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正"未来地球(Future Earth,简称FE)"科学计划,是由国际科学理事会(ICSU)、国际社会科学理事会(ISSC)、联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)、联合国环境署(UNEP)、联合国大学(UNU)、贝尔蒙特论坛(Belmont Forum)和国际全球变化研究资助机构(IGFA)等组成的"全球可持续发展科学和技术联盟"联合发起的、为期10年(2014—2023年)的科学计划,旨在为全球可持续发展提供必要  相似文献   

地球观测系统EOS(Earth Observing System)^[1]是美国航空航天局(NASA)制定的一项综合性地球观测计划,是以增进对全球变化的认识、预测地球系统变迁为科学目的,对陆地、海洋、大气层、冰雪圈以及生物之间的相互作用进行系统化的综合观测。  相似文献   

中国地球气候系统模式研究进展:CMIP计划实施近20年回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统总结过去20年从CMIP1到CMIP4世界各国模式的综合情况基础上,回顾了中国气候模式参与CMIP科学试验的概况。在此基础上,慨述了CMIP5的试验设计,总结了参加CMIP5的5个中国气候模式的特点。随后,从高分辨率模式研发、地球系统模式研发、地球气候系统模式最为关键的分量——大气环流模式和海洋环流模式研发的角度,提出了中国地球气候系统模式发展面临的挑战,指出了中国模式发展面临的机遇。针对如何从国家层次协调以实现地球气候模式的可持续发展问题,给出了美国国家科学院最近发布的《推动气候模拟的国家战略》所提出的九条措施作为参考。  相似文献   

中国地球气候系统模式的发展及其模拟和预估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地球气候系统模式是开展多学科、多圈层集成研究的重要平台,其发展是国际地学领域特别是全球变化领域竞争的前沿。中国的地球气候系统模式研发工作始于20世纪80年代,最近10年得到快速发展。研发格局上已经形成中国科学院、有关部委和高校三足鼎立的局面。文中在简要回顾中国地球气候系统模式早期发展历史的基础上,总结了中国参加第6次耦合模式比较计划的9个地球气候系统模式的技术特点,初步评估了中国4个模式对全球和东亚气候模拟的基本性能,分析了其在4种共享社会经济路径情景下对全球降水与温度的预估变化及其与平衡态气候敏感度的联系。最后,结合国际态势,从发展的角度提出未来中国气候模式研发工作需要加强的8个方向。  相似文献   

以云和地球辐射能量系统(CERES)数据集为准,量化了中国地球系统模式对地表入射短波辐射和大气逆辐射时空变化的模拟性能,明确了多模式间模拟结果存在不确定性的区域。结果表明:中国模式均能模拟出北半球地表入射短波辐射和大气逆辐射“夏高冬低”的季节变化特征。陆地上,中国模式对两个辐射分量月均值的模拟结果与CERES相当,在海洋上低于CERES结果。中国模式能模拟出地表入射短波辐射下降、大气逆辐射上升的年际变化趋势。对于2001—2014年均值,中国模式模拟的地表入射短波辐射在海洋和陆地上较CERES分别偏低3.3和3.0 W·m-2,模拟的大气逆辐射在海洋上与CERES结果相当,在陆地上较CERES低1.3 W·m-2。除南北纬30°附近之外,中国模式在其他纬度均低估地表入射短波辐射,以热带和北极最为明显。模式对大气逆辐射的模拟偏差呈纬向波动特征,模拟误差大值出现在高大山脉处。中国模式模拟地表入射短波辐射不确定性极大的区域分布在热带雨林和南极洲沿海,模拟大气逆辐射不确定性极大的区域分布在格林兰岛、青藏高原、安第斯山脉和南极洲沿海。  相似文献   

大气无国界,近现代气象科学的诸多辉煌成就,都离不开国际合作.从鸦片战争到中华人民共和国成立之前,中国处于半殖民地半封建社会,气象活动多为外国教会开展,或由清政府聘用的外国海关官员主导,后期国人自主建设气象事业的意识逐渐觉醒,着手建设"国人自营气象事业",并开始在世界气象舞台上崭露头角.  相似文献   

新媒体环境下,以雾霾为切入点的环境问题迅速成为公众、媒体和政府关注的焦点,各利益相关方表现出对雾霾科学信息的不同需求。科学成果在传播内容及其表现形式、传播主体、传播路径等方面呈现出新的模式:成果传播的受众由少至多,成果传播的内容和形式不断多样化,成果数量呈现爆发式增长,更新速率不断加快,传播主体大众化,传播路径由单一向多元化转变;新媒体在有助于推动公众参与环境保护的同时,也给科学传播工作带来了挑战,建议有效利用新媒体的传播渠道,加强环境信息及科学知识的公开和普及,以提高环境保护和治理的能力。  相似文献   

利用6个地球系统模式模拟的植被净初级生产力(NPP)对1901~2005年NPP时空变化进行了研究,并结合气候因子分析了NPP的变化与气温和降水的关系。结果表明:(1)近百年来全球NPP呈现上升趋势,模式集合平均的趋势系数为0.88,通过了99.9%的信度检验;北半球的趋势比南半球明显。(3)近百年来800 g(C) m-2 a-1以上的NPP高值区主要分布在南美洲赤道地区、非洲赤道地区、中南半岛和印度尼西亚一带的热带雨林区;低值区主要分布在北半球高纬度地区、非洲北部地区、亚洲大陆干旱半干旱区以及青藏高原西北部地区。(3)全球NPP与气温百年演变在大部分地区主要为正相关关系,仅在赤道附近的南美洲、非洲以及印度地区为负相关关系,主要由于这些地区辐射是NPP的限制因子。全球NPP与降水的百年变化在大部分地区也主要是正相关关系,在非洲北部到西亚中亚的干旱半干旱地区为负相关关系。(4)6个地球系统模式在全球21个区域的大部分地区的NPP和气温降水的变化关系较为一致,西非地区不同模式变化不一致,NPP模拟的不确定性较大,其次是地中海地区。(5)东亚地区NPP与气候的百年演变同步并且相关性高,反映了强烈的植被大气相互作用过程。  相似文献   

We examine the participation of stakeholders in the rule-making process leading to the design of the US Clean Power Plan (CPP), which was the cornerstone regulation developed during the Obama administration to lower GHG emissions from power plants in the US. Using publicly available information, we identify the core stakeholders that participated in the different stages of the rulemaking process, from the early draft of the rule to its publication in final form, and examine variables that could help explain their decisions to litigate, either against or in favour of the final version of the rule. We show that the ‘pro-CPP’ stakeholders were (a) more likely to participate during the early stages of the rule-making process, attending meetings with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff to discuss rule content, and (b) less likely to get involved during the litigation process. ‘Anti-CPP’ stakeholders, on the other hand, did the opposite, being in general less active during the rulemaking stages, and more active during the litigation stage. However, we also find that the ‘anti-CPP’ stakeholders were more tightly organized as a coalition when compared to the ‘pro-CPP’ stakeholders throughout the process (even in the early stages when they participated less). Our results shed new light on the way advocacy coalitions operate in the climate policy subsystem in the US, and help inform debates about the likelihood of conflict and cooperation across a variety of environmental policy topics.

Key policy insights

  • The design of the Clean Power Plan was a long and contentious process in which ‘Pro’ and ‘Anti-CPP’ coalitions operated to support and undermine the rule, respectively.

  • ‘Pro-CPP’ stakeholders were more active in meetings organized to discuss the CPP with EPA staff, and in submitting written comments.

  • ‘Anti-CPP’ stakeholders were more active during litigation, in response to perceived EPA overreach in designing the rule and negative financial impacts on states’ economies.

  • Joint participation by ‘Anti-CPP’ stakeholders in meetings conveyed by the EPA to discuss the potential content of the rule helps explain their joint litigation efforts, which hints at their considerable capacity to self-organize as a coalition throughout the process.


中国西部地区未来气候变化趋势预测   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
用中国科学院大气物理研究所的全球环流耦合模式(IAP/LASG GOALS),对中国西部地区由于CO2含量增加引起的未来气候变化进行了模拟预测分析.预测CO2含量每年以1%速度递增,对此进行了控制试验和扰动试验两个长期积分,并用它们的差值来表示中国西部地区的气候变化.结果表明,CO2增加以后,在初始阶段平均温度、降水和湿度变化不大,随着CO2含量的增加,中国西部地区温度、降水及湿度均呈显著的增加趋势,且比全球增加大得多.到2050年全球温度相对于现在增加1.5℃,而中国西部地区温度升高在1.2~2.2℃,其中最大增温区出现在青藏高原附近;西南地区降水将增加200mm以上,比湿增加最大,达0.8 g kg-1以上,新疆西部和西北部地区降水减少50 mm左右,平均降水增加15%,整个西部地区气候变暖变湿.  相似文献   

东北地区可利用降水资源的初步分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
利用1961~2002年东北地区80个测站的月降水量和月平均气温资料,采用陆面蒸发经验模型计算得到各测站的月蒸发量,再根据水量平衡关系,得到可利用降水量,以此分析了东北地区大气降水资源的空间分布特征及其变化趋势.结果表明:东北地区可利用降水资源为东多西少分布,东西部区域降水资源差异显著,西部地区可利用降水资源严重匮乏;全区可利用降水资源呈下降趋势,西部半干旱地区在已有水资源严重不足的情况下,可利用降水量仍呈下降趋势,在东部山区其下降趋势最为明显,这将对整个东北地区水资源的开发利用产生不利影响.  相似文献   

We use the results from eight of the Earth System Models (ESMs) made available for the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to analyze the projected changes in biogeochemical conditions over the next 50 years in the northwest Atlantic. We looked at the projected changes using the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 scenario in the 100–400?m depth range over a large region and at more specific locations to assess the relevance of using these outputs to force a regional climate downscaling model of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The projected trends for dissolved oxygen (decrease), pH (decrease), and nitrate (variable although negative in general) represent a continuation of the recently observed trends in the area. For primary production, no firm conclusions can be drawn because of large differences in the trends from one model to another. The consistency of the trends near the regional model lateral boundaries leads us to conclude that the ESM trends can be used to set up future boundary conditions to evaluate regional impacts of climate change although the uncertainty of the results for the Scotian Shelf will be greater than for the Gulf of St. Lawrence.  相似文献   

In this study,the mechanisms underlying the decadal variability of late spring precipitation in South China are investigated by using the latest Community Earth System Model version 1 (CESM1).We aim to unravel the effects of different climate forcing agents such as aerosols and greenhouse gases (GHGs) on the decadal variation of precipitation,based on transient experiments from pre-industry (for year 1850) to present-day (for year 2000).Our results reveal that:(1) CESM1 can reproduce the climatological features of atmospheric circulation and precipitation for the late spring in South China; (2) only simulations including the forcing of anthropogenic aerosols can reproduce the observed decreasing trend of late spring precipitation from 1950-2000 in South China; (3) aerosols affect the decadal change of precipitation mainly by altering the large-scale atmospheric circulation,and to a less extent by increasing the lower-tropospheric stability to inhibit the convective precipitation; and (4) in comparison,other climate forcing agents such as GHGs have much smaller effects on the decadal change of spring precipitation in South China.  相似文献   

全球变化和我国未来的生存环境   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
符淙斌  叶笃正 《大气科学》1995,19(1):116-126
本文在分析我国生存环境的主要特点的基础上,讨论了生存环境长期变化中的科学问题及其与全球变化的关系,并就我国全球变化研究的总体设想、主要内容和目标提出了建议。  相似文献   

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