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Using results of ground-based spectrometric measurements, we analyze the anomalies in the stratospheric contents of O3 and NO2 in the Moscow region related to the sudden stratospheric warming and associated distortion of the stratospheric circumpolar vortex in early February 2010 and to the latitudinal displacement of the vortex towards the European sector in late March 2011 before the final spring warming. In the former case, the O3 concentration increased up to 85% and the stratospheric column NO2 content increased twice; in the latter case, the O3 concentration decreased by a quarter and the NO2 content decreased twice in comparison with average values for the time periods preceding the onsets of the anomalies. Estimates of the statistical correlationship of the stratospheric O3 and NO2 contents with potential vorticity and geopotential have been obtained.  相似文献   

Nineteen surface sediment samples, collected onboard ORV Sagar Kanya during the 199C and 200th (the pilot expedition to Southern Ocean) cruises along a north-south transect between 1.92° S to 55.01° S latitude and 67.88° E and 44.89° E longitude, were studied for total planktonic foraminiferal assemblage, relative abundance and the oxygen isotopic values of the indicator planktic species Globigerina bulloides. These profiles were compared with the latitudinal variations in the average salinity and nutrient (phosphate) contents of the top 100 meters water column. The initial results have traced the signatures of salinity linked variations of different water masses in the study region. The influence of Australian Mediterranean Water (AAMW) has been noticed in the present dataset.  相似文献   

In this work, we examined the carbonate parameters, i.e. total alkalinity (TA), pH, and partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), and the air–sea CO2 flux (FCO2) in the continental shelves of the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) and East China Sea (ECS), based on two field surveys conducted in April and August of 2011. Surface pCO2 showed significant spatial variations, ranging from 246 to 686 µatm in spring (average ± standard deviation = 379 ± 95 µatm) and from 178 to 680 µatm in summer (384 ± 114 µatm). During the spring cruise, the central SYS (pCO2 < 240 µatm) and the Changjiang estuary (pCO2 < 300 µatm) were under-saturated with CO2, while the southern SYS and the southwestern ECS were supersaturated (pCO2 = 420–680 µatm). In summer, however, the CO2-supersaturated waters (pCO2 = 380–680 µatm) occupied a relatively wide area, including the nearshore of the SYS and the Changjiang estuary, whereas pCO2-deficient water (pCO2 = 220–380 µatm) was observed only at the offshore ECS. In general, the entire SYS and ECS area behaved as a sustained CO2 sink, with average FCO2 of ?3.9 and ?2.1 mmol m?2 d?1 in spring and summer, respectively. Phytoplankton production was the driving force for CO2 absorption, especially during the spring cruise. In addition, we found that typical water mixing processes and decomposition of terrestrial material were responsible for the release of CO2 in three turbidity maximum regions.  相似文献   

The results of the analysis of the stable oxygen isotopes content in shell carbonates for the purpose of the individual age determination of the Rapana venosa gastropod (Valenciennes 1846) are presented. The data acquired via this method agreed with the number of spawning marks on the shell surface. Additionally, the duration of the seasonal extrema can indicate the velocity of the shell’s growth throughout the mollusk life, and the relative δ18O value in the shell’s near-apex increments, the season when a young shell comes out of its cocoon. It has been shown that the common method of growth rings counting at the operculum is unreliable for a shell’s age determination. The distinguishing of modal classes is ineffective as well, since the corridor of the variations in size for coeval individuals is very broad. Apparently, such variable characteristics as the growth rate, the wall’s thickness, and the relative weight are greatly dependent on the alimentary conditions, which are unequal even in the same biotope.  相似文献   

ThedistributionofChaetognathainthewesterncentralPacific¥DaiYanyu(1.ThirdinstituteofOceanography,StateOceanicAdministration,Xi...  相似文献   

The species of iodine in the water samples collected from the west Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas were analysed. Results show that the concentration of total inorganic iodine appears higher in the south than that in the north of the Equator. The iodide concentration is distributed symmetrically on both sides of the Equator in tropic and subtropic zones and it decreases away from the Equator. Around the Antarctic Divergence iodide concentration approaches its minimum in the surface waters .which only accounts for 10% of the total iodine. The dissolved organic iodine concentration keeps constant generally either in horizontal or in vertical. Discussions on the relationships of iodine with chemical, biological and hydrological factors reveal that iodine has a transitional behavior between conservative and biodepleting elements; I/S ratio is of a certain stability on a vast scale, however, it may be largely affected by organism activity in some zones. Besides, evidence shows that iodine is adsorbed by  相似文献   

Abstract-Heat content of the upper layer above the 20℃ isotherm in the tropical Pacific Ocean isestimated by using the sea temperature data set with a resolution 2°latitude×5°longitude (1980~1993)for the water depths (every 10 m) from 0 m to 400 m, and its temporal and spatial variabilities are an-alyzed. (1) The temporal variability indicates that the total heat in the upper layer of the equatorial Pa-cific Ocean is charcterized by the interannual variability. The time series of the equatorial heat anomaly5 months lead that of the El Nino index at the best positive lag correlation between the two, and theformer 13 months lag behind the latter at their best negative lag correlation. Therefore the equatorialheat content can be used as a better predictor than the El Nino index for a warm or cold event. In addi-tion, it is also found that less heat anomaly in the equator corresponds to the stronger warm events inthe period (1980~1993) and much more heat was accumulated in the 4 years including 1992/1  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study of atmospheric stability effect on dimethyl sulfide(DMS) concentration in the air. Investigation includes model simulation and field measurements over the Pacific Ocean. DMS concentration in surface sea water and in the air were measured during a research cruise from Hawaii to Tahiti. The diurnal variation of air temperature over the sea surface differed from the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature because of the high heat capacity of sea water. The diurnal cycle of average DMS concentration in the air was studied in relation to the atmospheric stability parameter and surface heat flux. All these parameters had minima at noon and maxima in the early morning. The correlation coefficient of the air DMS concentration with wind speed (at 15 m high) was 0. 64. The observed concentrations of DMS in the equatorial marine surface layer and their diurnal variability agree well with model simulations. The simulated results indicate that the amplitude of the cycle and the mean  相似文献   

To investigate the life cycle of marine sulfate aerosols, chemicophysical characteristics of marine aerosolswere measured during five cruises in the Pacific Ocean. Dimethyl sulfide concentrations in seawater and in the air were also measured. The geographic variation of sulfate-aerosol concentrations was studied in relation to biogenic and anthropogenic sources,transport with air trajectories, and chemical transformations in the atmosphere. The highest concentrations were found near Asian and American ports, indicating anthropogenic pollution is the major sulfate aerosols source. Higher concentrations were observed in the upwelling regions than in the oligotrophic areas. Along the coastal regions, both mass and number concentrations of sulfate aerosols depended on wind direction and wind speed, and land-breeze and sea-breeze oscillations; no clear diurnal variation was detected. In pelagic areas, along the equator, the concentrations of small sulfate particles showed a maximum in the afternoon and the m  相似文献   

The isotope characteristics (δD, δ18О) of Kara Sea water were studied for quantitative estimation of freshwater runoff at stations located along transect from Yamal Peninsula to Blagopoluchiya Bay (Novaya Zemlya). Freshwater samples were studied for glaciers (Rose, Serp i Molot) and for Yenisei and Ob estuaries. As a whole, δD and δ18O are higher in glaciers than in river waters. isotope composition of estuarial water from Ob River is δD =–131.4 and δ18O =–17.6‰. Estuarial waters of Yenisei River are characterized by compositions close to those of Ob River (–134.4 and–17.7‰), as well as by isotopically “heavier” compositions (–120.7 and–15.8‰). Waters from studied section of Kara Sea can be product of mixing of freshwater (δD =–119.4, δ18O =–15.5) and seawater (S = 34.9, δD = +1.56, δ18O = +0.25) with a composition close to that of Barents Sea water. isotope parameters of water vary significantly with salinity in surface layer, and Kara Sea waters are desalinated along entire studied transect due to river runoff. concentration of freshwater is 5–10% in main part of water column, and <5% at a depth of >100 m. maximum contribution of freshwater (>65%) was recorded in surface layer of central part of sea.  相似文献   

To clarify the global deep-water circulation in the northwest Pacific, we conducted current observations with seven moorings at 40°N east of Japan from May 2007 to October 2008, together with hydrographic observations. By analyzing the data, while taking into consideration that the deep circulation has a northward component in this region and carries low-silica, high-dissolved-oxygen water, we clarified that the deep circulation flows within the region between 144°30′ and 146°10′E at 40°N on and east of the eastern slope of the Japan Trench with marked variability; the deep circulation flows partly on the eastern slope of the trench and mainly to the east during P1 (10 May–24 November 2007), is confined to the eastern slope of the trench during P2 (25 November 2007–20 May 2008), and flows on and to the immediate east of the eastern slope of the trench during P3 (21 May–15 October 2008). Previous studies have identified two branches of the deep circulation at lower latitudes in the western North Pacific; one flows off the western trenches and the other detours near the Shatsky Rise. It was thus concluded that the eastern branch flows westward at 38°N and then northward to the east of the trench, finally joining the western branch around 40°N during P1 and P3, whereas the eastern branch passes westward south of 38°N, joins the western branch around 38°N, and flows northward on the eastern slope of the trench during P2.  相似文献   

In the seawater and sediments of the ocean, there exist huge quantities of bacteria whose living activities cause various chemical reaction processes. It is demonstrated that microorganisms play a fundamental role on chemical changes of the sediments and diageneses. Over the last twenty years, great interest has been increased about the role of deep-sea bacteria in the ferromanganese sedimentary process. Much work has been done on this aspect in the Atlantic Ocean, the Baltic Sea and the Pacific O-  相似文献   

The values of the function (T, S) on theT, S straight lines with different angular coefficients have been analysed. It is shown that at the point of contact of theT, S straight lines with the corresponding isopycnals, has a conventional maximum and the density ratio isR=1. It is inferred that a conventional density maximum may occur and that theT, S gradients are compensated at the oceanic fronts separating the sub-arctic and subtropical water structures.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

The data were collected during Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Expeditions in the western Arctic Ocean and the marginal sea ice zone (MSIZ) of the Southern Ocean, respectively in the boreal summer from July to September of 1999 and in the austral summer from December of 1999 to January of 2000. The concentrations of CO2 in surface water of the survey regions would mostly present lower than those in the atmosphere. A significant biological driving force could also been observed in summer waters in both of the above oceans. Air to sea CO2 fluxes were also calculated to compare oceanic uptake capacity of CO2 in both oceans with the world oceans using Liss, Wanninkhof, and Jacobs‘s methods. The averaged CO2 fluxes of air to sea in the western Arctic Ocean or in the MSIZ of the Southern Ocean doubled that in the world oceans.  相似文献   

Data collected primarily from commercial ships between 1987 and 2010 are used to provide details of seasonal, interannual and bidecadal variability in nutrient supply and removal in the surface ocean mixed layer across the subarctic Pacific. Linear trend analyses are used to look for impacts of climate change in oceanic domains (geographic regions) representing the entire subarctic ocean. Trends are mixed and weak (generally not significant) in both winter and summer despite evidence that the upper ocean is becoming more stratified. Overall, these data suggest little change in the winter resupply of the mixed layer with nutrients over the past 23 years. The few significant trends indicate a winter increase in nitrate (~0.16 μM year−1) in the Bering Sea and in waters off the British Columbia coast, and a decline in summer phosphate (0.018 μM year−1) in the Bering. An oscillation in Bering winter nutrient maxima matches the lunar nodal cycle (18.6 years) suggesting variability in tidal mixing intensity in the Aleutian Islands affects nutrient transport. Nitrate removal from the seasonal mixed layer varies between 6 μM along the subarctic–subtropical boundary and 18 μM off the north coast of Japan, with April to September new production rates in the subarctic Pacific being estimated at 2 and 6 moles C m−2. Changes in nutrient removal in the Bering and western subarctic Pacific (WSP) suggest either the summer mixed layer is thinning with little change in new production or new production is increasing which would require an increase in iron transport to these high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) waters. Si/N and N/P removal ratios of 2.1 and 19.7 are sufficient to push waters into Si then N limitation with sufficient iron supply. Because ~3 μM winter nitrate is transferred to reduced N pools in summer, new production calculated from seasonal nutrient drawdown should not be directly equated to export production.  相似文献   

AtmosphericinputoftraceelementstothewesternPacificOceanandtheKuroshiooceanarea¥QianFenlan;YuHongjian;LanYouchang;ChenZhi;Zhou...  相似文献   

In February and April 2000, in the Southern Ocean between Africa and Antarctica, the concentration of chlorophyll (C chs) in the surface layer was not high (0.1–0.3 mg/m3). The zones of increased C chs values (0.6–2.0 and over 2.0 mg/m3) were located between the Southern Subtropical and Subantarctic fronts, near the Polar front, and to the south of the Antarctic Divergence. From February to April, in the open areas of the Southern Ocean, a general C chs decrease was observed. A similar trend was also noted in the near-shore seas of the East Antarctic. At the shelf of the Sea of Cosmonauts, within the upper mixed layer, the content of chlorophyll amounted to 0.34–0.37 mg/m3. In the area of the continental slope, we registered the formation of a subsurface chlorophyll maximum (0.52–0.56 mg/m3) at a 20-m depth, which deepened to 70 m when passing to the deep-water area. The positive correlation with a high coefficient (r = 0.939) between the field and satellite data (C chs and C sat, respectively) allows one to conclude about the applicability of the SeaWiFS algorithm for the estimation of the chlorophyll content within the surface layer in the Antarctic areas studied. In the course of the ice formation in Prydz Bay, during five days, the content of chlorophyll in different phases of the new ice increased by a factor of 2.9, whereas the values of this parameter in the surrounding waters remained quite invariable. The C sat values were 6.3 times as high as those obtained experimentally for the sludge ice. Because of the large areas occupied by floating ice, the sole usage of satellite data may cause great errors in the productivity estimation of the East Antarctic seas.  相似文献   

-Mainly on the basis of the data obtained during PRC/US bilateral TOGA cruises, abnormal variation occurred during the 1986/1987 El Nino is shown in this paper about the thermal structure and circulation of the upper western tropical Pacific Ocean. The effects of the abmormal variation on the subtropical high over the Northwest Pacific Ocean are discussed. During the El Nino: (1) In the east part of the western tropical Pacific Ocean (the subsurface temperature data on the 165° E section are taken as an example), the water wanner than 29 C in the upper layer spread on the longitudinal section and positive temperature anormalies appeared in a large area of the sea surface. (2) In the west part of the western tropical Pacific Ocean (the subsurface temperature data on the 137°E section are representative ), the cross section occupied by the upper layer warmer water ( T >28 ℃ ) became shrunk, and the sea surface temperature showed negative amomalies. (3) The eastward flows in the upper layer of the 165°  相似文献   

Distribution of larger protozoans (armoured dinoflagellates, tintinnids, heliozoans, radiolarians and foraminiferans >64 μm) is presented for three major water masses of the Southern Ocean: the Polar Front region (PFr), the southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current (southern ACC) and the northern Weddell Gyre. Sampling took place during the SO-JGOFS cruise ANT X/6 of R/V Polarstern (October–November 1992) along a meridional transect at 6°W between 48°00′S and 59°30′S. Multinet samples (64 μm mesh size) were taken at six stations from the surface down to 500 m depth at five different depth intervals. In the upper 100 m of the water column abundances of larger protozoans varied between 94 and 10,930 ind. m–3, with highest abundances in the PFr, where phytoplankton blooms occurred, and lowest values in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current–Weddell Gyre Boundary (AWB). Foraminiferans and polycystine and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians dominated larger protozoan assemblages in the PFr. In open water of the southern ACC, tintinnids, armoured dinoflagellates, foraminiferans and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians were equally important. The heliozoans Sticholonche spp. and nassellarian radiolarians dominated assemblages in the Weddell Gyre and AWB. Larger protozoan biomasses ranged between 2 and 674 μg C m−3 and were always dominated by larger (>300 μm) phaeodarians. Highest biomasses were found in the AWB between 200 and 500 m depth. Standing stocks of larger protozoans constituted a negligible fraction of zooplankton biomass in the upper 200 m of the water column. In deeper layers of the ice-covered Weddell Gyre and AWB their biomasses, dominated by larger (>300 μm) phaeodarians, was significant contributing up to 45% to total larger protozoan and metazoan biomass. Analysis of correlation between distribution patterns and environmental conditions at the stations sampled indicate that spring distribution patterns of heterotrophic armoured dinoflagellates, polycystine radiolarians and foraminiferans follow productivity in the water column. Of the protozoan groups studied the smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians also showed a significant correlation with productivity during spring, however, results from previous studies do not suggest a consistent pattern. Spring distribution patterns of other larger protozoans were not related to differences in productivity in the water column, and effects such as ice-cover, grazing or silica limitation might be determining. Dead radiolarian skeletons constituted on average 27, 8 and 11% of the population of nassellarians, spumellarians and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarians, respectively. The contribution of dead radiolarian skeletons to total radiolarian stocks varied with depth and water mass. Differences between live and skeleton assemblages composition were observed. These differences should be taken into consideration when interpreting the geological record.  相似文献   

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