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实验表明蒙脱石吸附氟的能力与溶液的PH值呈显著的负相关关系:在较低PH值条件下,蒙脱石的吸氟量较大,具有显著的降氟作用;而对中性—碱性溶液来说,蒙脱石对氟的吸附能力则大大降低,基本不具吸氟能力。蒙脱石的吸氟量还与其用量及含氟溶液的浓度有关。吸附原因一方面是由于体系PH值降低,导致其表面带正电荷而吸附F^-;另一方面,随着NaF浓度升高,蒙脱石的双电层变薄,体系ξ电势减少,发生絮凝作用,并携带F^-沉淀下来。另外,F^-与OH^-的离子交换作用也是酸性条件下蒙脱石吸氟的一个重要原因。 相似文献
The gas-chromatographic behaviour (selectivity performance for cyclohexanebenzene and m-, p-xylenes pairs separation) of dimethyldioctadecylammonium complexes with kaolinite, fire-clay, halloysite, attapulgite, hectorite and various montmorillonites, nontronites and vermiculites has been investigated. The obtained data indicate the influence of specific surface and charge density on relative retention value (), and of substitution location (tetrahedral versus octahedral sheet) within the clay lattice on selectivity. Hence, derivatives with nontronites and vermiculites, that is the clay minerals where the principal lattice substitutions are predominantly occurring within the tetrahedral sheet and possessing the highest surface charge density, are very effective sorbents for gas-chromatographic use. The application of gas-chromatography as investigation tool of clays surface is suggested. 相似文献
Geomaterials can be cost-effective sorbents for use in water treatment. In this study, a heavily-weathered Tertiary soil from Xinzhou, China was used as a sorbent for defluoridation of high-fluoride drinking water. The soil is composed of quartz, feldspar, illite and goethite, with an Fe oxide content of 6.75%. Batch and column experiments were done to characterize the F − removal properties and to develop an optimal activation and regeneration procedure. The soil can be regenerated following a simple base-acid rinsing procedure. This can be performed in situ, i.e., by passing the rinsing solutions directly through the treatment column. The same regeneration procedure can be used to activate the pristine soil. Fluoride sorption is described by a Freundlich isotherm model and the bulk of the uptake occurs within 1.5 h. Iron oxide coatings on soil particles and perhaps ≡FeOH surface groups at particle edges of illite grains are likely responsible for the soil's F-sorption property. As collected in the field, the soil has a low permeability and is thus unsuitable for direct use in a flow-through column. Heat-treatment at 400–500°C for 2 h, however, produces a granular and permeable sorbent. Although the soil's sorption capacity (150 μg/g ) is about a quarter of the low end range of values reported for commercially-available activated alumina, the sorption for F − is specific. A batch sorption experiment in the presence of Cl −, SO 42− and HCO 3− shows little or no competition from these other anions. 相似文献
Fluoride ion (F ?) removal technologies from water (defluoridation) suffer from cost and/or efficiency drawbacks. The hugely available low-cost calcined gypsum (plaster of paris) represents a material of choice, especially in the developing countries. Partially soluble calcined gypsum introduces Ca 2+ and SO 4 2? into the water. In this work, the influence of tartaric acid, paracetamol, polyvinyl alcohol and Zn/Al layered double hydroxide additives (either retarders or accelerators) on defluoridation of water by calcined gypsum was studied. These additives act as retarders to the calcined gypsum setting and, hence, delay or disturb the crystallization of gypsum, offering the time for the crystallization of fluoro-compounds containing calcium, fluoride, phosphate and silicate. The more retarded the setting time, the more the Ca 2+ is introduced in the solution, and hence, the more efficient the defluoridation process. The values of Δ G 0 are negative for all additives, indicating the spontaneity of the fluoride removal process. The results of X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and scanning electron microscopy of the produced gypsum supported this interpretation. 相似文献
江河湖海的富营养化导致湖河蓝藻和沿海赤潮频发是全世界面临的灾害性问题之一。黏土治藻是解决这一环境难题的技术方法之一,在应急治理藻华和赤潮中已取得一定成效。黏土治藻具有一定缺陷,研究黏土的类型、含量、治藻性能、有机和无机改性及其治藻性能、优异性能黏土筛选、复配集成及其治藻、去富营养化性能的技术方法,已取得一系列成果,尤其在藻类和富营养化标本兼治、应急和长效综合治理取得了新突破,展示了其发展的广阔前景。 相似文献
黏性土孔隙水的地球化学行为对于弱透水层水质水量研究、污染物在黏性土中的迁移、核废物储存场址评价及油气储层的盖层评价等均具有重要作用。受低渗透性限制,传统方法提取黏性土孔隙水非常困难。通过实验测定黏性土的物化特性,利用PHREEQC软件模拟计算了孔隙水组成。通过浸提实验,利用阴离子可通过孔隙度(50%总孔隙度)确定模型中孔隙水的Cl-和SO2-4含量;根据岩土的阳离子交换量及各离子的交换选择系数,矿物沉淀 溶解平衡,确定了孔隙水的主要化学组分。结果显示,模拟的孔隙水化学组分与压榨液(相当于原位孔隙水)相近,不同于浸提液。传统的浸提方法不可直接换算为孔隙水,受矿物可交换点阳离子的释出与矿物溶解影响,各离子含量被明显高估。模拟所得天津滨海区黏性土阳离子交换量为13.4~37.8 meq/100g土,可交换离子以Na、Mg、Ca为主。所得孔隙水为还原环境,且随着深度增加,还原性增强。模型中所选矿物均为平衡状态,溶液中可能存在的矿物大部分为未饱和或平衡状态,仅部分含Fe、Al矿物过饱和。由结果可知Fe含量偏高,对控制Fe元素的矿物需进一步精确测定。本方法在低渗透,超固结,低含水量介质的孔隙水相关研究中将发挥重要作用。 相似文献
利用X射线衍射,红外光谱,电子显微镜和化学分析等手段,综合分析和研究了台湾海峡西部海域的以水云母为主,高岭石次之的粘土矿物组合特征。结果表明其含量变化和分布特点受物质来源,沉积环境,气候条件,水动条件所制约。高岭石系湿热气候风化型陆源次生矿物,沿闽江和九龙江河口外迅速递减。绿泥石除少量陆源成因外,主要是次生和自生的绿泥石,蒙脱石变以蚀变型自生蒙脱石为主。粘土矿物含量的垂直变化能够为古气候和古沉境环境提供佐证 相似文献
Kick'em Jenny is a submarine volcano situated 9 kilometres north of Grenada in the Lesser Antilles. A preliminary study suggests that the volcano is a prime candidate for tsunamigenic eruptions on a potentially hazardous scale, possibly affecting the whole of the Eastern Caribbean region. The uniqueness of individual volcanic eruptions means that attempts to generalise tsunamigenic mechanisms are extremely tentative. However, the theory of underwater explosion generated water waves is applicable to submarine volcanoes to model explosive eruptions. Using this theory, initial maximum ocean surface displacements are calculated for Kick'em Jenny hydroeruptions, corresponding to various event magnitudes (up to a worst-case scenario eruption on the scale of Krakatau, 1883). Wave propagation theories are then applied to the resulting tsunami wave dispersion, before beach shoaling equations are used to estimate the maximum tsunami run-up at adjacent coastal areas. Maps of the region have been prepared showing the paths of the wave-fronts (ray-tracing), travel times and maximum wave run-up amplitudes along coastlines. Finally, an attempt is made to assess how great a hazard the volcano represents, by considering the probability of each magnitude event occurring. 相似文献
由于水、土压力合算法存在一定的争议,首先对国内现行水、土压力合算公式在完全不排水条件和稳定渗流情况下计算正常固结黏土水、土压力的误差进行了定量的分析,发现计算结果在大多数情况下偏危险,误差可超过40%;然后根据等效原则,推导出了饱和正常固结黏土和超固结黏土的水、土合算公式,得到的公式与文献[2]建议的公式一致,同时证明了该公式与国外采用固结不排水抗剪强度的水、土压力合算公式也一致;对于正常固结和轻微超固结饱和黏土,由等效原则得到的水、土压力合算公式高估存在渗流时主动极限平衡状态水、土压力的合力,而对于重度超固结饱和黏土,水、土压力合算可能低估存在渗流时主动极限平衡状态水土压力的合力,最危险的状态是负超静孔压完全消散时。水、土压力合算公式是采用总应力指标计算在假定完全不排水条件下饱和黏土进入主动或被动极限平衡状态时的水、土总压力,公式并不能考虑渗流对水、土压力的影响,而渗流对水、土压力的影响显著,在实际工程中应加以考虑。 相似文献
A dark green authigenic nontronite is the major component of the Galapagos hydrothermal mounds field sediments. Oxygen isotopic compositions of the chemically purified, <0.2-μm fraction of the nontronitic clays indicate formation temperatures of 25° to 47°C, in contrast with measured in situ mounds temperatures of up to 15°C. Assuming an authigenic origin, the Fe-rich montmorillonite that dominates in the noncarbonate clay fraction of the surrounding pelagic ooze has isotopic formation temperatures of 27° to 39°C, compared with measured in situ temperatures of ca. 3.5° to 6.5°C. The higher isotopic formation temperatures calculated for the hydrothermal nontronite suggest either complex patterns of fluid circulation and nontronite precipitation presently within the mounds or a higher thermal history associated with rapid and episodic periods of deposition during the Holocene-Pleistocene. The apparent high isotopic temperature of the Fe-rich montmorillonite may reflect: (1) formation under hydrothermal conditions at spreading centers with subsequent dispersal by bottom currents, (2) a detrital origin of the mineral, or (3) a mixture of authigenic Fe-montmorillonite and detrital Al-montmorillonite in this region. 相似文献
A previous study of microstructural changes in freezing clay suggested that a “dispersed” freshwater clay should have a higher percentage of unfrozen water than a (leached) marine clay with similar mineralogical and granulometrical compositions. This report describes an investigation where two such clays were actually compared concerning their contents of unfrozen water. The results confirmed the hypothesis. Thus, the influence of clay microstructure on the amount of unfrozen water was clearly shown. The degree of particle aggregation and the density of the particle aggregates are the main microstructural parameters. 相似文献
针对目前水源污染比较普遍、水厂原水水质不断恶化的情况,在常规处理工艺的基础上,选择投加凹凸棒石黏土处理受污染的原水。介绍了凹凸棒石黏土的性能,对受污染原水进行了试验研究,并阐述了投加凹凸棒石黏土处理受污染原水的优点。 相似文献
开采孔隙承压含水系统,引起含水层水头下降。通常认为相邻含水层一经出现水头差,便会有通过粘性土层的越流渗透。但在粘性土两侧含水层出现水头差初期,粘性土内部水头降低缓慢,并伴随有释水压密过程。笔者采用多用途饱水粘性土固结和渗透试验装置,对不同岩性的粘性土原状样进行了释水、吸水与越流发展过程之间关系的试验。试验表明,含水层水位升、降变化,首先引起相邻粘性土吸水回弹或释水压密,而后出现粘性土吸水或与释水越流并存阶段,越流的出现,明显滞后于含水层水头变化,当吸水或释水过程结束后,越流渗透达到稳定。越流滞后时间与土的固结程度有关,笔者采用一维固结理论提出了计算越流滞后时间的方法。 相似文献
通过大量的土工试验,对长江下游苏(州)-(南)通大桥工程区粉质黏土液性指数与天然含水率、天然孔隙比、天然密度、压缩模量、压缩系数、黏聚力的相关关系进行了研究,给出了它们之间的回归关系式,并与国内其他地区的情况进行了比较,发现液性指数与天然孔隙比、天然含水率、天然密度、压缩系数呈很好的线性相关关系,相关系数达0.92以上。(2)液性指数与压缩模量、黏聚力呈较好的指数相关关系,相关系数达0.87以上。根据国内其他地区的地层资料,得出了液性指数与其他物理力学参数的近似相关关系曲线。比较苏通大桥工程区与其他地区的粉质黏土液性指数及其他物理力学参数的相关关系式,显示它们之间有较好的相似性。结果表明,研究结果对类似场地粉质黏土具有重要的参考价值。 相似文献
Studies on the precipitation of carbonates in a hypersaline lagoon revealed the presence of diagenetic dolomite at very shallow sediment depths. The relation of magnesium to calcium concentration both in interstitial and surface waters are within the range predicted in the literature for this occurence. Lower values encountered in some samples were linked to interactions with fresh groundwater. 相似文献
The physical properties of bentonite-based buffer materials for nuclear waste repositories have been investigated by a number of different laboratory tests. These tests have yielded a material model that is valid for conditions close to water saturation and is useful for describing: (a) the stress, strain and volume change behaviour; (b) the pore pressure and flow of water; and (c) the thermal and thermomechanical response. The material model is based on the Drucker-Prager Plasticity model and a Porous Elastic Model. The effective stress concept and Darcy's law are applied and the swelling/consolidation and thermomechanical processes are coupled according to the separate mechanical properties of the pore water, the solids and the clay skeleton. The model can be used by the finite-element program ABAQUS. The model has been tested in several laboratory and field verification tests. Comparison between measured and calculated behaviour shows that the general behaviour is described properly and several calculations of different scenarios have been made for the Swedish KBS 3 concept. However, certain processes, like the hysteresis effect at consolidation/swelling, the curved stress-strain relation at shearing, and the curved failure envelope, are not modelled in a perfectly accurate way and an improved material model is proposed here. It combines the behaviour of the Cam-clay model on the wet side with the more relevant plastic behaviour of a modified Drucker-Prager model with a curved failure envelope and the possibility to introduce strain softening after failure. The paper presents some laboratory results that are the basis of the first model. It also shows the application of the model to finite-element calculations of some laboratory tests. Comparisons between the calculations and measured results expose some disadvantages of the model and a concept for an improved model is suggested. 相似文献
In order to describe and explain the effect of bowing of marble facade panels, neutron time-of-flight diffraction was applied to determine residual macro- and microstrain on the calcite mineral phase. The measurements were combined with investigations of the crystallographic preferred orientation (texture) measurements by neutron diffraction, macroscopic measuring of the bowing on marble building stones, as well as microfabric analyses. Three samples were investigated to explain the bowing effect: a fresh broken sample, a good conditioned facade panel and a strongly deformed facade panel. Residual intracrystalline strain was detected in all investigated samples, which differed in the degree of bowing. For the first time, the preferred orientation and the residual strain were found to be related. The results show that different strain magnitudes are reflected by residual strains, which differ significantly in magnitude and direction. Furthermore, different Bragg peak widths have been detected as an indication of microscopic strain. The observed residual strain values in the samples are related with the grain shape and texture properties. 相似文献
根据实例,深入研究了粘土球干湿度对止水效果的影响问题,并根据不同的地质条件、施工环境做粘土球溶化试验,用以确定粘土球的干湿度,保证投入的粘土球能溶化成一体,从而达到真正止水的目的。具有一定的实用价值。 相似文献
本文利用渗压仪,对弱透水层一饱和粘性土类的原状土样,进行不同水头差作用下的渗透试验,获得水在弱透水层不同孔隙类型中的渗透规律:V—I关系曲线及V—I关系方程等,为地下水资源评价提供了理论依据,具有重要的理论与实际意义。 相似文献