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Culture plays an important role in communities’ abilities to adapt to environmental change and crises. The emerging field of resilience thinking has made several efforts to better integrate social and cultural factors into the systems-level approach to understanding social–ecological resilience. However, attempts to integrate culture into structural models often fail to account for the agentic processes that influence recovery at the individual and community levels, overshadowing the potential for agency and variation in community response. Using empirical data on the 2010 BP oil spill’s impact on a small, natural-resource-dependent community, we propose an alternative approach emphasizing culture’s ability to operate as a resource that contributes to social, or community, resilience. We refer to this more explicit articulation of culture’s role in resilience as cultural resilience. Our findings reveal that not all cultural resources that define resilience in reference to certain disasters provided successful mitigation, adaptation, or recovery from the BP spill.  相似文献   

In salt‐detached gravity‐gliding/spreading systems the detachment geometry is a key control on the downslope mobility of the supra‐salt sequence. Here, we used regional 3D seismic data to examine a salt‐stock canopy in the northern Gulf of Mexico slope, in an area where supra‐canopy minibasins subsided vertically and translated downslope above a complex base‐of‐salt. If thick enough, minibasins can interact with, and weld to, the base‐of‐salt and be obstructed from translating downslope. Based on the regional maps of the base of allochthonous salt and the base of the supra‐canopy sequence, the key controls on minibasin obstruction, we distinguished two structural domains in the study area: a highly obstructed domain and a highly mobile domain. Large‐scale translation of the supra‐canopy sequence is recorded in the mobile domain by a far‐travelled minibasin and a ramp syncline basin. These two structures suggest downslope translation on the order of 40 km from Plio‐Pleistocene to Present. In contrast, translation was impeded in the obstructed domain due to supra‐canopy bucket minibasins subsiding into feeders during the Pleistocene. As a result, we infer that differential translation occurred between the two domains and argue that a deformation area between two differentially translating supra‐canopy minibasin domains is difficult to recognize. However, characterizing domains according to base‐of‐salt geometry and supra‐canopy minibasin configuration can be helpful in identifying domains that may share similar subsidence and downslope translation histories.  相似文献   

The El Rito and Galisteo depocenters in north-central New Mexico archive tectonically-driven Paleogene drainage reorganization, the effects of which influenced sedimentation along the northwestern margin of the Gulf of Mexico. Although separated by ~100 km and lacking depositional chronology for the El Rito Formation, the two aforementioned New Mexican depocenters are commonly considered remnants of a single basin with coeval deposition and shared accommodation mechanism. Detrital zircon U-Pb maximum depositional ages indicate that the El Rito and Galisteo formations are not coeval. Moreover, stratigraphic thickness trends and mapping relationships indicate different accommodation mechanisms for the Galisteo and El Rito depocenters; tectonically-induced subsidence versus infilling of incised topography, respectively. The regional unconformity that bounds the base of both the El Rito and Galisteo formations is a correlative surface induced by local tectonic activity and associated drainage reorganization in the early Eocene, and was diachronously buried by northward onlap of fluvial sediments. Detrital zircon distributions in both depocenters indicate increased recycling of Mesozoic strata above the unconformity, but diverge upsection as topographic prominence of local basement-involved uplifts waned. Sediment capture in these depocenters is coeval with deposition in other externally-drained Laramide basins. Further, it corresponds to a period of low Laramide province-derived sediment input and replacement by Appalachian-sourced sediment along the northwestern margin of the Gulf of Mexico during a basin-wide transgression. This illustrates the potential effect that pockets of sediment storage within the catchment of a transcontinental drainage system can have over the sedimentary record in the receiving marine basin.  相似文献   

Mass-transport complexes (MTCs) dominate the stratigraphic record of many salt-influenced sedimentary basins. Commonly in such settings, halokinesis is invoked as a primary trigger for MTC emplacement, although the link between specific phases of salt movement, and related minibasin dynamics, remains unclear. Here, we use high-quality 3D seismic reflection and well data to constrain the composition, geometry and distribution (in time and space) of six MTCs preserved in a salt-confined, supra-canopy minibasin in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and to assess how their emplacement relate to regional and local controls. We define three main tectono-sedimentary phases in the development of the minibasin: (a) initial minibasin subsidence and passive diapirism, during which time deposition was dominated by relatively large-volume MTCs (c. 25 km3) derived from the shelf-edge or upper slope; (b) minibasin margin uplift and steepening, during which time small-volume MTCs (c. 20 km3) derived from the shelf-edge or upper slope were emplaced; and (c) active diapirism, during which time very small volume MTCs (c. 1 km3) were emplaced, locally derived from the diapir flanks or roofs. We present a generic model that emphasizes the dynamic nature of minibasin evolution, and how MTC emplacement relates to halokinetic sequence development. Although based on a single data-rich case study, our model may be applicable to other MTC-rich, salt-influenced sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Although variation of air temperature with respect to terrain altitude is widely understood, less is known about the altitudinal behaviour of precipitation. The eastern slope of Mexico is the most contrasting physiographic province of the country due to its relief. This area is also one of the most important regions of Mexico and of the intertropical region of America because of its biodiversity. Due to the vital and ecosystemic value of precipitation, this work seeks to analyse the altitudinal distribution of precipitation as a function of the relief. Our main methodology consisted of analysing the climatological normal of 86 weather stations to determine accumulated precipitation during rainy, dry and annual periods. Precipitation was correlated with the altitude of the relief, which allowed the study area to be divided into groups relative to the degree of accumulated rainfall throughout the year, as well as by the gradient of variation according to the elevation of the terrain. The results indicated that during the year, precipitation was favoured by the humidity of the Gulf of Mexico and decreased at a rate of -3.7 mm/m in coastal areas. Subsequently, precipitation increased with the altitude of the relief at a rate of 0.7 mm/m, between ~700 and ~ 1500 masl, which is where the greatest accumulation of rainfall was concentrated. Thereafter, it decreased by -0.9 mm/m until it reached the highest volcanic watershed. Crossing this watershed, the foehn effect caused rainfall rates to be much lower than on the windward slope, where the central plateau of the country begins.  相似文献   

基于EPIC模型的黄淮海夏玉米旱灾风险评价   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
玉米是中国最主要的粮食作物之一,因其较高的需水量,受气候影响,极易遭受旱灾。因此,以黄淮海夏播玉米区为例,从风险的角度进行玉米旱灾评价,对于农业旱灾预警和保障国家粮食安全具有重要的现实和指导意义。在全面收集研究区气象、土壤、土地利用、农气观测等资料的基础上,基于农业旱灾风险评价的概念框架“致灾因子危险性H评价(Hazard)-承灾体脆弱性曲线Vc 评价(Vulnerability Curve)-作物减产风险性R评价(Risk)”,引入基于物理过程的作物模型EPIC (Erosion Productivity Impact Calulator),采用作物模型模拟和数字制图等技术,分别从全生育期和分生育期角度,对黄淮海夏播玉米区玉米旱灾风险的时空分布进行了定量评价。结果表明:在2、5、10 和20 年一遇致灾水平下,黄淮海夏播玉米区玉米旱灾减产风险总体呈现出从西北向东南方向递减的趋势,这主要由气候环境和下垫面的地形地貌条件所决定。20 年一遇水平时,产量损失风险的高值区(R ≥ 0.5) 集中分布在冀北高原山地和山东省中南部地区,占黄淮海夏播玉米区玉米总面积的7.63%。黄淮海夏播玉米区成灾风险较高的生育期:拔节期-抽雄期、抽雄期-乳熟期、乳熟期-成熟期应加强防范。研究可为高风险区和高风险时段的玉米旱灾风险防范提供理论依据和科技支撑。  相似文献   

石羊河下游农户面临着严峻的风险冲击,使其生计脆弱性加剧。当前急需辨明农户面临的主要风险,探索阻碍农户抵御风险冲击的潜在因素,并依此找寻提高农户风险应对能力的对策措施。基于入户调查数据,分析了石羊河下游民勤绿洲区农户面临的主要生计风险及应对策略,并采用多元logistic模型分析了影响风险应对策略选择的因素。结果发现:1市场、教育及自然风险已成为农户面临的最主要生计风险,其中纯农户(全部劳动力均从事农业生产)与一兼户(非农收入比重50%)主要面临市场、教育及自然风险,二兼户(50%≤非农收入比重90%)为市场、健康及教育风险,非农户(非农收入比重≥90%)为教育、健康及养老风险;2减少消费、外出打工、动用储蓄、向亲友寻求帮助、向银行借贷是农户应对风险的主要策略,其中非农户的首选策略中居首位的是外出打工,其他三类农户均为减少消费;3人力资本、金融资本、社会资本是影响农户风险应对策略选择的最重要因素,物质资本次之,自然资本的影响最弱。最后,提出了提高农户风险应对能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

郑德凤  赵锋霞  孙才志  臧正  苏琳 《地理科学》2015,35(8):1007-1013
首先引入环境健康风险评价模型,考虑模型中部分参数的不确定性,采用三角模糊数表征暴露参数的区间范围,选取风险管理易接受的可信度水平对暴露参数的区间数进行转化,建立基于三角模糊数的水质健康风险评价模型,对饮用水源地地下水中化学致癌物和非致癌污染物通过饮水途径、皮肤接触和呼吸途径所致健康危害的风险率进行了分析与计算。以盘锦市6个地下饮用水源地的水质分析资料为例,应用上述水质健康风险评价模型,分别对水中化学致癌物和非致癌物经饮水、皮肤接触和呼吸途径所致人体健康风险进行评价。结果表明致癌物对人体健康危害远大于非致癌物,非致癌物所致人体健康风险不受关注。污染物经饮水途径所致人体健康危害大于呼吸途径和皮肤接触途径,呼吸途径和皮肤接触途径所致人体健康风险可以忽略。化学致癌物所致人体健康危害排序为Cr6+ >As>Cd,非致癌物所致人体健康风险排序为氟化物>铅>铜>锰>锌>铁>汞>氨氮>氰化物>挥发酚。水源地中大洼水源地存在的致癌风险率最大,其次是兴一和兴南水源地,石山、高升和盘东水源地存在的致癌风险最小。据此可确定各饮用水源地水中污染物的主次及治理的优先顺序,为饮用水源污染的风险管理提供依据。  相似文献   

依据中国西北干旱区生态环境的特性和演化规律,从气候条件、土地资源、生境状态及人为干预4方面筛选12个指标,构建西北干旱区自然保护区生态脆弱性评价指标体系,并对各指标进行分级.采用层次分析法确定指标权重,建立生态脆弱性综合评价模型.在甘肃敦煌西湖自然保护区和苏干湖自然保护区应用表明,指标体系合理,模型适用.评价认为,西湖自然保护区目前总体状态为中,高度脆弱,苏干湖自然保护区为轻,中度脆弱.在原生脆弱性方面,两者等级相当,但西湖更脆弱;在次生脆弱性方面,西湖已受到显著影响,次生脆弱性严重.  相似文献   

重点生态功能区主要承担着提供持续、稳定生态服务的功能,农户作为维护其主体功能的最基础单元和该区最主要的经济活动主体,面临着自然、社会、政策等多重压力,其交互作用不仅加剧了农户的生计脆弱性,更影响到该区主体功能的发挥,当前急需辨明多重压力对农户生计的影响,以便寻求有效的生计脆弱性减缓对策。本文以甘南黄河水源补给区为例,运用入户调查数据与有序Logistic回归模型等方法在识别农户遭受关键压力的基础上,进一步探讨生计压力的交互作用对生计资产可得性的影响。结果显示:① 甘南黄河水源补给区大多数农户遭受自然+经济型多重压力,其中,重点保护区、恢复治理区及经济示范区农户遭受的多重压力分别以自然+经济型、自然+经济型、经济+社会型为主。② 在多重压力的冲击下,重点保护区与恢复治理区农户除了社会资产可得性变化处于稳定状态,其余各类资产可得性变化几乎处于降低态势,而经济示范区农户的金融资产与社会资产的可得性变化处于稳定状态,其余各类资产可得性变化均处于降低态势。③ 婚嫁支出高与农牧产品价格下降、牲畜患病与人畜饮用水困难、子女学费支出高+婚嫁支出高+农牧产品价格下降+养老无保障、建房开支高与生态政策、子女就业困难与农业病虫害等压力的交互作用分别对自然资产、物质资产、金融资产、社会资产、人力资产等的可得性变化影响最强烈。  相似文献   

生计风险及其对重点生态功能区农户生活满意度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于甘南黄河水源补给区入户调查数据,在分析农户生计风险及生活满意度特征的基础上,探明生计风险对农户生活满意度的影响。结果发现:① 甘南黄河水源补给区农户面临的主要生计风险为自然灾害、家人患病和子女学费开支,其对农户的冲击最为严重且持续时间较长;② 农户大多遭受多重风险的冲击,其生计风险多样化指数为4.12,面临家人患病与自然灾害、家人患病与子女学费开支、家人患病与建房开支等风险组合冲击的家庭较多;③ 农户的生活满意度处于中等水平,且经济示范区高于重点保护区和恢复治理区;④ 农户生活满意度除受子女学费开支、草场/耕地质量下降、人畜饮水困难、家人去世开支、生态政策等风险的严重程度和持续时间、家人患病风险的持续时间以及金融资本、自然资本、社会资本、心理资本、生计方式多样化程度的影响外,受家人患病与子女学费开支、自然灾害与子女就业困难及生计风险的综合严重性程度与综合持续性程度交互作用的影响更加显著。最后,提出防范生计风险、提高生活满意度的政策建议。  相似文献   

In this article the meaning of the quantity and quality of environmental flows of river in dualistic water cycle is discussed, and compared with the meaning of unitary water cycle. Based on the analysis of the relationship between environmental flows of river re-quirements, the efficiency of water resource usage, the consumption coefficient, and the concentration of waste water elimination, the water quantity and water quality calculation method of the environmental flows of river requirements in dualistic water cycle is developed, and the criteria for environmental flows of river requirements are established, and therefore the water quantity-quality combined evaluation of natural river flows requirements are realized. Taking the Liaohe River as a model, the environmental flows of river requirements for Xiliao River, Dongliao River, mainstream Liaohe River, Huntai River and northeast rivers along the coasts of the Yellow and Bohai seas in unitary water cycle are calculated, each taking up 39.3%, 63.0%, 43.9%, 43.3% and 43.5% of runoff respectively. Evaluated according to Tennant recommended flow, the results show that: except Xiliao River is “median”, the rest are all upon “good”, the Dongliao River is even “very good”. The corresponding results in dualistic water cycle are that, the proportion of natural flows for each river is 57.5%, 74.1%, 60.8%, 60.3% and 60.4%; while the combined evaluation results show that: considering “quantity”, except Xiliao River, the rest rivers can all achieve the “quantity” criteria of the en-vironmental flows of river requirements, but if considering the aspect of “quality”, only Dongliao River can reach the “quality” standard. By water quantity-quality combined evalua-tion method, only Dongliao River can achieve the criteria. So the water quality is the main factor that determines whether the environmental flows can meet the river ecosystem de-mands.  相似文献   

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