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The eddy-covariance method is the state-of-the-art tool to measure mass and energy fluxes, though many measuring systems (particularly closed-path systems) show strong spectral attenuation that causes significant underestimates of actual mass fluxes. The standard way to correct these underestimates is to use theoretically derived transfer functions. Practical implementation has shown that the attenuation, especially of closed-path systems, is underestimated by this method, even when the additional tube damping is considered. This paper introduces and tests three alternative site-specific and hardware specific correction methods based on spectral analysis, which typically enhance—additionally to the classical correction—the calculated mass fluxes based on closed-path analysers, as their inevitable tubing and the filters used cause additional flow attenuation. Two of the three methods are based on a site-specific and hardware specific transfer functions, the third uses direct comparison of cospectra. Primarily the methods based on transfer functions proved to be easy-to-handle once established for the specific set-up and measurement site. They represent practical and robust methods to correct for spectral attenuation.  相似文献   

We measured the surface energy budget of an Alpine grassland in highly complex terrain to explore possibilities and limitations for application of the eddy-covariance technique, also for CO2 flux measurements, at such non-ideal locations. This paper focuses on the influence of complex terrain on the turbulent energy measurements of a characteristic high Alpine grassland on Crap Alv (Alp Weissenstein) in the Swiss Alps during the growing season 2006. Measurements were carried out on a topographic terrace with a slope of 25 inclination. Flux data quality is assessed via the closure of the energy budget and the quality flag method used within the CarboEurope project. During 93% of the time the wind direction was along the main valley axis (43% upvalley and 50% downvalley directions). During the transition times of the typical twice daily wind direction changes in a mountain valley the fraction of high and good quality flux data reached a minimum of ≈50%, whereas during the early afternoon ≈70% of all records yielded good to highest quality (CarboEurope flags 0 and 1). The overall energy budget closure was 74 ± 2%. An angular correction for the shortwave energy input to the slope improved the energy budget closure slightly to 82 ± 2% for afternoon conditions. In the daily total, the measured turbulent energy fluxes are only underestimated by around 8% of net radiation. In summary, our results suggest that it is possible to yield realistic energy flux measurements under such conditions. We thus argue that the Crap Alv site and similar topographically complex locations with short-statured vegetation should be well suited also for CO2 flux measurements.  相似文献   

In this paper, data obtained from a 164 m and a195 m meteorological tower in the northern suburb ofNanjing have been used to estimate and analyzetime-space distributions for velocity spectra andscales of multi-scaling turbulence during thepassages of two cold fronts. Results show that anon-precipitating weak cold front and aprecipitating cold front were clearly revealed bytheir wind field structures. The frontal passageinfluenced all meteorological variables over aperiod of 18–24 hours for the former, and a longerperiod of 44–56 hours for the latter. During these periods there occurred gust surges and eddymotions of various meso- and micro-scales with periodsof 3–4 hours and 1–20 minutes respectively. In the inertialsubrange Kolmogorov's -2/3 power law for thevelocity spectrum is partly distorted and theturbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer is not isotropic.  相似文献   

基于RegCM4模式的中国区域日尺度降水模拟误差订正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
童尧  高学杰  韩振宇  徐影 《大气科学》2017,41(6):1156-1166
气候模式模拟得到的各气候变量与观测相比,总会存在一定的偏差,所得到的气候变化预估结果难以在影响评估模型中直接应用。本文尝试对一个区域气候模式(RegCM4.4)所模拟的中国区域逐日降水,基于概率分布(分位数映射)方法进行统计误差订正。在订正过程中,以模拟时段1991~2010年中的前半段(1991~2000年)作为参照时段,建立传递函数,对后一时段(2001~2010年)进行订正并检验其效果。首先对使用参数和非参数所建立的6种不同传递函数方法进行对比,发现6种方法均可明显减少降水模拟的误差,其中利用非参数转换建立传递函数的RQUANT方法效果更好。随后进一步分析了采用该方法对模式模拟降水所做订正的效果,结果表明,该方法可以明显改善对平均降水,以及降水年际变率和极端事件的模拟结果。  相似文献   

This study examines the seasonal cycle of the components of the surface energy balance in the Volta basin in West Africa as part of the GLOWA-Volta project. The regional climate is characterized by a strong north–south gradient of mean annual rainfall and the occurrence of pronounced dry and wet seasons within one annual cycle, causing a strong seasonal variation in the natural vegetation cover. The observations are conducted with a combined system, consisting of a Large Aperture Scintillometer (LAS) for areally averaged sensible heat flux, radiometers and sensors for soil heat flux. For comparisons the eddy-covariance (EC) method providing the fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat is utilized as well. The measurements of a seasonal cycle in 2002/2003 were gathered including the rapid wet-to-dry transition after the wet season at two locations in Ghana, one in the humid tropical southern region and one in the northern region. A direct comparison and the energy balance closure of the two methods are investigated for daytime and nighttime separately. An attempt is made to understand and explain the differences between the two methods and the closure of energy budget found for these. It is found that the two systems correspond well during daytime. During nighttime the LAS seems to perform more realistically than the EC system. Considering the fact that a LAS system is much easier to use in the climate conditions of the Volta basin, it is concluded that the LAS approach is very suitable in this type of climate conditions. Surface conductances are estimated by rearranging the Penman–Monteith equation and compared to a Jarvis-type model optimised for savannah conditions. It is found that temperature dependence should be included in the conductance formulation in contrast to earlier findings. Based on the findings the gathered dataset can be used for further model studies of the climate and environment of West Africa.  相似文献   

袁杰  魏凤英  李兴  柯凡 《气象科技》2023,51(6):815-823
使用均值生成函数、标准正态均一性检验方法和相关分析等方法对我国东部地区96个观测站1931—2020年夏季降水量长年代资料进行了一系列插补、检验、订正及效果分析等工作。结果表明:(1)均值生成函数拟合的1931—2020年各站夏季降水量资料的整体趋势和极值与观测值均有较好的一致性,其中无缺测资料的6个站点观测值和拟合值在距平符号一致率上达到了86.1%,可以满足插补工作的需要。(2)对1931—1950年和1951—2020年2个时段的夏季降水量资料,用平均值和方差2个统计量对插补后的资料进行差异性检验,共有8站具有显著性差异。(3)对插补后的1931—2020年夏季降水量资料进行了均一性检验和均一化订正,其中13站存在非均一性。(4)将订正后的站点资料与CRU_TS4.05(University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit Global 0.5°Monthly Time Series)数据库的格点资料进行空间分布相似度分析,2套资料在1931—1950、1951—2020和1931—2020年这3个时段的空间相关系数分别达到了0.90,...  相似文献   

风云四号A星(Fengyun-4A,简称FY-4A)作为我国最新一代静止气象卫星,各方面技术指标都体现了“高、精、尖”特色,处于国际领先地位。其上搭载的多通道扫描成像辐射计(Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager,简称AGRI)较上一代静止卫星风云二号的可见光红外自旋扫描辐射仪观测精度更高、扫描时间更短,充分体现AGRI观测资料将有效提高“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的天气预报和灾害预警水平。偏差订正是卫星资料处理的重要环节之一,因此本文通过在WRFDA v3.9.1(Weather Research and Forecasting model’s Data Assimilation v3.9.1)搭建AGRI同化接口,利用RTTOV v11. 3辐射传输模式和GFS全球预报系统(Global Forecast System)分析场研究了FY-4A AGRI红外通道8~14晴空辐射率资料的偏差特征并进行偏差订正对比试验,分析了卫星天顶角对AGRI资料偏差订正的影响,为将来实现AGRI红外通道辐射率资料在中尺度模式中的同化应用奠定基础。结果表明:(1)通道8~10及14为正偏差,通道11~13为负偏差。水汽通道9和10偏差及其标准差相对较小,偏差海陆差异不明显。通道11~14探测高度较低,陆地上观测受地表发射率影响大,质量控制时可剔除这些通道陆地上的观测。(2)各通道偏差随卫星天顶角变化的拟合直线斜率都小于0.035,对比试验结果表明偏差与卫星天顶角的关系不明显,预报因子中无需考虑卫星天顶角的作用。(3)通道8及11~14的偏差随着目标亮温的变化比水汽通道9~10明显,偏差有较强的目标亮温依赖特征。(4)根据分析的偏差特征对2018年5月13日18时(协调世界时,下同)至15日18时进行变分偏差订正试验,系统性偏差得到了有效的订正。  相似文献   

分析运城市高温气候特征及环流特点,找出运城市高温天气预报指标,建立高温预报方法。采用模式误差订正、气候值消空订正、预报指标补漏订正相结合对中央台指导产品的极端最高气温作出订正。  相似文献   

利用2001—2020年河北省142个国家气象站逐日最大风速资料分析了近20年河北风速变化背景。择选2021年2—5月张家口、崇礼区域日极大风速13.9 m/s以上、日10 min平均风速最大值8 m/s以上的30个代表日,运用张承高速公路沿线崇礼国家气象站、南窝铺及场地2套区域气象站、高家营及西湾子2套交通气象站的逐分钟风向风速观测资料,ECMWF数值模式输出的地面10 m风预报资料,以及3″分辨率的SRTM3地形资料,应用Meteodyn WT模型对张承高速公路沿线2个解域区域内的风预报结果进行了订正和检验。结果表明:WT模型输出风速与实际观测风速相关系数可达0.6225并通过0.001显著性检验,各代表站模拟的结果与实况的误差80%以上在±2 m/s之间,地形开阔处误差明显减小;风向也表现出很高的一致性。说明应用WT模型对山区高速公路沿线风数值预报进行订正是可行的,各地可结合本地地形数据以及相对稳定可靠的风的数值预报产品作为WT模型的驱动数据源,开展本地山区高速公路沿线风的订正应用。  相似文献   

本文利用谱逼近方法,对2008年初发生在我国南方的大范围持续性降水过程进行了对比试验,结果发现使用谱逼近方法的试验模拟所得的雨带空间分布和降水强度明显优于没有使用谱逼近方法的试验。对于低层受槽线、风切变线等频繁影响的区域,使用谱逼近方法的试验得到的经向风场具有2~4天的显著周期特征,与实况较为一致,即该方法能够提高模式对经向风场的模拟能力。综合分析水汽输送通道、模拟区域位置以及水汽通道超前高相关区的周期特征可知:谱逼近方法可能把中南半岛东部区域这一超前高相关区的经向水汽输送信息引入模式,从而改善了模式对降水区水汽收支周期的模拟能力,这可能是该方法能够改善降水模拟的重要原因之一。另外,对于谱逼近方法没有直接作用的模式变量,经过模式内部各变量之间的相互调整,其在谱逼近试验中的统计结果也有不同程度的提高。本文研究结果表明,谱逼近试验通过引入外源性的周期特征因素项,调整了模式与大尺度驱动场之间的协调关系,进而能够提高两周内模式模拟水平。此方法可能会在模式数值预报中具有一定的实际使用价值。  相似文献   

Meteo-hydrological forecasting models are an effective way to generate high-resolution gridded rainfall data for water source research and flood forecast. The quality of rainfall data in terms of both intensity and distribution is very important for establishing a reliable meteo-hydrological forecasting model. To improve the accuracy of rainfall data, the successive correction method is introduced to correct the bias of rainfall, and a meteo-hydrological forecasting model based on WRF and WRF-Hydro is applied for streamflow forecast over the Zhanghe River catchment in China. The performance of WRF rainfall is compared with the China Meteorological Administration Multi-source Precipitation Analysis System (CMPAS), and the simulated streamflow from the model is further studied. It shows that the corrected WRF rainfall is more similar to the CMPAS in both temporal and spatial distribution than the original WRF rainfall. By contrast, the statistical metrics of the corrected WRF rainfall are better. When the corrected WRF rainfall is used to drive the WRF-Hydro model, the simulated streamflow of most events is significantly improved in both hydrographs and volume than that of using the original WRF rainfall. Among the studied events, the largest improvement of the NSE is from -0.68 to 0.67. It proves that correcting the bias of WRF rainfall with the successive correction method can greatly improve the performance of streamflow forecast. In general, the WRF / WRF-Hydro meteo-hydrological forecasting model based on the successive correction method has the potential to provide better streamflow forecast in the Zhanghe River catchment.  相似文献   

近30a山西不同相态降水的统计特征及概念模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用山西省1981~2010年108站的地面降水观测数据,以降水量≥0.1 mm的日数为指标,对山西108个县市不同相态降水的时空分布特征进行了分析,结果表明:五寨(山西西北部)和陵川(山西东南部)平均降雨日数、平均降雪日数、平均雨夹雪日数都位于全省之首;30 a间山西的降雨日数和降雪日数分别以3.333 d/10 a和1.529 d/10 a的趋势减少,而雨夹雪日数则以0.34 d/10 a的趋势增多;山西区域降雪和降雨日数变化趋势的空间分布都具有西部减少趋势高于东部的特征,雨夹雪日数变化趋势的空间分布则具有东部增多趋势高于西部增多趋势的特征;朔州和忻州西部是降雪日数减少趋势最强的区域,运城是降雨日数减少趋势最强的区域,晋城是雨夹雪日数增多趋势最强的区域。应用328个多相态降水过程资料和NCEP再分析资料进行统计分析,结果表明:冷空气侵入导致中低空温度下降,0℃层高度降低是降水相态发生变化的主要原因;-3℃和0℃是山西中南部降水相态转变时850 hPa和925 hPa的临界值;3.5℃则是山西北部和高海拔地区降水相态发生转变时850 hPa温度的临界值;西北路冷空气侵入多相态降水过程,地面冷锋是降水相态的分界线,东路冷空气侵入多相态降水过程,低空切变线则是降水相态的分界线。  相似文献   

利用2009年10月-2010年3月湖北省武英高速凤凰关水库自动气象站逐时路、桥面温度和常规气象资料,分析了冬季典型天空状况(晴空、阴天)和天气过程(雾、降雨、降雪)中气温、路面温度和桥面温度的变化规律。结果表明,夜间桥面温度与气温接近,比路面温度低2℃,桥面0℃以下的低温维持时间为路面维持时间的2倍左右。利用下垫面能量平衡模型,分别计算冬季夜间晴空和阴天时路、桥面辐射能量收支变化情况,分析了夜间路面和桥面温度变化差异的原因,并对桥面比路面更易结冰的现象给出了理论解释。  相似文献   

根据1959—2015年长沙地区4个气象站的日平均气温资料、湖南省寒露风等级标准和构建的寒露风初日时间序列,利用数理统计分析、均生函数、最优子集回归等方法,分析了长沙地区寒露风气候特征,建立了寒露风初日预测模型。结果表明:长沙地区1959—2015年发生寒露风共97次,宁乡、望城坡、马坡岭和浏阳分别为38、28、19和12次;发生中度以上寒露风次数自西向东分别为15、10、8和5次。寒露风平均初日在9月19—22日。≤20℃的开始日期最早为9月3日(2013年),最迟为10月28日(2014年),极差为56天。9月上、中及下旬发生寒露风的概率分别为6%、32%和62%,下旬发生概率显著增加。西部宁乡约2 a一遇,东部浏阳约5 a一遇,西部宁乡频率及影响程度远高于东部浏阳的。预测模型拟合率均在89%以上,2011—2016年预测结果较好。  相似文献   

西风槽是诱发豫西北雷雨大风和暴雨等强对流天气的一种重要的天气系统。利用常规高空、地面观测和探空资料,对2001-2015年6-9月受西风槽影响在豫西北发生的区域性强对流天气过程的分析发现,由于近地面暖湿空气势力和侵入冷空气的强弱不同,致使天气系统配置差异显著。根据不同天气系统配置,将由西风槽入侵引起的强对流天气过程分为斜压锋生类和低层暖平流强迫抬升类两种。斜压锋生类的显著特征是配合高空槽的移近,影响系统在700 h Pa上有明显的冷槽,在近地面层有明显的锋生和锋面移近,锋面逼近使抬升运动增强是强对流天气启动的重要因素;低层暖平流强迫类的影响系统在700 h Pa上有位势高度槽而无冷槽,槽的南段紧贴或者落后于500 h Pa槽线,呈前倾结构,强的热力不稳定和深层垂直风切变所形成的动力不稳定是引发这类强对流天气的主要因素,地面辐合线、干线触发了强对流天气。二者在物理量场分布上也有着显著的异同:相同之处在于两类强对流天气均有较强的位势不稳定且积累了大量的不稳定能量,两类强对流过程的0℃层均接近或超过5km。不同之处主要有以下几点:1)斜压锋生类中低层湿度更大,湿层更厚。2)低层暖平流强迫类850-500 h Pa的温差均值为27. 7℃,大于斜压锋生类的温差。3)斜压锋生类K指数均值达39. 6℃,低层暖平流强迫类K指数均值为28. 7℃,二者差值高达10. 9℃,而其抬升凝结高度却明显偏低。4)斜压锋生类中低层的垂直风切变较大,而低层暖平流强迫类的对流层高层与近地面间的垂直风切变较大。  相似文献   

IAP9L AGCM中大气季节内振荡的时空特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据IAP9LAGCM10年积分850hPa纬向风的逐日输出结果,应用Morlet小波分析方法,研究了该模式中的大气季节内振荡(MJO),结果表明该模式能抓住热带MJO的基本时空特征,模式中MJO的显著周期为36天;另外还分析了16~64天重构信号的时间经度剖面图,发现该MJO为东传,这与实际较一致;最后用EOF方法分析了模式大气中850hPa5天平均速度势,揭示出该MJO在全球表现为行星尺度1波和2波的特征。  相似文献   

采用区域自动站逐小时降水观测数据、GPS/MET大气可降水量观测数据和NCEP/NCAR提供的FNL0.25°×0.25°分析数据,通过对比塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘和田地区2次落区接近、强度不同暴雨过程的环流和水汽特征,分析了影响极端暴雨产生的急流和水汽因子特征,结果表明:沙漠南缘暴雨时环流配置符合“三支气流”模型,高空急流、中层偏南风、低层辐合切变的强度与降水量正相关,当高层有极涡直接南伸至中亚发展而成的副热带大槽、中层有气旋前部的强偏南或西南气流、低层有偏东风急流明显西伸与西风急流形成强辐合时有利于出现极端暴雨。沙漠南缘暴雨的水汽源地、输送路径、水汽含量、饱和层厚度与降水量相关,暴雨的水汽源地一般为欧洲和北冰洋,降水区水汽输入以中低层为主,低层比湿大于6 g?kg-1,饱和层位于700 hPa以上;当中高层有来自阿拉伯海、孟加拉湾的由偏南风输送水汽的加入,低层比湿达8 g?kg-1以上、饱和层扩展至750 hPa以下时,可出现极端暴雨。  相似文献   

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