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C. Sivaram 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1993,206(2):313-315
The underlying links between the coupling constants of the fundamental interactions and cosmological parameters explored earlier is shown to give rise to a definite value for the cosmic background temperature. 相似文献
C. Sivaram 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1986,124(1):195-198
The notion of gravitational charge is used to suggest a link in the Machian sense between fundamental interactions and cosmology. The observed values of the coupling constants of these interactions then give a definite value for the total mass of the Universe. 相似文献
We show how observational limits on possible time variations of fundamental constants of nature are influenced by spatial variations in the density and gravitational potential. Bekenstein's generalization of Maxwell's equations, incorporating variations of the fine structure 'constant', is used as a simple example. These features are expected to be present in a wide class of theories with varying 'constants' and will affect attempts to coordinate cosmological and geophysical bounds on allowed time variations. 相似文献
C. Sivaram 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1990,167(2):335-340
An energy-dependent string tension could be connected to the fundamental physical and coupling constants. The role of Weyl gravity for sub-Planckian as well as macroscopic domains is explored and the existence of a hierarchy of scales is considered. 相似文献
The possibility of the variation of the gravitational constant with space coordinates is considered.Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 363–366, April–June, 1994. 相似文献
The possible cosmological variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio μ = m p/m e was estimated by measuring the H2 wavelengths in the spectra of distant quasars. We analyze high-resolution (FWHM≈7 km s?1) spectra of the two damped Lyman-α systems at redshifts z abs=2.3377 and 3.0249 observed in the spectra of the quasars Q 1232+082 and Q 0347?382, respectively. Our analysis yielded the most conservative estimate for the possible variation of μ in the past ~ 10 Gyr, Δμ/μ = (5.7 ± 3.8) × 10?5. Since the significance of this result does not exceed 1.5σ, further observations are needed to increase the statistical significance. This is the most stringent limit on the possible cosmological variation of μ to date. 相似文献
We review the present status of how astronomical observations allow to constrain the evolution of fundamental constants of
nature. The main observational constraints on the variation of the gravitational constant, on the fine structure constant
and on the proton-to-electron mass ratio are reviewed. We also elaborate on some theoretical schemes which naturally lead
to such variations. 相似文献
A. Bhadra 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2007,310(1-2):169-172
Scalar tensor (ST) theories of gravitation contain an attractor mechanism towards general relativity. The mechanism is supposed
to start back at time of inflation. Consequently the characteristic coupling function of the ST theories could attain a very
large value during the radiation epoch. Here ST cosmology in the radiation dominated universe is studied under such situation.
A general solution of the scale factor in the radiation dominated flat universe is obtained that is characterized by an additional
degree of freedom. An implication of this extra parameter is discussed.
We study the effects of possible deviations of fundamental physical constants on the yields of light nuclides, 2D, 3He, 4He, 7Li, and others during primordial nucleosynthesis. The deviations of fundamental constants from their current values are considered in the low-energy approximation of string theories; the latter predict the existence of a scalar field, which, apart from the tensor gravitational field, determines the space geometry. A two-parameter (η, δ) model is constructed for primordial nucleosynthesis: η = n B /n γ is the baryon-to-photon density ratio, and Ω is the relative deviation of fundamental physical constants at the epoch of primordial nucleosynthesis from their current values. A dependence of η on the deviation of coupling constants Ω has been derived on condition that the primordial helium abundance is Y p = f(η, δ) = const, where const corresponds to experimental values. We thus showed that the relative baryonic density (and hence ΩB could vary over a much wider range than allowed by the standard nucleosynthesis model. Considering this result, we discuss the recently found mismatch between ΩB obtained from an analysis of CMBR anisotropy and from the standard primordial nucleosynthesis model. 相似文献
The matter of the Universe after recombination is considered as an expanding gas. the Jeans-mass obtained for this gas may essentially be larger than it is usually expected. This means that the discrepancy between the theoretical Jeans-mass and the observed masses of the galaxies may be mitigated. 相似文献
Iver Brevik 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2015,355(1):179-185
Given the present distribution of mass tracing objects in an expanding universe, we develop and test a fast method for recovering their past orbits using the least action principle. In this method, termed FAM for fast action minimization, the orbits are expanded in a set of orthogonal time basis functions satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions at the initial and final times. The conjugate gradient method is applied to locate the extremum of the action in the space of the expansion coefficients of the orbits. The treecode gravity solver routine is used for computing the gravitational field appearing in the action and the potential field appearing in the gradient of the action. The time integration of the Lagrangian is done using Gaussian quadratures. FAM allows us to increase the number of galaxies over previous numerical action principle implementations by more than one order of magnitude. For example, orbits for the 15 000 IRAS PSC z galaxies can be recovered in 12 000 CPU seconds on a 400-MHz DEC-Alpha machine. FAM can recover the present peculiar velocities of particles and the initial fluctuations field. It successfully recovers the flow field down to cluster scales, where deviations of the flow from the Zel'dovich solution are significant. We also show how to recover orbits from the present distribution of objects in redshift space by direct minimization of a modified action, without iterating the solution between real and redshift spaces. 相似文献
The tetrad field equations of general relativity discussed in previous articles are applied to Robertson-Walker cosmological models. A generalized Friedmann equation is derived and some of its consequences are discussed. 相似文献
In this article we study the properties of the flat FRW chameleon cosmology in which the cosmic expansion of the Universe
is affected by the chameleon field and dark energy. In particular, we perform a detailed examination of the model in the light
of numerical analysis. The results illustrate that the interacting chameleon filed plays an important role in late time universe
acceleration and phantom crossing. 相似文献
Sukanta Bose 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》1997,18(4):381-387
We briefly review the status of the “graceful exit” problem in superstring cosmology and present a possible resolution. It
is shown that there exists a solution to this problem in two-dimensional dilaton gravity provided quantum corrections are
incorporated. This is similar to the recently proposed solution of Rey. However, unlike in his case, in our one-loop corrected
model the graceful exit problem is solved for any finite number of massless scalar matter fields present in the theory. 相似文献
For multi-dimensional cosmological models we investigate the dynamics of both, scales and dimensions. The classical equation of motions and the corresponding Wheeler-de Witt equation are set up generally and the qualitative behaviour of the system is discussed for some specific model with 2 factor spaces: A space M1 with dynamical dimension, and a compact internal space M2 of constant dimension. With a natural choice of some contraint, there exist a solution where M1 expands as usual space while M2 is shrinking down to unobservable scales. 相似文献
J. W. Wadsley G. Veeravalli H. M. P. Couchman 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,387(1):427-438
For simulations of fluid dynamics in astrophysics, physical viscosity and diffusion are typically neglected. However, in this high Reynolds number regime, real fluids become highly turbulent and turbulent processes mediate substantial transport of momentum and heat that is diffusive in nature. In the absence of models for these processes, code-dependent numerical effects dominate how diffusion operates and may lead to physically incorrect simulation results. We highlight the qualitative difference in these numerical effects for smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and grid-based Eulerian codes using two test problems: a buoyant gas bubble and gas in a galaxy cluster. Grid codes suffer from numerical diffusion in the absence of explicit terms, and small-scale diffusion of heat is completely absent in the Lagrangian SPH method. We find that SPH with heat diffusion added at a level similar to that expected from turbulence diffusion generates more physically appealing results. These results suggest, but do not confirm, that a flat entropy core is to be expected for gas in an idealized galaxy cluster (i.e. one without physics beyond that of a non-radiating gas). A goal of this work is thus to draw attention to the as yet unfulfilled need for models of turbulent diffusive processes in compressible gases in astrophysics. 相似文献
Jean-Claude Pecker 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》1997,18(4):323-333
Still more shocking than the metaphysical assumption of some initial singularity, is the constant insistence upon the so-called
cosmological principle of “homogeneity” and “isotropy” of the Universe. Observations do contradict this principle. And to
me, the inhomogeneous, fractal at least on a certain scale range, of the distribution of matter is in itself an important
cosmological fact, hitherto almost neglected. Moreover difficultties as to the applicability of the second principle of thermodynamics,
observations of abnormal redshifts, etc., are casting large doubts not only upon the standard cosmological models, but even
on the interpretation of the observed redshift as due solely to a universal expansion. 相似文献