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Particulate organic carbon (POC) is vertically transported to the oceanic interior by aggregates and their ballasts, mainly CaCO3 and biogenic opal, with a smaller role for lithogenic aerosols through the mesopelagic zone. Diel migrating zooplankton communities effect vertical transport and remineralization of POC in the upper layers of the ocean. Below 1.5 km, the presence of zooplankton is reduced and thus the aggregates travel mainly by gravitational transport. We normalized the fluxes of POC, CaCO3, and biogenic opal from data published on samples collected at 134 globally distributed, bottom-tethered, time-series sediment trap (TS-trap) stations to annual mole fluxes at the mesopelagic/bathypelagic boundary (m/b) at 2 km and defined them as Fm/bCorg, Fm/bCinorg, and Fm/bSibio. Using this global data set, we investigated (1) the geographic contrasts of POC export at m/b and (2) the supply rate of ∑CO2 to the world mesopelagic water column. Fm/bCorg varies from 25 (Pacific Warm Pool) to 605 (divergent Arabian Sea) mmolC m−2 yr−1; Fm/bCinorg varies from >8 (high latitude Polar Oceans) or 15 (Pacific Warm Pool) to 459 (divergent Arabian Sea) mmolC m−2 yr−1; and Fm/bSibio, the most spatially/temporally variable flux, ranges from 6 (North Atlantic Drift) to 1118 (Pacific Subarctic Gyre) mmolSi m−2 yr−1. The oceanic region exhibiting the highest POC flux over a significantly large region is the area of the North Pacific Boreal Gyres where the average Fm/bCorg = 213, Fm/bCinorg = 126, and Fm/bSibio = 578 mmol m−2 yr−1. Fm/bCorg and Fm/bCinorg are particularly high in large upwelling margins, including the divergent Arabian Sea and off Cape Verde. One of the data sets showing the lowest flux over a significant region/basin is Fm/bCorg = 39, Fm/bCinorg = 69, and Fm/bSibio = 22 mmol m−2 yr−1 in the North Pacific subtropical/tropical gyres; Pan-Atlantic average fluxes are similar except Fm/bSibio fluxes are even lower. Where Corg/Cinorg and Sibio/Cinorg are <1 defines the “Carbonate Ocean”, and where these ratios are ?1 defines the “Silica Ocean”. The Carbonate Ocean occupies about 80% of the present world pelagic ocean between the two major oceanographic fronts, the North Pacific Polar Front and the Antarctic Polar Front, and the Silica Ocean is found on the polar sides of these fronts. The total global annual fluxes of Fm/bCorg, Fm/bCinorg, and Fm/bSibio at m/b calculated by parameterizations of the export flux data from 134 stations are surprisingly similar; 36.2, 33.8, and 34.6 teramol yr−1 (120, 112, and 114 mmol m−2 yr−1), respectively, resulting in a near uniform binary ratio between the above three elements of about one. The global ternary % ratios estimated from 152 TS-trap samples of the three elements are 35:32:33. From our global Fm/bCorg and a published model estimate of the global export production, we estimate the regeneration rate of CO2 through the mesopelagic zone by the biological pump is 441 teramolC yr−1. Based on our global Fm/bCinorg and recently estimated global primary production of PIC, 36-86 teramolC yr−1 of PIC is assumed to be dissolved within the upper 2 km of the water column.  相似文献   

With the aim of improving the knowledge of the open ocean carbon cycle, we present a budget of particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes carried out in the deep central part of the Algero-Balearic Basin (ABB) at 2850 m water depth based on a single mooring equipped with five automated sediment traps deployed from April 2001 to May 2002 at depths of 250, 845, 1440, 2145 and 2820 m. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) and superficial sediments were also used as indicators of hydrodynamics and carbon burial, respectively. The data reveal that the fraction of primary production buried in the sediment, which finally leads to the sequestration of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, is 0.16%, lower than the values found in the nearby continental margin regions such as the Alboran Sea (0.48–0.89%) but of the same order as recorded at other Mediterranean sites at similar depths, such as the Ionian Sea (0.11%). As they sink through the water column, the particles exhibit decreases in flux that are similar to those observed elsewhere, but also show variations that appear to correlate with hydrological features of the water masses present in the basin, as revealed by SPM concentrations and compositions. The input of the tyrrhenian deep water (TDW) into the ABB at 800–1500 m of water depth exhibits low suspended POC concentrations and low sinking POC fluxes were also observed in this depth range. Gulf of Lions water mass formation appears to also contribute to elevated suspended POC concentrations and perhaps POC accumulation in the traps and sediments by spreading of dense cold water along the whole ABB that supplied POC at depths higher than 2000 m.  相似文献   

本研究利用总有机碳分析仪联用稳定同位素质谱仪(TOC-IRMS)技术,探讨了高温氧化法测试水体中溶解有机碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon, DOC)含量及稳定碳同位素组成。根据溶解有机碳的组成特征,从氧化难易程度、分子结构等方面选取5种可溶于水的化合物:咖啡因、葡萄糖、邻苯二甲酸、乙酸钾和腐殖酸钠,配置成DOC溶液。通过改变溶液碳含量、氧化温度、通氧量大小,载气流速等参数,研究不同实验条件对DOC碳转化率及δ13C值的影响。TOC-IRMS在氧化温度850℃,通氧时长20 s(流速10 cm3/min),载气流速80 cm3/min的条件下,测得5种化合物不同浓度DOC溶液的平均碳转化率为95.69%~103.57%;δ13C值与标定参考值基本一致,差值范围为-0.82‰~0.55‰。在上述实验条件下,测得不同类型水样的DOC含量相对标准偏差小于3.7%,δ13C值的标准偏差小于0.2‰,结果表明TOC-IRMS联用在线高温氧化法测定不同类型水样的DOC含量...  相似文献   

Recently, bivalves have been massively killed by anoxia or hypoxia in summer at the northern part of Isahaya Bay, Japan, which constituted a major problem for fisheries. However, the mechanism behind the occurrence of hypoxic water masses is unclear. It is known that the bottom water dissolved oxygen (DO) in this area is affected by the inflow of seawater into the northern mouth of Isahaya Bay. To understand the mechanism of hypoxia, it is necessary to determine the physical processes that cause changes in the bottom DO concentrations in this area. This study shows that there is a neap-spring tidal variation in bottom DO due to a change in vertical tidal mixing, and it also suggests that the decrease in bottom DO was generated by a baroclinic flow, which is due to the internal tide, and a shear flow, which is induced by the external tide in the bottom boundary layer. In addition, our study suggests that the source of cold and hypoxic water that appears in the bottom layer at low tide is the inner area of the Ariake Sea.  相似文献   

Photographic observations of the brittle starOphiura sarsi were conducted at a depth of approximately 280 m in the Pacific Ocean off tsuchi, northeastern Japan. Bottom photographs showed that this ophiuroid occurred in high densities, uniformly covering the sea floor and that other megafauna was rare. The mean density and biomass of ophiuroids in the dense bed were estimated to be 373 m–2 and 124 g m–2, respectively. Ophiuroids comprised 99% of all megabenthic organisms in terms of number of individuals, and megafaunal assemblage of the dense bed showed very low species diversity.O. sarsi exhibited a regular spatial pattern avoiding contact with conspecific neighbors. This regular spatial pattern was disrupted by certain other organisms, around which halo-like, bare areas were observed. The size and shape of these halo-like areas varied and were apparently related to the body size and/or motility of the organisms. In the present observation areaO. sarsi covered 96% of the sea bottom, and the remaining 4% was occupied by other organisms and their halo-like bare areas.  相似文献   

Sagami Bay is a deep-water foreland basin with an average sedimentary rate of approximately 0.1 g/cm2/year. It is an appropriate area to study for better understanding of sedimentary processes in a setting with a high sedimentation rate. Seven multiple core samples, 30-50 cm thick, were obtained from Sagami Bay. Four of the core samples were taken from the Tokyo submarine fan system (Tokyo canyon floor, Tokyo fan valley and its levee, the distal fan margin). Two samples were obtained from the Sakawa fan delta and the adjacent topographic high. The remaining one was from an escarpment of the Sagami submarine fault. Variations in chemical composition can be recognized at every coring site. They show two different sediment sources: the sediments of the Tokyo submarine fan system and those from Sakawa fan delta. Further, there are differences in chemical composition between canyon floor and levees even within the Tokyo submarine fan system. The results suggest that the sedimentary process is strongly controlled not by vertical particle settling but by a hyperpycnal flow process. The proxies obtained from the core samples do not reflect conditions in the water column immediately overlying the sea floor. Rather, they are controlled by conditions on the adjacent continental shelf or/and shallow basins, which are the areas of primary accumulation.  相似文献   

Through 2004 and 2005, δ 34S of sinking material from Otsuchi Bay was measured at the center and rocky shore of the bay. At the center of the bay δ 34S was high (18∼21‰) in the material collected from April to November. However, δ 34S was low (9∼14‰) in the material collected from December to March. The increase in δ 34S in April was attributed to an increase in phytoplankton biomass because marine phytoplanktonic δ 34S is high. When δ 34S of sinking material was low, input of riverine material or bottom sediment resuspension were considered as the probable causes, because their δ 34S is low. Marine sulfur was always high (more than 70%) at both stations. The difference between the δ 34S of sinking material collected from the different sampling stations indicates that marine macroalgae contribute to sinking material near the shore when phytoplankton is scarce. In conclusion, the relative influence of different material sources to sinking materials could be successfully estimated using δ 34S.  相似文献   

The δ18O, δ13C and trace element composition of pearls collected from Ago Bay, Japan, were investigated in order to evaluate biomineralization in the cultured pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii). The oxygen isotopic data suggest that the pearls were produced around 23–24°C, mainly in June to early July, which is consistent with their occurrence in the field. Therefore the pearls were produced under or close to isotopic equilibrium conditions, although they showed high calcification rates (higher than 0.2–1.0 g cm− 2yr−1) under which, for example, coral skeletons (calcification rate ∼0.28 g cm− 2yr−1) often show non-equilibrium isotope partitioning. The δ13C values were ∼− 2.9‰ lower than those calculated for offshore waters under equilibrium conditions. This may be due to low-δ13C bottom waters resulting from the degradation of organic matter (OM) or to a contribution of low-δ 13C food. In the latter case, a simple mass balance calculation gives a respiration component of 14%. Twelve trace elements of bulk pearl samples were classified into four groups on the basis of their enrichment/depletion patterns relative to seawater and inter-element relationships: group 1, Co, Cr, Pb; group 2, Ba, Cs, U; group 3, Cu, Sn, V, and group 4, Mn, Rb, Mo. Comparison with coral skeletons suggests that Ba and Mn (groups 2 and 4) were definitely much enriched in proteinaceous OM relative to aragonite crystals in pearls and that V (group 3) in pearls showed only slight enrichment in the organicrich layer. By contrast, the other elements showed small differences between both layers (enrichment factor of <3), suggesting that these elements occur largely in aragonite crystals.  相似文献   

The study investigated the trophic ecology of the gastropod Hydrobia ulvae in different habitat types within an intertidal bay. The results point out two major trophic pathways involving H. ulvae in this bay. On the one hand, in sandy/muddy sediments Hydrobia derives most of its energy from allochtonous detritus derived from Enteromorpha sp and the total SOM pool. In addition, in these sediments, the phototrophic purple bacteria mats played a substantial trophic role in the diet of Hydrobia. On the other hand, in a Spartina maritima marsh, the gastropod appears firstly dependent of autochtonous detritus derived from this plant. The minor contribution of microphytobenthos to the diet of Hydrobia is consistent with a relatively low presence of epipelic diatoms at the sampling sites. These results provide evidence that the trophic ecology of H. ulvae inhabiting intertidal sediments is quite plastic and does not necessarily rely primarly on microphytobenthos. Consequently, in a single bay, the small spatial scale variability in the origin and availability of detritus have direct implications on the food incorporation by H. ulvae.  相似文献   

We estimated the composition of two food sources for the cultured pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensii using stable isotopes and stomach content analysis in the coastal areas of the Uwa Sea, Japan. The δ13C values of oysters (−17.5 to −16.8‰) were intermediate between that of particulate organic matter (POM, −20.2 to −19.1‰) and attached microalgae on pearl cages (−13.0‰). An isotope mixing model suggested that oysters were consuming 78% POM (mainly phytoplankton) and 22% attached microalgae. The attached microalgal composition of the stomach content showed a strong resemblance to the composition of that estimated through the isotope mixing model, suggesting preferential utilization of specific components is unlikely in this species. These results indicate that P. fucata martensii feed on a mixture of phytoplankton and attached microalgae, and that the attached microalgae on pearl cages can serve as an important additional food source.  相似文献   

A time-series sediment trap was deployed from December 1994 to February 2002 at the mouth of Tokyo Bay (35°03′ N, 139°40′ E; water depth, 850 m). Sinking particles were obtained with a time interval of one week at a depth of approximately 100 m above the sea floor. Observed total mass fluxes varied from 3.3 to 226.7 g/m2/day with an average of 28.0 g/m2/day. Concentrations of rare earth elements, Al, Ca and Si in particulate materials were measured. The combustible fraction at 450°C is assumed to be equivalent to the organic matter content. Contents of biogenic materials, namely organic matter, opal and calcium carbonate, were about 30% and the content of lithogenic material was about 70%. Using La/Yb ratios of particles from the sediment trap and Tama-gawa River and surface sediment of Tokyo Bay, it was estimated that about 50% of the lithogenic particles collected in the sediment trap at the mouth of Tokyo Bay originated from resuspended surface sediment in Tokyo Bay. An increasing trend of Opal/CaCO3 ratio in the sinking particles was found in the spring season. It is suggested that the relative increase of diatoms is due to the decreasing dissolved inorganic nitrogen input into Tokyo Bay.  相似文献   

The Thukela Bank, KwaZulu-Natal, supports a diverse ecosystem and South Africa’s only prawn fishery. Oceanographic studies suggest riverine input is not important for the biology of this system, whereas biological studies suggest the contrary, with prawn catches increasing with increased fluvial run-off. The aim of this study was to determine (i) the importance of riverine and marine organic matter for the Thukela Bank food web; and (ii) whether there are seasonal changes in the Thukela River stable isotope values, and, if so, whether these are reflected in the isotope values of demersal organisms. Estuarine organic matter, sediments and demersal organisms were collected from several sites across the bank in the wet and dry seasons of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Marine particulate organic matter was also collected in 2010 and analysed for δ13C and δ15N, as well as C/N ratios. There were strong seasonal changes in isotopic values of organic matter and fauna, especially faunal δ13C. There was an apparent time-lag in organisms assimilating riverine organic matter isotopic values, with the isotopic signature of demersal organisms reflecting that of riverine organic matter from the previous season, which is likely the result of tissue turnover time. In 2010, Thukela Bank sediment organic matter was of riverine origin and this maintained the demersal food web. We conclude that Thukela River organic matter is an important input to the food web of the Thukela Bank, indicating that any future damming of the catchment area could have serious consequences for this ecosystem.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotopic composition of particulate organic matter in the ocean, δ13CPOC, shows characteristic spatial variations with high values in low latitudes and low values in high latitudes. The lowest δ13CPOC values (−32‰ to −35‰) have been reported in the Southern Ocean, whereas in arctic and subarctic regions δ13CPOC values do not drop below −27‰. This interhemispheric asymmetry is still unexplained. Global gradients in δ13CPOC are much greater than in δ13CDIC, suggesting that variations in isotopic fractionation during organic matter production are primarily responsible for the observed range in δ13CPOC. Understanding the factors that control isotope variability is a prerequisite when applying δ13CPOC to the study of marine carbon biogeochemistry. The present model study attempts to reproduce the δ13CPOC distribution pattern in the ocean. The three-dimensional (3D) Hamburg Model of the Oceanic Carbon Cycle version 3.1 (HAMOCC3.1) was combined with two different parametrizations of the biological fractionation of stable carbon isotopes. In the first parametrization, it is assumed that the isotopic fractionation between CO2 in seawater and the organic material produced by algae, P, is a function of the ambient CO2 concentration. The two parameters of this function are derived from observations and are not based on an assumption of any specific mechanism. Thus, this parametrization is purely empirical. The second parametrization is based on fractionation models for microalgae. It is supported by several laboratory experiments. Here the fractionation, P, depends on the CO2 concentration in seawater and on the (instantaneous) growth rates, μi, of the phytoplankton. In the Atlantic Ocean, where most field data are available, both parametrizations reproduce the latitudinal variability of the mean δ13CPOC distribution. The interhemispheric asymmetry of δ13CPOC can mostly be attributed to the interhemispheric asymmetry of CO2 concentration in the water. However, the strong seasonal variations of δ13CPOC as reported by several authors, can only be explained by a growth rate-dependent fractionation, which reflects variations in the cellular carbon demand.  相似文献   

Elemental (TOC, TN, C/N) and stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions and n-alkane (nC16–38) concentrations were measured for Spartina alterniflora, a C4 marsh grass, Typha latifolia, a C3 marsh grass, and three sediment cores collected from middle and upper estuarine sites from the Plum Island salt marshes. Our results indicated that the organic matter preserved in the sediments was highly affected by the marsh plants that dominated the sampling sites. δ13C values of organic matter preserved in the upper fresh water site sediment were more negative (−23.0±0.3‰) as affected by the C3 plants than the values of organic matter preserved in the sediments of middle (−18.9±0.8‰) and mud flat sites (−19.4±0.1‰) as influenced mainly by the C4 marsh plants. The distribution of n-alkanes measured in all sediments showed similar patterns as those determined in the marsh grasses S. alterniflora and T. latifolia, and nC21 to nC33 long-chain n-alkanes were the major compounds determined in all sediment samples. The strong odd-to-even carbon numbered n-alkane predominance was found in all three sediments and nC29 was the most abundant homologue in all samples measured. Both δ13C compositions of organic matter and n-alkane distributions in these sediments indicate that the marsh plants could contribute significant amount of organic matter preserved in Plum Island salt marsh sediments. This suggests that salt marshes play an important role in the cycling of nutrients and organic carbon in the estuary and adjacent coastal waters.  相似文献   

Large volumes of fine-grained sediment have been transported to the deepbasin floor in the Bering Sea, especially during glacial low stands of sea level. Turbidity currents and several types of mass movement have been the chief transporting agents.  相似文献   

The identification of energy sources, pathways and trophic linkages among organisms is crucial for the understanding of food web dynamics. Stable isotopes were used to identify the trophic level of food web components and track the incorporation of organic matter of different origins in the coastal ecosystem adjacent to the Tagus estuary. It was shown that the river Tagus is a major source of organic carbon to this system. Also, the wide difference in δ13C among the primary consumers allowed the identification of the pelagic and the benthic energy pathways. The maximum trophic level observed was 2.4 for Sepia officinalis. This value is indicative of a short food web. It was concluded that the diet of the upper trophic level species relies directly on the lower food web levels to a considerable extent, instead of relying mostly on intermediate trophic level species. Moreover, the δ15N values of primary consumers were very close to that of particulate organic matter, probably due to poorly known processes occurring at the basis of the food web. This lowers the trophic length of the whole food web. Reliance on benthic affinity prey was high for all upper trophic level secondary consumers.  相似文献   

In order to understand and quantify the way in which organic matter is transported from the atmosphere to the oceans it is important to know not only the various mechanisms by which the material is transferred between the two phases, but also the role of natural organic material at the air—sea interface in modifying such transport. In order to predict the latter it is necessary to have some knowledge of the organic chemistry and physico-chemical properties of material at the sea surface. Its organic chemistry is presently the subject of considerable controversy, although surface pressure measurements and force-area data for sea surface material, together with its very mixed chemical nature, strongly suggest that over most of the oceans it cannot form a coherent film.Transfer of organic material across the air—sea interface can be by either wet (liquid) or dry (gas and solid) deposition. The flux carried by each path can be characterised by the product of the rate of transfer of the substance concerned and its concentration in the transporting phase. Any modifying effect of material at the sea surface will vary depending on the mode of transfer, as well as the properties of the interfacial material. Application of these ideas is illustrated by calculation of atmosphere—ocean fluxes for total organic carbon, CCI4, CCI3F, PCBs and DDT.  相似文献   

Sediment trap experiments were carried out ten times in one year (1977) at three depths in Funka Bay. The material obtained in the traps was analyzed for metals, organic elements and radionuclides, together with the suspended matter in the overlying water column. Two groups with extremely different downward fluxes were found, a group with a small flux increasing with depth, and another with a large flux that is rather constant with depth and is observed only in winter. The flux in winter, and sometimes in the bottom layer below the summer thermocline was larger than the net sedimentation rate for total dry matter or for each chemical constituent. The flux was also larger than the net removal flux for 234Th. A most striking fact is that the specific activity of short-lived 234Th did not decrease in winter, indicating that the large flux in winter was not caused by the re-suspension of old bottom sediments. The concentration of suspended matter in winter was not much greater than that in other seasons. These results suggest that the downward flux observed in sediment trap experiments is not a net removal rate and that there must be an upward particulate flux in the bay.  相似文献   

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