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Marine fish discarding has become a contentious environmental issue, but little attention has been paid to the moral grievances that sometimes underlie discarding practices. This article explores such a moral grievance through a case study of the under-10 m fishery in Sussex, England, where discarding of cod (Gadus morhua) has become a highly charged issue, skippers blaming it on unjust quota allocations. The moral claim to a greater quota allocation is analysed using two conceptions of distributive justice, entitlement and desert. The conclusion reached is that the under-10 m fleet’s entitlement arguments for a higher quota are weaker than their desert arguments, but that entitlement arguments weigh more heavily than desert arguments with government when it allocates quota.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(5):407-420
Excessive overfishing combined with negative environmental conditions led to the decimation of the northern cod stock and its closure to commercial fishing in 1992. During the ensuing dozen years, the stock has not recovered. This paper considers the current state of the Newfoundland economy and the Newfoundland fishery and asks whether the lessons of the earlier day have been learned. The answer appears to be no. The main mover of the economy is exogenous to the fishery, the unemployment rate remains high, currently more than twice the Canadian rate, and the population of the province has fallen by ten percent. With respect to the fishery, although the decimated groundfish have been replaced by shellfish and the nominal value of landings has doubled since 1992, the fishery still has excess capacity, fishermen and fish plant workers generally earn low incomes, and the fishery remains heavily subsidized.  相似文献   

A string of fishing communities along the east coast of India recently decided to ban the use of a new kind of fishing gear, a snail net, in spite of its obvious profitability. The logistics of this measure as well as the reasons which inspired it are investigated in this article. It is argued that the banning of gear is part of a customary system of fisheries regulation and is rooted in local perceptions of ecological interdependency as well as conceptions of social justice. The case demonstrates, for an old and important fishery, that decision-making structures within a community of common property users are suited for taking action towards what is perceived to be a collective good.  相似文献   

The Newfoundland fishery has always been a dangerous industry, but since the collapse of groundfish stocks the pattern of risks has changed. To understand these changes we developed the Fishing Vessel Safety Longitudinal Analysis, a linked database comprising Department of Fisheries and Oceans catch and effort records, Search and Rescue Information System records, and Newfoundland and Labrador Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission claims. This paper discusses the methodological challenges and solutions associated with linking these databases. We conclude that improved coordination between these agencies is a prerequisite for linking their respective databases, which would in turn offer greatly enhanced opportunities to contribute to fishing safety.  相似文献   

This study examines the economic impacts of closing the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands bottomfish fishery, as part of a larger effort to create an effective marine protected area. An overview of the market for NWHI bottomfish in Hawaii is given using input–output data and a fishery closure analysis is conducted using public data on commercial fishing and primary information collected through interviews with wholesalers, restaurants, and retailers. Assuming the worst-case scenario, the wholesale price per pound of Onaga and Opakapaka is estimated to increase by $0.80 and $0.42, respectively. But this is unlikely, as the own-price elasticity of demand for Hawaii-caught bottomfish is found to be highly elastic and there is widespread substitution with imports. The overall economic loss is thus quite small, while the environmental gains of creating the largest marine protected area in the world could be substantial.  相似文献   

As a contribution to South Africa's move towards an ecosystem approach to fisheries management, this study explores the existence of common perceptions about South Africa's pelagic fishery between resource users and scientists. It represents a collaborative research effort of social and natural scientists. A brief overview is given of the southern Benguela upwelling ecosystem and small pelagic fish resources, the fishery, and management of the fishery. Stakeholder knowledge and views were determined by conducting open-ended qualitative local knowledge interviews. Candidate indicators to address five major issues raised in the interviews were selected: length-at-50% maturity, total mortality, exploitation rate, proportion of bycatch, mean length of catch, and centre of gravity of catches. The indicator approach is shown to be a useful tool to manage the South African small pelagic fishery, and can be made compatible with existing management approaches. The foundation of a good adaptive fisheries management system is a data collection system that enables multi-disciplinary analysis and provides a basis on which decisions can be made.  相似文献   

Catch-quota balancing in multispecies individual fishing quotas   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Individual fishery quotas (IFQs) are an increasingly prevalent form of fishery management around the world, with more than 170 species currently managed with IFQs. Yet, because of the difficulties in matching quota holdings with catches, many argue that IFQs are not appropriate for multispecies fisheries. Using on-the-ground-experience with multispecies IFQ fisheries in Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada, we assess the design and use of catch-quota balancing mechanisms. Our methodology includes a mix of interviews with fishery managers, industry representatives, and brokers, literature review, and data analysis. We find that a combination of incentives and limits on use rates for the mechanisms provide sufficient flexibility to the quota owner without the fishery manager incurring excessive levels of overexploitation risk. Contrary to some opinions, these programs are evidence that it is possible to implement IFQ programs for multispecies fisheries and that they can be profitable and sustainable.  相似文献   

Anecdotal data sources may constitute an important component of the information available about an exploited species, as record keeping may not have occurred until after exploitation began. Here, we aimed to fill any gaps in the exploitative history of the sparid snapper (Pagrus auratus), using social and historical research methods. Social research consisted of interviews with recreational fishers, focusing on the most and largest snapper they had caught. In addition, the diary‐logs of two recreational fishers were analysed. Historical research consisted of investigation of old books, photos, archives and unpublished sources unconventional to fishery science. Interviews with fishers demonstrated no or weak trends in snapper abundance or size, and were likely impeded by a lack of ability to detect change in a fish stock that may still be considered abundant. The fishers’ perception of change, however, largely reflected recent experiences (last c. 10 years), when biomass is understood to have increased, and mostly did not consider experiences before the 1980s. Alternatively, diary‐logs of fisher catch rates produced a pattern that matched formal stock assessments of snapper biomass, suggesting declines in abundance up until the 1990s and an increase in biomass after that time. Historical research, although more qualitative, had the ability to investigate periods where formal records were not kept and described a fishery vastly different from the current one. Snapper were easily caught, in great abundance and in unusual locations. Localised depletion of snapper was first noticed in the early 20th century, despite spectacular catches of snapper occurring after that time. Snapper behaviour was also likely different, with visual sightings of snapper by onlookers a common occurrence. Although predictions from stock assessment models are consistent with that of the anecdotes listed here (i.e., high biomass in the past), these anecdotes are valuable as they explain lost biomass in a perspective meaningful to all. This perspective may be valuable for managers trying to consider the non‐financial value of a shared fishery but, if unrecognised, represents a shifting baseline.  相似文献   

Tropical shrimp trawl fisheries are unsustainable, and similar sets of management measures are used globally to address the direct and indirect costs of their practices. Yet little is known about shrimp fishers’ perceptions, despite the clear importance of human behaviour in determining the success of fisheries management. This article presents the results of interviews with industrial shrimp trawl fishers from the southern Gulf of California, Mexico, and reveals fishers’ knowledge and attitudes that should be considered when developing management plans for industrial shrimp trawl fisheries. Fishers were asked to comment on problems facing the fishery, management options to address the issues, and the future of the fishery in general. The interviews also elicited new knowledge on effort and valuable components of bycatch, useful to the management process. Among the problems facing the Gulf of California fishery, fishers tended to identify those generated externally—fluctuations in shrimp populations, increases in fishing effort, decreases in shrimp prices and increasing overheads—and thus distance themselves from responsibility for management options. The successes of any mitigation measures for the fishery are likely to depend on proper enforcement and reliable governance, as our study indicates. Should strong enforcement be put in place, then trawl free areas seem to be the most pragmatic way to alleviate problems associated with the fishery; our effort data point to areas that might have greatest acceptance among fishers. A reduction in capacity would clearly complement marine zoning for trawl free areas. In the long run, however, it may be economic extinction of the fishery that reduces pressure on the marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

In the North Atlantic the Icelandic, the North Sea, and the Newfoundland cod stocks are currently overexploited. Overexploitation also characterised the Northeast Arctic cod stock, but effective management measures introduced in 1990 and the years thereafter have brought this stock within safe biological limits. The Northeast Arctic cod stock is transboundary and shared between Norway and Russia. As guidelines for a sound management strategy of this cod stock in the future, reference points for management are discussed. As a point of departure, a management strategy which fulfils the objectives for fishery policy stated by Norway is analysed. These objectives, focusing on sustainable harvesting, increased profitability and the role of the fishery as employer of labour in rural districts are fundamental in most of the world's fishery nations.The “optimal” strategy is defined as the one which fulfils these in the best way possible. The natural variations are discussed and the biological and economic yield's dependence upon the rate of exploitation are analysed. The analysis shows that the size of the spawning stock should be no less than 500 000 tonnes and that highest yield is obtained through a rate of exploitation of around 17–30% (equivalent to a fishing mortality of about 0.20–0.40). A spawning stock size of 500 000 tonnes should therefore serve as a “limit reference point” and a fishing mortality of about 0.20–0.40 should serve as a “target reference point” in the management of Northeast Arctic cod.The method described may be applied to other demersal stocks to help establish target and limit reference points in order to conduct a sound management.  相似文献   

Since the first limited entry Bristol Bay drift and set gillnet permits were issued in 1975, many local residents have sold their permits to non-resident fishermen. Declining local permit ownership destabilizes the main economic base of the region. Previous studies have documented the decline of locally owned permits and have proposed social and economic hypotheses that could explain why local permit ownership is declining in limited entry fisheries in Alaska. To stem the outward flow of permits, the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation operates a Permit Loan Program to assist Bristol Bay watershed residents in buying permits. Despite its generous benefits, it has not reversed the decline in local permit ownership. This paper examines why residents enter or exit the fishery. Hypotheses on permit retention were tested through interviews with Bristol Bay fishery participants. Interviewees indicate stronger cultural and familial ties than economic factors to fishing. As local permit ownership has declined, these ties are being lost, leading to declining interest in the fishery. Commercial fishing is a competitive and costly enterprise. Successful participants in the fisheries, especially the drift gillnet fishery, are financially savvy with supplemental non-fishing income that outcompete residents by catching most of the fish. The Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation Permit Loan Program appears unable to stop the local loss of permits. There are no obvious ways to expand local permit ownership and retaining local permits remains a major challenge for the region. However, it is important for local residents to participate in the fishery because it keeps communities economically and socially healthy, gives residents access to their local resources and strengthens their voice in managing their local resources.  相似文献   

The collapse of cod stocks off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador in the early 1990s has been widely identified as one of the greatest human-ecological catastrophes of the 20th century. In the aftermath of the crisis, heated debates took place about how the fishery should be structured in the future in order to facilitate the recovery of stocks and sustain coastal livelihoods. In the end, the trade union representing fishers and fish processing plant workers in the province proved successful in resisting pressures from fish processing companies to introduce full-scale privatization. It was also able to expand access to the lucrative snow crab fishery, thereby improving incomes for most remaining independent fishers in the province. Nevertheless, this paper argues that policy changes made shortly after cod moratorium, in combination with changing environmental, demographic, and market conditions, have created a situation which now threatens to undermine the capacity for small-scale fishing enterprises to remain independently owned and operated into the future.  相似文献   

Myers and Worm claim that their analyses of catch rates following the commencement of industrial longline fishing for tuna and billfishes show that these longline fisheries rapidly depleted the abundance of these large oceanic predators by 90% (Myers RA, Worm B. Rapid worldwide depletion of predatory fish communities. Nature 2003;423:280–3). Their analyses were published in a high profile science journal along with an accompanying press release, which then attracted substantial international media focus and public attention. This media focus in turn has been used as a base for advocating major marine policy changes for pelagic tuna fisheries (e.g. a minimum of a 50% reduction in catches and establishment of extensive marine reserves). However, among numerous scientific experts involved in tuna and pelagic fishery research substantial concerns exist that Myers and Worm's analyses provide a misleading picture of the status of large predatory pelagic fishes. These concerns are reviewed using data from the Indian Ocean for illustrative purposes and indicate that the initial longline catches were not responsible for a rapid depletion of the main tuna and billfish stocks nor were they threatening the overall sustainability of these stocks. However, the status of a number of theses stocks is of concern as a result of large increases in catches in more recent years. The debate sparked by Myers and Worm's paper should not distract from the critical problem of developing and implementing effective international management policies. In addition to implications for fishery management, the publication, peer-review, scientific response and publicity process associated with the publication of Myers and Worm's paper are discussed. Concerns are raised that if these become standard practices for articles in high profile science journals that this would undermine the trust placed in such journal to provide an accurate and well-balanced representation of the most important new scientific findings and in their role to inform policy decisions based on these findings.  相似文献   

Currently there is a strong interest in Cuba in improving the performance of the fisheries sector with respect to social, biological, and economic outcomes. Many important fishery resources appear to be overexploited, and previous fishery regulations have had mixed success in restoring fishery stocks. The current fishing pressure could also have adverse impacts on other valuable ecosystem services that support economic activities such as dive tourism and recreational fishing. A new State policy to expand cooperative enterprises to non-agricultural sectors provides an opportunity for fishery cooperatives to be created for the first time since the early years of the Cuban Revolution. This paper explores the potential ecological, social, and economic benefits of adopting fishery cooperatives as a co-management scheme for Cuba's marine fisheries. It concludes that well-designed fishery cooperatives can offer substantial benefits to the management of the fishery sector. Based on an analysis of the relative success of fishing cooperatives worldwide, guidelines are provided for the design of fishery cooperatives in Cuba.  相似文献   

An operational satellite remote sensing system for ocean fishery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ocean environmental information is very important to supporting the fishermen in fishing and satellite remote sensing technology can provide it in large scale and in near real-time. Ocean fishery locations are always far away beyond the coverage of the satellite data received by a land-based satellite receiving station. A nice idea is to install the satellite ground station on a fishing boat. When the boat moves to a fishery location, the station can receive the satellite data to cover the fishery areas. One satellite remote sensing system was once installed in a fishing boat and served fishing in the North Pacific fishery areas when the boat stayed there. The system can provide some oceanic environmental charts such as sea surface temperature (SST) and relevant derived products which are in most popular use in fishery industry. The accuracy of SST is the most important and affects the performance of the operational system, which is found to be dissatisfactory. Many factors affect the accuracy of SST and it is difficult to increase the accuracy by SST retrieval algorithms and clouds detection technology. A new technology of temperature error control is developed to detect the abnormity of satellite-measured SST. The performance of the technology is evaluated to change the temperature bias from-3.04 to 0.05 ℃ and the root mean square (RMS) from 5.71 to 1.75 ℃. It is suitable for employing in an operational satellite-measured SST system and improves the performance of the system in fishery applications. The system has been running for 3 a and proved to be very useful in fishing. It can help to locate the candidates of the fishery areas and monitor the typhoon which is very dangerous to the safety of fishing boats.  相似文献   

遥感与GIS支持下的海洋渔业空间分布研究——以东海为例   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
基于海洋渔业多年来生产实践所表明的海洋渔场与海洋水文要素密切相关性,将研究区的遥感融合信息与生产数据进行GIS空间配准,同时建立了诸多要素数据的空间聚类模式,利用该模式提取了水文信息和中心渔场信息相关联的空间分布规律的隐伏信息,由此阐述了实现海洋渔业现代化,应用空间遥感融合信息和GIS支持下指导海洋渔业生产的渔情预报有着重要意义.  相似文献   

Carrying capacity is an important index used to evaluate the status of regional resources, ecological environment, and regional economic development. Marine industrial parks have gained substantial attention from domestic and foreign investors and governments at all levels; in particular, these parks are an essential part of the national blue economy development plan of the Chinese government. The carrying capacity of a marine industrial park is important to all related stakeholders. In this study, an evaluation system was established based on the literature review and expert interviews by using 32 indices under three dimensions (pressure, bearing, and transformation) to determine the carrying capacity of a marine industrial park. The carrying capacity of marine industrial parks in Shandong Province was evaluated using this system across diverse dimensions by incorporating state space and analytic hierarchy processes. Results indicated that carrying capacity significantly differed among regions, parks, and specific dimensions. Comparison among different types of marine industrial parks indicated that the modern marine service industry and fishery industrial parks showed improved and efficient development with relatively high bearing rates. By contrast, the modern marine manufacturing industry and strategic emerging industrial parks were significantly underdeveloped. This study proposes academic approaches and practical implications for the involved governments and managing committees. Furthermore, suggestions on park planning, policy support, industrial cluster, and industry–university–research institute alliances are provided to the government and enterprise perspectives to increase the carrying capacity of marine characteristic industrial parks.  相似文献   

This article provides a historical account of Chinese public policy on fisheries subsidies, and a discussion of problems and limitations resulting from the World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha Round fisheries subsidies negotiation. By analyzing subsidization trends and applying a proportional assessment of subsidized areas, the article tracks the evolvement of Chinese fishery policy objective and priorities. Chinese fishery is not historically significantly subsidized in light of its relatively market-oriented structure and a sustained momentum in reducing marine capture capacity. However, due to the commitment to encouraging qualitative growth and to satisfying a rising domestic demand for fish, the government seeks for adequate policy space to employ fuel, distant water fisheries, infrastructure and various ‘green light’ subsidies. Whether or not such a claim can be accepted as a developmental right not an exception remains to be answered by the revision of current negotiation draft.  相似文献   

黄海西部渔业资源状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨纪明 《海洋科学》1988,12(4):70-71
黄海是中国大陆和朝鲜半岛之间的陆架浅海,北起鸭绿江口,南迄长江口北,西北部与渤海相通,南部和东海相连。这个海域位于暖温带,既有暖流的进入,又有沿岸流和冷水团终年存在。这样的环境条件,决定了海洋动物区系和渔业资源中以暖温性鱼类(小黄鱼、真鲷、蓝点鲅、青鳞鱼、皱唇鲨、孔鳐等)为主、同时兼有暖水性(鲐鱼、鳓鱼等)和冷温性(太平洋鲱、鳕鱼  相似文献   

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification is a market-based incentive program recognizing well-managed fisheries. Currently, four Argentine fisheries are involved in the MSC program. Using in-depth, semi-structured interviews with fishery stakeholders, the study surveys their perceptions regarding MSC certification. MSC certification is positively perceived because stakeholders focus on knowledge of the process. Most respondents consider certification as encouraging effective fishery stakeholders’ participation: access to information, increased communication, and reaching consensus. Market/political/social realities will prove whether a more intense participation of Argentine fisheries in the certification initiative is useful. Because some markets in the EU and USA are demanding MSC certified products, there is a need to work towards a governance structure that helps link certification with policy market outcomes to ensure exportation of Argentine fish. MSC certification may suggest improved management of participatory bottom-up planning. This bottom-up approach provides an opportunity to establish feedback mechanisms and organizational changes.  相似文献   

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