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On the coastal plain in the southwestern part of the Yemen Arab Republic, near Al Mukha, stands a volcanic centre known as Jabal an Nar that had been considered an active volcano. However, our geochronological and petrographical data show that this centre has an Upper Miocene age (about 10 m.y.) and consists of basalts and andesitic basalts (tholeiitic) different in composition from the products of the Aden Volcanic Series. The magmatic activity at 10 m.y. represents the first volcanic phase after the emplacement of the Trap Series.  相似文献   

The natural radioactivity levels in sediment samples of the northern coast of Oman Sea, covering the coastal strip from Hormoz canyon to Goatr seaport, as the first time has been determined. The results of measurements will serve as background reference level for Oman Sea coastlines. Sediments from 36 coastal and near shore locations were collected for analysis. Analysis on the collected samples were carried out to determine (235)U, (238)U, (232)Th, (40)K and (137)Cs using two high purity germanium detectors with 38.5% and 55% relative efficiencies. The concentration of (235)U, (238)U, (232)Th, (40)K and (137)Cs in sediment samples ranged between 1.01 and 2.87Bq/kg, 11.83 and 22.68Bq/kg, 10.7 and 25.02Bq/kg, 222.89 and 535.07Bq/kg and 0.14 and 2.8Bq/kg, respectively. The radium equivalent activity was well below the defined limit of 370Bq/kg. The external hazard indices were found to be less than 1, indicating a low dose.  相似文献   

A hydrographic time series station in the Wadden Sea (southern North Sea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the tidal inlet between the East Frisian islands of Langeoog and Spiekeroog, southern North Sea, a time-series station was set up in autumn 2002 as part of the research programme BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats run by the University of Oldenburg. The purpose of the station is to provide continuous data on physical, biological and chemical parameters. In addition to instruments recording basic hydrographic and meteorological parameters, the time-series station is equipped with acoustic Doppler profilers for measuring surface waves and current profiles. Compact optical spectrometers are being used for spectral measurements of seawater transmission and for daylight reflectance. Additional sensors were installed for measuring oxygen, nutrients and methane in the seawater. The data shall help to quantify the flux of dissolved and suspended matter between the backbarrier tidal flat and the open sea and to characterise the material transformation in the tidal flat area by biogeochemical processes over the tidal cycle. Due to its novel design, operation of the station is also possible during winter and under extreme weather conditions (gales, storm surges, and sea ice) when data sampling with conventional platforms such as research vessels, buoys, or smaller poles could not be performed in the past. In this way, time series of data are obtained, which include events that are most relevant to the evolution of this coastal area. The performance of the station and its equipment are presented with data covering 6 years of operation. Time series of air and water temperature as well as seawater salinity demonstrate the multiyear dynamics of these parameters in the East Frisian Wadden Sea. Hydrographic data collected under specific meteorological conditions such as gales and storm surges exemplify the all-weather capabilities of the station and its value for studying hydrographic processes in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

A modified Gauss-Markov model with weighted constraints was constructed by combining satellite altimeter and tide gauge records. Vertical motion rates of nine tide gauge stations around the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea are estimated. This is the first time systematic estimates have been derived in this region. Downward trends were seen at the six tide gauge stations located at Tanggu, Longkou, Laohutan, Bayuquan, Xiaochangshan, and Yantai; with vertical motion rates of-1.82±0.50,-1.65±0.46,-0.88±0.42,-0.58±0.62,-0.13±0.43, and-0.01±0.43 mm/yr, respectively. Upward trends were seen at the three tide gauge stations located at Qinhuangdao, Huludao and Chengshantou; with vertical motion rates of 1.12±0.46, 0.55±0.49 and 0.26±0.44 mm/yr, respectively. There was significant subsidence in Tanggu and Longkou, and a rising trend in Qinhuangdao. According to our results, the rate of sea level rise calculated from these tide gauge records can be improved using a more accurate measurement of the land elevation accounting for lifting or subsidence. The model derived can be used to estimate vertical motions of tide gauge stations, and can be widely applied to revise the benchmark levels of tide gauges.  相似文献   

We applied a three-dimensional general ocean and coastal circulation model to the Irish Sea in order to determine water renewal time scales in the region. The model was forced with meteorological data for 1995, a year with relatively warm summer and when extensive hydrographic surveys were conducted in the Irish Sea. We investigated intra-annual variability in the rates of net flow through the Irish Sea and carried out several flushing simulations based on conservative tracer transport. The results indicate that the net northward flow of 2.50 km3/d is seasonally highly variable and under certain conditions is reversed to southward. The variability in obtained residence times is high; baroclinic effects are significant. Obtained results point at the importance of spatial and temporal consideration for transport of pollutants in the shelf seas. Implications for management are numerous and involve activities such as transport, fishing, use of resources, nature conservation, monitoring, tourism and recreation.  相似文献   

The earthquake of magnitude M L = 3:8 (EMSC) took place on Friday, 6 January 2012, north-east of the town of Jarocin in Wielkopolska Region, Poland. The only historical information about past earthquakes in the region was found in the diary from 1824; apart of it, there was a seismic event noticed in the vicinity of Wielkopolska in 1606 (Pagaczewski 1982). The scope of this paper is to describe the 6 January 2012 event in view of instrumental seismology, macroseismic data analysis and known tectonics of the region, which should be useful in future seismic hazard analysis of Poland.  相似文献   

Zhang  Meng  von Storch  Hans  Chen  Xueen  Wang  Dongxiao  Li  Delei 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(8):879-898
Ocean Dynamics - The variability across decades of years of migrating eddy activities in the South China Sea (SCS) has not yet been documented. We employ a daily global eddy-resolving (0.1°)...  相似文献   

The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) extends for about 1500 km from Karliova to the east, to the Egean Sea in the west. The Marmara region, located near the western end of the NAF, is a tectonically active zone characterized by the transition between a strike slip stress regime and an extensional one in the Aegean Sea. Microseismic studies performed around the Marmara Sea in 1995 [Tectonophysics 316, 2000, 1], and just before the 1999 Izmit Earthquake Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 92, 2002a, 361;J. Seismol. 6, 2002b, 287) permitted the analysis of the evolution of seismicity connected to this destructive earthquake and its sequels. Several observations indicate that the aftershock distribution fits well the EW orientation of the NAF, but the ruptures are not simple and linear as a first glance would suggest. Instead they are segmented in at least five pieces as shown by the slip variation and aftershock clusters, showing complexity at different scales (Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 92, 2002a, 361). There is still a gap, across the northern border of the Marmara Sea that has not ruptured, and this is the only sector that did not break on the NAF since the 1939 great Erzincan earthquake. Will it rupture as a whole with a large magnitude earthquake, or by segments with smaller magnitude events? The Hurst analysis of the overall behaviour of the seismicity in the Marmara region since historical times shows that if a large earthquake occurs in the near future, it might break the complete gap. The Hurst character of the time variation of seismicity is persistent with H= 0.82. The aftershocks of the 1999 Izmit earthquake can be analyzed by using the Hurst method, showing an exceptionally high persistent memory.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial evolution of a deep-reaching anticyclonic eddy(AE) is studied using a combination of satellite measurements, moored observations and ocean model reanalysis data in the South China Sea(SCS). Three evolutionary stages in eddy's lifecycle are identified from changes in eddy dynamical characteristics estimated from satellite altimetry: birth(22 days), growth(64 days), and decay(47 days). Similar patterns are also distinguished from dynamic signals in HYCOM.Further, flows reversal and upwelling of cold water below 1500 m were captured by the in-situ records when this energetic,highly nonlinear and long-lived(over 19 weeks) AE passed by our mooring position. Its detailed vertical structure is examined through temperature anomalies, vertical shear of horizontal velocities, and horizontal streamlines estimated from ocean model reanalysis data. Results from the model reveal a mesoscale AE with first-mode baroclinic structure: a bowl-shaped anticyclonic flow in the upper ocean connected to a slant-cylinder cyclonic flow at depth, with a transition layer at depths between 400 and 700 m. It is in good agreement with moored observations but showing a shallower transition depth, suggesting a slight deficiency in the model due to limited deep-sea observations. Last, we estimate eddy heat transport at different depths and stages along the AE's path based on the model data. The result reveals that pronounced heat fluxes occur during growth stage(depths 400 m),counting for 73.03% of the total value. In the decay stage, major heat transport occurs at deeper depth(depths 700–1500 m).Dynamical characteristics suggest that the vertical structure and temporal evolution of the eddy play significant roles in basinscale movement and heat transferring. Considering that mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous in the SCS, our results support a recently-proposed mechanism, whereby upper ocean flows produce changes in the deep-sea circulation, potentially influencing boundary layer dynamics. For the first time to track and link an individual AE observed by satellite altimetry and ocean model,comparisons indicate that assimilative HYCOM outputs may be useful for examining the deep ocean properties within the SCS,especially under the impact of such an intensified surface-detected eddy.  相似文献   

The effect of monsoon, coastal current and temperature on the distribution and seasonal variations of Calanus sinicus abundance were studied. The samples from the northwest continental shelf of South China Sea were collected with 505 μm planktonic nets from July 2006 to October 2007. The abundance of C. sinicus made up 34.28% and 12.34% of all copepods in spring and summer, respectively. The distribution of C. sinicus varied seasonally and regionally. The distribution of C. sinicus ranged between east inshore and offshore waters from the Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island, with a mean of 23.00 (±77.78) ind. m−3 in spring. In summer it had a mean of 13.74 (±45.10) ind. m−3 occurring only in the east inshore waters from Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island. C. sinicus was not abundant during autumn and winter seasons. The surveyed area was divided into three sub-regions based on topographical analysis and water mass, region I (included the east inshore waters of Leizhou Peninsula), region II (included the east inshore waters of Hainan Island) and region III (included the offshore waters from Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island). The average abundance of C. sinicus within region I was determined to be 115.63 (±145.93) and 68.12 (±84.00) ind. m−3 in spring and summer, respectively, values higher than those of regions II and III. Our findings suggested that C. sinicus was transported from the East China Sea to the northwest continental shelf of South China Sea by the Guangdong Coastal Current, which was driven by the northeast monsoon in spring. The presence of a cold eddy, in addition to coastal upwelling driven by the southwest monsoon, provided suitable survival conditions for C. sinicus in summer. This species disappeared in autumn due to high temperatures (>27 °C) and did not begin to enter into the northwest continental shelf of South China Sea from the East China Sea during the period of investigation in winter. The frequency of C. sinicus was low in region III during the year as a result of the South China Sea Warm Current and pelagic waters with high temperature during the spring and summer months.  相似文献   

利用地震海洋学方法估算南海中尺度涡的地转流速   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
中尺度涡是重要的海洋学现象,它在很大程度上影响着海洋内部的能量传递过程.由于传统海洋学观测手段的固有局限性,一直以来对中尺度涡观测和研究的程度都比较低.地震海洋学的诞生和发展为海洋学观测提供了一个全新的手段.对南海的历史地震数据重新处理后,我们首次在本研究海域的地震剖面上看到了透镜状结构.它位于南海西南次海盆(~113.6°E,11.4°N),中心深度约为450 m,中心厚度约为300 m,半径约为55~65 km,具有典型的中尺度涡特征,综合解释为反气旋.我们利用地震海洋学方法估算了地转剪切,结合来自于卫星高度数据的海表面地转流速度进一步得到了绝对流速的垂向剖面.结果显示,流速的最大值约为0.7 m/s,出现在400~450 m处,对应于涡旋的中心深度;西北部分为正,东南部分为负,整体呈现出顺时针的转动方向,说明了它是一个反气旋结构.  相似文献   

The environment is impacted by natural and anthropogenic disturbances that occur at different spatial and temporal scales, and that lead to major changes and even disequilibria when exceeding the resiliency capacities of the ecosystem. With an annual mean flow of 1700 m3 s−1, the Rhône River is the largest of the western Mediterranean basin. Its annual solid discharges vary between 2 and 20 Mt, with flood events responsible for more than 70% of these amounts.  相似文献   

In the last decade, green Noctiluca scintillans with its symbiont and other dinoflagellates such as Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Prorocentrum micans and Scrippsiella trochoidea have become the dominant HABs, partially replacing the previously dominant diatoms and red Noctiluca scintillans, especially during the northeast monsoon. Fish kills in the Sea of Oman are linked to a slow seasonal decline in oxygen concentration from January to November, probably due to the decomposition of a series of algal blooms and the deep, low oxygen waters periodically impinging the Omani shelf. In the western Arabian Sea, cyclonic eddies upwell low oxygen, nutrient-rich water and the subsequent algal bloom decays and lowers the oxygen further and leads to fish kills. Warming of the surface waters by 1.2 °C over the last 5 decades has increased stratification and resulted in a shoaling of the oxycline. This has increased the probability and frequency of upwelling low oxygen water and subsequent fish kills.  相似文献   

The content and distribution of ΣPCB (as the sum of 24 individual components), HCB and p,p′-DDE was determined in sediments taken from the North Sea during two seasons. The mass-balance of aromatic organochlorine compounds in the upper 2 cm of sediments is calculated and dicussed in relation to pollutant dispersal.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》1998,18(9):1039-1056
The detailed three-dimensional structure of the Kuroshio frontal eddy along the shelf edge of the East China Sea is revealed by the CTD, ADCP, and satellite-tracked drifter observations. The length and width of the cold core of the Kuroshio frontal eddy are about 60 and 40 km, respectively, and its phase speed is about 30 cm s-1. The calculated buoy tracks with the use of the observed ADCP data well reproduce the observed tracks of satellite-tracked drifters around the frontal eddy. The observed maximum horizontal velocity around this frontal eddy are 40 cm s-1 and the center of this eddy shifts offshore in the deep layer. Nutrient is advected onshore across the shelf edge by passing of this frontal eddy while it is advected offshore without the frontal eddy at the shelf edge.  相似文献   

Ocean-color remote sensing has been used as a tool to detect phytoplankton size classes (PSCs). In this study, a three-component model of PSC was reparameterized using seven years of pigment measurements acquired in the South China Sea (SCS). The model was then used to infer PSC in a cyclonic eddy which was observed west of Luzon Island from SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a (chla) and sea-surface height anomaly (SSHA) products. Enhanced productivity and a shift in the PSC were observed, which were likely due to upwelling of nutrient-rich water into the euphotic zone. The supply of nutrients promoted the growth of larger cells (micro- and nanoplankton), and the PSC shifted to greater sizes. However, the picoplankton were still important and contributed ∼48% to total chla concentration. In addition, PSC time series revealed a lag period of about three weeks between maximum eddy intensity and maximum chlorophyll, which may have been related to phytoplankton growth rate and duration of eddy intensity.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies exist almost everywhere in the ocean and play important roles in the ocean circulation of the world. These eddies may cause sound spread singular regions and bring great influences to the upwater ship and underwater aircraft. Due to the lack of hydrographic survey datasets, study of mesoscale eddies has been greatly restricted. Fortunately, satellite altimeter provided an effective way to study mesoscale eddies. An automatic detection algorithm is introduced to detect mesoscale eddies of specific intensity and spatial/temporal scale based on satellite sea surface height (SSH) data and the algorithm is applied in a strong eddy activity region: the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific. The algorithm includes four steps. The first step is preprocessing of the SSH image, which includes elimination of error SSH data and interpolation. The second step is to detect suspected mesoscale eddies from preprocessed SSH images by dynamic threshold adjustment and morphological method, and the suspected mesoscale eddy detection includes two procedures: suspected mesoscale eddy core region detection and suspected mesoscale eddy brim extraction. The third step is to pick out mesoscale eddies satisfied with specified criteria from suspected mesoscale eddies. The criteria include three items, that is, intensity criterion, spatial scale, criterion and temporal scale criterion. The last step is algorithm performance analysis and verification. The algorithm has the capability of adaptive parameter adjustment, and can extract mesoscale eddies of interested intensity and spatial/temporal scale. The paper can provide a basis for analyzing space-time characteristics of mesoscale eddy in the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

Abstract Multichannel seismic reflection profiling in the Ulleung back-arc Basin reveals that the acoustic basement largely comprises volcanic materials. The volcanics are interlayered with sediment sequences, forming an anomalously thick layer. The volcanic activities resulted in a zonation of the acoustic basement, trending northeast-southwest. In the southeastern part, the acoustic basement is deep and obscure, whereas in the northwestern part it is shallow and forms mounds and seamounts. The volcanic activities were probably initiated in the Early Miocene ( ca 20Ma). The volcanism was time-transgressive northward, associated with the possible southward drift of the Japanese islands.  相似文献   

Recently in the Sultanate of Oman, there has been a rapid surge of coastal developments. These developments cause metal contamination, which may affect the habitats and communities at and near the coastal region. As a result, a study was conducted to assess the level of metal contamination and its impact on the marine sediments in the vicinity of the Single Buoy Moorings 3 (SBM3) at Mina Al Fahal in the Sultanate of Oman. Marine subtidal sediment samples were collected from six different stations of the SBM3 for the period ranging from June 2009 to April 2010. These samples were then analyzed for their level and distribution of the heavy metals of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and vanadium (V). Overall, low concentrations of all four heavy metals were measured from the marine sediments, indicating that the marine at SBM3 is of good quality.  相似文献   

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