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This study examines a Kuroshio main path(KMP) cut-off event east of Taiwan Island occurred in fall-winter2013–2014 and its impacts on the South China Sea(SCS) by analyzing satellite altimetry and mooring observations. Satellite altimeter sea level anomaly(SLA) images reveal a complete process that a huge cyclonic eddy(CE) from the Pacific collided with the Kuroshio and the western boundary from 15 October 2013 to 15 January 2014. Mooring observations evidenced that the Kuroshio upper ocean volume transport was cut off more than 82% from 17×106 m~3/s in September to 3×106 m~3/s in November 2013. The KMP cut-off event caused the Kuroshio branching and intruding into the SCS and strengthened the eddy kinetic energy in the northern SCS west of the Luzon Strait. Using the total momentum as a dynamic criterion to determine the role of eddy collision with the Kuroshio reasonably explains the KMP cut-off event.  相似文献   

The failure of the command and control approach to fisheries management has encouraged governments to look for new ways of balancing the requirement to conserve fish stocks and yet maintain a flow of benefits that will meet economic and social targets. In the quest to establish a system for sustaining production in the Common Pond, the European Union (EU) has begun to investigate alternatives to the current management system. This research paper examines the problems associated with the current management regime operating in the EU in the light of alternatives for managing the fisheries. The research seeks to establish whether, given the serious problems confronting the EU's fishing industries, fishermen would be prepared to accept change and offer their ideas and support to develop an alternative management system. The research draws on the opinions of fishermen from Shetland and discusses the findings gained from interviewing key informants in conjunction with the results of an opinion survey of skippers and boat owners.  相似文献   

Integration of 2D and 3D seismic data from the Qiongdongnan Basin along the northwestern South China Sea margin has enabled the seismic stratigraphy, seismic geomorphology and emplacement mechanisms of eight separate, previously undocumented, mass–transport complexes (MTCs) to be characterized. These eight MTCs can be grouped into two types:(1) Localized detached MTCs, which are confined to submarine canyons and cover hundreds of km2, consist of a few tens of km3 remobilized sediments and show long striations at their base. They resulted from small-scale mass-wasting processes induced by regional tectonic events and gravitational instabilities on canyon margins.(2) Regional attached MTCs, which occur within semi-confined or unconfined settings and are distributed roughly perpendicular to the strike of the regional slope. Attached MTCs occupy hundreds to thousands of km2 and are composed of tens to hundreds of km3 of remobilized sediments. They contain headwall escarpments, translated blocks, remnant blocks, pressure ridges, and basal striations and cat-claw grooves. They were created by large-scale mass-wasting processes triggered by high sedimentation rates, slope oversteepening by shelf-edge deltas, and seismicity.Our results show that MTCs may act as both lateral and top seals for underlying hydrocarbon reservoirs and could create MTC-related stratigraphic traps that represent potential drilling targets on continental margins, helping to identify MTC-related hydrocarbon traps.  相似文献   

The recovery of drill cores involves changes in pressure and temperature conditions, which inevitably alter the mechanical properties of unlithified sediments. While expansion from unloading after core recovery is well studied, the effects from cooling on standard geotechnical tests are commonly neglected. Along the central portion of the Nankai margin sediments were recovered from high in-situ temperatures of up to 110 °C during IODP Leg 190. So far, the interpretation of the consolidation state of the Lower Shikoku Basin facies (LSB) entering the accretionary Nankai margin is ambiguous. Results from laboratory consolidation tests at room temperature show high pre-consolidation stresses. These were interpreted as hardening caused by cementation, while the field-based porosity vs. depth trend points towards normal consolidation. As an explanation for this discrepancy, the change of the mechanical properties by cooling from in-situ to laboratory conditions is proposed. In this paper, the results of a thermo-mechanical model are compared to published field data. This comparison suggests that the observed hardening is at least partially an artefact from cooling during core recovery, and that the strata may be considered normally consolidated to slightly overconsolidated. The latter can be explained by minor cementation or the influence of secondary consolidation. The results suggest that cooling from high in-situ temperatures may be important for the interpretation of the consolidation state of other sedimentary successions elsewhere.  相似文献   

Understanding diagenetic heterogeneity in tight sandstone reservoirs is vital for hydrocarbon exploration. As a typical tight sandstone reservoir, the seventh unit of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin (Chang 7 unit), central China, is an important oil-producing interval. Results of helium porosity and permeability and petrographic assessment from thin sections, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence analysis demonstrate that the sandstones have encountered various diagenetic processes encompassing mechanical and chemical compaction, cementation by carbonate, quartz, clay minerals, and dissolution of feldspar and lithic fragments. The sandstones comprise silt-to medium-grained lithic arkoses to feldspathic litharenites and litharenites, which have low porosity (0.5%–13.6%, with an average of 6.8%) and low permeability (0.009 × 10−3 μm2 to 1.818 × 10−3 μm2, with an average of 0.106 × 10−3 μm2).This study suggests that diagenetic facies identified from petrographic observations can be up-scaled by correlation with wire-line log responses, which can facilitate prediction of reservoir quality at a field-scale. Four diagenetic facies are determined based on petrographic features including intensity of compaction, cement types and amounts, and degree of dissolution. Unstable and labile components of sandstones can be identified by low bulk density and low gamma ray log values, and those sandstones show the highest reservoir quality. Tightly compacted sandstones/siltstones, which tend to have high gamma ray readings and relatively high bulk density values, show the poorest reservoir quality. A model based on principal component analysis (PCA) is built and show better prediction of diagenetic facies than biplots of well logs. The model is validated by blind testing log-predicted diagenetic facies against petrographic features from core samples of the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin, which indicates it is a helpful predictive model.  相似文献   

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models, i. e. , the problem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal waters at high radar frequency bands ( X-band and C-band), the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat- ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed. In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing some observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient, the dispersion coefficient, the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately. Through simulations of internal tide transfor- mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of internal wave field are obtained. The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m, but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea (about 20°30'N, 114°E) in August. It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation. The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of internal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of neoliberalization on the opportunities and constraints that fishing cooperatives face in Yucatán, Mexico. Cooperatives have the potential to enhance small-scale fishing livelihoods and participate in sustainable resource governance. However, promoting cooperatives’ success entails developing a realistic understanding of the political and economic contexts in which they operate. Drawing on interview and census data, the analysis employs the theory of club goods to examine how the neoliberalization of Mexican fisheries policies in the 1980s and 1990s has affected cooperatives’ ability to provide members with collective benefits, and thus the success and failure of fishing cooperatives in the region. In general, neoliberalization has reduced support to fishing cooperatives and generated greater challenges for their success in Yucatán. The results of this study are likely relevant to many other small-scale fisheries in the South that have undergone similar processes of neoliberalization.  相似文献   

A new model developed from the full-spectrum model of Lyzenga and Bennett ( 1988 ) is built up by us preliminarily through considering the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves. In the partial differential equation of the action spectral density of the surface gravity-capillary waves the source function representing the contribution of the turbulence is added besides the usual source function representing the contribution of the wind. The source function is determined by applying the κ - ε model and adopting the Nasmyth spectrum of oceanic turbulence ( Nasmyth, 1970; Oakey, 1982; Fan, 2002) on the basis of the previous simulation results of internal tide transformation obtained in the companion paper (Fan et al. ,2008). Either under relatively high wind speed, or under low wind speed, our model predicts significant large modulations of radar backscatter at all three bands ( L, C and X bands) for both VV and HH polarization. These results prove that considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves is reasonable and appropriate for settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models.  相似文献   

The ornate jobfish Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus Valenciennes 1832 occurs in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean, where it is harvested by small-scale coastal fisheries. Management of this species is hindered by lack of adequate biological data. We sampled a total of 113 individuals from the landings of local artisanal fishers on the island of Réunion (southwestern Indian Ocean), from March 2014 to March 2015. The relationships between two types of body length (total and standard length, cm) and total weight (g) were shown to be significant (p < 0.05). The length–weight relationship was described by a power function, with the scaling factor estimated to be 0.008 and the exponent 3.146. Age was determined using whole otoliths. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was estimated to be TLt = 30.68(1 – e?0.52(t)). Otolith morphometry variables (length, width and area) were significantly correlated with age estimates (p < 0.05). No significant difference in age estimates was observed between left and right otoliths used as predictors. Readings from observed age and the estimates from modelled age indicated relatively good agreement, suggesting the potential to use whole otoliths for age estimation.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone ocean–wave model interactions are examined using an ESMF – (Earth System Modeling Framework) based tropical cyclone (TC) version of the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®1). This study investigates Hurricane Ivan, which traversed the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) in September 2004. Several oceanic and wave observational data sets, including Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) buoys, satellite altimeter data, and Scanning Radar Altimeter (SRA) data, allow for a unique analysis of the coupled atmosphere, ocean (Navy Coastal Ocean Model, NCOM), and wave (Simulating WAves Nearshore, SWAN) models in COAMPS-TC. To determine the feasibility of coupling NCOM to SWAN in high-wind conditions during Hurricane Ivan, near-surface currents in NCOM were first compared to near-surface ADCP observations. Recent modifications to SWAN, including new wind-to-wave energy input and wave-breaking energy dissipation source functions, as well as a new ocean surface drag coefficient formulation appropriate for high-wind conditions, significantly improved the forecast wave field properties, such as significant wave height (SWH), in TC conditions. Further results show that the ocean-to-wave model coupling, which allows for the strong, hurricane-induced, surface currents in NCOM to interact with SWAN, provided additional improvements to the forecast SWH field. Additionally, wave-to-ocean model coupling, which included the input of the Stokes Drift Current (SDC) calculated from the SWAN wave spectra to NCOM, is examined. The models indicate that the SDC was on the order of 10–25% of the near-surface Eulerian current during Ivan. Recent studies of the importance of the SDC and the resulting Langmuir turbulence on vertical ocean mixing in TCs is also discussed.  相似文献   

Acquiring a comprehensive and accurate understanding of habitat preference is essential for species conservation and fishery management, especially for mobile species that migrate seasonally. Presence and absence data from field surveys are recommended when available due to their high reliability. Using field survey data, we investigated seasonal habitat suitability requirements for Tanaka’s snailfish (Liparis tanakae) in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea (BSYS) via a machine-learning method, random forests (RFs). Five environmental and biologically relevant variables (bottom temperature, bottom salinity, current velocity, depth and distance to shore) were used to build the ecological niches between the presence/absence data and suitable habitat. In addition, the degree to which false absence data might impact model performance was evaluated. Our results indicated that RFs provided accurate predictions, with seasonal habitat suitability maps of L. tanakae differing substantially. Bottom temperature and salinity were identified as important factors influencing the distribution of L. tanakae. False absence data were found to have negative effects on model performance and the decrease in evaluation metrics was usually significant (P<0.05) after 30% or more errors were added to the absence data. Through identifying highly suitable areas within its geographic range, our study provides a baseline for L. tanakae that can be further applied in ecosystem modelling and fishery management in the BSYS.  相似文献   

As a case study, refined iron(Fe) speciation and quantitative characterization of the reductive reactivity of Fe(Ⅲ)oxides are combined to investigate Fe diagenetic processes in a core sediment from the eutrophic Jiaozhou Bay.The results show that a combination of the two methods can trace Fe transformation in more detail and offer nuanced information on Fe diagenesis from multiple perspectives. This methodology may be used to enhance our understanding of the complex biogeochemical cycling of Fe and sulfur in other studies. Microbial iron reduction(MIR) plays an important role in Fe(Ⅲ) reduction over the upper sediments, while a chemical reduction by reaction with dissolved sulfide is the main process at a deeper( 12 cm) layer. The most bioavailable amorphous Fe(Ⅲ) oxides [Fe(Ⅲ)am] are the main source of the MIR, followed by poorly crystalline Fe(Ⅲ) oxides [Fe(Ⅲ)pc)]and magnetite. Well crystalline Fe(Ⅲ) oxides [Fe(Ⅲ)wc] have barely participated in Fe diagenesis. The importance of the MIR over the upper layer may be a combined result of the high availability of highly reactive Fe oxides and low availability of labile organic matter, and the latter is also the ultimate factor limiting sulfate reduction and sulfide accumulation in the sediments. Microbially reducible Fe(Ⅲ) [MR-Fe(Ⅲ)], which is quantified by kinetics of Fe(II)-oxide reduction, mainly consists of the most reactive Fe(Ⅲ)am and less reactive Fe(Ⅲ)pc. The bulk reactivity of the MR-Fe(Ⅲ) pool is equivalent to aged ferrihydrite, and shows down-core decrease due to preferential reduction of highly reactive phases of Fe oxides.  相似文献   

Should rural commercial small-scale fishing opportunities be closed to minimise effort and safeguard marine resources or open to offer livelihood support? In the Bijagós Archipelago (Guinea-Bissau) investigating employment pathways indicates that the sector is encouraging a diversity of institutions to flourish, reaffirming our understanding of the critical ‘safety-net’ function small-scale fishing affords. Results support the need to examine developing country smaller-scale fisheries in terms of wider social opportunities and not purely in terms of their own limitations.  相似文献   

Source rock studies are one of the key issues of petroleum exploration activities. In the supercontinent of Gondwana, ice ages related to the Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) and rising sea levels caused by glacial melting at the end of the Ordovician and Early Silurian (Llandoverian) created excellent source rocks along the margin of Gondwana. Investigations conducted in the Arabian Peninsula have been indicated indicating that the lower Qalibah Formation (the so-called Qusaiba Member or Hot Shale) is a good source rock for the Paleozoic petroleum system in this area. Likewise, the Sarchahan Formation was recently introduced as a source rock in the Zagros Basin of Iran, which is probably equivalent to the Qalibah Formation in the Arabian Peninsula. In this study, samples were prepared from surface and subsurface Paleozoic rock units in Iran's Zagros Basin. The emphasis of the paper was on the Sarchahan Formation in Kuh-e Faraghan, ranging in age from the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) to Lower Silurian (Llandoverian) to determine whether the high richness of organic matter in the Sarchahan Formation is related to the Late Ordovician or Lower Silurian. The basal part of the Sarchahan Formation belongs to the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) because of the presence of the persculptus graptolite biozone, while the remainder belongs to the Lower Silurian. The Ordovician and early Llandoverian parts of the Sarchahan Formation contain type II and III kerogen with TOC ranging from 2.94 to 7.19, but the rest of the Sarchahan Formation (late Llandoverian) has TOC ranging from 0.1 to 0.58. Therefore, the Hot Shale in Iran falls within the Hirnantian and early Llandoverian (Rhuddanian), and not the latest Llandoverian (Aeronian and Telychian). Utilizing organic petrography, kerogen type was found II/III. The carbon stable isotope studies revealed that the source rock of hydrocarbons in Dalan and Kangan reservoirs has been the Sarchahan Formation. Based on analytical data, the kerogenous shales in the lower part of the Sarchahan Formation are at end of gas window, and the gamma ray amount is approximately 180 API. This research indicates the differences between the source rocks in the southern and northern Persian Gulf and suggesting, the Hot Shale should be considered in different views and used in modeling studies of sedimentary basins for future exploration targets.  相似文献   

The Kazhdumi Formation of the Bangestan Group is a well-known source rock that has produced abundant oil in most petroleum fields in the Zagros Basin, which stretches from northwest to southwest Iran over hundreds of kilometres. The formation reaches a thickness of 230 m at the type section in northwest Zagros but thins out to 40–50 m in wells studied from the South Pars giant petroleum field, where it comprises mainly grey shales with occasional intercalations of marls and sandstones. South Pars, best known as the Iranian part of the world's largest non-associated gas field, contains small quantities of oil above and below the Kazhdumi Formation.  相似文献   

In the mid 1990s, American lobster (Homarus americanus) from Canadian waters was considered overfished based on estimated levels of egg‐per‐recruit production (EPR). In 1997, the Department of Fisheries Oceans responded by adopting a goal of doubling the level of EPR from its 1996 level. In the Magdalen Islands (Quebec), results from a simulation model indicated that doubling EPR could be reached by increasing the minimum legal size (MLS) from 76 mm to 83 mm carapace length. This was done at a pace of 1 mm per year from 1997 to 2003. Following the increase of MLS, the size structure, mean size, and the abundance of ovigerous females improved significantly in the catches. However, levels of fishing effort are still very high. This could cause undesirable effects such as altering sex ratios and size structure of males, which could lead to sperm limitation, and reducing the contribution of multiple spawners to egg production, which could become an issue if egg quality is important. Consideration of these issues leads to the recommendation of a multidimensional approach to lobster conservation.  相似文献   

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