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Mateos  I. MartÍn  Pallé  P.L. 《Solar physics》1999,189(2):241-260
The aim of the present work is the detection of solar g-modes, by means of a new observational strategy based on the exploitation of their spatial and temporal properties. The basic data, obtained at the Observatorio del Teide in 1993, consists of daily solar velocity measurements taken continuously and sequentially at six different and symmetric positions on the solar disk. By correlating the time series resulting from the reduction process, from different solar disk positions and considering the geometrical properties of different modes (l,m) on the Sun's surface, some of these can be selectively eliminated or enhanced. Moreover, the main spectral features present in the resulting power spectra must have precise phase relations if they correspond to global solar g-modes. The severe constraints established by the above properties have been applied to the best observed series (summer 1993). As a result, a discrete series of peaks have been selected that fulfill all the imposed conditions and which can therefore be interpreted as being of solar origin.  相似文献   

The acceleration of the influential 100 keV electrons in flares observed in hard X-rays and several radio emissions is unknown. Shock-waves and MHD turbulence, successfully applied to interprete interplanetary energetic particles, have recently been called in question concerning energetic flare electrons and ions. Other possible mechanisms are considered which are closely related to the primary flare energy release. In particular, runaway acceleration by the electric field of the reconnection current sheet, bulk heating by microturbulence, and cross-field ion currents due to bulk motion as a primary result of reconnection are reviewed. All three are likely to occur in some way. Their relative importance cannot be definitively assessed due to the lack of information on non-thermal, low energy protons.Proceedings of the Second CESRA Workshop on Particle Acceleration and Trapping in Solar Flares, held at Aubigny-sur-Nère (France), 23–26 June, 1986.  相似文献   

Gravitational radiation tends to drive gravity modes in rotating neutron stars to become unstable. For an inviscid star, the instability sets in when the rotation frequency is about 0.7 times the corresponding mode frequency of the non-rotating star. Neutron stars with spin frequencies ≳100 Hz are susceptible to this instability, with a growth time of the order of years. However, it is likely that viscous dissipation suppresses the instability except for a narrow range of temperatures around 109 K. We also show that the viscosity-driven instability of g-modes is absent.  相似文献   

Solar irradiance measurements from the ACRIM experiment show a clear response to the rotation periods of g-mode oscillations (l = 1, 2, and 3) and their first harmonics. Peaks in the ACRIM spectrum at 16.6, 18.3, 20.7, 36.5, and - 71 days all lie within about 1% of periods arising from g-mode rotation. This means that the g-modes are a fundamental cause of irradiance fluctuations. On time scales of months and less they modulate the irradiance by means of transient flows of global scale which they stimulate in the Sun's convective envelope. Dimensional arguments indicate that the flows carry up heat at an average rate 10-3 L which is not in conflict with observed changes in the irradiance. Five additional tests for g-modes and large-scale convection are given. An instability is described which undermines diffusion models of sunspot energy storage.  相似文献   

Most investigations of the stability of the solar system have been concerned with the question as to whether the very long term effect of the gravitational attractions of the planets on each other will be to alter the nearly coplanar, nearly circular nature of the orbits in which they move. Analytical investigations in the traditions of Laplace, Lagrange, Poisson and Poincaré strongly indicate stability, though rely on asymptotic expansions with difficult analytical properties. The question is related to the existence of invariant tori, which have been proved to exist in certain motions. Numerical integration experiments have thrown considerable light on possible types of motions, especially in fictitious solar systems in which the planetary masses have been increased to enhance the perturbations, and in testing how critical are stability boundary estimates given by Hill surface type methods.  相似文献   

Reference periodic orbits are determined accurately for the planets of the solar system, using a restricted problem model with the Sun and Jupiter as the two primaries. The prediction is verified that stability of the planetary orbits should imply stability of those reference orbits that are simple-periodic.  相似文献   

The known history of the solar system is discussed, also the types of dynamical problems exhibited by members of the solar system and the solutions suggested for a number of such problems. The recent work of Walker, Emslie and Roy, on Empirical Stability Criteria in Many Body Problems is also mentioned.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   


The stability of the solar wind is studied in the case of spherical symmetry and constant temperature. It is shown that the stability problem must be formulated as a mixed initial and boundary-value problem in which are prescribed the perturbation values of velocity and density at an initial time and additionally the velocity perturbation at the base of the corona for all times. The solution is constructed by linear superposition of normal solutions, which contain the time only in an exponential factor. The stability problem becomes a singular eigenvalue problem for the amplitudes of the velocity and pressure perturbations, since additionally to the boundary condition at the base of the corona one must add the condition that the amplitudes behave regularly at the critical point. It is proved that only stable eigenvalues exist.  相似文献   

The dynamics of an electron beam, under the effects of Coulomb collisions and classical Ohmic dissipation of the return current, is analysed for a background plasma with a temperature which is time dependent due to the heating effect of beam dissipation offset by thermal conductive cooling. It is shown that the plasma is heated toward a steady state, in time scales short compared to typical flare beam switch on times, and that in this steady state only two regimes of beam dynamics arise.For moderate values of the ratio of beam flux to plasma density (F 0/n), beam dynamics is dominated by direct Coulomb collisions as in the usual thick target treatment. With increase of F 0/n, before return current (classical) Ohmic losses can exceed collisions, the return current becomes unstable. In this latter regime beam dynamics is presumably dominated by wave generation and anomalous Ohmic dissipation of the return current, but no detailed treatment is attempted here.  相似文献   

A generalization is expressed of the Poisson theorem referring to the invariance of the planetary semi-major axes using the restricted problem model. In particular, it is shown that first and second approximation in terms of a change in the initial states of planets describing closed motions in the solar system remain invariant in modulus after any number of revolutions. But third-order terms contain secular parts and, thus, they undergo a secular change in their orbital motion. Such change would be apparent after -2 Jovian years, where is a constant and is the maximum initial deviation of each planet from its reference orbit.  相似文献   

The stability properties of two prominence models are investigated by considering bounds on the marginal stability conditions. It is shown that Low's (1981) model is unstable to localized disturbances and the Hood and Anzer (1990) model is only stable for sufficiently low prominences. The latter result may be modified by including magnetic shear. It is shown that magnetic shear stabilizes coronal loops against Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities and may help to stabilize prominence models as well.  相似文献   

Large scale chaos is present everywhere in the solar system. It plays a major role in the sculpting of the asteroid belt and in the diffusion of comets from the outer region of the solar system. All the inner planets probably experienced large scale chaotic behavior for their obliquities during their history. The Earth obliquity is presently stable only because of the presence of the Moon, and the tilt of Mars undergoes large chaotic variations from 0° to about 60°. On billion years time scale, the orbits of the planets themselves present strong chaotic variations which can lead to the escape of Mercury or collision with Venus in less than 3.5 Gyr. The organization of the planets in the solar system thus seems to be strongly related to this chaotic evolution, reaching at all time a state of marginal stability, that is practical stability on a time-scale comparable to its age.This lecture was given at the XIth International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Paris, july 1994  相似文献   

The conditions required for the stability of a steady-state electron beam propagating in the solar corona are determined using the quasi-linear theory. The growth rate for electron plasma waves in a magnetized plasma is evaluated, with the electron distribution function being given by an analytic solution of the linearized Fokker-Planck equation. It is shown that, when the gyrofrequency is less than the plasma frequency, the instability has a narrow angular range, with the maximum growth rate occuring along the magnetic field. A stability boundary in parameter space is determined, indicating that electron beams must be highly collimated at injection to be Langmuir unstable at any point in space. The implications of the results for alternative models of hard X-ray bursts are discussed and it is argued that Langmuir instability will not occur on either the trap model or the thermal model. Such models would, therefore, be refuted by the detection of a large flux of plasma microwave radiation associated with hard X-ray emission.  相似文献   

The stability of the solutions of the mean-field theories of turbulent media is questioned. It is done here for the model equations for the solar convection zone which have been used, in particular, to explain the differential rotation. We present an approximation valid for axisymmetric, short-wave disturbances. A critical local Rayleigh number can be defined - involving eddy diffusivities - above which the stratification becomes unstable. For mixing-length models of the solar convection zone we always find sub-critical Rayleigh numbers. One must be careful, however, with other theoretical models. Those we have considered do not reach sufficiently high surface pressure values so that there the associated Rayleigh numbers exceed their critical limits. In the outermost layers in such models, therefore, the solutions could really be unstable.  相似文献   

A. W. Hood 《Solar physics》1986,103(2):329-345
A method for analysing the stability of cylindrical loops and arcades to ballooning modes is presented. Using a WKB method, simple tests for instability (or stability to localised modes) are obtained for the two commonly used, line tying, conditions. In addition, when instabilities are present, the physical growth rate and the radial structure of the least stable can be computed from the solution of a 4th order system of ordinary differential equations. The detailed analysis for a particular field is presented in an Appendix.  相似文献   

Skinning process stability of the magnetic field in homogeneous plasma is studied. A set of magnetohydrodynamic equations is used. Dependence of electrical conductivity on the plasma parameters and radiation intensity in grey-body approximation are taken into account. The investigation is carried out on the model problems in linear approximation and by means of numerical solution of MHD equations. Threshold of stability and critical gradient of magnetic field in skin-layer are obtained. The model of the phenomenon proposed in the paper indicates on overheating instability of plasma with electric current in large gradient magnetic field zones as a possible trigger mechanism of solar flare origin.  相似文献   

The c2H condition for determining the Hill stability of coplanar three-body systems is analysed for the particular situation where the primary mass is much greater than the other two. It is found that in this event the criterion can be expressed in a closed form. This is applied to three-body subsets of the Solar System.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the effect of solar pressure on the motion and stability of two satellites connected by an inextensible string in a central gravitational field of force. A system of nonlinear, nonhomogeneous, and non-autonomous equations under the rotating frame of reference in Nechvíle's coordinate system have been obtained. The general solution of the above system of equations is beyond our reach. The particular solutions have been obtained.The particular solution in which the system lies, wholly along the radius vector joining the attracting centre and the centre of mass of the system under the central attracting force along was found to be stable (Singh, 1973). Naturally we got interested in examining the effect of solar radiation pressure on the stability of this particular solution.  相似文献   

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