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 Effects of the seasonal variation in thermohaline and wind forcing on the abyssal circulation are investigated by using an ocean general circulation model. To isolate effects of the seasonality in the thermohaline forcing from those in the wind forcing, we carry out three experiments with (1) annual-mean wind forcing and perpetual-winter thermohaline forcing, (2) annual-mean wind forcing and seasonal thermohaline forcing, and (3) seasonal wind forcing and seasonal thermohaline forcing. The deep water under the seasonal thermohaline forcing becomes warmer than under the perpetual-winter thermohaline forcing. Although the perpetual-winter thermohaline forcing is widely used and believed to reproduce the deep water better than the annual-mean forcing, the difference between the results of the perpetual-winter and the seasonal thermohaline forcing is significant. The seasonal variation of the Ekman convergence and divergence produces meridional overturning cells extending to the bottom because the period of seasonal cycle is shorter than the adjustment timescale by baroclinic Rossby waves. The heat transport owing to those Ekman flows and temperature anomalies makes the upper water (0–200 m) colder at low to mid-latitudes (40S–40N) and warmer at high latitudes. Also the deep water becomes warmer owing to the warming of the northern North Atlantic, the main source region of North Atlantic Deep Water. The model is also synchronously (i.e., without acceleration) integrated with seasonal forcing for 5400 y. A past study suggested that under seasonal forcing, a sufficient equilibrium state can be achieved after only decades of synchronous integration following more than 10 000 y of accelerated integration. Here, the result so obtained is compared with that of the 5400-y synchronous integration. The difference in the global average temperature is as small as 0.12 °C, and most of the difference is confined to the Southern Ocean. Received: 1 May 1998 / Accepted: 5 January 1999  相似文献   

The global ocean circulation with a seasonal cycle has been simulated with a two-and-a-half layer upper-ocean model. This model was developed for the purpose of coupling to an atmospheric general circulation model for climate studies on decadal time scales. The horizontal resolution is 4° latitude by 5° longitude and is thus not eddy-resolving. Effects of bottom topography are neglected. In the vertical, the model resolves the oceanic mixed layer and the thermocline. A thermodynamic sea-ice model is coupled to the mixed layer. The model is forced at the surface with seasonally varying (a) observed wind stress, (b) heat fluxes, as defined by an atmospheric equilibrium temperature, and (c) Newtonian-type surface salt fluxes. The second layer is coupled to the underlying deep ocean through Newtonian-type diffusive heat and salt fluxes, convective overturning, and mass entrainment in the upwelling regions of the subpolar gyres. The overall global distributions of mixed layer temperature, salinity and thickness are favorably reproduced. Inherent limitations due to coarse horizontal resolution result in large mixed-layer temperature errors near continental boundaries and in weak current systems. Sea ice distributions agree well with observations except in the interiors of the Ross and Weddell Seas. A realistic time rate of change of heat storage is simulated. There is also realistic heat transport from low to high latitudes.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the axial angular momentum balance of a non-eddy-resolving global ocean general circulation model, from the perspective of the geographical and seasonal variability of angular momentum and from the perspective of the torques acting on the ocean through its surfaces. Our purpose is to provide an estimate of the magnitude of the seasonal storage of angular momentum in the ocean and hence the oceanic excitation of variability in length of day, and to elucidate the role of the ocean in transferring angular momentum between the atmosphere and the Earth's crust. We provide an assessment of the reliability of the model results by examining the sensitivity of the angular momentum and torque distributions to several model parameters.Although the Southern Ocean region containing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) makes the largest contribution to both the annual mean oceanic angular momentum and its seasonal variability, inclusion of the rest of the world ocean reduces both of these quantities to about two-thirds of the value of the Southern Ocean alone. The annual, global mean angular momentum is found to be insensitive to most model choices except for the isopycnal diffusivity. The seasonal variability, on the other hand, is insensitive to the isopycnal diffusivity, but sensitive to the smoothness of the representation of topography and moderately sensitive to horizontal and vertical friction parameterizations. The torque balance at all latitudes, including within the Antarctic circumpolar belt, is between wind stress and bottom pressure torques. Horizontal friction torques are small but non-negligible. Bottom friction and storage of angular momentum are negligible in angular momentum budgets on seasonal time scales. Two commonly used wind stress climatologies, one based on historical marine meteorological observations and the other based on operational weather analyses, differ in the sign of the globally integrated wind stress torque.  相似文献   

The impact of a downslope water-transport parametrization on the circulation and water mass characteristics of a global depth-level ocean general circulation model is investigated. The spreading of dense water from the formation regions into the deep ocean is known to be poorly represented in depth-level models with no bottom boundary layer resolved or attached. The new scheme is simple and intends to parametrize the effects of various oceanographic processes (rather than the processes themselves) that help dense water to descend topographic slopes by which the formation regions are separated from the world ocean. The new scheme significantly improves the large scale properties of the North Atlantic Deep Water. Changes in the North Atlantic circulation, however, are rather small. In the Southern Ocean, the exchange between the dense water formation regions on the continental shelves and the deep ocean is strengthened at the expense of deep water mass formation by open ocean convection. In all three ocean basins, the density of the deep and bottom water is higher with the new parametrization, which brings the simulations closer to observations in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. In the Pacific Ocean, however, where the density has already been well reproduced without the downslope transport, it becomes slightly too high. The results are in agreement with those from other model studies.  相似文献   

An ocean biogeochemistry model was developed and incorporated into a global ocean general circulation model (LICOM) to form an ocean biogeochemistry general circulation model (OBGCM). The model was used to study the natural carbon cycle and the uptake and storage of anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean. A global export production of 12.5 Pg C yr-1 was obtained. The model estimated that in the pre-industrial era the global equatorial region within 15o of the equator released 0.97 Pg C yr-1 to the atmosphere, which was balanced by the gain of CO2 in other regions. The post-industrial air-sea CO2 flux indicated the oceanic uptake of CO2 emitted by human activities. An increase of 20-50 mol kg-1 for surface dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations in the 1990s relative to pre-industrial times was obtained in the simulation, which was consistent with data-based estimates. The model generated a total anthropogenic carbon inventory of 105 Pg C as of 1994, which was within the range of estimates by other researchers. Various transports of both natural and anthropogenic DIC as well as labile dissolved organic carbon (LDOC) were estimated from the simulation. It was realized that the Southern Ocean and the high-latitude region of the North Pacific are important export regions where accumulative air-sea CO2 fluxes are larger than the DIC inventory, whereas the subtropical regions are acceptance regions. The interhemispheric transport of total natural carbon (DIC+LDOC) was found to be northward (0.11 Pg C yr-1), which was just balanced by the gain of carbon from the atmosphere in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle in coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the seasonal cycle of near-surface air temperature simulated by 17 coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Nine of the models use ad hoc “flux adjustment” at the ocean surface to bring model simulations close to observations of the present-day climate. We group flux-adjusted and non-flux-adjusted models separately and examine the behavior of each class. When averaged over all of the flux-adjusted model simulations, near-surface air temperature falls within 2?K of observed values over the oceans. The corresponding average over non-flux-adjusted models shows errors up to ~6?K in extensive ocean areas. Flux adjustments are not directly applied over land, and near-surface land temperature errors are substantial in the average over flux-adjusted models, which systematically underestimates (by ~5?K) temperature in areas of elevated terrain. The corresponding average over non-flux-adjusted models forms a similar error pattern (with somewhat increased amplitude) over land. We use the temperature difference between July and January to measure seasonal cycle amplitude. Zonal means of this quantity from the individual flux-adjusted models form a fairly tight cluster (all within ~30% of the mean) centered on the observed values. The non-flux-adjusted models perform nearly as well at most latitudes. In Southern Ocean mid-latitudes, however, the non-flux-adjusted models overestimate the magnitude of January-minus-July temperature differences by ~5?K due to an overestimate of summer (January) near-surface temperature. This error is common to five of the eight non-flux-adjusted models. Also, over Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude land areas, zonal mean differences between July and January temperatures simulated by the non-flux-adjusted models show a greater spread (positive and negative) about observed values than results from the flux-adjusted models. Elsewhere, differences between the two classes of models are less obvious. At no latitude is the zonal mean difference between averages over the two classes of models greater than the standard deviation over models. The ability of coupled GCMs to simulate a reasonable seasonal cycle is a necessary condition for confidence in their prediction of long-term climatic changes (such as global warming), but it is not a sufficient condition unless the seasonal cycle and long-term changes involve similar climatic processes. To test this possible connection, we compare seasonal cycle amplitude with equilibrium warming under doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide for the models in our data base. A small but positive correlation exists between these two quantities. This result is predicted by a simple conceptual model of the climate system, and it is consistent with other modeling experience, which indicates that the seasonal cycle depends only weakly on climate sensitivity.  相似文献   

On the basis of Zeng’s theoretical design, a coupled general circulation model (CGCM) is developed with its characteristics different from other CGCMs such as the unified vertical coordinates and subtraction of the standard stratification for both atmosphere and ocean, available energy consideration, and so on. The oceanic component is a free surface tropical Pacific Ocean GCM between 30oN and 30oS with horizontal grid spacing of 1o in latitude and 2o in longitude, and with 14 vertical layers. The atmospheric component it a global GCM with low-resolution of 4o in latitude and 5o in longitude, and two layers or equal man in the vertical between the surface and 200 hPa. The atmospheric GCM includes comprehensive physical processes. The coupled model is subjected to seasonally-varying cycle. Several coupling experiments, ranging from straight forward coupling without flux correction to one with flux correction, and to so-called predictor-corrector monthly coupling (PCMC), are conducted to show the existence and final controlling of the climate drift in the coupled system. After removing the climate drift with the PCMC scheme, the coupled model is integrated for more than twenty years. The results show reasonable simulations of the annual mean and its seasonal cycle of the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. The model also produces the coherent interannual variations of the climate system, manifesting the observed El Ni?o / Southern Oscillation (ENSO).  相似文献   

A numerical world ocean general circulation model   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper describes a numerical model of the world ocean based on the fully primitive equations. A “Standard” ocean state is introduced into the equations of the model and the perturbed thermodynamic variables are used in the modle’s calculations. Both a free upper surface and a bottom topography are included in the model and a sigma coordinate is used to normalize the model’s vertical component. The model has four unevenly-spaced layers and 4 × 5 horizontal resolution based on C-grid system. The finite-difference scheme of the model is designed to conserve the gross available energy in order to avoid fictitious energy generation or decay.The model has been tested in response to the annual mean surface wind stress, sea level air pressure and sea level air temperature as a preliminary step to its further improvement and its coupling with a global atmospheric general circulation model. Some of results, including currents, temperature and sea surface elevation simulated by the model are presented.  相似文献   

Internal secular variability in an ocean general circulation model   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
We describe results of an experiment in which the Hamburg Large-Scale Geostrophic Ocean General Circulation Model was driven by a spatially correlated white-noise freshwater flux superimposed on the climatological fluxes. In addition to the red-noise character of the oceanic response, the model exhibits pronounced variability in a frequency band around 320 years. The centers of action of this oscillation are the Southern Ocean and the Atlantic.This paper was presented at the International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, held in Hamburg 11–15 September 1989 under the auspices of the Meteorological Institute of the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is Dr. L. Dümenil.  相似文献   

An ocean general circulation model of global domain, full continental geometry and bottom topography, is used to study the influence of the Bering Strait on the general circulation by comparing equilibrium solutions obtained with and without a land-bridge between Siberia and Alaska. The model is integrated with restoring boundary conditions (BC) on temperature and salinity, and later, with mixed BC in which a restoring BC on temperature is maintained but a specified flux condition on salinity is imposed. In both cases, the effect of the Bering Strait is to allow a flow of about 1.25–1.5 Sv from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean and, ultimately, back to the North Pacific along the western boundary current regions of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. When a restoring BC on salinity is used, the overturning associated with North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water formation are increased if the Bering Strait is present in the model geometry. The result of switching to a specified flux BC on salinity is to cause a transition in the THC in which the overturning associated with North Atlantic Deep Water formation increases from about 12 Sv to about 22 Sv. This transition occurs in an essentially smooth fashion with no significant variability and is about 12% smaller in magnitude if the Bering Strait is present in the model geometry. Because the Bering Strait appears to exert some influence on the general circulation and the formation of deep water masses, it is recommended that this Strait be included in the geometry of similar resolution models designed to study the deep ocean and potential changes in climate. Correspondence to: CJC Reason  相似文献   

The mean state and the seasonal cycle in the tropical Pacific are studied, using a new coupled tropical ocean-global atmosphere model. The atmospheric component is a general circulation model and the oceanic component is a two and a half layer model of the tropical Pacific. The coupling is based on delocalized physics: the spatial resolution of the physics of the atmospheric component is the same as the spatial resolution of the oceanic model. No flux corrections are applied. A 31 year experiment has been made with the climatological observed sea surface temperature outside the area of coupling. We observe a quick drift of the model which, after three years, reaches a warm mean state. The temperature bias varies geographically between 1?°C and 2?°C, but, in spite of this default, the eastern part of the basin remains colder than the west. This contrast is shown to be dependent on the shoaling of the thermocline east of 160°W. There is a significant seasonal cycle with an amplitude and phase of the seasonal variations which are well reproduced with respect to many other models. It is shown that interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere in the central and eastern Pacific are sufficient to explain the gross features of its evolution. In July, easterlies intensify in the Southern Hemisphere and lead to a strong upwelling and an enhanced evaporation in the eastern part of the basin. This induces a cooling throughout the area. The cooling reaches a first maximum in October in the easternmost part of the basin, then propagates westward along the equator with a decreasing amplitude. In January it is reinforced in the central part of the basin because of a divergence of the current, which is too strong. The mechanisms found here emphasize the role of the upwelling in maintaining the equatorial Pacific climate, and are in agreement with those found in other simplified coupled models.  相似文献   

A coupled model, consisting of an ocean wave model and an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM), is integrated under permanent July conditions. The wave model is forced by the AGCM wind stress, whereas the wind waves modify the AGCM surface fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat. We investigate the following aspects of the coupled model: how realistic are the wave fields, how strong is the coupling, and how sensitive is the atmospheric circulation to the spatially and temporally varying wave field. The wave climatology of the coupled model compares favorably with observational data. The interaction between the two models is largest (although weak) in the storm track in the Southern Hemisphere. Young windsea, which is associated with enhanced surface fluxes is generated mostly in the equatorward frontal area of an individual cyclone. However, the enhancement of the surface fluxes is too small to significantly modify the climatological mean atmospheric circulation.This paper was presented at the Second International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Variability, held in Hamburg 7–11 September 1992 under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. Guest Editor for these papers is L. Dümenil  相似文献   

The problem of error propagation is considered for spatially uncorrelated errors of the barotropic stream function in an oceanic general circulation model (OGCM). Such errors typically occur when altimetric data from satellites are assimilated into ocean models. It is shown that the error decays at first due to the dissipation of the smallest scales in the error field. The error then grows exponentially before it saturates at the value corresponding to the difference between independent realizations. A simple analytic formula for the error behavior is derived; it matches the numerical results documented for the present primitive-equation ocean model, and other models in the literature.  相似文献   

Sea ice has been suggested, based on simple models, to play an important role in past glacial–interglacial oscillations via the so-called “sea-ice switch” mechanism. An important requirement for this mechanism is that multiple sea-ice extents exist under the same land ice configuration. This hypothesis of multiple sea-ice extents is tested with a state-of-the-art ocean general circulation model coupled to an atmospheric energy–moisture-balance model. The model includes a dynamic-thermodynamic sea-ice module, has a realistic ocean configuration and bathymetry, and is forced by annual mean forcing. Several runs with two different land ice distributions represent present-day and cold-climate conditions. In each case the ocean model is initiated with both ice-free and fully ice-covered states. We find that the present-day runs converge approximately to the same sea-ice state for the northern hemisphere while for the southern hemisphere a difference in sea-ice extent of about three degrees in latitude between the different runs is observed. The cold climate runs lead to meridional sea-ice extents that are different by up to four degrees in latitude in both hemispheres. While approaching the final states, the model exhibits abrupt transitions from extended sea-ice states and weak meridional overturning circulation, to less extended sea ice and stronger meridional overturning circulation, and vice versa. These transitions are linked to temperature changes in the North Atlantic high-latitude deep water. Such abrupt changes may be associated with Dansgaard–Oeschger events, as proposed by previous studies. Although multiple sea ice states have been observed, the difference between these states is not large enough to provide a strong support for the sea-ice-switch mechanism.  相似文献   

W. Cheng  R. Bleck  C. Rooth 《Climate Dynamics》2004,22(6-7):573-590
A century scale integration of a near-global atmosphere–ocean model is used to study the multi-decadal variability of the thermohaline circulation (THC) in the Atlantic. The differences between the coupled and two supplementary ocean-only experiments suggest that a significant component of this variability is controlled by either a collective behavior of the ocean and the atmosphere, particularly in the form of air-sea heat exchange, or sub-monthly random noise present in the coupled system. Possible physical mechanisms giving rise to the mode of this THC variability are discussed. The SST anomaly associated with the THC variability resembles an interdecadal SST pattern extracted from observational data, as well as a pattern associated with the 50–60 year THC variability in the GFDL coupled model. In each case, a warming throughout the subpolar North Atlantic but concentrated along the Gulf Stream and its extension is indicated when the THC is strong. Concomitantly, surface air temperature has positive anomalies over the warmer ocean, with the strongest signal located downwind of the warmest SST anomalies and intruding into the western Eurasian Continent. In addition to the thermal response, there are also changes in the atmospheric flow pattern. More specifically, an anomalous northerly wind develops over the Labrador Sea when the THC is stronger than normal, suggesting a local primacy of the atmospheric forcing in the thermohaline perturbation structure.  相似文献   


Convective adjustment is examined in an ocean general circulation model which uses an isopycnal mixing parametrization. It is found that the use of an explicit convective adjustment scheme is not needed in a variety of equilibria and climate change scenario simulations. A numerical mechanism is proposed to explain this as well as the localized appearance of ‘negative’ diffusion.  相似文献   


A central problem in climate and ocean modelling is the accurate simulation of the climatological state of the oceanic density field. A constant vertical diffusivity for heat and salt is frequently employed in ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) and it is usually assigned a value designed to optimize the depth of the pycnocline. One undesired consequence of this choice is a poor representation of the deep water, which is usually insufficiently stratified. In contrast to the uniform diffusivity of many models, some observational studies suggest that the vertical diffusivity is not constant but increases with depth, possibly in inverse proportion to the local buoyancy frequency. Numerical experiments with an OGCM are presented that demonstrate that allowing the vertical diffusivity to increase below the pycnocline substantially increases the stratification of the abyssal water mass of these models without significantly affecting the pycnocline depth, and hence may lead to a better representation of the vertical density structure.  相似文献   

The horizontal coordinate systems commonly used in most global ocean models are the spherical latitude–longitude grid and displaced poles, such as a tripolar grid. The effect of the horizontal coordinate system on Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is evaluated by using an OGCM (ocean general circulation model). Two experiments are conducted with the model—one using a latitude–longitude grid (referred to as Lat_1) and the other using a tripolar grid (referred to as Tri). The results show that Tri simulates a stronger North Atlantic deep water (NADW) than Lat_1, as more saline water masses enter the Greenland–Iceland–Norwegian (GIN) seas in Tri. The stronger NADW can be attributed to two factors. One is the removal of the zonal filter in Tri, which leads to an increasing of the zonal gradient of temperature and salinity, thus strengthening the north geostrophic flow. In turn, it decreases the positive subsurface temperature and salinity biases in the subtropical regions. The other may be associated with topography at the North Pole, because realistic topography is applied in the tripolar grid while the latitude–longitude grid employs an artificial island around the North Pole. In order to evaluate the effect of the filter on AMOC, three enhanced filter experiments are carried out. Compared to Lat_1, an enhanced filter can also augment NADW formation, since more saline water is suppressed in the GIN seas, but accumulated in the Labrador Sea, especially in experiment Lat_2_S, which is the experiment with an enhanced filter on salinity.  相似文献   

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