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本文从理论上估计了金星由于受太阳东西向潮汐力矩作用,而引起金星自转速率的长期变化;并根据金星探测器对金星大气的探测结果,表明它具有稳定的向西环流,从而可得其对金星自转的影响。本文的讨论,证明了金星形成初期是一快速顺向自转的天体,仅太阳的潮汐力矩不可能解释它的自转演化。如果取金星形成之后初始自转周期T_0=15小时,则大气逆向环流与太阳潮的合力矩作用引起金星自转速率变化为: ω(T)=[1647″+δ_i×19705′.′5sin(4.°58(T_0/T))]/世纪~2{δ_i=+1,金星顺转 δ_i=-1,金星逆转}可以估计经t_1=3.22×10~9年,其自转与目前的轨道周期同步。又经t_2=1.19×10~7年,达今天的逆转243天周期。  相似文献   

The complex morphology and topography of Eastern Ishtar Terra have been interpreted as due to tectonic deformation. Models proposed to account for this deformation include: crustal flow through asthenospheric flow and thermal-gravitational sliding; rifting, gravity spreading, and fold belt formation; and horizontal convergence and crustal thickening. In this study we map the detailed structural and topographic fabric of this region in order to explore and test these hypotheses. Eastern Ishtar can be divided into four major provinces: Maxwell Montes/Western Fortuna Tessera, a high plateau and mountain belt dominated by long NNW trending ridges; Central Fortuna Tessera, a low region of orthogonally oriented short WNW trending ridges and long, NNE trending troughs; Eastern Fortuna Tessera, a broad, E-W trending topographic rise characterized by ENE trending troughs and a complex pattern of intersecting ridges; and Northern Fortuna Tessera, a region of steep, NE-facing topographic scarps and ridges that trend WNW. On the basis of structural and topographic relationships, the features within these provinces are found to be inconsistent with a formation through either downslope crustal flow or rifting. We find that the mapped features are most consistent with a formation through convergence, collison, and underthrusting of thickened crustal terranes. These terranes are suggested to have been created through processes of seafloor-type spreading and crustal collision. Based on relationships between the different terranes, several accretional events are proposed in which Eastern Ishtar is produced by the collision of crustal terranes beginning at Lakshmi Planum and extending to the east. This sequence is initiated with the formation of Maxwell Montes and Western Fortuna Tessera during east-west crustal convergence, underthrusting, and stacking. The next step involves the northeast to southwest convergence of a preexisting thick block of tessera in Central Fortuna, which produces shear deformation within Western Fortuna. This northeast to southwest convergence also produces Northern Fortuna Tessera through crustal imbrication, a process recognized along the entire northern boundary of Ishtar Terra. Finally, Laima Tessera converges with Fortuna from the southeast and collides with Eastern Fortuna Tessera producing shear within Eastern Fortuna and the linear convergence zones along the edges of Laima. High resolution images returned by the Magellan spacecraft will enable us to examine the features involved in the proposed production and suturing of crustal terranes.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci., Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

This paper deals with some aspects of the formation and development of coronae, specific large circular structures on Venus. The origin of coronae is commonly associated with the effect of rising and subsequently relaxing hot mantle plumes (diapirs) on the surface layers of the lithosphere. A detailed photogeologic study of one of such structures, Nefertiti corona, which is undertaken in this paper, is based on an analysis of Magellanradar images. A sequence of geologic formations revealed in the territory under investigation made it possible, in combination with an analysis of tectonic structures, to develop a step-by-step scenario of the evolution of this structure. It was established that Nefertiti has gone the entire cycle of corona evolution—from the formation of a radially fractured rising dome (nova) to the mature corona. At the final stage of evolution of this corona, traces of its rejuvenation and the origin of a new system of radial fracturing in the central part of the corona are observed. Our observations of Nefertiti corona are compared to theoretical (numerically solved) and tectonophysical models of corona formation, which were described by some other researchers. The inferred evolution of Nefertiti agrees with commonly accepted geologic models of corona evolution.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of the primordial atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars have long been a topic of debate between the experts. Some believe that the original atmospheres were a product of outgassed volatiles from the newly accreted terrestrial planets and that these atmospheres consisted primarily of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor and residual hydrogen and helium (e.g., Lewis and Prinn, <it>Planets and their Atmospheres,</it> Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1984, pp. 62–63, 81–84, 228–231, 383). Still others think the earliest atmospheres were composed of the gas components of the solar nebula from which the solar system formed (i.e., hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia and water). I consider the latter to be the correct scenario. Presented herein is a proposed mechanism by which the original atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars were transformed to atmospheres rich in carbon dioxide and nitrogen. An explanation is proposed for why water is so common on the surface of Earth and so scarce on the surfaces of Venus and Mars. Also presented are the effects the “great impact” (single cataclysmic event that was responsible for producing the Earth–Moon system) had upon the early atmosphere of Earth. The origin, structure and composition of the impacting object are determined through deductive analyses.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1249-1262
An overview is given of current knowledge and mysteries about the planet Venus, with emphasis on those aspects that are intended to be studied with the Venus Express mission following orbit insertion at the planet in March 2006.  相似文献   

The formation of annular features on Venus, the so-called coronae, is modeled. It is common practice to associate their formation with the uplift and relaxation of hot mantle diapirs. We managed to partially reproduce the topography and structural pattern of the initial stage of corona evolution, a radially fractured dome, by lifting and lowering a piston under a layer of sand with consistent oil or moist clay. We failed to model a dense radial fracturing, which is typical of the earliest stage of corona evolution. We were able to reproduce the necessary attribute of coronae, concentric structures, which are commonly assumed to be formed at the stage of dome relaxation. Their formation mechanism in our experiments can serve only as a partial analog of the processes that produce corona rims. There is an obvious need to use more accurate models. Nevertheless, our modeling shows that the brittle deformations manifest themselves more clearly than do the plastic ones in the formation of dome-shaped uplift during the generation of natural coronae. The modeling also shows that the pattern of deformation within the dome-shaped uplift depends to some extent on the relationship between the layer thickness and the cross-sectional piston sizes. The latter can be a model for the relationship between the lithosphere thickness and the cross-sectional sizes of the mantle diapir that form a corona.  相似文献   

D.J. Scheeres  A. Rossi 《Icarus》2004,170(2):312-323
In this paper we study the statistical effect of planetary flybys on the rotation rates and states of Near Earth Objects (NEOs). Our approach combines numerical and analytical methods within a Monte Carlo model that simulates the evolution of the NEO spin rates. We take as input for the simulation a source distribution of spin states and evolve it to find their steady state distribution. In performing this evolution we track the changes in the spin rate and state distribution for the different components of the NEO population. We show that the cumulative effect of planetary encounters is to spin up the overall population of NEOs. This spin up effect holds on average only, and particular members of the population may experience an overall decrease in rotation rate. This effect is clearly seen across all components of the NEO population and is significant both statistically and physically. For initially slow rotators the spin up effect is strong, lowering the mean rotation period by 32%. For faster rotating populations the effect is less, lowering the spin period by 15% for the intermediate case, 6% for fast rotating rubble piles, and 8% for fast rotating monoliths. Physically, the spin up effect pushes 1% of the fast rotating rubble-pile NEOs over the disruption limit, while 6% of these bodies experience a sub-disruption event that could modify their physical structure. For monolithic NEOs, the spin up effect is self-limiting, reaching a minimum spin period of 1.1 hr, with a strong cut-off between 2-3 hr. This has two implications. First, it may not be necessary to invoke the rubble-pile hypothesis to recover a cut-off in spin period. Second, it shows that planetary flybys cannot account for the extremely rapid rotation rates of some small NEOs. We also tested a different balance between the effects of Earth and Venus by treating the Aten sub-class of asteroids separately. Due to increased interactions with the planets, the spin up effect is more pronounced (10%) and disruptions increase by a factor of three. The slow rotation tails of the spin distributions are increased to longer periods, in general, with rotation periods of over 100 hr occurring for a few tenths of a percent for some component populations. Thus, this mechanism may account for some of the noted excess in slow rotators among the NEOs. Planetary flybys also cause NEOs to enter a tumbling state, with approximately 0.5% of the population being placed into a long-axis rotation mode. Finally, based on the evolution of spin states of different components of the NEO population, we compared the evolved states with the measured distribution of NEOs to estimate the relative populations of these components that comprise the NEOs.  相似文献   

Strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun ionizes the upper atmosphere of Venus, creating a dense ionosphere on the dayside of the planet. In contrast to Earth, the ionosphere of Venus is not protected against the solar wind by a magnetic field. However, the interaction between charged ionospheric particles and the solar wind dynamic and magnetic pressure creates a pseudo-magnetosphere which deflects the solar wind flow around the planet (Schunk and Nagy, 1980). The combination of changing solar radiation and solar wind intensities leads to a highly variable structure and plasma composition of the ionosphere. The instrumentation of the Venus Express spacecraft allows to measure the magnetic field (MAG experiment) as well as the electron energy spectrum and the ion composition (ASPERA-4 experiment) of the upper ionosphere and ionopause. In contrast to the earlier Pioneer Venus Orbiter (PVO) measurements which were conducted during solar maximum, the solar activity was very low in the period 2006-2009. A comparison with PVO allows for an investigation of ionospheric properties under different solar wind and EUV radiation conditions. Observations of MAG and ASPERA have been analyzed to determine the positions of the photoelectron boundary (PEB) and the “magnetopause” and their dependence on the solar zenith angle (SZA). The PEB was determined using the ELS observations of ionospheric photoelectrons, which can be identified by their specific energy range. It is of particular interest to explore the different magnetic states of the ionosphere, since these influence the local plasma conductivity, currents and probably the escape of electrons and ions. The penetration of magnetic fields into the ionosphere depends on the external conditions as well as on the ionospheric properties. By analyzing a large number of orbits, using a combination of two different methods, we define criteria to distinguish between the so-called magnetized and unmagnetized ionospheric states. Furthermore, we confirm that the average magnetic field inside the ionosphere shows a linear dependence on the magnetic field in the region directly above the PEB.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(12):1701-1711
The Venus Express mission will focus on a global investigation of the Venus atmosphere and plasma environment, while additionally measuring some surface properties from orbit. The instruments PFS and SPICAV inherited from the Mars Express mission and VIRTIS from Rosetta form a powerful spectrometric and spectro-imaging payload suite. Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC)—a miniature wide-angle camera with 17.5° field of view—was specifically designed and built to complement these experiments and provide imaging context for the whole mission. VMC will take images of Venus in four narrow band filters (365, 513, 965, and 1000 nm) all sharing one CCD. Spatial resolution on the cloud tops will range from 0.2 km/px at pericentre to 45 km/px at apocentre when the full Venus disc will be in the field of view. VMC will fulfill the following science goals: (1) study of the distribution and nature of the unknown UV absorber; (2) determination of the wind field at the cloud tops (70 km) by tracking the UV features; (3) thermal mapping of the surface in the 1 μm transparency “window” on the night side; (4) determination of the global wind field in the main cloud deck (50 km) by tracking near-IR features; (5) study of the lapse rate and H2O content in the lower 6–10 km; (6) mapping O2 night-glow and its variability.  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus radar data has provided images (resolution 20- to 40-km) of approximately 50% of the total surface of Venus in a band between 45 ° N to 15 ° S. These data are used to map the broad radar characteristics of the equatorial region on the basis of radar brightness and texture. Seven radar units are defined and are used to assess the geologic character of the equatorial region. These units fall into two distinct classes, those that are radar-bright (35% of the equatorial region) which correspond to highlands and zones of intense tectonic deformation, and radar-dark units, corresponding primarily to plains (65% of the equatorial region). The correspondence between features in the 15 ° region of overlap between the Pioneer Venus and Venera 15/16 images is examined and used to extend units mapped in the northern high latitudes into the equatorial region. On the basis of the distribution of the radar units, properties of RMS slope, reflectivity, the scattering behavior of the surface, and topographic signature, seven physiographic units are mapped in the equatorial region and are identified by increasing complexity as plains (undivided), dark halo plains, upland rises, upland plateaus, interhighland tectonic zones, tectonically segmented linear highlands, and tectonic junctions. The physiographic units are distributed in a nearly continuous interconnecting zone of volcanic rises and tectonic features that extends for nearly 360 ° around the equator of the planet. The distribution of large circular structures interpreted as coronae is also examined and it is concluded that the abundances of the largest structures, diameters greater than 500 km, is less than in the northern high latitudes with a notable absence of smaller coronae. The absence of small coronae may be due to the resolution limit of the Pioneer Venus data since analyses of higher resolution Arecibo and Goldstone imagery suggests that a number of corona-like features not identified in the PV data are present.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Eighty-seven measurements of the thermal structure in the atmosphere of Venus between the altitudes of about 40 and 85 km were derived from Pioneer Venus Orbiter radio occultation data taken during four occultation seasons from December 1978 to October 1981. These measurements cover latitudes from ?68 to 88° and solar zenith angles of 8 to 166°. The results indicate that the characteristics of the thermal structure in both the troposphere and stratosphere regions are dependent predominantly on the latitude and only weakly on solar illumination conditions. In particular, the circumpolar collar cloud region in the northern hemisphere (latitude 55 to 77°) displays the most dramatic changes in structure, including the appearance of a large inversion, having an average magnitude of about 18°K and a maximum of about 33°K. Also in this region, the tropopause altitude rises by about 4.8 km above its value at low latitudes, the tropopause temperature drops by about 60°K, and the pressure at the tropopause decreases by an average of about 240 mbar. These changes in the collar region are correlated with observations of increased turbulence and greater amplitude of thermal waves in the region, which is located where the persistent circulation pattern in the Venus atmosphere changes from zonally symmetric retrograde rotation to a hemispherical circumpolar vortex. It was shown that the large zonal winds associated with this circulation pattern are not likely to produce distortions in the atmosphere of a magnitude that could lead to temperature errors of the order of the mesosphere inversions observed in the collar region, but under certain circumstances zonal wind distortion could cause errors of 3–4°K.  相似文献   

An analysis has been done of the topography and geologic structure of arachnoids—specific radial/concentric volcannic-tectonic structures on the surface of Venus. A representative sample (53 arachnoids) from 265 structures of this type, which are listed in the catalog of volcanic structures of the surface of Venus (Crumpler and Aubele, 2000), has been studied. The overwhelming majority of arachnoids are shown to be depressions that are commonly outlined by concentric extensional structures. Following Head et al. (1992) and Aittola and Kostama (2001), the assumption is confirmed and substantiated that arachnoids are formed by gravitational relaxation of small magmatic diapirs. Several types of arachnoids are identified on the basis of an analysis of structural patterns characteristic of such structures. It is also shown that the formation of different types of arachnoids depends on the depth of the magmatic diapir under the surface, on the thickness and reologic properties of the structures superposed on the evolving magmatic diapir, and on the character of regional stress fields that arise in the process of formation of such structures. The conclusion is drawn that most of the arachnoids were formed due to the gravitational relaxation of magmatic diapirs within the brittle part of the lithosphere, and some of them appeared as a result of the gravitational relaxation of radially fractured centers—novae. It is also shown that arachnoids are long-lived and multistep structures. At least some of them began to evolve before the formation of regional plains with wrinkle ridges, and their development ended after this event.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(12):1712-1728
The structure of the Venus atmosphere is discussed. The data obtained in the 1980s by the last Soviet missions to Venus: orbiters Venera 15, 16 and the entry probes and balloons of Vega 1 and 2 are compared with the Venus International Reference Atmosphere (VIRA) model. VIRA is based on the data of the extensive space investigations of Venus in the 1960s and 1970s. The results of the IR Fourier Spectrometry experiment on Venera 15 are reviewed in detail. This instrument is considered as a precursor of the long wavelength channel of the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer on Venus Express.  相似文献   

Recent spacecraft observations of Venus permit a detailed model of sulfur chemistry in the atmosphere-lithosphere system. Pioneer Venus experiments confirm that, as predicted, COS and H2S are dominant over SO2 in the lower atmosphere, and that the equilibrium concentrations of S2 and S3 are significant. Many criteria serve to bracket the oxidation state of the crust: it is nearly certain that the S22?/SO42? buffer regulates the oxygen fucagity, and that FeO is at least as abundant as Fe2O3 in crustal silicates. A highly oxidized crust (as, for example, would result from O2 absorption complementary to escape of vast amounts of H2) is incompatible with the gas-phase sulfur chemistry. If the Pioneer Venus mass spectrometer estimates of the abundance of sulfur gases are correct, Earth-like models for the bulk composition of Venus are seriously in error, and a far lower FeO content is required for Venus.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(13-14):1482-1495
Venus has no internal magnetic dynamo and thus its ionosphere and hot oxygen exosphere dominate the interaction with the solar wind. The solar wind at 0.72 AU has a dynamic pressure that ranges from 4.5 nPa (at solar max) to 6.6 nPa (at solar min), and its flow past the planet produces a shock of typical magnetosonic Mach number 5 at the subsolar point. At solar maximum the pressure in the ionospheric plasma is sufficient to hold off the solar wind at an altitude of 400 km above the surface at the subsolar point, and 1000 km above the terminators. The deflection of the solar wind occurs through the formation of a magnetic barrier on the inner edge of the magnetosheath, or shocked solar wind. Under typical solar wind conditions the time scale for diffusion of the magnetic field into the ionosphere is so long that the ionosphere remains field free and the barrier deflects almost all the incoming solar wind. Any neutral atoms of the hot oxygen exosphere that reach the altitude of the magnetosheath are accelerated by the electric field of the flowing magnetized plasma and swept along cycloidal paths in the antisolar direction. This pickup process, while important for the loss of the Venus atmosphere, plays a minor role in the deceleration and deflection of the solar wind. Like at magnetized planets, the Venus shock and magnetosheath generate hot electrons and ions that flow back along magnetic field lines into the solar wind to form a foreshock. A magnetic tail is created by the magnetic flux that is slowed in the interaction and becomes mass-loaded with thermal ions.The structure of the ionosphere is very much dependent on solar activity and the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. At solar maximum under typical solar wind conditions, the ionosphere is unmagnetized except for the presence of thin magnetic flux ropes. The ionospheric plasma flows freely to the nightside forming a well-developed night ionosphere. When the solar wind pressure dominates over the ionospheric pressure the ionosphere becomes completely magnetized, the flow to the nightside diminishes, and the night ionosphere weakens. Even at solar maximum the night ionosphere has a very irregular density structure. The electromagnetic environment of Venus has not been well surveyed. At ELF and VLF frequencies there is noise generated in the foreshock and shock. At low altitude in the night ionosphere noise, presumably generated by lightning, can be detected. This paper reviews the plasma environment at Venus and the physics of the solar wind interaction on the threshold of a new series of Venus exploration missions.  相似文献   

The dynamics of Venus’ mesosphere (60–100 km altitude) was investigated using data acquired by the radio-occultation experiment VeRa on board Venus Express. VeRa provides vertical profiles of density, temperature and pressure between 40 and 90 km of altitude with a vertical resolution of few hundred meters of both the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Pressure and temperature vertical profiles were used to derive zonal winds by applying an approximation of the Navier–Stokes equation, the cyclostrophic balance, which applies well on slowly rotating planets with fast zonal winds, like Venus and Titan. The main features of the retrieved winds are a midlatitude jet with a maximum speed up to 140 ± 15 m s?1 which extends between 20°S and 50°S latitude at 70 km altitude and a decrease of wind speed with increasing height above the jet. Cyclostrophic winds show satisfactory agreement with the cloud-tracked winds derived from the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC/VEx) UV images, although a disagreement is observed at the equator and near the pole due to the breakdown of the cyclostrophic approximation. Knowledge of both temperature and wind fields allowed us to study the stability of the atmosphere with respect to convection and turbulence. The Richardson number Ri was evaluated from zonal field of measured temperatures and thermal winds. The atmosphere is characterised by a low value of Richardson number from ~45 km up to ~60 km altitude at all latitudes that corresponds to the lower and middle cloud layer indicating an almost adiabatic atmosphere. A high value of Richardson number was found in the region of the midlatitude jet indicating a highly stable atmosphere. The necessary condition for barotropic instability was verified: it is satisfied on the poleward side of the midlatitude jet, indicating the possible presence of wave instability.  相似文献   

The gravity field of Venus has been modeled by a spherical harmonic expansion of the potential to degree and order seven. The estimates of these coefficients were obtained by combining information from 43 short arcs (4 hr) of line-of-sight Doppler data centered at periapsis. The data arcs were distributed in longitude and time over more than two circulations of Venus by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter subperiapsis point which was confined to the band of latitudes from 14°N to 17°N. Convergence of the solution has been assured by iterating upon the initial estimate. All estimates were performed with zero a priori information on the gravity coefficients. Since the altitude of periapsis for most of the orbits was within the sensible Venusian atmosphere, drag effects on the estimated harmonics have been removed using an exponential atmosphere density model. Estimates of the mass parameter (GM) of Venus using this dataset are also evaluated.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(12):1636-1652
Venus Express is the first European mission to planet Venus. The mission aims at a comprehensive investigation of Venus atmosphere and plasma environment and will address some important aspects of the surface physics from orbit. In particular, Venus Express will focus on the structure, composition, and dynamics of the Venus atmosphere, escape processes and interaction of the atmosphere with the solar wind and so to provide answers to the many questions that still remain unanswered in these fields. Venus Express will enable a breakthrough in Venus science after a long period of silence since the period of intense exploration in the 1970s and the 1980s.The payload consists of seven instruments. Five of them were inherited from the Mars Express and Rosetta projects while two instruments were designed and built specifically for Venus Express. The suite of spectrometers and imaging instruments, together with the radio-science experiment, and the plasma package make up an optimised payload well capable of addressing the mission goals to sufficient depth. Several of the instruments will make specific use of the spectral windows at infrared wavelengths in order to study the atmosphere in three dimensions. The spacecraft is based on the Mars Express design with minor modifications mainly needed to cope with the thermal environment around Venus, and so a very cost-effective mission has been realised in an exceptionally short time.The spacecraft was launched on 9 November 2005 from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, by a Russian Soyuz-Fregat launcher and arrived at Venus on 11 April 2006. Venus Express will carry out observations of the planet from a highly elliptic polar orbit with a 24-h period. In 3 Earth years (4 Venus sidereal days) of operations, it will return about 2 Tbit of scientific data.Telecommunications with the Earth is performed by the new ESA ground station in Cebreros, Spain, while a nearly identical ground station in New Norcia, Australia, supports the radio-science investigations.  相似文献   

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