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Climate Change and Global Wine Quality   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
From 1950 to 1999 the majority of the world's highest quality wine-producing regions experienced growing season warming trends. Vintage quality ratings during this same time period increased significantly while year-to-year variation declined. While improved winemaking knowledge and husbandry practices contributed to the better vintages it was shown that climate had, and will likely always have, a significant role in quality variations. This study revealed that the impacts of climate change are not likely to be uniform across all varieties and regions. Currently, many European regions appear to be at or near their optimum growing season temperatures, while the relationships are less defined in the New World viticulture regions. For future climates, model output for global wine producing regions predicts an average warming of 2 C in the next 50 yr. For regions producing high-quality grapes at the margins of their climatic limits, these results suggest that future climate change will exceed a climatic threshold such that the ripening of balanced fruit required for existing varieties and wine styles will become progressively more difficult. In other regions, historical and predicted climate changes could push some regions into more optimal climatic regimes for the production of current varietals. In addition, the warmer conditions could lead to more poleward locations potentially becoming more conducive to grape growing and wine production.  相似文献   

全球闪电活动与气候变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郄秀书 《干旱气象》2003,21(3):69-73
全球闪电活动与气候变化关系的研究正受到越来越多的重视,该文从卫星上观测到的全球闪电活动、闪电活动和全球电路对温度的响应,闪电和对流层上部水汽的联系,闪电和N0,等几方面进行了阐述,指出了闪电活动在气候变化研究中的重要性。同时,文中还对影响闪电活动和起电过程的热力动力作用以及气溶胶的作用等进行了分析。  相似文献   

基础四国在应对气候变化的科技合作方面,具有共同参与的广泛兴趣和优势互补的双赢特点。四国应对气候变化科技合作,不仅能促进四国的科技研发和示范推广及成果产业化的进程,进一步扩大四国在气候变化领域的利益交集,还将不断加深四国在气候变化谈判中的相互理解和支持。 四国已有气候变化科技合作的基础,合作中面临的障碍也有可能克服。四国科技合作不仅具有必要性,也有可能性。  相似文献   

依据政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 第5次评估报告以及国内相关科学研究成果,使用最新的观测资料凝练了对全球气候变化的有关认识;从极端天气气候事件和气候承载力角度,分析了气候变化给我国带来的气候风险。研究发现:1961—2015年我国平均高温日数增加了28.4%,暴雨日数增加了8.2%。21世纪以来,登陆我国热带气旋的强度明显增加。在全球气候变暖的背景下,我国气候承载力将发生明显变化,未来面临的气候风险将加大。因此,保障我国气候安全,需要科学认识气候,提高气候风险意识; 主动适应气候,提高应对极端事件能力;努力保护气候,减缓气候变化的影响。  相似文献   

国际气候变化研究新进展   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
 简要回顾了国际上气候变化科学研究在最近所取得的进展,主要包括近百年温度和降水的变化,大气成分和辐射强迫的变化,热带和中高纬度气候变化,台风和气候变化,全球变暗和反照率,气候模式与气候变化的预估,气候突变和极端事件等方面。通过回顾可以看到,气候变化科学已取得了显著的进展,但也提出一些新的科学问题,国内外科学家将面临新的科学挑战。  相似文献   

Global Climate Change and Tropical Forest Genetic Resources   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Global climate change may have a serious impact on genetic resources in tropical forest trees. Genetic diversity plays a critical role in the survival of populations in rapidly changing environments. Furthermore, most tropical plant species are known to have unique ecological niches, and therefore changes in climate may directly affect the distribution of biomes, ecosystems, and constituent species. Climate change may also indirectly affect plant genetic resources through effects on phenology, breeding systems, and plant-pollinator and plant seed disperser interactions, and may reduce genetic diversity and reproductive output. As a consequence, population densities may be reduced leading to reduction in genetic diversity through genetic drift and inbreeding. Tropical forest plants may respond to climate change through phenotypic plasticity, adaptive evolution, migration to suitable site, or extinction. However, the potential to respond is limited by a rapid pace of change and the non-availability of alternate habitats due to past and present trends of deforestation. Thus climate change may result in extinction of many populations and species. Our ability to estimate the precise response of tropical forest ecosystems to climate change is limited by lack of long-term data on parameters that might be affected by climate change. Collection of correlative data from long-term monitoring of climate as well as population and community responses at selected sites offer the most cost-effective way to understand the effects of climate change on tropical tree populations. However, mitigation strategies need to be implemented immediately. Because many effects of climate change may be similar to the effects of habitat alteration and fragmentation, protected areas and buffer zones should be enlarged, with an emphasis on connectivity among conserved landscapes. Taxa that are likely to become extinct should be identified and protected through ex situ conservation programs.  相似文献   

2007年全球气候变化回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以世界气象组织发布的2007年全球气候变化报告为基础,结合全球其他气候资料,总结了2007年全球的气候变化特征:2007年北极海冰面积为有记录以来最低,导致加拿大西北航道有记录以来首次贯通;南极臭氧空洞相对较小;赤道太平洋中东部拉尼娜发展;世界许多地方发生破坏性洪水、干旱和风暴。  相似文献   

2007年全球气候变化回顾   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以世界气象组织发布的2007年全球气候变化报告为基础,结合全球其他气候资料,总结了2007年全球的气候变化特征:2007年北极海冰面积为有记录以来最低,导致加拿大西北航道有记录以来首次贯通;南极臭氧空洞相对较小;赤道太平洋中东部拉尼娜发展;世界许多地方发生破坏性洪水、干旱和风暴。  相似文献   

Possible mechanisms for the formation of significant weather and climate anomalies in Russia in recent years and their relation to global climate change and natural quasicyclic processes are discussed. Extreme Russian heat wave in 2010, the Amur River flood in 2013, and extreme cold winters are analyzed. All these events were associated with the formation of long-lived blocking anticyclones whose frequency increase can be expected under conditions of global warming. To link such events with the global warming, the effects related to regional and global climatically significant natuial quasicyclic processes should be taken into account. They include the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and El Niño—Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   

Impacts of Climate Change on the Global Forest Sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The path and magnitude of future anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide will likely influence changes in climate that may impact the global forest sector. These responses in the global forest sector may have implications for international efforts to stabilize the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. This study takes a step toward including the role of global forest sector in integrated assessments of the global carbon cycle by linking global models of climate dynamics, ecosystem processes and forest economics to assess the potential responses of the global forest sector to different levels of greenhouse gas emissions. We utilize three climate scenarios and two economic scenarios to represent a range of greenhouse gas emissions and economic behavior. At the end of the analysis period (2040), the potential responses in regional forest growing stock simulated by the global ecosystem model range from decreases and increases for the low emissions climate scenario to increases in all regions for the high emissions climate scenario. The changes in vegetation are used to adjust timber supply in the softwood and hardwood sectors of the economic model. In general, the global changes in welfare are positive, but small across all scenarios. At the regional level, the changes in welfare can be large and either negative or positive. Markets and trade in forest products play important roles in whether a region realizes any gains associated with climate change. In general, regions with the lowest wood fiber production cost are able to expand harvests. Trade in forest products leads to lower prices elsewhere. The low-cost regions expand market shares and force higher-cost regions to decrease their harvests. Trade produces different economic gains and losses across the globe even though, globally, economic welfare increases. The results of this study indicate that assumptions within alternative climate scenarios and about trade in forest products are important factors that strongly influence the effects of climate change on the global forest sector.  相似文献   

2006年2月8日,皮尤全球气候变化中心发表了美国第一个减少温室气体(GHG)排放的综合报告一气候行动议程(Agenda for Climate Action)。这项议程是为了应对全球气候变化而制定的一套可靠的行动计划。  相似文献   

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阐述全球气候变化的现状和趋势,探讨了气候变化对我国水、森林和土地等自然资源的影响,以期为合理开发利用自然资源提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Hydrologic Sensitivity of Global Rivers to Climate Change   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
Climate predictions from four state-of-the-art general circulation models (GCMs) were used to assess the hydrologic sensitivity to climate change of nine large, continental river basins (Amazon, Amur, Mackenzie, Mekong, Mississippi, Severnaya Dvina, Xi, Yellow, Yenisei). The four climate models (HCCPR-CM2, HCCPR-CM3, MPI-ECHAM4, and DOE-PCM3) all predicted transient climate response to changing greenhouse gas concentrations, and incorporated modern land surface parameterizations. Model-predicted monthly average precipitation and temperature changes were downscaled to the river basin level using model increments (transient minus control) to adjust for GCM bias. The variable infiltration capacity (VIC) macroscale hydrological model (MHM) was used to calculate the corresponding changes in hydrologic fluxes (especially streamflow and evapotranspiration) and moisture storages. Hydrologic model simulations were performed for decades centered on 2025 and 2045. In addition, a sensitivity study was performed in which temperature and precipitation were increased independently by 2 °C and 10%, respectively, during each of four seasons. All GCMs predict a warming for all nine basins, with the greatest warming predicted to occur during the winter months in the highest latitudes. Precipitation generally increases, but the monthly precipitation signal varies more between the models than does temperature. The largest changes in the hydrological cycle are predicted for the snow-dominated basins of mid to higher latitudes. This results in part from the greater amount of warming predicted for these regions, but more importantly, because of the important role of snow in the water balance. Because the snow pack integrates the effects of climate change over a period of months, the largest changes occur in early to mid spring when snow melt occurs. The climate change responses are somewhat different for the coldest snow dominated basins than for those with more transitional snow regimes. In the coldest basins, the response to warming is an increase of the spring streamflow peak, whereas for the transitional basins spring runoff decreases. Instead, the transitional basins have large increases in winter streamflows. The hydrological response of most tropical and mid-latitude basins to the warmer and somewhat wetter conditions predicted by the GCMs is a reduction in annual streamflow, although again, considerable disagreement exists among the different GCMs. In contrast, for the high-latitude basins increases in annual flow volume are predicted in most cases.  相似文献   

全球气候变化对我国自然资源的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述全球气候变化的现状和趋势,探讨了气候变化对我国水、森林和土地等自然资源的影响,以期为合理开发利用自然资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   

During the recent four decades since 1980, a series of modern climate satellites were launched, allowing for the measurement and record-keeping of multiple climate parameters, especially over the polar regions where traditional observations are difficult to obtain. China has been actively engaging in polar expeditions. Many observations were conducted during this period, accompanied by improved Earth climate models, leading to a series of insightful understandings concerning Arctic and Antarctic...  相似文献   

气候变化对食品安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李裕  张强  王润元  肖国举  王胜 《干旱气象》2009,27(4):367-372
最近一系列的研究集中讨论气候变化对农产品、陆地利用、污染和生物多样性的影响,意味着气候变化对食品安全的影响已成为广泛关注和研究的焦点。虽然如此,气候变化对消费者的食物和饲料安全影响的专题研究报道仍然很少。通过文献综述,主要围绕气候变化对种植业和畜牧业的影响,分析气候变化对食品安全的各种影响。一般认为,种植业是农业和养殖业中对气候变化反映最为敏感的环节,气候参数如温度、干旱、降雨、风和CO2水平的变化,将改变农业化肥、农药投入,引起土壤退化,加重作物害虫、昆虫和病害受灾程度。气候变化对畜牧业也将产生严重的影响,而且,极端天气如洪水和热浪伴随的食品病原菌污染都对将来的食品安全构成严重威胁。因此,在气候变化背景下人类将面临食品安全的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

2007年IPCC公布的第四次评估报告指出,过去50 a观测到的地球平均温度升高很可能(90%以上)是由人类活动引起的,其中主要是人类活动引起的温室气体排放的增加.高精度的卫星数据分析结果显示,30 a来全球气温呈振荡变化,除受厄尔尼诺、火山活动等重大自然现象影响外,并未出现异常增温现象,仍处在正常波动范围内;加勒比海...  相似文献   

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