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印度尼西亚贯穿流及其周边海域季节内变化研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>印度尼西亚贯穿流(Indonesian Throughflow,ITF)是全球气候系统和热盐环流的一个重要组成部分,是太平洋与印度洋在低纬度进行水体及热量交换的唯一通道,对维持全球大洋物质、动量和能量平衡有重要作用[1]。最近的研究表明,ITF还可能是热带印度洋年际异常信号进入赤道太平洋的重要海洋信号  相似文献   

文章基于2004年1月~2006年11月的"国际努加登沙层结与输运"(international Nusantara stratification and transport,INSTANT)计划以及2006年11月~2011年7月的"印度尼西亚贯穿流观测"(monitoring the Indonesian throughflow,MITF)计划的实测数据,从长时间序列研究印度尼西亚贯穿流的变化。在望加锡海峡中,印度尼西亚贯穿流的周期信号分布非常丰富,涵盖潮汐、季节内、季节和年际信号。对于季节变化,东南季风期间温跃层深度上最大南向流速约为1.0m·s-1,而西北季风期间最大南向流速约为0.8m·s-1。印度尼西亚贯穿流的年际变化与尼诺3.4区指数(NINO3.4)呈正相关,最大相关系数大约在NINO 3.4前1~2个月;水深150m以上,印度尼西亚贯穿流与偶极子模态指数(dipole mode index,DMI)呈负相关,200m以下呈正相关,在时间上较DMI滞后约1~2个月。季节变化的经验正交分解(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)前2个模态方差的总贡献率为97%,其中第一模态为65%,第二模态为32%;年际变化的EOF前2个模态的方差贡献率为90%,其中第一模态为51%,第二模态为39%。季节变化的第二模态和年际变化的第一模态表征赤道印度洋开尔文波模态,该模态的空间结构在垂向会发生相位反转;季节变化的第一模态和年际变化的第二模态表征赤道太平洋罗斯贝波(Rossby waves)的厄尔尼诺与南方涛动(El Ni?o and southern oscillation,ENSO)模态,其垂向的空间结构变化比较一致。  相似文献   

A current meter mooring was deployed for one year in December 1995 in Ombai Strait, one of the deep connections between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Depending on the horizontal extrapolation, the mean transport was estimated to be between 4 and 6 Sv towards the Savu Sea. Succession of intense events of one or two months duration nearly hides the expected annual variability with maximum in August–September. Although the mean currents in the upper 200 m were five times higher than that below, the deep and wide strait section leads to a significant deep transport. Analysis of the hydrological characteristics of the concerned water masses corroborates the circulation given by the current measurements. The east-north-east current in December in the upper layer is thought to be related to the arrival of a Kelvin wave originating in the equatorial Indian Ocean and trapped along the coasts of the Sunda Islands before entering the Savu Sea between Sumba and Flores Islands.  相似文献   

巽他海峡是爪哇海与东印度洋进行水交换的重要西部通道,其水交换过程与两侧水团性质和环流有密切关系。本研究基于巽他海峡及其附近海域的观测和遥感再分析数据,分析了爪哇海与印度洋通过巽他海峡进行水交换的多时间尺度变化规律,并探讨了局地和大尺度过程对水体输运的影响。研究表明,巽他海峡贯穿流主要由流出爪哇海的年均南向流与随季风南北转向的季节反向流组成,并存在显著的季节内变化。2008—2016年期间,巽他海峡贯穿流3次观测的年均流量分别为(-0.31±0.34),(-0.27±0.43)和(-0.49±0.31)Sv(负号代表流出爪哇海)。巽他海峡贯穿流与局地风和海峡两侧海表面高度梯度密切相关,因此采用多元回归重构了1993—2017年水体输运时间序列,并计算出25 a的平均流量为(-0.37±0.43)Sv。研究也表明,巽他海峡水体输运的年际变化异常与ENSO,IOD相关。  相似文献   

印尼贯穿流与南海贯穿流的年代际变化特征及机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过绕岛环流理论和SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)数据对印尼贯穿流(ITF)和南海贯穿流(即吕宋海峡水交换,LST)在1976年气候突变前后的特征进行分析。结果表明,1976年后吕宋海峡水交换体积输送(LSTT)异常增大,而印尼贯穿流体积输送(ITFT)异常减少。吕宋海峡东部东风分量和南海内部的北风分量的局地驱动是导致LSTT在1976年后增加的主要因素,南海内部异常北风分量对LSTT增加的贡献能够达到53%;而赤道太平洋的西风分量则是导致ITFT在1976年后减少的主要因素,其贡献大约为61%。1976年后15°N左右的NEC(North Equatorial Current)体积输送异常增强,但总NEC体积输送异常减弱。KC(Kuroshio Current)体积输送异常增强,而MC(Mindanao Current)、NECC(North Equatorial Countercurrent)、SEC(South EquatorialCurrent)体积输送异常减弱。赤道西太平洋由风场变化通过Sverdrup动力过程产生的异常气旋性环流阻碍了太平洋水体向印度洋的输入。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheBeringStrait, with them aximum depth lessthan 60 m , isthe uniquepassagebetween the ArcticOcean and the North Pacific Ocean, and links twoshelfseas:theBeringSeainthesouthandtheChukchiSea in the north. The background flow field oftheBering…  相似文献   

Property structure and variability of the Indonesian Throughflow Water in the major outflow straits (Lombok, Ombai and Timor) are revised from newly available data sets and output from a numerical model. Emphasis is put on the upper layers of the Indonesian Throughflow that impacts the heat and freshwater fluxes of the South Equatorial Current in the Indian Ocean. During the April–June monsoon transition the salinity maximum signature of the North Pacific thermocline water is strongly attenuated. This freshening of the thermocline layer is more intense in Ombai and is related to the supply of fresh near-surface Java Sea water that is drawn eastward by surface monsoon currents and subject to strong diapycnal mixing. The freshwater exits to the Indian Ocean first through Lombok Strait and later through Ombai and Timor, with an advective phase lag of between one and five months. Because of these phase lags, the fresher surface and thermocline water is found in the southeast Indian Ocean from the beginning of the monsoon transition period in April through until the end of the southeast monsoon in September, a much longer time period than previously estimated.  相似文献   

于2013年3-5月通过走航取样分别对巽他陆架和马六甲海峡表层海水浮游植物叶绿素a生物量和群落结构进行了观测和研究。结果表明:巽他陆架生物量较低,叶绿素a浓度平均值为(0.083±0.043)μg/L,爪哇海的SS4站位生物量最低,仅为0.014μg/L,浮游植物粒级组成上主要以Pico-级为优势,占80%以上;马六甲海峡自西北至东南存在明显的盐度梯度,在盐度最低的SM5站,叶绿素a生物量最高,达到1.080μg/L;马六甲海峡站位叶绿素a浓度平均值为(0.433±0.315)μg/L,同时浮游植物群落结构变动较大。在海峡西北的SM1-SM4站与巽他海峡类似,主要以聚球藻为优势类群,Pico-级浮游植物占60%~80%;在生物量最高的SM5站,同样以聚球藻为优势类群,而在海峡东南段的SM6和SM7站,虽然叶绿素a浓度相对于SM5略有降低,但仍明显高于其他马六甲海峡站位和巽他陆架站位,此两个站位硅藻比例明显升高,均可达20%以上。从优势类群生物量与环境因子和营养浓度的相关性可以看出,研究海区叶绿素a生物量与水体盐度呈现显著负相关(p0.050),说明陆源输入对研究海区生物量具有明显的影响。另外,硅藻生物量也与磷酸盐浓度(p0.050)和硅酸盐(p0.010)浓度均呈现显著正相关;聚球藻在浮游植物群落中的优势度会受到陆源营养盐输入的影响而降低,但仍然是整个研究区域最优势的浮游植物类群。  相似文献   

The sea surface height data from 1992 through 2012 in the Eastern Indian Ocean, the 6 sets of hydrographic data sparsely spanning 1990–2001 in water south of Java–Bali, and the 24 shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data across the Ombai Strait during 1997–2000 were used as a combined dataset to understand sea level and current variability along the southern coast of Java and Lesser Sunda Islands. The first two dominant empirical orthogonal function (EOF) modes capture combined seasonal with interannual and seasonal variability that account for 44.5 and 19.9 % of the total variances caused by El Niño Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole events, and by the seasonal change of the Asian monsoon, respectively. The geostrophic current and ADCP data show that the eastward and westward currents are distinguishable via the vertical profiles of current velocity. The eastward-flowing South Java Current (SJC) is characterized by a large vertical shear and shallower diminishing depth of about 150 m and it is increased to 300 m in the presence of the Indian Ocean Kelvin Waves (IOKWs). In contrast, the westward current is dominated by the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) with no vertical shear and has uniform current in the upper 300 m layer. The coastally trapped SJC and IOKWs are responsible for the eastward current. The SJC is not observed in the westward current because of non-existence of coastally trapped modes. The ITF and SJC generate persistent cyclonic (cold) and anticyclonic (warm) mesoscale eddies, respectively, in waters south of eastern Java.  相似文献   

中尺度涡旋影响吕宋海峡黑潮变异的动力机制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
使用1.5层约化重力准地转模式,研究了西边界流在西边界缺口处当处于迟滞过程的临界状态时,其路径转变受中尺度涡旋影响的动力机制,初步探讨了中尺度涡旋影响西边界流在缺口处路径变化的几种形式.结果表明,气旋和反气旋中尺度涡旋都可能使西边界流产生由入侵流态到跨隙流态的转变,而只有反气旋式中尺度涡才有可能诱发西边界流由跨隙流态向入侵流态的转变.当西边界流远离其临界状态时,其路径不容易受中尺度涡旋的影响,此时跨隙的西边界流会阻挡中尺度涡旋在缺口处的向西传播,并迫使涡旋在吕宋海峡东侧向北移动.以上结果用来解释了吕宋海峡黑潮变异的某些结构特征.  相似文献   

常锑  王铮  袁东亮 《海洋科学》2021,45(10):1-10
为研究风急流对吕宋海峡处黑潮路径的影响,本文使用1.5层约化重力浅水模式,设置了与吕宋海峡跨度相接近的缺口宽度,考虑西边界流在西边界缺口处当处于迟滞过程的临界状态时,其路径受风急流影响的动力机制,并初步探讨了在实际海陆边界条件下,实际风急流对黑潮路径的影响。结果显示,理想情况下,当西边界流处在由入侵流态到跨隙流态转变的临界状态时,西风、南风以及西南风风急流可以激发西边界流由入侵流态转变为跨隙流态。当西边界流处在由跨隙流态向入侵流态转变的临界状态时,北风、东风以及东北风风急流可以激发西边界流由跨隙流态转变为入侵流态,并且在风急流消失后西边界流不能再恢复到初始流态。实际情况下,冬季风急流有利于黑潮入侵南海,夏季风急流有利于黑潮跨越吕宋海峡,这和理想情况下的模拟结果以及实际观测结果相一致,这对进一步研究南海北部的上层环流以及南海的质量、能量输送有重要意义。  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-one Argos satellite-tracked drifters deployed at the Luzon Strait in winter during 1991 to 2004 were ana- lyzed to understand the near surface current in northern South China Sea (SCS). Several major track patterns of these drifters have been found. There are: (1)shelf slope landing way (SLW) ; (2)deep basin way (DBW) ;(3) weak loop current pattern; (4) northward movement directly driven by the Kuroshio. These observations show the effects of the basin scale gyre circulation, mesoscale eddies and the Kuroshio on the drifters' ovement.  相似文献   


The Indonesian throughflow (ITF) transports a significant amount of warm freshwater from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, making it critical to the global climate system. This study examines decadal ITF variations using ocean reanalysis data as well as climate model simulations from the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). While the observed annual cycle of ITF transport is known to be correlated with the annual cycle of sea surface height (SSH) difference between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, ocean reanalysis data (1959–2015) show that the Pacific Ocean SSH variability controls more than 85% of ITF variation on decadal timescales. In contrast, the Indian Ocean SSH variability contributes less than 15%. While those observed contributions are mostly reproduced in the CMIP5 historical simulations, an analysis of future climate projections shows a 25–30% increase in the Indian Ocean SSH variability to decadal ITF variations and a corresponding decrease in the Pacific contribution. These projected changes in the Indian Ocean SSH variability are associated with a 23% increase in the amplitudes of negative zonal wind stress anomalies over the equatorial Indian Ocean, along with a 12º eastward shift in the center of action in these anomalies. This combined effect of the increased amplitude and eastward shift in the zonal wind stress increases the SSHA variance over the Indian Ocean, increasing its contribution to the ITF variation. The decadal ITF changes discussed in this study will be crucial in understanding the future global climate variability, strongly coupled to Indo-Pacific interactions.


The aim of this study is to elucidate the seasonal variation in the volume transport through the Tsushima-Korea Strait using the sea level difference across the Strait. The sea level difference associated with the baroclinic motion is estimated from the geostrophic current profile, which is calculated as its vertical integrated transport is zero, using the CTD data from 1988 to 1990. The sea level difference associated with the barotropic motion is estimated by subtracting the sea level difference associated with the baroclinic motion from the observed one. The range (maximum-minimum) of the seasonal variation in the volume transport is evaluated about 0.7 Sv on the average, using the sea level difference associated with the barotropic motion. It is one third of the seasonal variation in the volume transport which is estimated from observed sea level difference on the assumption that no baroclinic component exists. Such analyses also indicate that the volume transport was at a maximum in early winter and at a minimum in early spring from 1988 to 1990. The negative correlation is also found between the volume transport through the eastern channel and that through the western channel. Moreover, it is noticed that the seasonal variation in the surface current velocity in the Strait largely contains baroclinic motions which are locally caused in the Tsushima-Korea Strait.  相似文献   

在南海北部,与中尺度涡相关的季节内变异特征十分显著,通过比较不同时期流场的季节内变异特征,有助于揭示不同动力不稳定中尺度涡对季节内活动的影响。本文以南海北部2009年春季和2020年春季为例,分析了两个时期中尺度涡的动力不稳定性,从而探究季节内变异特征。基于潜标实测流速数据,本文进行了动能谱分析,结果显示这两个时期的流场季节内变异具有相似特征,显著周期分别为10~60 d和30~90 d。季节内信号主要出现在200 m以上的上表层水域,其中30~90 d的季节内流是对应观测期间的主要季节内成分。滞后回归分析和动力不稳定性的计算表明,2009年春季的季节内变异受移动快但强度弱的表层中尺度涡影响,动力不稳定性由斜压不稳定和正压不稳定共同调制;而2020年春季的季节内变异是受强斜压性的中尺度涡影响,通过流速垂向切变增强,从而较快地触发流场季节内变异的发生。本文研究结果有助于深入了解中尺度涡对南海北部季节内活动的影响机制,为海洋动力学和气候研究提供了重要的参考和理论基础。  相似文献   

袁欣  王庆业 《海洋科学》2020,44(3):15-22
利用1993~2017年海表面高度异常数据集,分析研究了西北太平洋季节内变化(20~120d)的整体分布特征,结果表明空间上季节内信号在20°N附近海域(16°~24°N)最强,时间上在6~8月达到一年中的最大值。在吕宋海峡东侧(123.875°E,20.125°N)季节内信号周期(70d)和传播速度(10.7~12.7cm/s)均大于吕宋海峡西侧(119.625°E, 20.125°N)(60 d, 6.5~7.8cm/s)。在大洋内部(123°~140°E, 18°~24°N)存在准90d的周期信号,传播速度约10.3cm/s。传播路径受黑潮的影响发生改变,由沿纬度西传转向向西北方向传播。第一斜压Rossby波理论对海表面高度季节内变化的周期和传播速度具有很好的解释性。  相似文献   

Paleo reconstructions and model simulations have suggested the Bering Strait plays a pivotal role in climate change. However, the contribution of the Bering Strait throughflow to oceanic meridional heat transport (OMHT) is about 100 times smaller than the OMHT at low latitudes in the modern climate and it is generally ignored. Based on model simulations under modern and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM,~21 ka;ka=thousand years ago) climate conditions, this study highlights the importance of the Bering Strait throughflow to OMHT. The interbasin OMHT induced by the Bering Strait throughflow is estimated by interbasin-intrabasin decomposition. Similar to barotropic-baroclinic-horizontal decomposition, we assume the nonzero net mass transport induced by interbasin throughflows is uniform across the entire section, and the interbasin term is separated to force zero net mass transport for the intrabasin term. Based on interbasinintrabasin decomposition, the contribution of the Bering Strait throughflow is determined as ~0.02 PW (1 PW=10 15 W) under the modern climate, and zero under the LGM climate because the closed Bering Strait blocked interbasin throughflows. The contribution of the Bering Strait throughflow to OMHT is rather small, consistent with previous studies. However, comparisons of OMHT under modern and LGM climate conditions indicate the mean absolute changes are typically 0.05 and 0.20 PWin the North Atlantic and North Pacific, respectively. Thus, the contribution of the Bering Strait throughflow should not be ignored when comparing OMHT under diff erent climate conditions.  相似文献   

雅浦-马里亚纳海沟连接区东深水通道是太平洋深层经向翻转环流携带南极绕极水进入西太平洋的首要入口。基于高分辨率的再分析数值模型结果,研究发现该通道深层流速和温度具有显著的40~90d周期的季节内变异,且季节内变异强度随深度的增加而增加,进一步研究揭示地形罗斯贝波(topographicRossbywaves,TRW)是引起上述季节内变异的主要原因,TRW波解可以解释深层流和温度季节内振幅的垂向变化。通过建立全水体的动力关联研究发现TRW在不同时刻具有不同的能量来源,首先次表层强涡旋经过时可以通过位涡守恒激发深层的TRW;第二,大洋中层存在的强涡旋也可激发深层的TRW;第三,深层平均流可以主要通过正压不稳定过程向季节内TRW提供能量。  相似文献   

台湾海峡生态系统对海洋环境年际变动的响应分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过比较1985~2001年的海表温度与其间收集的现场营养盐、浮游植物和浮游动物丰度及群落结构变动信号,以及1971~1998年的中上层鱼类渔获量变动信息,发现了台湾海峡生态系统对物理环境年际变动产生的响应迹象.1997 年夏季台湾海峡处于偏冷状态,南部近岸上升流强度减弱;1997年冬季正值一个较强的暖事件发展到顶峰,北上入侵暖水强度增强、浙闽沿岸冷水强度减弱.导致这两个时期营养盐分布特征改变,发生了一系列从浮游植物到浮游动物,从生物量到群落结构的异常响应,暖水性中上层鱼类渔获量则似乎呈现出El Niño年偏高的趋势.根据有限的辅助证据推测,El Niño很可能不是控制台湾海峡海洋环境年际变动的强信号,而台湾海峡的气候海洋生态长期低频变动可能更多地受到东亚季风中国边缘海系统的控制.  相似文献   

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