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The distribution of platinum-group elements (PGEs), together with spinel composition, of podiform chromitites and serpentinized peridotites were examined to elucidate the nature of the upper mantle of the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer ophiolite, Anti-Atlas, Morocco. The mantle section is dominated by harzburgite with less abundant dunite. Chromitite pods are also found as small lenses not exceeding a few meters in size. Almost all primary silicates have been altered, and chromian spinel is the only primary mineral that survived alteration. Chromian spinel of chromitites is less affected by hydrothermal alteration than that of mantle peridotites. All chromitite samples of the Bou Azzer ophiolite display a steep negative slope of PGE spidergrams, being enriched in Os, Ir and Ru, and extremely depleted in Pt and Pd. Harzburgites and dunites usually have intermediate to low PGE contents showing more or less unfractionated PGE patterns with conspicuous positive anomalies of Ru and Rh. Two types of magnetite veins in serpentinized peridotite, type I (fibrous) and type II (octahedral), have relatively low PGE contents, displaying a generally positive slope from Os to Pd in the former type, and positive slope from Os to Rh then negative from Rh to Pd in the latter type. These magnetite patterns demonstrate their early and late hydrothermal origin, respectively. Chromian spinel composition of chromitites, dunites and harzburgites reflects their highly depleted nature with little variations; the Cr# is, on average, 0.71, 0.68 and 0.71, respectively. The TiO2 content is extremely low in chromian spinels, <0.10, of all rock types. The strong PGE fractionation of podiform chromitites and the high-Cr, low-Ti character of spinel of all rock types imply that the chromitites of the Bou Azzer ophiolite were formed either from a high-degree partial melting of primitive mantle, or from melting of already depleted mantle peridotites. This kind of melting is most easily accomplished in the supra-subduction zone environment, indicating a genetic link with supra-subduction zone magma, such as high-Mg andesite or arc tholeiite. This is a general feature in the Neoproterozoic upper mantle.  相似文献   

Analyses of mineral inclusions, carbon isotopes, nitrogen contents and nitrogen aggregation states in 29 diamonds from two Buffalo Hills kimberlites in northern Alberta, Canada were conducted. From 25 inclusion bearing diamonds, the following paragenetic abundances were found: peridotitic (48%), eclogitic (32%), eclogitic/websteritic (8%), websteritic (4%), ultradeep? (4%) and unknown (4%). Diamonds containing mineral inclusions of ferropericlase, and mixed eclogitic-asthenospheric-websteritic and eclogitic-websteritic mineral associations suggests the possibility of diamond growth over a range of depths and in a variety of mantle environments (lithosphere, asthenosphere and possibly lower mantle).

Eclogitic diamonds have a broad range of C-isotopic composition (δ13C=−21‰ to −5‰). Peridotitic, websteritic and ultradeep diamonds have typical mantle C-isotope values (δ13C=−4.9‰ av.), except for two 13C-depleted peridotitic (δ13C=−11.8‰, −14.6‰) and one 13C-depleted websteritic diamond (δ13C=−11.9‰). Infrared spectra from 29 diamonds identified two diamond groups: 75% are nitrogen-free (Type II) or have fully aggregated nitrogen defects (Type IaB) with platelet degradation and low to moderate nitrogen contents (av. 330 ppm-N); 25% have lower nitrogen aggregation states and higher nitrogen contents (30% IaB; <1600 ppm-N).

The combined evidence suggests two generations of diamond growth. Type II and Type IaB diamonds with ultradeep, peridotitic, eclogitic and websteritic inclusions crystallised from eclogitic and peridotitic rocks while moving in a dynamic environment from the asthenosphere and possibly the lower mantle to the base of the lithosphere. Mechanisms for diamond movement through the mantle could be by mantle convection, or an ascending plume. The interaction of partial melts with eclogitic and peridotitic lithologies may have produced the intermediate websteritic inclusion compositions, and can explain diamonds of mixed parageneses, and the overlap in C-isotope values between parageneses. Strong deformation and extremely high nitrogen aggregation states in some diamonds may indicate high mantle storage temperatures and strain in the diamond growth environment. A second diamond group, with Type IaA–IaB nitrogen aggregation and peridotitic inclusions, crystallised at the base of the cratonic lithosphere. All diamonds were subsequently sampled by kimberlites and transported to the Earth's surface.  相似文献   

The northern Norrbotten area in northern Sweden, is an important mining district and hosts several deposits of Fe-oxide Cu-Au-type. One of the best examples of spatially, and possibly genetically, related apatite–iron and copper–gold deposits in the region is at Tjårrojåkka, 50 km WSW of Kiruna. The deposits are hosted by strongly sheared and metamorphosed intermediate volcanic rocks and dolerites and show a structural control. The Tjårrojåkka iron deposit is a typical apatite–iron ore of Kiruna-type and the Tjårrojåkka copper occurrence shows the same characteristics as most other epigenetic deposits in Norrbotten. The host rock has been affected by strong albite and K-feldspar alteration related to mineralisation, resulting in an enrichment of Na, K, and Ba. Fe and V were depleted in the altered zones and added in mineralised samples. REE were enriched in the system, with the greatest addition related to mineralisation. Y was also mobile associated with albite alteration and copper mineralisation. The Tjårrojåkka iron and copper deposits show comparable hydrothermal alteration minerals and paragenesis, which might be a product of common host rock and similarities in ore fluid composition, or overprinting by successive alteration stages. Mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the alteration minerals (apatite, scapolite, feldspars, amphiboles, and biotite) indicate a higher salinity and Ba/K ratio in the fluid related to the alterations in the apatite–iron occurrence than in the copper deposit, where the minerals are enriched in F and S. The presence of hematite, barite, and in SO4 in scapolite suggests more oxidising-rich conditions during the emplacement of the Tjårrojåkka-Cu deposit. From existing data it might be suggested that one evolving system created the two occurrences, with the copper mineralisation representing a slightly later product.  相似文献   

普兰蛇绿岩位于雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段,其中地幔橄榄岩由方辉橄榄岩、含单斜辉石方辉橄榄岩以及少量二辉橄榄岩及纯橄岩组成。尖晶石是地幔橄榄岩中常见的副矿物,可以作为重要的岩石学成因指示剂。在野外地质调查基础上,通过岩相观察、电子探针、尖晶石成分面分析、电子背反射衍射分析,可将普兰地幔橄榄岩铬尖晶石分为三类:第一类铬尖晶石呈自形,粒径较小(<100μm),或包裹于斜方辉石中,或杂乱分布于橄榄石和辉石之间,具有高Cr^#(>0.6)、低Mg^#(0.43~0.57)的特征,为部分熔融+玻安质熔体交代成因;第二类铬尖晶石呈半自形-他形,粒径较大(>100μm),常含有橄榄石、辉石包裹体,具有中Cr^#(0.17~0.42)、高Mg^#(0.63~0.77)的特点,主要受部分熔融作用影响;第三类铬尖晶石呈他形蠕虫状与辉石交生在一起构成后成合晶结构,粒径变化较大,具有低Cr#(0.17~0.28)、高Mg^#(0.67~0.77)的特点。EBSD分析结果显示尖晶石、辉石的结晶学优选方位(CPO)较为相似,表明为同一矿物分解而来,单斜辉石与大陆岩石圈地幔捕掳体中石榴子石的稀土元素对比表明构成后成合晶结构的辉石和铬尖晶石为具有大陆岩石圈地幔属性的高压石榴子石退变分解而成。综合分析表明:普兰蛇绿岩的地幔橄榄岩体在从石榴子石相深度上升过程中发生了石榴子石退变、岩石部分熔融及熔体渗透作用,岩体经历了威尔逊旋回初期的大陆裂谷阶段,主体经历了中-低程度的部分熔融,类似大洋中脊环境,局部受到了富硅、富镁玻安质熔体的影响。  相似文献   

Compositions of picroilmenite and pyrope concentrates from Carboniferous sandstones in the Arkhangelsk kimberlite province were analyzed by EPMA and LAM ICP MS in Analytic Center of V.S. Sobolev’s Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SD RAS, Novosibirsk. The results from single grain thermobarometry (Ashchepkov et al., 2010, Ashchepkov et al., 2011, Ashchepkov et al., 2012) for garnet, spinel, ilmenite and clinopyroxene suggest heating of the base of the lithospheric mantle to 1400 °C (45 mw/m2) at 7.0–7.5 GPa and to 900 °C (35 mw/m2) at 3.5–5.5 GPa in an interval corresponding to a lens enriched in chromite and clinopyroxene. The pipes from the eastern fields reveal smoother mantle geotherms and lower temperature PT paths. Mantle columns beneath the kimberlites from northern (Verkhotinskoe field) and western pipes (Kepinskoe field) show heating from the lithosphere base to 5.0 GPa and stepped PT paths shown by chromites probably due to interaction with magmas which caused local Ti-enrichment near 3.0 and 5.5 GPa. The PT paths in the mantle columns beneath the alnöite pipes reveal higher temperature and relatively shallow PT conditions with two major clusters around 3.0 and 5.0 GPa. Trace element patterns for garnets vary from S-type typical of harzburgites to those with a hump in MREE (middle REE) typical for pyroxenites. Lherzolitic garnets with sinusoidal decrease of LREE show distinctive HFSE enrichment. Trace element ratios (Sm/Er)n and (La/Yb)n of garnets correlate positively with pressures estimates by single grain thermobarometry (Ashchepkov et al., 2010, Ashchepkov et al., 2011, Ashchepkov et al., 2012) but only poorly with Cr2O3 content. Enrichment in HFSE of all garnets is related to metasomatism that accompanied the picroilmenite-forming event.Ilmenites reveal two compositional trends. One corresponds to fractionation within conduits at the lower mantle (6.0–7.0 GPa) without contamination. A second trend at <6.0 GPa, formed due to assimilation fractional crystallization (AFC), is characterized by Fe and Cr increase with decreasing pressure. Similar trace element patterns of the various in HREE in ilmenites, possibly partly due to garnet assimilation from wall rock peridotites. The PT conditions and geochemistry for the minerals from the Carboniferous sediments are similar to those from the Lomonosovskoe deposit and Arkhangelskaya pipe (Lehtonen et al., 2009).  相似文献   

龙窝和白石冈岩体位于近东西向展布的佛冈花岗岩带的东端,锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,二者的形成年龄分别为(169.1±2.5)Ma和(157.8±2.3)Ma,它们是南岭地区燕山早期由壳幔相互作用形成的花岗质岩石的典型代表.本文在对岩体形成年龄精确测定的基础上,着重运用电子探针和原位激光探针技术,系统测定了二岩体中黑云母的主量和微量元素组成,并讨论了它们的成岩指示意义.电子探针主量元素测定结果表明,龙窝岩体中的黑云母较白石冈岩体中的黑云母富钛和镁,贫铁和铝,F、Cl等挥发组分含量低,黑云母主量元素组成指示龙窝岩体形成于相对高温氧化的介质环境.激光探针ICP-MS微量元素测定结果表明,黑云母是花岗质熔体中Rb、Ba、Nb、Ta及Sc、V、Cr、Co、Ni等元素的主要载体,而U、Th、Pb、Sr、Zr、Hf、Y等元素的含量则显著低于寄主岩.花岗岩中黑云母的稀土元素含量极低,不是影响全岩稀土特征的主要矿物相.黑云母的成分特征可以有效地示踪岩浆的分异演化程度及成岩物理化学条件,也可在一定程度上反演岩浆源区性质,但后者往往要结合其它资料(特别是同位素组成),才能得出更准确的信息.  相似文献   

Asian dustfall in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In April 2001, a major atmospheric dustfall event occurred in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory, Canada. Field samples were collected and analyzed for particle size, mineralogy, chemical composition and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes. Dusts found above ∼3000 m had their source in the Gobi desert region of northern China and Inner Mongolia, and were transported to the Yukon following a series of major dust storms that took place in early April. Dusts found below 3000 m had local (Yukon) or mixed source(s). The Asian dusts had a modal volume diameter of ∼4 μm typical of far-traveled mineral aerosols. However larger (>10 μm) particles were also found at ∼5000 m, suggesting a very rapid trans-Pacific transport in the mid-troposphere. We estimate that the April 2001 event deposited from 5500 to 6335 tons of dust over an area of 21,000 km2 in the southwestern Yukon, most of which probably fell within a week. Our findings are consistent with instrumental observations and model simulations of the April 2001 event. While the dust cloud was reportedly mixed with volatile pollutants from Asia, we found no evidence of metal pollution associated with the dustfall in the Yukon. Our findings contribute to clarify the dynamics and the geochemical impact of Asian dust long-range transport events, and to better estimate eolian fluxes of dustborne elements (e.g., Fe) to the Ocean associated with such events. They may also assist in identifying past Asian dust events in ice cores drilled from the St. Elias Mountains icefields, to develop a long-term record of their frequency, magnitude and source(s).  相似文献   

Serpentinites in the Eastern Desert (ED) of Egypt represent integral components of the ophiolites. Metamorphic textures of the serpentinites preserve the complex mineralogical evolution from primary peridotite through metamorphism, and late-stage hydrothermal alteration. Two textural types are distinguished in the olivines of the present serpentinized peridotites, namely (a) highly-strained olivine grains with kink bands, as in the deformed mantle tectonites from ophiolites, and (b) non-strained grains. The latter may represent recrystallized crystals during later thermal metamorphic events due to the intrusion of granite. On the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis, antigorite is the main serpentine minerals with lesser chrysotile and lizardite which indicates that serpentinites were formed under prograde metamorphism. Relict primary minerals of the serpentinites are Cr-spinel, olivine and pyroxene. Chrome spinel relicts have high Cr# (0.60–0.80), whereas primary olivines are Mg-rich nature (Fo = 89–96). Geochemical compositions of serpentinites indicate that they formed not at mid-ocean ridges but at spreading centers associated with subduction zones and this could have happened in a supra-subduction zone either in the fore-arc or back-arc environments. Mineral compositions of primary chrome spinels and olivines are similar to those of modern fore-arcs. High Cr# in the relict chrome spinels and Fo in the primary olivines of serpentinites indicate that they are residual after extensive partial melting and originated by sea-floor spreading during subduction initiation.  相似文献   

The eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) is one of the world's premier gold provinces subject to over a century of mineral exploration. Prolonged interest in the terrane has led to the assembly of multiple world-class data sets suitable for testing district scale targeting methodologies. District scale targeting is concerned with identifying a mineral camp ∼60 km × 60 km in size within a prospective region or province ∼1000 km × 1000 km in size. Exploration at the district scale necessitates the development of predictive exploration models, which can be applied to large regions. Recent advances in the study of the geodynamic evolution and 3D architecture of the EYC, together with an understanding of their interrelationship with the orogenic gold mineral system, has resulted in identification of critical mineralisation processes responsible for the region's rich gold endowment. Here we describe and map these critical processes, using them as a basis for district scale targeting. We relate gold mineralisation to three temporally constrained geodynamic periods, integrated with regional hydrothermal alteration. Unlike many targeting methodologies, this methodology does not incorporate the location of known gold deposits in the analysis, yet it predicted 75% of known gold mineralisation in 5% of the area. The methodology allows critical mineralisation processes to be identified and mapped through time and space. These critical processes are mostly generic and can be applied to other granite–greenstone orogenic gold regions, such as the Abitibi in Canada. An important outcome of this work for the EYC is the identification of a number of new target areas, not known currently for significant gold mineralisation, in what is otherwise thought to represent a mature terrane for gold exploration.  相似文献   

环巴尔喀什-西准噶尔成矿省地处中亚成矿域核心区,古生代构造和岩浆活动强烈,成矿作用丰富多样,发育许多大型-超大型乃至世界级的金属矿床,包括斑岩型铜矿床、斑岩-石英脉-云英岩型钨钼矿床、矽卡岩型铜(多金属)矿床、火山成因块状硫化物型(VMS)多金属矿床、浅成低温热液型金矿床、石英脉-蚀变岩型中温热液金矿床、与花岗岩有关的Be-U矿床、岩浆熔离型铜镍硫化物矿床和豆荚状铬铁矿等,这些矿床集中分布,形成多处成矿带,包括哈萨克斯坦的扎尔玛-萨吾尔、波谢库尔-成吉斯和北巴尔喀什等成矿带以及新疆西准噶尔的萨吾尔、谢米斯台-沙尔布提和巴尔鲁克-克拉玛依等成矿带。哈萨克斯坦包含大型-超大型和世界级金属矿床的成矿带向东是否延入新疆西准噶尔?能否实现新疆西准噶尔找矿重大突破?都是备受关注的重大地质找矿问题。本文在前人研究并结合作者工作基础上,根据成矿带的成矿构造环境、矿床类型、成矿特点和成矿时代,总结出成矿省至少发育九类成矿系统,即(1)奥陶纪-志留纪岛弧斑岩型Cu-Au成矿系统;(2)奥陶纪岛弧VMS型多金属成矿系统;(3)泥盆纪岛弧岩浆熔离型铜镍硫化物成矿系统;(4)泥盆纪与蛇绿岩有关的豆荚状铬铁矿成矿系统;(5)早石炭世岛弧斑岩-浅成低温热液型Cu-Au成矿系统;(6)石炭纪岛弧斑岩型-矽卡岩型Cu-Mo-Au成矿系统;(7)晚石炭世弧后盆地与花岗岩有关的Be-U成矿系统;(8)早二叠世岛弧或岛弧和陆缘弧过渡弧斑岩-石英脉-云英岩型Mo-W成矿系统;(9)早二叠世岛弧石英脉-蚀变岩型中温热液金成矿系统。对比研究发现境内外相邻成矿带具有相同或相似的成矿系统,二者可以对接,新疆西准噶尔三条成矿带分别是哈萨克斯坦三条成矿带的东延部分,构成了成矿省北部的扎尔玛-萨吾尔Cu-Au成矿带、中部的波谢库尔-成吉斯-谢米斯台Cu-Au-Be-U多金属成矿带和南部的北巴尔喀什-克拉玛依Cu-Mo-W-Au-Cr成矿带。新疆西准噶尔具有形成大型-超大型矿床的成矿系统和成矿条件,有望实现找矿勘探的更大突破。  相似文献   

Fold-thrust belts generally exhibit significant variations in structural styles such as differences in thrust geometries and frequencies in imbrication. A natural laboratory of this pattern is preserved in the central Alberta Foothills of the Canadian Rockies, where differences in thrust geometries are represented by the existence vs. non-existence of triangle zones. To seek the factors that make this difference in these regions in terms of structural geometry, stratigraphic thickness variations and mechanical stratigraphy of the sedimentary layers, structural interpretation is conducted based on admissible cross-sections and well log interpretations. In northern region, a backthrust is detached from an incompetent layer(viz.Nomad Unit of the Wapiabi Formation), which gets thinner from the Foothills to the Plains, indicating that it is developed where the shale layers are pinched out where triangle zone is developed. Backthrust is also developed in the southern region, where mechanical strengths of strata(viz. Bearpaw Formation)increase toward the foreland. In the central region, however, only forethrusts are developed along the weak continuous decollement layers(viz. Turner Valley and Brazeau formations), forming an imbricate fan without development of the triangle zone. Incompetent layers such as the top Wapiabi(Nomad),Brazeau(Bearpaw), Coalspur and Paskapoo formations are also pinched out laterally, forming fault glide horizons in different stratigraphic levels in each region. These results indicate that, along the transport direction, triangle zone is developed in relation to the stratigraphic pinch out of the Nomad Unit in the northern region, and is formed associated with the variations in strengths of the layers constituting the Bearpaw Formation in the southern region. It is notable that all the glide horizons are developed along incompetent layers. However, triangle zones are not developed in the areas of continuous stratigraphy of the Nomad Unit, which does not serve as a glide horizon in the central region. This suggests that factors such as stratigraphic thickness changes of incompetent layers and mechanical stratigraphy of the sedimentary layers play an important role in the development of lateral variations in thrust system evolution in terms of triangle zone vs. imbricate fan in the central Alberta Foothills.  相似文献   

顾枫华  章永梅  刘瑞萍  郑硌  孙玄 《岩石学报》2015,31(5):1374-1390
华北地台北缘乌拉山地区的沙德盖钾长花岗岩体中普遍发育以二长岩为主的暗色微粒包体,包体具塑性流变特征,与寄主岩的接触界线或为截然或为渐变过渡。岩相学观察表明,包体中发育多种反映岩浆混合作用的典型组构,如石英眼斑、环斑长石、镁铁质团块、钾长石巨晶的溶蚀、磷灰石的针柱状形貌、长石中的包体带以及钙长石的"针尖"结构等。造岩矿物的电子探针分析表明,岩浆混合在沙德盖岩体的形成中起了重要作用,寄主花岗岩浆主要来自下地壳,而暗色包体岩浆则主要为地幔来源。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb同位素定年结果显示,沙德盖花岗岩及其暗色微粒包体的形成时代基本一致,分别为233.4±2.3Ma和229.7±1.5Ma(中三叠世),进一步佐证了该岩体是岩浆混合作用的产物。研究认为,当铁镁质岩浆与长英质岩浆混合时,早期基性岩浆的快速淬冷形成了边界清楚、具明显冷凝边且暗色矿物含量较高的包体;随着两种不同成分岩浆之间温差的减小以及组分的交换,进一步形成了颜色较浅、边界渐变过渡和无明显冷凝边的包体。  相似文献   

A small-scale hydrogeological study was conducted in a fractured carbonate-rock aquifer located in a quarry to relate groundwater flow to the fracture network. The field study in the St-Eustache quarry, which integrates structural surveys, well logging and hydraulic tests, showed that the most important features that affect groundwater flow in the sedimentary aquifer are high hydraulic conductivity horizontal bedding planes. Vertical fractures are abundant in the quarry and throughout the region, but they have a minor effect on groundwater flow. To have a significant impact on the flow regime and lead to vertical groundwater flow, the permeability of all vertical joints need to be enhanced compared to what was generally observed at the site. Such an increase in permeability could potentially occur where dissolution and fracturing is more intense or at stress release locations such as near the surface in the quarry.  相似文献   




The effects of small amounts of H2O (<4 wt % in the melt)on the multiply saturated partial melting of spinel lherzolitein the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ±Na2O ± CO2 have been determined at 1·1 GPa inthe piston-cylinder apparatus. Electron microprobe analysisand Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to analysethe experimental products. The effects of H2O are to decreasethe melting temperature by 45°C per wt % H2O in the melt,to increase the Al2O3 of the melts, decrease MgO and CaO, andleave SiO2 approximately constant, with melts changing fromolivine- to quartz-normative. The effects of CO2 are insignificantat zero H2O, but become noticeable as H2O increases, tendingto counteract the H2O. The interaction between H2O and CO2 causesthe solubility of CO2 at vapour saturation to increase withincreasing H2O, for small amounts of H2O. Neglect of the influenceof CO2 in some previous studies on the hydrous partial meltingof natural peridotite may explain apparent inconsistencies betweenthe results. The effect of small amounts of H2O on multiplysaturated melt compositions at 1·1 GPa is similar tothat of K2O, i.e. increasing H2O or K2O leads to quartz-normativecompositions, but increasing Na2O produces an almost oppositetrend, towards nepheline-normative compositions. KEY WORDS: H2O; CO2; FTIR; hydrous partial melting; mantle melting; spinel lherzolite; system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ± H2O ± CO2 ± Na2O  相似文献   

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