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Marine biodiversity conservation is a common issue in the world. Due to rapid economic development in coastal area in China, marine biodiversity conservation faces great pressure. In this paper, the idea of the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) was applied as a framework in marine biodiversity conservation. At first, the relationship between integrated coastal zone management and the marine biodiversity conservation was discussed. Then, as a case study in Fujian Quanzhou bay, a set of strategies on marine biodiversity conservation based on ICZM were put forward, which included how to define management boundary of marine biodiversity conservation, the impact assessment model of human activities in the coastal area on marine biodiversity, the planning and management of marine biodiversity conservation, and the monitoring system of the marine biodiversity. Finally, the framework of the comprehensive decision support system based on GIS was suggested.  相似文献   

深圳湾经过近三十年的围填海活动,沿岸动力条件发生较大变化,如今自然状态下难以发育沙滩。从构建高品质游憩空间、防护海岸和提升旅游开发价值来看,沙滩是深圳湾急需的资源。为了加强人和海洋的联系、激发深圳湾的活力,建立城市自然缓冲区、化解极端风暴的威胁,以此达到防护海岸和满足居民休闲游赏需求的目的,本研究以近岸海洋要素的自然属性为主,海洋开发活动等社会属性为辅进行综合分析,并辅以数值模型进行验证,在深圳湾内选择适宜开展沙滩修复的海岸。沙滩修复选址时考虑了波浪、潮流、地形、地貌、沉积物等近岸海洋要素;数值模型包括潮流场模型、波浪模型和沙滩长期的平面演化模型。本研究案例对岸线动态变迁较大,自然状态难以发育沙滩的海岸的人造沙滩选址和设计方案提供示范与借鉴。  相似文献   

海南岛沿岸海域砗磲资源调查及保护前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砗磲是珊瑚礁海域的重要贝类之一,对维护珊瑚礁生态系统平衡起着重要作用。然而,近年来海洋的大力开发和利用给我国沿海砗磲资源造成严重威胁。本研究通过截线样带法对海南岛沿岸海域砗磲的种类和分布进行实地调查,结果表明,海南岛沿岸海域砗磲覆盖度呈现南北差异,东南沿岸海域砗磲覆盖度明显高于西北沿岸海域,这种差异可能是由自然因素和人为因素共同造成。调查海域共发现3种砗磲:诺亚砗磲(Tridacna noae)最多,占砗磲样品总数的58.6%;其次是番红砗磲(T. crocea),占34.3%;鳞砗磲(T. squamosa)最少,仅占7.1%。海洋管理部门应该加强对砗磲多样性的保护力度,合理开发和可持续利用并重,从而有效保护砗磲、珊瑚礁乃至海洋生态系统。  相似文献   

为实现自然岸线保有目标,推动海岸线合理的保护利用,科学制定海岸线规划成为海洋管理的重要内容之一。文章提出以海岸线属性评价为核心,通过岸线单元划分、评价、归并等步骤,划定严格保护岸线、限制开发岸线和优化利用岸线3类岸线,以应用于海岸带区域相关规划。案例应用结果表明,该方法有利于实现海岸线分段功能管控,可应用于大尺度区域空间规划。  相似文献   

The use of hard coastal-defence structures, like breakwaters and seawalls, is rapidly increasing to prevent coastal erosion. We compared low-shore assemblages between wave-protected and wave-exposed habitats on breakwaters along a sandy shore of Tuscany (North-Western Mediterranean). Assemblages were generally characterized by a low diversity of taxa, with space monopolized by Mytilus galloprovincialis and Corallina elongata on the seaward side of breakwaters and by filamentous algae on the landward side. Assemblages in wave-protected habitats were characterized by greater temporal stability than those in exposed habitats and supported non-indigenous macroalgae such as Caulerpa racemosa and Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. Hence, the introduction of hard coastal-defence structures in otherwise soft-bottom dominated areas, attracting native and exotic rocky-bottom species, should be of great concern for the conservation of marine biodiversity at local and regional scales and for the management of biological invasions.  相似文献   

Informing the management of coastal marine habitats at broad spatial scales is difficult because of the costs associated with collecting and analyzing ecological data at that scale. Spatially explicit assessments of the risk to coastal marine habitats from cumulative threats provide an alternative approach by identifying sites that are exposed to multiple anthropogenic threats at broad scales. In this study, qualitative measures of vulnerability were combined with geospatial data to evaluate the risk to coastal seagrasses at the scale of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) region (∼26,000 km2) of Queensland, Australia. The risk assessment outputs identified agricultural, urban and industrial runoff, and urban and port developments as the major anthropogenic activities threatening coastal seagrasses. ‘Hot spots’ with multiple threat exposure were all in industrial port locations and the southern two-thirds of the GBR. There is a distinct discontinuity in threat exposure along the GBR coast with 98% of seagrass meadows in the northern third exposed to only low levels of anthropogenic risk. The clustering of threat exposure is discussed in terms of coastal management policy. The approach outlined in this study provides management agencies a method of achieving maximum return for minimal investment in data collection at broad spatial scales by identifying sites where management intervention would be best targeted.  相似文献   

This study, which was carried out during 1999–2002, deals with the identification of the environmental sensitivity of the Mediterranean coastline of Israel to marine oil spills. It includes GIS sensitivity mapping and an analysis of the environmental vulnerability of Israel's shoreline resources.The study analyses the main sources of risk for maritime accidents in the southeastern Mediterranean and develops scenarios for possible oil spills incidents, including an analysis of the priorities for protection of the various coastal ecosystems, in an event of a large spill. It describes the morphology of the coastline of Israel, as well as the main hydrographic and meteorological patterns that dominate and control the dynamics of the shorelines, and of potential major oil spills. The study also discusses the different ways in which oil spills may affect natural ecosystems and socio-economic resources along the coastline of Israel.The basic research question of the study was how different geomorphic and land-use types of the Mediterranean shoreline would be affected by large quantities of spilled oil washing ashore from the sea. The study aims at determining the relative sensitivity of different types of shoreline and ‘prioritizing’ the different types of shoreline and coastal resources to be protected following a large oil spill. The study also aims at presenting the data collected and analyzed to both the scientific and environmental communities, and to the operational national authorities responsible for oil spill preparedness and response, in a clear and useful way.One of the main conclusions of the study is that generally, the sensitivity of the Israeli Mediterranean coastline to oil spills could be considered moderate, compared with other fragile ecosystems. This is mainly because of the morphology of the sandy beaches and the high exposure of most types of beaches to energetic natural cleanup processes. Still, along the southeastern Mediterranean coastline there are ecosystems, habitats, shoreline types and coastal resources that are sensitive to oil spills.  相似文献   

1IntroductionChinaabutsontheBohai,Yelow,EastChinaandSouthChinaSeasandincorporatesmorethan6500islandsofvaryingsizes(Fig.1).The...  相似文献   

构建科学合理的大陆自然岸线格局,落实自然岸线保有率控制制度是我国海洋生态文明建设的重要任务和目标。文章以山东省为例,基于海岸带规划管理视角,探讨自然岸线的内涵以及自然岸线格局构建、自然岸线保有率控制指标分解的思路与方法,并提出自然岸线保护与管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国海洋和海岸自然保护区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国海岸线长达18000km,其中渤海、黄海、东海和南海分布着6500个岛屿,由于穿越不同的气候带,而且强季风给沿岸带来了丰富的沉积物,并产生了各种不同的自然景观。南部海区气候温暖,适合珊瑚和红树林生长,所以热带和亚热带海岸大多是生物成因的;北部海区则温带盐碱滩发育。海湾、湿地、岛屿红树林、珊瑚和海洋生态系统都各有其独特性,海洋有机物种和生态群等生物多样性在海洋生态保护上都有重要意义。中国采取国家海洋局统一管理和各部门对口管理相结合的办法,从法律、法规上健全环保措施。中国自然保护区分国家和地方两级,国家级自然保护区共有12个,包括昌黎黄金海岸自然保护区、天津古海岸和湿地自然保护区、三亚珊瑚礁自然保护区、蛇岛-老铁山自然保护区等;地方级自然保护区有8个,包括辽东湾海岸自然保护区、成山头海岸自然保护区、崇明岛东海岸自然保护区等。以后的工作中要继续加大投入,设立专门机构,培养专门人才,加强国际合作,使自然保护区在开放的同时受到更好的保护。  相似文献   

文章选取2006—2015年浙江省近岸海域的海洋环境监测数据,基于Mann-Kendall检验方法,分别分析水质、生物生态、江河入海污染物和海洋环境风险的时间序列变化趋势。根据研究结果,提出浙江省海洋环境保护和生态建设的对策建议,即加强近岸海域污染防治和陆海统筹污染控制、加强海洋生物多样性保护和海洋保护区建设、加强近岸海域生态修复和生态建设以及加强海洋环境风险防控和应急体系建设。  相似文献   

Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is high on the international agenda for nature conservation. Marine and coastal ecosystems account for an important share of the biological diversity on Earth. As a consequence many international conventions, European legislation and national laws refer to marine biodiversity. The protection of marine biodiversity is a complex legal issue as it requires consideration of geographic (between land and sea), political (between conservation and exploitation), and economic (between fisheries, tourism, intellectual property and many other sectors) factors. Like Matryoshka dolls, marine biodiversity is a heterogeneous notion difficult to address as one discrete area in the development of policy agendas or juridical frameworks. In the past decade, the EU has been very active in Promoting Integrated Coastal Zone Management and in developing a framework for an Integrated Maritime Policy. This article reviews the status of marine biodiversity in the policy and legal initiatives of the European Union, a challenging issue to both the objectives of conservation and to the concept of integration.  相似文献   

No-take Marine Protected Areas (Nt-MPAs) constitute an indispensable tool for biodiversity conservation. Nevertheless, there are other instruments such as marine coastal co-management policy frameworks which may be also considered as tools for conservation or as ancillary conservation instruments. Using focus groups, semi-structured interviews and survey questionnaires we analysed small-scale artisanal fishers' perceptions towards a coastal co-management regime in Chile and the potential to generate capacities and a social setting to scale-up marine conservation. Empirical evidence from the study shows artisanal fishers have indeed been empowered through the coastal co-management experience; however, there exist heterogeneity in their willingness to participate in the creation of Nt-MPAs, mainly determined by occupational mobility. Chilean artisanal fishers strongly support a bottom-up process in the conservation of marine biodiversity, though the need for top-down steering and guidance is also stressed, especially regarding enforcement.  相似文献   

基于海岸带综合管理的理念,通过海域生态环境敏感性评价与海域生物多样性保护重要性评价,综合利用地理相关分析法、空间叠置法等定性和定量分区相结合的方法进行海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区划界,提出了海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区体系,将规划区域划分为生物多样性重点保护区、生物多样性养护区和生物多样性保护重点监督区.以福建泉州湾为案例,应用海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区体系,得出泉州湾生物多样性保护极重要地区是泉州湾河口湿地省级自然保护区,泉州湾生物多样性保护比较重要地区是晋江河口、洛阳江河口、晋江南岸地区及清源山.泉州湾海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区方案共划定26个分区,包括生物多样性重点保护区3个,生物多样性养护区14个,生物多样性保护重点监督区9个.泉州湾的应用结果表明,本研究提出的海洋生物多样性保护空间规划分区体系具有一定的可行性和可操作性,可为泉州湾生物多样性保护管理提供重要科学依据.  相似文献   

Marine reserves are increasingly being established as a mechanism to protect marine biodiversity and sensitive habitats. As well as providing conservation benefits, marine reserves provide benefits to recreational scuba divers who dive within the reserve, as well as to recreational and commercial fishers outside the reserve through spill-over effects. To ensure benefits are being realised, management of marine reserves requires ongoing monitoring and surveillance. These are not costless, and many marine reserve managers impose an entry fee. In some countries, dive tourism is major income source to coastal industries, and a concern is that high entry fees may dissuade divers. In this paper, the price elasticity of demand for dive tourism in three countries in South East Asia – Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia – is estimated using a travel-cost model. From the model, the total non-market use value associated with diving in the area is estimated to be in the order of US$4.5 billion a year. The price elasticity of demand in the region is highly inelastic, such that increasing the cost of diving through a management levy would have little impact on total diver numbers.  相似文献   

围填海对海洋水动力与生态环境的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
近10年来,中国海岸带围填海活动呈现出规模大、速度快的发展态势。围填海能带来显著的经济效益,但对海洋环境与生态的负面影响也不可忽视。针对围填海对海洋环境和生态的影响及作用机制,分别从水动力和生态系统两个方面进行了概述。围填海改变了海洋的自然几何属性(原始岸线、地形地貌、海湾面积),引起水动力环境的变化(潮汐系统和海湾水交换能力),进而影响了海湾的环境容量;围填海破坏了生物栖息地、导致生物多样性的丧失,影响到生态系统结构与功能的稳定性;水动力与生物多样性的变化可显著影响到生物地球化学过程,加速富营养化进程,恶化水质,增加生态灾害风险。目前,围填海后的生态修复策略主要有增加生物量、建设自然保护区、退陆还海3种方式;而生态补偿策略则多基于“生态系统服务功能与生境面积的大小为线性关系”,通过对其经济价值的量化后进行生态补偿与实施相关政策。国际上,生态系统服务功能的量化参数逐步纳入实际管理,并在线性关系研究的基础上,逐步纳入一些非线性的理念,使生态补偿机制更为合理化;而我国对于围填海生态效应的定量化研究及科学理论在管理政策中的实际应用仍亟待提高。整体而言,全面、准确地评估围填海对海洋环境与生态的影响离不开自然科学与社会科学的交叉与融合。  相似文献   

海岸线的动态变化监测可为海岸带防护、海岸带资源开发利用和可持续发展过程中的决策支持提供理论支撑。文中基于1973-2017年覆盖连云港市的Landsat系列和GF系列卫星影像数据,结合海岸线分类体系,提取了连云港市10期海岸线信息,并分析了海岸线演变特征及其成因。结果表明:(1) 2017年连云港市海岸线总长度为205.90 km,主要岸线类型为建设围堤和港口岸线,两类岸线总长为120.52 km,占总岸线长度的58.53%;(2) 1973-2017年连云港市海岸线长度整体呈现增长态势,44年间海岸线长度共增长了57.17 km,年增长率约为1.3 km/a。连云港市海岸线主要增长的岸线类型为建设围堤、港口岸线和生物岸线;(3) 44年间,连云港市海岸变化主要的海岸线类型为粉砂淤泥质岸线、生物岸线、港口岸线、建设围堤和盐田围堤;(4) 2017年连云港市自然岸线长度为69.15 km,占总岸线长度的33.6%,44年间,自然岸线长度减少了28.8km,年减少率为0.65 km/a。自然岸线减少的原因主要为养殖业发展、城市扩张建设和港口建设。  相似文献   

海岸建筑退缩线是科学有效保护和管理海岸线的重要措施之一。为促进我国海岸线资源的可持续开发利用,文章兼顾海岸线的自然和社会等属性,采用德尔菲法、层次分析法和聚类分析法相结合的方法,构建我国海岸建筑退缩线退缩距离的综合评价指标体系,提出退缩距离的计算方法,并以秦皇岛沿岸为例划定海岸建筑退缩线。研究结果表明:海岸建筑退缩线退缩距离的综合评价指标体系包括海岸线类型、海岸线开发利用类型、海洋经济效益、防灾效果和生态环境质量5类影响因素以及16项主要指标;在确定退缩线起算基线、综合评价指标分级和退缩距离等级的基础上,海岸建筑退缩线退缩距离是随综合评价值的增大而敏感性增强的连续分段函数;在秦皇岛沿岸的27个岸段中,海岸建筑退缩线的退缩距离等级分布较广,最小和最大退缩距离分别为25 m和500 m,其中河口和基岩等岸线的退缩距离较小,旅游娱乐岸线的退缩距离基本为200~300 m,保护区岸线的退缩距离较大。  相似文献   

High sea industrial longline fishing can be understood as a case study of the cultural, economic, environmental and social impacts of unsustainable fishing technology. While much attention has been attributed to the impact of industrial longlines on the marine ecosystem, little is known about the impact of longline fishing on local food security, employment, cultural belief systems and traditions, revenue generation from marine tourism and climate change. New data demonstrate that the contributions of Marine Protected Areas, marine tourism and recreational fishing to local coastal economies dwarf the contributions of longline fishing. When combined with the impact of overfishing on coastal fishing communities and fish consumers, policies promoting sustainable fisheries must be expanded to take these other factors into account along with issues of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The Asia-Pacific's Coral Triangle is defined by its extremely high marine biodiversity. Over one hundred million people living in its coastal zones use this biodiversity to support their livelihoods. Hundreds of millions more derive nutritious food directly from the region′s marine resources and through local, regional and global trade. Biodiversity and its values to society are threatened by demographic and habitat change, rising demand, intensive harvesting and climate change. In partnership with international conservation organisations and development funders, the governments of the region′s six countries have come together to develop the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security. The CTI has explicit goals and defined targets for marine biodiversity conservation, but not for the food security of the region′s marine-resource dependent people, despite this being the wider aim used to justify conservation action. This article suggests how the food security aim of the CTI could be made more explicit. It outlines the complex pathways linking marine biodiversity with food security and argues that improved social science analysis, inter-sectoral policy and management interactions are necessary if conserving marine biodiversity is to contribute towards meeting food security challenges in the region.  相似文献   

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