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吉林西部砷中毒区高砷地下水反向地球化学模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解吉林西部砷中毒区高砷地下水水-岩作用过程及砷的迁移转化规律,通过野外调查、样品采集和数据测试,利用地下水化学测试数据,分析了该区地下水化学特征以及高砷地下水的水平和垂向分布规律.在地下水流场及水化学特征分析的基础上,应用PHREEQC软件进行了地下水砷的反向地球化学模拟,计算了沿同一水流路径下含砷、铁、锰等矿物的溶解或析出量.模拟结果表明:沿地下水流方向,含砷元素的矿物臭葱石在路径1和路径2上不同水样点间溶解进入地下水的量分别为2.44×10-6、8.03×10-7、7.98×10-6和4.14×10-7 mmol/L,含铁、锰元素的矿物针铁矿、赤铁矿、软锰矿和方铁锰矿的质量交换结果均为正值;表明沿模拟路径这几种矿物发生溶解进入地下水,而硫酸根离子和CO2的交换量为负值,从地下水中析出.以上研究证实了地下水中砷与铁、锰元素具有良好的相关性,且高砷水在碱性的还原环境富集.  相似文献   

在四坪山建造极低放射性核废物填埋场,建填废物紧临洪积扇。查明洪积扇地下水的演化特征,可为核废物的安全填埋提供依据。使用地球化学软件PHREEQCI,进行洪积扇地下水的反向地球化学模拟,推测地下水在径流过程中发生的水-岩作用,并计算发生水-岩作用的矿物相的量。  相似文献   

刘海  康博  沈军辉 《现代地质》2019,33(2):440-450
在了解安徽省泗县水文地质条件基础上,分析了区域水文地球化学特征及类型,探讨了其空间分布特征。根据开采条件下的地下水动力场条件,选择了3条模拟路径,采用PHREEQC软件进行了水文地球化学模拟研究,定量分析了地下水的形成机理及演化。结果表明,路径Ⅰ发生了岩盐、石膏以及伊利石的溶解,高岭土、石英、白云石、萤石发生了沉淀;钙蒙脱石、方解石不参与反应,NaX解吸,CaX_2被吸附;路径Ⅱ发生了岩盐、石膏、伊利石、石英等的溶解以及钙蒙脱石、方解石的沉淀,NaX解吸,CaX_2被吸附;路径Ⅲ发生的反应基本与路径Ⅰ相同,不同之处在该路径上的白云石发生了溶解,其原因可能是地下水在径流过程中溶解CO_2,使其继续溶解白云石以及受沉淀滞后的影响。研究结果表明地下水开采条件下,泗县地下水化学组分主要受到了岩盐和石膏等矿物的溶解作用、钙钠离子交换作用以及钙蒙脱石、方解石沉淀作用的控制。  相似文献   

黔西南高砷煤的分布及地球化学特征研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
根据野外地质特征结合中子活化成分分析结果,探讨了黔西南高砷煤的分布特征、影响因素和某些地球化学特征。高砷煤严格受构造(褶皱和断层)、地层(二叠系龙潭组)、沉积相(海陆交互相)的控制,分布于平行北斜长轴的断层两侧,愈靠近断层面砷的含量愈高。砷在煤中的分布极不均匀,即使同一煤层变化也极大。在时空关系与元素组合上高砷煤与区内卡林型金矿密切相关。  相似文献   

焦作矿区地下水水化学特征及其地球化学模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了研究焦作矿区地下水水化学演化机制,查明岩溶水的主要补给来源,为矿井突水防范提供科学依据,对研究区域地下水系统取样分析。综合应用Piper三角图示法、岩性影响分析、相关性分析、总溶解固体分析和水文地球化学过程的定量模拟技术,系统地研究地下水水化学的空间分布规律和演化趋势;建立了地下水质量平衡模型,以提供岩溶地下水化学成分演化机理的定量信息;揭示了Ca2+-Na+、Mg2+-Na+阳离子交换作用、风化溶滤作用、蒸发浓缩作用、白云石的非全等溶解是地下水质演化的主要水文化学过程,为推断矿区地下水的补给来源提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以地处中国北方半干旱地区的典型新生代断陷盆地--太原盆地为例,分析了影响孔隙地下水化学特征的水岩相互作用过程。研究结果显示:孔隙地下水的水化学类型表现出明显分带性,并与盆地水文地质单元分区吻合得很好。地下水地球化学过程的定性研究结论与基于PHREEQC的反向水文地球化学模拟结果一致,均表明对于地下水化学特征的形成和演化而言,硅酸盐和碳酸盐矿物的溶解沉淀作用、排泄区地下水的蒸发浓缩作用及其与含水层介质的阳离子交换作用是控制性的地球化学过程。研究表明:地下水地球化学特征可指示地下水流动场,水化学过程研究是地下水系统结构研究的重要手段之一。  相似文献   

吉林省饮水型砷中毒区是继中国内蒙古和山西病区后发现的新病区。该病区主要分布在吉林省西部的通榆县和洮南市,其水文地质单元属于松嫩平原大型蓄水盆地的西部,是由第四系潜水、承压水和新近系承压水组成的多层结构的含水系统。采用瞬时采样法采集了区内潜水和承压水样品,共194份;通过GIS的空间叠加技术、化验与测试技术,进行了区域水化学环境特征与饮水型砷中毒的关系研究。结果表明:受区域地质构造控制,在低洼地带堆积了巨厚的粉砂淤泥质冲积物和富含有机质的湖积物,为地下水砷的赋存提供了空间。区域地下水砷含量的范围值为0.001~0.339 mg·L-1,水砷价态以As(V)为主,高砷水主要分布在由若干隆起形成的中间低洼地带中地下水埋深大于10 m的潜水、第四系和新近系承压水含水层中。高砷地下水的形成与特定的水文地质条件和水化学环境有关,氯化物重碳酸钠型水中的砷含量最高。臭葱石(FeAsO4·2H2O)等含铁、含锰矿物在进入地下水的溶解过程中,形成铁、锰的氧化物和砷的化合物,如砷酸盐和亚砷酸盐。伴随着水环境中Eh的降低,氧化物被还原形成更为活泼的离子组分,吸附在氧化物表面的含砷化合物进而解吸,使砷从含水层的沉积物中向水中溶解和迁移。  相似文献   

在放射性废物处置库的选址过程中,地下水水化学特征是最重要的因素之一。为了查明西北某放射性废物处置预选区地下水水化学特征及其演化机制,对该区地下水水样进行了水质测试,综合运用Piper三线图法、相关性分析、饱和指数模拟和质量平衡反应模拟,全面分析了该预选区地下水水化学类型的空间分布和地下水水演化的主要水文化学过程。结果表明:研究区地下水在北部山区接受补给,并向南运移,地下水类型随径流由SO4.Cl—Na型转变为Cl.SO4—Na型。地下水在径流过程中主要经历了溶滤作用、蒸发浓缩作用和阳离子交换作用等水文化学过程,它们是控制该区地下水水化学组分演化的关键。  相似文献   

笔者应用地球化学块体理论,对全省化探数据进行综合分析处理。圈出14种元素地球化学块体173个,其中地球化学巨省25个,地球化学省148个。总结地球化学块体在空间上的分布规律。通过研究地球化学块体内部结构,追踪大型至特大型矿床可能存在的地点。利用块体内已探明的金属储量,计算其成矿率,预测其他元素或其他地段的金属资源总量,固定成矿远景区,确定巨型矿床找矿靶区7处。通过不同级别地球化学块体与成矿区带的关系研究,对重要地球化学块体、子块体与成矿亚带、矿田进行对比,对地球化学块体内区域矿产资源潜力作出评价。  相似文献   

地方性生物地球化学砷中毒是一种较常见的地方病.通过对内蒙古河套地区的水砷价态进行调查,分析了砷价态的分布情况及对病情的影响程度.研究表明,水砷总含量与As3+含量呈正相关关系.水砷总体含量越高(As3+含量也同样增高),地砷病症状也越严重.病区居民饮用砷含量超标的水时间越长,砷中毒症状越明显.  相似文献   

吉林西部砷中毒区水文地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以野外调查和样品测试数据为依据,应用SPSS软件对吉林省西部地下水中的砷及其它化学组分进行了相关性分析,结果表明:As与Fe、HCO3-、Mn、Cl、PO43-、TDS呈显著正相关关系,As与SO42-、Se呈显著负相关关系;根据水化学样品分析结果,结合研究区的地质、地貌及水文地质条件,得出病区的水文地球化学特征。在这个特定的水文地质单元,不同的地下水水化学类型,具有不同的砷含量,Cl.HCO3—Na型水的总砷含量最高,HCO3—Ca型水的总砷含量最低。  相似文献   

大同盆地地下水砷异常及其成因研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
大同盆地是中国典型的原生高砷地下水分布区。笔者对大同盆地高砷地下水的分布特征、水化学演化过程、砷的来源以及控制高砷地下水形成的地球化学过程等近期研究成果进行了总结。盆地周边石炭—二叠纪煤系地层是盆地高砷环境的主要原生物源,含水层系统中铁磁性矿物为砷的主要载体,盆地内富含有机质的湖相沉积物是次生富砷介质。在盆地中心,地下水径流受阻,蒸发成为主要的排泄方式,浓缩作用使得地下水中TDS含量增大。在富含有机质的地层中,有机质在细菌或微生物作用下不断发生分解,使得地下水环境呈还原性。在高pH、低Eh条件下,由于铁锰氧化物或氢氧化物等水合物或粘土矿物对砷的吸附性降低,一部分被吸附的砷从这些矿物表面解吸;同时部分铁锰氧化物可被还原为低价态可溶性铁锰,从而使与其结合的砷也得以释放进入地下水中。在还原条件下,水中的SO24-和有机碳可被还原成H2S和CH4等低价态化合物,尽管生成的硫化物达到一定浓度时可与水中的亚铁离子和砷反应生成FeAsS沉淀,降低了地下水中砷含量,但由于地下水中Fe和硫酸盐含量有限,Fe普遍含量较低,硫酸盐耗尽后,CH4生成细菌就会成为主导力量,砷就会继续在地下水中积聚。此外,由于pH的升高,还可引起其他不同的酸根离子的解吸,如磷酸根、钒酸根、铀酰和钼酸根等也趋向于在溶液中积累,这些被吸附的阴离子以竞争吸附方式,进一步促进砷的解吸。  相似文献   

The aim is to define the mechanism of chemical reactions that are responsible for the salinization of the Azraq basin along groundwater flow path, using inverse modeling technique by PHREEQC Interactive 2.8 for Windows. The chemical analysis of representative groundwater samples was used to predict the causes of salinization of groundwater. In addition, the saturation indices analysis was used to characterize the geochemical processes that led to the dissolution of mineral constituents within the groundwater aquifer system. According to the modeling results, it was noted that the groundwater at the recharge area was undersaturated with respect to calcite, dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, and halite. Thus, the water dissolved these minerals during water rock interaction, and therefore, the concentration of Ca, Mg, Na, and SO4 increased along the groundwater flow path. Furthermore, the groundwater at the discharge area was oversaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite. This meant that the water would precipitate these minerals along the flow path, while the water was undersaturated with respect to gypsum and halite throughout the simulated path; this showed the dissolution processes that take place during water-rock interaction. Therefore, the salinity of the groundwater increased significantly along the groundwater flow paths.  相似文献   

A regional scale hydrogeochemical study of a ∼21,000-km2 area in the western Bengal basin shows the presence of hydrochemically distinct water bodies in the main semiconfined aquifer and deeper isolated aquifers. Spatial trends of solutes and geochemical modeling indicate that carbonate dissolution, silicate weathering, and cation exchange control the major-ion chemistry of groundwater and river water. The main aquifer water has also evolved by mixing with seawater from the Bay of Bengal and connate water. The isolated aquifers contain diagenetically altered water of probable marine origin. The postoxic main aquifer water exhibits overlapping redox zones (metal-reducing, sulfidic and methanogenic), indicative of partial redox equilibrium, with the possibility of oxidation in micro-scale environments. The redox processes are depth-dependent and hydrostratigraphically variable. Elevated dissolved As in the groundwater is possibly related to Fe(III) reduction, but is strongly influenced by coupled Fe–S–C redox cycles. Arsenic does not show good correlations with most solutes, suggesting involvement of multiple processes in As mobilization. The main river in the area, the Bhagirathi–Hoogly, is chemically distinctive from other streams in the vicinity and probably has little or no influence on deep groundwater chemistry. Arsenic in water of smaller streams (Jalangi and Ichamati) is probably introduced by groundwater discharge during the dry season.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1353-1360
Southwest Guizhou Province is one of the most important areas of disseminated, sediment-hosted-type Au deposits in China and is an important area of coal production. The chemistry of most of the coals in SW Guizhou is similar to those in other parts of China. Their As content is near the Chinese coal average, but some local, small coal mines contain high As coals. The highest As content is up to 3.5 wt.% in the coal. The use of high As coals has caused in excess of 3000 cases of As poisoning in several villages. The high As coals are in the Longtan formation, which is an alternating marine facies and terrestrial facies. The coals are distributed on both sides of faults that parallel the regional anticlinal axis. The As content of coal is higher closer to the fault plane. The As content of coal changes greatly in different coal beds and different locations of the same bed. Geological structures such as anticlines, faults and sedimentary strata control the distribution of high As coals. Small Au deposits as well as Sb, Hg, and Th mineralization, are found near the high As coals. Although some As-bearing minerals such as pyrite, arsenopyrite, realgar (?), As-bearing sulfate, As-bearing clays, and phosphate are found in the high As coals, their contents cannot account for the abundance of As in some coals. Analysis of the coal indicates that As mainly exists in the form of As5+ and As3+, perhaps, combined with organic compounds. The occurrence of such exceptionally high As contents in coal and the fact that the As is dominantly organically associated are unique observations.  相似文献   

Visual Modflow在吉林省西部地下水数值模拟中的应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
本文首先建立了吉林省西部地区水文地质概念模型,然后运用国际通用的可视化标准软件Visual Modflow对研究区地下水进行了数值模拟计算和预测,得出了该区的多年平均地下水补给资源量和可采资源量,为研究区地下水资源的合理开发利用提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

Aquifer sediments from areas of low- and high-As groundwater were characterized mineralogically and geochemically at a field site in the Nadia district of West Bengal, India. Leaching experiments and selective extraction of the sediments were also carried out to understand the release mechanism of As in the sub-surface. The correlation between measured elements (major, minor and trace) from low- and high-As groundwater areas are only significant for As, Fe and Mn. The borehole lithology and percentage of silt and clay fraction demonstrates the dominance of finer sediments in the high-As aquifer. Multivariate analysis of the geochemical parameters showed the presence of four different mineral phases (heavy-mineral fraction, phyllosilicates/biotite/Fe-oxyhydroxides, carbonates and sulphides) in the sediments. Selective extraction of sediment reveals that amorphous Fe-oxyhydroxide acts as a potential sink for As in the sub-surface. The result is consistent with microbially mediated redox reactions, which are controlled in part by the presence of natural organic matter within the aquifer sediments. The occurrences of As-bearing redox traps, primarily formed of Fe- and Mn-oxides/hydroxides, are also important factors that control the release of As into groundwater at the study site.  相似文献   

Flow and mass transport parameter estimation was done by creating an inverse model of a seawater intrusion system using a genetic algorithm (GA) method as the optimization procedure. Firstly, the SEAWAT code was used for the forward solution part and then a program was written in MATLAB for coupling the forward and inverse processes. The auto-calibration objective function was defined with the root mean square errors (RMSE) between the observed and the simulated values. A simple GA was used to minimize the RMSE criterion. The methodology was applied to a coastal aquifer with heterogeneous formations in a semi-arid area near salty Tashk Lake (electrical conductivity 61,420 µS/cm), Fars province, Iran. In the last two decades, the overexploitation of groundwater has caused a major water level drawdown and, consequently, salt-water intrusion. Firstly, flow and transport parameters (hydraulic conductivity, porosity, specific storage coefficient and longitudinal dispersivity) were estimated simultaneously in steady-state and, secondly, in the developed code, these results were used as initial values of the parameters in transient-state. Results show a good match for observed and simulated data. It can be concluded that GA is a helpful tool for automatic calibration of variable density fluid systems such as seawater intrusion cases.  相似文献   

吉林省西部是我国主要粮食产区,但区内农业水利规划管理同时面临潜水资源与生态环境双重风险。近20年来,区内曾尝试多种水资源利用模式,但缺少不同模式应用效果的定量化对比。文章建立了不同水资源利用模式,对比分析各模式的水资源与次生盐碱化风险。以洮儿河流域为例,采用循环神经网络预测2019—2023年该地区大气降水和地表水对地下水补给量;通过随机数值模拟预测现状开采、连续干旱、无序开采、地下水库建设、节水灌溉、旱田改水田6种情形下,区内潜水水位空间分布特征。以防止次生盐碱化为目标,定义水位埋深上限为1 m;以含水介质厚度为参考,定义水位埋深下限为12 m。遴选适合吉林省西部地区地下水资源可持续利用模式。结果显示:无序开采是导致区内水资源枯竭的主要诱因;地下水库建设和旱改水工程有助于潜水资源维护,但长期运行可加剧生态环境风险。节水灌溉(净采强度为2.0×108~3.0×108 m3/a)是降低区内水资源风险和生态环境风险的最佳方式。文章采用的神经网络—随机模拟分析方法成功预测了地下水位变化驱动因子和地下水位中长期变化趋势,为我国干旱半干旱地区潜水资源利用方案制定提供了新方法。  相似文献   

化探方法成矿指示元素组合——以豫西牛头沟金矿为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
佟依坤 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):712-724
确定成矿指示元素组合是建立典型矿床地球化学找矿模型的关键步骤。豫西牛头沟金矿床是熊耳山地区近年来发现的大型金矿床之一,矿区矿体及蚀变带在地表出露,并严格受NW向断裂控制,属破碎蚀变岩型金矿。本文利用原生晕基岩和区域水系沉积物的化探数据分析,确定成(或找)矿指示元素组合,并提出利用中国水系沉积物元素含量中位值来确定指示元素的异常下限。基于矿区原生晕基岩元素含量分析,牛头沟金矿成矿指示元素组合为Au、W、Mo、Bi、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ag、As、Sb、Hg、Co、Y、F,总计15项;根据矿区1:5万水系沉积物化探普查得到的元素异常特征,该区找矿指示元素组合也为上述15项元素;而根据1:20万区域化探元素异常特征,牛头沟金矿区找矿指示元素组合为Au、W、Mo、Bi、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ag、F、Co、Y,共11项。  相似文献   

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