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The Seve–Köli Nappe Complex is widespread in the Scandinavian Caledonides and is composed of units representing parts of the Baltoscandian margin (Seve Nappes) now overlain by magmatic–sedimentary rocks (Köli Nappes) derived from west of this margin. The metamorphic evolution of Köli and Seve units has been studied in the Handöl area, central Scandinavian Caledonides, where a fragmented ophiolite with cover sequence in the lower Köli units is thrust over the higher grade Seve units. Thermobarometry constrains metamorphic conditions to 490–570° C/950–600 MPa, with a slight downwards increase in grade, for the lower Köli (Bunnerviken lens), 520–620° C/1000–600 MPa for the upper Seve (Täljstensvalen Complex), 630–740° C/750–650 MPa for the middle Seve (Snasahögarna Nappe) and 480–600° C/1150–1000 MPa for the lower Seve (Blåhammarfjället Nappe).
P–T paths during garnet growth have been constructed for all units, except the highest grade middle Seve. These paths record heating at the base of the Köli and cooling in the underlying Seve units. Pressure increase during garnet growth is indicated for all units leading to anticlockwise P–T paths in the Seve. The results imply thermal convergence with time for all units and spatial convergence in metamorphic grade in the Köli. It is suggested that the contrasting metamorphic histories on either side of the Seve–Köli boundary resulted from the emplacement of relatively colder Köli rocks on top of relatively hotter Seve rocks and that emplacement of structurally higher units contributed to the increase in pressure.  相似文献   

Whereas geologists have known for three‐quarters of a century that there was significant crustal thickening in the central East Greenland Caledonides, the crucial role of extensional faulting during Caledonian orogenesis has only been recognized during the past decade. In this paper, new petrographic and thermobarometric observations are presented from migmatitic metasedimentary gneisses of the Forsblad Fjord region (c. 72.5°N). Samples of the Krummedal Sequence, collected from the footwall of the upper of two significant splays of the main extensional fault system in the region—the Fjord Region Detachment (FRD)—enable us to establish a relative sequence of metamorphism. Our pressure (P)–temperature (T) results imply a clockwise loop in P–T space. As recorded by mineral assemblages in the Krummedal gneisses, prograde metamorphism involved a net increase of c. 4 kbar and 250 °C, with peak conditions of c. 10.5 kbar at 785 °C. Early burial and heating was followed by near‐isothermal decompression of 4.5 kbar, a process which is attributed to roughly 18 km of tectonostratigraphic throw on the upper splay of the FRD. Combining data reported here with the published data, it is estimated that the approximate tectonostratigraphic throw along the lower splay of the FRD was c. 16 km. In situ U–Th–Pb‐monazite electron microprobe dating suggests that the earliest phase of metamorphism recorded in the Krummedal Sequence gneisses of Forsblad Fjord occurred during the Caledonian orogeny. Furthermore, the combination of our new data with existing conventional TIMS U‐Pb and 40Ar/39Ar data imply that: (1) movement along the uppermost splay of the FRD (c. 425–423 Ma) occurred at maximum time‐averaged slip‐rates equivalent to c. 9 mm of vertical displacement per year; and (2) that the final stages of metamorphism occurred prior to c. 411 Ma, although part of this denudation was likely accommodated on overlying extensional structures that may have been active more recently. There is close agreement between our data and results from the Krummedal Sequence north of the field area (72.5°?74°N), and rocks of the Smallefjord Sequence (75°?76°N) that are suggested to correlate with the Krummedal Sequence. This leads us to infer that the events recorded in the Forsblad Fjord region are of orogen‐scale significance.  相似文献   

The high grade rocks (metapelites and metabasites) of Clavering Ø represent the easternmost exposures of granulites in the Palaeozoic Caledonian Orogen of East Greenland. Mafic granulites which occur as sheet‐like bodies and lenses within metapelitic migmatites and orthogneiss complexes have experienced migmatisation and mineral equilibria which define a clockwise P–T path incorporating a near‐isothermal decompression segment. Textures demonstrate the existence of early garnet‐clinopyroxene‐melt assemblages which equilibrated at >8–11 kbar and 850915 °C. Subsequently, decompression melting led to formation of orthopyroxene‐plagioclase‐melt assemblages at conditions below >8–11 kbar. Continued syn‐deformational decompression is indicated by a combination of both static and syn‐deformational recrystallization textures which generated finer grained orthopyroxene‐plagioclase assemblages. P–T constraints indicate these assemblages equilibrated at c. 5.0–6.5 kbar at 850–915 °C. These data are consistent with the rocks undergoing a stage of rapid tectonic‐induced exhumation involving some 3.0–4.5 kbar (c.1012 km) uplift as part of a clockwise P–T path in a collisional setting.  相似文献   

We report the first finding of diamond in crustal rocks from the Tromsø Nappe of the North Norwegian Caledonides. Diamond occurs in situ as inclusions in garnet from gneiss at Tønsvika near Tromsø. The rock is composed essentially of garnet, biotite, white mica, quartz and plagioclase, minor constituents include kyanite, zoisite, rutile, tourmaline, amphibole, zircon, apatite and carbonates (magnesite, dolomite, calcite). The microdiamond, identified by micro‐Raman spectroscopy, is cuboidal to octahedral in shape and ranges from 5 to 50 μm in diameter. The diamond occurs as single grains and as composite diamond + carbonate inclusions. Diamond vibration bands show a downshift from 1 332 to 1 325 cm?1, the majority of Raman peaks are centred between 1 332 and 1 330 cm?1 and all peaks exhibit a full width at half maximum between 3 and 5 cm?1. Several spectra show Raman bands typical for disordered and ordered graphite (sp2‐bonded carbon) indicating partial transformation of diamond to graphite. The calculated peak P–T conditions for the diamond‐bearing sample are 3.5 ± 0.5 GPa and 770 ± 50 °C. Metamorphic diamond found in situ in crustal rocks of the Tromsø Nappe thus provides unequivocal evidence for ultrahigh pressure metamorphism in this allochthonous unit of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Deep continental subduction, most probably in the Late Ordovician and shortly before or during the initial collision between Baltica and Laurentia, was required to stabilize the diamond at UHP conditions.  相似文献   

Migmatites with sub‐horizontal fabrics at the eastern margin of the Variscan orogenic root in the Bohemian Massif host lenses of eclogite, kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite and marble within a matrix of migmatitic paragneiss and amphibolite. Petrological study and pseudosection modelling have been used to establish whether the whole area experienced terrane‐wide exhumation of lower orogenic crust, or whether smaller portions of higher‐pressure lower crust were combined with a lower‐pressure matrix. Kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite shows peak conditions of 16.5 kbar and 850 °C with no clear indications of prograde path, whereas in the eclogite the prograde path indicates burial from 10 kbar and 700 °C to a peak of 18 kbar and 800 °C. Two contrasting prograde paths are identified within the host migmatitic paragneiss. The first path is inferred from the presence of staurolite and kyanite inclusions in garnet that contains preserved prograde zoning that indicates burial with simultaneous heating to 11 kbar and 800 °C. The second path is inferred from garnet overgrowths of a flat foliation defined by sillimanite and biotite. Garnet growth in such an assemblage is possible only if the sample is heated at 7–8 kbar to around 700–840 °C. Decompression is associated with strong structural reworking in the flat fabric that involves growth of sillimanite in paragneiss and kyanite‐K‐feldspar granulite at 7–10 kbar and 750–850 °C. The contrasting prograde metamorphic histories indicate that kilometre‐scale portions of high‐pressure lower orogenic crust were exhumed to middle crustal levels, dismembered and mixed with a middle crustal migmatite matrix, with the simultaneous development of a flat foliation. The contrasting PT paths with different pressure peaks show that tectonic models explaining high‐pressure boudins in such a fabric cannot be the result of heterogeneous retrogression during ductile rebound of the whole orogenic root. The PT paths are compatible with a model of heterogeneous vertical extrusion of lower crust into middle crust, followed by sub‐horizontal flow.  相似文献   

In the Southern Alps a progressive metamorphic zonation, with an increase in the geothermal gradient from NE to SW, has been widely proposed. However, recent investigations have shown that the greenschist metamorphic imprint of the low-grade zone corresponds to a metamorphic retrogression following amphibolite facies conditions. On the other hand, in the medium-grade zone, a later low-pressure, high-temperature (LPHT) metamorphic event has also been proposed. In an attempt to resolve these different interpretations, new petrological and partly new structural data have been obtained for two sectors of the Orobic Alps, traditionally attributed to different metamorphic zones. Thermobarometric determinations, supported by microstructural analysis, indicate the following different pressure-retrograde paths in each sector: (1) in the Val Vedello basement (VVB) rocks, a first metamorphic imprint characterized by P = 7–9 kbar and T = 570–610°C was followed by a greenschist retrogression ( P ≤ 4 kbar and T ≤ 500° C); (2) in the Lario basement (LB) rocks, the first detectable metamorphic stage, characterized by mineral assemblages indicating P = 7–9 kbar and T = 550–630° C, was followed by a LPHT event, synkinematic with F2 extensional deformation. A greenschist retrogression marks the final uplift of these rocks.
Reinterpretation of the available geochronological data indicates a diachronism for the two thermomechanical evolutions. In the light of these data, we interpret the retrograde P–T–t path of the VVB rocks as a pre-Permian post-thickening uplift and the retrograde P–T–t evolution of the LB rocks as a Permo-Mesozoic uplift related to the extensional tectonic regime of the Tethyan rifting.  相似文献   

The 560–550 Ma blueschists and associated rocks in Anglesey, UK were derived from a subduction–accretion complex. The blueschist unit is divided into three mineral zones by two newly mapped metamorphic isograds; zone I sub-greenschist facies, (crossite isograd), zone II blueschist facies, (barroisite isograd), zone III epidote-amphibolite facies. The zones and isograds dip gently to the east, and decrease in metamorphic grade from the central high-pressure zone III to lower grade zones II and I to the west and east. The P – T conditions estimated from zoned amphibole indicate an anticlockwise P – T path following adjustment to a cold geotherm. This path is well preserved in the compositional zoning of Na–Ca amphibole that have a core of barroisite surrounded by a rim of crossite, although this is only locally developed. The sense of subduction was to the east and exhumation to the west, as indicated by the metamorphic isograds. The symmetrical arrangement of the metamorphic zones with the deepest high-pressure rocks in the middle suggests an isoclinal antiformal structure that formed by wedge extrusion during exhumation in the subduction zone.  相似文献   

The late Palaeozoic western Tianshan high‐pressure /low‐temperature belt extends for about 200 km along the south‐central Tianshan suture zone and is composed mainly of blueschist, eclogite and epidote amphibolite/greenschist facies rocks. P–T conditions of mafic garnet omphacite and garnet–omphacite blueschist, which are interlayered with eclogite, were investigated in order to establish an exhumation path for these high‐pressure rocks. Maximum pressure conditions are represented by the assemblage garnet–omphacite–paragonite–phengite–glaucophane–quartz–rutile. Estimated maximum pressures range between 18 and 21 kbar at temperatures between 490 and 570 °C. Decompression caused the destabilization of omphacite, garnet and glaucophane to albite, Ca‐amphibole and chlorite. The post‐eclogite facies metamorphic conditions between 9 and 14 kbar at 480–570 °C suggest an almost isothermal decompression from eclogite to epidote–amphibolite facies conditions. Prograde growth zoning and mineral inclusions in garnet as well as post‐eclogite facies conditions are evidence for a clockwise P–T path. Analysis of phase diagrams constrains the P–T path to more or less isothermal cooling which is well corroborated by the results of geothermobarometry and mineral textures. This implies that the high‐pressure rocks from the western Tianshan Orogen formed in a tectonic regime similar to ‘Alpine‐type’ tectonics. This contradicts previous models which favour ‘Franciscan‐type’ tectonics for the southern Tianshan high‐pressure rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract Syn-metamorphic re-imbrication of the internal part of thrust belts can result in distinct pressure–temperature–time–deformation ( P–T–t–d ) pathways for different structural–metamorphic domains. In the early Proterozoic Cape Smith Thrust Belt (Canada), an external (piggyback-sequence thrusting) domain is characterized by thermal peak metamorphism occurring after deformation. In contrast, thermal peak metamorphism in an internal domain occurred during re-imbrication by out-of-sequence thrusting. The interactions of tectonic and thermal processes have been studied using three methods: (i) qualitative evaluation of the timing between mineral growth and deformation; (ii) analytical P–T paths from growth-zoned garnet porphyroblasts; and (iii) numerical modelling of vertical heat conduction. Derived P–T–t–d pathways suggest that uplift in the external domain resulted in part from erosion and isostatic unloading. In contrast, paths for the internal domain indicate that the out-of-sequence portion of the thrust belt may have experienced faster unroofing relative to the external domain. This is attributed to thickening by out-of-sequence thrusting and possibly to extensional faulting at (now eroded) higher structural levels. Observations on the timing of metamorphism, coupled with numerical modelling, suggest that the thermal peak metamorphism documented in the external domain is a consequence of the emplacement of the out-of-sequence thrusts stack in the internal portion of the thrust belt.  相似文献   

The Qinglongshan eclogites in the Southern Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terrane show very different retrograded textures from their counterparts in the Northern Sulu terrane, implying a different thermal history. Scanning electron and optical microscope observations indicate that the peak assemblage of the Qinglongshan eclogite is anhydrous, composed of Grt + OmpI + Rt + (Ky + coesite). These primary minerals were replaced by second and third stage minerals, resulting in symplectite pseudomorphs or coronas. The following relationships are inferred: OmpI → OmpII + Ab + Fe‐oxide symplectite (type I) and Rt → Rt + Ilm intergrowth; and, Ky → Pg, OmpII (+Pl) → Amp (+Pl) symplectite (type II), and Grt → Prg (+Fe‐oxide). Mineral chemistry and mass‐balance demonstrate that the pseudomorphed textures were developed by metasomatism involving dissolution and precipitation intensified by fluids along grain boundaries. The formation of symplectite type I produced Fe, Mg and Na but consumed Ca and Si. The Mg and Fe diffused to garnet where exchange of (Mg, Fe) with Ca of the garnet resulted in compositional zonation with decreased Ca towards the edge of garnet grains where Ca was consumed during symplectite formation. The replacement of kyanite by paragonite consumed the extra Na. In the later stage, fluid infiltration partially transformed symplectite type I to type II, and narrow rims of pargasite resorbed garnet from their boundaries. Mass balance suggests that the transformation and resorption would have been coupled during fluid infiltration. In the latest stage, epidote and quartz were precipitated at very late stage as a result of fluid activity along microfractures. Tentative P–T conditions based on mineral reactions and thermocalc software suggest that the retrograded eclogite did not record the granulite facies retrograde evolution characteristic of eclogites from the Northern Sulu terrane. The difference in retrograde evolution between the Southern and Northern Sulu eclogites suggests a different exhumation history.  相似文献   

Interpretations based on quantitative phase diagrams in the system CaO–Na2O–K2O–TiO2–MnO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O indicate that mineral assemblages, zonations and microstructures observed in migmatitic rocks from the Beit Bridge Complex (Messina area, Limpopo Belt) formed along a clockwise P–T path. That path displays a prograde P–T increase from 600 °C/7.0 kbar to 780 °C/9–10 kbar (pressure peak) and 820 °C/8 kbar (thermal peak), followed by a P–T decrease to 600 °C/4 kbar. The data used to construct the P–T path were derived from three samples of migmatitic gneiss from a restricted area, each of which has a distinct bulk composition: (1) a K, Al‐rich garnet–biotite–cordierite–sillimanite–K‐feldspar–plagioclase–quartz–graphite gneiss (2) a K‐poor, Al‐rich garnet–biotite–staurolite–cordierite–kyanite–sillimanite–plagioclase–quartz–rutile gneiss, and (3) a K, Al‐poor, Fe‐rich garnet–orthopyroxene–biotite–chlorite–plagioclase–quartz–rutile–ilmenite gneiss. Preservation of continuous prograde garnet growth zonation demonstrates that the pro‐ and retrograde P–T evolution of the gneisses must have been rapid, occurring during a single orogenic cycle. These petrological findings in combination with existing geochronological and structural data show that granulite facies metamorphism of the Beit Bridge metasedimentary rocks resulted from an orogenic event during the Palaeoproterozoic (c. 2.0 Ga), caused by oblique collision between the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe Cratons. Abbreviations follow Kretz (1983 ).  相似文献   

About 400 km of new seismic reflection data has been acquired in the study region offshore of Alaçatı, Doğanbey, and Kuşadası, which enables investigation of the active crustal deformation in this region. The deformation onshore in western Turkey is dominated by crustal extension, and clear evidence of this process is also now available from this offshore area. However, in the onshore area adjacent to this study region evidence of active right-lateral strike-slip faulting has also previously been observed. This strike-slip faulting has previously been thought only to accommodate variations in extension between adjacent normal faults. However, in the offshore area there is considerable evidence of zones of deformation, some of which may link to the strike-slip faulting onshore, suggesting that strike-slip faulting may be of greater importance in this region than previously thought.  相似文献   

The El Arenal metagabbros preserve coronitic shells of orthopyroxene ± Fe‐oxide around olivine, as well as three different types of symplectite consisting of amphibole + spinel, clinopyroxene + spinel and, more rarely, orthopyroxene + spinel. The textural features of the metagabbros can be explained by the breakdown of the olivine + plagioclase pair, producing orthopyroxene coronas and clinopyroxene + spinel symplectites, followed by the formation of amphibole + spinel symplectites, reflecting a decrease in temperature and, possibly, an increase in water activity with respect to the previous stage. The metagabbros underwent a complex P–T history consisting of an igneous stage followed by cooling in granulite, amphibolite and greenschist facies conditions. Although the P–T conditions of emplacement of the igneous protolith are still doubtful, the magmatic assemblage suggests that igneous crystallization occurred at a pressure lower than 6 kbar and at 900–1100 °C. Granulitic P–T conditions have been estimated at about 900 °C and 7–8 kbar combining conventional thermobarometry and pseudosection analysis. Pseudosection calculation has also shown that the formation of the amphibole + spinel symplectite could have been favoured by an increase in water activity during the amphibolite stage, as the temperature of formation of this symplectite strongly depends on aH2O (<740 °C for aH2O = 0.5; <790 °C for aH2O = 1). Furthermore, but not pervasive, re‐equilibration under greenschist facies P–T conditions is documented by retrograde epidote and chlorite. The resulting counterclockwise P–T path consists of progressive, nearly isobaric cooling from the igneous stage down to the granulite, amphibolite and greenschist stage.  相似文献   

The combination of metamorphic petrology tools and in situ laser 40Ar/39Ar dating on phengite (linking time of growth, compositions and P–T conditions) enables us to identify a detailed P–T–d–t path for the still debated tectonometamorphic evolution of the Nevado‐Filabride complex and infer new geodynamic‐scale constraints. Our data show an isothermal decompression (at 550 °C) from 20 kbar for the Bédar‐Macael unit and 14 kbar for the Calar Alto unit down to c. 3–4 kbar for both units at 2.8 mm year?1. At 22–18 Ma, this first part of the exhumation is followed by a final exhumation at 0.6 mm year?1 along a high‐temperature low‐pressure (HTLP) gradient of c. 60 °C km?1. The age of the peak of pressure is not precisely known but it is shown that it is around 30 Ma and possibly older, which is at variance with recent models suggesting a younger age for high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism. Most of the exhumation is related to late‐orogenic extension from c. 30 to 22–18 Ma. Thus the formation of the main ductile extensional shear zone, the Filabres Shear Zone (FSZ), occurred at 22–18 Ma and is clearly associated with a top‐to‐the‐west shear sense once the FSZ is well localized. The transition from ductile to brittle then occurred at c. 14 Ma. The final exhumation, accommodated by brittle deformation, occurred from c. 14 to 9 Ma and was accompanied, from 12 to 8 Ma, by the formation of nearby extensional basins. The duration of the extensional process is c. 20 Myr which argues in favour of a progressive slab retreat from c. 30 to 9 Ma. The change in the shape of the P–T path at 22–18 Ma together with strain localization along the main top‐to‐the‐west shear zone suggests that this date corresponds to a change in the direction of slab retreat from southwards to westwards.  相似文献   

The tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the Hercynian intermediate–upper crust outcropping in eastern Sila (Calabria, Italy) has been reconstructed, integrating microstructural analysis, P–T pseudosections, mineral isopleths and geochronological data. The studied rocks belong to a nearly complete crustal section that comprises granulite facies metamorphic rocks at the base and granitoids in the intermediate levels. Clockwise P–T paths have been constrained for metapelites of the basal level of the intermediate–upper crust (Umbriatico area). These rocks show noticeable porphyroblastic textures documenting the progressive change from medium‐P metamorphic assemblages (garnet‐ and staurolite‐bearing assemblages) towards low‐P/high‐T metamorphic assemblages (fibrolite‐ and cordierite‐bearing assemblages). Peak‐metamorphic conditions of ~590 °C and 0.35 GPa are estimated by integrating microstructural observations with P–T pseudosections calculated for bulk‐rock and reaction‐domain compositions. The top level of the intermediate–upper crust (Campana area) recorded only the major heating phase at low‐P (~550 °C and 0.25 GPa), as documented by the static growth of biotite spots and of cordierite and andalusite porphyroblasts in metapelites. In situ U–Th–Pb dating of monazite from schists containing low‐P/high‐T metamorphic assemblages gave a weighted mean U–Pb concordia age of 299 ± 3 Ma, which has been interpreted as the timing of peak metamorphism. In the framework of the whole Hercynian crustal section the peak of low‐P/high‐T metamorphism in the intermediate‐to‐upper crust took place concurrently with granulite facies metamorphism in the lower crust and with emplacement of the granitoids in the intermediate levels. In addition, decompression is a distinctive trait of the P–T evolution both in the lower and upper crust. It is proposed that post–collisional extension, together with exhumation, is the most suitable tectonic setting in which magmatic and metamorphic processes can be active simultaneously in different levels of the continental crust.  相似文献   

A metamorphic field gradient has been investigated in the Moldanubian zone of the central European Variscides encompassing, from base to the top, a staurolite–kyanite zone, a muscovite–sillimanite zone, a K‐feldspar–sillimanite zone, and a K‐feldspar–cordierite zone, respectively. The observed reaction textures in the anatectic metapsammopelites of the higher grade zones are fully compatible with experimental data and petrogenetic grids that are based on fluid‐absent melting reactions. From structural and microstructural observations it can be concluded that the boundary between the kyanite–staurolite zone and the muscovite‐ and K‐feldspar–sillimanite zones coincides with an important switch in deformation mechanism(s). Besides minor syn‐anatectic shearing (melt‐enhanced deformation), microstructural criteria point (a) to a switch in deformation mechanism from rotation recrystallization (climb‐accommodated dislocation creep) to prism slip and high‐temperature (fast) grain boundary migration in quartz (b) to the activity of diffusion creep in quartz–feldspar layers, and (c) to accommodation of strain by intense shearing in fibrolite–biotite layers. It is suggested that any combination of these deformation mechanisms will profoundly affect the rheological characteristics of high‐grade metamorphic rocks and significantly lower rock strength. Hence, the boundary between these zones marks a major rheological barrier in the investigated cross section and probably also in other low‐ to medium‐pressure/high‐temperature areas. At still higher metamorphic grades (K‐feldspar‐cordierite zone), where the rheologically critical melt percentage is reached, rock rheology is mainly governed by the melt and other deformation mechanisms are of minor importance. In the study area, the switch in deformation mechanism(s) is responsible for large‐scale strain partitioning and concentration of deformation within the higher‐temperature hanging wall during top‐to‐the‐S thrusting, thus preserving a more complete petrostructural record within the rocks of the footwall including indications for a ?Devonian high‐ to medium‐pressure/medium‐temperature metamorphic event. Thrusting is accompanied by diapiric ascent of diatexites of the K‐feldspar‐cordierite zone and infolding of the footwall, suggesting local crustal overturn in this part of the Moldanubian zone.  相似文献   

Abstract A suite of granulites including a meta-ironstone, pyroxenites, and spinel-lherzolites from East Tonagh Island, Enderby Land, Antarctica, preserve exsolution-recry-stallization features consistent with a shared metamorphic evolution that involves marked cooling from initial metamorphic temperatures of nearly 1000°C. Reintegrated pre-exsolution and pre-reaction grain compositions in the meta-ironstone indicate the former coexistence of metamorphic pigeonite (Wo12En38Fs50) and ferroaugite (Wo35En31Fs34) at temperatures in excess of 980°C for pressures of 7 kbar (0.7 GPa) using pyroxene quadrilateral thermometry (Lindsley, 1983). Intra-grain lamellae relationships indicate the exsolution of a second pigeonite (Wo12En35Fs53) from the ferroaugite at temperatures in the range 930–970°C, prior to the c. 720–600°C exsolution of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (100) lamellae and later partial recrystallization at similar temperatures. Although pyroxenitic and iherzolitic granulites preserve a much less complete history, reintegrated porphyroclast compositions in these yield temperature estimates which approach those inferred from the metaironstone. Pyroxene thermometry based on neoblast compositions suggests that recrystallization post-dating a late, low intensity, deformation phase (D3) occurred at temperatures greater than 600°C. These results are consistent with the independent evidence obtained from studies of metapelitic and felsic rock types for very high temperature metamorphism throughout the Napier Complex followed by near-isobaric cooling and later deformation under lower-grade granulite facies conditions. Comparison with similar pyroxene data from Fyfe Hills (Sandiford & Powell, 1986) demonstrates further the regional significance of these high temperatures, and implies broadly isothermal metamorphic conditions over a large area (~ 5000 km2) and thickness (6–9 km) of lower crust at c. 3070 Ma.  相似文献   

The Betic Ophiolitic Association, cropping out within the Mulhacén Complex (Betic Cordilleras), is made up of numerous metre- to kilometre-sized lenses of mafic and/or ultramafic and meta-sedimentary rocks. Pre-Alpine oceanic metasomatism and metamorphism caused the first stage of serpentinization in the ultramafic sequence of this association, which is characterized by local clinopyroxene (Cpx) breakdown and Ca-depletion, and complementary rodingitization of the basic dykes intruded in them. Subsequent eo-Alpine orogenic metamorphism developed eclogite facies assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes, which were partly retrograded in Ab-Ep-amphibolite facies conditions during a meso-Alpine event. The heterogeneous development of the oceanic metasomatism in the ultramafic rock-types led to the patchy development of highly serpentinized Ca-depleted domains, without gradual transition to the host, and less serpentinized, Cpx-bearing ultramafites, mainly lherzolitic in composition. The high-pressure eo-Alpine recrystallization of these ultramafites in subduction conditions originated secondary harzburgites in the Ca-depleted domains, consisting of a spinifex-like textured olivine+orthopyroxene paragenesis, and a diopside+Ti-clinohumite paragenesis in the enclosing lherzolitic rocks. During the meso-Alpine event, secondary harzburgites were partly transformed into talc+antigorite serpentinites, whereas the diopside and clinohumite-bearing residual meta-lherzolites were mainly transformed into Cpx-bearing serpentinites. Relics of mantle-derived colourless olivine may be present in the more or less serpentinized secondary harzburgites. These relics are overgrown by the eo-Alpine brown pseudo-spinifex olivine, which contains submicroscopic inclusions of chromite, ilmenite and occasional halite and sylvite, inherited from its parental oceanic serpentine. The same type of mantle-derived olivine relics is also preserved within the Cpx-bearing serpentinites, although it has been partly replaced by the eo-Alpine Ti-clinohumite. The dolerite dykes included in the ultramafites were partly rodingitized in an oceanic environment. They were then transformed during the eo-Alpine event into meta-rodingites in their border zones and into eclogites towards the innermost, less-rodingitized portions. Estimated PT conditions for the high-pressure assemblages in ultramafic and basic lithotypes range from 650 to 750°C and 16–25 kb.  相似文献   

This integrated study on the pressure–temperature–deformation‐time record of the Goszów light quartzites from the Młynowiec–Stronie Group (Sudety Mts., SW Poland) provides new data that improve our understanding of the structure and geodynamic development of the Orlica–Śnieżnik Dome (OSD) as a Gondwana‐derived unit involved in the formation of the Variscan orogen. The structural and metamorphic record of the Goszów light quartzites, when compared to the under‐ and overlying rock formations, indicates that the whole Młynowiec–Stronie Group in the eastern part of the Saxothuringian terrane functioned as a single, integral lithotectonic unit with no visible structural or metamorphic discontinuities. The sequence of structures and thermodynamic modelling indicate that the light quartzites underwent the same polyphase tectonometamorphic evolution as the adjacent rocks belonging to the Młynowiec–Stronie Group. The development of tight, N–S‐trending folds and axial penetrative metamorphic foliation was related to metamorphic progression from 500 °C to 640 °C at 6–7 kbar. Subsequently, under the retrogressive conditions below 540 °C, the foliation was reactivated as a result of subsequent N–S‐directed ductile shearing and extension. Therefore, the study of the light quartzites exemplifies the penetrative structures in the OSD, and the metamorphic foliation and N–S‐trending lineation are composite structures. The monazite metamorphic ages of ca. 364 Ma and 335 Ma may be related to the approximately E–W‐ and N–S‐oriented tectonic movements, respectively, which occurred during the amalgamation of the Saxothuringian terrane with Brunovistulia. In contrast, the previously unknown early Palaeozoic monazite age of ca. 494 Ma is interpreted as the protolith age of the light quartzites. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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