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Yun Yang Jianfeng Wu Xiaomin Sun Jichun Wu Chunmiao Zheng 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2013,70(6):2481-2494
Two primary goals of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) for solving multi-objective optimization problems are to find as many nondominated solutions as possible toward the true Pareto front and to maintain diversity of Pareto-optimal solutions along the tradeoff curves. However, few MOEAs can achieve these two goals concurrently. This study presents a new hybrid MOEA, the niched Pareto tabu search combined with a genetic algorithm (NPTSGA), in which the global search ability of niched Pareto tabu search (NPTS) is improved by the diversification of candidate solutions that arose from the evolving population of nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II). The NPTSGA coupled with a flow and transport model is developed for multi-objective optimal design of groundwater remediation systems. The proposed methodology is then applied to a large field-scale groundwater remediation system for cleanup of large trichloroethylene plume at the Massachusetts Military Reservation in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Furthermore, a master-slave (MS) parallelization scheme based on the Message Passing Interface is incorporated into the NPTSGA to implement objective function evaluations in a distributed processor environment, which can greatly improve the efficiency of the NPTSGA in finding Pareto-optimal solutions to the real-world applications. This study shows that the MS parallel NPTSGA in comparison with the original NPTS and NSGA-II can balance the tradeoff between the diversity and optimality of solutions during the search process and is an efficient and effective tool for optimizing the multi-objective design of groundwater remediation systems under complicated hydrogeologic conditions. 相似文献
This paper presents a new geotechnical design concept, called robust geotechnical design (RGD). The new design methodology seeks to achieve a certain level of design robustness, in addition to meeting safety and cost requirements. Here, a design is considered robust if the variation in the system response is insensitive to the variation of noise factors such as uncertain soil parameters and construction quality. When multiple objectives are considered, a single best design may not exist, and a trade-off may be necessary. In such a case, a genetic algorithm is adopted for multi-objective optimization and a Pareto Front, which describes a trade-off relationship between cost and robustness at a given safety level, is established. The new design methodology is illustrated with an example of spread foundation design. The significance of the RGD methodology is demonstrated. 相似文献
P. F. Hudak 《Environmental Geology》1997,31(1-2):21-26
Simplified approaches are often used to model the removal of groundwater contamination. These approaches can yield poor remediation
schemes because they incorrectly portray the effects of multiple pumping wells. In this study, a pumping configuration designed
by graphically overlaying capture zones having an identical, quasi-elliptical shape was evaluated with a numerical mass transport
model. After a 3-year period (within which the hypothetical aquifer was to be remediated) the contaminant mass had been reduced
by 77%. Due to stagnation zones which developed between extraction wells, approximately 15 years of pumping was required to
remediate the aquifer with the overlay configuration. An alternative design, consisting of an extraction well between two
injection wells along the long axis of the plume, removed the contaminant within the 3-year design period.
Received: 23 October 1995 · Accepted: 18 June 1996 相似文献
将一种新的启发式和谐搜索算法(harmony search algorithm,HS)引入到水文地质领域。在对其音节调整步骤进行改进的基础上,提出快速和谐搜索算法(Fast harmony search algorithm,FHS),并将FHS算法与MODFLOW结合,用于水文地质问题的参数识别。算例研究表明,FHS算法较其他多种算法具有更强的全局搜索能力、更快的收敛速度及求解精度,可用于地下水数值模型的参数反演。 相似文献
采用模拟-优化方法建立了一个用于地下水污染监测网设计的多目标优化模型,该模型包括最小化监测费用、污染物质量评估误差、污染羽一阶矩评估误差和二阶矩评估误差等4个目标函数,以充分揭示减少地下水污染监测费用与提高污染监测精度之间的权衡关系.将改进小生境Pareto遗传算法与地下水流模拟程序和污染物运移模拟程序相耦合用于求解地下水污染监测网多目标设计模型.算例研究表明,采用进化算法求解监测网的多目标模型,能真实地反映各个目标函数间的权衡关系,并且不用考虑传统方法中惩罚因子的影响.与单目标优化模型相比,多目标优化模型可在较短的时间内得到优化问题的一系列Pareto权衡解,以利于相应条件下决策者选择最为经济有效的地下水污染监测方案. 相似文献
In the Daqing region of China there are 34 groundwater well fields with a groundwater withdrawal of 81.9×104 m3/d. Due to over-abstraction of the groundwater resources from the 1960s to present, a cone of depression up to 4,000 km2 has formed in the area. To monitor the change in the groundwater environment, it is necessary to design an effective groundwater-monitoring network. The sites for monitoring groundwater level were selected by applying the finite-element method coupled with Kalman filtering to the area in which the groundwater resources have been extensively exploited. The criterion is a threshold value of the standard deviation of estimation error. This threshold value is determined by the tradeoff between maximum information and minimum cost, in which the maximum information is characterized by the standard deviation and the minimum cost is equivalent to the number of observation wells. The groundwater flow model was calibrated by an optimal algorithm coupled the finite-element method with Kalman filtering by using the data from 16 observation wells from 1986 to 1993. A simulation algorithm coupled with the finite-element method with Kalman filtering analyzed the location data obtained from the existing 38 observation wells in the same region. The spatial distribution of standard deviation of estimation error is computed and the locations that have the maximum standard deviation are selected as additional sites for augmenting the existing observational well network at a given threshold value of the standard deviation surface. Based on the proposed method for selecting a groundwater level monitoring network, an optimal monitoring network with 88 observation wells with the measurement frequency of 12 times per year is selected in the Daqing region of China. 相似文献
低碳时代,水电作为清洁可再生能源,节能发电调度为梯级水电联合调度运行带来了难得的历史机遇,如何有效地开展梯级水库群优化调度,充分合理利用水能资源,是流域梯级电站管理迫切需要解决的问题。文章在对清江梯级与三峡梯级径流特征分析的基础上,建立了以水库群整体发电量最大和弃能最小为目标的梯级调度模型。根据电力系统对三峡、葛洲坝、水布垭、隔河岩、高坝洲水电站的要求,用1951—2002年的月径流资料和典型年的日径流资料进行长期和短期优化调度,采用多目标遗传算法得到清江3个电站、三峡-葛洲坝2电站单独运行和联合优化调度发电指标,5库联合优化调度系统多年平均发电量增加约21亿kW.h;短期(日)优化调度较长期(月时间尺度)优化调度发电效益有进一步提升,增发电量约9.68亿kW.h。研究表明,充分利用清江和三峡梯级实际运行位置相近、水力联系紧密、互补性强的特点,统一安排电站机组运行模式,合理分配机组出力,可在来水量相同的条件下获得更大的效益。 相似文献
The nearest neighbor search algorithm is one of the major factors that influence the efficiency of grid interpolation. This paper introduces a KD-tree that is a two-dimensional index structure for use in grid interpolation. It also proposes an improved J-nearest neighbor search strategy based on ??priority queue?? and ??neighbor lag?? concepts. In the strategy, two types of J-nearest neighbor search algorithms can be used; these algorithms correspond to the consideration of a fixed number of points and a fixed radius. By using the KD-tree and proposed strategy, interpolation can be performed with methods such as Inverse Distance Weighting and Kriging. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms has high operating efficiency, especially when the data amount is enormous, and high practical value for increasing the efficiency of grid interpolation. 相似文献
污染物事故性排放、工矿企业搬迁后遗留的污染场地修复面临各种问题,给地下水资源的使用带来严重威胁。地下水VOCs污染,具有易扩散迁移、毒性高、风险大的特点,修复难度较高。本文结合典型深层地下水修复案例,充分分析场地地质背景、水文地质条件等,根据污染物的特性、污染范围和分布特征,探讨各种修复技术的修复机理、修复对象和技术特点,针对VOCs污染修复进行性能比较及适用性分析。同时通过两个阶段的试验综合研究,原位和异位技术相结合,为开展类似地下水VOCs污染修复实践和管理提供了依据和思路。 相似文献
抗滑桩由于其桩位布置灵活、施工比较方便、治理效果可靠,是滑坡治理工程中广泛采用的一种抗滑措施。一直以来抗滑桩设计都是沿用手工查表计算的方法,采用这种传统的抗滑桩设计方法不仅增加了工程师繁重的计算工作,而且很难实现优化设计。文章在对抗滑桩的工作机理进行分析的基础上,讨论了影响抗滑桩经济性的主要因素,以抗滑桩的截面宽、高和长度为基本要素,建立了抗滑桩优化设计的数学模型,并采用遗传算法进行求解。最后对一个工程实例用传统设计方法和优化设计方法所得的结果进行了比较,结果表明,对抗滑桩进行优化设计不仅能减轻工程设计人员的工作量,还可以在满足安全的条件下明显的降低工程费用,在滑坡治理工程中具有一定的实际意义。 相似文献
An innovative setup of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) was installed in Willisau, Switzerland to remediate chromate contaminated groundwater. Instead of a conventional continuous barrier, this PRB consists of cylinders installed in rows: a single row for lower expected CrVI-concentrations and an offset double row for higher expected CrVI-concentrations. The cylinders are filled with reactive grey cast-Fe shavings mixed with gravel to prevent extensive precipitation of secondary phases in the pore space. The treatment of the contaminants takes place both within the cylinders and in the dissolved FeII plume generated downstream of the barrier. Monitoring of the contamination situation over a period of 3 a provided evidence of the mobilization, transport and behavior of the contaminants in the aquifer. Groundwater and reactive material were sampled upstream, within and downstream of the barrier by a Multi-Port Sampling System (MPSS) that revealed the geochemical processes as a function of time and space. Comprehensive chemical analyses included sensitive parameters such as CrVI, FeII/FeIII, redox potential, dissolved O2 and pH. Several campaigns using multiple optical tracers revealed a rather complex hydrological regime at different scales, thereby complicating the barrier performance. 相似文献
T. M. Whitworth 《Environmental Geology》1994,23(1):30-35
Shallow stratigraphic traps exist in certain geologic environments, which might complicate groundwater remediation efforts. Too often, pump-and-treat remediation wells are installed in geometric patterns designed to maximize cleanup operations. If, however, shallow stratigraphic traps are present, certain contaminants may be locally trapped and thus missed during cleanup operations. Alternatively, if shallow stratigraphic traps are delineated prior to location of cleanup wells, fewer wells may be needed for remediation. For example, a single well located at the trap apex, coupled with a single injection well, might be sufficient if: (1) all contaminants were contained in the trap, and (2) the trap was not laterally extensive. Interfluve stratigraphic traps are formed when braided outwash sands are subsequently covered by backswamp or lacustrine clay deposits. Such traps are common near-surface features of the valley train deposits of the Lower Mississippi River Valley and have relief of a few tens of centimeters to perhaps in excess of 10 m. Interfluve traps are also expected to commonly occur in many glaciated regions. Due to channel migration during backswamp clay deposition, and differing thicknesses of clay cover, it is unlikely that all interfluve traps can be delineated by a single method. Therefore, several geological techniques that might be useful in delineating shallow interfluve traps are briefly discussed here, as well as potential complications in using the described methods. 相似文献
Pattern classification using tabu search to identify the spatial distribution of groundwater pumping 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Pattern classification and Tabu Search are integrated to optimize the zonation and associated average groundwater pumping rates. A simulated problem analogous to the Choushui Creek Alluvial in Janghauh county of Taiwan is used to examine the proposed method. Three problems are tested including (1) optimizing zonation patterns with known pumping rates and number of zones, (2) optimizing pumping rates and zonation patterns with a predetermined number of zones, and (3) optimizing all pumping rates, number of zones, and zonation. The results indicate that the proposed method successfully identifies spatial patterns of groundwater pumping for all three cases. However, some initial zonations result only in local optimums. Thus, using more than one initial zonation to increase search diversification is recommended. Application to different problems such as the spatial distribution of hydraulic conductivity values and area weighting of rainfall stations, is encouraged.
Resumen El patrón de clasificación y la búsqueda tabú están integrados para optimizar la zonificación y las tasas promedio de bombeo de aguas subterráneas asociadas. Se ha utilizado un área diseñada análoga al arroyo aluvial Choushui en la provincia Janghauh en Taiwan para examinar el método propuesto. Se han probado tres problemas que incluyen (1) la zonificación únicamente con las tasas de bombeo y número de zonas dadas, (2) tasa de bombeo y zonificación con un número predeterminado de zonas, y (3) todas las tasa de bombeo, número de zonas y zonificaciones. Los resultados indican que el método propuesto identifica exitosamente los patrones espaciales de bombeo de las aguas subterráneas en los tres casos. Sin embargo, Algunas zonificaciones iniciales solamente resultan en óptimos locales. Por esta razón se recomienda utilizar más de una zonificación inicial para incrementar la diversificación de la búsqueda. Se sugiere la aplicación a problemas diferentes tales como la distribución espacial de conductividades hidraúlicas y la ponderación de áreas de estaciones de monitoreo de precipitación.
Résumé La classification des patrons et la recherche Tabu sont intégrés pour optimiser la zonation et la moyenne associée du taux de pompage de leau souterraine. Une région analogue à lalluvion du ruisseau Choushui de la région Janghauh en Taiwan a été recrée afin dexaminer la méthode proposée. Trois problèmes sont évalués, incluant loptimisation de (1) la zonation avec seulement un taux de pompage et un nombre de zones donnés, (2) le taux de pompage et la zonation avec un nombre prédéterminé de zones, et (3) tous les taux de pompage, nombre de zones et la zonation. Les résultats indiquent que la méthode proposée identifie avec succès les patrons de pompage de leau souterraine dans les trois cas. Toutefois, certaines zonations initiales résultent seulement en optimums locaux. Par conséquent, lutilisation de plus dune zonation initiale afin daugmenter la diversification de la recherche est recommandée. Lutilisation de la méthode est suggérée pour la résolution de différents problèmes tels que la distribution spatiale de la conductivité hydraulique et la pondération des stations de mesure de précipitations.相似文献
Inverse modeling of variable-density groundwater flow in a semi-arid area in Iran using a genetic algorithm 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Flow and mass transport parameter estimation was done by creating an inverse model of a seawater intrusion system using a genetic algorithm (GA) method as the optimization procedure. Firstly, the SEAWAT code was used for the forward solution part and then a program was written in MATLAB for coupling the forward and inverse processes. The auto-calibration objective function was defined with the root mean square errors (RMSE) between the observed and the simulated values. A simple GA was used to minimize the RMSE criterion. The methodology was applied to a coastal aquifer with heterogeneous formations in a semi-arid area near salty Tashk Lake (electrical conductivity 61,420 µS/cm), Fars province, Iran. In the last two decades, the overexploitation of groundwater has caused a major water level drawdown and, consequently, salt-water intrusion. Firstly, flow and transport parameters (hydraulic conductivity, porosity, specific storage coefficient and longitudinal dispersivity) were estimated simultaneously in steady-state and, secondly, in the developed code, these results were used as initial values of the parameters in transient-state. Results show a good match for observed and simulated data. It can be concluded that GA is a helpful tool for automatic calibration of variable density fluid systems such as seawater intrusion cases. 相似文献
Aleksandra Kiecak Grzegorz Malina Ewa Kret Tadeusz Szklarczyk 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2017,76(6):248
Selection of effective groundwater remediation scenarios is a complex issue that requires understanding of contaminants’ transport processes. The effectiveness of cleanup measures may be verified by fate and transport numerical modeling. The goal of this work was to present the usefulness of fate and transport modeling for planning, verification and fulfillment of effective groundwater remediation methods. Selection methodology was developed, which is based on results of numerical flow and transport modeling. A field site located in south-east Poland was selected as a case study, in which groundwater contamination of trichloroethene and tetrachloroethene was detected. The results indicated that “pump and treat” was the most effective among the studied remediation methods, followed by permeable reactive barrier and in situ chemical oxidation. Natural attenuation-based remediation was demonstrated to be the least suitable, as it requires the longest time to reach predefined remediation goals, principally due to low sorption capacity and unfavorable hydrogeochemical conditions for biodegradation. Fate and transport numerical modeling allowed simulating different remediation strategies, and thus the decision-making process was facilitated. 相似文献
Michael J. Barcelona 《Hydrogeology Journal》2005,13(1):288-294
The future of the development and application of groundwater remediation technologies will unfold in an atmosphere of heightened public concern and attention. Cleanup policy will undergo incremental change towards more comprehensive efforts which account for the impact of remediation on nearby resources. Newly discovered contaminants will cause the re-examination of mature technologies since they may be persistent, mobile and difficult to treat in-situ. Evaluations of the effectiveness of remedial technologies will eventually include by-product formation, geochemical consequences and sustainability. Long-term field trials of remedial technologies alone can provide the data necessary to support claims of effectiveness.
Resumen El futuro del desarrollo y de la aplicación de las tecnologías para la recuperación del agua subterránea, se revelará en una atmósfera de gran atención e interés público elevado. La política de limpieza sufrirá un cambio adicional hacia esfuerzos más tangibles, los cuales incluyan el impacto de la recuperación en los recursos circundantes. Los contaminantes recientemente descubiertos causarán la revisión de las tecnologías maduras, pues aquellos pueden ser persistentes, móviles y difíciles para tratar in situ. Las evaluaciones de la efectividad de las tecnologías de recuperación, incluirán eventualmente la formación de subproductos, consecuencias geoquímicas y la sostenibilidad. Las experiencias de campo de largo plazo, que se han hecho aplicando tecnologías de recuperación, pueden por si solas suministrar los datos necesarios para soportar las afirmaciones sobre su efectividad.
Résumé Dans le futur, le développement et les applications des technologies de traitement des eaux souterraines seront déroulés en tenant compte de linquiétude et lattention croissante de lopinion publique. La politique de nettoyage va subir un changement vers des efforts plus compréhensifs qui prendront en compte limpact du traitement sur les ressources voisines. Les nouveaux contaminants seront persistants, mobiles et difficile de traiter in situ; par conséquence ils vont provoquer la reexamination des technologies consacrées. Lévaluation de lefficacité des technologies de traitement doit considérer lapparition des produits secondaires ainsi que les conséquences géochimiques et le développement durable. Seulement les essais in situ, pendant des longues périodes sur les technologies peuvent fournir les éléments nécessaires pour démontrer leur efficacité.相似文献