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藏北安多地区毗邻羌塘盆地南界,属于藏北地层分区。研究区沙木罗组地层为一套稳定的浅海相碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩建造,依次发育风化壳沉积,潮坪相沉积以及混合台地相沉积,有大量生物礁产出。本文通过对沙木罗组地层中采集到的18件样品进行常量、微量元素及碳氧同位素测试,结合沉积相分析,旨在探索本区晚侏罗世古海平面升降、氧化还原条件以及古气候的演化规律。研究发现,Ni、Sr、Cu、V、Cr、Ni/Co及δ~(13)C等变化能反映氧化还原环境的变化,而Mn、Na、Sr/Cu、P、Ti及δ~(18)O和Z值的波动能指示古气候的变化。研究结果表明:研究区的古环境演化共经历了3个阶段:(1)风化壳阶段的强氧化环境;(2)潮坪阶段的半氧化半还原环境;(3)台地区与三期生物礁建造相对应的3次氧化与还原环境转换。古气候演化也经历了3个阶段:(1)风化壳区的干旱气候;(2)潮坪区的半干旱半湿润气候;(3)台地区3次干湿气候的频繁转换,分别与本区的3个造礁期相对应。  相似文献   

通过对长江中游和尚洞HS-2号石笋的沉积特征及C、O同位素Mg、Sr微量元素相结合分析,利用U系法定年,获取了长江中游19.0ka~6.9ka的古气候、古环境信息(平均分辨率为17a,局部分辨率达到7a).得出如下结论(1)19.0~16.6ka, C、O同位素偏轻,气候冷湿;(2)16.6~11.1ka, C、O同位素偏重, 气温上升,降水偏少;(3)11.1~10.3ka 干热时期中的突然回冷事件对应于新仙女木事件(Younger Dryas Event);(4)10.3~6.9 ka B.P δ18O及δ13C值逐渐变轻,而Mg/Sr比继续增大,表现为气温上升,降雨量较大.反映了历史时期湿冷、干热、湿暖交替变化的气候趋势,得出了长江中游千年级和百年级的一些气候变化趋势,特别是发现了新仙女木事件在长江中游洞穴石笋中完整的记录,说明新仙女木事件是全球性气候突变与环境灾变事件  相似文献   

Mineralogical, textural and geochemical investigations were made to determine the post-depositional evolution of Devonian and Early Carboniferous carbonates from Valle de Tena. The carbonate association is made up of low-Mg calcite, which occurs as micrite, spar cements, neomorphic patches and spar filling veinlets. Non-stoichiometric dolomite and ankerite occur as cements (dolomite also as replacements) in the Middle Devonian, post-dating calcite types. All these phases pre-date tectonic stylolites, indicating compaction after stabilization of the carbonate minerals. Strontium concentrations indicate that Early Devonian and Early Carboniferous micrites initially precipitated as aragonite; Middle and Late Devonian micrites precipitated as high-Mg calcites. Both precursors were diagenetically stabilized to low-Mg calcites through interaction with meteoric waters in phreatic environments. Trace elements in dolomite and ankerite indicate precipitation from Sr-enriched meteoric water. All studied carbonates, except Middle Devonian limestones, precipitated in reducing environments, which favoured incorporation of Fe and Mn. Late calcite generations precipitated from more saline waters than micrites. Light 18O values in micrites suggest alteration mainly in meteoric-phreatic environments. The dolomites and ankerites precipitated from more 18O-depleted fluids than the calcites, suggesting a greater contribution from meteoric waters. Variations in 13C of micrites represent primary secular trends, according to published 13C variations. The 13C oscillations within each succession probably relate to sea-level oscillations. Strontium isotopes also point to a meteoric origin of diagenetic fluids. Model calculations suggest that O and Sr isotopes equilibrated between calcites and fluid at relatively low water/rock ratios, whereas C isotopic signatures are inherited from limestones.  相似文献   

Long sediment cores (12.5 and 13.5 m) from two lakes in Yunnan Province were used to infer the paleoclimate of southwest China over the past 50,000 yr. During the Holocene and marine isotope stage (MIS 3), bio-induced carbonate precipitation and organic matter (OM) production was high, suggesting warm temperatures and high primary productivity. In contrast, sediment inorganic carbon (IC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations were low in last glacial deposits from 38,000 to 12,000 cal yr B.P., indicating cool temperatures and low productivity. The 50,000-yr record has alternating peaks of carbonate and coarse-grain (>38 μm) quartz that reflect warm, moist interglacial or interstadial conditions alternating with cold, dry glacial or stadial conditions, respectively. Spectral analysis of the carbonate and quartz signals reveals power concentrated at periods of 7200 and 8900 cal yr, respectively, that may reflect a nonlinear climate response to precessional forcing at a time of reduced eccentricity modulation (McIntyre and Molfino, 1996). Oxygen isotope values of calcite from Yunnan lake cores indicate the summer monsoon was weak during the last glaciation from 50,000 to 12,000 cal yr B.P. The summer monsoon intensified between 12,000 and 8000 cal yr B.P., but weakened gradually in response to insolation forcing during the mid-to-late Holocene. Our results support the Overpeck et al. (1996) model that posits a weak summer monsoon during the last glaciation that responded nonlinearly to insolation forcing when its intensity was affected by Eurasian snow cover and ice-sheet extent. The summer monsoon intensified and responded linearly to seasonal insolation forcing in the Holocene when ice volume diminished.  相似文献   

李祥辉  王成善  崔杰 《地学前缘》2005,12(2):171-177
介绍了高分辨率碳氧同位素的应用成果;指出半远洋、远洋碳酸盐全岩高分辨率碳同位素高值正偏可作为甄别大洋缺氧事件的指示剂和分析古气候变化的指针,碳同位素偏移型式可为长期海平面变化和短期海平面波动提供参照对比的依据。西藏南部岗巴地区的高分辨率偏移曲线显示,碳同位素Cenomanian Tu ronian界线时期的正偏幅度达2.90‰,Turonian期长期持续负偏,并在M. sigali带中、下部呈现两个负偏凹陷区。这表明,该区白垩纪中期Cenomanian Turonian期存在可以在特提斯甚至全球类比的碳同位素变化趋势,表现为Cenomanian Turonian界线时期的缺氧事件、Turonian期的长期海平面下降趋势和Turonian晚期短暂气候变冷的响应。  相似文献   

印度季风和东亚季风是亚洲季风的两个子系统.现代器测数据和地质历史重建记录均证明两个季风在季节和轨道尺度上具有相同的特征.然而,在年一年代际尺度上,两者的相互关系尚不清楚.笔者通过比较两个分别来自印度季风区(阿曼Defore洞)和东亚季风区(中国和尚洞)的超高分辨石笋氧同位素序列,研究780 a以来印度和东亚季风变化及其相互作用.阿曼石笋氧同位素记录印度季风的变化,而和尚洞石笋δ18 O则是东亚季风变化的指示器.笔者发现,在年代际尺度上阿曼石笋和中国石笋具有相同的氧同位素组成变化特征,同时反映了亚洲季风的强弱变化,表明了印度季风和东亚季风变化是同步的.  相似文献   

湖北宜昌地区寒武系—下奥陶统的碳氧同位素记录   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对宜昌地区寒武系和下奥陶统的碳酸盐碳、氧同位素进行测定,所得δ18O大 于-10‰且与δ13C不相关,表明研究区碳酸盐样品基本上保存了碳、氧同位素的初 始比值。δ18O在白云岩样品中呈现正漂移而在非白云岩样品中呈现负漂移,认为δ 18O反映海水古盐度变化,即δ18O随着古盐度升高而增大;δ13 C在缺氧沉积物中呈现负漂移,但负漂移的δ13C却不限于缺氧沉积物,推测δ13 C可能反映古海洋的初级生产力,即δ13C随着初级生产力的提高而降低。研究还指 出,由于Z值与δ13C密切正相关(相关系数为0.99),综合运用δ18O和δ 13C的经典盐度公式不适用于研究区古盐度环境的重建。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南部奥陶系马家沟组主要由原始沉积的碳酸盐岩和岩溶角砾岩组成.储集空间以次生孔隙为主.中奥陶世沉积作用之后不久,即发生了溶解作用、白云石沉淀、干化脱水作用、机械压实作用、岩溶作用和胶结作用.胶结作用很普遍,主要发生在中石炭世之后的埋藏条件下,是对储层重要的破坏作用.充填于硬石膏结核溶模孔和非组构选择性溶蚀孔、洞、缝的方解石和白云石是最常见的胶结物.这些方解石和白云石胶结物具泥晶、嵌晶状或粒状晶粒结构.泥晶白云石基质的δ18O值-10.98‰~-0.8‰,平均-5.54‰;δ13C值-4.76‰~5.77‰,平均1.51‰.充填于溶蚀孔、缝中的白云石的δ18O值-12.54‰ ~-2.67‰,平均-7.34‰; δ13C值-5.56‰~3.48‰,平均0.28‰.充填于溶蚀孔、缝方解石的δ18O值-15.42‰ ~-6.02‰,平均-9.51‰;δ13C值-12.44‰~1.33‰,平均-3.20‰.总的来说,白云石和方解石胶结物的δ18O和δ13C值低于泥晶白云石基质的,原因是形成晚,受淡水淋滤、埋藏作用和有机质影响较大.泥晶白云石基质的Na含量0~ 350 μg/g,平均59μg/g; Sr含量0~380 μg/g,平均10 μg/g;Fe含量0~ 14 570 μg/g,平均1 040 μg/g; Mn含量0~4 670 μg/g,平均183 μg/g.充填于次生孔隙中的胶结物的Na、Sr、Mn含量与泥晶白云石基质的差别不大,因这些元素含量均低.充填于次生孔隙的碳酸盐胶结物较泥晶白云石基质有明显高的Fe含量.胶结物包裹体的均一温度在90℃ ~ 140C范围内.胶结物沉淀于埋藏较深,温度较高的还原条件下.流体包裹体的气相成分以CH4最为普遍,液相成分以H2O占绝大多数.早期胶结物形成于天然气形成前,晚期胶结物形成于天然气形成之后.岩溶洼地是胶结作用最发育的地带.  相似文献   

对西菲律宾海Ph05-5柱状样190ka以来钙质超微化石进行了氧碳同位素分析.研究结果表明, 钙质超微化石δ18O值在末次间冰期(MIS 5e) 和全新世明显低于末次冰期(MIS5d~2) 和倒数第二次冰期(MIS6).超微化石δ18O值与浮游和底栖有孔虫δ18O值都呈明显的正相关关系, 但超微化石δ18O平均值比浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides rubber δ18O平均值高0.431×10-3, 比Neogloboquadrina dutertrei δ18O平均值低0.410×10-3, 而这三者又远远低于底栖有孔虫Cibicides wullerstorfi的δ18O平均值.超微化石δ13C值变化阶段性特征明显, 并与该孔超微化石绝对丰度变化趋势极为相似, 二者共同反映出西菲律宾海大约从190ka到110ka的MIS6和大约MIS 5e期, 表层海水初级生产力相当稳定且显著低于其他各时期; 大约从MIS5d期开始表层初级生产力显著上升, 初级生产力的这一高值一致持续到约25ka左右的末次冰期; 在25ka以来的MIS1、2期, 表层初级生产力有所下降, 但仍高于190ka到110ka的MIS6和MIS 5e期.   相似文献   

湖北清江石笋的碳氧同位素组成及其古气候意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
测定经铀系法和1 4 C法精确定年的石笋 (Z 2 )的碳氧同位素组成 ,探讨它们对古气候的指示意义。研究结果表明 ,研究区石笋碳酸盐氧同位素主要组成反映了地表水的氧同位素组成 ,受气候的两要素———气温和湿度控制 ;碳同位素组成则反映当地的植被面貌 ,即C3和C4植物的比例 ,间接指示古湿度。洞穴石笋稳定同位素的定量解译尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Lake-water oxygen-isotope histories for three lakes in northern Russia, derived from the cellulose oxygen-isotope stratigraphies of sediment cores, provide the basis for preliminary reconstruction of Holocene paleohydrology in two regions along the boreal treeline. Deconvolution of shifting precipitation δ18O from secondary evaporative isotopic enrichment is aided by knowledge of the distribution of isotopes in modern precipitation, the isotopic composition of paleo-waters preserved in frozen peat deposits, as well as other supporting paleoclimatic information. These data indicate that during the early Holocene, when the boreal treeline advanced to the current arctic coastline, conditions in the lower Yenisey River region were moist compared to the present, whereas greater aridity prevailed to the east near the lower Lena River. This longitudinal moisture gradient is consistent with the suggestion that oceanic forcing (increased sea-surface temperatures in the Nordic Seas and reduced sea-ice cover) was a major contributor to the development of a more maritime climate in western Eurasia, in addition to increased summer insolation. East of the Taimyr Peninsula, large tracts of the continental shelf exposed by glacial sea-level drawdown may have suppressed maritime climatic influence in what are now coastal areas. In contrast, during the late Holocene the two regions have apparently experienced coherent shifts in effective moisture. The similarity of the records may primarily reflect reduced North Atlantic influence in the Nordic Seas and southward retreat of coastline in eastern Siberia, coupled with declining summer insolation.  相似文献   

黔南宾夕法尼亚亚纪Triticites带内大型Fomitchevella珊瑚礁群落中见附礁生长的腕足动物Striatifera striata 和Enteletoides shuichengensis,XRD测试结果显示Striatifera striata壳体次生层为保存较好、成分纯净的低镁方解石,完全未受到成岩作用...  相似文献   

Environmental information can be extracted from bivalve shell geochemistry. In this review, the latest research progress and the existing problems as well as the focus of future research on stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition and trace elemental ratios of bivalve shell were investigated. Oxygen isotopic signatures of bivalve shell have been proved precipitate in equilibrium with their host water and used as a robust tool to reconstruct ancient water temperature. In order to reconstruct quantitative paleo-temperature information, the future research on bivalve shell oxygen isotope should combine with the study of ancient water oxygen isotope. Metabolic effect pre- vents the direct application of stable carbon isotopic composition of bivalve shell from extracting dissolved inorganic carbon information. The contribution of metabolic carbon to bivalve shell is species specific. Stable carbon isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon could be reconstructed if the metabolic contribution could be accounted for. Explore ways to remove contribution of metabolic effects to bivalve shell is the future focus of the research. There is no consensus on the effect of temperature on bivalve trace element ratios, which may be also species spe- cific, each proxy should ideally be validated and calibrated for each species before being used to interpret past climate and environmental conditions. Future research needs to pay attention to the bivalve shell biomineralization process, which controlled bivalve shell trace element ratios. Cultivation experiment is an important way to obtain the relevant conclusions.  相似文献   

We analyze the interannual monthly variability of oxygen isotope ratios in data from IAEA stations along the Atlantic coast of South America between 23° and 34° S to evaluate the influence of parameters such as temperature, rainfall amount and moisture source contribution on meteoric water recharging two karst systems in subtropical Brazil. In addition, a 2 year monitoring program performed on soil and cave drip and rimstone pool waters from sampling sites with contrasting discharge values and located at 100 and 300 m below the surface in the Santana Cave System (24°31′ S; 48°43′ W), is used to test the influence of hydrologic and geologic features on the temporal variations of seepage water δ18O.

Interannual monthly variations in δ18O of rainfall reflect primarily regional changes in moisture source contribution related to seasonal shifts in atmospheric circulation from a more monsoonal regime in summer (negative values of δ18O) to a more extratropical regime in winter (positive values of δ18O). Variations in groundwater δ18O indicate that the climatic signal of recent rainfall events is rapidly transmitted through the relatively deep karst aquifer to the cave drip waters, regardless of location of collection in the cave. In addition, the data also suggest that water replenishment in the system is triggered by the increase in hydraulic head during periods when recharge exceeds the storage capacity of the soil and epikarst reservoirs. Significant perturbations in the groundwater composition, characterized by more positive values of δ18O, are probably connected to an increased Atlantic moisture contribution associated with extratropical precipitation. This implies that the δ18O of speleothems from caves in this region may be a suitable proxy for studying tropical–extratropical interactions over South America, a feature that is intrinsically related to the global atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

南海北部陆架中全新世沉积记录及古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 通过分析珠江口外陆架C069孔沉积柱样的粒度、黏土矿物、主量元素及底栖有孔虫,来研究南海北部中全新世晚期古环境演化。4.2 ka前为全新世大暖期后期,气候湿润,珠江口外陆架受大量的珠江淡水影响,导致C069孔位置的水动力条件较强,形成下段粒度较粗的碎屑沉积物,高岭石含量较高,低的MgO/Al2O3比值,以及受冲淡水影响形成的底栖有孔虫。由于受4.2 ka的极冷事件的影响,C069孔上段的沉积环境受珠江冲淡水影响减小,水动力条件减弱,沉积物粒度变细,高岭石含量降低,MgO/Al2O3比值增大,形成正常浅水环境的底栖有孔虫。4.2 ka以后,台湾来源物质的贡献增多,导致沉积物中伊利石和绿泥石的含量增多,伊利石结晶度和化学指数值都明显变小。  相似文献   

The Pongkor gold–silver deposit is the largest low‐sulfidation epithermal precious metal deposit in Indonesia, and is of Pliocene age. The deposit consists of nine major subparallel quartz–adularia–carbonate veins with very low sulfide content. Vein infill records five paragenetic sequences, dominated by calcite in the early stage and quartz in the later stage of the hydrothermal evolution. Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal calcite and quartz of all stages indicate a temperature ranging from 180 to 220°C and a meteoric water origin (very low salinity close to 0 wt% NaCl equivalent). Carbon isotope data on calcite display a narrow range from ?6.5 to ?3.0‰δ13C. The oxygen isotope values have a wider range of +4.6 to +10.1‰δ18O. The broadly positive correlation of the δ13C versus δ18O plot suggests that the carbon species, which equilibrated during the formation of calcite, is dominated by H2CO3 not far from equilibrium with HCO3?. The abundance of rare earth and yttrium (REY) in carbonate samples is very low (>REY mostly <2 ppm). However, there is always a positive Eu anomaly, which indicates a deeper fluid reservoir at >250°C.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积有机质的地球化学记录与古气候古环境重建   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
与深海沉积与冰芯记录相比,湖泊沉积主要反映区域气候变迁史,可以揭示百年、甚至十年尺度的古气候事件,是高分辨率古环境、古气候重建的理想场所.传统的地质地球化学方法主要侧重于宏观物理 /化学特性描述和孢粉学的研究,近 10年来,沉积有机质分子碳、氢同位素地球化学技术的渗入,使研究工作从传统的宏观、微观层次向分子级水平发展,对诸如古生产率估算、C3/C4植被演替史、古二氧化碳分压及古温度计算等深层次问题解决提供了强有力支持.本文评述了湖泊沉积有机质分子与碳、氢同位素地球化学记录及其在区域古环境、古气候研究中的应用前景.  相似文献   

生物壳体中的碳、氧同位素一直被用来反演地质历史时期海水同位素组成。具有较强抵抗成岩后生作用(低镁方解石)的腕足化石,分布广泛,被认为是反演古生代海水同位素的理想样品之一。本文通过对四川龙门山泥盆纪保存完好的腕足化石碳、氧同位素的提取,建立该时期海水同位素变化曲线,并对其控制因素进行探讨。研究显示:碳同位素组成在~2‰~+2‰(PDB下同)之间变化。其间经历3个旋回,其相对高值分别对应龙门山地区其中3个成礁期。同时因海平面变化不同,碳同位素表现出正偏幅度的不同。表明生物生长以及海平面变化共同控制着海水碳同位素组成,且生物生长对其影响较大。氧同位素组成在4‰~ -10‰之间变化。在埃姆斯阶对应的甘溪组、谢家湾组以及二台子组时期,氧同位素从-10‰逐渐升高到-6‰。但相对于世界其他地区该时期氧同位素偏低-2‰~ -4‰。可能原因是早期处于封闭海洋环境的平驿铺群时期,淡水注入造成海水氧同位素严重偏负。埃姆斯阶全球海平面上升,广海海水同化作用,氧同位素不断上升。从养马坝至小岭坡组时段内,氧同位素在-4‰~ -6‰之间变化,同世界其他地区相当。其幅度变化表明:温度可能是其控制因素。  相似文献   

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