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Zircon U-Pb results of basalt from the Dashizhai Town in Inner Mongolia, NE China, shows that the basaltic lava was erupted at 439±3 Ma, much older than the “Permian basalts” as previously thought. These rocks show arc-type trace element patterns (i.e., Nb-Ta depletion and light REE and large ion lithophile element enrichment) and unradiogenic Sr and highly radiogenic Nd and Hf isotope compositions. They can be subdivided into two petrogenetic groups: Group 1 basalts have relatively high TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and low Sr and Th, characterized by mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-type Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7028−0.7032, εNd(t)=+9.8−+11.2, εHf(t)=+16.1−+18.4). Group 2 has lower TiO2, MgO and compatible elements and higher Sr and Th, and relatively evolved Sr-Nd-Hf isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sr(i)=0.7037−0.7038, εNd(t)=+5.7−+7.3, εHf(t)=+12.6−+13.0). Both groups were interpreted as melts derived from a metasomatized mantle wedge formed during the subduction of Paleo-Asian Ocean. The mantle source for Group 1 was probably a highly isotopically depleted oceanic mantle modified by predominant slab fluids; whereas subducted sediments had an important contribution to the melting source for Group 2. The petrogenesis of the Dashizhai basalts provides clear evidence for early Paleozoic subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, and the highly radiogenic Nd and Hf compositions in these rocks suggest that these lavas and their possible intrusive counterparts were one of the important components for Phanerozoic crustal growth. Our and previous studies on the “Dashizhai Formation” volcanic rocks yield an unrealistic eruption range of 440-270 Ma for different rock types, we thus advise to disassemble the previously defined “Dashizhai Formation” into multiple lithologic units and to reinterpret the spatial and temporal distributions of different volcano-sedimentary associations. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403504)  相似文献   

Zircons were separated from granitoids, gneisses, and sedimentary rocks of the Chinese Altai. Those with igneous characteristics yielded U-Pb ages of 280-2800 Ma, recording a long history of magmatic activity in the region. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions show an abrupt change at ~420 Ma, indicating that prior to that time the magmas came from both ancient and juvenile sources, whereas younger magmas were derived mainly from juvenile material. This may imply that the lithosphere was signifi- cantly modified...  相似文献   

Abstract Seven chronostratigraphic stages were established based on the correlation of magneto‐biostratigraphic marker horizons within the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program cores from the forearc of the Japan Trench. Because the stages are coeval with changes in the rate of sedimentation, lithofacies, magnetic intensity and composition of fossil assemblages, they probably reflect the tectonic situation in the Japan Trench forearc and also in the arc–trench system. The stages correlate to the tectonic events of the Japanese Island Arcs; for example, evolution of the Boso triple junction, initiation of Philippine Sea Plate subduction and the Japan Sea opening.  相似文献   

东南亚巽他弧形汇聚板块俯冲构造体系是全球最为活跃的板块汇聚边界地带之一, 早期研究认为巽他弧俯冲体系主要发育俯冲增生型板块边缘, 以典型的增生棱柱体弧前隆起地貌为主要特征; 最新研究发现东印度洋沃顿海盆圣诞岛海底火山群省最东段Roo海隆已经随板块运动到达爪哇海沟区域, 与巽他弧其他区域正常洋壳俯冲过程相比, Roo海隆凸起构造在巽他弧体系中触发了不同的俯冲地质过程.本文结合前人研究成果, 全面梳理认识Roo海隆区域属性特征, 包括海隆岩性与年代学特征、起源争议、"隆-沟"区域俯冲深部结构特征; 进一步增强对弧前早期俯冲侵蚀过程的理解, 包括局部增生棱柱体前缘碰撞侵蚀凹陷、弧前隆起差异性抬升、弧前盆地挤压破碎变窄; 并首次利用二维多道地震资料解释, 探讨弧后盆地对"隆-沟-弧-盆"新俯冲构造格局的响应特征.目前弧后肯登-马都拉海峡盆地内正在发生新一期挤压构造运动, 我们认为其发育的浅层挤压背斜构造特征是Roo海隆凸起构造形成的垂直正交快速高角度新俯冲构造格局下弧后盆地内的直接构造变形响应.  相似文献   

Haixiang  Zhang  Hecai  Niu  Hiroaki  Sato  Xueyuan  Yu  Qiang  Shan  Boyou  Zhang  Jun'ichi  Ito  Takashi  Nagao 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):55-68
Abstract   Volcanic rocks consisting of adakite and Nb-enriched basalt are found in the early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Group in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, northwest China. The geochemical characteristics of the andesitic and dacitic rocks in this area resemble that of adakites. The relatively high Al2O3, Na2O and MgO content and Mg values indicate that the adakites were generated in relation to oceanic slab subduction rather than the partial melting of basaltic crust. A slightly higher SrI and a lower ɛ Nd( t  = 375 Ma) compared to adakites of mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) imply that slab sediments were incorporated into these adakites during slab melting. The Nb-enriched basalt lavas, which are intercalated in adakite lava suite, are silica saturated and are distinguished from the typical arc basalts by their higher Nb and Ti content (high field strength element enrichment). They are derived from the partial melting of the slab melt-metasomatized mantle wedge peridotite. Apparently, positive Sr anomalies and a slightly higher heavy rare earth element content in these adakites compared to their Cenozoic counterparts indicate that the geothermal gradient in the Paleo-Asian Oceanic subduction zone and the depth of the Paleo-Asian Oceanic slab melting are between those of their Archean and Cenozoic counterparts. The distribution of the adakites and Nb-enriched basalts in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, indicates that the Paleo-Asian Oceanic Plate subducted southward beneath the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate in the early Devonian period.  相似文献   

Toshihiro  Ike  Gregory F.  Moore  Shin'ichi  Kuramoto  Jin-Oh  Park  Yoshiyuki  Kaneda  Asahiko  Taira 《Island Arc》2008,17(3):358-375
Abstract   When seamounts and other topographic highs on an oceanic plate are subducted, they cause significant deformation of the overriding plate and may act as asperities deeper in the seismogenic zone. Kashinosaki Knoll (KK) is an isolated basement high of volcanic origin on the subducting Philippine Sea Plate that will soon be subducted at the eastern Nankai Trough. Seismic reflection imaging reveals a thick accumulation of sediments (∼1200 m) over and around the knoll. The lower portion of the sedimentary section has a package of high-amplitude, continuous reflections, interpreted as turbidites, that lap onto steep basement slopes but are parallel to the gentler basement slopes. Total sediment thickness on the western and northern slopes is approximately 40–50% more than on the summit and southeastern slopes of KK. These characteristics imply that the basal sedimentary section northwest of KK was deposited by infrequent high-energy turbidity currents, whereas the area southeast of KK was dominated by hemipelagic sedimentation over asymmetric basement relief. From the sediment structure and magnetic anomalies, we estimate that the knoll likely formed near the spreading center of the Shikoku Basin in the early Miocene. Its origin differs from that of nearby Zenisu Ridge, which is a piece of the Shikoku Basin crust uplifted along a thrust fault related to the collision of the Izu–Bonin arc and Honshu. KK has been carried into the margin of the Nankai Trough, and its high topography is deflecting Quaternary trench turbidites to the south. When KK collides with the accretionary prism in about 1 My, the associated variations in sediment type and thickness around the knoll will likely result in complex local variations in prism deformation.  相似文献   

Abstract Extensional basin formation and subsequent basin inversion in the southern area of the eastern margin of the Japan Sea were studied on the basis of the interpretation of seismic profiles (total length approximately 15 000 km) and the fossil analyses of 77 sea-bottom samples. Rift (Early to Early Middle Miocene), post-rift (Middle to Late Miocene), pre-inversion (Late Miocene to Pliocene) and inversion stages (Pliocene to Quaternary) were differentiated by the extension and contraction of the crust. Many small-scale rifts were formed in the Sado Ridge and the Mogami Trough during the rift stage, simultaneous with back-are spreading of the Japan Sea. Most of the rifts were east- or southeast-facing, rotational half-grabens bounded by west-dipping normal faults at their eastern boundaries. The syn-rift sequence can be divided into lower and upper units by an erosional surface. The sequences are presumed to be composed mainly of fining-upward sediments. The trend of most rifts is north-northeast with the remainder being of east-northeast-bias. The north-northeast trending rifts are distributed widely in the Sado Ridge and Mogami Trough and do not show an en échelon arrangement, suggesting that they were formed mainly by pure extension nearly perpendicular to the arc. The east-northeast trending rifts are presumed to have been developed by a north-northwest extension in the late rift stage, which may have accompanied a right-lateral movement in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea. During the post-rift stage, the rifts and adjacent horsts subsided and became covered by the post-rift sequence, characterized by parallel and continuous reflections. This suggested no significant tectonic movements in this period. In the pre-inversion stage many of the rifts subsided again, presumably because of down-warping due to weak compressional stress. The normal faults reactivated as reverse faults during the inversion stage due to an increase in compressional stress. Many of the rifts have been uplifted and transformed into east-vergent asymmetric anticlines. The basin inversion is greatest in the Sado Ridges and in the Dewa Bank Chain, while it is least developed in the Mogami Trough and in the western slope of the Sado Ridge, in which some normal faults have not been reactivated. The increase and decrease of the inversion corresponds to the peak and trough of undulation at an interval of about 50 km trending parallel to the arc.  相似文献   

Shallow seismicity and available source mechanisms in the Andaman–westSunda arc and Andaman sea region suggest distinct variation in stressdistribution pattern both along and across the arc in the overriding plate.Seismotectonic regionalisation indicates that the region could be dividedinto eight broad seismogenic sources of relatively homogeneousdeformation. Crustal deformation rates have been determined for each oneof these sources based on the summation of moment tensors. The analysisshowed that the entire fore arc region is dominated by compressive stresseswith compression in a mean direction of N23°, and the rates ofseismic deformation velocities in this belt decrease northward from 5.2± 0.65 mm/yr near Nias island off Sumatra and 1.12 ±0.13 mm/yr near Great Nicobar islands to as much as 0.4 ±0.04 mm/yr north of 8°N along Andaman–Nicobar islandsregion. The deformation velocities indicate, extension of 0.83 ±0.05 mm/yr along N343° and compression of 0.19 ±0.01 mm/yr along N73° in the Andaman back arc spreadingregion, extension of 0.18 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N125° andcompression of 0.16 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N35° in NicobarDeep and west Andaman fault zone, compression of 0.84 ±0.12 mm/yr N341° and extension of 0.77 ± 0.11 mm/yralong N72° within the transverse tectonic zone in the Andamantrench, N-S compression of 3.19 ± 0.29 mm/yr and an E-Wextension of 1.24 ± 0.11 mm/yr in the Semangko fault zone ofnorth Sumatra. The vertical deformation suggests crustal thinning in theAndaman sea and crustal thickening in the fore arc and Semangko faultzones. The apparent stresses calculated for all major events range between0.1–10 bars and the values increase with increasing seismic moment.However, the apparent stress estimates neither indicate any significantvariation with faulting type nor display any variation across the arc, incontrast to the general observation that the fore arc thrust events showhigher stress levels in the shallow subduction zones. It is inferred that theoblique plate convergence, partial subduction of 90°E Ridge innorth below the Andaman trench and the active back arc spreading are themain contributing factors for the observed stress field within the overridingplate in this region.  相似文献   

The impact of warmer climate on melt and evaporation was studied for rainfed, snowfed and glacierfed basins located in the western Himalayan region. Hydrological processes were simulated under current climatic conditions using a conceptual hydrological model, which accounts for the rainfall–runoff, evaporation losses, snow and glacier melt. After simulations of daily observed streamflow (R2=0.90) for 6 years, the model was used to study the impact of warmer climate on melt and evaporation. Based on the future projected climatic scenarios in the study region, three temperature scenarios (T+1, T+2 and T+3 °C) were adopted for quantifying the effect of warmer climate. The comparison of the effect of warmer climate on different types of basins indicated that the increase in evaporation was the maximum for snowfed basins. For a T+2 °C scenario, the annual evaporation for the rainfed basins increased by about 12%, whereas for the snowfed basins it increased by about 24%. The high increase of the evaporation losses would reduce the runoff. It was found that under a warmer climate, melt was reduced from snowfed basins, but increased from glacierfed basins. For a T+2 °C scenario, annual melt was reduced by about 18% for the studied snowfed basin, while it increased by about 33% for the glacierfed basin. Thus, impact of warmer climate on the melt from the snowfed and glacierfed basins was opposite to each other. The study suggests that out of three types of basins, snowfed basins are more sensitive in terms of reduction in water availability due to a compound effect of increase in evaporation and decrease in melt. For a complex type of basin, the decrease in melt from seasonal snow may be counterbalanced by increase in melt from glaciers. However, on long-term basis, when the areal extent of glaciers will decrease due to higher melt rate, the water availability from the complex basins will be reduced.  相似文献   

Yukio  Isozaki 《Island Arc》1996,5(3):289-320
Abstract The Japanese Islands represent a segment of a 450 million year old subduction-related orogen developed along the western Pacific convergent margin. The geotectonic subdivision of the Japanese Islands is newly revised on the basis of recent progress in the 1980s utilizing microfossil and chronometric mapping methods for ancient accretionary complexes and their high-P/T metamorphic equivalents. This new subdivision is based on accretion tectonics, and it contrasts strikingly with previous schemes based on‘geosyncline’tectonics, continent-continent collision-related tectonics, or terrane tectonics. Most of the geotectonic units in Japan are composed of Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic accretionary complexes and their high-PIT metamorphic equivalents, except for two units representing fragments of Precambrian cratons, which were detached from mainland Asia in the Tertiary. These ancient accretionary complexes are identified using the method of oceanic plate stratigraphy. The Japanese Islands are comprised of 12 geotectonic units, all noted in southwest Japan, five of which have along-arc equivalents in the Ryukyus. Northeast Japan has nine of these 12 geotectonic units, and East Hokkaido has three of these units. Recent field observations have shown that most of the primary geotectonic boundaries are demarcated by low-angle faults, and sometimes modified by secondary vertical normal and/or strike-slip faults. On the basis of these new observations, the tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands is summarized in the following stages: (i) birth at a rifted Yangtze continental margin at ca 750–700 Ma; (ii) tectonic inversion from passive margin to active margin around 500 Ma; (iii) successive oceanic subduction beginning at 450 Ma and continuing to the present time; and (iv) isolation from mainland Asia by back-arc spreading at ca 20 Ma. In addition, a continent-continent collision occurred between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean cratons at 250 Ma during stage three. Five characteristic features of the 450 Ma subduction-related orogen are newly recognized here: (i) step-wise (not steady-state) growth of ancient accretionary complexes; (ii) subhorizontal piled nappe structure; (iii) tectonically downward-younging polarity; (iv) intermittent exhumation of high-P/T metamorphosed accretionary complex; and (v) microplate-induced modification. These features suggest that the subduction-related orogenic growth in Japan resulted from highly episodic processes. The episodic exhumation of high-P/T units and the formation of associated granitic batholith (i.e. formation of paired metamorphic belts) occurred approximately every 100 million years, and the timing of such orogenic culmination apparently coincides with episodic ridge subduction beneath Asia.  相似文献   

Soichi  Osozawa 《Island Arc》1993,2(3):142-151
Abstract Normal faults parallel to the trend of an active ridge are formed in the accretionary prism at trench-trench-ridge triple junction, due to continuous spreading of the subducted ridge. Normal faults are observed in the Nabae and Mugi sub-belts, accretionary zones formed by ridge subduction in the Shimanto Belt. Igneous and sedimentary dykes intrude through the previous normal faults. Using these fault and dyke data, intermediate principal axis of stress relating to the normal faulting is determined, and is fitted to the trend of the subducted ridge. Normal faults formed by ridge subduction are useful for plate reconstruction.  相似文献   

Most of petroliferous sedimentary basins in China have experienced multiple phases of tectonic evolution and deposition, and are characterized by tectonic and depositional superimposition. The term "superimposed basin" is suggested to describe those basins which consist of two or more simple prototype basins superimposing vertically and/or coalescing laterally. The characteristics of petroliferous superimposed basins are "multiple stages of basin forming and reworking, multiple layers of source rocks, multiple periods of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, multiple periods of petroleum migration-accumulation-escape". Therefore,applying the wave process analysis method to studying the process of basin formation, hydrocarbon generation, and reservoir formation, and then establishing theory of "petroleum accumulation system" is helpful to enhancing petroleum exploration efficiency in superimposed basins.This paper will, based on case study in the Tarim basin, report the major developments in studying basin formation, hydrocarbon generation and petroleum accumulation. In study of basin formation, (1) geophysical comprehensive profiles reveal that the Tarim plate has been subducted beneath the Tianshan orogenic belt with an interfinger structure and that the deep structure in the eastern section of the Tianshan orogenic belt is different from that in the western section. (2) The vertical variation in debris and geochemical composition reveals the nature and Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution history of the Kuqa Depression. (3) Field investigation and paleostress reconstruction show that the Kuqa Depression has undergone gravity-driven extension in sedimentary cover when the Tianshan uplifted vertically. In hydrocarbon generation study, new developments include (1) setting environmental index to judge high grade source rocks in marine carbonates, and (2) establishing the lower limit of the organic carbon content for effective carbonate source rocks. In petroleum accumulation study, (1) methods of determining paleopressure and paleotemperature of forming fluid inclusions have been established. (2) The petroleum source analysis has indicated that the crude oil in the Lunnan and Tahe oilfields are derived from the source rocks of the Middle and Upper Ordovician. (3) Three generations of oil inclusions from the Lunnan oilfield have been recognized and dated.  相似文献   

Studies of recorded ground motions and simulations have shown that deep sedimentary basins can greatly increase the intensity of earthquake ground motions within a period range of approximately 1–4 s, but the economic impacts of basin effects are uncertain. This paper estimates key economic indicators of seismic performance, expressed in terms of earthquake‐induced repair costs, using empirical and simulated seismic hazard characterizations that account for the effects of basins. The methodology used is general, but the estimates are made for a series of eight‐ to 24‐story residential reinforced concrete shear wall archetype buildings in Seattle, WA, whose design neglects basin effects. All buildings are designed to comply with code‐minimum requirements (i.e., reference archetypes), as well as a series of design enhancements, which include (a) increasing design forces, (b) decreasing drift limits, and (c) a combination of these strategies. As an additional reference point, a performance‐based design is also assessed. The performance of the archetype buildings is evaluated for the seismic hazard level in Seattle according to the 2018 National Seismic Hazard Model (2018 NSHM), which explicitly considers basin effects. Inclusion of basin effects results in an average threefold increase in annualized losses for all archetypes. Incorporating physics‐based ground motion simulations to represent the large‐magnitude Cascadia subduction interface earthquake contribution to the hazard results in a further increase of 22% relative to the 2018 NSHM. The most effective of the design strategies considered combines a 25% increase in strength with a reduction in drift limits to 1.5%.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of two reduced-order, sequential, and variational data assimilation methods: the singular evolutive extended Kalman filter (SEEK) and the reduced 4D-Var (R-4D-Var). A hybridization of the two, combining the variational framework and the sequential evolution of covariance matrices, is also preliminarily investigated and assessed in the same experimental conditions. The comparison is performed using the twin-experiment approach on a model of the tropical Pacific domain. The assimilated data are simulated temperature profiles at the locations of the TAO/TRITON array moorings. It is shown that, in a quasilinear regime, both methods produce similarly good results. However, the hybrid approach provides slightly better results and thus appears as potentially fruitful. In a more nonlinear regime, when tropical instability waves develop, the global nature of the variational approach helps control model dynamics better than the sequential approach of the SEEK filter. This aspect is probably enhanced by the context of the experiments in that there is a limited amount of assimilated data and no model error.  相似文献   

Abstract   Early Cretaceous structural development of the southern part of the South Kitakami Belt, northeast Japan, is discussed through precise structural mapping and the measurement of semiquantitative strain. The mapping and measurement revealed that wide north- to northeast-trending sinistral shear zones occupied by the 'slate' with higher strain than the surrounding rocks run from the axial part to the western limb of major synclines, with the wavelength of 5–10 km. The major synclines with a U-shaped rock distribution opening to the south are interpreted to be drag folds along the sinistral shear zones. These structures were modified by a second stage of Early Cretaceous sinistral shearing characterized by localized high-temperature mylonite zones along the rim of some of the 120 Ma granitoids that cut the major folds and baked the 'slate' in the older shear zones mentioned above. The rocks of the South Kitakami Belt, which had undergone two stages of shearing, were rapidly exhumed before the deposition of the Late Aptian–Albian Miyako Group. Finally, a restoration model is presented of the Early Cretaceous sinistral displacement and deformation in the study area.  相似文献   

在海上实施三维地震探测过程中,人工震源枪阵中心与船上GPS的距离及地震探测作业中的船行方向造成炮点实际位置与预设位置有一定偏差;自由落体投放的OBS由于海流的影响会偏离原定设计位置(投放点),因此,炮点与海底地震仪(OBS)的位置校正是三维地震结构研究中的基本环节.本文利用艏向信息校正了炮点位置;采用蒙特卡洛和最小二乘法方法对海底地震仪的位置进行了校正,并探讨了直达水波曲线特征.结果表明 OBS位置一般偏离设计点1 km左右,其误差范围在20 m以内,校正后的OBS记录剖面展示了真实的记录情况.该研究结果为下一步西南印度洋的三维层析成像研究提供了坚实数据基础,同时为今后南海的三维深部地壳结构探测提供经验与借鉴.  相似文献   

Summary of taxa and distribution of Sirenia in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract North Pacific fossil sirenians comprise representatives of three subfamilies of the Dugongidae: Halitheriinae ( Metaxytherium arctodites , Middle Miocene, North America), Hy-drodamalinae ( Dusisiren spp., Early-Late Miocene, and Hydrodamalis spp., Late Miocene-Pleistocene, North America and Japan), and Dugonginae ( Dioplotherium allisoni , Early-Middle Miocene, North America). Indeterminate dugongid remains are also known from the Late Oligocene of Japan, and the discovery of additional taxa in the western Pacific, especially in Paleogene rocks, can be anticipated. The known North Pacific Neogene taxa apparently dispersed into the Pacific from the Caribbean. Metaxytherium gave rise in the Pacific to Dusisiren ; a series of chronospecies of the latter genus eventually culminated in Hydrodamalis , which was exterminated by humans circa AD 1768. Dioplotherium left no known descendants in the Pacific. The Recent Dugong probably entered the Pacific from the Indian Ocean. The presence in the North Pacific Miocene of at least three sympatric dugongid lineages, together with desmostylians, is evidence for a diversity of marine plants that was reduced by subsequent climatic cooling.  相似文献   

王容  刘元波  王若男  刘永伟 《湖泊科学》2023,35(3):1057-1071
GLEAM(Global Land Evapotranspiration Amsterdam Model)和MOD16(MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Project)全球蒸散发产品已经得到了广泛的检验和应用,但由于观测资料缺乏,尚缺少对高原地区的检验。本文以青藏高原然乌湖流域、羊卓雍错流域、纳木错流域、色林错流域和塔若错流域为检验区域,利用流域水量平衡法,采用相关系数、相对误差、均方根误差和Kling-Gupta系数,对这两种蒸散产品开展了精度验证与评价。结果表明:GLEAM蒸散发产品在然乌湖、色林错和塔若错流域整体存在低估现象,在羊卓雍错和纳木错流域存在轻微高估现象,而MOD 16产品仅在色林错流域有轻微低估现象,在其他湖泊流域均表现为高估;GLEAM和MOD16蒸散发产品在5个湖泊流域年降水量较少的年份均存在高估的现象,在湿润年份则为低估;GLEAM产品在然乌湖流域、羊卓雍错流域和色林错流域的验证结果相对较好,而MOD16产品在纳木错流域和塔若错流域的验证精度相对较高;总体而言,在年尺度和多年平均尺度下,GLEAM蒸散发产品在青藏高原中东南湖泊流域...  相似文献   

The Sichuan basin is the main part of the middle-upper Yangtze block, which has been experienced a long-term tectonic evolution since Archean. The Yangtze block was regarded as a stable block until the collision with the Cathaysia block in late Neoproterozoic. A new deep seismic reflection profile conducted in the eastern Sichuan fold belt (ESFB) discovered a serials of south-dipping reflectors shown from lower crust to the mantle imply a frozen subduction zone within the Yangtze block. In order to prove the speculation, we also obtain the middle-lower crustal gravity anomalies by removing the gravity anomalies induced by the sedimentary rocks and the mantle beneath the Moho, which shows the mid-lower crustal structure of the Sichuan basin can be divided into eastern and western parts. Combined with the geochronology and Aeromagnetic anomalies, we speculated the Yangtze block was amalgamated by the West Sichuan and East Sichuan blocks separated by the Huayin-Chongqing line. The frozen subduction zone subsequently shifted to a shear zone accommodated the lower crustal shortening when the decollement at the base of the Nanhua system functioned in the upper plate.  相似文献   

前陆盆地是世界上不同的含油气盆地原型中油气最富集的一类,石油地质条件优越,具有较大的勘探潜力,本文对比分析了国内外前陆盆地及其周缘造山带之间的的盆山耦合关系及油气藏的控制因素与分布规律,在此基础上形成了对国内外前陆盆地油气藏特征的初步认识,认为国外典型前陆盆地结构较为单一,一般叠置于被动大陆边缘或弧后盆地之上,而中国中西部典型前陆盆地基底结构十分复杂,具有多演化阶段、多成因类型特点,油气的分布主要与褶皱冲断带的发育特征有.  相似文献   

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