions. The Al temperatures were corrected for late cation exchange by adjusting the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios in garnet and orthopyroxene, to achieve internal consistency between the GOPQ thermometers and barometers. Grt-Crd thermometry records temperatures of 750±50d? C. Peak P-T conditions range from 5-6 kbar and 750-800d? C in the Goudalie and eastern Lake Minto domains, to 7-10 kbar and 950-1000d? C in the western and central Lake Minto domain. This variability contrasts with the uniform crustal pressures of 5 ± 1 kbar recorded by the GCSPQ assemblages in the diatexites and the hornblende granodiorites (c. 4-5 kbar) across the same area. The GOPQ rocks are inferred to record earlier P-T conditions that prevailed before the formation of GCSPQ assemblages and the intrusion of the granodiorites. Partial P-T paths in GOPQ rocks from both domains, based on net transfer equilibria corrected for Fe-Mg resetting, document cooling of 100-250d? C from thermal-peak conditions, concomitant with a modest pressure decrease of 2-3 kbar. Although textures diagnostic of isobaric cooling are not developed, the paths are consistent with a tectonic model in which granulite metamorphism and crustal thickening in the Minto Block were consequences of magmatic underplating. The progression from higher P-T conditions recorded by GOPQ assemblages to lower P-T conditions recorded by GCSPQ assemblages is attributed to variable amounts of synmagmatic uplift and cooling in a single, continuous thermal event in the Minto crust, associated with protracted crustal magmatism. In the Goudalie and eastern Lake Minto domains, where GOPQ and GCSPQ rocks and Hbl granodiorites have similar P-T conditions of equilibration, the crust may not have been thickened as much as further west, where GOPQ P-T conditions are significantly higher than those of the hornblende granodiorites and the GCSPQ rocks.  相似文献   

大兴安岭诺敏河石榴石橄榄岩捕虏体的发现及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
隋建立  樊祺诚  徐义刚 《岩石学报》2012,28(4):1130-1138
在重力梯度带北端的大兴安岭诺敏河第四纪火山岩中发现石榴石相和尖晶石相地幔橄榄岩捕虏体,其矿物组成分别为Ol40~55Opx20~35Cpx0~10Grt5~25和Ol45~65Opx30~40 Cpx0~15Sp0~10。两种地幔相橄榄岩均以方辉橄榄岩为主,说明研究区上地幔具有难熔的特点。其高Mg#橄榄石Fo91~92和高Cr#31~47尖晶石特征与南区哈河的地幔橄榄岩特征一致。在橄榄石含量与Fo图解上,敏河橄榄岩包体落在太古代和元古代地幔区域,揭示大兴安岭地区岩石圈地幔可能保留了较多古老的残余地幔。根据石榴石橄榄岩的平衡温压条件(1114~1168℃和2.14~2.33GPa),推测来源深度为70~75km。这些数据暗示研究区具有较高的地温梯度,与中国东部新生代火山岩区的地温梯度相似。  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients of Cr and Al in chromite spinel have been determined at pressures ranging from 3 to 7 GPa and temperatures ranging from 1,400 to 1,700°C by using the diffusion couple of natural single crystals of MgAl2O4 spinel and chromite. The interdiffusion coefficient of Cr–Al as a function of Cr# (=Cr/(Cr + Al)) was determined as D Cr–AlD 0 exp {−(Q′ + PV*)/RT}, where D 0 = exp{(10.3 ± 0.08) × Cr#0.54±0.02} + (1170 ± 31.2) cm2/s, Q′ = 520 ± 81 kJ/mol at 3 GPa, and V* = 1.36 ± 0.25 cm3/mol at 1,600°C, which is applicable up to Cr# = 0.8. The estimation of the self-diffusion coefficients of Cr and Al from Cr–Al interdiffusion shows that the diffusivity of Cr is more than one order of magnitude smaller than that of Al. These results are in agreement with patterns of multipolar Cr–Al zoning observed in natural chromite spinel samples deformed by diffusion creep.  相似文献   

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