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Precise Point Positioning (PPP) algorithms have been widely used in the Global Positioning System (GPS)-based applications. A PPP technique with a single receiver provides effective solutions where accurate absolute positioning is required. This paper provides the performance assessment of GPS PPP for detecting the displacements caused by an earthquake. For this purpose, the earthquake that occurred on 21 July 2017 at Kos-Bodrum with the impact of Mw 6.6 was investigated by analyzing the data of the permanent GPS stations located around the related region with the PPP technique. The location distances of these GPS stations range from 10 to 89 km to the epicenter of this earthquake. GPS data provided from seven permanent stations from the Continuously Operating Reference Stations-Turkey (CORS-TR) and local Bodrum CORS networks were processed to determine the co-seismic displacements during the earthquake. The data of these stations for days of year (DOYs) 200, 201, 202, and 203 were analyzed with post-process static PPP and kinematic PPP methods. GIPSY-OASIS II v6.4 was used for processing the data and all of the solutions were performed in the ITRF2008 reference frame. Two strategies were followed on the post-process static solutions. In the first strategy, 4-day data with 24-h observations were separately analyzed day by day. In the second strategy, the 24-h data were divided into 3-h duration, which is the minimum duration for optimum PPP solutions, and then the analyses were performed. When the displacements between DOYs 200 and 203 are considered in the 24-h data analysis, significant displacements have been observed through northwest direction in the northern stations whereas MUG1 is excluded. Moreover, there is significant displacement through the southeast direction in the station DATC located in the south of the epicenter. When the 3-h solutions are examined, displacements, especially on n and e directions, are observed starting from the solutions, which include Mw 6.6 earthquake. According to the kinematic PPP solutions, the effects of the Mw 6.6 earthquake can be seen clearly in the stations DATC, ORTA, TRKB, and YALI. Considering all outcomes, the PPP technique with both static and kinematic solutions provides effective results for detecting the displacements during the earthquake.  相似文献   

针对2008年发生汶川8.0级地震的龙门山断裂铲状分布和断层倾滑面倾角随深度变化特点,本文提出了描述龙门山断层同震运动(滑动和转动)的向-位错组合模型。结合地质数据采用回归分析法模拟了断层在倾滑过程中断层面倾滑方向随断层深度的分布特征;利用四川地区实测的三维同震GPS数据结合粒子群算法,采用向-位错模型对汶川地震断层面的同震滑动和随深度的方向转动(向错)进行了反演计算,并将反演的同震滑动区域和大小分布与USGS断层滑动结果进行了对比分析。理论分析和模型计算表明:(1)在汶川8.0级地震发生过程中,由于断层的倾滑面为倾角由上向下逐渐变小的曲面,断层面上的倾滑方向也随断层面法线的改变而变化,即断层面在破裂过程中存在明显的向错现象;(2)龙门山发震断层的倾滑面转动方向随深度变化为一开口向上的抛物线,震中位于转动角变化的极值点附近;(3)在断层几何参数相同的情况下,采用向-位错组合模型反演的同震滑动区域和USGS的滑动区域具有较好的一致性,滑动大小的差异主要由断层模型之间的差异、测量误差等多种因素引起。  相似文献   

The kinematic rupture process of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) was derived given apparent source time functions (ASTFs) retrieved from Rayleigh waves using a refined homomorphic deconvolution method. The total duration of the rupture process was about 165 s. Three slip-concentrated areas were identified based on images of static slip distribution. The largest asperity, located up-dip from the hypocenter with an area of 250 km × 110 km extending to the trench on the fault, had a maximum slip of about 54 m. The other asperities with smaller slip down-dip from the hypocenter were centered on the north and south of the hypocenter, respectively. The preferred average rupture expansion velocity was 1.2 km/s within 130 km from the hypocenter and up to 2.3 km/s over other areas on the fault. Thus, the region near the vicinity of the hypocenter with lower rupture velocity had higher slip amplitude, strongly suggesting brittle failure on a high friction fault. Based on ASTF results, our proposed method offers another way of directly detecting the kinematic source parameters of earthquakes.  相似文献   

A. Lin  T. Ouchi  A. Chen  T. Maruyama   《Tectonophysics》2001,330(3-4):225-244
A nearly 100-km-long surface rupture zone, called Chelungpu surface rupture zone, occurred mostly along the pre-existing Chelungpu fault on the northwestern side of Taiwan, accompanying the 1999 Chi-Chi Ms 7.6 earthquake. The Chelungpu surface rupture zone can be divided into four segments based on the characteristics of co-seismic displacements, geometry of the surface ruptures and geological structures. These segments generally show a right-step en echelon form and strike NE–SW to N–S, and dip to the east with angles ranging from 50 to 85°. The co-seismic flexural-slip folding structures commonly occurred in or near the surface rupture zone from a few meters to a few hundreds of meters in width, which have an orientation in fold axes parallel or oblique to the surface rupture zone. The displacements measured in the southern three segments are approximately 1.0–3.0 m horizontally and 2.0–4.0 m vertically. The largest displacements were measured in the northern segment, 11.1 m horizontally and 7.5 m vertically, respectively. The amount of co-seismic horizontal shortening caused by flexural-slip folding and reverse faulting in the surface rupture zone is generally less than 3 m. It is evident that the co-seismic displacements of the surface rupture zone are a quantitative surface indicator of the faulting process in the earthquake source fault. The relations between the geometry and geomorphology of the surface rupture zone, dips of the co-seismic faulting planes and the striations on the main fault planes generated during the co-seismic displacement, show that the Chelungpu surface rupture zone is a reverse fault zone with a large left-lateral component.  相似文献   

To clarify the generating mechanism of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) and the induced tsunami, we determined high-resolution tomographic images of the Northeast Japan forearc. Significant lateral variations of seismic velocity are visible in the megathrust zone, and most large interplate thrust earthquakes are found to occur in high-velocity (high-V) areas. These high-V zones may represent high-strength asperities at the plate interface where the subducting Pacific plate and the overriding Okhotsk plate are coupled strongly. A shallow high-V zone with large coseismic slip near the Japan Trench may account for the mainshock asperity of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake. Because it is an isolated asperity surrounded by low-velocity patches, most stress on it was released in a short time and the plate interface became decoupled after the Mw 9.0 earthquake. Thus the overriding Okhotsk plate there was shot out toward the Japan Trench and caused the huge tsunami.  相似文献   

On April 20 th, 2013, an earthquake of magnitude MW 6.6 occurred at Lushan of Sichuan on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, with no typical coseismic surface rupture. This work plotted an isoseismal map of the earthquake after repositioning over 400 post–earthquake macro–damage survey points from peak ground acceleration(PGA) data recorded by the Sichuan Digital Strong Earthquake Network. This map indicates that the Lushan earthquake has a damage intensity of IX on the Liedu scale, and that the meizoseismal area displays an oblate ellipsoid shape, with its longitudinal axis in the NE direction. No obvious directivity was detected. Furthermore, the repositioning results of 3323 early aftershocks, seismic reflection profiles and focal mechanism solutions suggests that the major seismogenic structure of the earthquake was the Dayi Fault, which partly defines the eastern Mengshan Mountain. This earthquake resulted from the thrusting of the Dayi Fault, and caused shortening of the southern segment of the Longmenshan in the NW–SE direction. Coseismal rupture was also produced in the deep of the Xinkaidian Fault. Based on the above seismogenic model and the presentation of coseismic surface deformation, it is speculated that there is a risk of more major earthquakes occurring in this region.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川地震(Ms8.0)地表破裂带的分布特征   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日14时28分,青藏高原东缘龙门山地区(四川汶川)发生了Ms8.0级地震。震后野外考察表明,5.12汶川地震发生在NE走向的龙门山断裂带上,该断裂带晚新生代以来的逆冲速率小于1mm/a,GPS观察结果表明其缩短速率小于3mm/a。这次5.12汶川地震造成了多条同震逆冲地表破裂带,总体长约275km,宽约15km,发震断裂机制主要为逆冲作用(由NW向SE逆冲)伴随右旋走滑。地表主破裂带沿龙门山断裂带的映秀—北川断裂发育,长约275km,笔者称为映秀—北川破裂带,破裂带具有逆冲兼右旋走滑性质。地表次级破裂带沿龙门山断裂带的前缘断裂安县—灌县断裂南段发育,长80km,笔者称为汉旺破裂带,破裂带基本为纯逆冲性质。在这两条破裂带之间发育两条更次一级的同震地表破裂带:一条长约20km呈NE走向的地表破裂带,笔者称为深溪沟破裂带,由于这条破裂带靠近主破裂带南段,并且与主破裂带变形特征一致,因此,笔者将深溪沟破裂带划归映秀—北川破裂带;另一条长约6km呈NW走向、由SW向NE逆冲并兼有左旋滑动的地表破裂带,笔者称为小鱼洞破裂带,它连接映秀—北川破裂带和汉旺破裂带,成为侧向断坡。另外,在灌县—安县断裂东侧的四川盆地内,由都江堰的聚源到江油发育一条NE向的沙土液化带,它可能是四川盆地西部深部盲断裂活动的结果。同震地表破裂带的分布特征表明,龙门山断裂带活动断裂具有强烈的逆冲作用并伴随较大的右旋走滑,断裂向四川盆地扩展。在龙门山断裂带上类似2008年5月12日Ms8.0汶川大地震的强震复发周期为3000~6000a。  相似文献   

Summary On 26 March, 1993, a moderate magnitude earthquake (M s=5.5) occurred at 3 km epicentral distance from the town of Pyrgos, in Southern Greece, causing extensive damage to masonry houses. To explain the variability of seismic intensity over the town and to propose measures against future seismic activity, a microzonation study was undertaken which combined geological, geophysical and geotechnical investigations, site specific analyses of seismic ground response and detailed recording of structural damage. The analytical predictions of ground response are correlated to soil conditions and then used to identify (micro-)zones of sites with similar seismic response. Furthermore, they are compared to quantitative estimates of damage distribution over the town. It is concluded that the peak ground acceleration, normalized against the input peak seismic acceleration, is a function of the local soil conditions as well as the seismic excitation characteristics. Hence, it cannot be defined uniquely at a site, without reference to the seismic excitation. However, the normalized peak ground velocity and the acceleration response spectra are mainly functions of the soil conditions and can be used as criteria for the practical definition of (micro-)zones. The distribution of damage in various parts of the town is at least partially attributable to local soil effects. The small epicentral distance of the earthquake, connected with the direction of the fault rupture, as well as the quality and techniques of construction, are additional factors that may have influenced the extent and distribution of damage.  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探主孔流体地球化学异常与远强震的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2001年11月14日发生的昆仑山口西Ms8.1级地震和2004年12月26日发生的印度尼西亚苏门答腊Ms8.7级地震前后,中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔流体组成出现明显的异常。两次远强震前后的流体异常幅度很大,并具有相似的演化趋势。异常始于震前2—7天,He、N2/O2、He/Ar、N2/Ar为负异常,Ar/O2为正异常。远强震前后流体异常特征与CCSD附近小震前后流体异常特征具有明显的区别,表明昆仑山口西Ms8.1级地震前后和苏门答腊Ms8.7级地震前后的CCSD主孔流体异常可能与两次远强震相关。认为CCSD主孔中的He、N2、Ar是记录远强震的敏感载体,可能记录了震前长周期波传播至CCSD主孔时激发的流体变化,反映了震源区的应力变化,也可能反映了区域构造活动乃至地球深部构造活动产生的场兆、源兆信息。  相似文献   

潘家伟  李海兵  吴富峣  李宁  郭瑞强  张伟 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3449-3459
2010年4月14日,青海省玉树地区发生Ms7.1级地震,造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失.地震发生后,我们对地震地表破裂带进行了详细的考察,并对同震位移量进行了精确的测量.根据野外考察和测量的结果,对玉树地震的地表破裂特征、同震位移量及其分布特征进行了分析,并对地震的破裂机制和破裂过程进行了探讨,取得如下认识:(1)玉树地震形成了沿鲜水河断裂带西北段(甘孜-玉树断裂)分布的东、西两条地表破裂带,西段破裂带分布在微观震中附近的隆宝湖拉分盆地中,长约19km;东段破裂带沿扎曲河南岸及巴塘河西岸山坡展布,长度约31km;上述两条破裂带之间存在约15km的地表破裂空区;(2)野外测量获得玉树地震的最大同震位移量为2.3m,位于东段地表破裂带中部郭央烟宋多附近;(3)地表破裂和野外构造地貌特征均反映了发震断层处于走滑伸展环境,断层左旋走滑过程中伴随正断作用;(4)地震波反演结果和地表破裂分布特征表明,玉树地震的破裂过程包括两次子事件,分别在地表形成了隆宝湖破裂带和扎曲河、巴塘河破裂带,隆宝湖及玉树县城西侧的山间谷地是在甘孜-玉树断裂长期活动的破裂带阶区转换拉张过程中形成的两个拉分盆地.  相似文献   

N. Pulido  T. Kubo   《Tectonophysics》2004,390(1-4):177-192
The October 6/2000 Tottori earthquake that occurred in central Japan was an intermediate size strike-slip event that produced a very large number of near field strong motion recordings. The large amount of recorded data provides a unique opportunity for investigating a source asperity model of the Tottori earthquake that, combined with a hybrid strong motion simulation technique, is able to reproduce the observed broadband frequency near-fault ground motion.

We investigated the optimum source asperity parameters of the Tottori earthquake, by applying a Genetic Algorithm (GA) inversion scheme to optimise the fitting between simulated and observed response spectra and Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values. We constrained the initial model of our inversion by using the heterogeneous slip distribution obtained from a kinematic inversion of the source of previous studies. We used all the observed near-fault ground motions (−100 m) from the borehole strong motion network of Japan (KiK-Net), which are little affected by surficial geology (site effects).

The calculation of broadband frequency strong ground motion (0.1–10 Hz) is achieved by applying a hybrid technique that combines a deterministic simulation of the wave propagation for the low frequencies and a semi-stochastic modelling approach for the high frequencies. For the simulation of the high frequencies, we introduce a frequency-dependent radiation pattern model that efficiently removes the dependence of the pattern coefficient on the azimuth and take-off angle as the frequency increases. The good agreement between the observed and simulated broadband ground motions shows that our inversion procedure is successful in estimating the optimum asperity parameters of the Tottori earthquake and provides a good test for the strong ground motion simulation technique.

The ratio of background stress drop to average asperity stress drop from our inversion is nearly 50%, in agreement with the theoretical asperity model of Das and Kostrov [Das, S., Kostrov, B.V., 1986. Fracture of a single asperity on a finite fault: a model for weak earthquakes? Earthquake Source Mechanics, AGU, pp. 91–96.], and an empirical ratio of asperities to rupture area [Seismol. Res. Lett. 70 (1999) 59–80.].

The simulated radiation pattern is very complex for epicentral distances within half the fault length, but it approaches the radiation of a double-couple point source for larger distances.

The rupture velocity and rise time have a significant influence on the Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) distribution around the fault. An increase in rupture velocity produces a similar effect on the ground motion as a reduction in rise time.  相似文献   

2021年5月22日2时4分,青海省果洛藏族自治州玛多县发生了MS 7.4级强烈地震,震中位于巴颜喀拉地块北部边界东昆仑断裂带以南约70 km左右(34.59°N,98.34°E),震源深度17 km.震后的野外现场考察表明,这次地震在海拔4200~4600 m的高原面上形成了一系列由张裂隙、张剪裂隙、剪切裂隙、挤压鼓包和裂陷等多类型破裂雁行状组合而成的复杂同震地表变形带,总体表现为左行走滑运动性质,局部略带正断分量.该破裂带主要沿东昆仑断裂带南部的江错断裂分布,整体呈N105°E走向,全长约151 km.根据破裂带的走向变化和阶区特征,可将其分为四段:西段、中西段、中东段和东段.其中西段分叉为南、北两支,北支破裂走向N112°E,呈不连续分布,长约18 km,南支走向N94°E,呈连续性分布,长约25 km,最大左行位错约2.9 m;中西段全长约52 km,主要由约22 km长、呈N109°E走向的连续分布的地表破裂与稍北分布约30 km长、不连续分布的两支破裂组合而成,最大左行位错约1.9 m;中东段为总体呈N104°E走向的不连续地表破裂,全长约51 km,其中包含长约20 km的破裂空区;东段分叉为北、中、南三支,北支为走向N84°E、长约23 km的连续性破裂,最大左行位错约1.8 m,中间一支为N110°E走向、长约14 km的不连续破裂,南支则表现为零星破裂及系列滑塌,走向N120°E,长约6 km.这种两端发育较大规模分叉的"扫帚"状同震地表破裂在青藏高原已发生的走滑型地震中尚未报道过.这次地震的发震断裂为江错断裂,该断裂向西延伸可与2001年东昆仑MS 8.1地震的发震断层昆仑山口断裂相接,表明昆仑山口-江错断裂带与北部东昆仑断裂带中东部的托索湖-玛沁断裂挤压弯曲段共同构成了巴颜喀拉地块北部的宽阔边缘断裂带,并与南部的玉树-甘孜-鲜水河断裂带协同运动,共同调节着巴颜喀拉地块向东的运动和形变.由于东昆仑断裂带东部的玛沁—玛曲段是历史地震空区,因此可能是未来强震发生的区段.同时需要考虑到近20多年以来,巴颜喀拉地块周缘的强震活动具有跳跃性特征.因此,在未来的强震危险性评价中,应重点关注巴颜喀拉地块北边界带中东段玛沁—玛曲段和南部边界带鲜水河断裂带等的强震活动性及危险性.  相似文献   

We use acceleration data from the Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (OVSICORI-UNA) and Laboratorio de Ingenieria Sismica, Universidad de Costa Rica (LIS-UCR) seismic network for the relocation and moment-tensor solution of the September 5, 2012, 14:42:03.35 UTC, Nicoya, Costa Rica earthquake (Mw 7.6 GCMT). Using different relocation methods we found a stable earthquake hypocenter, near the original OVSICORI-UNA location in the Nicoya Peninsula, NW Costa Rica at Lat 9.6943°N, Lon 85.5689°W, depth 15.3 km, associated with the subduction of the Cocos plate under Caribbean plate. Acceleration records at OVSICORI-UNA and LIS-UCR stations (94–171 km), at 0.03 < f < 0.06 Hz were used in the waveform inversion for a single-point centroid moment tensor (CMT). Using spatial grid search the centroid position was found at the depth of 30 km, situated at Lat 10.0559°N, Lon 85.4778°W, i.e. of about 41 km NNE from the epicenter. The centroid time is 14:42:18.89 UTC, i.e. 15.54 s later relative to the location-based origin time. The nodal plane (strike 318°, dip 27° and rake 115°) is the fault plane that agrees with the geometry of the subducted slab at Nicoya, NNW Costa Rica. Increasing the maximum studied frequency from 0.06 to 0.15 Hz, the multiple point source inversion model leads to two subevents. The first one was located near the centroid and the second subevent was situated 20 km along strike and 10 km down dip from the first subevent and 6 s later. The uncertainty of the source model was carefully examined using complementary inversion methods, viz the iterative deconvolution and non-negative least squares.  相似文献   

据中国地震台网测定,2021年5月21日21时48分在云南省大理州漾濞县发生MS6.4地震,及时查明此次地震的发震构造及震源破裂特征,可为认识该区孕震条件和判别未来强震危险性提供关键依据。采用双差定位方法对漾濞地震序列进行重新定位,得到3863次地震事件的精确震源位置。结果显示:漾濞地震序列整体呈北西—南东向分布,长约25 km;整体走向135°;MS6.4主震震中位置为25.688°N,99.877°E;震源深度约9.6 km。综合地震序列深度剖面和震源机制解结果可知,发震断层应为北西走向、整体向西南方向陡倾的右旋走滑断层,倾角具有自北西向南东逐渐变缓的趋势。进一步分析地震序列的时空演化过程发现,该地震具有典型的"前震-主震-余震型"地震序列活动特点,其破裂过程主要包括3个阶段。破裂成核阶段:首先在发震断层10~12 km深度处相对脆弱部位产生小尺度破裂,之后失稳加速破裂,发生MS5.6地震;主震破裂阶段:在构造应力场持续加载和周围小尺度破裂的共同影响下,促使浅部较高强度断层闭锁区破裂,形成MS6.4主震;尾端拉张破裂阶段:主震破裂向东南扩展过程中,在东南端形成与之呈马尾状斜交的、具有正断性质的次级破裂,并产生MS5.2余震。而且此次地震还在源区北东侧触发了北北东向的左旋走滑破裂。综合分析认为,漾濞地震是兰坪-思茅地块内部北西向草坪断裂在近南北向区域应力挤压作用下发生右旋走滑运动的结果,具有明显的新生断裂特征。近年来兰坪-思茅地块内部一系列中强地震的发生表明,青藏高原物质向东南持续挤出的过程中,遇到该地块的阻挡,正在导致地块内部早期断层贯通形成新的活动断裂。因此,川滇地块西南边界带上或相邻地块内部老断层的复活和新生断裂的产生是区域中强地震危险性分析评价中值得关注的重要课题,同时建议需重视未来该区中强地震进一步向东南和向北的迁移或扩展的可能性。   相似文献   

P. Mandal  S. Horton   《Tectonophysics》2007,429(1-2):61-78
The HYPODD relocation of 1172 aftershocks, recorded on 8–17 three-component digital seismographs, delineate a distinct south dipping E–W trending aftershock zone extending up to 35 km depth, which involves a crustal volume of 40 km × 60 km × 35 km. The relocated focal depths delineate the presence of three fault segments and variation in the brittle–ductile transition depths amongst the individual faults as the earthquake foci in the both western and eastern ends are confined up to 28 km depth whilst in the central aftershock zone they are limited up to 35 km depth. The FPFIT focal mechanism solutions of 444 aftershocks (using 8–12 first motions) suggest that the focal mechanisms ranged between pure reverse and pure strike slip except some pure dip slip solutions. Stress inversion performed using the P and T axes of the selected focal mechanisms reveals an N181°E oriented maximum principal stress with a very shallow dip (= 14°). The stress inversions of different depth bins of the P and T axes of selected aftershocks suggest a heterogeneous stress regime at 0–30 km depth range with a dominant consistent N–S orientation of the P-axes over the aftershock zone, which could be attributed to the existence of varied nature and orientation of fractures and faults as revealed by the relocated aftershocks.  相似文献   

利用2011年1—6月云南地区的连续波形资料,采用背景噪声和波形互相关方法分别反演该地区的速度结构以及2011年3月24日缅甸7.2级地震前后60d的速度变化图像。同时,根据云南地区中小地震计算缅甸地震前后应变能释放响应比空间分布,并利用缅甸地震的震源参数,计算了缅甸地震对云南地区主要断裂产生的库仑破裂应力影响。结果显示:(1)禄劝至华坪一带、永定至泸水区域和通海至建水地区震后波速增加,同时该地区地震活动增强,相应断裂上库仑破裂应力增加,说明缅甸地震对这些区域具有加速构造活动的正影响;(2)小江断裂带以东马龙至宣威地区和南汀河断裂带以南临沧至景洪地区震后波速降低,地震活动减弱,断裂上库仑破裂应力降低,说明缅甸地震对该区域具有减缓构造活动的负影响。  相似文献   

The Takoe earthquake (M W 5.2) occurred between two en-echelon segments of the active Aprelovskii fault on September 1, 2001, and was accompanied by an earthquake swarm, which was successfully recorded by a local network of digital seismic stations located on the southern part of Sakhalin Island. Modern methods were applied to relocate the parameters of the sources for the earthquake swarm event and significantly specify their spatial distribution and relations to the structural-geological features of the complex system of interacting faults. New data on the correlation between the source mechanism and the modern geodynamic setting in the southern part of Sakhalin were obtained.  相似文献   

Four shallow boreholes were drilled in the Hils syncline, northern Germany, in order to determine quantitatively the amount of hydrocarbons generated and expelled during maturation of a typical kerogen-type-II-bearing source rock. The holes penetrated the carbonceous Lias shales (Posidonia shale, Lower Toarcian) and part of the adjacent Dogger α and Lias δ mudstones. The maturity of the organic matter in the cores recovered ranges from immature (0.48% R̄0) to overmature 1.45% R̄0) due to location of the Hils syncline in the vicinity of the Vlotho Massif, which is deep-seated intrusive body. Facies variations of the Lias within the short geographical distances in the study area are negligible.Organic matter mass balance calculations were based on detailed organic geochemical analyses of residual material in the Lias shales (kerogen, bitumen etc.) and on the evidence of a uniform initial composition of these sediments in the study area. Dead carbon determinations supported this latter criterion but were not used as a parameter in the calculations.About 50% of the initial kerogen was transformed into oil, gas and inorganic compounds during the vitrinite reflectance increase from 0.48 to 0.88% R̄o and only marginally more during the maturity increase from 0.88 to 1.45% R̄o. Only a small portion of the generated material remained in the source rock even at a relatively early stage of generation (0.68% R̄o). Expulsion efficiency of oil plus gas reached a value of 86% at the end of the main generation stage (0.88% R̄o).  相似文献   

The environment of Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) area is of great significance to the global environmental background and environmental change research. However, there are few studies on the content and distribution of soil trace elements in the area. About 130 soil samples were collected nearby the Rongbuk valley at the northern slope of the Qomolangma from 4,400 to 6,600 m elevations. Nine soil trace elements, Cr, Zn, Sr, Pb, Ni, Co, Cd, Mn, Cu, were analyzed with ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atom emission spectrometry). The results showed that soil trace elements content increased with altitude; the content of the Cd in this area was very high, which was 5.8 times of the average content of Chinese soil. There was a noticeable change point for soil trace elements content at the altitude of 5,800 m, and the content of Cd increased abruptly above 5,800 m. This point was just located at the boundary of two types of rocks. The Late Precambrian-Neoproterozoic granite–gneiss and metacryst migmatized interbedded with marble located below 5,800 m; black-dark slate and marl of Cambrian located above 5,800 m (including 5,800 m), the geochemical characteristic of different rocks was the main factors controlling the soil trace elements content in the northern slope of Qomolangma Mountain.  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated measurement technique based on DC methods (vertical electrical sounding, electrical resistivity tomography) which was used to identify faults and determine their geoelectric parameters in the western part of the Chuya basin. New information on the structure of the Chagan River valley located in the zone of the disastrous 27 September 2003 Chuya earthquake has been obtained from the results of these methods. Geoelectric cross-sections of the sedimentary sequence and the upper part of the basement were obtained from VES data, showing the block structure of the study area. Electrical resistivity tomography sections confirm the presence of a major fault between basement blocks of different heights and indicate the presence of faults bounding the valley on its right side and in the southwestern part.  相似文献   

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