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Street dust is one of the important indicators that reflect the status of urban environmental pollution. There are many studies of heavy metals contamination of street dust in capital cities; however, little attention has been paid to this kind of study in medium cities, including China. The dust samples were collected in the district of traffic crossroads in Xianyang city, Shaanxi Province. Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr and Mn concentrations were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The results indicate that the concentrations of heavy metals are higher than the background values of soils in Shaanxi Province. The contamination level of heavy metals is assessed by potential ecological risk index (E r), geoaccumulation index (I geo), enrichment factor (EF) and pollution index (Pi). The low I geo, EF, E r, Pi and PIn (integrated pollution index) for Mn in street dusts indicate an absence of distinct Mn pollution. The high EF, Pi and PIn of Cu and Zn indicate that there is considerable Cu and Zn pollution. It is suggested that more attention should be paid to heavy metals contamination of Cu and Zn. The assessment results of Pi and PIn suggest that Pb, Ni and Cr present strong pollution; however, their EFs indicate that they cause moderate pollution and their I geo indicates that they are unpolluted to moderately polluted. The contamination class value with different assessing methods is of the order: Pi ≈ PIn > EF > I geo > E r.  相似文献   

 Nanjing is currently one of the fastest developing regions in terms of construction and economy in China. Heavy metal pollution is becoming more serious with the expansion of production and life scales. Four environmental units (highway, refinery, rubbish dumps associated with human daily life, and shoal of the Yangtse River) were selected from the region according to the geneses of the pollution to study and evaluate the distribution and mechanism of the contamination, the speciations of the polluting elements, and the geneses of the pollution in the soils and sediments. The purposes of the study are to understand generally the current situation and the cause of the pollution, and to provide a scientific basis to prevent and solve the pollution problem. At the same time, it would be helpful to probe the effective way of studying heavy metal pollution resulting from the development of modern cities and to accumulate data. It is indicated by the study that the heavy metals contained in the soil of the environmental unit of the highway are Pb, Co and Cr; in the soil of the refinery Cr, V, Pb, Ni, and Co; in the soil of the rubbish plot Co, Cu, and Sb; in the sediments of the shoal Pb, Co, Cu, and Ni. Fe-Mn oxide is given the first place to the speciations in polluting heavy metals transmitted by air. Carbonate is more in speciations of polluting heavy metals transmitted by water than in speciations of the metals transmitted by air. In the ten elements studied, Pb is most directly poisonous to the plants in the region; Co and Cu are the next, and Ni is the least. Heavy metal pollution has been occurring in the soils and sediments of the region and the situation will worsen if some effective measures are not taken. Received: 18 October 1997 · Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Heavy metals are constantly emitted into the environment and pose a major threat to human health, particularly in urban areas. The threat is linked to the presence of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in street dust, which consists of mineral and organic particles originating from the soil, industrial emitters, motor vehicles, and fuel consumption. The study objective was to determine the level of street dust contamination with trace metals in Lublin and to indicate their potential sources of origin. The analyses were carried out with an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The sampling sites (49) were located within the city streets characterised by varying intensity of motor traffic. The following mean content values and their variation (SD) were determined: Cd: 5.1?±?1.7 mg kg?1, Cr: 86.4?±?23.3 mg kg?1, Cu: 81.6?±?69.2 mg kg?1, Ni: 16.5?±?3.9 mg kg?1, Pb: 44.1?±?16.4 mg kg?1, and Zn: 241.1?±?94.6 mg kg?1. The level of pollution was assessed with several widely used geochemical indices (geoaccumulation index, enrichment factor, pollution index, index of ecological risk, and potential ecological risk index). For most of the indices, the mean (median) values are arranged in the following manner: Zn?>?Cu(or Cd)?>?Pb?>?Ni?>?Cr. In general, street dust in Lublin does not show pollution with Cr, Ni, and Pb. Igeo and EF indices show moderate levels for Cu, Cd, and Zn; their presence in street dust is linked with anthropogenic factors (motor traffic). A significant threat is posed by Cd, and more than half of the samples show considerable pollution with cadmium (median for the index of ecological risk: 151). The spatial pattern of indices and the results of statistical analyses (CA, PCA) indicate three groups of elements: (1) Cr and Ni: natural origin; (2) Pb: mixed origin; and (3) Cd, Cu, and Zn: anthropogenic origin (mainly motor vehicle traffic). Higher content values for metals of anthropogenic origin in street dust indicate that it is a source of pollution of soil and air in the city.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the development of metal pollution in sediment cores from three estuaries in Northwest Spain: Viveiro, Ortigueira and Barqueiro. Pb, Cu, Co, Cr, Cd and Zn and total organic carbon were assessed using principal component analysis (PCA) in order to obtain background values, measure pollution levels and identify pollution sources. Results were interpreted by considering the local industrial history, grain size and C/N relationship. The pollution levels obtained bear a strong resemblance to those documented for of a moderately industrialised area. PCA identifies factors that reflect mainly temporal associations with metals. Sedimentation rates between 0.9 and 1.1 cm/year were determined. In Viveiro core levels of Cr pollution are associated with tanneries. In Ortigueira, high core levels of Cu and Co are linked to mining, and Cr levels to adjacent ultramafic rocks. Erosion of Holocene sediment causes high values of Co and Cr in the Barqueiro core. Cu increase in the three estuaries is related to fungicide use since 1910. Sea level rise appears to be affecting the marine characteristics of the sediments in Barqueiro. In Viveiro, the nature of the sediment reflects engineering work and land reclamation.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1361-1368
Due to rapid urbanisation and scarcity of land, most of the urban parks and recreational areas in Hong Kong are built close to major roads or industrial areas, where they are subject to many potential pollution sources, including vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions. An extensive soil survey was conducted in urban parks of Hong Kong to study the current conditions of heavy metals contamination in soils. Soil samples and associated street dusts were collected from more than 60 parks and public amenity areas in old urban districts, industrial areas and New Towns of the territory. Soils were also sampled in the remote country parks to establish the baseline conditions. The total concentrations of heavy metals and major elements in the samples were determined. The results indicate that urban soils in Hong Kong have elevated concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. The parks with high metal concentrations are located in old urban commercial districts and industrial areas, indicating that the major contamination sources in these soils are traffic emissions and industrial activities. In addition, the application of Cd containing phosphate fertilizers may be an important source of Cd in urban park soils. The street dusts have highly elevated Zn concentration, particularly along the main trunk roads. The high Zn content in the street dusts may come from traffic sources, especially vehicle tyres. Selective soil and road dust samples were also analysed for potential chemical speciation by a sequential chemical extraction method. The chemical partitioning results show that Pb and Zn are mainly in the carbonate/adsorbed and Fe–Mn oxide phases, while Cu is largely associated with the organic and sulphide fractions. The high exchangeable Cd in urban soils and high concentration of Zn in street dusts need further investigation for their ecological and health implications.  相似文献   

Countermeasures of heavy metal pollution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article gives a review on heavy metal pollution prevention and control,and it also discusses heavy metal pollutant discharge,prediction and evaluation of environmental impact,and pollution prevention and monitoring.  相似文献   

In this study, heavy metal contents of samples from Gumusler creek in Turkey were studied and the metal contamination characteristics were investigated. In this respect, considering the pollutant sites in the area, systematic sediment samples were collected in a zone starting from the manifestation part of the water to the entrance of the Karasu creek in Gumusler town. Samples were taken from lower section of the river bed at 30 stations along Gumusler creek, 13 km in length and their heavy metal contents were analyzed with XRF Spectrometer. Correlation coefficients, element coefitic coefficient correlation, dendogram hierarchical cluster, model summary and Annova analysis statistical methods were applied to data. Strong positive correlations were determined for some elements which are believed to have possibly the same origin. In addition, mineralizations in the area are thought to cause variation in metal contents. Results of chemical analysis show that soil limit values and clark values were exceeded. The heavy metal accumulation in the creek is believed to be derived from non-operated Sb-Hg-W and Fe quarries.  相似文献   

南京市大气降尘重金属含量特征及来源研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
文中对南京市大气降尘重金属含量水平进行了研究,从2006年12月起连续收集一年的大气降尘样品,分析了As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Mn、Mo、Ni、Pb、Se、Zn等11个元素。结果表明,与土壤背景值相比,南京市大气降尘中除Cr、Fe、Mn外的重金属含量总体明显升高。采用相关分析和主成分分析,对降尘重金属元素来源进行解析,认为有三种主要来源:一是As、Cu、Hg、Pb、Se与燃煤活动、汽车尾气排放有关。二是Cd、Ni、Zn、Mo可能与化学工业有关,但Mo还受工业活动、土壤颗粒物的影响。分析还表明,在化工业园附近的样点,这些元素含量普遍较高。三是Mn、Cr主要与土壤颗粒物有关(自然来源)。以Fe作为参考元素计算重金属的富集因子表明,自然来源的Cr、Mn具有较小的富集因子,而受工业活动影响的Cd、Pb、Se、Zn具有较大的富集因子。  相似文献   

中国农田土壤重金属污染防治现状与问题思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
土壤是农业可持续发展的基础。经过近40年的经济快速发展与农业高度集约化生产后,我国农田土壤污染与土壤环境质量下降问题逐渐凸显。当前,中国农田土壤重金属污染形势不容乐观,对农产品的安全生产和食品安全构成威胁。文章首先对我国农田土壤重金属污染现状与污染特点、农田重金属污染来源及修复技术研究现状等进行了总结。结果显示:(1)我国农田土壤重金属污染点位超标率相对较高,但以轻度污染为主;(2)污染土壤中主要以Cd、As、Hg、Pb和Cr这5种健康风险重金属元素为主,尤其以Cd风险最高,而以生态风险为主的Ni、Cu和Zn 3种重金属环境风险相对较小;(3)农田土壤污染分布总体表现为南方重于北方,东部重于西部;(4)农田土壤污染逐渐呈现由工业源向农业源、城郊向农村、土壤向食物链转移的发展趋势。基于文献计量方法对我国近30年来农田土壤污染防治研究的热点与趋势进行了分析。结果表明,我国农田土壤污染防治研究主要始于2000年前后,2009年后进入快速发展阶段,研究热点主要包括重金属污染监测、土壤环境环境质量评价、重金属污染土壤修复技术等,近10年来污染土壤修复技术表现为从单一修复技术向联合修复技术发展态势。此外,文章对我国农田重金属污染修复的一般程序、不同污染程度农田土壤的安全利用技术与高风险污染土壤的管控技术进行了评价,最后,对我国当前农田重金属污染防治过程中出现的问题进行了思考,同时针对我国今后农田重金属污染防治研究进行展望,提出了基于源头控制与风险管控措施相结合的农田重金属污染防治体系,以期为未来我国农田土壤重金属污染防治研究规划以及土壤重金属污染防治技术的创新提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Assessment of heavy metal pollution in surface water   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
A total of 96 surface water samples collected from river Ganga in West Bengal during 2004–05 was analyzed for pH, EC, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb and Ni. The pH was found in the alkaline range (7.21–8.32), while conductance was obtained in the range of 0.225–0.615 mmhos/cm. Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cr and Pb were detected in more than 92% of the samples in the range of 0.025–5.49, 0.025–2.72, 0.012–0.370, 0.012–0.375, 0.001–0.044 and 0.001–0.250 mg/L, respectively, whereas Cd and Cu were detected only in 20 and 36 samples (0.001–0.003 and 0.003–0.032 mg/L). Overall seasonal variation was significant for Fe, Mn, Cd and Cr. The maximum mean concentration of Fe (1.520 mg/L) was observed in summer, Mn (0.423 mg/L) in monsoon but Cd (0.003 mg/L) and Cr (0.020 mg/L) exhibited their maximum during the winter season. Fe, Mn and Cd concentration also varied with the change of sampling locations. The highest mean concentrations (mg/L) of Fe (1.485), Zn (0.085) and Cu (0.006) were observed at Palta, those for Mn (0.420) and Ni (0.054) at Berhampore, whereas the maximum of Pb (0.024 mg/L) and Cr (0.018 mg/L) was obtained at the downstream station, Uluberia. All in all, the dominance of various heavy metals in the surface water of the river Ganga followed the sequence: Fe > Mn > Ni > Cr > Pb > Zn > Cu > Cd. A significant positive correlation was exhibited for conductivity with Cd and Cr of water but Mn exhibited a negative correlation with conductivity.  相似文献   

模糊综合分析在场地土壤重金属评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以福建省某场地为研究区,在面积约100 hm2的区域以网格布点法采集35件土壤样品,选择17件样品测定了Ni、Zn、Pb、Cd、Cr、Hg、Cu等7种重金属含量。从模糊分析的基本原理出发,运用模糊综合分析法对场地土壤重金属污染现状进行了评价。结果表明,场地土壤背景环境质量良好,基本未受重金属污染,除ZK2表层的土壤处于Ⅲ级和ZK5表层接近Ⅱ级外,其余均靠近Ⅰ级;Zn、Pb、Cd的变异系数超过50%,空间分布变异性较大;场地主要潜在重金属污染指标为Zn、Cd和Pb。  相似文献   

邢润华  吴正  杜国强 《华东地质》2022,43(3):336-344
利用1∶25万土地质量地球化学调查数据,对安徽省宣州区土壤重金属污染风险进行评估,并开展土壤重金属来源解析。结果表明:研究区土壤重金属污染风险总体较低,低污染风险的土壤占74.64%;污染风险可控的土壤占25.04%,主要影响指标为Cd、 As以及 Cu、Hg、Pb、Zn;污染风险较高的土壤占0.32%,主要影响指标为Cd。重金属形态分析结果显示:土壤Cd、Pb生态风险高于As、Hg,其中As、Hg残渣态占比最高,Cd离子交换态占比最高,Pb残渣态和铁锰氧化物结合态占比较高。通过表层土壤、深层土壤元素含量相关性分析,推断区内土壤重金属主要来源于成土母质,局部地区土壤(Hg、Cd、Cu、Zn、As、Pb等高含量)主要受矿山开采、畜牧业养殖等人为活动影响。  相似文献   

The island city of Bombay is surrounded by Thane Creek in the east and the Ulhas River to the north. These two aquatic regimes act as receptacles of industrial and sewerage discharges from the city and also lithogenic fluxes from the adjacent basaltic terrain.

Two consecutive sets of pre-monsoon and post-monsoon samples of water, suspended solids and sediments were collected from nineteen stations along the intertidal zone of Thane Creek and from eleven stations along the Ulhas River course. Toxic heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, Hg and Cd have been analysed in the samples and the degree of metal contamination has been brought out by comparison with local background as well as global standards. Thane Creek is relatively stagnant and dominated by a marine environment, while the Ulhas River is more dynamic and fluvio-estuarine in nature. The two environmental settings have been recognised in discriminant analysis of the heavy metal data.  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染是中国当前最突出的环境污染问题.污染调查公报显示全国土壤重金属总超标率为16.1%,其中镉的点位超标率为7%,对粮食安全产生威胁.本文介绍了中国土壤重金属污染的现状,梳理了土壤重金属污染检测分析的传统和新兴方法技术,包括重金属全量、化学形态和生物可利用态含量等.同时阐述了土壤重金属污染检测分析技术发展趋势...  相似文献   

近年来农用地土壤质量受重金属污染影响进而导致农产品受到威胁的问题愈发严重,然而关于土壤质量评价的研究很少考虑土壤污染状况,忽略了土壤污染风险对土壤质量的影响。本文以某典型制造业县级市为例,在以土壤理化性质为主要指标的土壤肥力状况评价基础上,对研究区土壤重金属进行污染风险管控类型划分。通过建立分段函数将土壤污染风险管控类型划分结果引入土壤质量评价体系,对农用地土壤质量进行评价。结果表明:研究区土壤理化指标的变异系数从大到小为速效磷(AP)含量>土壤电导率(SEC)>全磷(TP)含量>土壤有机碳(SOC)含量>阳离子交换量(CEC)>全氮(TN)含量>pH。土壤肥力状况随地势降低和河流增加呈现升高的趋势,高肥力区主要分布在平原区西北部和平原区东北部,低肥力区主要分布在东南部丘陵山区和西部低洼区,肥力过渡区环绕低肥力区分布。农用地土壤污染风险管控类型的划分结果表明,Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Cr、Ni、Cu和Zn 8种重金属中至少有88.89%的Cd样点和98.61%的Cr样点属于优先保护类,11.11%的Cd样点、1.39%的Cr样点属于安全利用类,该区重金属污染以Cd为主。土壤质量评价结果表明,土壤质量总体分布与土壤肥力状况分布规律类似,但由于受土壤污染风险的影响,研究区西南部低质量土壤范围向东扩张,东南部低质量土壤分布范围更小,更密集化。上述研究结果说明,引入土壤污染风险管控类型划分结果一般会对土壤肥力状况作减幅修正,并在一定程度上改变原土壤肥力状况的空间分布格局。  相似文献   

矿山开发过程中重金属污染研究综述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
矿山固体废物和酸性废水已成为矿山资源开发的两大环境公害,与此产生的矿山重金属污染也成为人们关注的焦点。矿山重金属和类金属元素在人类改造过的环境中发生的活化、迁移和再分配,必然对矿山开发区和邻近区的地球化学平衡带来新的扰动。研究重金属元素在这种地球化学过程中的扰动与平衡,可以揭示污染元素的迁移循环、形态转化规律及其对生态环境的危害,对矿山重金属的污染治理、环境影响评价和生态修复具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Effects of paper mill wastes on the status of soil copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) in and around 16 sites near a paper mill in Assam, North East India (26°07.485′ to 26°07.915′ N latitude and 92°12.706′ to 92°15.065′ E longitude), have been investigated in the present study. The six-step sequential extraction techniques revealed that the water-soluble fraction had the least contribution (below detectable limit to 3.24 mg kg?1 of Cu, 13.87 mg kg?1 of Mn and 1.25 mg kg?1 of Zn) towards soil contamination, irrespective of the metals evaluated. Chemical fractionation of Cu, Mn and Zn in majority of the sampling locations showed non-homogenous orders of contamination. Comparison of the magnitude of local and individual heavy metal contamination factors against global values showed that the places near the paper mill waste disposal site displayed higher potential risk from metal contamination. Furthermore, the mobility factor related to ecotoxicity of soil environment was found to be metal specific and depended not only on total metal concentration but also on the nature of metal in the order Mn > Cu > Zn.  相似文献   

Three cores, one kilometer apart, from each of seven locations along Lake Erie were analyzed for heavy metals and dated by 210Pb techniques. The sedimentary record of anthropogenic inputs of heavy metals parallels the increasing intensity of cultural activity in the lake basin. On the average, pollution sources annually contribute 0.4 μg of Cd, 12 μg of Cu, 12 μg of Pb and 36 μg of Zn deposited per each cm2 of the Eastern Basin sediments: 0.5, 8.8, 11 and 31 μg of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively, deposited per cm2 of Western Basin sediments and 0.7, 1.4, 2.0 and 5.6 μg of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively, deposited per cm2 of fine-grained sediments in the Central Basin. These anthropogenic flux rates exceed the pre-colonial data by 80–600%. The mean flux rates for 210Pb into the Eastern. Central and Western Basins are 0.45, 0.07 and 0.15dpm cm?2 yr?1. respectively. From an inventory of sources and sinks of the metals, it is shown that about 2500 × 103 kg of Cu. 1900 × 103 kg of Pb and 6750 × 103kg of Zn are delivered annually into the lake. The calculated retention in the lake sediments of 45%, 65% and 35% of the total annual inputs of Cu. Pb and Zn, respectively, agrees closely with the accumulation of data derived from sediment analyses. Sewage discharges, direct and indirect, are shown to be an important source of metal in the lake. The mean residence times in the water column are inferred to be 104 days for Cu. 180 days for Pb and 152 days for Zn.  相似文献   

土壤重金属污染潜在风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以北方某河流河床及河流两侧农田中土壤为研究对象,采用地累积指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对土壤中Cd 和Ni 的污染状况进行风险评价。结果表明,废弃冶炼中心处河床及河流两侧土壤中 Cd 和Ni 污染严重,均超过当地土壤背景值; 河床中土壤重金属富集程度为Cd > Ni,其中Cd 富集程度达5 级,为重污染。以当地土壤背景值作为参比值进行评价,该河流处于重度的潜在生态危害程度,重金属的生态危害顺序为Cd > Ni。  相似文献   

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