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Summary Characteristics of the piezo-remanent magnetization (PRM) of lunar rocks are particularly interesting in comparison with the PRM of terrestrial rocks, because ferromagnetic constituents in lunar materials are metallic iron grains whose average magnetostriction coefficient is negative. Experimentally observed characteristics of the PRM of lunar rocks are substantially the same as those of the PRM of terrestrial rocks and magnetites, in which is positive. These experimental results indicate that the acquisition mechanism of PRM is due to a non-linear superposition of the magnetoelastic pressure upon the magnetostatic pressure on both sides of the 90° domain walls in ferromagnetic particles, as suggested by Nagata and Carleton.
Zusammenfassung Die Eigenschaften der piezo-remanenten Magnetisierung (PRM) der Mondgesteine sind besonders interessant im Vergleich mit der PRM der Erdgesteine, weil die ferromagnetischen Bestandteile der Mondmaterien die metallischen Eisenkörnchen sind, derer durchschnittliche Magnetostriktion-Koeffizient negativ ist. Die experimentelle gemessenen Eigenschaften von PRM der Mondgesteine sind wesentlich dieselbe der Erdgesteine und Magnetite, derer positive ist. Solche experimentaren Ergebnisse zeigen an, dass die Erwerbung von PRM durch eine nonlineare Übereinanderwirkung des magnetoelastischen Druckes und des magnetostatischen Druckes gegen die beiden Seiten der 90° Gebietwände der ferromagnetischen Teilchen ist, wie Nagata und Carleton vorgeschlagen haben.

The Gd isotopic composition in 19 lunar rock and soil samples from three Apollo sites is reported. The analytical techniques and the high precision mass spectrometric measurements are discussed. Enrichments in158GdO/157GdO due to neutron capture range up to 0.75%. Integrated ‘thermal’ neutron fluxes derived from the isotopic anomalies of Gd are compared with spallation Kr data from aliquot samples to construct a model which gives both average cosmic-ray irradiation depths and effective neutron exposure ages (Tn) for some rocks. In the case of rock 12053, this yields an average sample location of ∼300 g/cm2 below the lunar surface and an effective irradiation age of ∼230 my, compared to 99 my obtained by the81Kr-Kr method. Rock 14310 is the first lunar sample where Kr anomalies due to resonance neutron capture in Br are observed. A81Kr-Kr exposure age of 262 ± 7 my is calculated for this rock.  相似文献   

Thermal diffusivity, k, of three lunar rocks (10049 and 10069; Type A, Apollo 11 and 14311; Apollo 14) and a terrestrial basalt (alkaline olivine basalt, Oki-do?go, Japan) was measured under one atmosphere and in vacuum conditions (10?3 ~ 10?5 mmHg) in the temperature range from 85 to 850°K. The semi-empirical curve of k =A + B/T +CT3 is fitted to the data in each condition. The porosity of rocks strongly affects the thermal diffusivity at low temperature ( T ? 500°K) in vacuum condition. At 150°K, thermal diffusivity of lunar rocks with porosity of 5.5% (10049) and 11% (10069) at one atmosphere is about 1.7 and 3.2 times of that in vacuum, respectively. The difference between the values at one atmosphere and those in vacuum decreases as the temperature increases. Measurements of k should be made at gas pressures at least lower than 10?3 mmHg to estimate the value under lunar surface conditions.  相似文献   

678 major element analyses and all available trace element determinations of lunar rocks with igneous textures were collected from the literature. Rittmann norms were calculated by an ALGOL program. The norm values, grouped according to increasing clinopyroxene contents, were plotted into quartz-plagioclase-orthopyroxene and olivine-plagioclase-orthopyroxene triangles, respectively. The plots indicate that all lunar rocks form a compositional continuum that starts from rocks very high in plagioclase and continues, with increasing clinopyroxene, to plagioclase-poorer and orthopyroxene-richer rocks containing partly quartz, partly olivine.According to apparent clusters in the plots, and taking into account lunar rock types defined by previous authors, the continuum of normative compositions was subdivided into five major rock groups (I to V). The averages of these groups can be characterized by clinopyroxene contents and plagioclase/orthopyroxene ratios (I: 3% cpx, plag/opx = 30; II: 4% cpx, plag/opx = 7; III: 8% cpx, plag/opx = 2; IV: 26% cpx, plag/opx = 0.8; V: 34% cpx, plag/opx = 1.8). According to the contents in K-feldspar, from groups III and V K-rich subgroups were separated. Average contents of major elements and trace elements were calculated for main groups and subgroups.For the normative groups of lunar igneous rocks, names are proposed which conform to the nomenclature of terrestrial rocks.  相似文献   

Twenty six samples from seven hand specimens, collected from the station 6 boulder at the Apollo 17 landing site, were studied magnetically. The boulder is a breccia consisting of three lithologic units distinguished by their clast population. The direction of magnetization of samples from unit B which is almost devoid of large clasts cluster fairly well after alternating field demagnetization. Samples from unit C which is characterized by abundant large clasts up to 1 m in size do not contain a uniform direction of magnetization but the distribution is not random. Based on these data we propose that the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in these breccias is the vector sum of two magnetizations, a pre-impact magnetization and a partial thermoremanence acquired during breccia formation. The relative contribution of the two components is controlled by the thermal history of the ejecta, which in turn is determined by its clast population. Depending on the clast population, the NRM can be a total thermoremanence, a partial thermoremanence plus a pre-impact magnetization, or a pre-impact magnetization. This model of thermal overprinting might be applicable to all lunar breccias of medium and higher metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

Quaternary volcanic rocks of Stromboli (Italy) can be divided into older calc-alkaline and younger shoshonitic series. The SiO2 contents of the rocks range from 50% to 61% but the majority of them are basalts. The rocks show systematic variations in chemical composition which correlate with the volcanic stratigraphy, such that, at a given SiO2 content, K and other incompatible elements such as REE increase with decreasing age. In addition, the La/Yb ratio increases while the K/Rb, K/Ba, Zr/Ce and Zr/Nb ratios decrease towards the top of the volcanic pile. On the other hand, the abundances of transition elements, V, Co, Sc and Zn, like most major elements are broadly similar in comparable rocks of different ages. It is suggested that the parent magmas were derived by partial melting from upper mantle peridotite enriched in incompatible elements by fluids released from the descending oceanic lithosphere. The temporal chemical variations may probably be related to the lengths of time during which fluids were in contact with the upper mantle source.  相似文献   

Origin of rhyolites by anatectic melting of granitic crustal rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rhyolitic pumice deposits on some East Aegean Islands are the remnants of a tuff sheet which covered formerly more than 2500 km2. The rhyolites originated by melting of granitic crustal rocks. The petrological properties leading to this conclusion are as follows:
  • -mineralogical composition of the pumice being 60 wt % of glass and 40 % of relictic granitic minerals (quartz, plagioclase, potash feldspar, biotite) in «phenocrysts» up to 1 cm Ø.
  • -phenomena of strong corrosion, resorption and melting of all light colored «phenocrysts» in the rhyolitic pumice.
  • -mineralogical and chemical identity between pumice and granitic xenolites found in great quantity in the pumice tuff.
  • -structurally transitional types between pumice and the granites in different state of melting.
  • -eutectic composition of the pumice glass for a pressure of 2 kb.
  •   相似文献   

    The Apollo 17 astronauts removed four rocks samples to represent each of the lithologies they recognized in the boulder at station 7: sample 77215 from an off-white meter-sized block; sample 77075 from one of the thin dikes that cross the off-white block; 77115 from the blue-gray rock adjacent to the off-white block and apparently continuous with thin dikes that cross the block; sample 77135 of the tan-gray or green-gray vesicular rock adjacent to the blue-gray (77115) rock. A consortium of investigators has been organized, under the leadership of E.C.T. Chao, to study the samples. Each sample shows a number of lithologic types in terms of clasts (or xenoliths) and matrices. A table shows how subsamples have been allocated for consortium study. Maps and photographs show the relations between subsample locations and lithologies for the two more dissected samples, 77115 and 77135.  相似文献   

    Major element, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cr and V analyses as well as 13 new rare earth element (REE) analyses are presented for the greywacke basement surrounding the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ). On this basis the basement rocks are divided into a Western Basement of approximately andesitic composition ( 62% SiO2) and an Eastern Basement of approximately granodiorite composition ( 75% SiO2). These analyses, 5 new REE analyses for the rhyolites, and published data for the volcanic rocks of TVZ are used to investigate the petrogenesis of rhyolitic rocks in the area.Least-squares mixing calculations for major elements show that 88% fractional crystallisation of high-alumina basalt produces a liquid of rhyolitic bulk composition, but Rayleigh fractionation models show that the trace element concentrations of the rhyolites are inconsistent with basalt fractionation. 57% fractionation of the assemblage plagioclase (35.6%), orthopyroxene (9.7%), clinopyroxene (7.8%), ilmenite (0.6%) and magnetite (3.4%) from a plagioclase-pyroxene andesite can produce liquids of rhyolitic bulk composition. REE concentrations produced by this model are consistent with those observed in the rhyolites but predicted Ba and Rb values are lower and V concentrations are higher than those in the rhyolites. Andesite fractionation also produces an unrealistic fractionation of the Cr/V ratio.A non-modal melting model involving 35% melting of a granulitic assemblage (plagioclase + quartz + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + biotite + magnetite + cordierite) with a bulk composition equivalent to the Western Basement can reproduce the REE pattern of the rhyolites as well as the concentrations of Rb and Ba. Sr values remain anomalously high, but the Cr/V ratio does not indicate fractionation. Absolute values of Cr and V are within the uncertainties of published crystal—liquid partition coefficients. The rhyolites have relatively flat REE patterns (La/Yb 7.5), as do the greywackes (La/Yb 8.2), so it is therefore unlikely that the rhyolites equilibrated with a garnet or amphibole-bearing assemblage.  相似文献   

    18O/16O ratios have been measured for Luna 20 and Apollo 15 fines and Apollo 15 rocks.Isotopic composition and fractionation between minerals are compared with previous results.Partial fluorination experiments on Luna 20 soil and Apollo 15021 extreme fines show large18O enrichments in grain surfaces. These results are discussed.  相似文献   

    Summary Two groups of basaltic rocks with normal and reversed NRM were examined. It was found that in both groups the primary NRM, synchronous with the period of rock formation, is preserved. Relations of the primary NRM to the origin and the degree of oxidation of magnetic minerals were considered in detail.  相似文献   

    The MER rover Opportunity has carried out the first outcrop-scale investigation of ancient sedimentary rocks on Mars. The rocks, exposed in craters and along fissures in Meridiani Planum, are sandstones formed via the erosion and re-deposition of fine grained siliciclastics and evaporites derived from the chemical weathering of olivine basalts by acidic waters. A stratigraphic section more than seven meters thick measured in Endurance crater is dominated by eolian dune and sand sheet facies; the uppermost half meter, however, exhibits festoon cross lamination at a length scale that indicates subaqueous deposition, likely in a playa-like interdune setting. Silicates and sulfate minerals dominate outcrop geochemistry, but hematite and Fe3D3 (another ferric iron phase) make up as much as 11% of the rocks by weight. Jarosite in the outcrop matrix indicates precipitation at low pH. Cements, hematitic concretions, and crystal molds attest to a complex history of early diagenesis, mediated by ambient ground waters. The depositional and early diagenetic paleoenvironment at Meridiani was arid, acidic, and oxidizing, a characterization that places strong constraints on astrobiologial inference.  相似文献   

    月球重力场是月球科学研究的重要部分,是进一步了解月球内部结构和构造的基础,也是我国探月计划“嫦娥工程”一个重要的科学研究内容.本文针对“嫦娥工程”,利用GSFC/NASA/USA的GEODYNII/SOLVE轨道分析软件,分析计算了利用单星跟踪数据恢复月球重力场的能力,同时模拟计算了双星跟踪数据在恢复月球重力场方面的能力,结合可能的工程环境我们对两种情况分别给出了30天、60天和90天的计算结果.计算表明双星相比于单星对月球重力场的中低阶位系数有比较显著的改善.  相似文献   

    The crystallisation of olivine (O) and silica (S) normative varieties of Apollo 11 crystalline rocks has been followed at 1 atm. The sequence of phases precipitating is (S): spinel, olivine, ilmenite, clinopyroxene plus plagioclase; and (O): spinel, olivine, ilmenite plus plagioclase, clinopyroxene. The last 50% (O) to 75% (S) of the liquid crystallises as a pyroxene-plagioclase-ilmenite cotectic over a narrow temperature range, approximately 1095 to 1125° C, leaving a small silica-rich residue.  相似文献   

    As the only natural satellite of the earth, the Moon has always been the first choice for human exploration of the solar system. China’s lunar exploration project(Chang’e project) was launched in 2004. At present, it has created a perfect end to the three phases of “orbiting, landing and returning”. A series of remarkable research achievements have been made on the basic issues of current lunar scientific research, such as the Earth-Moon space environment, lunar surface material, morphology,geol...  相似文献   

    Evidence for the existence of an ancient lunar field comes from the NRM of lunar rocks and from measurements of local lunar surface magnetic fields. Even when the Fe particles present in the rocks possess enough magnetic stability to preserve a record of the original magnetizing field, there are considerable difficulties in estimating the strength of the field, primarily because of the chemical changes which take place on heating in the laboratory. These difficulties are discussed together with a paleointensity method involving heating in a more indirect way. A tentative interpretation of the results of paleointensity-age measurements is given.  相似文献   

    在嫦娥一号探月工程中求定月球重力场   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
    月球重力场制约着近月外空间物体的运动,同时环月飞行器的运动也反映了月球重力场的作用. 本文结合我国嫦娥一号探月工程,探讨了利用月球卫星的地面跟踪资料,求定月球重力场的基本理论和方法,分析了环月卫星的轨道高度、地面跟踪采样时间间隔和跟踪精度等对求定月球重力场的影响. 若单独利用我国嫦娥一号探月工程的地面跟踪数据,恢复30阶次左右的月球重力场模型是一个比较实际的目标. 地面跟踪最好能以75s的时间间隔进行采样,数据连续提供时间应不少于30个昼夜,月球卫星星下点的月面轨迹间距不大于110km.  相似文献   

    Although introduced more than two decades ago, electrostatic soil transport on the lunar surface remains a controversial subject due, primarily, to insufficiently high surface fields and particle charges to initiate and sustain the phenomenon. This paper introduces a realistic geometrical configuration for the terminators which plausibly provides adequate fields and charges. Myriads of miniature sunlit islands and dark valleys are formed in the vicinity of a zig-zag terminator line as it moves. The islands and valleys are surrounded by areas of opposite electrical polarity, providing local field regions up to thousands of volts per centimeter. The result is random directional movement of electrostatically charged lunar fines. It is shown that the mechanism can readily account for the denuding of certain asteroids while others exhibit a layer of dust on their surface.  相似文献   

    月球撞击坑的动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
    月球探测和月球资源的合理利用引起了广泛关注,月球撞击坑的研究可以提供月球的重要信息.统计研究表明,撞击坑的直径和大于该直径的撞击坑数目之间满足分形分布N(≥D)∝r-FD,撞击坑的深度和撞击坑的直径满足多项式关系d=kdDn.简化月球表面撞击过程为一个简单的完全非弹性碰撞,可以得到撞击的动力学微分方程;对撞击过程的阻力项做非线性近似并忽略非齐次项,可以得到撞击方程的解析解:y=dtanh(kdt).由此得到撞击物的撞击速率随撞击深度二次方减小:v=kd2-ky2,撞击坑形貌方程满足方程:lnr=1/nln(kd2)/(vt)-β/nr.理论推导撞击坑的深度和撞击坑的直径满足多项式关系,这和实际撞击坑的统计结果相符合.在无标度区域,撞击物的速率和大于该撞击速率的撞击物数目之间满足分形关系:N(≥v)∝v-FD,速率分布为:f(v)∝v-(FD+1).  相似文献   

    Periodic and morphological characteristics of lunar transient phenomena (LTP) are described. Some early historical records are reviewed. Most sites of LTP's show evidence of internal disturbance either initiated from within or by volcanic modification of impact formations. Some individual crater sites are described. The probability of the reliability of at least some, and probably most, reports has been increased by the later discovery of the periodic nature of the deep-focus and shallow moonquakes; spurious reports would not have produced the periodicity of LTP's, but random errors would increase the noise level.The conclusion to be drawn from the inadequacy of external energy sources is that some energy must be injected from within the moon, probably in the excitation of gases, but this must remain speculation until better data is obtained. The underlying problem now is still the difficulty of obtaining permanent instrumental records; only twenty heterogeneous reports are at present known.  相似文献   

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