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辽西东南部中生代花岗岩时代   总被引:50,自引:11,他引:50  
辽西东南部是华北地台中生代花岗质岩浆作用较为发育的地区,并产有著名的杨家杖子钼矿床。但关于该区花岗岩的形成时代,一直缺乏深入的研究。本文通过细致的野外考察和系统采样,对该区不同类型的花岗质岩石进行了锆石u—Pb同位素测年。结果显示,该区的碱厂-杨家杖子岩体主体形成于180—190Ma,部分岩石形成于150—160Ma左右。东部海棠山-医巫闾山岩体主要形成于150—170Ma左右。因此,该区的中生代花岗质岩浆作用主要发生在侏罗纪,而白垩纪花岗质岩浆作用相对较弱。同时。这些年代学资料还反映,区内的杨家杖子钼矿形成于中侏罗世,其东部的瓦子峪变质核杂岩形成于早白垩世。对比整个燕辽地区中生代岩浆作用的年代资料发现,该区中生代花岗岩且有自东向西逐渐年轻的趋势,且与火山作用的年代学格架有所不同。岩石中含有的捕获的古老锆石还表明,区内的早前寒武纪岩浆作用主要发生在25和18.5亿年左右。  相似文献   

辽吉南部古元古代花岗岩极为发育,其中最著名的是具有条痕状构造的正长花岗岩,俗称辽吉花岗岩。因该花岗岩具有条带状、条痕状和似层状构造特征,而被前人认为是由太古宙或元古宙沉积地层经变质变形作用形成,或是交代成因的混合岩。本文通过对分布于吉林南部通化地区辽吉花岗岩的典型代表一钱桌沟岩体的详实野外地质填图及地球化学研究,确定该岩体属岩浆成因的“A”型花岗岩,其岩浆侵位年龄为2160Ma左右。结合目前获得的该区古元古代地层的碎屑锆石年龄,本文认为辽吉花岗岩是辽吉地区古元古代地层沉积的基底岩石,是地层沉积之前地壳拉张作用的结果,属于一种非造山型花岗岩。  相似文献   

本文报道了在大兴安岭南部白音高老组新发现的钠闪石流纹岩的锆石U-Pb定年结果和岩石地球化学资料,以便揭示富碱钠闪石流纹岩的成因与区域构造演化.钠闪石流纹岩中锆石为自形-半自形的长柱状、短柱状,具有明显岩浆成因的震荡生长环带,结合其Th/U比值(1.2~1.9),暗示其为岩浆成因.锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,其206Pb/238U年龄介于134 ~ 149Ma之间,其加权平均年龄为141Ma,表明钠闪石流纹岩形成于早白垩世早期.锆石εHf(t)=+9.07~+12.08,二阶段Hf模式年龄介于415 ~616Ma之间.岩石地球化学资料表明,钠闪石流纹岩以富硅、碱、铁质和贫钙、镁质为特征,在地球化学上,具有典型的A型流纹岩特征.该类岩石不仅具有高的稀土元素总量(REE=307×10-6~ 1395×10-6)、显著的Ce正异常(Ce/Ce* =6.52 ~ 18.6)和显著的Eu负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.007 ~0.009),而且表现出高场强元素(如Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta)的显著富集、大离子亲石元素(如Ba、Sr)的强烈亏损和很高的Ga/A1比值(104×Ga/Al =4.88~6.41).上述资料表明,钠闪石流纹岩的原始岩浆应是古俯冲蚀变洋壳部分熔融的产物,并形成于蒙古-鄂霍茨克缝合带闭合后的岩石圈伸展构造环境.  相似文献   

The Mangalwar Complex of the Aravalli craton is marked by the presence of late Paleoproterozoic granites referred to as Anjana Granite and Amet Granite. These granites occur as 1.64 Ga old plutons intruding greenstone sequences and migmatitic gneisses of Mangalwar Complex which comprises parts of BGC of the Aravalli craton. In the present contribution major, trace and REE data of these granites along with associated microgranular mafic enclaves (MMEs) are presented and discussed. Geochemically these granites are quartz monzonite, metaluminous, sub-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline rocks. The most important characteristics of Anjana and Amet granites are low SiO2, high MgO, Mg#, K2O, Ba, and low Na2O/K2O ratios. In addition, the REEs show moderate to high fractionation, with (La/Yb) ratios up to 22 and 23 of the Anjana and Amet granites respectively, with no or positive europium anomalies. In the primitive mantle-normalized trace element diagrams both granites show depletion in high-field strength elements (HFSE) such as Nb, Ta, P, Ti and enrichment in LILEs. Most of these features are comparable to those of sanukitoid series rocks. Geochemically both granites are distinguished as high-Ti sanukitoids. Geochemical characteristics of MMEs suggest that they are similar to Anjana and Amet granites and in turn to sanukitoids with lower SiO2 content. They display LREE enriched patterns with low values (avg. 13) of (La/Yb)N, negative Eu anomalies and high HREE contents (58 ppm). It is suggested that the parental magma of Anjana and Amet granitic plutons originated through a four stage process (1) Generation of magmatic melts produced by partial melting of terrigeneous sediments of subducting slab in an arc setting; (2) interaction of those melts with the overlying mantle wedge, and total consumption of slab-derived melts during the reaction resulting in production of a metasomatized mantle; (3) tectonothermal event, possibly related to the slab break-off, causing asthenospheric mantle upwelling. This may have induced the melting of the metasomatized mantle and the generation of sanukitoid magmas. The parental magmas of Anjana and Amet granites and their mafic enclaves were generated at lower and higher lithospheric levels respectively (4) Granitic magma ascended due to viscosity and gravity instabilities and interacted with enclave magma at higher mantle level. Both magmas ascended towards upper crust and evolved through fractional crystallisation. Existing data suggest that in the Mangalwar Complex, the formation of sanukitoid magma started even during Mesoarchaean times and continued till late Paleoproterozoic. Formation of sanukitoid magma during this time indicates that in northern Indian shield the multi-stage subduction- accretionary orogenic processes continued for a protracted geological period and played a major role in the origin and evolution of early continental crust.  相似文献   

对取自赣南地区10个温泉的地热气体进行了气体化学成分及氦、碳、氖同位素组成的分析。该区地热气体可分为CO2型和N2型两种类型。CO2型地热气体分布在赣南东南部地区,主要成分是CO2,占总体积96.47%以上,二氧化碳气体的δ13C值为 -5.50‰~-3.49‰(PDB),平均为 -4.66‰,为幔源无机成因,其氦同位素组成为1.36~2.27 Ra,具有明显的幔源成因特征,最高约有28.2%的氦源于地幔,其N2-Ar-He关系研究表明,该型地热气体中的氮源于地幔-地壳-大气混合成因。研究揭示该区CO2型地热气体属幔源无机成因气,是地幔脱气作用的产物。N2型地热气体分布在赣南西部地区,N2含量占91.04%以上,其中二氧化碳气体的δ13C值为 -23.7‰~-12.6‰,平均为 -17.82‰,为壳源有机成因,其氦同位素组成为0.06~0.13 Ra,具有明显的壳源放射性成因特征,3He/4He 与 4He/20Ne关系和He-Ar-N2关系研究表明,N2型温泉气主要来源于大气,并有壳源气体的贡献。  相似文献   

大陆火山的复杂性是一个普遍关注的全球性问题,也是一个长期以来悬而未解决的地质问题.长白山火山位于亚洲板块东部的活动边缘,受到西太平洋俯冲的影响,新生代构造和火山活动活跃,为探讨大陆火山成因及其地幔源区特点提供了极佳的天然实验室.天池火山和龙岗火山是长白山地区两个重要的新生代火山区,其火山岩分布具有空间相邻、火山活动时代相似的特点,本文通过对基性火山岩的岩石学和地球化学对比研究,指出天池火山和龙岗火山具有明显的地球化学不均一性,包括微量元素不均一性和Sr、Nd、Pb同位素不均一性,来自于不同的地幔源区,天池火山和龙岗火山火山岩分布相邻,覆盖范围东西最大不过100多公里,因此这是典型的小尺度地幔地球化学不均一的特点.Sr、Nd同位素特征显示龙岗火山来自于原始地幔,而天池火山来自于原始地幔和富集地幔混合源区.不相容元素Nb、Ta显示,天池火山Ta元素含量很低(主要落在0.17~2.15 ppm的范围),具有明显的负Ta异常和明显的Nb/Ta分异(Nb/Ta=10~50,个别达到100以上),可能是板片部分熔融产物与金红石等副矿物反应的结果,暗示了西太平洋板块俯冲机制的影响;而龙岗火山没有明显Nb、Ta亏损或者分异.  相似文献   

This note reports new occurrences of syenite bodies around Marunthurkota area from the Kerala khondalite belt (KKB). Petrological and geochemical studies suggest that the syenites have a pronounced A-type affinity, metaluminous characteristics with high concentrations of alkalies, Rb, Sr, Zr, and high K2O/Na2O ratio. Miaskitic nature (agpaitic index<1) of syenite suggest involvement of CO2 related phase in their genesis. The petrological characteristics signify crystallization of the rock at shallow levels within the crust. Geochemistry favours mantle origin of the magma and enrichment of Ba and Sr are indicative of involvement of carbonatite melt in the source region. The study envisages the presence of a juvenile CO2 enriched upper mantle below the southern Indian continental crust during the Pan-African time.  相似文献   

湖南香花岭花岗岩岩石化学特征及其构造环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湖南南部燕山早期香花岭岩体主要由铁锂云母二长花岗岩组成。岩石SiO:和K2O平均含量分别为73.72%和4.78%,Na2O+KO平均8.47%,K2O/Na2O比值平均为1.40,A1:03平均为13.81%。总体属强过饱和铝质钙碱性一碱性花岗岩类。氧化物构造环境判别图解及区域构造演化背景反映香花岭岩体形成于后造山构造环境。  相似文献   

皖南地区北接长江中下游铜铁金成矿带,南临赣东北德兴铜、金矿集区,成矿潜力巨大。迄今已在区域内发现多个大中型W、Mo、Cu、Au矿床。本次研究选取多个可能与成矿有关的小型花岗岩体进行岩石成因、氧逸度高低及其成矿潜力分析。研究发现:皖南侏罗-白垩纪发育两期花岗岩,早期花岗岩主要形成于160~140±5Ma,岩性多为花岗闪长岩等偏中性岩石,岩石成因与中晚侏罗世的板块俯冲挤压有关。晚期花岗岩主要形成于140±5~120Ma,岩性以花岗岩、正长花岗岩以及碱性花岗岩为主,岩石的成因与构造体制转换之后的伸展环境有关。利用锆石中稀土微量元素的含量计算出皖南及相邻地区早期(160~140±5Ma)花岗岩普遍具有比较高的Ce4+/Ce3+值,即岩浆具有高氧逸度;而晚期(140±5~120Ma)花岗岩的Ce4+/Ce3+值普遍偏低,指示了岩浆具有较低的氧逸度。通过对氧逸度与成矿关系的分析,认为皖南燕山早期发育的花岗质岩类具有良好的铜、金、钼找矿潜力。  相似文献   

本文应用角闪石地质温压计和流体包裹体对胶东西北部与成矿关系密切的郭家岭花岗闪长岩结晶的温压条件、侵位深度进行了讨论。郭家岭花岗闪长岩的矿物组合为斜长石、角闪石、黑云母、石英、碱性长石、铁-钛氧化物、榍石和次生绿泥石,符合角闪石温压计的使用前提。应用角闪石-斜长石温度计和角闪石全铝压力计所获得的温压条件分别为,郭家岭岩体为694~733℃,1.3~2.4kbar,丛家岩体为702~719℃,2.4~3.9kbar,北截岩体为723~727℃,3.8~4.2kbar。未变形岩石的石英中含有5种类型包裹体,其中CO2-H2O-NaCl包裹体广泛分布,最具有代表性。由CO2-H2O-NaCl包裹体等容线相图计算的温压范围与岩石所获得的温压范围一致,表明角闪石温压计获得的结果是比较可信的。岩体的侵位深度变化较大,其中郭家岭岩体平均为6km,丛家岩体平均为10km,北截岩体平均为13km,显示从东到西侵位越来越深结晶温度越来越高的趋势。不同侵位深度的岩体同时出露到地表暗示了早白垩世以来胶东地区的剥蚀抬升速率可能是不均匀的,西部相对东部抬升更快剥蚀更多。  相似文献   

Anders Lindh 《Lithos》2005,80(1-4):249-266
A few tens of millions of years after the intrusion of the Early Svecofennian (1.87–1.85 Ma) granitoids in central Sweden, a renewed magmatic activity resulted in the emplacement of the Late Svecofennian granites, the tectonic setting of which remains obscure. S-type granites dominate this group, but both I-type and transitional granites are common. This study deals with one of these intrusions in east-central Sweden; a composite pluton that is insignificantly deformed and hosts both I- and S-type granites. One of the I-type granites shows a compositional trend from granodiorite to granite, which is uncommon among the Late Svecofennian granites. Major element and incompatible trace element compositions and Nd data show that two different sources, one igneous and one sedimentary, were involved. An important conclusion is that nearly coeval granites derived from different sources are found in close connection. The granites are suggested to have formed by partial melting in a thickened continental crust that was formed in an early stage of the Svecofennian event. Thermal models suggest that the slightly older, high-temperature I-type granite (granodiorite) was formed deeper in the crust than the S-type granite. The coexistence of essentially pure I- and S-type granites, rather than transitional mixtures, reflects the relative depths of the proposed sources and the varying thermal parameters of the lithologic units in the Svecofennian crust.  相似文献   

Sedimentology can shed light on the emplacement of oceanic lithosphere (i.e. ophiolites) onto continental crust and post-emplacement settings. An example chosen here is the well-exposed Jurassic Mirdita ophiolite in southern Albania. Successions studied in five different ophiolitic massifs (Voskopoja, Luniku, Shpati, Rehove and Morava) document variable depositional processes and palaeoenvironments in the light of evidence from comparable settings elsewhere (e.g. N Albania; N Greece). Ophiolitic extrusive rocks (pillow basalts and lava breccias) locally retain an intact cover of oceanic radiolarian chert (in the Shpati massif). Elsewhere, ophiolite-derived clastics typically overlie basaltic extrusives or ultramafic rocks directly. The oldest dated sediments are calpionellid- and ammonite-bearing pelagic carbonates of latest (?) Jurassic-Berrasian age. Similar calpionellid limestones elsewhere (N Albania; N Greece) post-date the regional ophiolite emplacement. At one locality in S Albania (Voskopoja), calpionellid limestones are gradationally underlain by thick ophiolite-derived breccias (containing both ultramafic and mafic clasts) that were derived by mass wasting of subaqueous fault scarps during or soon after the latest stages of ophiolite emplacement. An intercalation of serpentinite-rich debris flows at this locality is indicative of mobilisation of hydrated oceanic ultramafic rocks. Some of the ophiolite-derived conglomerates (e.g. Shpati massif) include well-rounded serpentinite and basalt clasts suggestive of a high-energy, shallow-water origin. The Berriasian pelagic limestones (at Voskopoja) experienced reworking and slumping probably related to shallowing and a switch to neritic deposition. Mixed ophiolite-derived clastic and neritic carbonate sediments accumulated later, during the Early Cretaceous (mainly Barremian-Aptian) in variable deltaic, lagoonal and shallow-marine settings. These sediments were influenced by local tectonics or eustatic sea-level change. Terrigenous sediment gradually encroached from neighbouring landmasses as the ophiolite was faulted or eroded. An Aptian transgression was followed by regression, creating a local unconformity (e.g. at Boboshtica). A Turonian marine transgression initiated widespread Upper Cretaceous shelf carbonate deposition. In the regional context, the southern Albania ophiolites appear to have been rapidly emplaced onto a continental margin in a subaqueous setting during the Late Jurassic (Late Oxfordian-Late Tithonian). This was followed by gradual emergence, probably in response to thinning of the ophiolite by erosion and/or exhumation. The sedimentary cover of the south Albanian ophiolites is consistent with rapid, relatively short-distance emplacement of a regional-scale ophiolite over a local Pelagonian-Korabi microcontinent.  相似文献   

位于苏鲁造山带的乳山浅色辉长岩形成于晚中生代(约120Ma),SiO2含量为53~55%,MgO含量较低,为3.6~4.9%,富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(LILE),亏损高场强元素,如Nb、Ta、Ti等,具有明显的“地壳”印记。Sr同位素中等富集(0.7072~0.7075),Nd同位素比值较低(£。(t)=-9.5~-11.6),Sr—Nd同位素组成变化不大,反映岩浆无明显的地壳混染,代表了晚中生代地幔源区的同位素组成。辉长岩Sr—Nd同位素组成介于EMI与EMII端元之间,反映这种富集地幔是由早期预富集的地幔在中生代早期受到深俯冲的扬子陆壳的改造而形成的。苏鲁地区晚中生代基性侵入岩、火山岩和脉岩同位素组成的差别,反映了地幔同位素组成具有明显的横向和纵向不均一性.这种差异也是地幔交代作用强度的反映。  相似文献   

The Sergipano belt is the outcome of collision between the Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain (Massif) and the São Francisco Craton during Neoproterozoic assembly of West Gondwana. Although the understanding of the Sergipano belt evolution has improved significantly, the timing of emplacement, geochemistry and tectonic setting of granitic bodies in the belt is poorly known. We recognized two granite age groups: 630–618 Ma granites in the Canindé, Poço Redondo and Macururé domains, and 590–570 Ma granites in the Macururé metasedimentary domain. U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for granites of first age group indicated ages of 631 ± 4 Ma for the Sítios Novos granite, 623 ± 7 Ma for the Poço Redondo granite, 619 ± 3.3 Ma for the Lajedinho monzodiorite, and 618 ± 3 Ma for the Queimada Grande granodiorite. These granitoids are dominantly high-K calc-alkaline, magnesian, metaluminous, mafic enclave-rich (Queimada Grande and Lajedinho), or with abundant inherited zircon grains (Poço Redondo and Sitios Novos). Geochemical and isotope data allow us to propose that Sítios Novos and Poço Redondo granites are product of partial melting of Poço Redondo migmatites. Sr-Nd isotopes of the Queimada Grande granodiorite and Lajedinho monzodiorite suggest that their parental magma may have originated by mixing between a juvenile mafic source and a crustal component that could be the Poço Redondo migmatites or the Macururé metasediments. Other 630–618 Ma granites in the belt are the mafic enclave-rich Coronel João Sá granodiorite and the Camará tonalite in the Macururé sedimentary domain. These granites have similar geochemical and isotopic characteristics as the Lajedinho and Queimada Grande granitoids. We infer for the Camará tonalite and Coronel João Sá granodiorite that their parental magmas have had contributions from mafic lower crust and felsic upper crust, most probably from underthrust São Francisco Craton, or Pernambuco-Alagoas Domain. The younger 590–570 Ma granite group is confined to the Macururé metasedimentary domain. Although these granites do not show typical features of S-type granites, their U–Pb age, field relationships, geochemical and Sr-Nd data suggest that their parental magmas have originated from high degree melting of the Macururé micaschists. Field observations support a model in which the Macururé domain, limited by the Belo Monte-Jeremoabo and São Miguel do Aleixo shear zones, behaved as a ductile channel flow for magma migration and emplacement during the Neoproterozoic, very much like the channel flow model proposed for emplacement of leucogranites in the Himalayas.  相似文献   

The Jalama batholith (Spain and Portugal) is one of the numerous granites of the Central Iberian Zone with Sn- and W-associated mineralisation. On the basis of petrographical and geochemical characterisation three types of granite have been distinguished: inhomogeneous granitoids, porphyrytic granites and leucogranites, all of these being peraluminous and subalkaline. All the granites correspond to S-type granites. The field data, the petrography and lack of geochemical affinity relationships of the leucogranites with the remaining granites indicate that their geneses correspond to an independent magma batch and superimposed fractional crystallisation process. The granitic units show subparallel REE patterns. There is a decrease in total REE and an increase in the negative Eu anomaly from the inhomogeneous granitoids to leucogranites. Some leucogranites show relatively low contents of Sn and W almost certainly due to segregation in the magma of a melt rich in water carrying Sn-W. These elements are concentrated in the water phase, which eventually gives rise to Sn-W-associated mineralisation.The ages obtained by means of a whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron for the granites mainly indicate an early intrusion of the inhomogeneous granitoids (319±10 Ma), followed in time by porphyrytic granites (279±9 Ma), which can be associated to the late-post-kinematic granites within the third Variscan deformation phase (D3).Apart from the average Sn content, the variations of trace elements, principally Sr, Ba, Rb, Th and P, establish that the porphyritic granites and the inhomogeneous granitoids will be barren granites while the leucogranites and the subfacies at the margin of the porphyritic granites correspond to granites with mineralisation potential. It is precisely in these granites of the Jálama batholith that the Sn-W mineralisation is located, for which the criteria utilised has been demonstrated to be effective.  相似文献   

南天山库勒湖蛇绿岩地球化学特征及其年龄   总被引:38,自引:24,他引:38  
南天山库勒湖蛇绿岩的形成环境和时代一直存有争议。本文通过对蛇绿岩基性熔岩的主量、微量和同位素地球化学研究,结果表明库勒湖蛇绿岩具N-MORB特征,推测其形成于小洋盆环境。基性辉长岩中锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学的研究表明425±8Ma古亚洲洋南缘南天山一带存在一小洋盆。  相似文献   

Granitoids from the central Mawson Escarpment (southern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica) range in age from Archaean to Early Ordovician. U–Pb dating of zircon from these rocks indicates that they were emplaced in three distinct pulses: at 3,519 ± 20, 2,123 ± 12 Ma and between 530 and 490 Ma. The Archaean rocks form a layer-parallel sheet of limited extent observed in the vicinity of Harbour Bluff. This granitoid is of tonalitic-trondhjemitic composition and has a Sr-undepleted, Y-depleted character typical of Archaean TTG suites. εNd and TDM values for these rocks are −2.1 and 3.8 Ga, respectively. Subsequent Palaeoproterozoic intrusions are of granitic composition (senso stricto) with pronounced negative Sr anomalies. These rocks have εNd and TDM values of −4.8 and 2.87 Ga, indicating that these rocks were probably melted from an appreciably younger source than that tapped by the Early Archaean orthogneiss. The remaining intrusions are of Early Cambrian to Ordovician age and were emplaced coincident with the major orogenic event observed in this region. Cambro–Ordovician intrusive activity included the emplacement of layer-parallel pre-deformational granite sheets at approximately 530 Ma, and the intrusion of cross cutting post-tectonic granitic and pegmatitic dykes at ca. 490 Ma. These intrusive events bracket middle- to upper-amphibolite facies deformation and metamorphism, the age of which is constrained to ca. 510 Ma—the age obtained from a syn-tectonic leucogneiss. Nd–Sr isotope data from the more felsic Cambro–Ordovican intrusions (SiO2 > 70 wt%), represented by the post-tectonic granite and pegmatite dykes, suggest these rocks were derived from Late Archaean or Palaeoproterozoic continental crust (TDM ∼ 3.5–2.3 Ga, εNd ∼ −21.8 to −25.9) not dissimilar to that tapped by the Early Proterozoic intrusions. In contrast, the compositionally more intermediate rocks (SiO2 < 65 wt%), represented by the metaluminous pre-tectonic Turk orthogneiss, appear to have melted from a notably younger lithospheric or depleted mantle source (TDM = 1.91 Ga, εNd ∼ −14.5). The Turk orthogneiss additionally shows isotopic (low 143Nd/144Nd and low 87Sr/86Sr) and geochemical (high Sr/Y) similarities to magmas generated at modern plate boundaries—the first time such a signature has been identified for Cambrian intrusive rocks in this sector of East Antarctica. These data demonstrate that: (1) the intrusive history of the Lambert Complex differs from that observed in the adjacent tectonic provinces exposed to the north and the south and (2) the geochemical characteristics of the most mafic of the known Cambrian intrusions are supportive of the notion that Cambrian orogenesis occurred at a plate boundary. This leads to the conclusion that the discrete tectonic provinces observed in the southern Prince Charles Mountains were likely juxtaposed as a result of Early Cambrian tectonism.  相似文献   

赖绍聪  刘池阳 《岩石学报》2001,17(3):459-468
利用岩石地球化学的方法,研究了北羌塘新生代火山岩,结果表明,北羌塘第三纪火山岩可区分为碱性(钾玄岩质)和高钾钙碱两套不同的火山岩组合,它们分别起源于一个特殊的,不均一的富集型上地幔和一个加厚陆壳的榴辉岩质下地壳,由于青藏陆块之下软流层物质的上涌而形成幔源碱性岩浆活动,而幔源岩浆在Mobo面的底侵作用又为下地壳中酸性高钾钙碱系列火山岩的起源提供了热动力条件,该区两套不同系列和源区类型的火山岩正是在这种特殊的构造环境中形成。  相似文献   

The Late Paleozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks are widespread in the North Tianshan along the north margin of the Yili block. They consist of basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, trachyandesite, dacite, rhyolite, tuff, and tuffaceous sandstone. According to zircon sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating, the age of the Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in Tulasu basin in western part of North Tianshan is constrained to be Early Devonian to Early Carboniferous (417–356 Ma), rather than Early Carboniferous as accepted previously. Geochemical characteristics of the Early Devonian to Early Carboniferous volcanic rocks are similar to those of arc volcanic rocks, which suggest that these volcanic rocks could be the major constituents of a continental arc formed by the southward subduction of North Tianshan Oceanic lithosphere. Geochemical studies indicate that the magma source of the volcanic rocks might be the mantle wedge mixed with subduction fluid, which is geochemically enriched than primitive mantle but depleted than E-MORB. The calculation shows that the basalt could be formed by ∼10% partial melting of subduction fluid modified mantle wedge. Andesites with high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7094–0.7104) and negative εNd(t) (−4.45 to −4.79) values reveal the contribution of continental crust to its source. The calculation of assimilation–fractional crystallization (AFC) shows that the fractional crystallization process of the basaltic magma, which was accompanied with assimilation by different degree of continental crust, produced andesite (7–9%), dacite (∼12%) and rhyolite (>20%).  相似文献   

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