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Deep saline aquifers are important geological formations for CO2 sequestration. It has been known that dissolution of CO2 increases brine density, which results in downward density-driven convection and consequently greatly enhances CO2 sequestration. In this study, a continuum-scale lattice Boltzmann model is used to investigate convective mixing of CO2 in saline aquifers. It is found that increasing permeability in either the vertical or horizontal direction accelerates the development of convective mixing. In a heterogeneous aquifer, increasing heterogeneity hampers the onset of convective mixing, because the heterogeneous permeability field results in a large portion of low-velocity region which reduces the instability of the system. The critical time for the onset of instability depends mainly on the coefficient of variation (COV) of the permeability field, and is insensitive to the correlation length. This implies that within the scale of critical time, mass transport is dominated by diffusion, and thus depends mainly on fine-scale heterogeneity controlled by COV. We derived an empirical formula for estimating the critical time, which leads to good estimates for all combinations of COV and correlation length. Fingering, channeling, and dispersion are the three mechanisms for mass transport. In dispersion, dissolved mass is approximately proportional to the square root of time, while in fingering and channeling it is approximately proportional to time. Mass transport by channeling depends significantly on permeability structure, while by fingering it is controlled by gravitational instability. It is also found that larger volumes of CO2 can be stored in heterogeneous aquifers because of higher mass dissolution rates.  相似文献   

Most models of cave formation in limestone that remains near its depositional environment and has not been deeply buried (i.e. eogenetic limestone) invoke dissolution from mixing of waters that have different ionic strengths or have equilibrated with calcite at different pCO2 values. In eogenetic karst aquifers lacking saline water, mixing of vadose and phreatic waters is thought to form caves. We show here calcite dissolution in a cave in eogenetic limestone occurred due to increases in vadose CO2 gas concentrations and subsequent dissolution of CO2 into groundwater, not by mixing dissolution. We collected high‐resolution time series measurements (1 year) of specific conductivity (SpC), temperature, meteorological data, and synoptic water chemical composition from a water table cave in central Florida (Briar Cave). We found SpC, pCO2 and calcite undersaturation increased through late summer, when Briar Cave experienced little ventilation by outside air, and decreased through winter, when increased ventilation lowered cave CO2(g) concentrations. We hypothesize dissolution occurred when water flowed from aquifer regions with low pCO2 into the cave, which had elevated pCO2. Elevated pCO2 would be promoted by fractures connecting the soil to the water table. Simple geochemical models demonstrate that changes in pCO2 of less than 1% along flow paths are an order of magnitude more efficient at dissolving limestone than mixing of vadose and phreatic water. We conclude that spatially or temporally variable vadose CO2(g) concentrations are responsible for cave formation because mixing is too slow to generate observed cave sizes in the time available for formation. While this study emphasized dissolution, gas exchange between the atmosphere and karst aquifer vadose zones that is facilitated by conduits likely exerts important controls on other geochemical processes in limestone critical zones by transporting oxygen deep into vadose zones, creating redox boundaries that would not exist in the absence of caves. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The typical shape of a capillary-pressure curve is either convex (e.g., Brooks–Corey model) or S-shaped (e.g., van Genuchten model). It is not universally agreed which model reflects natural rocks better. The difference between the two models lies in the representation of the capillary entry pressure. This difference does not lead to significantly different simulation results for modeling CO2 sequestration in aquifers without considering CO2 dissolution. However, we observe that the van-Genuchten-type capillary-pressure model accelerates CO2 solubility trapping significantly compared with the Brooks–Corey-type model. We also show that the simulation results are very sensitive to the slope of the van-Genuchten-type curve around the entry-pressure region. For the representative examples we study, the differences can be so large as to have complete dissolution of the CO2 plume versus persistence of over 50% of the plume over a 5000-year period.The cause of such sensitivity to the capillary-pressure model is studied. Particularly, we focus on how the entry pressure is represented in each model. We examine the mass-transfer processes under gravity-capillary equilibrium, molecular diffusion, convective mixing, and in the presence of small-scale heterogeneities. Laboratory measurement of capillary-pressure curves and some important implementation issues of capillary-pressure models in numerical simulators are also discussed. Most CO2 sequestration simulations in the literature employ one of the two capillary-pressure models. It is important to recognize that these two representations lead to very different predictions of long-term CO2 sequestration.  相似文献   

In this study we performed three categories of steady- and unsteady-state core-flooding experiments to investigate capillary trapping, relative permeability, and capillary pressure, in a scCO2 + SO2/brine/limestone system at elevated temperature and pressure conditions, i.e., 60 °C and 19.16 MPa. We used a Madison limestone core sample acquired from the Rock Springs Uplift in southwest Wyoming. We carried out two sets of steady-state drainage-imbibition relative permeability experiments with different initial brine saturations to study hysteresis. We found that the final scCO2 + SO2 drainage relative permeability was very low, i.e., 0.04. We also observed a rapid reduction in the scCO2-rich phase imbibition relative permeability curve, which resulted in a high residual trapping. The results showed that between 62.8% and more than 76% of the initial scCO2 + SO2 at the end of drainage was trapped by capillary trapping mechanism (trapping efficiency). We found that at higher initial brine saturations, the trapping efficiency was higher. The maximum initial and residual scCO2-rich phase saturations at the end of primary drainage and imbibition were 0.525 and 0.329, respectively. Each drainage-imbibition cycle was followed by a dissolution process to re-establish Sw = 1. The dissolution brine relative permeabilities for both cycles were also obtained. We characterized the scCO2 + SO2/brine capillary pressure hysteresis behavior through unsteady-state primary drainage, imbibition, and secondary drainage experiments. We observed negative imbibition capillary pressure curve indicative of possible wettability alteration throughout the experiments due to contact with scCO2 + SO2/brine fluid system. The trapping results were compared to those reported in literature for other carbonate core samples. We noticed slightly more residual trapping in our sample, which might be attributed to heterogeneity, different viscosity ratio, and pore-space topologies. The impact of dynamic effects, i.e., high brine flow rate imbibition tests, on trapping of the scCO2-rich phase was also explored. We performed two imbibition experiments with relatively high brine flow rates. The residual scCO2 saturation dropped to 0.291 and 0.262 at the end of the first and second imbibition tests, i.e., 11.5% and 20.4%, respectively, compared to 0.329 under capillary-dominated regime.  相似文献   

Introduction It is found that there are some relationships between the thermal structures of subduction zones and the deep seismicity, while the mechanism relates the thermal structure and the deep seismicity is still unsure (Helffrich, Brodholt, 1991; Furukawa, 1994; Kirby, et al, 1996). From 1980s, geoscientists have constituted a series of numerical simulations on the stress states of subduction slabs. Based on the kinetic computation of Sung and Burns (1976a, b), Goto, et al (1983, 1987…  相似文献   

Introduction Geoscientists concern the explanation of deep focus earthquakes greatly. As a great progress in understanding the formation of deep focus earthquakes, Sung and Burns (1976a, b) proposed that olivine could exist in transition zone in metastable form in the core of some cold subducting slabs, which have got supports from laboratory studies (Rubie, Ross, 1994). Iidaka and Suetsugu (1992) used the seismic data recorded by the dense seismograph networks in Japan to study the travelti…  相似文献   

The present work describes the results of a modeling study addressing the geological sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in an offshore multi-compartment reservoir located in Italy. The study is part of a large scale project aimed at implementing carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology in a power plant in Italy within the framework of the European Energy Programme for Recovery (EEPR). The processes modeled include multiphase flow and geomechanical effects occurring in the storage formation and the sealing layers, along with near wellbore effects, fault/thrust reactivation and land surface stability, for a CO2 injection rate of 1 × 106 ton/a. Based on an accurate reproduction of the three-dimensional geological setting of the selected structure, two scenarios are discussed depending on a different distribution of the petrophysical properties of the formation used for injection, namely porosity and permeability. The numerical results help clarify the importance of: (i) facies models at the reservoir scale, properly conditioned on wellbore logs, in assessing the CO2 storage capacity; (ii) coupled wellbore-reservoir flow in allocating injection fluxes among permeable levels; and (iii) geomechanical processes, especially shear failure, in constraining the sustainable pressure buildup of a faulted reservoir.  相似文献   

Prediction of CO2 injection performance in deep subsurface porous media relies on the ability of the well to maintain high flow rates of carbon dioxide during several decades typically without fracturing the host formation or damaging the well. Dynamics of solid particulate suspensions in permeable media are recognized as one major factor leading to injection well plugging in sandstones. The invading supercritical liquid-like fluid can contain exogenous fine suspensions or endogenous particles generated in situ by physical and chemical interactions or hydrodynamic release mechanisms. Suspended solids can plug the pores possibly leading to formation damage and permeability reduction in the vicinity of the injector. In this study we developed a finite volume simulator to predict the injectivity decline near CO2 injection wells and also for production wells in the context of enhanced oil recovery. The numerical model solves a system of two coupled sets of finite volume equations corresponding to the pressure-saturation two-phase flow, and a second subsystem of solute and particle convection-diffusion equations. Particle transport equations are subject to mechanistic rate laws of colloidal, hydrodynamic release from pore surfaces, blocking in pore bodies and pore throats, and interphase particle transfer. The model was validated against available laboratory experiments at the core scale. Example results reveal that lower CO2 residual saturation and formation porosity enhance CO2-wet particle mobility and clogging around sinks and production wells. We conclude from more realistic simulations with heterogeneous permeability spanning several orders of magnitude that the control mode of mobilization, capture of particles, and permeability reduction processes strongly depends on the type of permeability distribution and connectivity between injection and production wells.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the application of 222Rn in groundwater as a tracer for monitoring CO2 plume migration in a shallow groundwater system, which is important to detect potential CO2 leakage in the carbon capture and storage (CCS) project. For this research, an artificial CO2-infused water injection experiment was performed in a shallow aquifer by monitoring hydrogeochemical parameters, including 222Rn. Radon in groundwater can be a useful tracer because of its sensitivity to sudden changes in subsurface environment. To monitor the CO2 plume migration, the data were analysed based on (a) the influence of mixing processes on the distribution of 222Rn induced by the artificial injection experiment and (b) the influence of a carrier gas role by CO2 on the variation of 222Rn. The spatio-temporal distributions of radon concentrations were successfully explained in association with horizontal and vertical mixing processes by the CO2-infused water injection. Additionally, the mixing ratios of each monitoring well were calculated, quantitatively confirming the influence of these mixing processes on the distribution of radon concentrations. Moreover, one monitoring well showed a high positive relationship between 222Rn and Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TIC) by the carrier gas effect of CO2 through volatilization from the CO2 plume. It indicated the applicability of 222Rn as a sensitive tracer to directly monitor CO2 leakage. When with a little effect of carrier gas, natural 222Rn in groundwater can be used to compute mixing ratio of CO2-infused water indicative of CO2 migration pathways. CO2 carrier gas effect can possibly increase 222Rn concentration in groundwater and, if fully verified with more field tests, will pose a great potential to be used as a natural tracer for CO2.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variation of moisture distribution, overall water balance and quantity of infiltrated water in the vadose zone of the Sidi Bouzid Plain (Tunisia) during successive flooding events is quantified in this study. The variation in water content in response to environmental factors such as evaporation and water root uptake is also highlighted. One-dimensional flow simulations in the deep vadose zone were conducted at three spreading perimeters located near Wadi El Fekka. The hydraulic boundary conditions of a time-dependent water blade applied to the soil surface were determined from measured flood hydrographs. For the chosen wet year, the successive flooding events contributed to a significant artificial recharge of the natural groundwater. Although the soil hydraulic parameters did not vary strongly in space, flow simulations showed significant differences in the overall water balance of approximately 9–16% for the various spreading perimeters.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to provide comparative quantitative examinations on the capabilities of two‐dimensional horizontal and pseudo‐three‐dimensional (3D) modelling approaches for simulating spatial and temporal variability of the flow and salinity in Lake Urmia, Iran. The water quality in the lake has been an environmentally important subject partly because this shallow hypersaline aquatic ecosystem is considered to be one of the largest natural habitats of a unique multicellular organism, Artemia urmiana. This brine shrimp is the major food source for many of the protected and rare shorebirds that visit the lake. A. urmiana can grow and survive in certain ranges of salinity, and their disappearance could lead to an alteration of existing equilibria. The lake has also experienced considerable man‐made changes during the past three decades. A newly built crossing embankment almost divided the lake into two northern and southern halves. A relatively small opening of 1.25 km in the new embankment provides water connections between the two halves. As a result, the flow and salinity regimes have been significantly changed. This might have had adverse serious impacts on the lake ecosystem. In the current study, the two‐dimensional horizontal hydrodynamic model has been found to provide reasonable predictions for the flow regime in the lake, whereas its salinity predictions have not been consistent with the field observations. The pseudo‐3D model has produced results fairly close to the salinity measurements and its temporal and spatial variations. The pseudo‐3D model has been used for evaluating the embankment effects on the lake hydrodynamics and on the salinity conditions. The effectiveness of introducing a different number or length of openings in the embankment for restoring the pre‐embankment conditions has also been examined. These remedy options have been found not to offer substantial improvements to the lake's existing ecosystem. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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