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With increasing evidence of the destructive impacts of human activities on the ocean there is a growing call for stronger public engagement in marine governance. An understanding of marine issues and pro-environmental values are key elements that influence an individual׳s engagement in conservation and pro-environmental behaviour. This paper presents a study on public perceptions of sharks and shark conservation in the UK. The study investigated knowledge of and attitudes towards sharks of a group of individuals with a clear interest in the marine environment, as well as possible factors that might influence their perceptions of sharks, in order to make recommendations on how to foster engagement in shark conservation. The key finding was that important prerequisites for engagement in shark conservation exist among parts of the UK public. However, this does not seem to be enough to motivate actual engagement. The study discusses a number of specific challenges with regard to sharks which might be influencing the way in which society connects to shark related issues. It concludes with priority recommendations for further investigation into potential catalysts for public engagement in shark conservation.  相似文献   

本文简要总结了海洋酸化时间序列研究的主要方法,重点综述了时间序列研究在揭示海洋酸化长期变化方面的重要进展。大气中 CO2 不断溶解进入海洋,导致海水 pH 与碳酸钙饱和度 (Ω) 降低,这一过程即为海洋酸化。海洋酸化时间序列研究主要关注 pH 与Ω的实时、动态、长期变化。在海洋酸化时间序列研究中,pH 一般通过锚泊浮标所搭载的传感器现场获得,而Ω则需借助相关参数间接计算得到。目前全球共有 21 套正在运行的锚泊浮标,分别布设在大洋、近岸和珊瑚礁等海域,记录了近十几年来全球典型区域海洋酸化的长期变化过程。受上升流、生产力、陆源输入等因素的协同影响,近岸海域的酸化现象极具季节/年际变化,pH 和Ω 的变化范围较大,分别为 7.780~8.723,1.07~9.25。大洋的 pH 变化范围为 7.890~8.238,珊瑚礁的 pH 变化范围为 7.837~8.273,大洋的Ω变化范围为 1.93~4.19,珊瑚礁的Ω 变化范围为 2.06~5.22。海洋酸化时间序列研究表明,受人为活动与气候变化的共同影响,北半球近岸典型海域的Ω在冬季和春季已出现低于生物耐受阈值的现象,将产生十分严重的生态危害,需要尽快采取应对措施。  相似文献   

通过向水体中通入CO_2的方法模拟海洋酸化环境,测定青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)在酸化条件下各免疫指标的变化情况。结果显示:将青蛤置于酸化的海中(pH分别为7.4和7.7),并以自然海水做对照组(pH 8.1)后,血细胞总数随海水酸化胁迫时间的延长,表现为下降趋势,且差异显著(P0.05);海水pH降低抑制了溶菌酶的活性,但差异性不显著(P0.05);ACP活性总体呈下降趋势,对照组活性要高于酸化组,而ALP活性表现为上升趋势。酸化胁迫初期诱导SOD活性升高,后期SOD活性受到抑制,而CAT变化却截然相反;脂质过氧化产物MDA在酸化后期出现显著降低(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of temperature and salinity have been measured for 50 years along Line P between the North American west coast and mid Gulf of Alaska. These measurements extend 1425 km into the gulf at 13 or more sampling stations. The 10-50-m deep layer of Line P increased in temperature by 0.9 °C from 1958 to 2005, but is significant only at the 90% level due to large interannual variability. Most of this increase in temperature accompanies the 1977 shift in wind patterns. Temperature changes at 100-150 m and salinity changes in both layers are not statistically significant. Much of the variance in temperature is in the upper 50 m of Line P, and temperature changes tend to be uniform along Line P except for waters on the continental margin. Salinity changes are dominated by variability in the halocline between 100 and 150 m depth and are less uniform along Line P. Largest oscillations in temperature and salinity are between 1993 and 2003. These events can be understood by considering changes in eastward wind speed and wind patterns that are revealed in the first two modes of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Changes in these patterns are indicators for both Ekman surface forcing (Surface ocean currents flow to the right of the wind direction) and Ekman pumping (Surface waters diverge away from regions of positive wind stress curl, leading to upwelling of colder saltier water). Changes in temperature along the nearshore part of Line P suggest Ekman surface forcing is the stronger of the two processes in the upper layer. The change in salinity anomalies in the halocline along the seaward end of Line P, following the wind shift in 1977, is in agreement with enhanced upwelling caused by stronger Ekman pumping in this region.  相似文献   

The absorption of anthropogenic CO2 and atmospheric deposition of acidity can both contribute to the acidification of the global ocean. Rainfall pH measurements and chemical compositions monitored on the island of Bermuda since 1980, and a long-term seawater CO2 time-series (1983–2005) in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean near Bermuda were used to evaluate the influence of acidic deposition on the acidification of oligotrophic waters of the North Atlantic Ocean and coastal waters of the coral reef ecosystem of Bermuda. Since the early 1980's, the average annual wet deposition of acidity at Bermuda was 15 ± 14 mmol m− 2 year− 1, while surface seawater pH decreased by 0.0017 ± 0.0001 pH units each year. The gradual acidification of subtropical gyre waters was primarily due to uptake of anthropogenic CO2. We estimate that direct atmospheric acid deposition contributed 2% to the acidification of surface waters in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean, although this value likely represents an upper limit. Acidifying deposition had negligible influence on seawater CO2 chemistry of the Bermuda coral reef, with no evident impact on hard coral calcification.  相似文献   

海水酸化造成全球珊瑚礁严重退化,应用卫星遥感手段可以快速地对珊瑚礁进行监测。在野外做酸度对比实验具有条件不易控制、周期长等局限性。文章提出一种室内测量珊瑚光谱的方法,通过比较不同酸度梯度下珊瑚光谱的变化,为研究海水酸化对珊瑚的影响提供了一种新的思路。试验采用7.6、7.9和8.1的酸度梯度,结果表明:在pH为8.1和7.9环境条件下,珊瑚的光谱趋势大体一致,总体上珊瑚光谱波峰出现了向长波方向的红移。但是在pH为7.6的条件下,珊瑚的光谱在650~700nm之间出现一个反常的吸收谷,这是由于pH 7.6的酸度条件适宜一些藻类生长,藻类附着在珊瑚表面,从而影响了其光谱特性。  相似文献   

There are still major gaps in our understanding of the impact of ocean acidification (OA) on some groups of organisms within different geographic regions. We investigated the effect of OA on two common and ecologically important temperate sponge species in New Zealand (Tethya bergquistae and Crella incrustans). Sponges were kept at pH 8 (control) and 7.6 for 4 weeks. Responses of the two species varied, with T. bergquistae kept at pH 7.6 showing some mortality in response to reduced pH and evidence of tissues necrosis. In contrast, only one C. incrustans died in the pH 7.6 treatment and showed little evidence of any tissue degradation. Only T. bergquistae showed evidence for physiological effects of reduced pH as respiration rates were generally higher in the pH 7.6 treatment. Our results provide preliminary evidence to support a general tolerance of temperate sponges to reduced pH, but that some species-specific responses may exist.  相似文献   

World fisheries, already vulnerable, are under increasing pressure from the impacts of climate change. Using the Tasmanian rock lobster industry as a case study, we considered the efficacy of risk perception as a tool to inform how to communicate the science of climate change and suggestions for management in relation to development of adaptation strategies for fisheries. Fishers surveyed in this study operate in a fishery that is expected to undergo large changes as a consequence of climate change. Fishers also reported observations of similar large changes in the marine environment and lobster fishery consistent with climate change; yet most fishers surveyed expressed doubts about whether climate change was a real process. The important point for adaption of the industry to climate change is that fisher perceptions of risk tended to create barriers to acceptance of climate change as an issue. This means that there is a barrier to communication and awareness about climate change and thus a barrier to future action on the issue. Improving acceptance of climate change and thus ability to adapt will require the development of communications that are culturally appropriate and palatable to fishers. We argue that the application of social learning principles in communications about climate change may be one constructive way forward.  相似文献   

赵玉颖  孙军  魏玉秋 《海洋科学》2020,44(10):121-132
当前全球气候变化下的上层海洋变暖与酸化对以浮游植物为主的海洋生态系产生了重大影响,理解此背景下的海洋浮游植物生理生态响应,对我们理解和抑制全球气候变化具有重要意义。在全球大气二氧化碳分压(p CO2)升高情景下,浮游植物通过光合作用、微生物循环等过程,通过不同功能群对海洋生源要素循环模式的改变,进而影响区域及全球海洋的生物地球化学循环。研究全球浮游植物对海洋酸化生理生态的响应使得我们对生物地球化学系统的认识更加全面、系统。  相似文献   

The ocean captures a large part of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere. As a result of the increase in CO2 partial pressure the ocean pH is lowered as compared to pre-industrial times and a further decline is expected. Ocean acidification has been proposed to pose a major threat for marine organisms, particularly shell-forming and calcifying organisms. Here we show, on the basis of meta-analysis of available experimental assessments, differences in organism responses to elevated pCO2 and propose that marine biota may be more resistant to ocean acidification than expected. Calcification is most sensitive to ocean acidification while it is questionable if marine functional diversity is impacted significantly along the ranges of acidification predicted for the 21st century. Active biological processes and small-scale temporal and spatial variability in ocean pH may render marine biota far more resistant to ocean acidification than hitherto believed.  相似文献   

随着工业化进程的发展,温室气体二氧化碳(CO2)大量排放,约四分之一被海洋吸收,导致海水pH值和碳酸钙饱和度降低,出现了海洋酸化的现象.海洋酸化及引起的碳酸盐化学体系的变化已对各种海洋生物产生影响.贝类作为海洋生态系统中的代表性生物类群,自身具有一定的酸碱平衡调节能力,但其属于钙化生物,极易受到海水酸化的影响.在对贝类...  相似文献   

王晓杰  肖潇  李超  岳娜 《海洋学报》2015,37(12):116-122
本文在实验室模拟近期海洋酸化水平,对海洋酸化对海水青鳉鱼(Oryzia melastigma)胚胎骨骼发育的影响进行了初步研究。实验中,通过往实验水体中充入一定浓度CO2气体酸化海水。对照组CO2分压为450×10-6,两个处理组CO2浓度分别为1 160×10-6和1 783×10-6,对应的水体pH值分别为8.14,7.85和7.67。将海水青鳉鱼受精卵放入实验水体中至仔鱼孵化出膜,对初孵仔鱼经骨骼染色、显微拍照,挑取了仔鱼头部、躯干及尾部骨骼染色清晰的28个骨骼参数的长度进行了显微软件测量及数据统计分析。结果发现,酸化处理对实验鱼所测量的骨骼长度影响均不显著。因此推测,未来100~200年间海洋酸化对海水青鳉鱼的胚胎及初孵仔鱼的骨骼发育没有显著影响。  相似文献   

海洋酸化是近年来人类所遇到的重大全球环境问题之一,它指的是大气CO2浓度增加引起的海水pH降低的现象。海洋酸化已经威胁到珊瑚礁及其它钙质生物的生存与发展。近期的预测模型与野外实验均表明,海洋酸化的后果可能比以前想象的更为严峻。本研究采用叶绿素荧光技术,选取3种鹿回头珊瑚礁区常见的珊瑚种类(Acropora valida、Galaxea astreata和Favites abdita),分别设置海水环境为450 μatm、650 μatm(IPCC预测的2065年的水平)和750 μatm(IPCC预测的2100年的水平)的3个pCO2浓度梯度,监测珊瑚在不同CO2浓度背景下10天内的光合荧光参数的变化。实验结果表明,水体pCO2为650μatm时,珊瑚的总体光合效率最高,但随着时间的延长,珊瑚荧光参数在3个浓度梯度下都会显示不同程度的下降趋势。虽然3种珊瑚对不同浓度CO2响应的程度不同,但基本上显示出,在低浓度pCO2时,pH下降引起的酸化作用控制着珊瑚共生藻的光合效率;而随着浓度的增加,CO2增加引起的施肥效应愈加明显,与酸化作用竞争,共同作用于珊瑚共生藻,使得光合荧光参数在波动中变化。  相似文献   

Alaska fisheries have strong spillover effects on economies of other states (especially the state of Washington) due to their dependence on imports from these other states. Several studies attempt to develop inter-regional or multi-regional economic impact models to investigate these spillover effects, and calculate the multipliers for Alaska fisheries. However, these multipliers measure only total economic impacts, failing to provide fishery managers with the information on how and along what channels these total economic impacts are generated and transmitted throughout the regions. This paper uses an inter-regional structural path analysis (IRSPA) to identify the various channels (paths) through which the economic impacts of an initial shock to a seafood sector are transmitted, amplified, and spilled over to other regions, within an inter-regional social accounting matrix (IRSAM) framework for two US regions – Alaska and the rest of US (RUS).  相似文献   

为了评估海洋酸化和富营养化耦合作用对近海浮游生态环境的影响,本研究以天津市近岸海域浮游植物群落的生物地球化学指标为研究对象,分别采用一次性及连续培养的方式模拟自然水华及稳态条件,探究其对二氧化碳(CO2)和硝酸盐浓度变化及二者耦合作用的响应。实验条件设置如下:1)对照:二氧化碳分压p(CO2)40.53 Pa、无硝酸盐添加;2)酸化:p(CO2)101.3 Pa、无硝酸盐添加;3)加N:p(CO2)40.53 Pa、添加硝酸盐50 μmol·L–1;4)酸化加N:p(CO2)101.3 Pa、添加硝酸盐50 μmol·L–1。实验结果表明,硝酸盐加富比酸化更加显著地促进浮游植物群落总叶绿素(Chl a)生物量及颗粒有机碳(POC)和颗粒有机氮(PON)积累,酸化和加N使浮游植物群落粒径大小升高。连续培养实验表明,酸化和N加富对Chl a、生物硅(BSi)、PON浓度、PON与颗粒有机磷(POP)比值(N/P)、POC与BSi比值(C/BSi)及沉降速率有协同交互作用,对POP和POC浓度及POC与PON比值(C/N)有拮抗性交互作用。在一次性培养后,酸化显著降低了浮游植物群落的沉降速率;而在连续培养后,酸化和N加富使浮游植物群落沉降速率显著升高。这些结果表明酸化和N加富对与近岸浮游植物相关的生物地球化学循环及在不同生长阶段的种群碳沉降存在不同的潜在影响及交互效应。  相似文献   

The threat posed by ocean acidification (OA) to the diversity and productivity of New Zealand marine ecosystems is assessed in a synthesis of published trends and impacts. A 20-year time series in Subantarctic water, and a national coastal monitoring programme, provide insight into pH variability, and context for experimental design, modelling and projections. A review of the potential impact of changes in the carbonate system on the major phyla in New Zealand waters confirms international observations that calcifying organisms, and particularly their early life-history stages, are vulnerable. The synthesis considers ecosystem and socio-economic impacts, and identifies current knowledge gaps and future research directions, including mechanistic studies of OA sensitivity. Advanced ecosystem models of OA, that incorporate the indirect effects of OA and interactions with other climate stressors, are required for robust projection of the future status of New Zealand marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

人类生产活动引起的全球气候变化加剧作为重要的环境问题,海洋中pCO2和溶解氧的失衡及富营养化加剧了许多沿海生态系统的酸化和低氧现象。海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)为我国重要的渔业资源之一,具有食用价值及潜在药用价值。本研究评估了海蜇碟状幼体在海洋酸化和低氧及其昼夜节律变化胁迫下的生理响应:碟状幼体暴露于两个pH水平(酸化pH 7.6,正常pH 8.1)和两个溶解氧水平(低氧2mg·L–1,常氧7mg·L–1)维持7d,胁迫因素维持恒定或昼夜节律性变化,测定其伞部直径、收缩频率及酸碱平衡、免疫和抗氧化相关酶活力。研究表明,海洋酸化和低氧在不同程度上影响海蜇碟状幼体的生理代谢和生长发育,且酸化和低氧之间表现出部分拮抗作用,昼夜波动的暴露模式对海蜇碟状幼体的损伤程度大于恒定的暴露模式。  相似文献   

The Arctic Ocean and its associated ecosystems face numerous challenges over the coming century. Increasing atmospheric CO2 is causing increasing warming and ice melting as well as a concomitant change in ocean chemistry (“ocean acidification”). As temperature increases it is expected that many temperate species will expand their geographic distribution northwards to follow this thermal shift; however with the addition of ocean acidification this transition may not be so straightforward. Here we investigate the potential impacts of ocean acidification and climate change on populations of an intertidal species, in this case the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, at the northern edge of its range. Growth and development of metamorphosing post-larvae were negatively impacted at lower pH (pH 7.7) compared to the control (pH 8.1) but were not affected by elevated temperature (+4 °C). The mineral composition of the shells did not alter under any of the treatments. The combination of reduced growth and maintained mineral content suggests that there may have been a change in the energetic balance of the exposed animals. In undersaturated conditions more mineral is expected to dissolve from the shell and hence more energy would be required to maintain the mineral integrity. Any energy that would normally be invested into growth could be reallocated and hence organisms growing in lowered pH grow slower and end up smaller than individuals grown in higher pH conditions. The idea of reallocation of resources under different conditions of pH requires further investigation. However, there could be long-term implications on the fitness of these barnacles, which in turn may prevent them from successfully colonising new areas.  相似文献   

为探讨海洋酸化和光照强度变化对海洋钙化生物的影响,本文选用广泛分布在热带珊瑚礁区的大型钙化海藻仙掌藻(Halimeda opuntia)为研究对象,在室内通过CO2加富(pH=7.50、7.80和8.10)和调控光照强度(30和180μmol photons m2·s-1)的方式,探究其生长、钙化作用和光合作用等生理特征对海洋酸化和光照强度变化的响应。结果表明:海水酸化可以显著抑制仙掌藻的生长率、钙化速率和光合效率,且随酸化程度的加深而加强。酸化条件下(p H 7.50~7.80),生长率、钙化速率和Fv/Fm分别下降了48.29%~58.80%、51.78%~62.29%和2.37%~13.79%;光照强度的增加可以缓解这一抑制作用,高光照下生长率、钙化速率和Fv/Fm分别升高了2.01%~44.55%、29.61%~40.68%和1.68%~6.92%。酸化处理和光照强度变化对色素含量、丙二醛(MDA)和脯氨酸含量影响显著(P 0.01);酸化处理组中的Chl-a含量下降了32.69%~43.44%;而实验第20-28天,低光条件下的类胡萝卜素含量比高光照组高出12.12%~57.45%;酸化胁迫下,MDA在组织中逐渐积累;同时脯氨酸明显升高,以增加藻体自身的抗逆性,缓解胁迫带来的损伤。此外,组织中总碳(TC)和总氮(TN)含量在酸化条件下显著增加(P 0.05),光照强度的增加也一定程度上有利于提高TC和TN含量。通过分析可知,海洋酸化对仙掌藻的威胁是多方面的,对其生长、钙化作用和光合作用等生理过程的抑制作用随着酸化程度的加深而增加,而光照强度的增加一定程度上可以缓解酸化带来的负面效应。这些结果可以为预测未来海洋酸化对钙质生物的影响和珊瑚礁生物的多样性保护提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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