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In ecosystem research great effort is made in measuring soil water tension, because this is a critical calibration variable for modelling soil water fluxes. In this paper the spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of soil tensions and their consequences for the determination of water fluxes are investigated. Studies were carried out at a Norway spruce stand in the Fichtelgebirge (NE Bavaria). Standard tensiometers were installed at three soil depths (20 each) on the whole experimental plot, as well as 45 microtensiometers as a dense grid in a small soil pit. Microtensiometry at the centimetre scale showed that, depending on rain intensity and initial soil water tension, even a soil without discernible macrostructure may show preferential water infiltration. At the stand scale the variability of soil hydraulic properties and tree root distribution causes substantial heterogeneity of soil water tension, as observed by standard tensiometers. A functional relationship between increasing spatial heterogeneity of tensiometer readings and increasing soil water tension was found, which was particularly pronounced after longer dry periods. Also at low soil water tension, where spatial heterogeneity was low, the calculation of water fluxes from tensiometer values was critical, owing to the fact that small differences in measuring soil water tension resulted in big differences in calculated water fluxes. At high soil water tension in summer the spatial heterogeneity of tensiometer readings was extremely high. At our experimental site, since 30% of the total rain in summer falls in events having a precipitation rate greater than 5 mm h−1, preferential water and solute flow was an important phenomenon. We conclude that the validation of calculated water fluxes using measured soil water tension at the stand scale is not an appropriate tool, because of measurement difficulties, considerable spatial heterogeneity, especially in dry periods, and the great variability of soil hydraulic properties. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment-stabilizing and -destabilizing organisms, i.e. microphytobenthos (biofilms) and macrozoobenthos (bioturbators), affect the erodibility of muddy sediments, potentially altering large-scale estuarine morphology. Using a novel eco-morphodynamic model of an idealized estuary, we investigate eco-engineering effects of microphytobenthos and two macrozoobenthic bioturbators. Local mud erodibility is based on species pattern predicted through hydrodynamics, soil mud content, competition and grazing. Mud resuspension and export is enhanced under bioturbation and prevented under biostabilization through respective exposure and protection of the supra- and intertidal. Bioturbation decreases mud thickness and bed elevations, which increases net mud fluxes. Microphytobenthos reduces erosion, leading to a local mud increase of intertidal sediments. In multi-species scenarios, an effective mud-prone bioturbator strongly alters morphology, exceeding that of a more abundant sand-prone moderate species, showing that morphological change depends on species traits as opposed to abundance. Altering their habitat, the effective mud-prone bioturbator facilitates expansion of the sand-prone moderate bioturbator. Grazing and species competition favor species distributions of dominant bioturbators. Consequently, eco-engineering affects habitat conditions while species interactions determine species dominance. Our results show that eco-engineering species determine the mud content of the estuary, which suggests large effects on the morphology of estuaries with aggravating habitat degradation.  相似文献   

Observations of the flow field over an elongated hollow (bathymetric depression) in the lower Chesapeake Bay showed tidally asymmetric distributions. Current speed increased over the landward side of the hole during flood tides and decreased in the deepest part of the hollow during ebb tides. A simple conceptual analysis indicated that the presence of a horizontal density gradient can generate the asymmetric spatial variations of flow structure depending on the sign of the horizontal density gradient. When water density decreases downstream, the velocity increases over the downstream edge of the hollow. Conversely when water density increases downstream, the flow decreases over the hollow more than a case without a horizontal density gradient. The conceptual analysis is confirmed by numerical experiments of simplified hollows in steady open channel flows and of an idealized tidal estuary. These hollows also alter the local current field of tidally averaged estuarine exchange flows. The residual depth-averaged currents over a hollow show a two-cell circulation when Coriolis forcing is neglected and an asymmetric two-cell circulation, with a stronger cyclonic eddy, when Coriolis forcing is included.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of suspended sediment transport in a hypertidal estuarine channel which displays a vertically sheared exchange flow. We apply a three-dimensional process-based model coupling hydrodynamics, turbulence and sediment transport to the Dee Estuary, in the north-west region of the UK. The numerical model is used to reproduce observations of suspended sediment and to assess physical processes responsible for the observed suspended sediment concentration patterns. The study period focuses on a calm period during which wave-current interactions can reasonably be neglected. Good agreement between model and observations has been obtained. A series of numerical experiments aim to isolate specific processes and confirm that the suspended sediment dynamics result primarily from advection of a longitudinal gradient in concentration during our study period, combined with resuspension and vertical exchange processes. Horizontal advection of sediment presents a strong semi-diurnal variability, while vertical exchange processes (including time-varying settling as a proxy for flocculation) exhibit a quarter-diurnal variability. Sediment input from the river is found to have very little importance, and spatial gradients in suspended concentration are generated by spatial heterogeneity in bed sediment characteristics and spatial variations in turbulence and bed shear stress.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物-水界面氧气交换速率的测定及影响因素   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
王建军  沈吉  张路  刘恩峰 《湖泊科学》2009,21(4):474-482
水流启动-停止法可有效获取体积式氧气交换速率(O2(f)).且该速率与沉积物柱样培养法获得的总氧气交换速率(TOE)之间具显著相关性;与由一维溶解氧剖面计算获得的氧气在扩散界面层中的扩散速率和氧气在沉积物中的扩散速率相比,O2(t)与TOE不仅能代表氧气扩散速率,而且还包括沉积物中生物呼吸以及生物扰动引起的界面氧气交换速率信息.此外,通过比较太湖及南四湖多位点不同沉积物性质条件下界面氧气交换速率,结果表明界面氧气交换速率在空间尺度上的差异性,除与生物因素有关外,还与沉积物有机物质含量显著相关.  相似文献   

Hesse  Roland F.  Zorndt  Anna  Fröhle  Peter 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(4):489-507
Ocean Dynamics - Net deposition in estuaries is often linked to the estuarine turbidity maximum zones, in which fine, cohesive sediments accumulate due to residual transport by the estuarine...  相似文献   

The concentrations of eighteen elements (Al, C, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, N, Ni, P, Pb, S, Si, Ti, and Zn) in 76 sediment samples collected in Lake Lugano in 1973 and in 83 samples collected in 1985 were measured and used to draw distribution maps. The chemical compositions of sediments from the three lake subbasins were statistically compared, and used to describe the state of the lake at two time-points twelve years apart. The results obtained seem to be consistent with the available information about the recent evolution of Lake Lugano; both phosphorus and nitrogen are statistically higher in the 1985 samples than in those of 1973, confirming the reported tendency of the lake to evolve towards higher trophic conditions in this period of time. For both metals and mobile elements, the differences between the two sampling years and the literature data reflect fluctuations in the normal geochemical supply from the catchment basin, rather than significant contamination phenomena. However, elements like Ni, Cr, Zn, Pb and Cu tend to be more abundant in the most recent layers of the sediments, so further studies are needed to assess whether potentially hazardous conditions will evolve in the future.The work was performed at the EEC — Environment Institute, Joint Research Centre, I-21020 Ispra (Varese) Italy  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity of the driving forces of cropland change in China   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
Along with the increasing problems of rapid popu-lation increase, resources scarcity and environment deterioration, the interaction between human devel-opment and natural environment changes, especially the Land-Use/Land-Cover, LUCC issue is becoming a frontier and hot field[1], in which investigation on the mechanisms of land use change is one of the three core issues. Deficient natural resources, in particular the shortage of cropland resource in China, are the important constraints to Ch…  相似文献   

The relationship between economic development and environmental pollution has been widely studied in the context of the environmental Kuznets curve. This study applies the three-dimension framework of density, division, and distance proposed by the World Bank to identify the spatial heterogeneity of development and pollution in urban China. An inverted U relationship is detected between density and industrial SO2 emission, while a cubic relationship is found between density and industrial SO2/soot emission intensity. The statistical significance of division indicates that the pollution haven hypothesis holds in the western region and cities in the periphery. The environmental implication of distance is that the industrial pollution is largely concentrated in the national and regional cores.  相似文献   

Shallow coastal lakes are under increasing pressure from climate change. Low rainfall and reduced run-off contributed to an unprecedented drought in Lake St. Lucia since 2002. Physico-chemical variables and microalgal biomass are analysed, tracking the transition from drought (2009) to wet conditions (2014). Despite low water levels and habitat loss due to desiccation, microalgal biomass remained high mainly due to cyanobacterial contribution. The system exhibited distinct spatio-temporal patterns in terms of salinity, water level, DIN, microalgal biomass and class composition associated with the drought, transition and wet climatic phases. Regime shifts were detected, coinciding with the end of the drought and the beginning of the wet phase. The St. Lucia ecosystem responds rapidly to changes in climatic phases while sustaining microalgal stocks; it may therefore be relatively resilient to extreme drought events.  相似文献   

To accurately obtain the spatial distribution characteristics of groundwater level in an extremely arid zone and its dynamic change patterns under the influence of human activities, based on the data of 55 groundwater observation wells in the middle and lower reaches of the Kriya River, spatial interpolation of regional groundwater level data were performed using the inverse distance weight, spline function, trend surface, and the ordinary kriging methods. The optimal interpolation method was selected by its accuracy to spatially interpolate the groundwater level data in the study area from 2019 to 2021. The results show that: (1) the ordinary kriging method has the highest interpolation accuracy (MAE = 7.1393, MRE = 0.0058, RMSE = 9.4314) and reflects the spatial and temporal variability and distribution characteristics of groundwater levels with great accuracy. (2)The relationship between surface water–groundwater recharge and discharge in different areas of the river channel in the desert section varies depending on geological structure, surface water seepage, and other elements. (3) Groundwater in the Taklamakan Desert has little effect on groundwater recharge in the Dariyabui Oasis, and changes in groundwater dynamics in the oasis are predominantly influenced by surface runoff. (4) Monthly changes in groundwater levels in the Yutian Oasis are continuous, with ‘V’ shaped fluctuations, a declining trend in the southern part, no significant change in the central part, and a slight increase in the northern part. These results contribute to the sustainable management of water resources in the Kriya River Basin, provide a basis for groundwater prediction, and offer a reference for studies of other, similar extreme desert area basins.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal patterns of throughfall (TF) have often been studied under forest canopies. Few reports, however, have been made on small‐scale TF variability in deciduous forest stands. In the present research, the spatial heterogeneity and temporal stability of TF under five individual persian oak trees (Quercus brantii var. Persica) was quantified. The research site was in the Zagros forests in western Iran, where mean annual precipitation and temperature are equal to 587.2 mm and 16.9 °C, respectively. Data from 23 rainfall events were aggregated to assess the spatial correlation of TF. Variograms for TF beneath two of the five trees reached a stable sill at the range of 5–6 m. The redistribution of TF within the canopy was highly variable in time, attributable to seasonal variation in canopy foliation and meteorological factors. As the length of the sampling period increased, the spatial variability of TF decreased and the temporal stability of the TF pattern increased. Time stability plots of TF normalized with respect to mean and variance showed a moderate general persistence for all individual trees. We conclude that single trees modify the spatial distribution of TF reaching the forest floors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Natural groundwater recharge is inherently difficult to quantify and predict, largely because it comprises a series of processes that are spatially distributed and temporally variable. Infiltration ponds used for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) provide an opportunity to quantify recharge processes across multiple scales under semi-controlled conditions. We instrumented a 3-ha MAR infiltration pond to measure and compare infiltration patterns determined using whole-pond and point-specific methods. Whole-pond infiltration was determined by closing a transient water budget (accounting for inputs, outputs, and changes in storage), whereas point-specific infiltration rates were determined using heat as a tracer and time series analysis at eight locations in the base of the pond. Whole-pond infiltration, normalized for wetted area, rose rapidly to more than 1.0 m/d at the start of MAR operations (increasing as pond stage rose), was sustained at high rates for the next 40 d, and then decreased to less than 0.1 m/d by the end of the recharge season. Point-specific infiltration rates indicated high spatial and temporal variability, with the mean of measured values generally being lower than rates indicated by whole-pond calculations. Colocated measurements of head gradients within saturated soils below the pond were combined with infiltration rates to calculate soil hydraulic conductivity. Observations indicate a brief period of increasing saturated hydraulic conductivity, followed by a decrease of one to two orders of magnitude during the next 50 to 75 d. Locations indicating the most rapid infiltration shifted laterally during MAR operation, and we suggest that infiltration may function as a "variable source area" processes, conceptually similar to catchment runoff.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of polychaeta along pollution gradients often reflects different degrees of disturbance. In order to evaluate polychaeta fauna of an organically polluted tropical bay, 20 sandy beaches distributed in five areas were sampled. The relationship between community structure, slope, beach index, exposure, sediment and water quality parameters were analysed. Multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) showed differences among areas and beaches. Scolelepis chilensis dominated at mouth of bay beaches whereas Streblospio gynobranchiata and Capitella capitata complex, at inner beaches. Highest polychaete density was recorded at areas 3 and 5 with the dominance of Saccocirrus sp. and the organic indicator species C. capitata complex and Polydora sp. The most important factors obtained from canonical analysis were sorting, slope, mud and organic matter percentage. Marine biotic index (AMBI) showed that areas 3 and 5 were highly affected by anthropogenic factors, given that a poor polychaeta fauna, dominated by opportunistic species, were found. Polychaete assemblages were affected by eutrophication along an estuarine gradient as well as by morphodynamic condition of the beaches.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the growth stages,spatial structures,quantitative fitting relationships among various parameters,growth patterns and influencing factors of mud cracks by field survey,core observation and SEM analysis.The study shows that:(1) Mud crack growth can go through three stages,i.e.the syndiagenetic stage,the burial diagenetic stage(including early diagenetic stage,middle-late diagenetic stage) and the epidiagenetic stage.(2) Quantitative fitting relationships among various parameters allow a great significance to describe the spatial structure,the regional distribution and the growth environment of mud cracks.(3) Mud crack growth has three models,such as the unilateral growth model including the linear growth pattern,the curvilinear growth pattern and the bifurcation growth pattern,the multilateral growth model including the inteisectional growth pattern,the join growth pattern and the dispersed growth pattern,and the mixed growth model including the combination of any patterns listed above.(4) Modern mud crack growth usually undergoes four stages.Sand beds in sand-mud rhythmic strata can play a lubricative role on crack growth and provide enough sandy deposits for filling cracks.(5) Mud crack growth usually produces bifurcation and bifurcation angles which are mostly 120° or 90° that are related to sediment heterogeneity and released energy.(6)Factors affecting mud crack growth cover many aspects:clay content and salinity can control the number of mud cracks in different areas;terrain can control mud crack morphology;and different sedimentary cycles can control the growth patterns and filling models of mud cracks.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of recent diatom stratigraphy were assessed for a small (23 ha) dimictic lake in Northern Sweden (Kassjön). Varves are confined to water depths > 10 m. Six freeze cores were taken along a transect covering a range of water depths (3–12 m) and both varved and non-varved sediments. Core profiles were compared for dry mass accumulation, loss-on-ignition (LOI), and diatom relative frequency stratigraphy and accumulation rate. Excluding the 3.2 m water depth, non-varved core, all parameters showed good repeatability between cores, apart from diatom accumulation rates which were more variable. The 3.2 m core was atypical and had lower LOI values, low planktonic diatom percentages and high values of benthic taxa that were not abundant in the deep-water sediments. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) ordinations were compared; both methods clearly differentiated the shallow water core, and showed the general similar ecological trends of the deeper-water cores. CCA axes constrained by environmental (i. e. core location) data resulted in slightly lower eigenvalues than that obtained by Correspondence Analysis (CA), but the axes were significantly non-random. A Partial-CCA of the four varved cores alone (with effects of sediment depth, i.e. age, partialled out), indicated that there was no significant difference between their diatom assemblages.  相似文献   

Stream temperature is a critical water quality parameter that is not fully understood, particularly in urban areas. This study explores drivers contributing to stream temperature variability within an urban system, at 21 sites within the Philadelphia region, Pennsylvania, USA. A comprehensive set of temperature metrics were evaluated, including temperature sensitivity, daily maximum temperatures, time >20°C, and temperature surges during storms. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were the strongest driver of downstream temperature variability along 32 km in Wissahickon Creek. WWTP effluent temperature controlled local (1–3 km downstream) temperatures year-round, but the impacts varied seasonally: during winter, local warming of 2–7°C was consistently observed, while local cooling up to 1°C occurred during summer. Summer cooling and winter warming were detected up to 12 km downstream of a WWTP. Comparing effects from different WWTPs provided guidelines for mitigating their thermal impact; WWTPs that discharged into larger streams, had cooler effluent, or had lower discharge had less effect on stream temperatures. Comparing thermal regimes in four urban headwater streams, sites with more local riparian canopy had cooler maximum temperatures by up to 1.5°C, had lower temperature sensitivity, and spent less time at high temperatures, although mean temperatures were unaffected. Watershed-scale impervious area was associated with increased surge frequency and magnitude at headwater sites, but most storms did not result in a surge and most surges had a low magnitude. These results suggest that maintaining or restoring riparian canopy in urban settings will have a larger impact on stream temperatures than stormwater management that treats impervious area. Mitigation efforts may be most impactful at urban headwater sites, which are particularly vulnerable to stream temperature disruptions. It is vital that stream temperature impacts are considered when planning stormwater management or stream restoration projects, and the appropriate metrics need to be considered when assessing impacts.  相似文献   

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