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Since the early 1970s the Australian economy has undergone major transformations common to other western industrialised countries. Jobs in manufacturing declined precipitately whilst the service economy grew, most significantly in producer services but also in lower skilled jobs. Tourism and services exports began to rival traditional agricultural and mining staples. Social outcomes, also typical of international trends, included rising unemployment and polarisation of incomes. Australia's changing global context, especially the nation's increasing orientation towards Asian growth economies, have underpinned restructuring. A political climate of economic rationalism has facilitated and accentuated restructuring. The economic shifts of the past quarter century have meant that everywhere the basis for economic growth has changed. Overlaying and reinforcing the re-definition of competitive advantage has been a shift in the pattern of agglomeration economies and diseconomies. New growth regions have emerged, others have had their prospects reinforced, and still others have had their outlook diminished in absolute or, more commonly, relative terms. The paper traces the regional outcomes of national economic restructuring and shifts in the balance of agglomeration economies and diseconomies over the period from 1971 to 1991. The focus is on the top end of the urban hierarchy, on specialised industrial cities where job loss from manufacturing has hit hard, amenity regions where international and domestic tourism have been major factors in growth, and non-metropolitan balances where growth has been uneven but generally low. Demographic, economic sectoral and welfare indicators are woven into a tableau of change expressed at national, intra-state and intrametropolitan scales.  相似文献   

风险投资是一种高风险高回报的金融资本,是促进高科技产业发展的金融支撑,是高科技企业成长和成果转化的重要推动力量。我国风险投资业是伴随着市场经济的快速繁荣发展起来的,虽然取得了长足进步,但与发达国家相比仍处于初级阶段,还存在诸如资本规模、资金运作机制、法律规范、人才储备等方面的问题。因此,完善和发展我国风险投资业,扩大风险投资主体,建立完善风险资本退出渠道和体系,用法律保障良好的风险投资环境,对促进我国高新技术企业成长,都具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

针对目前煤层气抽采项目经济评价不具有系统性和完整性,在实际评价中难以推广的问题,在充分调研和分析我国现阶段典型煤层气抽采项目特点的基础上,建立了适合煤矿区煤层气抽采项目的经济评价模型和方法;提出了评价项目财务可行性指标体系;开发了与模型方法相对应的评价软件。使用该模型和软件对实际案例进行了经济评价,初步验证了该方法的正确性与高效性。   相似文献   

Financial intermediaries [FIs] in developing and emerging economies are poorly equipped to manage natural disasters. These events create losses for FIs, eroding capital reserves and compromising their ability to lend. Portfolio-level insurance against disasters can improve FI management of these events. We model microfinance intermediaries [MFIs] exposed to severe El Ni?o in Peru that can now insure against this disaster risk. Our analyses suggest that insurance allows these lenders to manage this risk more efficiently and effectively. These risk management improvements can translate into better financial performance, expansion of banking service outreach, lower interest rates, and reduced volatility in access to credit. Based on these analyses, a large MFI in Peru with which we collaborated is now managing its disaster risk using El Ni?o insurance.  相似文献   

Jody Emel  Matthew T. Huber   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1393-1407
Natural resource investment in the mining sector is often mediated through conflicts over rent distribution between corporate capital and landowner states. Recent rounds of neoliberal policy promoted by the World Bank have highlighted the need for landowner states to offer incentives in order to attract “high risk” capital investment. In Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, countries have been pushed to offer attractive fiscal terms to capital, thereby lowering the proportion traditionally called rent. This paper examines how the concept of “risk” has been mobilized to legitimate such skewed distributional arrangements. While certain conceptions of social and ecological “risk” have been prevalent in political and social theoretic discourse on mining, such focus elides the overwhelming contemporary power of our notion of “neoliberal risk” – or the financial/market risks – in actually setting the distributional terms of mineral investment. We illustrate our argument by examining the nexus of World Bank mining policy promotion and Tanzanian policy in the late 1990s meant to attract foreign direct investment in gold production. In closing, we suggest that just as “risk” is used to legitimate attractive fiscal terms for investment, recent events highlight how skewed distribution of benefits may set into motion risks that corporate capital had not bargained for.  相似文献   

遥感影像尺度转换及最优尺度选择探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从信息提取的角度阐述遥感影像尺度问题的重要性,评述了尺度效应、尺度转换以及最优尺度选择研究的国内、外现状。重点探讨几种不同尺度转换方法,以及基于像元和面向对象的最优尺度选择方法的技术特点,分析了尺度研究未来发展方向。  相似文献   

It is widely held that the large majority of African countries are too small in terms of population and purchasing power to allow meaningful and rapid economic development to take place within the constraints of their domestic economies. Sub-regional groupings of states are called for in order to overcome the drawbacks of small size. Many attempt at establishing larger economic unions in Africa have failed. Particular interest therefore attaches to the southern African sub-region where South Africa, as the only industrial power south of the Sahara, functions as a powerhouse for neighbouring as well as more distant economies. The article provides a factual sketch of existing economic ties (infrastructure, trade, labour, tourism, finance and technology). Attention is paid to South Africa's efforts to create a constellation of states, and also to to the counter-measures of nine neighbouring states.  相似文献   

Even advanced technological societies are vulnerable to natural disasters, such as the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, and financial disasters, such as the 2008 collapse of the US housing and financial markets. Both resulted from unrecognized or underappreciated weaknesses in hazard assessment and mitigation policies. These policies relied on models that proved inadequate for reasons including inaccurate conceptualization of the problem, use of a too-short historic record, and neglect of interconnections. Japanese hazard models did not consider the possibility of multiple fault segments failing together, causing a much larger earthquake than anticipated, and neglected historical data for much larger tsunamis than planned for. Mitigation planning underestimated the vulnerability of nuclear power plants, due to a belief in nuclear safety. The US economic models did not consider the hazard that would result if many homeowners could not pay their mortgages, and assumed, based on a short history, that housing prices would keep rising faster than interest rates. They did not anticipate the vulnerability of the financial system to a drop in housing prices, due to belief that markets functioned best without government regulation. Preventing both types of disasters from recurring involves balancing the costs and benefits of mitigation policies. A crucial aspect of this balancing is that the benefits must be estimated using models with significant uncertainties to infer the probabilities of the future events, as we illustrate using a simple model for tsunami mitigation. Improving hazard models is important because overestimating or underestimating the hazard leads to too much or too little mitigation. Thus, although one type of disaster has natural causes and the other has economic causes, comparison provides insights for improving hazard assessment and mitigation policies. Instead of viewing such disasters as unpredictable and unavoidable “black swan” events, they are better viewed as “gray swans” that—although novel and outside recent experience—can be better foreseen and mitigated.  相似文献   

宋崇宇 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1278-1286
纳米比亚矿产资源丰富,储量巨大,有“战略金属储备库”之称。铀矿储量居世界第五位、金刚石储量居世界第六位,铜、铅、锌、金等资源也较为丰富,在全球矿业投资市场极具吸引力。中纳两国外交关系良好,经贸往来频繁,为我国在非第二大投资国。矿业是纳米比亚经济的三大支柱产业之一,目前约有60余家企业在纳米比亚进行矿业勘查开发活动,包括B2黄金公司等国际矿业公司和中国广核集团有限公司、中国核工业集团有限公司等中资企业,纳米比亚对于中国海外矿业发展布局至关重要。本文系统梳理了纳米比亚主要矿产资源分布、矿床类型、储量等概况及勘查开发现状,从矿业法律法规、税收、外资管理政策及基础设施、人力资源条件等方面对纳米比亚的矿业投资环境进行了系统分析,认为纳米比亚具有丰富的矿产资源以及相对良好的投资环境,但需谨慎评估开发成本、环保政策及汇率变动、土地所有权方面等因素。  相似文献   

Currently depressed commodity prices have rendered many mining projects marginal irrespective of their geological merit. Tight capital markets discourage investment in their development because of their unappealing deterministic NPVs, which in the majority of cases reflect conceptual designs focused on achieving primarily economies of scale often at the expenses of operating flexibility. Given that project profits and cash flows are highly sensitive to movements in volatile commodity prices, circumstances now call for a re-direction of emphasis towards creating managerial flexibility to facilitate and minimize the cost of temporarily placing projects in care and maintenance and re-opening them in response to increases in prices. This flexibility, that is to say the option to alternatively switch the project between an open and closed state, can be created through an appropriate combination of mine design, commercial procurement arrangements and mode of operations that enables managers to anticipate and take advantage of future hikes in prices, while minimizing the negative effect of downturns. This paper presents a practical example of how to estimate the real option value (ROV) of this type of switching option, which is generally not captured by the deterministic DCF/NPV of projects. To facilitate the numerical presentation, initially the binomial lattice method is applied only to the first 2 years of a realistic DCF model of a gold mine, with an expected life of 5 years and a negative deterministic NPV. The model is limited to assessing the ROV created by introducing switching flexibility as a result of the volatility of the gold price in isolation. A consistent ROV is then obtained using as an alternative the unrelated decision tree methodology. This result is considered important as using decision trees for this type of analyses in cases where more than one source of uncertainty is involved (e.g. that of grades, costs, and exchange rates) does not require, as in the case of binomial lattices, estimating the volatility of a project cash flow. This process, which may create computational ambiguity and possible bias, can be avoided in decision trees as each source of uncertainty is represented by an individual event node. Finally the ROV of the project, including the switching option, is calculated over its whole 5-year life to provide some indication of the amount that could justifiably be invested up-front to create the necessary switching flexibility.  相似文献   

通过对青海调查矿区多种高分辨率卫星数据处理后形成的图像进行解译和编图,掌握了合理选择遥感数据信息源、利用制图软件计算遥感影像图比例尺及编制野外调查和成果解译图的技术方法。得出在选择遥感数据时要考虑不同数据的技术参数、性价比及调查区面积;明确了当图像的出图分辨率确定后,其比例尺与图像的空间分辨率、像素大小、文档大小有直接关系,同时建立了计算遥感图像最佳比例尺和最佳出图比例尺的公式和方法;介绍了利用Photoshop和Mapgis软件,编制矿山野外调查用图和遥感解译成果图件的流程及方法。这些工作的完成对青海矿业开发地质环境效应调查起到了积极的指导作用,也充分体现了高分辨率遥感图像在工作条件艰苦地区的优势作用。  相似文献   

以“创新驱动、持续发展”为主题的2014中国国际矿业大会于10月底召开。大会期间,国内外专家学者和业内人士围绕当前全球经济和矿业形势进行了深入交流,其中包罗了各项重点和热点议题,而2014年国际矿产勘查形势与技术的革新与发展则是矿业领域的焦点问题之一。随着经济社会对矿产资源的旺盛需求,全球矿产勘查形势不断变化,勘查投入继续增长,高新技术广泛应用并成为矿产勘查的先导。矿产勘查重新受到国家和社会的广泛关注,矿产勘查进入了多元化合作、技术推动、繁荣发展的新时期。  相似文献   

Mozambique has attracted international attention in recent years following the discovery of huge reserves of coal and gas deposits. A major focus of Mozambique’s extractives boom is the province of Tete, once a remote outpost but now a hub of power generation for the southern African region and an emerging centre of global investment in coal extraction. Some of the world’s largest mining firms from both established and emerging economies have descended on Tete, investing billions of dollars in developing concessions to extract some of the world’s largest untapped coal reserves with wide-ranging implications for the region’s political economy and effecting significant shifts in relations between state, capital and territorial control. At the urban scale, Tete city and its expanding periphery are increasingly characterised by enclaves and spaces of enclosure, as some groups benefit from and are integrated into global circuits of production whilst others suffer displacement and dispossession. In seeking to trace the emergence of Tete’s resource economy, the paper contends that three distinctive spatialities have resulted from these developments, including the infrastructure networks being constructed around the extractive industries, the enclave spaces arising from the coal boom (and the particular labour geographies that shape them) and the new and distinctive urban geographies that are the product of Tete’s rapid urbanisation. The paper seeks to assess the impacts, stakes and challenges linked to investments in extractive activities and looks at how the costs and risks are being differentially distributed within and between the affected communities.  相似文献   

During the last several decades, harmful algal bloom (HAB) events have been observed in more locations than ever before throughout the United States. Scientists have identified a larger number of algal species involved in HABs, more toxins have been uncovered, and more fisheries resources have been affected. Whether this apparent increase in HAB events is a real phenomenon or is the result of increased sampling and monitoring is a topic of intense discussions within the scientific community. We also have an inchoate understanding of the reasons for the apparent increase, particularly concerning the role of anthropogenic nutrient loadings as a causal factor. Whatever the reasons, virtually all coastal regions of the U.S. are now regarded as potentially subject to a wide variety and increased frequency of HABs. It is important to begin to understand the scale of the economic costs to society of such natural hazards. It is a common, but not yet widespread, practice for resource managers and scientists in many localities to develop rough estimates of the economic effects of HAB events in terms of lost sales in the relevant product or factor markets, expenditures for medical treatments, environmental monitoring and management budgets, or other types of costs. These estimates may be invoked in policy debates, often without concern about how they were developed. Although such estimates are not necessarily good measures of the true costs of HABs to society, they may help to measure the scale of losses and be suggestive of their distribution across political jurisdictions or industry sectors. With adequate interpretation, our thinking about appropriate policy responses may be guided by these estimates. Here we compile disparate estimates of the economic effects of HABs for events in the U.S. where such effects were measured during 1987–1992. We consider effects of four basic types: public health, commercial fisheries, recreation and tourism, and monitoring and management. We discuss many of the issues surrounding the nature of these estimates, their relevance as measures of the social costs of natural hazards, and their potential for comparability and aggregation into a national estimate.  相似文献   

About one quarter of the coal produced in Australia is by underground mining methods. The most commonly used underground coal mining methods in Australia are longwall, and room and pillar. This paper provides a detailed review of the two methods, including their advantages and disadvantages, the major geotechnical and operational issues, and the factors that need to be considered regarding their choice, including the varying geological and geotechnical conditions suited to a particular method. Factors and issues such as capital cost, productivity, recovery, versatility and mine safety associated with the two methods are discussed and compared. The major advantages of the longwall mining method include its suitability for mining at greater depth, higher recovery, and higher production rate compared to room and pillar. The main disadvantages of the room and pillar method are the higher risks of roof and pillar collapse, higher capital costs incurred as well as lower recovery rate.  相似文献   

Until recently, research on potential economic impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on transport infrastructure was scarce, but currently this area is rapidly expanding. Indeed, there is a growing international interest, including the European area, regarding the impacts of extreme weather and climate change on the management of various transportation modes. This paper reviews briefly the present status regarding the knowledge of financial aspects of extreme weather impacts on transportation, using recent research findings from Europe, and proposes some new views in cost-benefit analysis, project appraisal and asset value protection for the management of transport systems under extreme weather risks. Quite often, risk management is understood as a response to truly extreme impacts, but this constitutes a misunderstanding. Some values are more extreme than others, and in the context of extreme weather, some weather phenomena are more extreme in their intensity and resulting impacts. An analysis of the level of costs and risks to societies, as a result of extreme weather, reveals that the risks in different European Union member states deviate substantially from each other. Also, the preparedness of different societies to deal with extreme weather events is quite variable. Extreme weather and climate change costs and risks represent a new type of item, which has to be dealt with in project appraisal. Although a fully established procedure does not exist, some fundamental ideas of cost-benefit analysis under extreme weather scenarios are presented in this paper, considering accident costs, time costs and infrastructure-related costs (comprising physical damages to infrastructures and increased maintenance costs). Cost-benefit analysis is usually associated with capital investments, but the original idea of cost-benefit analysis is not restricted to investment appraisal. Therefore, activities such as enhanced maintenance, minor upgrades, adoption of new designs, improved information services and others may be subject to cost-benefit analysis. Extreme weather and climate change costs and risks represent a new type of item, which apparently has to be dealt with also in project appraisal. A fully established procedure does not exist, although some basic principles have been introduced in analytical format. There is a lack of models to estimate extreme weather impacts and consequences and how to adapt to those costs. Optimising the efforts in maintenance and new design standards is even further away, but constitutes an overwhelming task. In this respect, new approaches and ways of thinking in preserving asset’s residual value, return periods, sustainability and equity and formal methods supplementing cost-benefit analysis are put forward. The paper concludes with a call for the need for more integrated management of transport systems. In particular, it is recognised that the different stages of transport system planning pose their own challenges when assessing the costs and benefits of policy measures, strategies and operational decisions.  相似文献   

J.A.G. Cooper  J. McKenna 《Geoforum》2008,39(1):294-306
Coastal erosion management is primarily based on economic considerations (cost-benefit analysis). From the perspective of social justice (as a particular expression of the wider concept of human rights), however, several arguments can be advanced regarding public intervention in coastal defence management when private property is threatened by coastal erosion. In this paper we examine these arguments at both the short-term local scale and the long-term large spatial scale and consider the merits of inclusion of a social justice dimension in coastal erosion management. The coast provides a range of resources that benefit society as a whole. Coastal residents and property owners face a direct financial loss from coastal erosion but the general public also stands to incur losses other than purely financial if it there is public intervention for the benefit of these property owners. The arguments for public intervention are strongest at the local and short-term scales but they weaken (and even reverse) at geographically larger and longer time scales. At larger scales, the costs to society increase as intergenerational equity, non-coastal residents, climate and sea level change, and the environment are considered. Because of the intensity of interest involved at the local level, we argue that the necessary hard decisions must be made nationally if a sustainable policy is to be adopted. Social justice considerations provide a potential improvement on the traditional economic cost/benefit-based decision-making process of coastal erosion management but they only contribute to sustainability if viewed at the national level.  相似文献   

影响钻探设备寿命长短的因素,不仅是钻探设备的自然寿命问题,更重要的是钻探设备的技术寿命和经济寿命问题。自然寿命是设备更新的基础,技术寿命和经济寿命是设备改造与更新的核心。钻探设备一次性投入费用与年度维持费的总和达到最小值为设备更新的最佳方案。通过计算可确定钻探设备的最佳更新期。   相似文献   

According to the particularity of the open pit, the main influencing factors of mining quantity about mineral resources have been summarized systematically in life cycle and the structured hierarchical relation of its influencing factors has been constructed. In the light of the production process of open pit, the functional relationships between investment, mining cost and mining quantity have been defined based on the process of mining and loading so that the relation of the life cycle cost and mining quantity can be set up. And what’s more, in order to obtain the maximum economic profit of mining enterprises in life cycle, the planning model of mining quantity has been established based on the life cycle cost. The rational distribution of mining quantity will have been found on the condition of obtaining optimal solution about the planning model so as to determine scientifically the production scale of mining enterprises from the point of view of the sustainable development.  相似文献   

Peter North 《Geoforum》2010,41(4):585-594
This paper critically but sympathetically examines eco-localisation as a response to ‘peak oil’ and to reduce the emission of CO2 to avoid dangerous climate change. Rather than seeing the politics of climate change and peak oil as in some way ‘post-political’, the paper argues that protagonists of localised economies are developing radical new conceptions of livelihood and economy that directly cut against the logic of growth-based capitalist economic strategies and elite conceptualisations of economic development. Building on development theory, the paper develops a conceptualisation of ‘immanent’ and ‘intentional’ localisation, with the former a simple move by businesses of economic activities that have high transport costs closer to their markets. Advocates of intentional localisation are working more pro actively at grassroots level to develop local solutions to peak oil and climate change based on developing less resource-intensive yet enjoyable and fulfilling livelihoods in more localised economies. In discussing the contested nature of localisation, the paper engages with critiques of eco-localisation from neoliberal advocates and from the left, before concluding that localisation should be seen more as a different calculation of where economic activities would be located, which aims to reduce oil consumption and CO2 emissions, rather than a call for autarky. The paper concludes by arguing that analyses of the scale of economic networks need to pay more attention of the materiality of oil consumption and CO2 emissions, and that scales cannot be seen as socially constructed.  相似文献   

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