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W.A. Hiscock (1990, Class. Quantum Gravitation 7, L235) obtained the vacuum expectation value of the stress-energy tensor of an arbitrary collection of conformal massless free quantum fields (scalar, spinor and vectors) in the space-time of a static global monopole. With this stress-energy tensor, the semi-classical Einstein equations are solved retaining terms up to first order in ħ in Lyra geometry. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Hawking’s radiation effect of Klein-Gordon scalar field, Dirac particles and Maxwell’s electromagnetic field in the non-stationary rotating de Sitter cosmological space-time is investigated by using a method of generalized tortoise co-ordinates transformation. The locations and the temperatures of the cosmological horizons of the non-stationary rotating de Sitter model are derived. It is found that the locations and the temperatures of the rotating cosmological model depend not only on the time but also on the angle. The stress-energy regularization techniques are applied to the two dimensional analog of the de Sitter metrics and the calculated stress-energy tensor contains the thermal radiation effect.  相似文献   

Irreversible matter creation is investigated in a two-component (scalar field and ordinary matter) cosmological fluid in a homogeneous spatially flat and isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) inflationary Universe during its reheating era. The thermodynamics of open systems as applied together with the gravitational field equations to the two-component cosmological fluid leads to a generalisation of the elementary reheating theory in which the decay (creation) pressures are explicitly considered as parts of the fluid stress-energy tensor. Particular models describing coherently oscillating scalar waves and leading to a high particle production at the beginning of the oscillatory period are considered too. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss some aspects of the Horava-Lifshitz cosmology with different matter components considered as dominants at different stages of the cosmic evolution (each stage is represented by an equation of state pressure/density = constant). We compare cosmological solutions from this theory with their counterparts of General Relativity (Friedmann cosmology). At early times, the Horava-Lifshitz cosmology contains a curvature-dependent dominant term which is stiff matter-reminiscent and this fact motivates to discuss, in some detail, this term beside the usual stiff matter component (pressure = density) if we are thinking in the role that this fluid could have played early in the framework of the holographic cosmology. Nevertheless, we show that an early stiff matter component is of little relevance in Horava-Lifshitz cosmology.  相似文献   

Einstein's general relativity predicts that pressure, in general stresses, plays a similar role to energy density,  ε=ρ c 2  (with ρ being the corresponding mass density), in generating gravity. The source of gravitational field, the active gravitational mass density, sometimes referred to as Whittaker's mass density, is  ρgrav=ρ+ 3 p / c 2  , where p is pressure in the case of an ideal fluid. Whittaker's mass is not conserved, hence its changes can propagate as monopole gravitational waves. Such waves can be generated only by astrophysical sources with varying gravitational mass. Here we show that relativistic fireballs, considered in modelling gamma-ray burst phenomena, are likely to radiate monopole gravitational waves from high-pressure plasma with varying Whittaker's mass. Also, ejection of a significant amount of initial mass-energy of the progenitor contributes to the monopole gravitational radiation. We identify monopole waves with   h 11+ h 22  waves of Eddington's classification which propagate (in the z -direction) together with the energy carried by massless fields. We show that the monopole waves satisfy Einstein's equations, with a common stress-energy tensor for massless fields. The polarization mode of monopole waves is  Φ22  , i.e. these are perpendicular waves which induce changes of the radius of a circle of test particles only (breathing mode). The astrophysical importance of monopole gravitational waves is discussed.  相似文献   

An interpretation of the cosmological redshift in terms of a cosmic ether is given. We study a Robertson-Walker cosmology in which the ether is phenomenologically defined by a homogeneous and isotropic permeability tensor. The speed of light becomes so a function of cosmic time like in a dielectric medium. However, the cosmic ether is dispersion free, it does not lead to a broadening of spectral lines. Locally, in Euclidean frames, the scale factors of the permeability tensor get absorbed in the fundamental constants. Mass and charge scale with cosmic time, and so do atomic energy levels. This substantially changes the interpretation of the cosmological redshift as a Doppler shift. Photon frequencies are independent of the expansion factor; their time scaling is determined by the permeability tensor. The impact of the ether on the luminosity-distance, on the distance-redshift relation, and on galactic number counts is discussed. The Hubble constant is related to the scale factors of the metric and the permeability tensor. We study the effects of the ether at first in comoving Robertson-Walker coordinates, and then, in the context of a flat but expanding space- time, in the globally geodesic rest frames of galactic observers. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The gravitational collapse of a slowly rotating star with small deviations from spherical symmetry is studied. The exterior metric is chosen to be the Kerr metric in synchronous coordinates discarding terms of order (a/r)2. Interior geometry is constructed by adding an off-diagonal term in first order ofa to the exact solution of the non-rotating case. This term is determined in part by requiring the validity of the junction conditions at the star's surface and by demanding that the angular momentum of the source is equal toM A, in agreement with the value measured by a distant observer. The resulting stress-energy tensor describes a homogeneous, pressureless, ideal fluid which rotates nonuniformly relative to the synchronous frame which is no longer comoving the stellar matter.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the evolution of primordial black holes within the context of loop quantum cosmology. First we calculate the scale factor and energy density of the Universe for different cosmic era and then taking these as inputs, we study evolution of primordial black holes. From our estimation it is found that accretion of radiation does not affect evolution of primordial black holes in loop quantum cosmology. We also conclude that due to slow variation of scale factor, the upper bound on initial mass fraction of presently evaporating PBHs are much greater in loop quantum cosmology than the standard case.  相似文献   

In this work, we explore many cosmological implications of a four-dimensional cosmology dominated by quintessence with a static traversable wormhole, spatio-temporal varying G and by taking into account a decaying cosmological constant and a decaying graviton mass by means of an additional bimetric tensor in Einstein’s field equations proposed by Visser in 1998.  相似文献   

We investigate plane symmetric spacetime filled with perfect fluid in the C-field cosmology of Hoyle and Narlikar. A new class of exact solutions has been obtained by considering the creation field C as a function of time only. To get the deterministic solution, it has been assumed that the rate of creation of matter-energy density is proportional to the strength of the existing C-field energy density. Several physical aspects and geometrical properties of the models are discussed in detail, especially showing that some of our solutions of C-field cosmology are free from singularity in contrast to the Big Bang cosmology. A comparative study has been carried out between two models, one singular and the other nonsingular, by contrasting the behaviour of the physical parameters. We note that the model in a unique way represents both the features of the accelerating as well as decelerating universe depending on the parameters and thus seems to provide glimpses of the oscillating or cyclic model of the universe without invoking any other agent or theory in allowing cyclicity.  相似文献   

Scalar tensor (ST) theories of gravitation contain an attractor mechanism towards general relativity. The mechanism is supposed to start back at time of inflation. Consequently the characteristic coupling function of the ST theories could attain a very large value during the radiation epoch. Here ST cosmology in the radiation dominated universe is studied under such situation. A general solution of the scale factor in the radiation dominated flat universe is obtained that is characterized by an additional degree of freedom. An implication of this extra parameter is discussed.   相似文献   

The mysterious ‘dark energy’ needed to explain the current observations, poses a serious confrontation between fundamental physics and cosmology. The present crisis may be an outcome of the (so far untested) prediction of the general theory of relativity that the pressure of the matter source also gravitates. In this view, a theoretical analysis reveals some surprising inconsistencies and paradoxes faced by the energy-stress tensor (in the presence of pressure) which is used to model the matter content of the universe, including dark energy.   相似文献   

We find the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid in the 6-dimensional spacetime proposed by Cole. Using the weak-field Newtonian approximation of general relativity gives a constant of proportionality in Einstein's field equations that differs by a factor of 4/6 from the usual one and shows that Cole's extension of the Schwarzschild metric to 6 dimensions is not valid for a gravitating mass of ordinary matter. A subsequent evaluation of the deflection of starlight for the 6-d spacetime gives a result that is 4/6 of the 4-d result. We conclude that if spacetime is 6-dimensional, one must find a different way to deal with gravity.  相似文献   

在Friedmann建立膨胀宇宙模型和Hubble发现膨胀迹象后,宇宙均匀性的假设得到证实是重要的进展,但是此后,由于Hubble常数,宇宙密度和真空能密度未被可靠地确定,宇宙理论尚难以有认真的定量检验,近两年里,这些基本参量的测定有了突破性的进展,它标志着宇宙学理论将在今后一十年内走向成熟。  相似文献   

Conformally flat line-elements are applied to imperfect fluids in cosmology. Explicit solutions of the field equations are given for an equation of state for which the pressure is proportional to the density. Both the isotropic case (for which the shear viscosity vanishes) and the non-isotropic case are considered and expressions derived for the appropriate coefficients of shear and bulk viscosity, as well as density.  相似文献   

Several simple dark energy models on the brane are investigated. They are compared with corresponding models in the frame of 4d Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology. For constraining the parameters of the models considered, recent observational data, including SNIa apparent magnitude measurements, baryon acoustic oscillation results, Hubble parameter evolution data and matter density perturbations are used. Also, explicit formulas of the so-called state-finder parameters in teleparallel theories are found that could be useful to test these models and compare Loop Quantum Cosmology and Brane Cosmology. The conclusion is reached that a joint analysis as the one developed here allows to estimate, in a very clear way, possible deviation of our cosmology from the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker one.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to study the geodesic structure of regular Hayward black hole. The timelike and null geodesics have been studied explicitly for radial and non-radial motion. For timelike and null geodesic in radial motion there exists analytical solution, while for non-radial motion the effective potential has been plotted, which investigates the position and turning points of the particle. It has been found that massive particle moving along timelike geodesics path are dragged towards the BH and continues to move around black hole in particular orbits.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a correspondence between the holographic dark energy density and interacting generalized cosmic Chaplygin gas energy density in flat FRW universe. Then, we reconstruct the potential of the scalar field which describe the generalized cosmic Chaplygin cosmology. In the special case we obtain time-dependent energy density and study cosmological parameters. We find stability condition of this model which is depend on cosmic parameter.  相似文献   

It is attractive to suppose for several astrophysical reasons that the Universe has close to the critical density in light (∼30 eV) neutrinos which decay radiatively with a lifetime of ∼1023 s. In such a cosmology the Universe is re-ionized early and the last scattering surface of the cosmic microwave background significantly broadened. We calculate the resulting angular power spectrum of temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. As expected, the acoustic peaks are significantly damped relative to the standard case. This would allow a definitive test of the decaying neutrino cosmology with the forthcoming MAP Planck surveyor missions.  相似文献   

We review the current status and future plans for polarization measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation, as well as the cosmology these measurements will address. After a long period of increasingly sensitive upper limits, the DASI experiment has detected the E-mode polarization and both the DASI and WMAP experiments have detected the TE correlation. These detections provide confirmation of the standard model of adiabatic primordial density fluctuations consistent with inflationary models. The WMAP TE correlation on large angular scales provides direct evidence of significant reionization at higher redshifts than had previously been supposed. These detections mark the beginning of a new era in CMB measurements and the rich cosmology that can be gleaned from them.  相似文献   

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