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Calibration of the Tibetan Plateau Using Regional Seismic Waveforms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We use the recordings from 51 earthquakes produced by a PASSCAL deployment in Tibet to develop a two-layer crustal model for the region. Starting with their ISC locations, we iteratively fit the P-arrival times to relocate the earthquakes and estimate mantle and crustal seismic parameters. An average crustal P velocity of 6.2–6.3 km/s is obtained for a crustal thickness of 65 km while the P velocity of the uppermost mantle is 8.1 km/s. The upper layer of the model is further fine-tuned by obtaining the best synthetic SH waveform match to an observed waveform for a well-located event. Green's functions from this model are then used to estimate the source parameters for those events using a grid search procedure. Average event relocation relative to the ISC locations, excluding two poorly located earthquakes, is 16 km. All but one earthquake are determined by the waveform inversion to be at depths between 5 and 15 km. This is 15 km shallower, on average, than depths reported by the ISC. The shallow seismicity cut-off depth and low crustal velocities suggest high temperatures in the lower crust. Thrust faulting source mechanisms dominate at the margins of the plateau. Within the plateau, at locations with surface elevations less than 5 km, source mechanisms are a mixture of strike-slip and thrust. Most events occurring in the high plateau where elevations are above 5 km show normal faulting. This indicates that a large portion of the plateau is under EW extension.  相似文献   

This study presents an approach for delineating groundwater basins and estimating rates of recharge to fractured crystalline bedrock. It entailed the use of completion report data (boring logs) from 2500 domestic wells in bedrock from the Coventry Quadrangle, which is located in northeastern Connecticut and characterized by metamorphic gneiss and schist. Completion report data were digitized and imported into ArcGIS® for data analysis. The data were processed to delineate groundwater drainage basins for the fractured rock based on flow conditions and to estimate groundwater recharge to the bedrock. Results indicate that drainage basins derived from surface topography, in general, may not correspond with bedrock drainage basins due to scale. Estimates of recharge to the bedrock for the study area indicate that only a small fraction of the precipitation or the amount of water that enters the overburden recharges the rock. The approach presented here can be a useful method for water resource‐related assessments that involve fractured rock aquifers.  相似文献   

As theory dictates, for a series of horizontal layers, a pure, plane, horizontally polarized shear (SH) wave refracts and reflects only SH waves and does not undergo wave-type conversion as do incident P or Sv waves. This is one reason the shallow SH-wave refraction method is popular. SH-wave refraction method usually works well defining near-surface shear-wave velocities. Only first arrival information is used in the SH-wave refraction method. Most SH-wave data contain a strong component of Love-wave energy. Love waves are surface waves that are formed from the constructive interference of multiple reflections of SH waves in the shallow subsurface. Unlike Rayleigh waves, the dispersive nature of Love waves is independent of P-wave velocity. Love-wave phase velocities of a layered earth model are a function of frequency and three groups of earth properties: SH-wave velocity, density, and thickness of layers. In theory, a fewer parameters make the inversion of Love waves more stable and reduce the degree of nonuniqueness. Approximating SH-wave velocity using Love-wave inversion for near-surface applications may become more appealing than Rayleigh-wave inversion because it possesses the following three advantages. (1) Numerical modeling results suggest the independence of P-wave velocity makes Love-wave dispersion curves simpler than Rayleigh waves. A complication of “Mode kissing” is an undesired and frequently occurring phenomenon in Rayleigh-wave analysis that causes mode misidentification. This phenomenon is less common in dispersion images of Love-wave energy. (2) Real-world examples demonstrated that dispersion images of Love-wave energy have a higher signal-to-noise ratio and more focus than those generated from Rayleigh waves. This advantage is related to the long geophone spreads commonly used for SH-wave refraction surveys, images of Love-wave energy from longer offsets are much cleaner and sharper than for closer offsets, which makes picking phase velocities of Love waves easier and more accurate. (3) Real-world examples demonstrated that inversion of Love-wave dispersion curves is less dependent on initial models and more stable than Rayleigh waves. This is due to Love-wave’s independence of P-wave velocity, which results in fewer unknowns in the MALW method compared to inversion methods of Rayleigh waves. This characteristic not only makes Love-wave dispersion curves simpler but also reduces the degree of nonuniqueness leading to more stable inversion of Love-wave dispersion curves.  相似文献   

The flow of ponded water into and through the unsaturated zone depends on both the saturated and unsaturated components of the hydraulic conductivity. Recent studies indicate that the ratio of the saturated (Kfs) to the unsaturated (φm) components (Kfsm=α*) of flow lies within prescribed bounds for most field soils, i.e., 1m−1≤α*≤ 100 m−1. In addition, the fact that the calculation of Kfs and φm is not strongly dependent on the choice of α*, suggests that a site estimation of α* leads to reasonable "best estimates" of Kfs and φm when using the constant head well permeameter technique. As a consequence, measurement of the steady flow rate using only one ponded head may be all that is necessary for many practical applications. Multiple head measurements or independent measurements of α* or φm can be used, however, to give more accurate estimates of Kfs if required.  相似文献   

中小地震宽频带辐射能量的单台测定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
辐射能量是独立于地震矩的另一个重要的震源参数,在地震危险性和地震危害的评估工作中具有重要的实际意义。通过辐射能量和地震矩的比较可以估计视应力,而视应力是震源物理研究中一个重要的物理量。考虑到我国地震台网分布不均匀的情况,本文尝试利用单台宽频带波形资料进行辐射能量的测定。选用CDSN昆明台(KMI)记录的中小地震宽频带波形资料,分析地震图横向分量上的SH波及其后续震相,采用哈佛大学的震源机制结果进行辐射花样因子的校正,通过采用Brune模型,用补偿谱的方法试错得到品质因子Q。所得结果与NEIC用远震体波测得的能量结果具有较好的一致性。用同样的方法,还对更小的地震进行了能量测定的尝试,结果表明小地震的视应力一地震矩标度关系似乎与中强震有所不同。  相似文献   

Groundwater monitoring wells are present at most hydrocarbon release sites that are being assessed for cleanup. If screened across the vadose zone, these wells provide an opportunity to collect vapor samples that can be used in the evaluation of vapor movement and biodegradation processes occurring at such sites. This paper presents a low purge volume method (modified after that developed by the U.S. EPA) for sampling vapor from monitoring wells that is easy to implement and can provide an assessment of the soil gas total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and O2 concentrations at the base of the vadose zone. As a result, the small purge method allows for sampling of vapor from monitoring wells to support petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI) risk assessment. The small purge volume method was field tested at the Hal's service station site in Green River, Utah. This site is well‐known for numerous soil gas measurements containing high O2 and high TPH vapor concentrations in the same samples which is inconsistent with well‐accepted biodegradation models for the vapor pathway. Using the low purge volume method, monitoring wells were sampled over, upgradient, and downgradient of the light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) footprint. Results from our testing at Hal's show that vapor from monitoring wells over LNAPL contained very low O2 and high TPH concentrations. In contrast, vapor from monitoring wells not over LNAPL contained high O2 and low TPH concentrations. The results of this study show that a low purge volume method is consistent with biodegradation models especially for sampling at sites where low permeability soils exist in and around a LNAPL source zone.  相似文献   

The knowledge of hydraulic properties of aquifers is important in many engineering applications. Careful design of ground‐coupled heat exchangers requires that the hydraulic characteristics and thermal properties of the aquifer must be well understood. Knowledge of groundwater flow rate and aquifer thermal properties is the basis for proper design of such plants. Different methods have been developed in order to estimate hydraulic conductivity by evaluating the transport of various tracers (chemical, heat etc.); thermal response testing (TRT) is a specific type of heat tracer that allows including the hydraulic properties in an effective thermal conductivity value. Starting from these considerations, an expeditious, graphical method was proposed to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, using TRT data and plausible assumption. Suggested method, which is not yet verified or proven to be reliable, should be encouraging further studies and development in this direction.  相似文献   

为了验证平原地区深井水动态观测受环境条件影响的情况,我们选择了河北省河间地区马17地震观测井和马16地热开发井进行对比观测,试图探讨马16井开采对马17井水动态观测的影响。结果表明马17井的动水位年变化是气压干扰所致,与马16井采水无明显关系。马16井冬季开采热水对马17井动水位观测无明显影响。  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the influence of the glacial-isostatic adjustment caused by the last Pleistocene deglaciation on the present-day sea level. The viscoelastic deformation caused by the time-variable ice and ocean loads is simulated by computing the resulting perturbations for a spherical, self-gravitating, incompressible, Maxwell-viscoelastic earth model. The associated variation of the earth rotation is described in terms of the Liouville equation, which is solved by means of the MacCullagh formulae. This allows the determination of the vertical displacement and geoid height and, thus, the solution of the sea-level equation. We test several viscosity and ice models and evaluate them by comparison of the computed response with the Holocene relative sea-level record. Using the optimum combination of viscosity and ice models, we then estimate the influence of the last Pleistocene deglaciation on the tide-gauge measurements. A comparison between the observational and residual linear trends for the tide-gauge measurements shows a significant reduction of the variance and geographical variability for the latter, in particular for the formerly ice-covered regions of North America and Scandinavia. The favoured value determined for the global mean sea-level rise is (1.46±0.2) mm a−1.  相似文献   

An attempt to indicate the sources and pathways of selected chemical substances in precipitation over central Bohemia was accomplished with help of bulk samples, collected in a forested rural landscape approx. 30 km SE from Prague, capital of the Czech Republic. Samples have been collected monthly throughout the 1990s. They were analyzed to determine the concentration of selected major cations and anions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4 +, SO4 2-, NO3 -, Cl-), as well as several minor and trace elements (Al, As, Be, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Sr, Zn, F-).Set of the bulk samples shows strong mutual correlation of the main acidifiers - compounds of N, S (and F). Good correlation occurs also at the typical lithogenic elements Al, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Sr, and the typical elements originating from the flue gases of the combustion chambers burning low quality brown coal - As, (Be), Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The only strong correlation of Cl with Na (and Mg) indicates that majority of these elements originates from the oceanic spray. The content of pollutants in precipitation depends on the air masses types and on the rout of their approach to the sampling site. The typing of synoptic situations was employed for the determination of the air masses types and routs and of the corresponding fronts and precipitation fields.  相似文献   

For theoretically studying the intensity of the influence exerted by the polarization of the rocks on the results of direct current (DC) well logging, a solution is suggested for the direct inner problem of the DC electric logging in the polarizable model of plane-layered medium containing a heterogeneity by the example of the three-layer model of the hosting medium. Initially, the solution is presented in the form of a traditional vector volume-integral equation of the second kind (IE2) for the electric current density vector. The vector IE2 is solved by the modified iteration–dissipation method. By the transformations, the initial IE2 is reduced to the equation with the contraction integral operator for an axisymmetric model of electrical well-logging of the three-layer polarizable medium intersected by an infinitely long circular cylinder. The latter simulates the borehole with a zone of penetration where the sought vector consists of the radial Jr and Jz axial (relative to the cylinder’s axis) components. The decomposition of the obtained vector IE2 into scalar components and the discretization in the coordinates r and z lead to a heterogeneous system of linear algebraic equations with a block matrix of the coefficients representing 2x2 matrices whose elements are the triple integrals of the mixed derivatives of the second-order Green’s function with respect to the parameters r, z, r', and z'. With the use of the analytical transformations and standard integrals, the integrals over the areas of the partition cells and azimuthal coordinate are reduced to single integrals (with respect to the variable t = cos ? on the interval [?1, 1]) calculated by the Gauss method for numerical integration. For estimating the effective coefficient of polarization of the complex medium, it is suggested to use the Siegel–Komarov formula.  相似文献   

井水位对气压扰动的响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析了河北省地震地下流体井网的黄骅、深州、无极、宁晋、永年五口深井水位对气压扰动的响应。结果表明,气压瞬间的大幅度变化能够引起水位的准同步变化,由此求得的井水位气压系数与利用日均值序列计算的气压系数基本相当;与日均值序列相关分析结果比较,水位对气压扰动的响应表现出了一定的波动性。  相似文献   

Prehistoric human history on the Tibetan Plateau is a hotly debated topic. Archaeological research on the plateau during the past few decades has enormously improved our understanding of the topic and makes it possible for us to consider the processes and mechanisms of prehistoric human migration to the region. By reviewing the published archaeological research on the Tibetan Plateau, we propose that the first people on the plateau initially spread into the He-Huang region from the Chinese Loess Plateau, and then moved to the low elevation Northeastern Tibetan Plateau and perhaps subsequently to the entire plateau. This process consisted of four stages.(1) During the climatic amelioration of the Last Deglacial period(15–11.6 ka BP), Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers with a developed microlithic technology first spread into the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau.(2) In the early-mid Holocene(11.6–6 ka BP), Epipaleolithic microlithic hunter-gatherers were widely distributed on the northeastern plateau and spread southwards to the interior plateau, possibly with millet agriculture developed in the neighboring low elevation regions.(3) In the mid-late Holocene(6–4 ka BP), Neolithic millet farmers spread into low elevation river valleys in the northeastern and southeastern plateau areas.(4) In the late Holocene(4–2.3 ka BP), Bronze Age barley and wheat farmers further settled on the high elevation regions of the Tibetan Plateau, especially after 3.6 ka BP. Finally, we suggest that all of the reported Paleolithic sites earlier than the LGM on the Tibetan Plateau need further examination.  相似文献   

聊古一井气氡动态特征分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
分析了聊古一井气氡的正常动态特征。通过对气氡资料的曲线变化形态分析可知:气氡的多年动态为缓慢下降型,年动态为冬高夏低型,月动态、日动态都为起伏型,但它们总在一定范围内变化;通过对气氡资料的离散程度分析可知:脱气装置对气氡的测值影响很大,日均方差和日变幅度都能很好地反映出资料的离散程度,它们可以相互印证。  相似文献   

The viscosity of lower crust of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on earth should be determined. It has become a predominant problem in quantitative research on geodynamics. Its order of magnitude will have a great influence on the results of quantitative modeling. To obtain the viscosity of lower crust of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, this parameter was calculated by three methods. The first is based on the estimation on the temperature state of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the deep part, and the viscosity of lower crust of northern Plateau was recomputed with strain rate derived from rheology law and GPS observation. Effective viscosity of middle crust in Kunlun region is between 1020 and 1022 Pa·s, and that of lower crust is between 1019 and 1021 Pa·s; the second is based on three kinds of rheological models used to fit the post-seismic deformation recorded by cross-over fault GPS sites set after M s8.1 Kunlun earthquake in 2001. The viscosity of lower crust obtained by this method is of 1017 Pa·s order of magnitude. However, higher viscosity is required to fit the data of south fault better, and the lower one is required to fit the data of north fault better. The viscosity of lower crust, which was obtained by fitting the cross-over fault post-seismic deformation after M s7.6 Luhuo earthquake in 1973, is of 1019 Pa·s order of magnitude. Non-linear relationship between effective viscosity and strain rate is ignored in the former research of effective viscosity. This research shows the difference of effective viscosity obtained from laboratory experiment, and shorter and longer time post-seismic deformation after large earthquakes can be explained in phase. Supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2004CB418405), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40774048), Important Direction Item of Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-123) and Basic Scientific Research Project of Earthquake (Grant No. 02076902-05)  相似文献   

Li  Ying  Su  Fengge  Tang  Qiuhong  Gao  Hongkai  Yan  Denghua  Peng  Hui  Xiao  Shangbin 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2022,65(6):1088-1103
Science China Earth Sciences - Tracking and quantifying the moisture sources of precipitation in different drainage basins in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) help to reveal basin-scale hydrological cycle...  相似文献   

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