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This paper presents a biconcave bond model to investigate the effect of the cementation between grains on the mechanical behavior of rock. The proposed model considers the shape of the bonds among particles that have a biconcave cement form, based on observations of microscopic rock images. The general equations of the proposed model are based on Dvorkin theory. The accuracy and efficiency of the bond model is improved in three ways. After the biconcave bond model is implemented in the discrete element method software Particle Flow Code in 2 Dimensions, a series of numerical uniaxial compression tests were performed to investigate the relationships between the micro‐ to macro‐parameters. The simulations revealed that the biconcave bond model reflects the effect of micro‐parameters, such as the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of the cement, on the macroscopic deformation of cemented granular material. Variations in the bond geometry caused extremely diverse macro‐mechanical behaviors. Experimental results concerning rock demonstrate that the biconcave bond model accurately captures the mechanical behavior of intact rock and supports an innovative method for investigating the relationships between the micro‐ and macro‐parameters of cemented granular material. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中酸性火山岩中造岩矿物含量的定量计算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要造岩矿物的含量是火山岩分类定名的主要依据。对于基质为微晶质、隐晶质的火山岩,采用常规的薄片显微镜统计矿物含量几乎是不可行的。目前已有的利用岩石化学成分计算矿物含量的方法均不适用于中酸性火山岩。因此,本文基于岩石与矿物之间的化学成分质量平衡原理,提出了计算火山岩实际矿物含量的方法。该方法是利用实际矿物成分,采用最优化方法计算岩石中实际矿物的含量,在很大程度上避免了计算中的人为性。对中酸性火山岩实际样品计算表明,该方法使用简单方便,精度较高。  相似文献   


Field and geochemical studies of the Bunu area, SW Nigeria, were carried out on gneiss-metasedimentary rocks that consist of migmatised gneiss, quartz-mica schist, and foliated and massive quartzites. These gneiss-metasedimentary rocks are interbedded with meta-igneous rock (amphibolite), all of which are intruded by granitoid and cut by basic and felsic dykes. Geochemical data on major, trace, and rare Earth elements of these rocks from the area were used to speculate on the petrogenetic and geodynamic evolution of the rocks in the area. Compositionally, the metasedimentary rocks in the area have a restricted range of major oxides such as SiO2 and Al2O3 with low average values of Fe2O3, MnO, CaO, and P2O5. Concentrations of average values of HSFE such as Zr, Nb, and Y are moderately high in migmatitic gneiss, quartz-mica schist, and low in both massive and foliated quartzite. ∑LREE average values are 124.25, 132.41, and 18.64 ppm respectively for migmatite gneiss, quartz-mica schist, and low in both massive and foliated quartzite. These rocks are also generally enriched in Ba, Cs, Pb, U, Cr, Rb, and Zr and depleted in Be, Sr, Ti, Mo, Th, and W. This enrichment–depletion in major oxides and trace elements of the rocks in this area is probably a consequence of the movement of metamorphic remobilized fluids within the rocks in the area during the Pan-African or earlier events as noted in the adjacent Egbe-Isanlu Schist belt. A further geochemical characterisation of the rocks in the area using Log (Na2O/K2O) vs Log (SiO2/Al2O3 indicates that while the protolith of migmatised gneiss and quartz-mica schist are greywackes to litharenite in compositions that of quartzites are sublitharenite to quartz arenite. On the ternary plot of Al2O3-(CaO + Na2O)-K2O for metasedimentary rocks in the area, most migmatitic gneiss and quartz-mica schist rocks plot close to average shale while quartzites mostly tend to illite compositions and almost toward the Al2O3-apex of the diagram attesting to depletion of CaO and NaO with the removal of K2O. CIA vs PIA plot of the rocks in the area shows that while migmatitic-gneiss and quartz-mica schist are moderately weathered, both massive and foliated quartzites are high to extremely weathered. They are all derived mostly from predominantly felsic igneous to quartzose sedimentary provenance and mostly emplaced in passive continental margins. These nature of the protoliths suggests gradual subsidence of the basin during its genesis, and/or tectonic stable or inactive environment from which the sediments were derived.


The morphology of tourmaline nodules occurring in the Capo Bianco aplite (Elba Island, Italy) is studied. Outcrop features indicate that tourmaline nodules are the product of magmatic crystallization, as they are aligned along flow fields developed within the magmatic hosting mass. Mesoscopic observations indicate that nodule morphologies are very variable, from rounded to dendritic. Morphometric analyses show that tourmaline nodules are fractals and that fractal dimension quantifies their degree of irregularity. Numerical simulations of nodule growth are performed by using a Diffusion-Limited Aggregation process. The presence in natural samples of nodules with different morphologies is explained by considering a chaotic magmatic system characterized by a complex interplay between growth rate in different dynamical regions, latent heat of crystallization, and local convection dynamics. It is suggested that higher growth rates correspond to growth of tourmaline nodules in dynamical regions where the transfer of nutrients is very efficient. In such conditions, the latent heat released by the growing nodule is high, inducing strong local convection dynamics, destabilizing the nodule interface, and promoting the formation of dendritic morphologies. On the contrary, the growth of nodules in dynamical regions characterized by weak transfer of nutrients is inhibited leading to weak local convection dynamics and, consequently, to the formation of rounded morphologies.  相似文献   

Metamorphic textures in medium-grade (~500–550°C) metasedimentary rocks from the Erzgebirge give evidence of prograde rutile crystallization from ilmenite. Newly-crystallized grains occur as rutile-rich polycrystalline aggregates that pseudomorph the shape of the ilmenites. In-situ trace element data (EMP and SIMS) show that rutiles from the higher-grade samples record large scatter in Nb content and have Nb/Ti ratios higher than coexisting ilmenite. This behavior can be predicted using prograde rutile crystallization from ilmenite and indicates that rutiles are reequilibrating their chemistry with remaining ilmenites. On the contrary, rutiles from the lowest grade samples (~480°C) have Nb/Ti ratios that are similar to the ones in ilmenite. Hence, rutiles from these samples did not equilibrate their chemistry with remaining ilmenites. Our data suggest that temperature may be one of the main factors determining whether or not the elements are able to diffuse between the phases and, therefore, reequilibrate. Newly-crystallized rutiles yield temperatures (from ~500 to 630°C, Zr-in-rutile thermometry) that are in agreement with the metamorphic conditions previously determined for the studied rocks. In quartzites from the medium-grade domain (~530°C), inherited detrital rutile grains are detected. They are identified by their distinct chemical composition (high Zr and Nb contents) and textures (single grains surrounded by fine grained ilmenites). Preliminary calculation, based on grain size distribution of rutile in medium-grade metapelites and quartzites that occur in the studied area, show that rutiles derived from quartzites can be anticipated to dominate the detrital rutile population, even if quartzites are a minor component of the exposure.  相似文献   

Characterisation of mine waste rock with respect to acid generation potential is a necessary part of routine mine operations, so that environmentally benign waste rock stacks can be constructed for permanent storage. Standard static characterisation techniques, such as acid neutralisation capacity (ANC), maximum potential acidity, and associated acid–base accounting, require laboratory tests that can be difficult to obtain rapidly at remote mine sites. We show that a combination of paste pH and a simple portable carbonate dissolution test, both techniques that can be done in the field in a 15 min time-frame, is useful for distinguishing rocks that are potentially acid-forming from those that are acid-neutralising. Use of these techniques could allow characterisation of mine wastes at the metre scale during mine excavation operations. Our application of these techniques to pyrite-bearing (total S = 1–4 wt%) but variably calcareous coal mine overburden shows that there is a strong correlation between the portable carbonate dissolution technique and laboratory-determined ANC measurements (range of 0–10 wt% calcite equivalent). Paste pH measurements on the same rocks are bimodal, with high-sulphur, low-calcite rocks yielding pH near 3 after 10 min, whereas high-ANC rocks yield paste pH of 7–8. In our coal mine example, the field tests were most effective when used in conjunction with stratigraphy. However, the same field tests have potential for routine use in any mine in which distinction of acid-generating rocks from acid-neutralising rocks is required. Calibration of field-based acid–base accounting characteristics of the rocks with laboratory-based static and/or kinetic tests is still necessary.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic (1.38?C1.30 Ga) Kama-Belsk igneous province (KBP) was formed at the eastern margin of the East European Platform (EEP), in the Volga-Ural area and Bashkirian anticlinorium. It is made up of plutonic, volcanic, and subvolcanic (numerous dike and sill swarms) rocks of bimodal composition. KBP, as most of large igneous provinces, contains two geochemical types of basites: high-titanium (HTi) rocks with TiO2 > 1.5 wt % and low-titanium (LTi) rocks with TiO2 < 1.5?C2.0 wt %. They demonstrate zoned distribution, were derived from different mantle sources at different regimes of their partial melting. The high and low-titanium basites significantly differ in geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd, O) parameters. The HTi rocks are characterized by Ti/Y > 400, (Gd/Yb) n = 1.62?C4.08, (Dy/Yb) n = 1.31?C2.43; Nb/Nb* from 0.5 to 1.3, while the LTi rocks have Ti/Y < 400, (Gd/Yb) n = 1.23?C1.51, (Dy/Yb)n = 1.01?C1.26, and Nb/Nb* from 0.3 to 0.9. The HTi rocks have ?Nd(T) from + 1.3 to ?2.4, while the LTi rocks are characterized by ?Nd(T) from + 0.5 to ?6.1. The oxygen isotopic composition ??18O is 5.0?C5.9?? in the LTi rocks and 7.0?? in the HTi picrobasalts. According to obtained estimates, the parental melts for the LTi type (Mg# = 0.76) are comparable with high-Mg primary melts inferred for within-plate picrites. The parental melts for the HTi type (Mg# = 0.69) had higher Fe contents, which in combination with lowered Al2O3 and elevated TiO2, Na2O, and P2O5 make these rocks similar to ferropicrites. The HTi melts were presumably derived by partial melting of a pyroxenite in equilibrium with garnet-bearing residue, whereas the LTi melts were generated from peridotite protolith and left spinel-bearing residuum. Both the varieties of the basites were contaminated mainly by Paleoproterozoic crustal material.  相似文献   

The scope of the paper is an attempt at the identification of the weathering-resistance classes within clastic rocks by means of analysis of capillary pressure saturation curves. The porosimetric parameters corresponding to the cementing character and the grains’ mineralogical content are very important features of stone building materials, because of the weathering processes. The analysed rocks were Polish sandstones and muddy sandstones used for building purposes, collected from different geological units of Poland (i.e. Sudety Mts. Carpathian Mts. and Holy Cross Mts.) The results indicate the usefulness of sandstone materials for building purposes. They could also be used in conservation procedures and for the reconstruction of existing buildings and monuments. Basing on the parameterisation, with the van Genuchten function, of cumulative capillary pressure saturation curves, it was possible to distinguish four groups of the sampled rocks. The lithological features and weathering sustainability within the groups are quite uniform, what allow identifying the weathering resistance classes. Taking into account the complicated nature of all the factors influencing weathering processes, it is supposed that the presented parameterisation could be a useful tool for weathering-resistance classification of clastic rocks. The classification could be useful in building industry and in conservation of historical stone monuments.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotopic compositions of over 100 Archean clastic metasedimentary, felsic metavolcanic and gneissic rocks from selected areas within the Superior Province have been determined. δ18O values of low grade, immature clastic metasediments range from 8.0 to 13.3%. and hence are somewhat depleted in 18O relative to other clastic metasediments. The lower 18O content is attributed to the large proportion of unaltered rock fragments in the Archean metasediments. Felsic metavolcanics have a similar range of δ18O values (7.3 to 13.0%..δ18O values for the middle amphibolite facies Pakwash paragneiss (8.8–11.7%.) are higher than those determined for the amphibolite to granulite facies Twilight paragneiss (7.3–9.2%.). Archean orthogneisses such as the Clay Lake gneiss (7.0–9.0%.), the Cedar Lake gneiss (7.4–8.7%.) and the Footprint gneiss (5.9-8.8%.) have δ18O values similar to those of the Twilight paragneiss. Therefore, at least at metamorphic grades higher than middle amphibolite facies, Archean metasedimentary gneisses may have δ18O values that are indistinguishable from those of Archean orthogneisses, and hence are no longer isotopically recognizable as metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Aluminous, silica-deficient metasedimentary xenoliths in siliceous lavas of Mt. Amiata have preserved composite zoning-patterns indicative for complex processes of magma-rock interaction. Petrographic observations and small-scale mineralogical and chemical differences between up to five distinct zones (including the core and envelope of lava) provide evidence that:
  1. Partial melt formed in and extracted from the xenoliths was more mafic than the host magma and had a Mg/Fe ratio higher than that of the restite, at least during the peak of thermometamorphism.
  2. Liquid-state interdiffusion occurred at the interface between partial melt and the enclosing magma.
  3. Certain mineral phases in the restite (notably, hercynitic spinel) became unstable in the presence of a siliceous liquid.
Quartz-poor muscovite-biotite schists are considered to be the most likely parent rocks and it is believed that release of volatiles from decomposing micas played a significant role in the high-temperature metamorphic evolution of the xenoliths and their interaction with the magma. The conditions favourable for assimilation were enhanced by injection of mafic magma into the magma chamber. Although this concurrent operation of magma-mixing precludes a quantitative estimate of contamination from the wall-rocks (which was probably of minor importance) the present example indicates that dry acid magma may potentially become more mafic by interaction with partially melted hydrous rocks.  相似文献   

We present here comprehensive petromineralogic, mineral magnetic and lithologic observations from five stratigraphic sections representing the Barail Group, Middle and Upper units of Bhuban Formation, Bokabil Formation and Tipam Group in the Mizoram area. These stratigraphic units mainly display interplay of the grey and buff colored sandstones of the clast compositions varying from sub-lithic to lithic arenites (Q79F4L17 to Q55F3L42) including sedimentary, meta-sedimentary and subordinate igneous rock fragments. The buff sandstones with higher lithic fragments [Q69F4L27 (Ls61Lm38Lv1)] are dominated by recycled components with higher clast angularity (VA1A15SA51SR24R8WR0.4) relative to the grey sandstones. Mineral magnetic studies decipher bimodal (ferri- and antiferromagnetic) mineralogy with higher concentration in buff sandstones relative to the unimodal ferrimagnetic nature of the grey sandstones. The study infers that the buff sandstones mark the regressive phases driven by hinterland uplifts; whereas the growth of the grey sandstone facies is marked by transgressive basinal processes. Gradual increase in the frequency and appearance of the buff sandstones in the Surma stratigraphy, therefore, can be related to the evolution of the Indo-Burmese ranges.  相似文献   

在野外地质调查和室内综合研究的基础上,通过研究南岭东段风化壳淋积型矿中含稀土矿花岗岩层中暗色包体的地质特征,发现分布在岩体中的大量暗色包体具流面和流线构造,主要组成矿物为石英、辉石和斜长石,具典型的辉长结构.暗色包体低硅、钾和钠,高钙、铝、镁、铁、钛和锰,属亚碱性—铝不饱和型;富集U、La、Pr、Nd、Sm、Dy,亏损Nb、Sr、Zr、Hf、Ti等微量元素;REE总量低于寄主含矿花岗岩层稀土总量,Ce和Eu具有明显的负异常.这些特征说明暗色包体的原岩可能来自早期基性岩,其形成与燕山早期陂头岩体的分异演化关系密切.与南岭地区花岗岩中此类暗色包体进行对比,有助于在该区寻找稀土矿床和稀有金属矿床.  相似文献   

Abstract Rare layers of an aluminous, muscovite-rich rock from the Lewisian Complex at Stoer, North-West Scotland, display evidence which suggests that the rock has undergone local partial melting to form quartz-bearing veins and a corundum-bearing restite. The assemblages observed in these rocks match those predicted by modelling in the system KAlO2-NaAlO2-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (KNASH) where certain bulk compositions melt peritectically to give corundum-bearing restites and quartz-normative melts. Study of the model system shows that the observed parageneses could have formed from a range of bulk compositions with a variety of possible values of a H2O which could have been internally or externally buffered. The KNASH petrogenetic grid, together with another in the system CaO-Na2O-FeO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (CNFASH), allows the P–T path of the rocks to be delineated and an estimate to be made of the conditions at the peak of metamorphism as > 11 kbar and 900-925°C. This estimate is in agreement with P–T estimates using thermobarometric methods on adjacent lithologies: The activity of H2O in the system throughout metamorphism is calculated to have been >0.3.  相似文献   

辽河坳陷古近系碎屑岩储层孔隙演化特征探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
辽河坳陷古近系的沉积特征是物源多、沉积体系多、砂岩成熟度低及砂体规模小。通过成岩作用和成岩相研究,储层成岩相可划分为4种,即碳酸盐胶结相、自生粘土矿物胶结相、石英胶结相和粘土矿物转化相。这4个相可进一步划分为7个亚相:自生粘土膜胶结亚相、晶粒状碳酸盐胶结亚相、自生高岭石胶结亚相、石英胶结亚相、嵌晶状碳酸盐胶结亚相、伊/蒙混层亚相和伊利石亚相。不同成岩相分布明显受深度控制,具有在垂向相连的展布特征,垂向上可组成6个成岩相带。通过大量的砂岩和泥岩孔渗数据统计分析,建立了6个对应的高孔渗带(ABCDEF)与6个低孔渗带(abcdef),它们与6个成岩相带在空间分布上具有一一对应关系,即A-a、B-b、C-c、D-d、E-e和F-f分别与晶粒状碳酸盐相带、自生高岭石相带、石英胶结相带、嵌晶状碳酸盐相带、伊/蒙混层粘土矿物相带和伊利石相带相对应。可见,不同成岩相带对应不同孔隙度发育带的孔隙演化,并从有机质演化的角度解释了上述对应关系。应用这一规律在鸳鸯沟地区有利储层孔隙预测中取得了较好效果,验证了该区储层孔隙演化特征及其对油气运聚的影响。  相似文献   

张雅晨  刘财  范晓敏 《世界地质》2012,31(2):377-382
火山碎屑岩储层具有岩性复杂、测井数据种类繁多以及区域大、层位多等特点,导致火山碎屑岩储层测井参数难于确定。以海拉尔盆地乌尔逊--贝尔凹陷的火山碎屑岩储层为研究主体,在准确识别岩性的基础上,对测井资料进行预处理,根据岩心分析资料计算其理论骨架参数值。依据孔隙度与中子、密度、声波三者之间的关系,将多元回归方法应用在孔隙度计算中,实现利用多元回归方法计算火山碎屑岩储层孔隙度。其结果与岩心分析孔隙度比较接近,绝对误差仅为1. 6%,能满足储量计算要求。  相似文献   

Results of simple model calculations that integrate cumulate compositions from the Kohistan arc terrain are presented in order to develop a consistent petrogenetic model to explain the Kohistan island arc granitoids. The model allows a quantitative approximation of the possible relative roles of fractional crystallization and assimilation to explain the silica-rich upper crust composition of oceanic arcs. Depending in detail on the parental magma composition hydrous moderate-to-high pressure fractional crystallization in the lower crust/upper mantle is an adequate upper continental crust forming mechanism in terms of volume and compositions. Accordingly, assimilation and partial melting in the lower crust is not per se a necessary process to explain island arc granitoids. However, deriving few percent of melts using low degree of dehydration melting is a crucial process to produce volumetrically important amounts of upper continental crust from silica-poorer parental magmas. Even though the model can explain the silica-rich upper crustal composition of the Kohistan, the fractionation model does not predict the accepted composition of the bulk continental crust. This finding supports the idea that additional crustal refining mechanism (e.g., delamination of lower crustal rocks) and/or non-cogenetic magmatic process were critical to create the bulk continental crust composition.  相似文献   

湘西南高涧群的地球化学特征及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湘西南高涧群主要是一套浅变质沉积碎屑岩系,由变质泥岩、板岩和变质粉砂岩组成,原岩颗粒小。变质作用对岩石化学成分没有大的改变,岩石具有相近的风化蚀变指数(平均CIA=75)风化蚀变矿物主要为伊利石-白云母-蒙脱石组合。主要化学成分反映沉积物来源于中性和基性火成岩区。浅变质沉积岩中大多数微量元素亏损,元素Cu,Zn,Co,Ti,Cr等在研究区的南部和北部具有相似的共生组合。并且稀土元素的分布模式基本相同,稀土的总量与岩性有关。上述特点显示了高涧群沉积物来源相同,亲石元素共生组合相似;Au,Ag,As,Sb,Sr,Ba等存在一定的分异,Ba/Co比值,Sr/Ba比值和δCe值表明,它是主要在浅深海-深海相还原环境下的产物。  相似文献   

探索了利用高温炉合成玄武岩玻璃制作原位微区主微量元素含量分析的标准物质的实验条件.选取玄武岩标准物质GBW07105(GSR-3)进行高温熔融、淬火实验研究,获得玄武岩玻璃,为合成其他地质样品微区分析标准参考物质的研制提供了参考方法.用激光剥蚀-四极杆等离子体质谱(LA-Q-ICPMS)对样品微区46个主元素和微量元素...  相似文献   

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