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The continental slope off the coast of Israel is riddled with numerous large slump scars at depths greater than 400 m. Recent scar slumps are situated in the steepest central portions of the continental slope (400–450 m depth, α=6°), frequently disfiguring older slump scars in its lower portions. The slumping materials were probably largely transported downslope in the form of density currents, and occasionally by sliding of large sediment chunks. Upslope retrogressive slumping phases progressively disfigure the shape of the slump scars until they totally disappear, causing net reduction of the thickness of the sedimentary column. To provide a basis for the quantitative analysis of slumping, laboratory vane tests, triaxial consolidated, undrained compression tests with pore‐pressure measurements, drained direct shear tests, and consolidation tests were performed oh undisturbed samples. Because the sediments consist of normally consolidated silty clays, the geotechnical properties measured on the core samples can be readily extrapolated for greater depths, assuming the sediments are homogeneous. Angles of internal friction measured by direct shearing under drained conditions are ?d =24°‐25°, designating the maximum possible angle of a stable infinite slope. These angles are appreciably higher than the steepest slopes in the investigated area, and a drained slumping mechanism is therefore considered unlikely. The slopes of the slump scar walls are about 20°; therefore, in the absence of active erosional, sedimentological, or tectonic agents, these walls have long‐term stability (drained shear). Undrained shear failure resulting in slope instability may be attributable to rapid changes in slope geometry (undercutting or oversteepening of the slope), fluctuations in pore pressure, or accelerations associated with earthquakes. Undrained shear‐strength parameters were determined by both laboratory consolidated‐un‐drained triaxial tests and by miniature vane shear tests. The angles of internal friction that were measured are ?cu =15°‐17°, and the cu/po values range between 0.22 and 0.75. An analysis of the force equilibrium within the sediments leads to the conclusion that horizontal earthquake‐induced accelerations, as little as 5–6% of gravity, are sufficient to cause slope failure in the steepest slope zone (400–450 m depth, α = 6°, cu /po =0.25). Collapse resulting from liquefaction is unlikely, as the sediments are normally consolidated silty clays with intermediate sensitivity, St =2–4.

The existence of slump scars in the lower portion of the continental slope, characterized by gentle slopes (α=1°‐3°) and sediments with high shear strength (c u /p o=0.30–0.50) is attributed to large horizontal accelerations(k=12–16% of gravity). Owing to the wide range of geotechnical properties of the sediments (cu /po = 0.20–0.75) and the inclination of the continental slope (α=1°‐6°), the same earthquake may generate a wide range of horizontal accelerations in different portions of the continental slope, and slumping may occur wherever the stability equilibrium is disrupted.  相似文献   


The continental slope off the coast of Israel is riddled with numerous large slump scars at depths greater than 400 m. Recent scar slumps are situated in the steepest central portions of the continental slope (400–450 m depth, α = 6°), frequently disfiguring older slump scars in its lower portions. The slumping materials were probably largely transported downslope in the form of density currents, and occasionally by sliding of large sediment chunks. Upslope retrogressive slumping phases progressively disfigure the shape of the slump scars until they totally disappear, causing net reduction of the thickness of the sedimentary column. To provide a basis for the quantitative analysis of slumping, laboratory vane tests, triaxial consolidated, undrained compression tests with pore‐pressure measurements, drained direct shear tests, and consolidation tests were performed oh undisturbed samples. Because the sediments consist of normally consolidated silty clays, the geotechnical properties measured on the core samples can be readily extrapolated for greater depths, assuming the sediments are homogeneous. Angles of internal friction measured by direct shearing under drained conditions are ?d =24°‐25°, designating the maximum possible angle of a stable infinite slope. These angles are appreciably higher than the steepest slopes in the investigated area, and a drained slumping mechanism is therefore considered unlikely. The slopes of the slump scar walls are about 20°; therefore, in the absence of active erosional, sedimentological, or tectonic agents, these walls have long‐term stability (drained shear). Undrained shear failure resulting in slope instability may be attributable to rapid changes in slope geometry (undercutting or oversteepening of the slope), fluctuations in pore pressure, or accelerations associated with earthquakes. Undrained shear‐strength parameters were determined by both laboratory consolidated‐un‐ drained triaxial tests and by miniature vane shear tests. The angles of internal friction that were measured are ?cu =15°‐17°, and the cu/p o values range between 0.22 and 0.75. An analysis of the force equilibrium within the sediments leads to the conclusion that horizontal earthquake‐induced accelerations, as little as 5–6% of gravity, are sufficient to cause slope failure in the steepest slope zone (400–450 m depth, α=6°, cu/p o=0.25). Collapse resulting from liquefaction is unlikely, as the sediments are normally consolidated silty clays with intermediate sensitivity, St =2–4.

The existence of slump scars in the lower portion of the continental slope, characterized by gentle slopes (α=1°‐3°) and sediments with high shear strength (cu/p o=0.30–0.50) is attributed to large horizontal accelerations (k= 12–16% of gravity). Owing to the wide range of geotechnical properties of the sediments (cu/p o= 0.20–0.75) and the inclination of the continental slope (α=1°‐6°), the same earthquake may generate a wide range of horizontal accelerations in different portions of the continental slope, and slumping may occur wherever the stability equilibrium is disrupted.  相似文献   


Potential sediment mass movement was analyzed at ten locations on the continental slope off Peru and northern Chile, using samples obtained from up to 3 m below the seafloor. Shear strength parameters were obtained from consolidated‐undrained triaxial compression tests. Sediment behavior in these tests reflects the influence of organic matter, which is concentrated in the slope deposits by coastal upwelling. High water content of the organic‐rich sediments and the high de‐formability of organic matter contribute to the prevalent ductile behavior. Aggregation of clays by organic matter is apparently responsible for the high friction angles, up to 44°, displayed by the slope deposits. Sediment stability was assessed using infinite slope analyses. These analyses indicate that gravitational forces alone are not sufficient to cause sediment failure at any of the slope locations. Sediment accumulation on the slope is not rapid enough to generate excess pore pressure and reduce the resistance to gravitational sliding. Effects of earthquakes on slope stability were evaluated by modeling earthquake‐induced inertia forces as static forces and estimating pore pressures developed during cyclic loading. This analysis shows that sediments of the lower slope off Peru possess the highest susceptibility to failure during earthquakes. Earthquake accelerations on the order of 0.2 gravity are sufficient to trigger slumping at all ten slope locations. Indirect evidence suggests that creep and mass flows initiated at shallower water depths are factors that might contribute to sediment failure on the slope.  相似文献   

The northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea(SCS) is characterized by the development of large scale foresets complexes since Quaternary. Based on integral analysis of the seismic, well logging and paleontological data, successions since ~3.0 Ma can be defined as one composite sequence, consist of a set of regional transgressive to regressive sequences. They can be further divided into six 3 rd order sequences(SQ0–SQ5) based on the Exxon sequence stratigraphic model. Since ~1.6 Ma, five sets of deltaic systems characterized by development of wedge-shaped foresets complexes or clinoforms had been identified. High-resolution seismic data and the thick foresets allowed further divided of sub-depositional sequences(4 th order) of regression to transgression, which is basically consistent with published stacked benthic foram O-isotope records. Depositional systems identified in the study area include deltaic deposits(inner-shelf deltas and shelf-edge deltas), incised valleys, and slope slumping massive deposits. Since ~1.6 Ma, clinoforms prograded from the southern Panyu Lower Uplift toward the northern Baiyun Depression, shelf slope break migrated seaward, whereas the shelf edge of SQ0 migrated landward. The development of incised valleys in the continental shelf increased upward,especially intensive on the SB3 and SB2. The slumping massive deposits increased abruptly since SB2, which corresponds to the development of incised valleys. The evolution of depositional systems of continental slope mainly controlled by the combined influence of sea level changes, tectonic movements, sediment supply and climate changes. Since ~3.0 Ma, relative sea level of the northern SCS had been experienced transgression(~3.0 Ma BP) to regression(~1.6 Ma BP). The regional regression and maximum transgressions of the composite sequences were apparently enhanced by uplift or subsidence related to tectono-thermal events. In addition,climatic variations including monsoon intensification and the mid-Pleistocene transition may have enhanced sediment supply by increasing erosion rate and have an indispensable influence on the development of the incised valleys and 5 sets of deltaic systems since ~1.6 Ma.  相似文献   

Manganese nodules from the Central Indian Basin (5°–10°S) vary in abundance, morphology, mineralogy, and chemistry with water depth and sediment type. Nodules from the southern region, dominated by siliceous sediment, differ markedly from northern and central regions, dominated by terrigenous and terrigenous-siliceous mixed sediments, respectively. Effects of lysocline and sediment diagenesis are envisaged for trace metal enrichment in rough nodules of the southern region. Influence of deep ocean bottom currents have been postulated for the atypical trace metal enrichment of the smooth nodules from other regions. While nodules from other areas of sub-equatorial CIB are grown hydrogenetically, present area nodules show diagenetic influence.  相似文献   


Large diapiric and nondiapiric masses of Jurassic salt and Tertiary shale underlie the northern Gulf of Mexico continental slope and adjacent outer continental shelf. These masses show evidence of being structurally active at present and in the very recent geologic past. Local steepening of the sea floor in response to the vertical growth of these structures is a serious concern to those involved in the site selection and the construction of future oil and gas production and transportation facilities in this frontier petroleum province.

The seabed of the northern Gulf slope is hummocky and consists of many hillocks, knolls, and ridges interspersed by topographic depressions and canyon systems. Topographic highs and lows relate respectively to vertical diapiric growth and to withdrawal of large volumes of salt and shale. Topographic highs vary considerably in shape and size, but all have very limited areas of nearly flat sea floor. Intraslope topographic lows consist of three principal types: (1) remnants of submarine canyons blocked by diapiric uplift that terminated active downslope sediment transport common during stages of low sea level; (2) closed depressions formed by subsidence in response to salt and shale withdrawal and flow into surrounding diapiric uplifts; and (3) small collapse basins formed by faulting in strata arched over structural crests of diapirs.

Distribution patterns of both diapiric features and sediment accumulations on the slope are the result of the complex relationship that exists between sediment loading and diapirism. Diapiric activity is proportional to the thickness of salt or underconsolidated shale available for mobilization, and to the sedimentary load distribution on these highly plastic deposits. Variations in overburden load, in turn, are dependent on rates, volumes, and bulk densities of depo‐sitional influx; proximity to sources of supply, erosion, and distribution of sediments; and topographic control of sediment accumulation. Sediment capture in diapirically controlled interdomal basins and canyon systems localizes overburden load, thus inducing further diapiric growth, and complex structural and stratigraphic patterns are induced throughout the continental slope region.

Drill cores in the slope province indicate that most of the slope sediments are fine‐grained muds; appreciable quantities of sand‐size sediment are present principally in canyon axes. Turbidite sand layers drilled on a topographic high adjacent to the Gyre Basin reflect uplift far above their original deposition level, and calculations yield rates of uplift that average 2 to 4 m per 100 years. Seismic reflection profiles provide considerable evidence of “fresh”; slumps and ero‐sional surfaces on the flanks of many topographic highs not yet blanketed by a veneer of young sediments. This evidence thus supports our conclusion that the present continental slope region of the northern Gulf of Mexico is undergoing active diapirism and consequent slope steepening. Because most of the sediment on the flanks of diapiric structures consists of underconsolidated muds, slumping will take place regularly in response to further diapiric movement.  相似文献   

Shallow 3D seismic data show contrasting depositional patterns in Pleistocene deepwater slopes of offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The northern East Kalimantan slope is dominated by valleys and canyons, while the central slope is dominated by unconfined channel–levee complexes. The Mahakam delta is immediately landward of the central slope and provided large amounts of sediments to the central slope during Pleistocene lowstands of sea level. In the central area, the upper slope contains relatively straight and deep channels. Sinuous channel–levee complexes occur on the middle and lower slope, where channels migrated laterally, then aggraded and avulsed. Younger channel–levee complexes avoided bathymetric highs created by previous channel–levee complexes. Levees decrease in thickness down slope. Relief between channels and levees also decreases down slope.North of the Mahakam delta, siliciclastic sediment supply was limited during the Pleistocene, and the slope is dominated by valleys and canyons. Late Pleistocene rivers and deltas were generally not present on the northern outer shelf. Only one lowstand delta was present on the northern shelf margin during the upper Pleistocene, and sediments from that lowstand delta filled a pre-existing slope valley complex and formed a basin-floor fan. Except for that basin-floor fan, the northern basin floor shows no evidence of sand-rich channels or fans, but contains broad areas with chaotic reflectors interpreted as mass transport complexes. This suggests that slope valleys and canyons formed by slope failures, not by erosion associated with turbidite sands from rivers or deltas. In summary, amount of sediment coming onto the slope determines slope morphology. Large, relatively steady input of sediment from the Pleistocene paleo-Mahakam delta apparently prevented large valleys and canyons from developing on the central slope. In contrast, deep valleys and canyons developed on the northern slope that was relatively “starved” for siliciclastic sediment.  相似文献   

Six submarine slope canyons in an area of the northwestern Mediterranean, offshore from the Ebro River and Delta, were surveyed with bathymetric swathmapping (SeaBeam) and mid-range side-looking sonar (SeaMARC I). All of the canyons have slightly winding paths with concave-upwards gradients that are relatively steep shallower than 1,200 m. Two major types of canyons are identified on the basis of their morphologic character at the base of the slope; Type-I canyons lead to an unchannelled base-of-slope deposit and Type-II canyons are continuous with channel-levee systems that cross the rise.Four Type-I canyons were surveyed in the area. Two of these are broad, U-shaped, steep (average gradients of 1:14), do not indent the shelf, and terminate downslope at debris-flow deposits. These two canyons, the most northern in the area, have rounded heads with extensive gullies separated by knife-edge ridges. Relief of the canyon walls is about equal on both sides of the canyons, although the right-hand walls (looking downslope) are generally steeper. The other two Type-I canyons in the area are similar in that they do not indent the shelf, but they are much smaller and shallower and coalesce before terminating in the base-of-slope region. The two Type-II canyons that feed leveed-channels are U-shaped with flatter floors, longer profiles and gentler gradients than Type-I canyons. They are closer to the Valencia Valley and have relatively small cross-sectional areas.We propose a four-stage evolutionary sequence to explain the development of the canyons observed in this section on the prograding Ebro margin. During the initial stage, slumping and erosion on the slope creates a network of small gullies. During the next stage, headward growth of one (or more) gully leads to a major indentation of the shelf. This is the critical factor for developing a channel that will incise the slope and provide a major conduit for moving sediment to the basin. Stage 3 is characterized by the development of a continuous channel accompanied by levee growth across the lobe. In the final stage, the channel-levee system becomes inactive either through destruction by mass wasting, infilling of the channel, or loss of the major sediment source.  相似文献   

Many researchers have focused on the characteristics of tectonic evolution in the Reed area of the southern South China Sea, but there has been little research focusing on deep-water sedimentary characteristics. Seismic data acquired in the Reed area have been processed and analyzed; representative deep-water sedimentary patterns, such as sediment waves, deep-water channels, slumping, and sliding mass, can be clearly distinguished from these seismic profiles. Combining this data with the geological setting and seafloor topography of the research area, it can be concluded that deep-water channels, slumping, and sliding depositions which have developed on the continental slope of the northeast Reed basin were formed by gravity flow, and the sediment waves which occur in the west and northwest Reed basin have been generated by deep-water bottom current.  相似文献   

Integrating novel and published swath bathymetry (3,980 km2), as well as chirp and high-resolution 2D seismic reflection profiles (2,190 km), this study presents the mapping of 436 pockmarks at water depths varying widely between 370 and 1,020 m on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar. On the Atlantic side in the south-eastern Gulf of Cádiz near the Camarinal Sill, 198 newly discovered pockmarks occur in three well localized and separated fields: on the upper slope (n=14), in the main channel of the Mediterranean outflow water (MOW, n=160), and on the huge contourite levee of the MOW main channel (n=24) near the well-known TASYO field. These pockmarks vary in diameter from 60 to 919 m, and are sub-circular to irregularly elongated or lobate in shape. Their slope angles on average range from 3° to 25°. On the Mediterranean side of the strait on the Ceuta Drift of the western Alborán Basin, where pockmarks were already known to occur, 238 pockmarks were identified and grouped into three interconnected fields, i.e. a northern (n=34), a central (n=61) and a southern field (n=143). In the latter two fields the pockmarks are mainly sub-circular, ranging from 130 to 400 m in diameter with slope angles averaging 1.5° to 15°. In the northern sector, by contrast, they are elongated up to 1,430 m, probably reflecting MOW activity. Based on seismo-stratigraphic interpretation, it is inferred that most pockmarks formed during and shortly after the last glacial sea-level lowstand, as they are related to the final erosional discontinuity sealed by Holocene transgressive deposits. Combining these findings with other existing knowledge, it is proposed that pockmark formation on either side of the Strait of Gibraltar resulted from gas and/or sediment pore-water venting from overpressured shallow gas reservoirs entrapped in coarse-grained contourites of levee deposits and Pleistocene palaeochannel infillings. Venting was either triggered or promoted by hydraulic pumping associated with topographically forced internal waves. This mechanism is analogous to the long-known effect of tidal pumping on the dynamics of unit pockmarks observed along the Norwegian continental margin.  相似文献   

Geophysical surveys on the upper continental slope and shelf-break area off North Carolina confirm previous suggestions that this highly dissected region is characterized by deposition of sediment swept from the adjacent shelf. Seismic reflection profiling, echo sounding and side-scan sonar studies failed to reveal conclusive evidence for slumping or other gravity processes which have been described for similar areas to the north. Outcrops appear to be lacking and the upper slope is a region of sediment accumulation and/or periodic bypassing.  相似文献   

Salt-controlled slumping on the Mediterranean slope of central Israel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The highly complex morphology of the continental slope of central Israel is the expression of deep-seated rotational block slumping. The overburden of 1.0–1.5 km thick Pliocene-Quaternary sediments that accumulated over 200 m thick evaporites deposited under the deeper portion of the present-day continental slope and in Late Miocene erosion channels, caused the evaporites to flow downslope. This flowage was presumably caused by excessive pore pressures generated by the Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentary overburden in confined layers of clastics embedded within the impervious evaporites.  相似文献   

利用中国地壳运动监测网络1999年—2015年GPS观测数据, 基于块体模型与弹性半空间下的螺旋位错模型, 反演红河断裂带不同区段的滑动速率与闭锁深度, 利用插值均匀网格法计算红河断裂带不同区段及周边地区应变积累状况。结果表明: 红河断裂带北段右旋走滑速率为4.76±0.78mm•a-1, 闭锁深度约为10.9km; 中段右旋走滑速率为3.24±0.56mm•a-1, 闭锁深度约为11.5km; 南段右旋走滑速率为2.83±0.34mm•a-1, 闭锁深度约为12.6km。红河断裂带北段与中段拉张应变特征明显, 南段挤压应变特征明显, 北段拉张应变值为(20~40)×10-9•a-1, 南段挤压应变值为(30~50)×10-9•a-1, 中段最大剪应变积累较弱, 量值为(0~30)×10-9•a-1, 北段、南段最大剪应变积累较强, 量值为(40~80)×10-9•a-1。北段和南段元阳地区出现最大剪应变高值区, 地震危险性较大。  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1932-1942
A dense seismic reflection survey with up to 250-m line-spacing has been conducted in a 15 × 15 km wide area offshore southwestern Taiwan where Bottom Simulating Reflector is highly concentrated and geochemical signals for the presence of gas hydrate are strong. A complex interplay between north–south trending thrust faults and northwest–southeast oblique ramps exists in this region, leading to the formation of 3 plunging anticlines arranged in a relay pattern. Landward in the slope basin, a north–south trending diapiric fold, accompanied by bright reflections and numerous diffractions on the seismic profiles, extends across the entire survey area. This fold is bounded to the west by a minor east-verging back-thrust and assumes a symmetric shape, except at the northern and southern edges of this area, where it actively overrides the anticlines along a west-verging thrust, forming a duplex structure. A clear BSR is observed along 67% of the acquired profiles. The BSR is almost continuous in the slope basin but poorly imaged near the crest of the anticlines. Local geothermal gradient values estimated from BSR sub-bottom depths are low along the western limb and crest of the anticlines ranging from 40 to 50 °C/km, increase toward 50–60 °C/km in the slope basin and 55–65 °C/km along the diapiric fold, and reach maximum values of 70 °C/km at the southern tip of the Good Weather Ridge. Furthermore, the local dips of BSR and sedimentary strata that crosscut the BSR at intersections of any 2 seismic profiles have been computed. The stratigraphic dips indicated a dominant east–west shortening in the study area, but strata near the crest of the plunging anticlines generally strike to southwest almost perpendicular to the direction of plate convergence. The intensity of the estimated bedding-guided fluid and gas flux into the hydrate stability zone is weaker than 2 in the slope basin and the south-central half of the diapiric fold, increases to 7 in the northern half of the diapiric fold and plunging anticlines, and reaches a maximum of 16 at the western frontal thrust system. Rapid sedimentation, active tectonics and fluid migration paths with significant dissolved gas content impact on the mechanism for BSR formation and gas hydrate accumulation. As we begin to integrate the results from these studies, we are able to outline the regional variations, and discuss the importance of structural controls in the mechanisms leading to the gas hydrate emplacements.  相似文献   

SeaMARC II sidescan (imagery and bathymetry) and seismic data reveal the morphology, sedimentary processes, and structural controls on submarine canyon development in the central Izu-Bonin forearc, south of Japan. Canyons extend up to 150 km across the forearc from the trench-slope break to the active volcanic arc. The canyons are most deeply incised (1200–1700 m) into the gentle gradients (1–2°) upslope on the outer arc high (OAH) and lose bathymetric expression on the steep (6–18°) inner trench-slope. The drainage patterns indicate that canyons are formed by both headward erosion and downcutting. Headward erosion proceeds on two scales. Initially, pervasive small-scale mass wasting creates curvilinear channels and pinnate drainage patterns. Large-scale slumping, evidenced by abundant crescent-shaped scarps along the walls and tributaries of Aoga Shima Canyon, occurs only after a channel is present, and provides a mechanism for canyon branching. The largest slump has removed >16 km3 of sediment from an 85 km2 area of seafloor bounded by scarps more than 200 m high and may be in the initial stages of forming a new canyon branch. The northern branch of Aoga Shima Canyon has eroded upslope to the flanks of the arc volcanoes allowing direct tapping of this volcaniclastic sediment source. Headward erosion of the southern branch is not as advanced but the canyon may capture sediments supplied by unconfined (non-channelized) mass flows.Oligocene forearc sedimentary processes were dominated by unconfined mass flows that created sub-parallel and continuous sedimentary sequences. Pervasive channel cut-and-fill is limited to the Neogene forearc sedimentary sequences which are characterized by migrating and unconformable seismic sequences. Extensive canyon formation permitting sediment bypassing of the forearc by canyon-confined mass flows began in the early Miocene after the basin was filled to the spill points of the OAH. Structural lows in the OAH determined the initial locus of canyon formation, and outcropping basement rocks have prevented canyon incision on the lower slope. A major jog in the canyon axis, linear tributaries, and a prominent sidescan lineament all trend NW-NNW, reflecting OAH basement influence on canyon morphology. This erosional fabric may reflect joint/fracture patterns in the sedimentary strata that follow the basement trends. Once the canyons have eroded down to more erosion-resistant levels, channel downcutting slows relative to lateral erosion of the canyon walls. This accounts for the change from a narrow canyon axis in the thickly sedimented forearc basin to a wider, more rugged canyon morphology near the OAH. About 9500 km3 of sediment has been eroded from the central, 200 km long, segment of the Izu-Bonin forearc by the formation of Aoga Shima, Myojin Sho and Sumisu Jima canyons. The volume of sediment presently residing in the adjacent trench, accretionary wedge, and lower slope terrace basin accounts for <25% of that eroded from the canyons alone. This implies that a large volume (>3500 km3 per 100 km of trench, ignoring sediments input via forearc bypassing) has been subducted beneath the toe of the trench slope and the small accretionary prism. Unless this sediment has been underplated beneath the forearc, it has recycled arc material into the mantle, possibly influencing the composition of arc volcanism.  相似文献   

Geomorphological features (derived from 16,000 lkm of echo‐sounding and bathymetric data) and deep‐seated tectonic structures of the continental margin off NW India are presented. The shelf break over the entire region occurs between 80 to 154 m water depth, and adjacent to Saurashtra and Bombay High the depth and orientation of the shelf edge show marked variations. The boundary of the slope is shallower in the northern portion (about 1450 m in the vicinity of the Indus) than in the southern region (2900 m off Bombay).

The steep slope off the Gulf of Kachchh has relatively smooth physiography due to higher input of fluvial sediment and burial of structures. The gentler slope off Saurashtra and the Bombay High area has numerous complex features, the most prominent among them being benches at depths of 180–230 m (width 2–10 km) and 650–780 m and a series of bathymetric highs and lows. Slope breaks are also observed between 400 and 600 m off Bombay and between 560 and 960 m off Saurashtra. These features are surface manifestations of the anticlinal features extending along the shelf in this region. Unevenness (order of 100–300 m) due to slumping is also observed at the base of the slope.

Based on the correlation between tectonic structures of this area and these subphysiographic features, extension of the Saurashtra Anticline onto the slope, a new strike slip fault (the southern boundary fault of Narmada graben) and an along‐shelf anticlinal structure off Saurashtra are delineated.  相似文献   

Examining bathymetric and seismic reflection data collected from the deep-sea region between Taiwan and Luzon in 2006 and 2008, we identified a connection between a submarine canyon, a deep-sea channel, and an oceanic trench in the northern South China Sea. The seafloor of the South China Sea north of 21°N is characterized by two broad slopes: the South China Sea Slope to the west, and the Kaoping Slope to the east, intersected by the prominent Penghu Canyon. This negative relief axis parallels the strike of the Taiwan orogen, extends downslope in an approx. N–S direction, and eventually merges with the northern Manila Trench via a hitherto unidentified channel. The discovery of this channel is pivotal, because it allows connecting the Penghu Canyon to the Manila Trench. This channel is 80 km long and 20–30 km wide, with water depths of 3,500–4,000 m. The progressive morphological changes recorded in the aligned canyon, channel, and trench suggest that they represent three distinct segments of the same longitudinal sediment conduit from southern Taiwan to the northern Manila Trench. Major sediment input would be via the Kaoping Canyon and Kaoping Slope, with a smaller contribution from the South China Sea Slope. We determined the northern end of the Manila Trench to be located at about 20°15′N, 120°15′E, where sediment accumulation has produced a bathymetry shallower than 4,000 m, thereby abruptly terminating the trench morphology. Comparison with existing data reveals a similarity with, for example, the Papua New Guinea–Solomon Sea Plate convergent zone, another modern analog of a mountain source to oceanic sink longitudinal sediment transport system comprising canyon–channel–trench interconnections.  相似文献   

Analysis of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and sediment samples has revealed the evolution and sediment budget of the southeastern Yellow Sea mud belt (SEYSM) along the southwestern Korean Peninsula. The SEYSM, up to 50 m thick, over 250 km long and 20–55 km wide, can be divided into three stratigraphic units (A1, A2, and B, from oldest to youngest). Unit A1, overlying the acoustic basement, comprises the northern part of the SEYSM. Unit A2 comprises the southern part of the SEYSM; much of unit A2 is exposed at the seafloor. Unit B completely covers unit A1 and pinches out southward.

14C data suggest that evolution of each unit is closely related to the postglacial sea-level changes. Unit A1 consists of estuarine/deltaic or shallow-water muds deposited during the early to middle stage of postglacial sea-level rise (ca. 14,000–7000 yr B.P.). Unit A2 corresponds to relict muds deposited during the last, deceleration stage of sea-level rise (ca. 7000–3.500 yr B.P.). Unit B consists of shelf muds deposited during the recent sea-level highstand (ca. <3500 yr B.P.).

Very low background activities of 210Pb of the surface sediment of unit A2 suggest that the present-day sediment accumulation is negligible in the southern SEYSM. On the other hand, 210Pb excess activity profiles in unit B yield an average sediment accumulation rate of 3.9 mm/yr, indicating active sediment accumulation in the northern SEYSM. The annual sink (3.0×107 tons/yr) of fine-grained sediment in unit B is about an order of magnitude greater than can be explained by the sediment input from the Korean rivers alone. We propose that reworking of unit A2 has provided large volumes of muds to unit B, resulting in excessive sediment accumulation in the northern SEYSM. Much of unit A2, in turn, is likely to have originated from erosion of unit A1 in the north. This rather unique erosional/depositional regime of the SEYSM is probably owing to the tidal and regional currents characteristic in the southeastern Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

Stability analysis, based on infinite slope analysis and geotechnical data from a suite of 34 cores collected from the continental slope between Wilmington and Lindenkohl Canyons, indicates that the Quaternary surficial silty clay sediments on gentle slopes are stable; that sediment stability on steeper slopes (14°–19°) is marginal; and that on precipitous slopes (>50°) only a thin veneer of unconsolidated sediments can exist. Small earthquake-induced accelerations or the effects of internal waves can result in slope sediment instabilities.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽中部表层沉积物中的放射虫   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
1992年7月“向阳红16号”海洋调查船利用大洋50型抓斗在冲绳海槽中部(25°30’-30°N,125°-129°E)区域内获取表层沉积物样品88个。表层沉积物中的放射虫定量分析结果表明;愈近海槽放射虫的数量及属、种丰度值愈高,西侧槽坡离开槽区越远,放射虫数量及属种越渐少。而东侧槽被放射虫数量则表现了高、低值成点状分布的格局。表层沉积物中两大类放射虫的百分含量分别为泡沫虫约占87%,罩笼虫约占13%。另外根据分析结果,把本区分为3个小的沉积区:陆坡上部沉积区;陆被下部沉积区;海槽底部沉积区。  相似文献   

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