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A new approach to estimating of shear-wave attenuation is proposed. The method is based on an assumption that an anisotropic attenuating geological medium possesses gyrotropic properties. Doing so allows to obtain attenuation constant together with gyrotropic constant. Some examples of experimental determination of gyration and attenuation constants are given. A presentation of the new way of determining shear-wave attenuation constant is proceeded by a brief elucidation of the main aspects of the phenomenological theory of gyrotropy. The most interesting and important phenomenon inherent to gyrotropy—rotation of shear-wave polarization plane—is illustrated.  相似文献   

Elastic properties of saturated porous rocks with aligned fractures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Elastic properties of fluid saturated porous media with aligned fractures can be studied using the model of fractures as linear-slip interfaces in an isotropic porous background. Such a medium represents a particular case of a transversely isotropic (TI) porous medium, and as such can be analyzed with equations of anisotropic poroelasticity. This analysis allows the derivation of explicit analytical expressions for the low-frequency elastic constants and anisotropy parameters of the fractured porous medium saturated with a given fluid. The five elastic constants of the resultant TI medium are derived as a function of the properties of the dry (isotropic) background porous matrix, fracture properties (normal and shear excess compliances), and fluid bulk modulus. For the particular case of penny-shaped cracks, the expression for anisotropy parameter ε has the form similar to that of Thomsen [Geophys. Prospect. 43 (1995) 805]. However, contrary to the existing view, the compliance matrix of a fluid-saturated porous-fractured medium is not equivalent to the compliance matrix of any equivalent solid medium with a single set of parallel fractures. This unexpected result is caused by the wave-induced flow of fluids between pores and fractures.  相似文献   

In fractured reservoirs, seismic wave velocity and amplitude depend on frequency and incidence angle. Frequency dependence is believed to be principally caused by the wave‐induced flow of pore fluid at the mesoscopic scale. In recent years, two particular phenomena, i.e., patchy saturation and flow between fractures and pores, have been identified as significant mechanisms of wave‐induced flow. However, these two phenomena are studied separately. Recently, a unified model has been proposed for a porous rock with a set of aligned fractures, with pores and fractures filled with two different fluids. Existing models treat waves propagating perpendicular to the fractures. In this paper, we extend the model to all propagation angles by assuming that the flow direction is perpendicular to the layering plane and is independent of the loading direction. We first consider the limiting cases through poroelastic Backus averaging, and then we obtain the five complex and frequency‐dependent stiffness values of the equivalent transversely isotropic medium as a function of the frequency. The numerical results show that, when the bulk modulus of the fracture‐filling fluid is relatively large, the dispersion and attenuation of P‐waves are mainly caused by fractures, and the values decrease as angles increase, almost vanishing when the incidence angle is 90° (propagation parallel to the fracture plane). While the bulk modulus of fluid in fractures is much smaller than that of matrix pores, the attenuation due to the “partial saturation” mechanism makes the fluid flow from pores into fractures, which is almost independent of the incidence angle.  相似文献   

In seismic data processing, serious problems could be caused by the existence of triplication and need to be treated properly for tomography and other inversion methods. The triplication in transversely isotropic medium with a vertical symmetry axis has been well studied and concluded that the triplicated traveltime only occurs for S wave and there is no triplication for P and converted PS waves since the P wave convexity slowness always compensates the S wave slowness concavity. Compared with the vertical symmetry axis model, the research of the triplication in transversely isotropic medium with a tilted symmetry axis is still keeping blank. In order to analyse the triplication for the converted wave in the tilted symmetry axis model, we examine the traveltime of the triplication from the curvature of averaged P and S wave slowness. Three models are defined and tested in the numerical examples to illustrate the behaviour of the tilted symmetry axis model for the triplicated traveltime with the change of the rotation angle. Since the orientation of an interface is related to the orientation of the symmetry axis, the triplicated traveltime is encountered for the converted wave in the tilted symmetry axis model assuming interfaces to be planar and horizontal. The triplicated region is influenced by the place and level of the concave curvature of the P and S wave slowness.  相似文献   

岩石力学模型是描述地层原地应力状态的基础,而常规各向同性模型难以刻画地层本征横观各向同性(VTI)和天然高角度裂缝的耦合作用,建立更为准确的正交各向异性模型变得尤为重要.本文利用VTI介质中发育单组垂直缝的Schoenberg裂缝等效模型,简化了一般正交各向异性介质的表征参数,推导了由背景VTI介质弹性参数和裂缝参数的各向异性杨氏模量、泊松比和水平地应力的精确方程.借鉴Thomsen弱各向异性近似思路,舍去裂缝弱度参数高阶扰动项,推导了正交各向异性介质岩石力学近似方程,由裂缝弱度表示的近似方程更为直观地反映了裂缝对背景介质力学性质的影响,杨氏模量和泊松比值随裂缝法向弱度的增大而显著减小.选取页岩实验数据进行数值实验,结果表明本文方程与实际物理规律相吻合,随裂缝弱度的增加,形成相同应变所需的水平地应力值降低,且近似方程与模拟结果相对误差小于5%,有助于提高岩石力学参数估算和地应力预测精度.  相似文献   

A new wave equation is derived for modelling viscoacoustic wave propagation in transversely isotropic media under acoustic transverse isotropy approximation. The formulas expressed by fractional Laplacian operators can well model the constant-Q (i.e. frequency-independent quality factor) attenuation, anisotropic attenuation, decoupled amplitude loss and velocity dispersion behaviours. The proposed viscoacoustic anisotropic equation can keep consistent velocity and attenuation anisotropy effects with that of qP-wave in the constant-Q viscoelastic anisotropic theory. For numerical simulations, the staggered-grid pseudo-spectral method is implemented to solve the velocity–stress formulation of wave equation in the time domain. The constant fractional-order Laplacian approximation method is used to cope with spatial variable-order fractional Laplacians for efficient modelling in heterogeneous velocity and Q media. Simulation results for a homogeneous model show the decoupling of velocity dispersion and amplitude loss effects of the constant-Q equation, and illustrate the influence of anisotropic attenuation on seismic wavefields. The modelling example of a layered model illustrates the accuracy of the constant fractional-order Laplacian approximation method. Finally, the Hess vertical transversely isotropic model is used to validate the applicability of the formulation and algorithm for heterogeneous media.  相似文献   

To provide a guide for future deep (<1.5 km) seismic mineral exploration and to better understand the nature of reflections imaged by surface reflection seismic data in two mining camps and a carbonatite complex of Sweden, more than 50 rock and ore samples were collected and measured for their seismic velocities. The samples are geographically from the northern and central parts of Sweden, ranging from metallic ore deposits, meta‐volcanic and meta‐intrusive rocks to deformed and metamorphosed rocks. First, ultrasonic measurements of P‐ and S‐wave velocities at both atmospheric and elevated pressures, using 0.5 MHz P‐ and S‐wave transducers were conducted. The ultrasonic measurements suggest that most of the measured velocities show positive correlation with the density of the samples with an exception of a massive sulphide ore sample that shows significant low P‐ and S‐wave velocities. The low P‐ and S‐wave velocities are attributed to the mineral texture of the sample and partly lower pyrite content in comparison with a similar type sample obtained from Norway, which shows significantly higher P‐ and S‐wave velocities. Later, an iron ore sample from the central part of Sweden was measured using a low‐frequency (0.1–50 Hz) apparatus to provide comparison with the ultrasonic velocity measurements. The low‐frequency measurements indicate that the iron ore sample has minimal dispersion and attenuation. The iron ore sample shows the highest acoustic impedance among our samples suggesting that these deposits are favourable targets for seismic methods. This is further demonstrated by a real seismic section acquired over an iron ore mine in the central part of Sweden. Finally, a laser‐interferometer device was used to analyse elastic anisotropy of five rock samples taken from a major deformation zone in order to provide insights into the nature of reflections observed from the deformation zone. Up to 10% velocity‐anisotropy is estimated and demonstrated to be present for the samples taken from the deformation zone using the laser‐interferometery measurements. However, the origin of the reflections from the major deformation zone is attributed to a combination of anisotropy and amphibolite lenses within the deformation zone.  相似文献   

The multi-axial perfectly matched layer (M-PML) is a material boundary condition for wave propagation problems in unbounded domains. It is obtained by extending the formulation of the split-field perfectly matched layer to a more general absorptive medium, for which damping profiles are specified along all dimensions of the problem. Under the hypothesis of small damping, it has been demonstrated that the stability of the system of partial differential equations of the M-PML can be related to the ratio of the damping profiles, and stable M-PML terminations for isotropic and orthotropic elastic media have been constructed. In the present work, we use the Routh–Horwitz determinants to demonstrate that the conclusions regarding the stability of M-PML for isotropic media for small damping are in fact valid for the more general case of damping coefficients of any (positive) value. The effectiveness of the M-PML is demonstrated by constructing stable terminations for the abovementioned media. The stability analysis is presented for 2-D in-plane (P-SV) wave propagation in elastic isotropic continua.  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate that the elastic stiffnesses and the anisotropic parameters of rocks can be accurately predicted from geophysical features such as the porosity, the density, the compression stress, the pore pressure and the burial depth using relevant machine learning methods. It also suggests that the extreme gradient boosting method is the best method for this purpose. It is more accurate, extremely faster to train and more robust than the artificial neural networks and the support vector machine methods. Very high R-squared scores was obtained for the predicted elastic stiffnesses of a relevant dataset that is available in the literature. This dataset contains different types of rocks, and the values of the features are in large ranges. An optimal set of parameters was obtained by considering an appropriate sensitivity analysis. The optimized model is very easy to implement in Python for practical applications.  相似文献   

For pre‐stack phase‐shift migration in homogeneous isotropic media, the offset‐midpoint travel time is represented by the double‐square‐root equation. The travel time as a function of offset and midpoint resembles the shape of Cheops’ pyramid. This is also valid for transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis. In this study, we extend the offset‐midpoint travel‐time pyramid to the case of 2D transversely isotropic media with a tilted symmetry axis. The P‐wave analytical travel‐time pyramid is derived under the assumption of weak anelliptical property of the tilted transverse isotropy media. The travel‐time equation for the dip‐constrained transversely isotropic model is obtained from the depth‐domain travel‐time pyramid. The potential applications of the derived offset‐midpoint travel‐time equation include pre‐stack Kirchhoff migration, anisotropic parameter estimation, and travel‐time calculation in transversely isotropic media with a tilted symmetry axis.  相似文献   

We investigate the dependence of quasi P-wave phase velocity propagating in orthotropic media on particular elasticity parameters. Specifically, due to mathematical facilitation, we consider the squared-velocity difference, , resulted from propagation in two mutually perpendicular symmetry planes. In the context of the effective medium theory, may be viewed as a parameter evaluating the influence of cracks – embedded in the background medium – parallel to one or both aforementioned planes. Our investigation is both theoretical and numerical. Based on Christoffel's equations, we propose two accurate approximations of . Due to them, we interpret the aforementioned squared-velocity difference as being twice more dependent on , than on . To describe the magnitude of the dependence, we consider the proportions between the partial derivatives of . Further, it occurs that is influenced by the ratio of vertically propagating quasi P-wave to vertically propagating quasi S-wave. Anomalously high might be caused by the low P/S ratio, which in turn can be an indicator of the presence of gas in natural fractures or aligned porosity. Also, we carry out numerical sensitivity study, according to which is approximately twice more dependent on than on , twice more sensitive to than to , and equally dependent on as on . The dependence on and can be neglected, especially for small phase angles. We verify the approximations and perform the sensitivity study, using eight examples of the elasticity tensors.  相似文献   


裂缝广泛分布于地球介质中并且具有多尺度的特点,裂缝尺度对于油气勘探和开发有着重要的意义.本文制作了一组含不同长度裂缝的人工岩样,其中三块含裂缝岩样中的裂缝直径分别为2 mm、3 mm和4 mm,裂缝的厚度都约为0.06 mm,裂缝密度大致相同(分别为4.8%、4.86%和4.86%).在岩样含水的条件下测试不同方向上的纵横波速度,实验结果表明,虽然三块裂缝岩样中的裂缝密度大致相同,但是含不同直径裂缝岩样的纵横波速度存在差异.在各个方向上,含数量众多的小尺度裂缝的岩样中纵横波速度都明显低于含少量的大尺度裂缝的岩样中纵横波速度.尤其是对纵波速度和SV波速度,在不同尺度裂缝岩样中的差异更明显.在含数量多的小尺度裂缝的岩样中纵波各向异性和横波各向异性最高,而含少量的大尺度的裂缝的岩样中的纵波各向异性和横波各向异性较低.实验测量结果与Hudson理论模型预测结果进行了对比分析,结果发现Hudson理论考虑到了裂缝尺度对纵波速度和纵波各向异性的影响,但是忽略了其对横波速度和横波各向异性的影响.


Based on the theory of anisotropic elasticity and observation of static mechanic measurement of transversely isotropic hydrocarbon source rocks or rock‐like materials, we reasoned that one of the three principal Poisson's ratios of transversely isotropic hydrocarbon source rocks should always be greater than the other two and they should be generally positive. From these relations, we derived tight physical constraints on c13, Thomsen parameter δ, and anellipticity parameter η. Some of the published data from laboratory velocity anisotropy measurement are lying outside of the constraints. We analysed that they are primarily caused by substantial uncertainty associated with the oblique velocity measurement. These physical constraints will be useful for our understanding of Thomsen parameter δ, data quality checking, and predicting δ from measurements perpendicular and parallel to the symmetrical axis of transversely isotropic medium. The physical constraints should also have potential application in anisotropic seismic data processing.  相似文献   


岩石磁组构因能提供磁性矿物晶体形状、排列方式等赋存信息而被广泛应用于判别岩石剩磁是否受到了后期构造应力的显著影响; 但常规岩石磁化率各向异性(AMS)是否能够准确限定岩石剩磁的稳定性, 目前尚无深入探讨.本文以印支地块Nakhon Thai盆地中生代Nam Phong、Phu Kradung和Phra Wihan组三套碎屑岩样品及拉萨地块林周盆地设兴组红层样品为例, 通过岩石磁化率组构和剩磁组构的对比分析发现, 尽管Nam Phong组绝大多数样品和Phu Kradung组全部样品的AMS组构显示其具有铅笔状至强劈理过渡型构造变形组构特征, 但高场等温剩磁各向异性(hf-AIR)显示其高矫顽力赤铁矿所携带的特征剩磁组构仍具有典型沉积组构特征, 表明其以赤铁矿为主的载磁矿物未遭受后期构造应力的显著影响, 仍然能够准确记录岩石形成时期的古地球磁场方向.另一方面发现有且仅有剩磁组构才是判别碎屑沉积岩特征剩磁是否遭受了后期构造应力影响的充分必要条件.也就是说, 如果岩石剩磁组构(如以赤铁矿为主要载磁矿物的岩石hf-AIR组构)指示其原始沉积组构已被构造组构显著叠加或取代, 则必然说明该岩石剩磁方向已受到构造应力的作用而发生了显著偏转, 因而不能直接用于构造演化和古地理重建等块体运动学研究.


基于声弹性理论,本文详细论述了利用交叉偶极子多频率相速度反演地层三阶弹性常数和地应力的理论及信噪比对反演结果的影响.定性和定量分析表明在速度应力方程中,不含三阶弹性常数项与含三阶弹性常数项相比对速度的影响可以忽略,由此只利用一次测井资料同时反演地应力和三阶弹性常数是一个严重病态的问题或一个不确定性问题.针对不同的反演模型,详细考察了信噪比对各自简化模型和精确模型反演结果的影响.数值模拟结果表明,利用一次测井采用精确模型反演全部四个参数方法受信噪比影响严重.而利用不同流体压力下的测井资料进行反演时可以采用简化模型取代精确模型以便简化计算和提高反演速度,因为简化模型和精确模型有着几乎相同的精度;同时,分步反演的方法可以较好地反演出原位地应力及三阶弹性常数.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is the comparison of P‐wave velocity and velocity anisotropy, measured at different scales under laboratory and field conditions. A shallow seismic refraction survey with shot/receiver spacing of up to 10 m was carried out on a flat outcrop of lhertzolite in the southern part of the Balmuccia massif. Oriented rock samples were also obtained from the locality. The particular advantage of the laboratory method used is the possibility of measuring velocity in any direction under controlled conditions. Laboratory tests were made on spherical peridotite samples, 50 mm in diameter, by ultrasonic velocity measurements in 132 directions (meridian and parallel networks) under confining stress ranging from atmospheric to 400 MPa. The mean P‐wave velocity of the field and laboratory data differed by between 20–30%. In addition, P‐wave velocity anisotropy of 25% was detected in the field data. Whereas the anisotropy in the laboratory samples in the same orientation as the field surveys was less than 2%. This observed scaling factor is related to the different sampling sizes and the difference in frequencies of applied elastic waves. With an ultrasonic wavelength of 10 mm, laboratory samples represent a continuum. The field velocities and velocity anisotropy reflect the presence of cracks, which the laboratory rock samples do not contain. Three sub‐vertical fracture sets with differing strikes were observed in the field outcrop. Estimates of fracture stiffness from the velocity anisotropy data are consistent with other published values. These results highlight the difficulty of using laboratory velocity estimates to interpret field data.  相似文献   

It has been well studied that the γ-function explicit method can be effective in providing favorable numerical dissipation for linear elastic systems. However, its performance for nonlinear systems is unclear due to a lack of analytical evaluation techniques. Thus, a novel technique is proposed herein to evaluate its efficiency for application to nonlinear systems by introducing two parameters to describe the stiffness change. As a result, the numerical properties and error propagation characteristics of the γ-function explicit method for the pseudodynamic testing of a nonlinear system are analytically assessed. It is found that the upper stability limit decreases as the step degree of nonlinearity increases; and it increases as the current degree of nonlinearity increases. It is also shown that this integration method provides favorable numerical dissipation not only for linear elastic systems but also for nonlinear systems. Furthermore, error propagation analysis reveals that the numerical dissipation can effectively suppress the severe error propagation of high frequency modes while the low frequency responses are almost unaffected for both linear elastic and nonlinear systems.  相似文献   

The correlation of the scaled energy,e = Es/ Mo, versus earthquake magnitude, Ms, is studied based on two models: (1) Model 1 based on the use of the time function of the average displacements, with a ω^-2 source spectrum, across a fault plane; and (2) Model 2 based on the use of the time function of the average displacements, with a ω^-3 source spectrum, across a fault plane. For the second model, there are two cases: (a) As ζ= T, where r is the rise time and T the rupture time, lg(e) - -Ms; and (b) As ζ 〈〈 T, lg(e)- -(1/2)Ms. The second model leads to a negative value of e. This means that Model 2 cannot work for studying the present problem. The results obtained from Model 1 suggest that the source model is a factor, yet not a unique one, in controlling the correlation of e versus Ms.  相似文献   

2000年云南姚安Ms6.5地震余震序列S波分裂研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文利用云南姚安MS6 5地震后在震中附近架设的 3个三分向数字记录台站的地震资料 ,对该区S波分裂进行研究。结果表明 :① 2 36条处于横波窗内的记录S波分裂现象明显 ;②延迟时间大部份在 3 5~ 10 5ms km范围 ,平均值为 7 0ms km ;③快波偏振方向大部份在N140°E~N16 4°E范围 ,平均值为N15 2 4°E ;④快波的优势偏振方向与主震的发震断裂 (马尾菁断裂 )和余震的发震破裂方向不一致 ,而与该区的主压应力方向比较符合 ;⑤姚安地震余震序列的S波分裂是应力场控制的EDA裂隙各向异性的结果。  相似文献   

张斯奇  张怀  石耀霖 《地震》2013,33(4):190-195
钻孔应变仪的观测过程中发现潮汐应变响应存在方向各向异性, 推测是受到台站附近断层影响导致的。 我们对此展开数值模拟研究, 讨论软弱断层对潮汐变形传播的影响。 我们的研究结果证实了软弱断层的存在确实能够产生能够观测到的各向异性现象。 同时我们还发现其各向异性变化对断层弹性参数较为敏感。 观测到的部分地震震前反映固体潮应变各向异性的潮汐因子"玫瑰图"变化有可能是由于台站附近断层在震前的性质变化引起的。  相似文献   

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