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Despite the importance of the socio-economic dimension of the use of marine waters, there has been little research in the field until recently, when interest has grown in the concept of ‘blue growth'. This paper aims to contribute to filling this gap with a socio-economic assessment of the main maritime sectors, focused on the Spanish part of the European Atlantic Arc. To this end, it first proposes a theoretical structure for the maritime economy and then collects and classifies comparable and reliable maritime socio-economic indicators. The data obtained allows us to assess the size of the Spanish maritime sector and the position of the Spanish Maritime Cluster in the wider context of the maritime economy of the European Atlantic, as well as discuss the appropriateness of a strategy of forming clusters at the national level vs. a transnational approach. The results indicate differences between regions in the European Atlantic Arc that complicate the development of integrated policies to stimulate blue growth. Extending our knowledge of the maritime economy of the European Atlantic Arc will make it possible to design strategies that address the real issues, increasing the likelihood of these being effective.  相似文献   

Successive marine policies set by the European Union identify the maritime sectors as crucial drivers for growth and jobs in the EU economy. The design of marine policies and the assessment of the importance of the maritime economy need empirical support that provides the basic data to help the decision-making process. This paper proposes a metric, in the form of a synthetic index, to measure and compare the importance of the maritime sectors in the European Atlantic area. The index scores can be used to assess the position of each Atlantic region so that it is possible to compare its performance to the rest of the area. The results show the relative weight of the maritime sectors in the European Atlantic regions and the high heterogeneity among them. Analyzing the maritime economy with this index can provide guidance for the design of economic policies to identify and revitalize the regions with greater potential for Blue Growth in the Atlantic area. This may help to put into perspective the importance of the maritime economy and can serve to improve the socio-economic dimension of the use of marine waters.  相似文献   

The EU Blue Growth Agenda targets maritime economic activities that have the sea and the coasts as drivers. These activities are supported by marine Ecosystem Services (ES) in combination, or not, with abiotic outputs from the marine natural capital. This paper analyses Blue Growth activities with regards to the demand and supply of marine ES and Good Environmental Status (GES). The results show that marine provisioning ES support aquaculture and blue biotechnology, while blue energy is supported by marine provisioning ES and by abiotic provisioning, and abiotic provisioning supports extraction of marine mineral resources. Maritime, coastal and cruise tourism is supported by cultural marine ES and cultural settings dependent on marine abiotic structures. All these multi-sectoral economic activities depend on healthy marine and coastal ecosystems that are provided by regulating and maintenance ES combined with the abiotic regulation and maintenance by natural marine physical structures and processes. In order to balance concurrent sectoral interests and achieve sustainable use of marine resources there is the need to consider indicators for demand for ES, which are social and economically driven, and for the supply, which are dependent on ecosystems capacity to provide the required marine ES. Some of the actions foreseeing GES are already anticipated in legislation that underpin Blue Growth, whilst others could benefit from additional regulation, particularly in what concern the exploration and exploitation of marine mineral and biological resources. Blue Growth options require navigating trade-offs between economic, social and environmental aspects.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2005,29(4):371-383
Environmental changes at home and abroad as well as rapid advancement in ocean technology are calling for a great shift in the perception of the maritime industry and for new policy measures. This situation demands that researchers provide policy-makers with accessible and reliable information regarding the role of the maritime industry. This study employs input–output (I–O) analysis to examine the role of the maritime industry in the national economy for the period 1975–1998, with specific application to Korea. This paper, therefore, has two major goals. The first is the development of a static I–O framework for examining the role of the maritime industry in the short run. The second goal is obtaining at least a preliminary indication of the role of the maritime industry. This study pays particular attention to the maritime industry by taking the industry as exogenous and then investigating its economic impacts. Finally, we present the results, which address inter-industry linkage effects in 32 sectors, production-inducing effects, employment-inducing effects, supply-shortage effects of the maritime sector and pervasive effects of price change in the maritime sector.  相似文献   

Being a littoral state, Malaysian maritime sectors provide the basis for the growth and development of marine-related activities. As the country enters the new millennium along with the ‘2020 Vision’ which serves as the basic template against which the economic performance of these sectors should be judged, it poses a new challenge for Malaysia in developing these sectors. This paper attempts to address three basic issues: Firstly, is there any national ocean policy in place? Secondly, are the maritime sectors adequately organized to play an important role in achieving the objectives? Thirdly, what are the opportunities available in developing the ocean?It can be seen that existing policies to develop comprehensive ocean governance have not received the full attention they deserve. Organizational structures governing the ocean for implementing national policies are well in place but in a fragmented and uncoordinated fashion. As a result, sectoral and intersectoral management problems were created such as multiple-use conflicts, overlapping of jurisdiction and duplication of efforts. Environmental problems have also not been properly addressed. A few sectors have been identified as offering opportunities to further develop the Malaysian maritime areas. Among these are marine education and human resources development, marine tourism and the seafood industry.  相似文献   

This paper uses an input–output model to quantify the socioeconomic impact of fishing and aquaculture on Galicia, one of Spain's most important maritime regions. Results indicate that the carryover effects of these production activities are important for Galicia's economy because they contribute not only to job creation but also to possibilities for obtaining income in other economic sectors. These sectors’ combined production in 2013 was almost a million euros, and that production was estimated to account for nearly 2% of the regional economy's value added and for more than 17,000 full-time jobs. Together these contributions amounted to some €1.7 billion in production and €975 million in value added to other Galician economic activities. At the same time, fishing and aquaculture were responsible for creating the equivalent of more than 14,000 full-time jobs in other economic activities.  相似文献   

Numerous national governments and supranational organizations such as the OSPAR Commission, the European Union and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have underlined the importance of maritime spatial planning (MSP) for balancing and solving conflicts between the needs of different sectors and conservation in the marine space. In the last decade, many maritime spatial plans have been developed around the world. The drivers to develop these plans and the approaches to find solutions for the particular problems differ significantly. The Portuguese national marine jurisdiction is one of the largest in Europe. For the continental part, a maritime spatial plan was initiated in 2009, and entered in 2010 in the final stage of approval. One of the driving forces for this MSP initiative was the claim to extend its continental shelf. The development process was led by a multidisciplinary team. Despite the challenges, the existing as well as potential future marine resources and activities were characterized, mapped and categorized. To overcome conflicts resulting from the many overlapping uses and to assure sustainable development of all sectors, a conflict analysis and evaluation of potential future uses were necessary. The applied zoning scheme represented an exercise of conflict solving and proved to be a powerful tool to promote discussion and participation among stakeholders. The successful implementation of Portuguese MSP will rely largely on its ability to provide efficient management, financial and legal mechanisms to achieve the integration of all strategies and spaces under the Portuguese maritime jurisdiction.  相似文献   

In recent years, clusters of industry have attracted multilateral attention, from academia and practice, alike. Clusters of industry relate to harbouring regional competitiveness; as such, they have come to be considered as important constructs for strategy and policy, that can be deemed as complementary domains. At the same time, maritime clusters are regarded as dynamic cases from a multitude of viewpoints. The concepts of strategic policy, particularly as they pertain to maritime clusters, require deeper understanding and more thorough analysis. In this context, cluster typologies surface as a useful instrument that can offer valuable insight. While this field instils the eventuality of facilitating policy and strategy within clusters, it remains relatively barren. This instance may present the opportunity to better elaborate on the formulation of models and frameworks that address the intricacies within maritime clusters. The research conducted introduces a three-tier framework for the generation of maritime cluster typologies, that bears the potential to enrich strategic management and its eventual policy implications, towards a more streamlined and informed manifestation.  相似文献   

21世纪是"海洋的世纪",发展海洋事业已成为全世界的一种广泛共识。党的十九大提出了"坚持陆海统筹,加快建设海洋强国"的重大战略部署,海上合作是"一带一路"建设聚焦的重点领域之一。在新的形势下,通过全面总结我国海洋科技进展,系统分析"一带一路"国家海洋科技合作重点领域情况,我国应在已有良好合作的基础上,更进一步推进双边海洋科技合作伙伴关系,建立海洋领域联合研究中心,结合重点方向,积极开展联合科学研究和技术应用,实现技术装备和数据产品的共享,促进海洋经济发展,加强海洋技术的转移转化,开展人员交流培训和合作研究,互学互鉴、互利共赢,提升我国海洋科技的创新力和国际影响力,加快构建海洋命运共同体,为推动人类命运共同体作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

New multi-sectoral policies with a regional implementation are developed when maritime states recognise the importance of managing the marine environment under an ecosystem-perspective rather than a use-perspective. In Europe, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is the first attempt to promote an integrated management of the seas from the coastline to the limit of the Exclusive Economic Zone. This paper shows that, nine years from the MSFD adoption, there remain several ecological, economic, social and governance challenges. Using information gathered in a dedicated survey of the European Union Marine Strategy Coordination Group and in the recent literature the paper identifies the obstacles preventing a successful regional cooperation and policy integration. The survey indicates that the MSFD coordination structures are, in general, well-developed but there is an apparent lack of political will to coordinate actions at the regional level. Member States request greater flexibility to implement the Directive but they put their national interests before the benefit of a coherent and integrated approach for the entire region. Differences in budget, economic sector predominance, lack of staff and the MSFD short time-scale are identified as the factors that can hamper cooperation. These have produced recommendations of possible strategies for optimising regional coordination structures which respect the subsidiarity principle underpinning the MSFD.  相似文献   

Recent research in Ireland has estimated both the national and regional economic value of the marine sector. However, economic activity does not exist in a vacuum. Activities in the marine sector not only directly affect the industries in the sector but also influence other sectors through inter-sectoral linkages. This paper uses an input–output (IO) methodology to examine the linkages and production effects of the Irish marine sector on the national economy. Disaggregating the Irish IO table for 2007 to include 10 additional marine sectors, this paper represents the first effort to quantify the inter-industry linkage effects, production-inducing effects and employment multipliers in the marine sector. This analysis found that a number of marine sectors, notably the maritime transportation sector, have an important economic role within the wider Irish economy.  相似文献   

为落实2010年APEC领导人宣言有关绿色增长及环境可持续发展方面的内容,APEC海洋可持续发展中心(AMSD)于2011年11月在中国厦门举办APEC蓝色经济论坛.通过APEC经济体代表们的广泛研讨,在蓝色经济研究方面提出了应重点关注的6个领域,包括陆海统筹、区域海洋经济统计标准、海洋生态系统服务价值、海洋经济政策调整、海洋经济数据政策及生态补偿等方面.基于此次论坛的研讨成果,作者建议中国蓝色经济未来的发展战略应是在深化理解蓝色经济理念的基础上,贯彻陆海统筹战略,建立区域海洋经济统计标准,形成政府政策导向,肯定海洋自然资本的价值,加强相关能力建设与深化国际合作.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes International Maritime Organization (IMO) involvement in maritime cooperation regime in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore through multilateralism. It begins by introducing the maritime cooperation regime prior to 2001, which was mainly trilateral in nature through Tripartite Technical Expert Group on the Safety of Navigation (TTEG). Although TTEG managed to increase the level of safety of navigation in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore through the implementation of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) in 1981 and Mandatory Ship Reporting System (STRAITREP) in 1998, such cooperation was beset by financial strain and conflict of interests. Subsequently, there was a change in the cooperation regime after 9/11 incident. This paper identifies that the change was contributed by the IMO through a methodology called multilateralism. Three important principles were adopted by IMO in implementing multilateralism in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore, namely generalized principles of conduct (respect for sovereignty and compliance with burden sharing principle under Article 43 of UNCLOS 1982), diffuse reciprocity, and indivisibility. This paper concludes that multilateralism by IMO has transformed trilateral cooperation into multilateral cooperation in the Straits of Malacca, combining state actors (littoral states and user states) and non-state actors (non-governmental organizations and international shipping industries).  相似文献   

A comprehensive maritime industry policy that can be adequately monitored to achieve a competitive advantage is important. The Malaysian maritime industry comprises multifaceted sectors that are governed by fragmented governmental agencies. In this research, we investigated the Malaysian maritime industry cluster comprising three main sectors: Shipping, Ship Industry, Ports and Terminals. The Strength Indicator Model has been developed to reveals the maritime industry cluster. We find that the Competitions, Locations, Connections, Government and Chances factors affect the capability of the Malaysian maritime industry cluster. The result of this study will give a framework for Regulatory bodies and the various stakeholders to support the Malaysia maritime industry progressing toward a more competitive and sustainable development of the industry with the aim to become the developed maritime nation.  相似文献   

为推动中法在南太平洋地区的海洋治理合作,进一步构建海洋命运共同体,文章考察中法在南太平洋地区海洋治理的动因,并尝试提出双方合作的现实选择。研究结果表明:中法应联合设立应对南太平洋地区气候变化的资金平台,规范融资机制;推动建立海洋生物多样性保护机制;联合开展海草床和珊瑚礁等典型海洋生态系统的监视监测、健康评价和保护修复;加强蓝碳治理合作;以南太平洋区域环境署为平台,推动中法在南太平洋海洋环境保护方面的合作。  相似文献   

伴随海洋产业与现代金融业的深度融合,资本市场已成为涉海企业投融资的重要渠道。然而当今世界重大风险事件频发,对资本市场造成强烈冲击,同时加速风险在资本市场的积累与蔓延,对涉海企业带来重大影响,损害海洋产业链供应链的安全与稳定。在此背景下,研究重大风险事件发生时期涉海企业间的风险溢出特征,挖掘不同产业板块间的风险溢出效应,有助于建立高效的风险防控及预警机制,提升海洋产业链供应链的韧性和安全水平,推动海洋经济的高质量增长。文章利用基于TVP-VAR模型的溢出指数法,对属于渔业、海油、海运及船舶产业板块的涉海企业间的风险溢出效应进行分析,并构建风险溢出网络进行拓扑特征分析。实证结果表明:涉海企业对同属产业板块企业的风险溢出强度最大;从产业角度看,渔业及海运产业是风险净接收者,海油及船舶产业是风险净溢出者;风险溢出效应具有时变特征,涉海企业的总体风险溢出指数在重大风险事件冲击下会呈现显著上升趋势;相较于无重大风险事件发生时期,风险溢出网络在重大风险事件发生时期的平均聚类系数更大,即涉海企业在网络中的连接更为紧密,风险流转效率更高。  相似文献   

The coming into effect of the Directive 2008/56/EC (Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)) will induce European Union member States to create mechanisms for managing maritime space in order to comply with the goals set out in this binding legislation. This leads one to think that marine spatial planning in various countries in the EU will be directed at complying with the Directive's environmental goals, as is the case in Spain, rather than undertaking proactive planning for developing the maritime sectors. To put the case of Spain into perspective, a review is conducted of the initiatives taken, especially in Europe and the European Union, exploring the correlations between the main focuses of the maritime sectors and the planning systems. The analysis of the Spanish initiative demonstrates how the maritime economy model and geopolitical factors explain the planning options for the marine environment. In other respects, with the coming into effect of the MSFD, a dual institutional course for marine spatial planning seems to be opening up in the EU: Integrated Maritime Policy vs. the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.  相似文献   

The three nations surrounding the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) are experiencing rapidly expanding populations and economic development. Problems associated with governing a transboundary body of water such as the GoM are becoming increasingly evident. Despite various attempts within each nation to establish more integrated ocean and coastal governance mechanisms within their own jurisdictions, there has been very little cooperation between the U.S., Mexico and Cuba in developing coordinated maritime policies for the GoM Region. After providing an overview of current marine policy initiatives in the three nations, a brief analysis of recent efforts by the European Union is presented. The paper contends that this European initiative may provide guidance for future integrated management policies in the GoM, but notes that progress depends on reducing legal and political obstacles to international collaboration in the Region.  相似文献   

Offshore waters are in a process of transition, revealing diverse and heterogenic interests in marine resources. This increasing complexity leads to limits in developing and managing the different and often spatially overlapping maritime activities independently of one another. On a showcase basis we discuss ways and manners as well as the preconditions of an offshore co-management approach for the fledgling actor groups offshore wind farmers and mariculturists. Both groups may benefit through the integration of operation and maintenance (O&M) activities. Their resources in terms of offers, needs and constraints characteristics and thereof deduced potentialities for interaction is a prerequisite for initiating a co-management process. This process is more likely to develop and succeed if an interface management that acts as a moderator, disclosing the interests of the actor groups and offering possibilities for concerted action, guides it. It is concluded that such an institutional arrangement may in the long term contribute to a sound methodological tool for a co-management approach between different offshore maritime sectors.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results of a project on Canada's regional clusters in the maritime industry. The objectives of this paper are twofold: firstly, the driving forces and the development processes of the different maritime clusters in Canada are described. Secondly, the role of cluster policy in promoting maritime competitiveness in Canada and the key institutional and geographic barriers that affect their growth and development are discussed. The empirical work consists of analyses and assessment of three clusters in different provinces in Canada: Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and British Columbia.  相似文献   

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