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垂向二维潮流数值模型及其在长江口北槽的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用变网格有限元方法,采用任意四边形等参单元,离散横向积分的Navier—Stokes方程,建立河口潮流垂向二维数学模型。应用此模型,对长江口北槽水域两个观测站的潮流水位、流速垂线分布和整个北槽潮流流速纵向分布进行了模拟。潮流水位、流速垂线分布的模拟值分别与观测站的实测值可以较为吻合,证明了本文模型的实用有效。模拟得到的涨急、落急时刻整个北槽潮流流速纵向分布给出了定性的结果。  相似文献   

- On the basis of the physical mechanism, a body-fitted coordinate system is developed. By using this system the boundaries in simulation and in real are fitted well, and simulation with great accuracy is achieved. A computation example indicates that compared to traditional two-dimensional computation methods, the body-fitted simulation has an advantange of better coincidence with the real and can be adopted in simulating flow fields in tidal estuaries.  相似文献   

入海河口由于径流的存在以及河口地貌形态的影响,存在涨、落潮水动力、悬沙以及盐度分布等不对称现象,同时这一不对称现象还存在显著的区域性和季节性差异。根据2013年7月和2014年1月洪、枯季长江口定点准同步水文泥沙调查结果,发现长江口分汊型河槽悬沙浓度在时间上存在洪枯季、大小潮不对称特征,在空间上存在东西向沿程分布、南北向横向分布以及垂向上表底层分布不对称特征。河势演变形成南、北支河口涨、落潮悬沙浓度不对称分布的整体格局;洪、枯季变化影响河口涨、落潮悬沙分布的再分配过程;大潮涨、落潮过程对悬沙分布不对称影响显著大于小潮;季节性风浪作用影响河口最大浑浊带涨、落潮悬沙不对称南北差异;底部高含沙浓度对口门段涨、落潮悬沙不对称性贡献显著。  相似文献   

A 2-D mathematical model of tidal current and sediment has been developed for the Oujiang Estuary and the Wenzhou Bay. This model accomodates complicated features including multiple islands, existence of turbidity, and significant differ-ence in size distribution of bed material. The governing equations for non-uniform suspended load and bed load transport are presented in a boundary-fitted orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The numerical solution procedures along with their initial conditions, boundary conditions, and movable boundary technique are presented. Strategies for computation of the critical condition of deposition or erosion, sediment transport capacity, non-uniform bed load discharge, etc. are suggested. The model verification computation shows that, the tidal levels computed from the model are in good agreement with the field data at the 18 tidal gauge stations. The computed velocities and flow directions also agree well with the values measured along the totally 52 synchronously ob  相似文献   

This paper has two purposes. The first is to study the circulation and salinity in Hooghly Estuary, along the east coast of India and the second is to compare the performance of two turbulence closure schemes by modelling it. A breadth averaged numerical model using a sigma co-ordinate system in the vertical is briefly described. Vertical diffusion of momentum and salt are parameterized by a simple first-order turbulent closure or by a one equation model for turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) which uses a specified mixing length. The results are compared with the available neap and spring tide observations along the estuary for both low and high discharge periods.The computed elevations and currents are in reasonable agreement with the observations showing no major differences in vertical current profiles by both the turbulent schemes. However, there is a slight under-prediction of bottom currents. The salinity profiles predicted by TKE model show better matching with observations. Statistical tests are also conducted to study the comparative performance of the turbulent closure schemes. The maintenance of two layer structure in residual currents and salt variability are also studied by using the model.  相似文献   

文章基于Delaunay三角化的思想实现了非结构化数值网格生成技术,并LOP(Local Optimization Procedure)算法对网格进行了优化。用有限体积法在非结构三角形网格上对平面二维潮流方程进行了数值求解。实例应用分析表明,文中的数值网格生成技术和有限体积方法相结合用于求解具有复杂几何边界区域内的潮流问题能取得很好的结果。  相似文献   

A Three-dimensional Tidal Model in Boundary-fitted Curvilinear Grids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In hydrodynamic models of marine and estuarine currents the use of boundary-fitted curvilinear grids not only makes the model grids fit to the coastline and bathymetry well, but also makes the kinetic boundary conditions simple and more accurate. Because of these advantages, a three-dimensional tidal model with boundary-fitted curvilinear grids has been developed to simulate both tide and current in estuarine and shelf water. The basic idea is to use a set of coupled σ-stretched and elliptic transformations to map the physical space into a corresponding transformed space such that all boundaries are coincident with co-ordinate lines and the transformed grids are rectangular. The hydrodynamic equations in the transformed space are solved in a rectangular mesh of the transformed grid system. The application of the model in the simulation of the M2,S2 , K1and O1tidal waves in the Bohai Sea, China, shows that the numerical results are in good agreement with the observations. The method of boundary-fitted curvilinear grids is effective for improving simulation accuracy of current in the estuarine and shallow seas, especially at the coastal regions where the current was usually impractical by a uniform Cartesian grid system with the shoreline and bathymetry represented by numerous stair-steps.  相似文献   

在河口潮波计算假定的基础上,概化长江口崇明岛南侧水域,建立了三种概化模型,探讨影响长江口潮波传播的因素.计算表明,潮波传播是地形、河口平面形状和底摩阻共同作用的结果,河口平面收缩对潮波传播影响最大,其次为河床底摩擦作用,然后是河口断面面积变化.  相似文献   

LU  Yongjun 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(1):107-122
A 2-D mathematical model of tidal current and sediment has been developed for the Oujiang Estuary and the WenzhouBay. This model accomodates complicated features including multiple islands, existence of turbidity, and significant differ-ence in size distribution of bed material. The governing equations for non-uniform suspended load and bed load transport arepresented in a boundary-fitted orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. The numerical solution procedures along with theirinitial conditions, boundary conditions, and movable boundary technique are presented. Strategies for computation of thecritical condition of deposition or erosion, sediment transport capacity, non-uniform bed load discharge, etc. are suggested.The model verification computation shows that, the tidal levels computed from the model are in good agreement with the fielddata at the 18 tidal gauge stations. The computed velocities and flow directions also agree well with the values measuredalong the totally 52 synchronously observed verticals distributed over 8 cross sections. The computed tidal water throughputsthrough the Huangda‘ao cross section are close to the measured data. And the computed values of bed deformation fromYangfushan to the estuary outfall and in the outer-sea area are in good agreement with the data observed from 1986 to 1992.The changes of tidal volumes through the estuary, velocities in different channels and the bed form due to the influence of thereclamation project on the Wenzhou shoal are predicted by means of this model.  相似文献   

邬红涛 《海岸工程》2021,40(4):269-276
利用全球潮汐模型FES 2014(Finite Element Solution 2014)空间分辨率为(1/16)°×(1/16)°的网格点处13个分潮调和常数,借助基于最小二乘法调和分析方法和潮汐特征值的定义算法,定量分析东海海域(117°~131°E,23°~33°N)的潮汐类型、深度基准值和不同潮差类型.结果表...  相似文献   

Vertical Distribution of Tidal Flow Reynolds Stress in Shallow Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the results of the tidal flow Reynolds stresses of the field observations,indoor experiments,and numerical models,the parabolic distribution of the tidal flow Reynolds stress is proposed and its coefficients are determined theoretically in this paper.Having been well verified with the field data and experimental data,the proposed distribution of Reynolds stress is also compared with numerical model results,and a good agreement is obtained,showing that this distribution can well reflect the basic features of Reynolds stress deviating from the linear distribution that is downward when the tidal flow is of acceleration,upward when the tidal flow is of deceleration.Its dynamics cause is also discussed preliminarily and the influence of the water depth is pointed out from the definition of Reynolds stress,turbulent generation,transmission,and so on.The established expression for the vertical distribution of the tidal flow Reynolds stress is not only simple and explicit,but can also well reflect the features of the tidal flow acceleration and deceleration for further study on the velocity profile of tidal flow.  相似文献   

为了探讨长江口潮差的中长期变化对生态环境的影响,利用小波变换法对1972—2018年该河口代表性潮位站的潮差序列(共66336个数据)进行周期性分析。结果表明,该站潮差除了常见的15 d大、小潮周期外,还有变幅约19 cm(相当于多年平均潮差的7.5%)的0.5 a周期和变幅约16 cm(相当于多年平均潮差的6.3%)的18.5 a周期。月均潮差极大值出现在3月和9月,极小值出现在6月和12月。年均潮差极大值出现在1977,1996和2015年,极小值出现在1986年和2005年。上述潮差变化在时间上与长江口灾害性盐水入侵、悬沙浓度长周期变化以及水下三角洲冲淤转变等重大事件存在明显的对应关系。结论认为,上述中长期潮差周期变化对长江口生态环境具有不可忽视的潜在影响,在今后对河口生态环境的研究中应得到重视。  相似文献   

盘锦双台子河口湿地拥有亚洲面积最大的芦苇种植区,但随着工农业用水增多,加之气候干旱和降雨偏少,苇田灌溉得不到保证。为了更好地解决双台子河流域苇田灌溉用水不足的问题,本文利用实测水位和流量等资料,基于Mike11建立了双台子河口的水动力学模型,并使用2008和2009年的实测潮位资料对模型进行了率定和验证,拟合精度较高,表明所建模型能反映河口区的水动力特征。通过设置水工建筑物的不同运行方式,模拟了上溯潮水分流到支流绕阳河与双台子河上游的流量比值。结果表明,水闸和橡胶坝对于研究区域内上溯潮水的分流比影响较大,在现状基础上橡胶坝建成之后能将绕阳河的分流比提高约50%,同时下游河口上溯潮水会减少20%~30%,但分流比对橡胶坝高度的变化并不敏感。不同调水方案以及水泵提水对分流影响甚微。  相似文献   

两种湍流模型在潮流能水轮机数值模拟中的适用性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对特定湍流条件下的水平轴潮流能水轮机进行数值模拟时,不同的湍流模型对于计算结果具有一定的影响。为选择合适的湍流模型对所设计水轮机的三维流场进行描述,将采用常用的两方程模型(SSTk-ω与Realizable k-ε)进行数值模拟,得到不同工况下水轮机的性能参数以及水轮机后1.5D处流场的流速、湍流强度分布情况,并进行模型水槽试验,试验值与采用两种湍流模型进行数值模拟得到的仿真值对比表明:在低尖速比工况下,采用SSTk-ω进行数值模拟得到的仿真值比Realizable k-ε更接近试验值,在较高尖速比时,采用Realizable k-ε进行模拟得到的数值更接近试验值;采用两种湍流模型进行数值模拟得到的速度分布具有相似性,但对于湍流强度的预测,SSTk-ω更具有优势。考虑此水轮机的实际工况,选择SSTk-ω湍流模型进行描述更加合理。  相似文献   

本研究旨在讨论天津滨海新区的围垦对其附近水域水动力和悬沙输运所造成的影响,并进行定量评估。在天津港南部、北部海域分别选取4个站位进行了全潮水文观测,获取了流速剖面、悬沙浓度剖面数据,并据此计算了底切应力、潮不对称性以及余流。结果表明,底部悬沙浓度与流速、底切应力存在相位一致性,绝大部分站位的沉积物都呈现向岸净输运的趋势,悬沙通量分解显示潮汐捕捉项是该区域悬沙输运的主要贡献项;围垦愈增的2009~2015年,天津港北部潮不对称性增强,向陆的单宽悬沙输运率由20.15 g/(m·s)变至24.92 g/(m·s),而南部海域潮不对称性减弱,向陆的单宽悬沙输运率从37.75 g/(m·s)减小至6.37 g/(m·s)。综上,持续地围垦可能导致天津港附近海域的水动力条件改变,推测北部潮滩淤涨可能加快,而南部淤涨速率减小。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to develop a two-dimensional hydrodynamic tidal model for the Persian Gulf (PG2017) using 2D-MIKE21 software. The advantages of present study is accounting for the spatial variation of bed friction coefficient besides a precise bathymetry together with a 23-year of combined records of satellite altimetry data. We found that the bed friction coefficient has a significant effect on sea level changes in the region under our modeling consideration. Since the tidal behavior in the northern part of the Qeshm Island is significantly different from the other parts of the Persian Gulf, to present a more accurate hydrodynamic tidal model, the Gulf is divided into two regions where the bed friction coefficient is modeled separately for each region. The root mean square value of the differences between the amplitude of dominant constituents; M2, S2, K1, and O1 derived from the PG2017 model and that of 98 altimetry and coastal tide gauge stations are respectively equal to 1.6, 1.9, 2.8, and 1.3?cm. Moreover, comparing the PG2017 model efficiency with the FES2014, OSU12, EOT11a, DTU10, and Admiralty models shows that the PG2017 model has an improvement of 22.1%, 47.2%, 43.2%, 44.2%, and 57.6% in terms of relative error, respectively.  相似文献   

The monthly distribution of zooplankton communities in Han River estuary was investigated at two stations from July 1998 to June 1999. Monthly mean abundance of total zooplankton varied remarkably, with the range from 20 indiv.·m-3 to 19,600 indiv.·m-3. During the study period, dominant species of zooplankton community were dinoflagellateNoctiluca scintillans, copepodsParacalanus indicus, Paracaanus crassirostris, Acartia hongi, Acartia ohtsukai, and meroplanton cirriped larvae. According to tidal states, relative high abundance occurred at high tide without regard to season. The temporal distribution of abundance implied that the reduced salinity probably limited the zooplankton populations and the fluctuations of salinity were an important factor in the variation of abundance. However, the results of salinity tolerance test shows that the variations in salinity do not directly influence the decrease of abundance. This study shows that the relatively high abundance of zooplankton near high tide seems to be related with the expansion of abundant zooplankton inhabiting Incheon coastal waters through tidal currents.  相似文献   

白亭颖 《海洋测绘》2015,35(3):8-10
基于POM模式的"blending"同化法,构建了天津港及附近海域分辨率为1'×1'、13个主分潮的精密潮汐模型。构建过程中重点关注水深数据格网化与潮汐模型的精度评估。水深数据格网化过程基于尽量扩大覆盖范围、分辨率与水深数据相匹配以及保持岸线形状基本不变等原则。潮汐数值模拟过程采用分批同化T/P点与验潮站,实现对潮汐模型精度的可靠评估。经估计,在天津港附近的9个主分潮RSS在10cm内。  相似文献   

The macro-tidal Keum River Estuary located in the eastern Yellow Sea has been suffering siltation and morphological change since 1994. To understand the effects of the large-scale coastal developments on the sedimentation processes in the estuary, hydrodynamic and sedimentary data collected from 1985 to 2002 were analyzed and numerical experiments of hydrodynamics were performed. The sedimentation rate in the estuary increased by a factor of 1.9, from 3.5 × 106 to 6.7 × 10my−1, after the construction of a dam in the upper reaches of the estuary in 1994. Large part of the estuary is veneered by the muddy sediments noticeably, which were rarely found before dam construction. Since then, siltation has concentrated in the upper estuary rather than the lower. The upstream transport and accumulation of fine-grained sediments is due to: (1) the change to flood-dominance in the main channel, i.e. the relative intensification of flood current and the flood-directed residual current; and (2) the decrease in transport capacity in the upper estuary, i.e. the marked decrease in current velocity, which was induced by dam construction. The former has resulted in the ebb-dominance of the Gaeya channel, a distributary in the north of the main channel. The tidal pumping of fine sediments was reinforced not by the freshwater/saltwater interaction but by the residual tidal circulation. The sediment fluxes observed in 2001–2002 demonstrate year-round net inflow both at the entrance of the jetties and at the Gaeya channel, which implies that the sediments delivered by the Keum River are entirely confined to the estuary, incapable of escaping to the sea. The net inward transport of fine sediments may accumulate pollutants adsorbed to or absorbed in the sediment grains in the estuary, thus deteriorating the benthic environment gradually and the water quality eventually.  相似文献   

渤海湾三维变动边界潮流数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
基于河口、陆架和海洋模式 (ECOM模型 ) ,引入干湿网格法模拟潮滩涨落的改进 ,建立了渤海湾三维变动边界潮流模型。该模型网格采用为 4 80 m× 6 2 0 m,垂向 4层 ,充分考虑渤海湾潮滩广阔的特点。计算结果与实测值比较符合良好 ,较好地刻画出渤海湾 M2 分潮潮流场的时空分布特点。  相似文献   

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