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P. S. Cally 《Solar physics》2006,233(1):79-87
Simple fluxtube models of coronal loops have previously been found to support leaky oscillations, where energy escapes from the tube laterally, thereby damping the mode. Of particular interest is the Principal Fast Leaky Kink mode (PFLK), which may be implicated in the decay of loop oscillations observed by TRACE. However, recently, M.S. Ruderman and B. Roberts, J. Plarma Phys. (in press), claimed that the PFLK mode, and many other leaky modes of oscillation, are unphysical, based on an initial value calculation. In this note, their arguments are shown to be incorrect.  相似文献   

本文用球对称扰动模型导出了星系暗晕的平均密度与形成时间的关系 ,并由此估算银河系的形成时间tV.我们把球状星团的年龄作为银河系年龄tG 的代表 ,则tG tV 是宇宙年龄 .对Ωλ=0 ,0 .7和 0 .8的平坦宇宙模型 ,本文计算并讨论了能与它相洽的哈勃常数的范围 .结果表明 ,若哈勃常数大到 80km·s- 1 Mpc- 1 左右 ,引入宇宙常数并不一定能解决宇宙年龄的矛盾  相似文献   

刘建炜  王发印 《天文学报》2011,52(6):467-480
利用Union2 557个Ia型超新星数据限制宇宙学参数qo、jo和so,在红移z≤1.4范围内校准5个γ暴(gamma-ray burst,GRB)光度关系.假设γ暴光度关系不随红移演化,得到66个高红移γ暴的距离模数.最后综合利用宇宙微波背景(Cosmic Microwave Background,CMB)辐射观测数据、重子声波震荡(Baryon AcousticOscillations,BAO)观测数据与116个具有红移的γ暴数据限制几个常见的暗能量模型.根据贝叶斯判据(Bayesian Information Criterion,BIC),发现ACDM模型是最好的模型;根据Akaike判据(Akaike Information Criterion,AIC),发现JBP模型是最好的模型.  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient iterative method of arbitrary positive integer order of convergence 2 will be established for the two-body universal initial value problem. The method is of dynamic nature in the sense that, on going from one iterative scheme to the subsequent one, only additional instruction is needed. Moreover, which is the most important, the method does not need any a priori knowledge of the initial guess. A property which avoids the critical situations between divergent to very slow convergent solutions, that may exist in other numerical methods which depend on initial guess. Some applications of the method are also given.  相似文献   

The system of U Pegasi was observed photometrically in B and V filtersin 1998 at Birouni Observatory, University of Shiraz, Iran. Two Lightcurves were obtained and have been analyzed separately of Wilson-Devinneycode. New geometrical and physical elements for the system are given. Theabsolute dimensions of the binary have been derived by combining thephotometric solution with spectroscopic data of the system. The lightcurves analysis indicate that U peg is an overcontact W UMa system with Wtype components which fill their corresponding Roche lobe. The resultsobtained in this study indicate that U Peg may be lied on main sequencewith estimated masses of 0.565 M and 0.362 M .  相似文献   

In our comment we argue that the results obtained by Cally (2006) are based on a wrong solution of the initial value problem.  相似文献   

The dichotomy between a universal mass function (IMF) and a variable IMF which depends on local physical parameters characterises observational and theoretical stellar astronomy. In this contribution the available distributions of probability are briefly reviewed. The physical nature of two of them, gamma variate and lognormal, is then explained once the framework of the fragmentation is introduced. Interpolating techniques are then applied to the sample of the first 10 pc and to the open cluster NGC 6649: in both cases lognormal distribution produces the best fit. The three power law function has also been investigated and visual comparison with an artificially generated sample of 100000 stars suggests that the variations in the spectral index are simply due to the small number of stars available in the observational sample. In order to derive the sample of masses, a new formula that allows us to express the mass as a function of the absolute magnitude and (B‐V) for MAIN V, GIANTS III and SUPERGIANTS I is derived. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Ozhogina  O. A. 《Astronomy Letters》2019,45(9):627-634
Astronomy Letters - On July 12, 2014, an unusual light structure was observed in the NOAA 12109 sunspot umbra at the Horizontal Solar Telescope of the Sayan Observatory. It differed from...  相似文献   

In order to improve the light curve solutions we suggest to use a new approach. A library of the Fourier-coefficients (up to 20th term) of (several millions of) light curves was constructed each of the light curves has different input parameters. A light curve solution is made in a very fast way: its discrete Fourier-transform yields not more than some simple number which are compared to the Fourier-coefficients in the library. A chi-squared test can help us to estimate very good initial parameters for the differential correction analysis. The library can also be used to study the uniqeness problem of the light curve solutions. Here we investigated the uniqueness of the spot solution of SV Cam.  相似文献   

The synchronization between the orbital motion and axial rotation of the two component stars of a binary system is reviewed. Some previous published papers are mentioned and the general conclusion is outlined: If we shall use a rotating coordinate system synchronous with one of the two stellar axial rotations, it is not possible to obtain a Jacobi integral and the Roche geometry cannot be further analyzed. In addition, a theoretical approach is summarized in order to use the axial rotations of the two component stars, even if the constants of the stellar structure (k2)1, (k2)2must be taken into consideration. So it is found that if the stellar angular velocities are higher than the corresponding Keplerian angular velocity (ωi≫ ωk, i= ), the problem of the rotational effect could be of practical consideration. Finally, a theoretical relationship between the two constants (k2)1and (k2)2of the stellar structure is established.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare observed, empirical, and modelled solar limb profiles and discuss their potential use to derive physical properties of the solar atmosphere. The PHOENIX, SolMod3D, and COSI radiative transfer codes as well as VAL-C models are used to calculate the solar limb shape under different assumptions. The main properties of each model are shown. The predicted limb shape as a function of wavelength for different features on the solar disk, such as quiet Sun, sunspots, and faculae, is investigated. These models provide overall consistent limb shapes with some discrepancies that are discussed here in terms of differences in solar atmosphere models, opacities, and the algorithms used to derive the solar limb profile. Our analysis confirms that the most common property of all models is limb shapes that are much steeper than what is observed, or predicted by the available empirical models. Furthermore, we have investigated the role of the Fraunhofer lines within the spectral domain used for the solar limb measurements. Our results show that the presence of the Fraunhofer lines significantly displaces the limb inflection point from its position estimated assuming only the photospheric continuum. The PICARD satellite, launched on 15 June 2010, will provide measurements of the limb shape at several wavelengths. This work shows that the precision of these measurements allows for discrimination among the available models.  相似文献   

与时俱进的时间工作   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
20世纪50年代以来计算机技术、信息科学和空间科学的发展对高精度时间频率提出了日益增长的需求,电子技术、空间技术和量子物理的发展推动了高精度时间频率领域的学科发展和技术进步.简要介绍时间尺度、UT1的测定技术、守时钟、时间同步技术和授时手段各方面半个世纪的飞速发展,并展望未来时间工作的前景.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以来计算机技术、信息科学和空间科学的发展对高精度时间频率提出了日益增长的需求,电子技术、空间技术和量子物理的发展推动了高精度时间频率领域的学科发展和技术进步。简要介绍时间尺度、UT1的测定技术、守时钟、时间同步技术和授时手段各方面半个世纪的飞速发展,并展望未来时间工作的前景。  相似文献   

A solar telescope has been built at Stanford University to study the organization and evolution of large-scale solar magnetic fields and velocities. The observations are made using a Babcock-type magnetograph which is connected to a 22.9 m vertical Littrow spectrograph. Sun-as-a-star integrated light measurements of the mean solar magnetic field have been made daily since May 1975. The typical mean field magnitude has been about 0.15 G with typical measurement error less than 0.05 G. The mean field polarity pattern is essentially identical to the interplanetary magnetic field sector structure (see near the Earth with a 4 day lag). The differences in the observed structures can be understood in terms of a warped current sheet model.  相似文献   

用美国甚大阵(VLA)对色球活动性双星系统UXAri进行了从1.4GHz到15GHz范围内五个频段的观测,观测期间UXAri处于活动性比较低的阶段,射电光度为(6.6-12.6)×1016ergs-1Hz-1.射电频谱低频部分比较平坦,高频呈幂律形式,低频的圆偏振度很低,趋于零,高频辐射有中等圆偏振度(15%).射电发射机制可能是回旋同步加速机制,由此我们估计出发射区的磁场强度为几至几十高斯,相对论电子密度为~104-102cm-3量级,热电子数密度~108cm-3。  相似文献   

During December 1982, a novel Fabry-Perot interferometer—a Doppler Imaging System (DIS)— was used at Kiruna Geophysical Institute (KGI), Sweden (67.8°N, 21.2°E) to complement a series of coordinated observations of global thermospheric dynamics utilizing a number of conventional ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers and the NASA Dynamics Explorer satellite. The DIS is an interferometer with two unique attributes : it has a luminosity or étendue more than one hundred times that of the conventional Fabry-Perot interferometer, and it is also capable of deducing a two-dimensional velocity field of a suitable line-emitting areal source by independently measuring the Doppler shift at a large number of points within the field of view. On 17 December 1982, a very large geomagnetic Storm Sudden Commencement (08.05 U.T.) preceded a major geomagnetic disturbance. During this disturbance, Northern Scandinavia was influenced by a strong eastward auroral electrojet for an extended period (10–19 U.T.). The DIS was able to observe the dynamical response of the upper thermosphere to this event in conjunction with a second Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) at KGI. Westward thermospheric winds of about 900 m s?1 occurred during the disturbance and, at the peak of the disturbance, the combined DIS and FPI observations indicate that the thermospheric flow was quite chaotic. Fluctuations of the order of ± 150 ms?1, associated with spatial scales of the order of 100 or 200 km occurred within the mean westward flow inside the 800 km diameter region observed from Kiruna.  相似文献   

活动星系核(AGN)是宇宙中最奇特的天体之一。它是真正意义上的全波天体,其中X射线波段的发射功率占到全波段功率的50%左右。AGN的X射线辐射研究涉及天体物理中的最基本问题,例如能量产生、辐射机制和宇宙论等,而Chandra X射线卫星的高分辨率图像和光谱对这一研究有着重要作用。以Chandra卫星的部分观测结果为例,简要介绍了几类不同类型AGN的X射线辐射研究进展:(1)宽吸收线类星体APM08279+5255(z=3.91)的X射线谱分析,以及高红移类星体的观测概况;(2)Seyfert星系NGC 4151延展X射线发射问题的解决,及NGC 1068X射线辐射与光学波段的高激发态发射线([OⅢ]λ5007)有很强相关性的发现;(3)6个BLLac天体样本的X射线环境分析;(4)射电星系X射线喷流的观测等。  相似文献   

Foullon  C.  Lavraud  B.  Wardle  N. C.  Owen  C. J.  Kucharek  H.  Fazakerley  A. N.  Larson  D. E.  Lucek  E.  Luhmann  J. G.  Opitz  A.  Sauvaud  J.-A.  Skoug  R. M. 《Solar physics》2009,259(1-2):389-416
Solar Physics - Multiple current sheet crossings are ubiquitous features of the solar wind associated with high-beta plasma sheets, notably during the passage of the heliospheric current sheet...  相似文献   

The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is a next-generation radio telescope which uses thousands of stationary dipoles to observe celestial phenomena. These dipoles are grouped in various ‘stations’ which are centred on the Netherlands with additional ‘stations’ across Europe. The telescope is designed to operate at frequencies from 10 to 240 MHz with very large fractional bandwidths (25?–?100 %). Several ‘beam-formed’ observing modes are now operational and the system is designed to output data with high time and frequency resolution, which are highly configurable. This makes LOFAR eminently suited for dynamic spectrum measurements with applications in solar and planetary physics. In this paper we describe progress in developing automated data analysis routines to compute dynamic spectra from LOFAR time–frequency data, including correction for the antenna response across the radio frequency pass-band and mitigation of terrestrial radio-frequency interference (RFI). We apply these data routines to observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS), commonly used to infer solar wind velocity and density information, and present initial science results.  相似文献   

伽玛射线暴的产生机制比较公认的是:长暴产生于大质量恒星死亡;短暴产生于密近双星合并.因此人们很自然地推测长暴和恒星形成率直接成比例,但是最近数据分析表明这并不能很好地拟合观测.考虑到只有质量大于某一临界质量的大质量恒星才可能产生长暴,因此恒星初始质量分布函数对长暴的产生率会有较大影响.考虑用恒星初始质量分布函数来解释长暴观测个数随红移的分布,得到了比较好的结果.  相似文献   

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