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High fluoride in groundwater has been reported from many parts of India. However, a systematic study is required to understand the behaviour of fluoride in natural water in terms of local hydrogeological setting, climatic conditions and agricultural practices. Present study is an attempt to assess hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in Ajmer district in Rajasthan to understand the fluoride abundance in groundwater and to deduce the chemical parameters responsible for the dissolution activity of fluoride. Ajmer district falls in the semi-arid tract of central Rajasthan and is geologically occupied by Precambrian rocks (granites, pegmatites, gneisses, schists etc) where groundwater occurs under unconfined condition. A total of 153 well-water samples, representing an area of 8481 km2 (further subdivided into eight blocks), were collected and chemically analyzed. The results of chemical analyses (pre-monsoon 2004) show fluoride abundance in the range of 0.12 to 16.9 mg/l with 66% of the samples in excess of permissible limit of 1.5 mg/l. Presence of fluoride bearing minerals in the host rock, the chemical properties like decomposition, dissociation and dissolution and their interaction with water is considered to be the main cause for fluoride in groundwater. Chemical weathering under arid to semi-arid conditions with relatively high alkalinity favours high concentration of fluoride in groundwater. Dental and skeletal fluorosis are prevalent in the study area which can be related to the usage of high fluoride groundwater for drinking. The suggested remedial measures to reduce fluoride pollution in groundwater include dilution by blending, artificial recharge, efficient irrigation practices and well construction.  相似文献   

Groundwater levels in hard-rock areas in India have shown very large declines in the recent past. The situation is becoming more critical due to a paucity of rainfall, limited surface water resources and an increasing pattern of groundwater extraction in these areas. Consequently, the Ground Water Department with the aid of World Bank has implemented the water structuring programme to mitigate groundwater scarcity and to develop a viable solution for sustainable development in the region. The present study has been undertaken to assess the impact of artificial groundwater recharge structures in the hard-rock area of Rajasthan, India. In this study groundwater level data (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon) of 85 dug-wells are used, spread over an area of 413.59 km2. The weathered and fractured gneissic basement rocks act as major aquifer in the area. Spatial maps for pre- and post-monsoon groundwater levels were prepared using the kriging interpolation technique with best fitted semi-variogram models (Spherical, Exponential and Gaussian). The groundwater recharge is calculated spatially using the water level fluctuation method. The entire study period (2004–2011) is divided into pre- (2004–2008) and post-intervention (2009–2011) periods. Based on the identical nature of total monsoon rainfall, two combinations of average (2007 and 2009) and more than average (2006 and 2010) rainfall years are selected from the pre- and post-intervention periods for further comparisons. All of the water harvesting structures are grouped into the following categories: as anicuts (masonry overflow structure); percolation tanks; subsurface barriers; and renovation of earthen ponds/nadis. A buffer of 100 m around the intervention site is taken for assessing the influence of these structures on groundwater recharge. The relationship between the monsoon rainfall and groundwater recharge is fitted by power and exponential functions for the periods of 2004–2008 and 2008–2011 with R 2 values of 0.95 and 0.98, respectively. The average groundwater recharge is found to be 18% of total monsoon rainfall prior to intervention and it became 28% during the post-intervention period. About 70.9% (293.43 km2) of the area during average rainfall and more than 95% (396.26 km2) of the area during above-average rainfalls show an increase in groundwater recharge after construction of water harvesting structures. The groundwater recharge pattern indicates a positive impact within the vicinity of intervention sites during both average and above-average rainfall. The anicuts are found to be the most effective recharge structures during periods of above-average rainfall, while subsurface barriers are responded well during average rainfall periods. In the hard-rock terrain, water harvesting structures produce significant increases in groundwater recharge. The geo-spatial techniques that are used are effective for evaluating the response of different artificial groundwater recharge techniques.  相似文献   

Natural recharge due to rainfall (annual average 1,200 mm) over an area of 1,500 km2 of the Neyveli groundwater basin was carried out for two consecutive hydrological years, using the tritium injection technique. The lignite seams, occurring within the Upper Miocene formation in the basin have been mined for the last 40 years. The confined aquifer underlying the lignite seams has been pumped continuously since 1961, for depressurization and safety around the mine. The recharge zone is identified as an elongated zone, oriented in a NE–SW direction within the basin. Natural recharge measurements were made at several sites (single and duplicate injections), covering the entire basin. They indicate a recharge rate of 333–556 mm/year (24–40% of rainfall) in the north and northeastern parts, covering the previously defined recharge areas as well as some adjoining areas. Soil moisture movement at several duplicate sites in these areas showed significant downward migration of tracer during the non-monsoon period, probably caused by pumping in the mine area. Isotopic data of ground water samples in the northern and northeastern part of the basin indicates modern ages. Concurrent field observations like deep water table with high annual fluctuations and exposure of pebble beds, enabled the redemarcation of the aggregate recharge area as 650 km2. The redefined recharge area includes the areas identified by earlier workers as well as the new area on the northeastern side of the lignite mine.  相似文献   

A conceptual model of the transboundary Milk River Aquifer (MRA), extending across the Canada–USA border, was developed based on literature, focused fieldwork and a three-dimensional geological model. The MRA corresponds to the Virgelle Member of the Milk River Formation (Eagle Formation in Montana, USA) and it is an important groundwater resource over a large area (25,000 km2). The Virgelle outcrops near the international border and along the Sweet Grass Arch in Montana. The down-gradient limit of the MRA is the unconformity separating the Virgelle from the gas-bearing sandy shale of the Alderson Member. The MRA is confined above by the Pakowki/Claggett Formations aquitards and below by the Colorado Group aquitard. The MRA contains higher transmissivity areas resulting in preferential flowpaths, confirmed by natural geochemical tracers. Tritium and 14C delineate restricted recharge areas along the outcrops on both sides of the international border. Drastic decreases in horizontal hydraulic gradients indicate that the Milk River intercepts a large proportion of groundwater flowing to the north from the recharge area. Downgradient of the Milk River, groundwater movement is slow, as shown by 36Cl residence times exceeding 1 Ma. These slow velocities imply that groundwater discharge downgradient of the Milk River is via vertical leakage through the Colorado Group and upward along buried valleys, which act as drains and correspond to artesian areas. When confined, the MRA contains a fossil groundwater resource, not significantly renewed by modern recharge. Groundwater exploitation thus far exceeds recharge, a situation requiring properly managed MRA groundwater depletion.  相似文献   

Rock–water interaction along with mineral dissolution/ precipitation plays a profound role in the control of fluoride ion concentration within the alluvial groundwater in a part of semi-arid northern India. In the premonsoon season, the alluvial region experiences evaporative processes leading to increase in Na+ ions which through reverse ion exchange processes are adsorbed onto suitable sites within the aquifer matrix in exchange for Ca2+ ion in solution. Increase in Ca2+ ions in solution inhibits fluorite mineral dissolution, thereby controlling premonsoon fluoride ion concentration within alluvial groundwaters (1.40?±?0.5 mg/l). In the postmonsoon season, however, higher average fluoride ion concentration within the alluvial aquifer samples (2.33?±?0.80 mg/l) is observed mainly due to increase in silicate weathering of fluoride-bearing rocks and direct ion exchange processes enabling Ca2+ ion uptake from solution accompanied with the release of fluoride ions. Combined effect of these processes results in average fluoride ion concentration falling above the WHO drinking water permissible limit (1.5 mg/l). Alternatively, the hard rock aquifer samples within the study area have an average fluoride ion concentration falling below the permissible limit in both the seasons.  相似文献   

Sustainable groundwater management requires knowledge of recharge. Recharge is also an important parameter in groundwater flow and transport models. Spatial variation in recharge due to distributed land-us.e, soil texture, topography, groundwater level, and hydrometeorological conditions should be accounted for in recharge estimation. However, conventional point-estimates of recharge are not easily extrapolated or regionalized. In this study, a spatially distributed water balance model WetSpass was used to simulate long-term average recharge using land-use, soil texture, topography, and hydrometeorological parameters in Dire Dawa, a semiarid region of Ethiopia. WetSpass is a physically based methodology for estimation of the long-term average spatial distribution of surface runoff, actual evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. The long-term temporal and spatial average annual rainfall of 626 mm was distributed as: surface runoff of 126 mm (20%), evapotranspiration of 468 mm (75%), and recharge of 28 mm (5%). This recharge corresponds to 817 l/s for the 920.12 km2 study area, which is less than the often-assumed 1,000 l/s recharge for the Dire Dawa groundwater catchment.  相似文献   

Globally, aquifers are suffering from large abstractions resulting in groundwater level declines. These declines can be caused by excessive abstraction for drinking water, irrigation purposes or industrial use. Basaltic aquifers also face these conflicts. A large flood basalt area (1.1?×?105 km2) can be found in the Northwest of the USA. This Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) consists of a thick series of basalt flows of Miocene age. The two major hydrogeological units (Wanapum and Grand Ronde formations) are widely used for water abstraction. The mean decline over recent decades has been 0.6 m year?1. At present day, abstraction wells are drying up, and base flow of rivers is reduced. At the eastern part of CRBG, the Moscow sub-basin on the Idaho/Washington State border can be found. Although a thick poorly permeable clay layer exists on top of the basalt aquifer, groundwater level dynamics suggest that groundwater recharge occurs at certain locations. A set of wells and springs has been monitored bi-weekly for 9 months for δ18O and δ2H. Large isotopic fluctuations and d-excess values close to the meteoric water line in some wells are indicating that recharge occurs at the granite/basalt interface through lateral flow paths in and below the clay. A soil moisture routing (SMR) model showed that most recharge occurs on the granitic mountains. The basaltic aquifer receives recharge from these sedimentary zones around the granite/basalt interface. The identification of these types of areas is of major importance for future managed-aquifer recharge solutions to solve problems of groundwater depletion.  相似文献   

Water discharge from the Patuxent River into its estuary was near-average (95%) during the water year 1968–1969 although precipitation was only 79% of the average. Suspended-sediment discharge into the estuary, however, was more then double the normal yield (344 metric tons/km2 compared to 143 metric tons/km2). These increases in runoff and suspended-sediment yields, despite decreased precipitation, must be attributed to urbanization of the drainage basin.The maximum measured suspended-sediment concentrations in the rural Middle Patuxent basin (Piedmont Province) increased only 40-fold during an increase from “average” to high water runoff (15 mg/l to 600 mg/l). In the portion of the Little Patuxent River basin undergoing urbanization (Piedmont portion), stream concentrations increased by over two orders of magnitude (20 mg/l to 2400 mg/l) as a result of heavy rainfall. The area undergoing urbanization of the Little Patuxent yielded more than twice as much suspended sediment per unit area as the rural Middle Patuxent (620 metric tons/km2 versus 290 metric tons/km2). This increase also is interpreted to be the direct result of erosion of soils denuded or disturbed during urban construction.Using the Middle Patuxent as a “standard” for normal erosion rates in rural areas, construction sites contributed about 82% of the suspended sediment discharged by the Patuxent River into its estuary even though such sites represented only 23% of the drainage basin.  相似文献   

Annual abstraction of 2.6?×?109 m3 of groundwater in the 53,000 km2 Konya Closed Basin of central Turkey has caused a head decline of 1 m/year over the last few decades. Therefore, understanding the hydrogeology of this large endorheic basin, in a semi-arid climate, is important to sustainable resource management. For this purpose, the groundwater’s radiocarbon age distribution has been investigated along a 150-km transect parallel to regional flow. Results show that the groundwater ranges in age from Recent at the main recharge area of the Taurus Mountains in the south, to about 40,000 years around the terminal Salt Lake located in the north. In this predominantly confined flow system, radiocarbon ages increase linearly by distance from the main recharge area and are in agreement with the hydraulic ages. The mean velocity of regional groundwater flow (3 m/year) is determined by the rate of regional groundwater discharge into the Salt Lake. Calcite dissolution, dedolomitization and geogenic carbon dioxide influx appear to be the dominant geochemical processes that determine the carbon isotope composition along the regional flow path. The groundwater’s oxygen-18 content indicates more humid and cooler paleorecharge. A maximum drop of 5°C is inferred for the past recharge temperature.  相似文献   

The fluoride level in groundwater is controlled by the distribution of Ca2+ and SO42?, ionic strength and the presence of complex ions in its composition. In the study area, situated in the Ranga Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, India, the concentrations of fluoride in the groundwater vary from 0.7 to 4.80 mg/l and from 0.4 to 4.20 mg/l during the pre- and post-monsoon seasons respectively. From the correlation coefficient studies, it is observed that fluoride is inversely related with Ca2+ and positively related with HCO3?, whereas the correlation coefficient between fluoride and other ions is very poor during both seasons. The difference in F? concentrations between pre- and post-monsoon seasons could be because the ionic concentrations in the groundwater during the post-monsoon period were generally less than their counterparts during the pre-monsoon period, because of dilution by rainwater. By contrast, the fluoride concentration in many places was relatively high during the post-monsoon period. This indicates contamination of groundwater from surface pollutants.  相似文献   

Tertiary fractured permeable confined aquifer, which covered about 70 % of the studying area, played an important role in alleviating drinking water shortages. However, about 58 and 79 % of the groundwater samples exceeded the desirable limits for fluoride (1.5 mg/L) and TDS (1,000 mg/L). Two multivariate statistical methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), were applied to a subgroup of the dataset in terms of their usefulness for groundwater classification, as well as to identify the key processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. In the PCA, two principal factors have been extracted, which could explain 73 % of the total data variability. Among them, factor 1 revealed the source of groundwater salinity and factor 2 explained the elevated fluoride. Two major groups were classified by HCA and Group 1 was near the groundwater recharge zone and Group 2 was mainly distributed over the groundwater discharge zone. Inverse modeling (NETPATH) results indicated that the hydrochemical evolution was primarily controlled by (1) the dissolution of mirabilite, gypsum and halite for the source of groundwater salinity; (2) the release of the adsorbed fluoride through desorption or through competition with HCO3 ? under alkalinity condition for the elevated fluoride in the groundwater.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the sources and controlling factors of the groundwater contaminants in an agroeconomic region of Lower Ganga Basin using principal component analysis (PCA), multivariable linear regressions (MLR), correlation analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis, and evaluated the public health risks using the Latin Hypercube Sampling, goodness-of-fit statistics, Monte Carlo simulation and Sobol sensitivity analysis based on the 1000 samples collected in two sampling cycles (N = 1000). The study reveals that the dissolution of fluoride-bearing minerals and semi-arid climate regulate the fluoride concentrations (0.10–18.25 mg/L) in groundwater. Extensive application of inorganic nitrogenous fertilizers and livestock manure mainly contributed to elevated nitrate levels (up to 435.0 mg/L) in groundwater. The health risks analysis indicates that fluoride exposure is more prevalent in the residents of each age group than the nitrate and both contaminants exhibited higher non-carcinogenic health risks on the infant and child (minor) age groups compared to adolescents and adults. Based on the cokriging interpolation mapping, the minor residents of 17.88%–23.15% of the total area (4545.0 km2) are vulnerable to methemoglobinemia whereas the residents of all age-groups in 38.47%–44.45% of the total area are susceptible to mild to severe dental/skeletal fluorosis owing to consumption of untreated nitrate and fluoride enriched groundwater. The Sobol sensitivity indices revealed contaminant levels, groundwater intake rate and their collective effects are the most influential factors to pose potential health risks on the residents. Artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting practices should be adopted to improve the groundwater quality and the residents are advised to drink purified groundwater.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical studies were conducted in Chinnaeru river basin of Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India, to explore the causes of high fluorides in groundwater and surface water causing a widespread incidence of fluorosis in local population. The concentration of fluoride in groundwater ranges from 0.4 to 2.9 and 0.6 to 3.6 mg/l, stream water ranges from 0.9 to 3.5 and 1.4 to 3.2 mg/l, tank water ranges from 0.4 to 2.8 and 0.9 to 2.3 mg/l, for pre- and post-monsoon periods, respectively. The modified Piper diagram reflects that the water belongs to Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 ? to Na+–HCO3 ? facies. Negative chloroalkali indices in both the seasons prove that ion exchange between Na+ and K+ in aquatic solution took place with Ca2+ and Mg2+ of host rock. The interpretation of plots for different major ions and molar ratios suggest that weathering of silicate rocks and water–rock interaction is responsible for major ion chemistry of groundwater/surface water. High fluoride content in groundwater was attributed to continuous water–rock interaction during the process of percolation with fluorite bearing country rocks under arid, low precipitation, and high evaporation conditions. The low calcium content in rocks and soils, and the presence of high levels of sodium bicarbonate are important factors favouring high levels of fluoride in waters. The basement rocks provide abundant mineral sources of fluoride in the form of amphibole, biotite, fluorite, mica and apatite.  相似文献   

Piscopo  V.  Armiento  G.  Baiocchi  A.  Mazzuoli  M.  Nardi  E.  Piacentini  S. M.  Proposito  M.  Spaziani  F. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2018,26(4):1027-1045

Origin, yield and quality of the groundwater flows at high elevation in the Cimino volcano (central Italy) were examined. In this area, groundwater is geogenically contaminated by arsenic and fluoride, yet supplies drinking water for approximately 170,000 inhabitants. The origin of the high-elevation groundwater flows is strictly related to vertical and horizontal variability of the rock types (lava flows, lava domes and ignimbrite) in an area of limited size. In some cases, groundwater circuits are related to perched aquifers above noncontinuous aquitards; in other cases, they are due to flows in the highly fractured dome carapace, limited at the bottom by a low-permeability dome core. The high-elevation groundwater outflow represents about 30% of the total recharge of Cimino’s hydrogeological system, which has been estimated at 9.8 L/s/km2. Bicarbonate alkaline-earth, cold, neutral waters with low salinity, and notably with low arsenic and fluoride content, distinguish the high-elevation groundwaters from those of the basal aquifer. Given the quantity and quality of these resources, approaches in the capture and management of groundwater in this hydrogeological environment should be reconsidered. Appropriate tapping methods such as horizontal drains, could more efficiently capture the high-elevation groundwater resources, as opposed to the waters currently pumped from the basal aquifer which often require dearsenification treatments.


In order to evaluate groundwater regional resources, a mathematical model of the Gdansk hydrogeological system (Poland) was developed. The research area covers about 2,800 km2. Groundwater occurs in Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene formations. The recharge zone is situated in the glacial upland of the Kashubian Lake District. The discharge zone spreads over the lowlands of Gdansk and beneath the Bay of Gdansk (Baltic Sea). The MODFLOW program was used to develop a three-dimensional steady-state model on the basis of data from over 1,700 boreholes. The research area was digitalized as a square network of sides 200 m in length. Simplification of groundwater occurrence allowed four aquifers to be distinguished: upper Pleistocene, Pleistocene-Miocene, Oligocene-Eocene, and Cretaceous and also four intervening aquitards. The mathematical model calculations showed that the system is recharged mainly by precipitation (infiltration recharge is 136 mm/year). The precipitation recharge amounts to 1,045,440 m3/day. The other part of the inflow constitutes lateral flows from beyond the area of research and also to some extent from losing rivers and lakes. The runoff from the system takes place mainly through gaining streams and through lateral outflow including under-sea and lake discharge.  相似文献   

The occurrence of fluoride in ground water is the focus of the public and has attracted the attention of many scientists all over the world due to its importance in public health. Deficiency or increase of fluoride uptake is considered a public health problem due to the narrow permissible limit which should not exceed 1.5 mg/l according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The range of fluoride tolerance and toxicity is narrow. Deviation from the optimal levels therefore results in dental health effects such as caries and fluorosis. Many studies have found fluorosis to be invariably associated with high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water. Fluorosis is a considerable health problem in many areas of the world including Brazil, China, East Africa, Ghana, India, Kenya, Korea, Malawi, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, southeastern Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Tanzania, and Turkey. Fluoride in groundwater of Quaternary aquifer of the Nile Valley, Egypt, does not gain the attention of the authors in the Nile Valley which makes the public health status of fluoride is not certain. The present work aims at investigating the fluoride concentration of Quaternary groundwater aquifer at Luxor as a representative area of the Nile Valley to be a base line for subsequent studies and criteria for public health. Ground water samples were collected from Quaternary groundwater aquifer at Luxor area, Egypt and analyzed for the purpose of investigating fluoride content. The results showed that fluoride concentration in the study area ranges between 0.113 and 0.452 with an average of 0.242 mg/l. Sources of fluoride in the study area can result from the natural dissolution from fluoride-rich minerals, fertilizers and from groundwater recharge. It is worth mentioning that low fluoride content in the study area is considered a public health threat specially limited growth, fertility, and dental caries. Corrective measures should be taken to avoid the public health impacts of fluoride deficiency at Luxor area as well as similar areas in the Nile Valley. A public health program should be initiated to account for the deficiency of fluoride in groundwater and deal with the other supplementary fluoride sources in food or fluoridation of drinking water supplies.  相似文献   

A geochemical assessment of groundwater quality and possible contamination in the vicinity of the Bhalswa landfill site was carried out by using a hydrochemical approach with graphical and multivariate statistical methods with the objective of identifying the occurrence of various geochemical processes and understanding the impact of landfill leachates on groundwater quality. Results indicate that nitrate, fluoride and heavy-metal pollution are in an alarming state with respect to the use of groundwater for drinking purposes. Various graphical plots and statistical analyses have been applied to the chemical data based on the ionic constituents, water types, and hydrochemical facies to infer the impact of the landfill on groundwater quality. The statistical analysis and spatial and temporal variations indicate the leaching of contaminants from the landfill to the groundwater aquifer system. The concentrations of heavy metals in the landfill leachates are as follows: Fe (22 mg/l), Mn (~20 mg/l), Cu (~10 mg/l), Pb (~2 mg/l), Ni (0.25 mg/l), Zn (~10 mg/l), Cd (~0.2 mg/l), Cl (~4,000 mg/l), SO42− (~3,320 mg/l), PO43− (~4 mg/l), NO3 (30 mg/l) and fluoride (~50 mg/l); all were much higher than the standards. The study reveals that the landfill is in a depleted phase and is affecting groundwater quality in its vicinity and the surrounding area due to leaching of contaminants.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical and isotope data in conjunction with hydraulic head and spring discharge observations were used to characterize the regional groundwater flow dynamics and the role of the tectonic setting in the Gidabo River Basin, Ethiopian Rift. Both groundwater levels and hydrochemical and isotopic data indicate groundwater flow from the major recharge area in the highland and escarpment into deep rift floor aquifers, suggesting a deep regional flow system can be distinguished from the shallow local aquifers. The δ18O and δ2H values of deep thermal (≥30 °C) groundwater are depleted relative to the shallow (<60 m below ground level) groundwater in the rift floor. Based on the δ18O values, the thermal groundwater is found to be recharged in the highland around 2,600 m a.s.l. and on average mixed with a proportion of 30 % shallow groundwater. While most groundwater samples display diluted solutions, δ13C data of dissolved inorganic carbon reveal that locally the thermal groundwater near fault zones is loaded with mantle CO2, which enhances silicate weathering and leads to anomalously high total dissolved solids (2,000–2,320 mg/l) and fluoride concentrations (6–15 mg/l) exceeding the recommended guideline value. The faults are generally found to act as complex conduit leaky barrier systems favoring vertical mixing processes. Normal faults dipping to the west appear to facilitate movement of groundwater into deeper aquifers and towards the rift floor, whereas those dipping to the east tend to act as leaky barriers perpendicular to the fault but enable preferential flow parallel to the fault plane.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge is an important process for the management of both surface and subsurface water resources. The present study utilizes the application of analytical hierarchical process (AHP) on geospatial analysis for the exploration of potential zones for artificial groundwater recharge along Vaigai upper basin in the Theni district, Tamil Nadu, India. The morphology of earth surface features such as geology, geomorphology, soil types, land use and land cover, drainage, lineament, and aquifers influence the groundwater recharge in either direct or indirect way. These thematic layers are extracted from Landsat ETM+ image, topographical map, and other collateral data sources. In this study, the multilayers were weighed accordingly to the magnitude of groundwater recharge potential. The AHP technique is a pair-wise matrix analytical method was used to calculate the geometric mean and normalized weight of individual parameters. Further, the normalized weighted layers are mathematically overlaid for preparation of groundwater recharge potential zone map. The results revealed that 21.8 km2 of the total area are identified as high potential for groundwater recharge. The gentle slope areas in middle-east and central part have been moderately potential for groundwater recharge. Hilly terrains in south are considered as unsuitable zone for groundwater recharge processes.  相似文献   

In order to address the problem of realistic assessment of groundwater potential and its sustainability, it is vital to study the recharge processes and mechanism of groundwater flow in fractured hard rocks, where inhomogeneties and discontinuities have a dominant role to play. Wide variations in chloride, δ18O and 14C concentrations of the studied groundwaters observed in space and time could only reflect the heterogeneous hydrogeological setting in the fractured granites of Hyderabad (India). This paper, based on the observed isotopic and environmental chloride variations of the groundwater system, puts forth two broad types of groundwaters involving various recharge processes and flow mechanisms in the studied granitic hard rock aquifers. Relatively high 14C ages (1300 to ~6000 yr B.P.), δ18O content (?3.2 to ?1.5‰) and chloride concentration (<100 mg/l) are the signatures that identified one broad set of groundwaters resulting from recharge through weathered zone and subsequent movement through extensive sheet joints. The second set of groundwaters possessed an age range Modern to ~1000 yr B.P., chloride in the range 100 to ~350 mg/l and δ18O from ?3.2 to +1.7‰. The δ18O enrichment and chloride concentration, further helped in the segregation of the second set of groundwaters into three sub-sets characterized by different recharge processes and sources. Based on these processes and mechanisms, a conceptual hydrogeologic model has evolved suggesting that the fracture network is connected either to a distant recharge source or to a surface reservoir (evaporating water bodies) apart from overlying weathered zone, explaining various resultant groundwaters having varying 14C ages, chloride and δ18O concentrations. The surface reservoir contribution to groundwater is evaluated to be significant (40 to 70%) in one subset of groundwaters. The conceptual hydrogeologic model, thus evolved, can aid in understanding the mechanism of groundwater flow as well as migration of contaminants to deep groundwater in other fractured granitic areas.  相似文献   

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