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A galaxy model with a satellite companion is used to study the character of motion for stars moving in the xy plane. It is observed that a large part of the phase plane is covered by chaotic orbits. The percentage of chaotic orbits increases when the galaxy has a dense nucleus of massMn. The presence of the dense nucleus also increases the stellar velocities near the center of the galaxy. For small values of the distance R between the two bodies, low energy stars display a chaotic region near the centre of the galaxy, when the dense nucleus is present, while for larger values of R the motion in active galaxies is regular for low energy stars. Our results suggest that in galaxies with a satellite companion, the chaotic character of motion is not only a result of galactic interaction but also a result caused by the dense nucleus. Theoretical arguments are used to support the numerical outcomes. We follow the evolution of the galaxy, as mass is transported adiabatically from the disk to the nucleus. Our numerical results are in satisfactory agreement with observational data from M51‐type binary galaxies (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 group catalogue of Yang et al., we investigate sizes, concentrations, colour gradients and surface brightness profiles of central and satellite galaxies. We compare central and satellite galaxies at fixed stellar mass, in order to disentangle environmental from stellar mass dependencies. Early- and late-type galaxies are defined according to concentration. We find that at fixed stellar mass, late-type satellite galaxies have smaller radii and larger concentrations than late-type central galaxies. No such differences are found for early-type galaxies. We have also constructed surface brightness and colour profiles for the central and satellite galaxies in our sample. We find that late-type satellite galaxies have a lower surface brightness and redder colours than late-type central galaxies. We show that all observed differences between satellite and central galaxies can be explained by a simple fading model, in which the star formation in the disc decreases over time-scales of 2–3 Gyr after a galaxy becomes a satellite. Processes that induce strong morphological changes (e.g. harassment) and processes that strip the galaxy of its entire interstellar medium need not to be invoked in order to explain the environmental dependencies we find.  相似文献   

We discuss the integrated kinematic parameters of 20 M 51-type binary galaxies. A comparison of the orbital masses of the galaxies with the sum of the individual masses suggests that moderately massive dark halos surround bright spiral galaxies. The relative velocities of the galaxies in binary systems were found to decrease with increasing relative luminosity of the satellite. We obtained evidence that the Tully-Fisher relation for binary members could be flatter than that for local field galaxies. An enhanced star formation rate in the binary members may be responsible for this effect. In most binary systems, the direction of the orbital motion of the satellite coincides with the direction of the rotation of the main galaxy. Seven candidates for distant M 51-type objects were found in the Northern and Southern Hubble Deep Fields. A comparison of this number with the statistics of nearby galaxies provides evidence for the rapid evolution of the space density of M 51-type galaxies with redshift z. We assume that M 51-type binary systems could be formed through the capture of a satellite by a massive spiral galaxy. It is also possible that the main galaxy and its satellite in some of the systems have a common cosmological origin.  相似文献   

Galaxies are believed to be in one-to-one correspondence with simulated dark matter subhaloes. We use high-resolution N -body simulations of cosmological volumes to calculate the statistical properties of subhalo (galaxy) major mergers at high redshift ( z = 0.6–5). We measure the evolution of the galaxy merger rate, finding that it is much shallower than the merger rate of dark matter host haloes at   z > 2.5  , but roughly parallels that of haloes at   z < 1.6  . We also track the detailed merger histories of individual galaxies and measure the likelihood of multiple mergers per halo or subhalo. We examine satellite merger statistics in detail: 15–35 per cent of all recently merged galaxies are satellites, and satellites are twice as likely as centrals to have had a recent major merger. Finally, we show how the differing evolution of the merger rates of haloes and galaxies leads to the evolution of the average satellite occupation per halo, noting that for a fixed halo mass, the satellite halo occupation peaks at   z ∼ 2.5  .  相似文献   

We present an investigation of satellite galaxies in the outskirts of galaxy clusters taken from a series of high-resolution N -body simulations. We focus on the so-called backsplash population, i.e. satellite galaxies that once were inside the virial radius of the host but now reside beyond it. We find that this population is significant in number and needs to be appreciated when interpreting the various galaxy morphology environmental relationships and decoupling the degeneracy between nature and nurture. Specifically, we find that approximately half of the galaxies with current cluster-centric distance in the interval 1–2 virial radii of the host are backsplash galaxies that once penetrated deep into the cluster potential, with 90 per cent of these entering to within 50 per cent of the virial radius. These galaxies have undergone significant tidal disruption, losing on average 40 per cent of their mass. This results in a mass function for the backsplash population different from those galaxies infalling for the first time. We further show that these two populations are kinematically distinct and should be observable within existent spectroscopic surveys.  相似文献   

We examine the accretion and merger histories of central and satellite galaxies in a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) cosmological simulation that resolves galaxies down to  7 × 109 M  . Most friends-of-friends haloes in the simulation have a distinct central galaxy, typically 2–5 times more massive than the most massive satellite. As expected, satellites have systematically higher assembly redshifts than central galaxies of the same baryonic mass, and satellites in more massive haloes form earlier. However, contrary to the simplest expectations, satellite galaxies continue to accrete gas and convert it to stars; the gas accretion declines steadily over a period of 0.5–1 Gyr after the satellite halo merges with a larger parent halo. Satellites in a cluster mass halo eventually begin to lose baryonic mass. Typically, satellites in our simulation are 0.1–0.2 mag bluer than in models that assume no gas accretion on to satellites after a halo merger. Since   z = 1  , 27 per cent of central galaxies (above  3 × 1010 M  ) and 22 per cent of present-day satellite galaxies have merged with a smaller system above a 1:4 mass ratio; about half of the satellite mergers occurred after the galaxy became a satellite and half before. In effect, satellite galaxies can remain 'central' objects of halo substructures, with continuing accretion and mergers, making the transition in assembly histories and physical properties a gradual one. Implementing such a gradual transformation in semi-analytic models would improve their agreement with observed colour distributions of satellite galaxies in groups and with the observed colour dependence of galaxy clustering.  相似文献   

We determine the companion galaxy luminosity function (LF) for regions around isolated spiral galaxies. If we assume that any excess in the galaxy number counts in the vicinity of a spiral galaxy is due to galaxies at the same distance, then a system LF can be determined from the variation of excess numbers with apparent magnitude. By studying the excess over many field 'centre' galaxies, a good statistical accuracy can be obtained for the companion galaxy LF. Since redshift information is not required for the faint galaxies, it is possible to sample further down the LF as compared with redshift surveys. For 23 primary galaxies of known redshift, we find a dwarf satellite Schechter LF with a characteristic magnitude M V *( D )≃−19 and a faint-end slope α=−1.7, down to MV =−14 ( H 0=50 km s−1 Mpc−1).  相似文献   

We present a halo model prediction of the image separation distribution of strong lenses. Our model takes into account the subhalo population, which has been ignored in previous studies, as well as the conventional halo population. Haloes and subhaloes are linked to central and satellite galaxies by adopting a universal scaling relation between masses of (sub)haloes and luminosities of galaxies. Our model predicts that 10–20 per cent of lenses should be caused by the subhalo population. The fraction of lensing by satellite galaxies (subhaloes) peaks at ∼1 arcsec and decreases rapidly with increasing image separations. We compute fractions of lenses which lie in groups and clusters and find them to be ∼14 and ∼4 per cent, respectively; nearly half of such lenses are expected to be produced by satellite galaxies, rather than central parts of haloes. We also study mass distributions of lensing haloes and find that, even at image separations of ∼3 arcsec, the deviation of lens mass distributions from isothermal profiles is large; at or beyond ∼3 arcsec, image separations are enhanced significantly by surrounding haloes. Our model prediction agrees reasonably well with observed image separation distributions from galaxy to cluster scales.  相似文献   

Satellite kinematics can be used to probe the masses of dark matter haloes of central galaxies. In order to measure the kinematics with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio, one uses the satellite galaxies of a large number of central galaxies stacked according to similar properties (e.g. luminosity). However, in general, the relation between the luminosity of a central galaxy and the mass of its host halo will have non-zero scatter. Consequently, this stacking results in combining the kinematics of satellite galaxies in haloes of different masses, which complicates the interpretation of the data. In this paper, we present an analytical framework to model satellite kinematics, properly accounting for this scatter and for various selection effects. We show that in the presence of scatter in the halo mass–luminosity relation, the commonly used velocity dispersion of satellite galaxies can not be used to infer a unique halo mass–luminosity relation. In particular, we demonstrate that there is a degeneracy between the mean and the scatter of the halo mass–luminosity relation. We present a new technique that can break this degeneracy, and which involves measuring the velocity dispersions using two different weighting schemes: host weighting (each central galaxy gets the same weight) and satellite weighting (each central galaxy gets a weight proportional to its number of satellites). The ratio between the velocity dispersions obtained using these two weighting schemes is sensitive to the scatter in the halo mass–luminosity relation, and can thus be used to infer a unique relation between light and mass from the kinematics of satellite galaxies.  相似文献   

There are a number of theoretical and observational hints that large numbers of low-mass galaxies composed entirely of dark matter exist in the field. The theoretical considerations follow from the prediction of cold dark matter theory that there exist many low-mass galaxies for every massive one. The observational considerations follow from the observed paucity of these low-mass galaxies in the field but not in dense clusters of galaxies; this suggests that the lack of small galaxies in the field is due to the inhibition of star formation in the galaxies as opposed to the fact that their small dark matter haloes do not exist. In this work we outline the likely properties of low-mass dark galaxies, and describe observational strategies for finding them, and where in the sky to search. The results are presented as a function of the global properties of dark matter, in particular the presence or absence of a substantial baryonic dark matter component. If the dark matter is purely cold and has a Navarro, Frenk & White density profile, directly detecting dark galaxies will only be feasible with present technology if the galaxy has a maximum velocity dispersion in excess of 70 km s−1, in which case the dark galaxies could strongly lens background objects. This is much higher than the maximum velocity dispersions in most dwarf galaxies. If the dark matter in galaxy haloes has a baryonic component close to the cosmic ratio, the possibility of directly detecting dark galaxies is much more realistic; the optimal method of detection will depend on the nature of the dark matter. A number of more indirect methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

Using detailed mock galaxy redshift surveys (MGRSs) we investigate the abundance and radial distribution of satellite galaxies. The mock surveys are constructed using large numerical simulations and the conditional luminosity function (CLF), and are compared against data from the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). We use Monte Carlo Markov chains to explore the full posterior distribution of the CLF parameter space, and show that the average relation between light and mass is tightly constrained and in excellent agreement with our previous models and with that of Vale & Ostriker. The radial number density distribution of satellite galaxies in the 2dFGRS reveals a pronounced absence of satellites at small projected separations from their host galaxies. This is (at least partly) owing to the overlap and merging of galaxy images in the 2dFGRS parent catalogue. Owing to the resulting close-pair incompleteness we are unfortunately unable to put meaningful constraints on the radial distribution of satellite galaxies; the data are consistent with a radial number density distribution that follows that of the dark matter particles, but we cannot rule out alternatives with a constant number density core. Marginalizing over the full CLF parameter space, we show that in a ΛCDM concordance cosmology the observed abundances of host and satellite galaxies in the 2dFGRS indicate a power spectrum normalization of  σ8≃ 0.7  . The same cosmology but with  σ8= 0.9  is unable to match simultaneously the abundances of host and satellite galaxies. This confirms our previous conclusions based on the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions and the group multiplicity function.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of the most recently discovered ultra-faint dwarf satellites around the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy are compared to the previously reported discs-of-satellites (DoS) of their host galaxies. In our investigation, we pay special attention to the selection bias introduced due to the limited sky coverage of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that the new Milky Way satellite galaxies follow closely the DoS defined by the more luminous dwarfs, thereby further emphasizing the statistical significance of this feature in the Galactic halo. We also note a deficit of satellite galaxies with Galactocentric distances larger than  100 kpc  that are away from the DoS of the Milky Way. In the case of Andromeda, we obtain similar results, naturally complementing our previous finding and strengthening the notion that the DoS are optical manifestations of a phase-space correlation of satellite galaxies.  相似文献   

We study the stellar mass assembly of the Spiderweb galaxy  (MRC 1138−262)  , a massive   z = 2.2  radio galaxy in a protocluster and the probable progenitor of a brightest cluster galaxy. Nearby protocluster galaxies are identified and their properties are determined by fitting stellar population models to their rest-frame ultraviolet to optical spectral energy distributions. We find that within 150 kpc of the radio galaxy the stellar mass is centrally concentrated in the radio galaxy, yet most of the dust-uncorrected, instantaneous star formation occurs in the surrounding low-mass satellite galaxies. We predict that most of the galaxies within 150 kpc of the radio galaxy will merge with the central radio galaxy by   z = 0  , increasing its stellar mass by up to a factor of ≃2. However, it will take several hundred Myr for the first mergers to occur, by which time the large star formation rates are likely to have exhausted the gas reservoirs in the satellite galaxies. The tidal radii of the satellite galaxies are small, suggesting that stars and gas are being stripped and deposited at distances of tens of kpc from the central radio galaxy. These stripped stars may become intracluster stars or form an extended stellar halo around the radio galaxy, such as those observed around cD galaxies in cluster cores.  相似文献   

We investigate the correlation of star formation quenching with internal galaxy properties and large-scale environment (halo mass) in empirical data and theoretical models. We make use of the halo-based group catalogue of Yang and collaborators, which is based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Data from the Galaxy evolution explorer are also used to extract the recent star formation rate. In order to investigate the environmental effects, we examine the properties of 'central' and 'satellite' galaxies separately. For central galaxies, we are unable to conclude whether star formation quenching is primarily connected with halo mass or stellar mass, because these two quantities are themselves strongly correlated. For satellite galaxies, a nearly equally strong dependence on halo mass and stellar mass is seen. We make the same comparison for five different semi-analytic models based on three independently developed codes. We find that the models with active galactic nuclei feedback reproduce reasonably well the dependence of the fraction of central red and passive galaxies on halo mass and stellar mass. However, for satellite galaxies, the same models badly overproduce the fraction of red/passive galaxies and do not reproduce the empirical trends with stellar mass or halo mass. This satellite overquenching problem is caused by the too-rapid stripping of the satellites' hot gas haloes, which leads to rapid strangulation of star formation.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of satellite galaxies formed in N -body/SPH simulations of galaxy formation in the ΛCDM cosmology. The simulations include the main physical effects thought to be important in galaxy formation and, in several cases, produce realistic spiral discs. In total, a sample of nine galaxies of luminosity comparable to the Milky Way was obtained. At magnitudes brighter than the resolution limit,   MV =−12  , the luminosity function of the satellite galaxies in the simulations is in excellent agreement with data for the Local Group. The radial number density profile of the model satellites, as well as their gas fractions also match observations very well. In agreement with previous N -body studies, we find that the satellites tend to be distributed in highly flattened configurations whose major axis is aligned with the major axis of the (generally triaxial) dark halo. In two out of three systems with sufficiently large satellite populations, the satellite system is nearly perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disc, a configuration analogous to that observed in the Milk Way. The discs themselves are perpendicular to the minor axis of their host haloes in the inner parts, and the correlation between the orientation of the galaxy and the shape of the halo persists even out to the virial radius. However, in one case the disc's minor axis ends up, at the virial radius, perpendicular to the minor axis of the halo. The angular momenta of the galaxies and their host halo tend to be well aligned.  相似文献   

In continuation of part I of our investigation a field of 0.8 near the galactic north pole is investigated with two large photographic telescopes of very different optical constants. The field contains the cluster Abell 1775. Statistics and photometry confirm the results of part I. The fraction of optical compact galaxies up to the identification magnitude 18m9 (B) is found to be more than 30% of the total number of cluster galaxies. The data for a secondary photometric sequence, which had to be determined for the photometry of the galaxies, are presented.  相似文献   

We present, using a novel technique, a study of the angular distribution of satellite galaxies around a sample of isolated, blue host galaxies selected from the sixth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. As a complement to previous studies, we subdivide the sample of galaxies into bins of differing inclination and use the systematic differences that would exist between the different bins as the basis for our approach. We parametrize the cumulative distribution function of satellite galaxies and apply a maximum likelihood, Monte Carlo technique to determine allowable distributions, which we show as an exclusion plot. We find that the allowed distributions of the satellites of spiral hosts are very nearly isotropic. We outline our formalism and our analysis and discuss how this technique may be refined for future studies and future surveys.  相似文献   

温文  赵君亮 《天文学进展》2004,22(3):235-244
银河系厚盘的发现,对于研究银河系以至星系的结构和演化具有重要意义。在简单回顾银河系结构研究史和厚盘发现过程的基础上,综合介绍了人们对银河系厚盘各方面性质认识的现状,并对迄今为止所提出的几种厚盘形成机制作了比较详细的说明和讨论。就目前来看,与伴星系的并合可能是形成厚盘最为可能的机制。  相似文献   

We have studied the radial distribution of the early (E/S0) and late (S/Irr) types of satellites around bright host galaxies. We made a volume-limited sample of 4986 satellites brighter than   M r=−18.0  associated with 2254 hosts brighter than   M r=−19.0  from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5 sample. The morphology of satellites is determined by an automated morphology classifier, but the host galaxies are visually classified. We found segregation of satellite morphology as a function of the projected distance from the host galaxy. The amplitude and shape of the early-type satellite fraction profile are found to depend on the host luminosity. This is the morphology–radius/density relation at the galactic scale. There is a strong tendency for morphology conformity between the host galaxy and its satellites. The early-type fraction of satellites hosted by early-type galaxies is systematically larger than that of late-type hosts, and is a strong function of the distance from the host galaxies. Fainter satellites are more vulnerable to the morphology transformation effects of hosts. Dependence of satellite morphology on the large-scale background density was detected. The fraction of early-type satellites increases in high-density regions for both early- and late-type hosts. It is argued that the conformity in morphology of galactic satellite system is mainly originated by the hydrodynamical and radiative effects of hosts on satellites.  相似文献   

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