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Three-dimensional grids representing a heterogeneous, ground water system are generated at 10 different resolutions in support of a site-scale flow and transport modeling effort. These grids represent hydrostratigraphy near Yucca Mountain, Nevada, consisting of 18 stratigraphic units with contrasting fluid flow and transport properties. The grid generation method allows the stratigraphy to be modeled by numerical grids of different resolution so that comparison studies can be performed to test for grid quality and determine the resolution required to resolve geologic structure and physical processes such as fluid flow and solute transport. The process of generating numerical grids with appropriate property distributions from geologic conceptual models is automated, thus making the entire process easy to implement with fewer user-induced errors. The series of grids of various resolutions are used to assess the level at which increasing resolution no longer influences the flow and solute transport results. Grid resolution is found to be a critical issue for ground water flow and solute transport. The resolution required in a particular instance is a function of the feature size of the model, the intrinsic properties of materials, the specific physics of the problem, and boundary conditions. The asymptotic nature of results related to flow and transport indicate that for a hydrologic model of the heterogeneous hydrostratigraphy under Yucca Mountain, a horizontal grid spacing of 600 m and vertical grid spacing of 40 m resolve the hydrostratigraphic model with sufficient precision to accurately model the hypothetical flow and solute transport to within 5% of the value that would be obtained with much higher resolution.  相似文献   

We perform global sensitivity analysis (GSA) through polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) on a contaminant transport model for the assessment of radionuclide concentration at a given control location in a heterogeneous aquifer, following a release from a near surface repository of radioactive waste. The aquifer hydraulic conductivity is modeled as a stationary stochastic process in space. We examine the uncertainty in the first two (ensemble) moments of the peak concentration, as a consequence of incomplete knowledge of (a) the parameters characterizing the variogram of hydraulic conductivity, (b) the partition coefficient associated with the migrating radionuclide, and (c) dispersivity parameters at the scale of interest. These quantities are treated as random variables and a variance-based GSA is performed in a numerical Monte Carlo framework. This entails solving groundwater flow and transport processes within an ensemble of hydraulic conductivity realizations generated upon sampling the space of the considered random variables. The Sobol indices are adopted as sensitivity measures to provide an estimate of the role of uncertain parameters on the (ensemble) target moments. Calculation of the indices is performed by employing PCE as a surrogate model of the migration process to reduce the computational burden. We show that the proposed methodology (a) allows identifying the influence of uncertain parameters on key statistical moments of the peak concentration (b) enables extending the number of Monte Carlo iterations to attain convergence of the (ensemble) target moments, and (c) leads to considerable saving of computational time while keeping acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a hydrologic application of a new statistical learning methodology called support vector machines (SVMs). SVMs are based on minimization of a bound on the generalized error (risk) model, rather than just the mean square error over a training set. Due to Mercer's conditions on the kernels, the corresponding optimization problems are convex and hence have no local minima. In this paper, SVMs are illustratively used to reproduce the behavior of Monte Carlo-based flow and transport models that are in turn used in the design of a ground water contamination detection monitoring system. The traditional approach, which is based on solving transient transport equations for each new configuration of a conductivity field, is too time consuming in practical applications. Thus, there is a need to capture the behavior of the transport phenomenon in random media in a relatively simple manner. The objective of the exercise is to maximize the probability of detecting contaminants that exceed some regulatory standard before they reach a compliance boundary, while minimizing cost (i.e., number of monitoring wells). Application of the method at a generic site showed a rather promising performance, which leads us to believe that SVMs could be successfully employed in other areas of hydrology. The SVM was trained using 510 monitoring configuration samples generated from 200 Monte Carlo flow and transport realizations. The best configurations of well networks selected by the SVM were identical with the ones obtained from the physical model, but the reliabilities provided by the respective networks differ slightly.  相似文献   

Community-scale simulations were performed to investigate the risk to groundwater and indoor air receptors downgradient of a contaminated site following the remediation of a long-term source. Six suites of Monte Carlo simulations were performed using a numerical model that accounted for groundwater flow, reactive solute transport, soil gas flow, and vapour intrusion in buildings. The model was applied to a three-dimensional, community-scale (250 m × 1000 m × 14 m) domain containing heterogeneous, spatially correlated distributions of the hydraulic conductivity, fraction of organic carbon, and biodegradation rate constant, which were varied between realizations. Analysis considered results from both individual realizations as well as the suite of Monte Carlo simulations expressed through several novel, integrated parameters, such as the probability of exceeding a regulatory standard in either groundwater or indoor air. Results showed that exceedance probabilities varied considerably with the consideration of biodegradation in the saturated zone, and were less sensitive to changes in the variance of hydraulic conductivity or the incorporation of heterogeneous distributions of organic carbon at this spatial scale. A sharp gradient in exceedance probability existed at the lateral edges of the plumes due to variability in lateral dispersion, which defined a narrow region of exceedance uncertainty. Differences in exceedance probability between realizations (i.e., due to heterogeneity uncertainty) were similar to differences attributed to changes in the variance of hydraulic conductivity or fraction of organic carbon. Simulated clean-up times, defined by reaching an acceptable exceedance probability, were found to be on the order of decades to centuries in these community-scale domains. Results also showed that the choice of the acceptable exceedance probability level (e.g., 1 vs. 5 %) would likely affect clean up times on the order of decades. Moreover, in the scenarios examined here, the risk of exceeding indoor air standards was greater than that of exceeding groundwater standards at all times and places. Overall, simulations of coupled transport processes combined with novel spatial and temporal quantification metrics for Monte Carlo analyses, provide practical tools for assessing risk in wider communities when considering site remediation.  相似文献   

Bright J  Wang F  Close M 《Ground water》2002,40(5):529-534
The effect of increasing the amount of hydraulic conductivity (K) data on the level of uncertainty about contaminant concentration predictions was examined. Contaminant concentrations were predicted using Monte Carlo numerical simulations with progressively more K information, and were compared to reference data obtained from a physical experiment. Increasing the amount of K data used in generating the aquifer's K field improved the measure of confidence in the predicted contaminant concentration. The normalized concentration interval with 95% confidence decreased from 1.29 to 0.75 when the amount of K data increased from 20 to 71. However, the trade-off is the increase in the costs of aquifer investigation. Conducting Monte Carlo numerical simulations may help design an optimal aquifer investigation scheme, so that it can provide enough input data to predict concentrations with the desired level of confidence and at the same time avoid the excessive costs of aquifer investigation.  相似文献   

Wang F  Bright J 《Ground water》2004,42(5):760-766
The influence on solute transport of the small-scale spatial variation of aquifer hydraulic conductivity (K) was analyzed by comparing results from fine-grid (2 m by 2 m) simulations of a synthetic heterogeneous aquifer to those from coarse-grid (8 m by 4 m) simulations of an equivalent homogeneous aquifer. Realizations of the K field of the heterogeneous aquifer were generated, using the Monte Carlo approach, from a lognormal distribution with mean log K of 2 (K in m/d) and three levels of log K variance of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0. Numerical simulation results show that the average standard deviation of point concentrations increased from 1.21 to 5.78 when the value of log K variance was increased from 0.1 to 1.0. The average discrepancy between modeled concentrations (obtained from a coarse-grid deterministic numerical simulation) and the actual mean point concentrations (obtained from fine-grid Monte Carlo numerical simulations) increased from 0.91 to 4.23 with the increase in log K variance. The results from this study illustrate the uncertainty in predictions from contaminant transport models due to their inability to simulate the effects of heterogeneities at scales smaller than the model grid.  相似文献   

Surface elevations represented in MODFLOW head-dependent packages are usually derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) that are available at much high resolution. Conventional grid refinement techniques to simulate the model at DEM resolution increases computational time, input file size, and in many cases are not feasible for regional applications. This research aims at utilizing the increasingly available high resolution DEMs for effective simulation of evapotranspiration (ET) in MODFLOW as an alternative to grid refinement techniques. The source code of the evapotranspiration package is modified by considering for a fixed MODFLOW grid resolution and for different DEM resolutions, the effect of variability in elevation data on ET estimates. Piezometric head at each DEM cell location is corrected by considering the gradient along row and column directions. Applicability of the research is tested for the lower Rio Grande (LRG) Basin in southern New Mexico. The DEM at 10 m resolution is aggregated to resampled DEM grid resolutions which are integer multiples of MODFLOW grid resolution. Cumulative outflows and ET rates are compared at different coarse resolution grids. Results of the analysis conclude that variability in depth-to-groundwater within the MODFLOW cell is a major contributing parameter to ET outflows in shallow groundwater regions. DEM aggregation methods for the LRG Basin have resulted in decreased volumetric outflow due to the formation of a smoothing error, which lowered the position of water table to a level below the extinction depth.  相似文献   

This work presents a rigorous numerical validation of analytical stochastic models of steady state unsaturated flow in heterogeneous porous media. It also provides a crucial link between stochastic theory based on simplifying assumptions and empirical field and simulation evidence of variably saturated flow in actual or realistic hypothetical heterogeneous porous media. Statistical properties of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water tension, and soil water flux in heterogeneous soils are investigated through high resolution Monte Carlo simulations of a wide range of steady state flow problems in a quasi-unbounded domain. In agreement with assumptions in analytical stochastic models of unsaturated flow, hydraulic conductivity and soil water tension are found to be lognormally and normally distributed, respectively. In contrast, simulations indicate that in moderate to strong variable conductivity fields, longitudinal flux is highly skewed. Transverse flux distributions are leptokurtic. the moments of the probability distributions obtained from Monte Carlo simulations are compared to modified first-order analytical models. Under moderate to strong heterogeneous soil flux conditions (σ2y≥1), analytical solutions overestimate variability in soil water tension by up to 40% as soil heterogeneity increases, and underestimate variability of both flux components by up to a factor 5. Theoretically predicted model (cross-)covariance agree well with the numerical sample (cross-)covarianaces. Statistical moments are shown to be consistent with observed physical characteristics of unsaturated flow in heterogeneous soils.©1998 Elsevier Science Limited. All rights reserved  相似文献   

A common approach for the performance assessment of radionuclide migration from a nuclear waste repository is by means of Monte-Carlo techniques. Multiple realizations of the parameters controlling radionuclide transport are generated and each one of these realizations is used in a numerical model to provide a transport prediction. The statistical analysis of all transport predictions is then used in performance assessment. In order to reduce the uncertainty on the predictions is necessary to incorporate as much information as possible in the generation of the parameter fields. In this regard, this paper focuses in the impact that conditioning the transmissivity fields to geophysical data and/or piezometric head data has on convective transport predictions in a two-dimensional heterogeneous formation. The Walker Lake data based is used to produce a heterogeneous log-transmissivity field with distinct non-Gaussian characteristics and a secondary variable that represents some geophysical attribute. In addition, the piezometric head field resulting from the steady-state solution of the groundwater flow equation is computed. These three reference fields are sampled to mimic a sampling campaign. Then, a series of Monte-Carlo exercises using different combinations of sampled data shows the relative worth of secondary data with respect to piezometric head data for transport predictions. The analysis shows that secondary data allows to reproduce the main spatial patterns of the reference transmissivity field and improves the mass transport predictions with respect to the case in which only transmissivity data is used. However, a few piezometric head measurements could be equally effective for the characterization of transport predictions.  相似文献   

A common approach for the performance assessment of radionuclide migration from a nuclear waste repository is by means of Monte-Carlo techniques. Multiple realizations of the parameters controlling radionuclide transport are generated and each one of these realizations is used in a numerical model to provide a transport prediction. The statistical analysis of all transport predictions is then used in performance assessment. In order to reduce the uncertainty on the predictions is necessary to incorporate as much information as possible in the generation of the parameter fields. In this regard, this paper focuses in the impact that conditioning the transmissivity fields to geophysical data and/or piezometric head data has on convective transport predictions in a two-dimensional heterogeneous formation. The Walker Lake data based is used to produce a heterogeneous log-transmissivity field with distinct non-Gaussian characteristics and a secondary variable that represents some geophysical attribute. In addition, the piezometric head field resulting from the steady-state solution of the groundwater flow equation is computed. These three reference fields are sampled to mimic a sampling campaign. Then, a series of Monte-Carlo exercises using different combinations of sampled data shows the relative worth of secondary data with respect to piezometric head data for transport predictions. The analysis shows that secondary data allows to reproduce the main spatial patterns of the reference transmissivity field and improves the mass transport predictions with respect to the case in which only transmissivity data is used. However, a few piezometric head measurements could be equally effective for the characterization of transport predictions.  相似文献   

Advances in remote sensing have enabled hydraulic models to run at fine scale resolutions, producing precise flood inundation predictions. However, running models at finer resolutions increase their computational expense, reducing the feasibility of running the multiple model realizations required to undertake uncertainty analysis. Furthermore, it is possible that precision gained by running fine scale models is smoothed out when treating models probabilistically. The aim of this paper is to determine the level of spatial complexity that is required when making probabilistic flood inundation predictions. The Imera basin, Sicily is used as a case study to assess how changing the spatial resolution of the hydraulic model LISFLOOD‐FP impacts on the skill of conditional probabilistic flood inundation maps given model parameter and boundary condition uncertainties. We find that model performance deteriorates at resolutions coarser than 50 m. This is predominantly caused by changes in flow pathways at coarser resolutions which lead to non‐stationarity in the optimum model parameters at different spatial resolutions. However, although it is still possible to produce probabilistic flood maps that contain a coherent outline of the flood extent at coarser resolutions, the reliability of these maps deteriorates at resolutions coarser than 100 m. Additionally, although the rejection of non‐behavioural models reduces the uncertainty in probabilistic flood maps the reliability of these maps is also reduced. Models with resolutions finer than 50 m offer little gain in performance yet are more than an order of magnitude computationally expensive which can become infeasible when undertaking probabilistic analysis. Furthermore, we show that using deterministic, high‐resolution flood maps can lead to a spurious precision that would be misleading and not representative of the overall uncertainties that are inherent in making inundation predictions. Copyright © 2015 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment transport simulations are important in practical engineering. In this study, a graphics processing unit (GPU)-based numerical model coupling hydrodynamical and morphological processes was developed to simulate water flow, sediment transport, and morphological changes. Aiming at accurately predicting the sediment transport and sediment scouring processes, the model resolved the realistic features of sediment transport and used a GPU-based parallel computing technique to the accelerate calculation. This model was created in the framework of a Godunov-type finite volume scheme to solve the shallow water equations (SWEs). The SWEs were discretized into algebraic equations by the finite volume method. The fluxes of mass and momentum were computed by the Harten, Lax, and van Leer Contact (HLLC) approximate Riemann solver, and the friction source terms were calculated by the proposed a splitting point-implicit method. These values were evaluated using a novel 2D edge-based MUSCL scheme. The code was programmed using C++ and CUDA, which could run on GPUs to substantially accelerate the computation. The aim of the work was to develop a GPU-based numerical model to simulate hydrodynamical and morphological processes. The novelty is the application of the GPU techniques in the numerical model, making it possible to simulate the sediment transport and bed evolution in a high-resolution but efficient manner. The model was applied to two cases to evaluate bed evolution and the effects of the morphological changes on the flood patterns with high resolution. This indicated that the GPU-based high-resolution hydro-geomorphological model was capable of reproducing morphological processes. The computational times for this test case on the GPU and CPU were 298.1 and 4531.2 s, respectively, indicating that the GPU could accelerate the computation 15.2 times. Compared with the traditional CPU high-grid resolution, the proposed GPU-based high-resolution numerical model improved the reconstruction speed more than 2.0–12.83 times for different grid resolutions while remaining computationally efficient.  相似文献   

Detailed numerical flow and radionuclide simulations are used to predict the flux of radionuclides from three underground nuclear tests located in the Climax granite stock on the Nevada Test Site. The numerical modeling approach consists of both a regional-scale and local-scale flow model. The regional-scale model incorporates conceptual model uncertainty through the inclusion of five models of hydrostratigraphy and five models describing recharge processes for a total of 25 hydrostratigraphic–recharge combinations. Uncertainty from each of the 25 models is propagated to the local-scale model through constant head boundary conditions that transfer hydraulic gradients and flow patterns from each of the model alternatives in the vicinity of the Climax stock, a fluid flux calibration target, and model weights that describe the plausibility of each conceptual model. The local-scale model utilizes an upscaled discrete fracture network methodology where fluid flow and radionuclides are restricted to an interconnected network of fracture zones mapped onto a continuum grid. Standard Monte Carlo techniques are used to generate 200 random fracture zone networks for each of the 25 conceptual models for a total of 5,000 local-scale flow and transport realizations. Parameters of the fracture zone networks are based on statistical analysis of site-specific fracture data, with the exclusion of fracture density, which was calibrated to match the amount of fluid flux simulated through the Climax stock by the regional-scale models. Radionuclide transport is simulated according to a random walk particle method that tracks particle trajectories through the fracture continuum flow fields according to advection, dispersion and diffusional mass exchange between fractures and matrix. The breakthrough of a conservative radionuclide with a long half-life is used to evaluate the influence of conceptual and parametric uncertainty on radionuclide mass flux estimates. The fluid flux calibration target was found to correlate with fracture density, and particle breakthroughs were generally found to increase with increases in fracture density. Boundary conditions extrapolated from the regional-scale model exerted a secondary influence on radionuclide breakthrough for models with equal fracture density. The incorporation of weights into radionuclide flux estimates resulted in both noise about the original (unweighted) mass flux curves and decreases in the variance and expected value of radionuclide mass flux.  相似文献   

 An efficient numerical solution for the two-dimensional groundwater flow problem using artificial neural networks (ANNs) is presented. Under stationary velocity conditions with unidirectional mean flow, the conductivity realizations and the head gradients, obtained by a traditional finite difference solution to the flow equation, are given as input-output pairs to train a neural network. The ANN is trained successfully and a certain level of recognition of the relationship between input conductivity patterns and output head gradients is achieved. The trained network produced velocity realizations that are physically plausible without solving the flow equation for each of the conductivity realizations. This is achieved in a small fraction of the time necessary for solving the flow equations. The prediction accuracy of the ANN reaches 97.5% for the longitudinal head gradient and 94.7% for the transverse gradient. Head-gradient and velocity statistics in terms of the first two moments are obtained with a very high accuracy. The cross covariances between head gradients and the fluctuating log-conductivity (log-K) and between velocity and log-K obtained with the ANN approach match very closely those obtained by a traditional numerical solution. The same is true for the velocity components auto-covariances. The results are also extended to transport simulations with very good accuracy. Spatial moments (up to the fourth) of mean-concentration plumes obtained using ANNs are in very good agreement with the traditional Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the concentration second moment (concentration variance) is very close between the two approaches. Considering the fact that higher moments of concentration need more computational effort in numerical simulations, the advantage of the presented approach in saving long computational times is evident. Another advantage of the ANNs approach is the ability to generalize a trained network to conductivity distributions different from those used in training. However, the accuracy of the approach in cases with higher conductivity variances is being investigated.  相似文献   

Despite the intensive research over the past decades in the field of stochastic subsurface hydrology, our ability to analyze and model heterogeneous groundwater systems remains limited. Most existing theories are either too restrictive to handle practical complexity or too expensive to be applied to realistic problem sizes. In this paper we present approximate, closed-form equations that allow modeling 2D nonstationary flows in statistically inhomogeneous aquifers, including composite aquifers containing multiple zones characterized by different statistical models. The composite representation has the effect of decreasing the variance of deviations from the mean, relaxing the limitation of the small-perturbation assumption. The simple formulas are illustrated with a number of examples and compared with a corresponding first-order nonstationary numerical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that, despite the gross simplifications, the closed-form equations are robust and able to capture complex variance dynamics, reproducing surprisingly well the first-order numerical solutions and the Monte Carlo simulation even in highly nonstationary, variable situations.  相似文献   

The horizontal accuracy of topographic data represented by digital elevation model (DEM) resolution brings about uncertainties in landscape process modeling with raster GIS. This paper presents a study on the effect of topographic variability on cell-based empirical estimation of soil loss and sediment transport. An original DEM of 10m resolution for a case watershed was re-sampled to three realizations of higher grid sizes for a comparative examination. Equations based on the USLE are applied to the watershed to calculate soil loss from each cell and total sediment transport to streams. The study found that the calculated total soil loss from the watershed decreases with the increasing DEM resolution with a linear correlation as spatial variability is reduced by cell aggregation. The USLE topographic factors (LS) extracted from applied DEMs represent spatial variability, and determine the estimations as shown in the modeling results. The commonly used USGS 30m DEM appears to be able to reflect essential spatial variability and suitable for the empirical estimation. The appropriateness of a DEM resolution is dependent upon specific landscape characteristics, applied model and its parameterization. This work attempts to provide a general framework for the research in the DEM-based empirical modeling.  相似文献   

This study evaluates and compares two methodologies, Monte Carlo simple genetic algorithm (MCSGA) and noisy genetic algorithm (NGA), for cost-effective sampling network design in the presence of uncertainties in the hydraulic conductivity (K) field. Both methodologies couple a genetic algorithm (GA) with a numerical flow and transport simulator and a global plume estimator to identify the optimal sampling network for contaminant plume monitoring. The MCSGA approach yields one optimal design each for a large number of realizations generated to represent the uncertain K-field. A composite design is developed on the basis of those potential monitoring wells that are most frequently selected by the individual designs for different K-field realizations. The NGA approach relies on a much smaller sample of K-field realizations and incorporates the average of objective functions associated with all K-field realizations directly into the GA operators, leading to a single optimal design. The efficacy of the MCSGA-based composite design and the NGA-based optimal design is assessed by applying them to 1000 realizations of the K-field and evaluating the relative errors of global mass and higher moments between the plume interpolated from a sampling network and that output by the transport model without any interpolation. For the synthetic application examined in this study, the optimal sampling network obtained using NGA achieves a potential cost savings of 45% while keeping the global mass and higher moment estimation errors comparable to those errors obtained using MCSGA. The results of this study indicate that NGA can be used as a useful surrogate of MCSGA for cost-effective sampling network design under uncertainty. Compared with MCSGA, NGA reduces the optimization runtime by a factor of 6.5.  相似文献   

In the paper the Biot hysteretic model involving an infinite collection of elements whose dynamic characteristics are specified through a probability density‐like function is re‐examined; in the limit case, the Biot model yields a dynamic system with ideal hysteretic damping which is known to be problematic for random vibration analysis. It is shown that bona fide Monte Carlo simulations can be conducted for the Biot model by treating, cautiously, the integrodifferential equation which is involved; this is based on recursive calculations of double integrals encountered in the representation of the system dynamics. The numerical results which pertain to the Monte Carlo studies are further used to assess the accuracy of a statistical linearization procedure adopted in determining the response of the hysteretically damped system to white noise. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于WNAD方法的非一致网格算法及其弹性波场模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
加权近似解析离散化(WNAD) 方法是近年发展的一种在粗网格步长条件下能有效压制数值频散的数值模拟技术. 在地震勘探的实际应用中, 不是所有情况都适合使用空间大网格步长. 为适应波场模拟的实际需要, 本文给出了求解波动方程的非一致网格上的WNAD算法. 这种方法在低速区、介质复杂区域使用细网格, 在其他区域采用粗网格计算. 在网格过渡区域, 根据近似解析离散化方法的特点, 采用了新的插值公式, 使用较少的网格点得到较高的插值精度. 数值算例表明, 非一致网格上的WNAD方法能够有效压制数值频散, 显著减少计算内存需求量和计算时间, 进一步提高了地震波场的数值模拟效率.  相似文献   

In this work we develop a new multiscale procedure to compute numerically the statistical moments of the stochastic variables which govern single phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. The technique explores the properties of the log-normally distributed hydraulic conductivity, characterized by power-law or exponential covariances, which shows invariance in its statistical structure upon a simultaneous change of the scale of observation and strength of heterogeneity. We construct a family of equivalent stochastic hydrodynamic variables satisfying the same flow equations at different scales and strengths of heterogeneity or correlation lengths. Within the new procedure the governing equations are solved in a scaled geology and the numerical results are mapped onto the original medium at coarser scales by a straightforward rescaling. The new procedure is implemented numerically within the Monte Carlo algorithm and also in conjunction with the discretization of the low-order effective equations derived from perturbation analysis. Numerical results obtained by the finite element method show the accuracy of the new procedure to approximated the two first moments of the pressure and velocity along with its potential in reducing drastically the computational cost involved in the numerical modeling of both power-law and exponential covariance functions.  相似文献   

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