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由TSRB辐射计数据估算海面离水辐亮度的经验方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为建立基于经验统计的TSRB辐射计数据估算离水辐亮度的方法,利用SeaBASS数据库中640多个现场测量的辐亮度和辐照度光谱剖面数据,建立向上辐亮度衰减系数K_(lu)的经验算法.此算法为幂指数形式,输入变量为水下0.65 m的向上辐亮度(490 nm)与海面上向下的辐照度(555 nm或665 nm)之比(即为TSRB直接测量的两个参数).当水体较清时,输入为蓝绿波段之比,当水混浊时,采用蓝红波段之比.获得了K_(lu)后,海面以上的辐亮度(离水辐亮度)由z=0.65 m处的辐亮度外推获得.初步的检验结果表明,该方法对一类和二类水域都有很好性能,且算法实现简单,运行速度快. 相似文献
本文报道海面光谱辐射计的研制、定标和海上现场实验测量。运用一个 2 5 6元光电二极管列阵传感器件测量海面离水辐亮度和向下辐照度的光谱分布 ,可计算得出遥感反射比。该仪器所测量的数据可以用于海洋方面相关专业的科学研究 ,并给出海上实验测量数据 相似文献
“海洋高光谱实时观测技术系统”是由中国科学院南海海洋研究所等单位完成的国家“863”计划“海洋光学浮标技术”课题的一项重要成果。该技术系统主要包括海洋光学浮标总体集成技术、浮标设计技术、浮标平台对水下光辐射测量阴影效应模拟技术、海面入射太阳光谱辐照度高光谱测 相似文献
A new 0.1° gridded daily sea surface temperature(SST) data product is presented covering the years 2003–2015. It is created by fusing satellite SST data retrievals from four microwave(Wind Sat, AMSR-E, ASMR2 and HY-2 A RM)and two infrared(MODIS and AVHRR) radiometers(RMs) based on the optimum interpolation(OI) method. The effect of including HY-2 A RM SST data in the fusion product is studied, and the accuracy of the new SST product is determined by various comparisons with moored and drifting buoy measurements. An evaluation using global tropical moored buoy measurements shows that the root mean square error(RMSE) of the new gridded SST product is generally less than 0.5℃. A comparison with US National Data Buoy Center meteorological and oceanographic moored buoy observations shows that the RMSE of the new product is generally less than 0.8℃. A comparison with measurements from drifting buoys shows an RMSE of 0.52–0.69℃. Furthermore, the consistency of the new gridded SST dataset and the Remote Sensing Systems microwave-infrared SST dataset is evaluated, and the result shows that no significant inconsistency exists between these two products. 相似文献
基于地物光谱可分性的CHRIS 高光谱影像波段选择及其分类应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文以黄河口湿地为研究区,应用覆盖该区域的CHRIS高光谱遥感影像,提出了一种基于地物光谱可分性的滨海湿地高光谱影像波段选择方法。该方法利用研究区的7种典型地物的110余条现场实测地物光谱曲线,通过分析比对地物两两之间的光谱可分度,确定地物类型之间的光谱可分区间,基于此选取CHRIS高光谱影像的地物分类特征波段,应用三种经典的监督分类方法(支持向量机法SVM、人工神经网络法ANN和光谱角制图法SAM)开展利用全波段的和利用本文方法选择特征波段的分类对比实验。结果表明:(1)基于光谱可分性特征波段的方法较全波段分类精度有所提高,其中ANN分类精度最高,为82.52%,较全波段分类精度提高了约为5.1%;(2)芦苇、水体、黄河水和裸滩4种地物的识别能力高,生产者精度都在80%以上;(3)碱蓬的用户精度提升最为明显,约在7%。 相似文献
黄河三角洲湿地地物类型在光谱曲线上差异较小,且在空间上分布零散,呈破碎化特性。现有的分类方法受限于局部感受野难以捕捉到图像的长距离依赖关系,导致在黄河三角洲湿地高光谱影像中分类精度不理想,针对此问题,本文提出了一种光谱-空间联合Transformer模型。光谱和空间支路分别以光谱向量和空间邻域为输入,基于自注意力机制提取全局光谱和空间特征,在两个支路引入多阶特征交互层,实现浅层边缘信息和深层语义信息的融合,最后采用自适应相加的方式将两路特征融合,送入分类器实现最终分类。本文在黄河三角洲湿地高分五号GF-5和CHRIS两幅高光谱影像上验证方法的有效性,实验结果表明,该方法显著提高了湿地分类的精度,在选用3%的样本训练条件下总体精度分别达到了90.90%和94.17%,优于其他分类方法。研究结果可实现黄河三角洲湿地地物类型的高精度分类,为湿地的保护提供技术支持。 相似文献
Hongbo Zheng Qin Shao Jie Chen Yangyang Shan Xujia Qin Ji Ma Xiaogang Xu 《海洋学报(英文版)》2022,41(10):171-180
Texture-based visualization method is a common method in the visualization of vector field data. Aiming at adding color mapping to the texture of ocean vector field and solving the ambiguity of vector direction in texture image, a new color texture enhancement algorithm based on the Line Integral Convolution (LIC) for the vector field data is proposed, which combines the HSV color mapping and cumulative distribution function calculation of vector field data. This algorithm can be summarized as follows: firstly, the vector field data is convoluted twice by line integration to get the gray texture image. Secondly, the method of mapping vector data to each component of the HSV color space is established. And then, the vector field data is mapped into HSV color space and converted from HSV to RGB values to get the color image. Thirdly, the cumulative distribution function of the RGB color components of the gray texture image and the color image is constructed to enhance the gray texture and RGB color values. Finally, both the gray texture image and the color image are fused to get the color texture. The experimental results show that the proposed LIC color texture enhancement algorithm is capable of generating a better display of vector field data. Furthermore, the ambiguity of vector direction in the texture images is solved and the direction information of the vector field is expressed more accurately. 相似文献
为了克服SAR多普勒质心频移法反演海面流场时风场贡献去除困难的难题,本文提出了基于M4S模型的弦截下山法,利用其迭代计算局部区域的海面流场;然后估算整幅SAR图像中风场对多普勒速度的风贡献因子$\gamma $;最后去除风场对多普勒速度的贡献。将该算法用于Radarsat-2数据反演海面径向流速,并利用匹配的实测数据验证反演精度。研究结果表明,本文提出的弦截下山法具有良好的收敛性和较高的收敛速度,而且对本文中使用的两景SAR数据,反演的海面径向流速偏差分别为0.04 m/s和0.15 m/s。 相似文献
利用2006—2007年4次908计划ST06区块海洋光学调查的数据和MODIS水色遥感数据,对台湾海峡及周边海域的水色光谱特性进行了研究和分析。结果显示该海域的水色光谱主要有4个类型:类型1光谱峰值出现在580 nm附近,谱峰两侧遥感反射率随波长变化迅速减小,主要分布在紧靠中国大陆的海域;类型2光谱峰值出现在540~560 nm之间,具有谱峰宽的特点,主要分布在台湾海峡靠近大陆的一侧;类型3光谱与大洋水体光谱类似,主要分布在台湾西南的南海区域和吕宋海峡区域;类型4光谱在.450 nm附近出现极小值,在500~600 nm之间出现峰值,主要出现在台湾海峡中部和靠近台湾岛的一侧。其中类型2和4水体分布具有明显的季节特征。类型3、4、2、1对应的叶绿素a浓度和悬浮泥沙浓度呈上升趋势,对应的透明度依次降低,该海域以二类水体为主。 相似文献
北斗一代和北斗二代短报文每次通信数据长度只有78个字节,每次通信后间隔60秒或者300秒才能进行下一次通信,远远满足不了海洋观测实时通信的需求。设计了一套基于北斗短报文的海洋观测实时通信系统,北斗多卡机作为数据发送端,采用哈夫曼压缩算法将观测数据压缩后分成多个数据包,通过多个北斗卡分别发送,岸站接收系统接收到分包的数据后,将接收的数据包解压缩并整合成完整的观测数据。哈夫曼压缩算法将观测数据压缩50%左右,将1组观测数据压缩后发送3次,通过岸上3个月和海上1个月的测试,观测数据接收成功率达到了96%以上,验证了基于北斗短报文的海洋观测实时通信系统的可行性和实用性。 相似文献
近海海流受多种动力过程及岸线岛屿的作用呈现空间和时间尺度上的复杂变化,而地波雷达由于其探测面积广、时间分辨率高的特点成为研究这些变化的有效手段。本文利用舟山海域多年高频地波雷达资料,通过潮流调和分析、低通滤波和相关性分析对该海域海流潮周期、极端事件、季节、年际尺度的动力过程进行了解译。研究表明,舟山海域属于正规半日潮,潮流运动形式以顺时针旋转流为主,流速大小在空间上为东北方向较大,往西南方向逐渐减小,并在近岸处得到增强。余流的年际变化并不显著,但存在着明显的季节变化,例如冬季为南向流,流速减小,空间分布上近岸较外海大,而夏季与之反向,为北向流,流速较大,空间分布较为均匀。进一步分析了风与余流之间的相关性,在大风期间,风与余流的速度相关系数在0.48~0.90之间,方向相关系数在0.55~0.68之间。极端事件发生时,速度、方向的相关系数分别高达0.92与0.91。总体而言,通过分析高频地波雷达数据能够较好地反映舟山海域海流的时空特征,为海洋灾害监测和污染物、藻华的输运研究提供依据。 相似文献
An analysis on the error structure and mechanism of soil moisture and ocean salinity remotely sensed sea surface salinity products 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
For the application of soil moisture and ocean salinity(SMOS) remotely sensed sea surface salinity(SSS) products,SMOS SSS global maps and error characteristics have been investigated based on quality control information.The results show that the errors of SMOS SSS products are distributed zonally,i.e.,relatively small in the tropical oceans,but much greater in the southern oceans in the Southern Hemisphere(negative bias) and along the southern,northern and some other oceanic margins(positive or negative bias).The physical elements responsible for these errors include wind,temperature,and coastal terrain and so on.Errors in the southern oceans are due to the bias in an SSS retrieval algorithm caused by the coexisting high wind speed and low temperature; errors along the oceanic margins are due to the bias in a brightness temperature(TB) reconstruction caused by the high contrast between L-band emissivities from ice or land and from ocean; in addition,some other systematic errors are due to the bias in TB observation caused by a radio frequency interference and a radiometer receivers drift,etc.The findings will contribute to the scientific correction and appropriate application of the SMOS SSS products. 相似文献
Ocean surface waves are strongly forced by high wind conditions associated with winter storms in the Sea of Japan. They are also modulated by tides and storm surges. The effects of the variability in surface wind forcing, tides and storm surges on the waves are investigated using a wave model, a high-resolution atmospheric mesoscale model and a hydrodynamic ocean circulation model. Five month-long wave model simulations are inducted to examine the sensitivity of ocean waves to various wind forcing fields, tides and storm surges during January 1997. Compared with observed mean wave parameters, results indicate that the high frequency variability in the surface wind filed has very great effect on wave simulation. Tides and storm surges have a significant impact on the waves in nearshores of the Tsushima-kaihyō, but not for other regions in the Sea of Japan. High spatial and temporal resolution and good quality surface wind products will be crucial for the prediction of surface waves in the JES and other marginal seas, especially near the coastal regions. 相似文献