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In the present context of climate change and preservation of biodiversity, the appreciation of the vulnerability of the natural ecosystems and their capacity of adaptation appears among the main preoccupations to the world level (GIEC, 2007). This assessment of the ecosystems requires the availability of climatic data, what is often made difficult by the weak density or even the absence of meteorological stations notably, to the level of the mountains zones. In order to study the climate–vegetation relationship in North Algeria, we use an automatic interpolation method, the neural network method, for the reconstitution of climatic data of the sampled sites, (1035 phytoecological samples), from the existing meteorological network (269 stations). This method is characterized by a great suppleness of non-linearity and by its capacity for reconstituting information from partial and not well-defined indications such as the case of data provided from meteorological networks. In order to reconstitution of climatic data, we use the explicate variables, longitude, latitude and altitude, the variables to explain being the rainfall and temperatures. To define the best approach, the network calibration has been activated on climatic parameters taken globally or solely, for the whole of study zone, and by geographical sector. The results of the interpolation are expressed through a climatic parameter cartography, released automatically by the MapInfo software. The reliability results obtained by this method can be appreciated by elaboration of errors maps comparing to reference data.  相似文献   

The succession of drought years and excessive abstraction in the plain of Triffa caused deterioration in water quality and endangers future exploitation of groundwater resources. A combination of geophysical surveys, including electrical resistivity and hydrochemical data has been used to identify the geographical extension of salinization and identify its origin. Electrical conductivity measurements are used to show the history of salinization in space and time. In this paper, a first conceptual model of the brackish springs has been established. To cite this article: M. Boughriba et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

We have mapped the region of Oran, Algeria, using multispectral remote sensing with different resolutions. For the identification of objects on the ground using their spectral signatures, two methods were applied to images from SPOT, LANDSAT, IRS-1 C and ASTER. The first one is called Base Rule method (BR method) and is based on a set of rules that must be met at each pixel in the different bands reflectance calibrated and henceforth it is assigned to a given class. The construction of these rules is based on the spectral profiles of popular classes in the scene studied. The second one is called Spectral Angle Mapper method (SAM method) and is based on the direct calculation of the spectral angle between the target vector representing the spectral profile of the desired class and the pixel vector whose components are numbered accounts in the different bands of the calibrated image reflectance. This new method was performed using PCSATWIN software developed by our own laboratory LAAR. After collecting a library of spectral signatures with multiple libraries, a detailed study of the principles and physical processes that can influence the spectral signature has been conducted. The final goal is to establish the range of variation of a spectral profile of a well-defined class and therefore to get precise bases for spectral rules. From the results we have obtained, we find that the supervised classification of these pixels by BR method derived from spectral signatures reduces the uncertainty associated with identifying objects by enhancing significantly the percentage of correct classification with very distinct classes.  相似文献   

The study area is the N’zi watershed, sub-watershed of the Bandama River (Ivory Coast). The N’zi watershed is located between longitudes 3°49′ and 5°22′ West and latitudes 6°00′ and 9°26′ North and covers an area of 35,500 km2. This study aims to identify trends in the rainfall-runoff relationship by using a monthly conceptual model. The methodology has consisted on the one hand in highlighting the existence of interannual climate and hydrological variability by using the method of segmentation of Hubert, and on the other hand, in applying the crossed simulations method by using the GR2M model, over several 7-year sub-periods. The results of the application of the method of segmentation of Hubert have demonstrated the presence of a hydroclimatic variability in the N’zi watershed. The modifications of the climate and physical conditions of the flow resulted in a modification of the hydrological response of the watershed translated by a non-stationarity in the rainfall-runoff relation.  相似文献   

Après avoir décrit la structure du laboratoire d'analyse de l'IRSID à Maizières-lès-Metz, en abordant les éléments dosés par spectrométrie de fluorescence X et l'absorption atomique, les auteurs passent en revue les méthodes chimiques dans le cadre de l'analyse des minerais de fer.
Quelques informations sont données sur l'activité au sein de l'ISO/TC 102/SC1 puis le point est fait sur les matériaux de référence certifiés actuellement connus dans le monde.
Si le laboratoire comporte comme équipement de base un spectromètre de fluorescence X associéà diverses autres techniques qui devraient peu évoluer dans le futur, il semble qu'à l'avenir une bonne place soit réservée pour les minerais tout comme pour bien d'autres matrices, à la spectrométrie avec torche à plasma inductif.  相似文献   

Thin levels of amphibolites from the Canigou, Albères and Cap de Creus massifs have been studied in order to investigate their pressure and temperature evolution during time. P and T values have been calculated using the amphibole–plagioclase–quartz thermo-barometer. Si, Al, Mg and Fe of zoned amphiboles have been analysed from core to rim by microprobe. By combining the results obtained from several (or different) crystals, PTt paths have been determined using the amphibole-plagioclase-quartz equilibriums. In the Canigou Massif, the amphibolites have recorded anti-clockwise PTt paths around a peak of metamorphism located at about 650?°C–6.1 kbar, whereas in the Albères Massif, the calculated PTt paths of amphibolites near the paragneisses are retrograde only, from 600?°C–5 kbar to 450?°C–2.5 kbar, but one cummingtonite-bearing amphibolite has also recorded an anti-clockwise evolution around 650?°C–4.5 kbar. The retrograde PTt paths recorded for amphibolites from the ‘Cap de Creus’ Massif are retrograde only, from 650?°C–6 kbar and 400?°C–1 kbar. To cite this article: C. Triboulet et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The relative abundance of five groups of radiolarian species (nasselarians and spumellarians) in the thanatocoenoses within the recent sediments from 64oN to the Equator is described. Four types of thanatocoenoses of Radiolarians and several subtypes are distinguished and in the broadest sense four major faunal zones can be delimited: north of 60oN, a subarctic zone, a boreal zone, a subtropical zone whose boundary runs approximately along 45oN and, south of 13oN, a tropical zone. The correlations between the faunal provinces and climatic belts are more gradual in the low and intermediate latitudes than in the high latitudes  相似文献   

Data assimilation plays an important role in the analysis of atmospheric data, in particular for numerical weather prediction and the detection of climate variations. In the field of atmospheric chemistry, assimilation techniques have been recently developed to study the distribution of tracer species, with emphasis on the ozone content. The present work reports on assimilation experiments of vertical ozone profiles from the GOME instrument performed with MOCAGE, a chemical-transport model and a 3D-FGAT variational technique. It is shown that this technique is very well adapted for ozone assimilation and can be extended to various sensors or other trace species. To cite this article: S. Massart et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Marine deposits of Visean age are well exposed in the Marrakesh area. Two third order sequences are identified in the central High Atlas and Jebilet: SA, which is of Middle Visean age (CM); SB of Upper Visean age (Cf6αβγ); and a complex with olistoliths of Upper Visean-Lower Namurian age (Cf6δ-Cf7). The SA and SIB sequences consist of a relative low-lying system tract with turbidites, a retrograde transgressive system tract and a prograde high-lying system tract. The relative low level comprises a turbiditic fan fed by tectonic uplift, which does not strictly coincide with eustatic processes. The transgressive system tract retrogrades firstly on the slope during tectonic reactivation with slumps, channels and silty levees, secondly on the shelf edge with a mixture of turbiditic and storm deposits and finally on the shelf with storm deposits and reef building. The high level system tract progrades on the shelf by a delta fan. This model is similar to sequences described in Spain and Italy by Mutti (1992), where tectonism is dominant.Nevertheless, eustasy, as described by Vail et al. (1977) played a part, since the same sequences are found in the chart of Ross and Ross (1987): S1, which of Middle Visean age (Cf5) and S2 which is of Upper Visean age (Cf6αβγ). Only the comparison between regional sequences described in Morocco and the sequences of the European platform allow tectonics and eustasy to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The geological mapping of the Garonne Dome had already shown an angular unconformity between the Upper Ordovician and the underlying series. This paper presents data from a nearby location, Planelh deth Pas Estret, southeast of the Garonne Dome, where the unconformity can be seen at outcrop scale. The unconformity angles amount to up to 20°. This unconformity is interpreted as a result of an extensional event of pre-Upper Ordovician age. To cite this article: J. Garc??a-Sansegundo et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Alkali ion concentrations were studied in hot sulphurated springs in the south of France. Strong correlations between elements (K-Rb, K-Cs and Na-Li) are found. The element concentrations are also closely related with deep temperature as estimated by classical geothermometers. A discussion of the origin of the interelement correlations is presented. Further studies on the behaviour of trace elements during mineral dissolution are needed and can yield interesting methods of investigation in geothermal exploration.


L'étude des concentrations des ions alcalins dissous dans les eaux thermales sulfurées du Midi de la France montrent de très nettes corrélations entre éléments (K-Rb, K-Cs et Na-Li) ainsi que des corrélations entre concentrations d'éléments et température profonde estimée à l'aide des géothermomètres classiques. Plusieurs suggestions quant à l'explication des relations observées sont présentées. Une bonne compréhension du comportement des ions en trace lors de la dissolution des minéraux par l'eau aurait certainement des retombées intéressantes en prospection géothermique.  相似文献   

Une étude de représentativité a été effectuée sur un échantillon de sédiment de ruisseau (SRH-1) prélevéà proximité d'un gîte de Cr-EGP-Ni contenu dans la ceinture ophiolitique des Appalaches du Québec (Canada). Notre étude avait pour but de démontrer que l'analyse de quelques grammes de SRH-1 assurait une représentativité adéquate à l'utilisation des teneurs en EGP d'échantillons de sédiment de ruisseau comme outil d'exploration pour les gîtes de Cr-EGP-Ni associés aux séquences ophiolitiques. Pour ce faire, les teneurs en EGP de SRH-1 ont d'abord été caractérisées par pyroanalyse au sulfure de nickel (29 parties aliquotes de 50 g) et par pyroanalyse plombeuse (50 parties aliquotes de 25 g). Dans ce dernier cas, seulement Pt, Pd et Rh ont été mesurés. Ensuite, les EGP ont été mesurés dans des quantités de plus en plus petites de SRH-1 par pyroanalyse au sulfure de nickel (8 parties aliquotes de 15 g, 8 de 8 g et 8 de 5 g). Les résultats démontrent que des prises de 5 g de SRH-1 assurent une représentativité adéquate à l'analyse de Pt et de Ir soit des résultats analytiques similaires (moyennes et écarts types) à ceux découlant de l'analyse d'une prise de 50 g. Il nous a été impossible de juger de la représentativité d'une prise de 5 g en ce qui concerne les déterminations de Pd, Rh, Os, Ru, ces éléments se trouvant sous ou près des seuils de détection dans les prises de 15, 8, et de 5 g.  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct the past variations of the Southeast Asian monsoon intensity and estimate the sedimentary system reactivity to climatic changes in Southeast Asia over the last 450 kyr, mineralogical and sedimentological analyses have been performed on the terrigenous fraction of the South China Sea sediment. End-member modelling coupled with grain size data discriminates three end-members that determine the nature and intensity of the main sediment transport vectors. Low sea-level stands are characterized by sediment reworking that allows transportation of a coarse end-member (20–40 μm) to the deep-basin. By contrast, the other end-members (4–6 μm; 9–13 μm) are controlled by the shoreline position (sea level) and/or by changes of the rivers capacity transport (monsoon). Finally, aeolian input to the northern margin of the South China Sea can be considered negligible compared to the massive fluvial input and the reworking of the sediments.  相似文献   

Optical and analytical studies were performed on 400 N2 + CO2 gas bearing inclusions in dolomites and quartz from Triassic outcrops in northern Tunisia. Other fluids present include brines (NaCl and KCl bearing inclusions) and rare liquid hydrocarbons. At the time of trapping, such fluids were heterogeneous gas + brine mixtures. In hydrocarbon free inclusions the N2(N2+ CO2) mole ratio was determined using two different non-destructive and punctual techniques: Raman microprobe analysis, and optical estimation of the volume ratios of the different phases selected at low temperatures. In the observed range of compositions, the two methods agree reasonably well.The N2 + CO2 inclusions are divided into three classes of composition: (a) N2(N2 + CO2) > 0,57: Liquid nitrogen is always visible at very low temperature and homogenisation occurs in the range ?151°C to ? 147°C (nitrogen critical temperature) dry ice (solid CO2) sublimates between ?75°C and ?60°C; (b) 0,20 < N2(N2 + CO2) ? 0,57: liquid nitrogen is visible at very low temperature but dry ice melts on heating; liquid and gas CO2 homogenise to liquid phase between ?51°C to ?22°C; (c) N2(N2 + CO2) ? 0,20: liquid nitrogen is not visible even at very low temperature (?195°C) and liquid and gas CO2 homogenise to liquid phase between ?22°C and ?15°C. The observed phases changes are used to propose a preliminary phase diagram for the system CO2-N2 at low temperatures.Assuming additivity of partial pressures, isochores for the CO2-N2 inclusions have been computed. The intersection of these isochores with those for brine inclusions in the same samples may give the P and T of trapping of the fluids.  相似文献   

During Eocene to Early Quaternary period, three compressive tectonic phases are recognized in Northeast Tunisia: a NW–SE to north–south phase during the Late Eocene, a N120-to-N140 phase in the Late Miocene, and a NW–SE to north–south phase in the Plio-Early Quaternary. The first Eocene phase has built NE–SW folds and remobilised east–west-to-N120 and NE–SW faults with a reverse component. The second Miocene phase is characterized by east–west-to-N120 faults with a normal component and NE–SW folds. The third phase occurred during the Plio-Early Quaternary has edified NE–SW folds associated with east–west-to-N120 dextral reverse strike-slip faults and NE–SW faults with a reverse component. To cite this article: H. Mzali, H. Zouari, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

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