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Quaternary folding of the eastern Tian Shan, northwest China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Tian Shan, east–west trending more than 2000 km, is one of most active intracontinental mountain building belts that resulted from India–Eurasia collision during Cenozoic. In this study, Quaternary folding related to intracontinental mountain building of the Tian Shan orogenic belt is documented based on geologic interpretation and analyses of the satellite remote sensing images [Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)/Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) and India Remote Sensing (IRS) Pan] combined with field geologic and geomorphic observations and seismic reflection profiles. Analyses of spatial–temporal features of Quaternary folded structure indicate that the early Quaternary folds are widely distributed in both piedmont and intermontane basins, whereas the late Quaternary active folds are mainly concentrated on the northern range-fronts. Field observations indicate that Quaternary folds are mainly characterized by fault-related folding. The formation and migration of Quaternary folding are likely related to decollement surfaces beneath the fold-and-fault zone as revealed by seismic reflection profiles. Moreover, analysis of growth strata indicates that the Quaternary folding began in late stage of early Pleistocene (2.1–1.2 Ma). Finally, tectonic evolution model of the Quaternary deformation in the Tian Shan is presented. This model shows that the Quaternary folding and faulting gradually migrate toward the range-fronts due to the continuous compression related to India–Eurasia collision during Quaternary time. As a result, the high topographic relief of the Tian Shan was formed.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure dating of boulders and erratics provides new constraints for a glacial chronology in the source area of the Urumqi River, Tian Shan, China. 10Be exposure ages of 15.0 ± 1.3–17.1 ± 1.5 ka from the Upper Wangfeng (UWF) moraines agree well with their previous relative age assignments to marine isotope stage (MIS) 2, but are younger than published AMS 14C and electron spin resonance (ESR) ages (from 22.8 ± 0.6 to 37.4 ka). This difference may result from variations in techniques, or could reflect the impact of surface erosion and sediment/snow cover on surface exposure dating. 10Be ages from the Lower Wangfeng (LWF) moraines (18.7 ± 1.8 and 16.2 ± 1.5 ka) are indistinguishable from the UWF exposure ages, but are significantly younger than previously reported thermoluminescence (TL) and ESR ages (37.7 ± 2.6–184.7 ± 18 ka). Either these two groups were formed during the same period (MIS 2) and there are problems with TL and ESR ages, or the moraines were of very different ages and the similar exposure ages result from different degrees of degradation. Erratics on rock steps and a drumlin along >8 km of the main glacial valley above the UWF have internally consistent and slightly decreasing 10Be exposure ages indicating glacier retreat >2.5 m a?1 after MIS 2 and before middle or late Holocene glacier re‐advances. This retreat rate is similar to rates observed from modern glaciers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over the period of more than 30 years the mass balance observations have been carried on the several representative glaciers of the Tien Shan. But these data are not sufficient to explain the asynchronous degradation of the glaciation in different parts of the mountains. Special field observations were undertaken to study asynchronous changes in mass balance. The programme used an imitation model of the mass balance monitoring (Dyurgerov 1988). According to the model the annual values of glacier mass balance bn and equilibrium line altitude ELAn were replaced by the current values of bt and ELAt measured during the ablation season. The imitation model was evaluated on Tuyuksu Glacier in 1987–1989. The results showed that the function bn(ELAn) can be replaced by bt(ELAt) which is nonlinear and can be approximated by the hypsographic curve of the glacier. After these tests the similar measurements were accomplished in summer of 1989 on the Tuyuksu Glacier, Sary-Tor and Glacier No. 1. It was established that the asynchronous changes in mass balance were primarily due to the increase of summer snow accumulation eastward the Tien Shan. The second reason was the difference in the altitudinal position of the glaciers.  相似文献   

This study presented a study of seasonal variations of major ion concentrations in fresh snow on Baishui Glacier No. 1, the largest glacier on Yulong Mountain, China. Fresh snow samples at Baishui Glacier No. 1 were collected from November 2008 to October 2009 for chemical data analysis. The results showed that the neutralizing effect of terrestrial source aerosols raised the pH value of fresh snow. The conductivity of fresh snow was much higher in dry season than that in rainy season. It was evident that the concentration of inorganic ions was generally higher in the dry season than that in rainy season, and the highest values occurred in the pre-monsoon period (April–May). The ions of fresh snow mainly came from terrestrial under the influence of west wind circulation and the Plateau monsoon in dry seasons, and had much complex sources in rainy season under the control of southeast and southwest monsoons. Both wind speed and precipitation had potential effects on ion concentration and composition of fresh snow as well. Moreover, principal component analysis showed that fresh snow ions were mainly from local lithology in dry season and from oceans in rainy season.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from two snowpits in Baishui glacier no. 1, Mt Yulong, China, in May 2006. Snowpit chemistry was studied, using ion tracer techniques, HYSPLIT model, factor analysis, correlation and trend analysis. It indicated that total cation concentration is higher in 4,900-m snowpit than in 4,750-m snowpit, whereas total anion concentration is higher in 4,750-m snowpit. Cations, especially Ca2+, dominate ionic concentrations in Baishui glacier no. 1. According to correlation analysis and factor analysis, ions can be categorized as follows: Cl and NO3 as Group 1, SO4 2− as Group 2, Mg2+ and Ca2+ as Group 3, Na+ as Group 4, K+ as Group 5. Contribution made by terrestrial dust to ionic concentration accounts for 52.27, 100, 99.36, 98.91, 96.16 and 99.97% of Cl, NO3 , SO4 2−, K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+, respectively, in 4,900-m snowpit, and for 64.00, 100, 99.57, 98.63, 96.25 and 99.97% in 4,750-m snowpit. Local dust is the principal source of snowpit chemical components. Pollutants brought from industrial areas of South Asia, Southeast Asia and South China by monsoonal circulation also makes some contribution to anion concentrations, but pollution associated with human activities makes a very slight contribution in study area. The chemical characteristics of two snowpits are different owing to the difference of deposition mechanism and local environment in different altitudes.  相似文献   

Wind-blown mineral dust derived from the crustal surface is an important atmospheric component affecting the Earth’s radiation budget. Deposition of dust particles was measured in snow on the Glacier No. 4, Mt Bogeda, in the eastern Tian Shan, China. The mean number concentration of dust particles with 0.57 < d < 26 μm in the snowpack is 279 × 103 mL?1, with a mean mass concentration of 1,480 μg kg?1. Dust number size distribution showed the dominant particles with d < 2 μm, while volume size distribution showed single-modal structures having volume median diameters from 3 to 25 μm. Results were compared with the data from other sites in the Tian Shan and various northern hemisphere sites. A backward trajectory model was also employed to examine the transport process of dust particles in this region. Most of the air mass originated from the southern and northwestern regions, e.g., the Taklimakan and Gurbantunggut deserts in springtime, during the Asian dust period, which may bring plentiful aerosol dust particles from the sandy deserts. Transport of dust from western Chinese deserts to adjacent mountains is in agreement with a growing body of evidence on the importance of dust inputs to alpine regions.  相似文献   

消融期冰川反照率特征研究对于深入理解冰川消融过程及其对气候变化的响应机理具有重要意义。利用Landsat卫星影像反演反照率数据,MODIS逐日反照率产品数据以及野外观测反照率数据,分析了天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川2016年消融期(5—8月)反照率时空变化特征。研究表明:消融早期,冰川反照率空间变化不明显;消融中后期,总体上呈现随海拔的升高而增大的趋势,在平衡线附近增速最快。消融期冰川反照率整体呈下降趋势,而且在6—7月份变化最为剧烈。平衡线附近反照率时间变化尤其显著,积累区次之,消融区最弱。冰川反照率的时空变化主要由冰面特征决定。气温和固态降水是其驱动因素。冰川反照率随气温的升高而降低,但固态降水会打破其随气温的变化趋势,引起反照率的增加。污化物显著降低冰面反照率,尤其在可见光波段(380~760 nm)。此外,即使冰面特征相对均一,反照率还呈现随太阳入射角的增大而增大的趋势,主要由冰川局部地形(坡度与坡向)差异所致。  相似文献   

The Wangfeng gold deposit is located in Western Tian Shan and the central section of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The deposit is mainly hosted in Precambrian metamorphic rocks and Caledonian granites and is structurally controlled by the Shenglidaban ductile shear zone. The gold orebodies consist of gold-bearing quartz veins and altered mylonite. The mineralization can be divided into three stages: quartz–pyrite veins in the early stage, sulfide–quartz veins in the middle stage, and quartz–carbonate veins or veinlets in the late stage. Ore minerals and native gold mainly formed in the middle stage. Four types of fluid inclusions were identified based on petrography and laser Raman spectroscopy: CO2–H2O inclusions (C-type), pure CO2 inclusions (PC-type), NaCl–H2O inclusions (W-type), and daughter mineral-bearing inclusions (S-type). The early-stage quartz contains only primary CO2–H2O fluid inclusions with salinities of 1.62 to 8.03 wt.% NaCl equivalent, bulk densities of 0.73 to 0.89 g/cm3, and homogenization temperatures of 256 °C–390 °C. Vapor bubbles are composed of CO2. The middle-stage quartz contains all four types of fluid inclusions, of which the CO2–H2O and NaCl–H2O types yield homogenization temperatures of 210 °C–340 °C and 230 °C–300 °C, respectively. The CO2–H2O fluid inclusions have salinities of 0.83 to 9.59 wt.% NaCl equivalent and bulk densities of 0.77 to 0.95 g/cm3, with vapor bubbles composed of CO2, CH4, and N2. Fluid inclusions in the late-stage quartz are NaCl–H2O solution with low salinities (0.35–3.87 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and low homogenization temperatures (122 °C–214 °C). The coexistence of inclusions of these four types in middle-stage quartz suggests that fluid boiling occurred in the middle-stage mineralization. Trapping pressures estimated from CO2–H2O inclusions are 110–300 MPa and 90–250 MPa for the early and middle stages, respectively, suggesting that gold mineralization mainly occurred at depths of about 10 km. In general, the Wangfeng gold deposit originated from a metamorphic fluid system characterized by low salinity, low density, and enrichment of CO2. Depressurized fluid boiling caused gold precipitation. Given the regional geology, ore geology, fluid-inclusion features, and ore-forming age, the Wangfeng gold deposit can be classified as a hypozonal orogenic gold deposit.  相似文献   

The features of climate change and their effects on glacier snow melting in the past 50 years (1961–2010) in Xinjiang were studied. Regional climate data for 49 meteorological stations in the Tianshan Mountains and the northern and southern areas of Xinjiang were collected with the aid of techniques such as climatological statistical diagnosis, regional climate models, remote sensing, and geographic information system. The annual average temperature displayed a rising trend across the Tianshan mountainous area and both areas of Xinjiang. The trend was particularly apparent in winter and autumn with the rate of increase in the annual average minimum temperature being significantly higher than that of the maximum temperature. Rainfall also tended to increase in all three areas over the 50-year period, with the magnitude of change being highest in the mountainous area followed by northern Xinjiang and then southern Xinjiang. As a result of the rising temperatures, there was a negative material balance among the region's glaciers, of which the year 1982/1983 was the key year for the development of Tianshan mountain glacier snow. After this date, glacial ablation intensified with an annual change increase in average temperature of 1 °C, leading to a glacier material balance change of about 300 mm. To establish rainfall and temperature sequences for three regional climate change scenarios in the 2011–2050 period, we adopted the delta method using actual measurements during the 1961–2000 period against corrected data from rainfall and temperature simulations. All three scenarios indicated that temperatures will continue to increase, that the increase in rainfall may decrease in mountainous regions but will increase in the basin, and that the speed of glacial ablation in Xinjiang will continue to accelerate.  相似文献   

Propagation of faults and folds in the foreland basins of Tian Shan is an important process accommodating Cenozoic crustal shortening and mountain building, but little is known about the accurate time of the Cenozoic tectonic deformation. Based on growth strata and age determination, we show that syntectonic growth strata began to develop in the middle part of Tian Shan since 6 Ma ago. Geometry analysis indicates that formation of the growth strata is associated with progressive fold-limb rotation. Formation of the growth strata is contemporaneous with the tectonic deformation in the thrusting and folding zones. Together with the remarkable increase of sedimentation rate as well as the accumulation of coarse molasse deposits, we conclude that the late Cenozoic crustal shortening and mountain building in the region initiated since about 6 Ma and lasted to the early Pleistocene, as a consequence of intracontinental deformation within the India–Eurasia convergent system.  相似文献   

Snow samples were collected over a 3-year period from 2012 to 2014 at the Hailuogou glacier of Mountain Gongga (Mt. Gongga) and analyzed for 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS). The results show that total average levels of the 16 PAHs ranged from 452 to 290 ng·L?1 with a possible declining trend from 2012 to 2014. Distances between the sampling sites and the emission sources were estimated at typically less than 500 km. The results suggest that the major source of PAHs was from coal combustion, while contributions from automobile exhaust played an important role in more recent years. This finding was in agreement with the characteristics of presence of local industry, residence, and recent development of tourism of the surrounding areas.  相似文献   

A combined paleomagnetic and geochronological study is reported of Paleogene basalt lavas and an intercalated red bed succession, comprising a minimum of 14 basalt flows and 10 red bed horizons in the Tuoyun Basin of the southwest Tian Shan Range, China. Two basalt matrix samples yield 40Ar / 39Ar isochron ages of 58.5 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.9) and 60.4 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 1.7). These compare well with a previously published K–Ar dilution age of 61.7 ± 2.3 Ma for comparable Paleogene basalts and confirm that the younger pulse of magmatism in this basin is represented by both intrusive and extrusive activity. Demagnetization and component analysis identify a stable characteristic remanence (ChRM) with predominantly reversed polarity following removal of secondary remanence by peak demagnetization steps below 250–350 °C or 5 mT. Rock magnetic analysis identifies pseudo-single domain magnetite or titanomagnetite as carriers. The stable ChRM passes a fold test; it was probably acquired at the time of lava emplacement. Results from the bulk of the collection imply that paleomagnetic data from the upper and lower ( 115 Ma) basalt series in the Tuoyun Basin are not distinguishable at the 95% significance level and indicate that this tectonic domain remained essentially stationary with respect to the Earth's spin axis for 50 Ma prior to onset of the India/Asia collision in early Eocene times. It is therefore probable that no paleomagnetically detectable crustal shortening occurred in the southwest Tian Shan prior to collision. Paleomagnetic data sets from the Tuoyun Basin also show that little or no paleolatitude difference is present between the Tian Shan and the reference latitude of Eurasia at 60 Ma. This supports previous evidence suggesting that central Asian blocks in the vicinity of the Tian Shan are unlikely to have experienced appreciable northward convergence relative to Eurasia since onset of the India/Asia collision and initiation of the Himalaya.  相似文献   

One of the most far-reaching glacier-related hazards in the Tian Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan is glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) and related debris flows. An improved understanding of the formation and evolution of glacial lakes and debris flow susceptibility is therefore essential to assess and mitigate potential hazards and risks. Non-stationary glacier lakes may fill periodically and quickly; the potential for them to outburst increases as water volume may change dramatically over very short periods of time. After the outburst or drainage of a lake, the entire process may start again, and thus these non-stationary lakes are of particular importance in the region. In this work, the Teztor lake complex, located in Northern Kyrgyzstan, was selected for the analysis of outburst mechanisms of non-stationary glacial lakes, their formation, as well as the triggering of flows and development of debris flows and floods downstream of the lakes. The different Teztor lakes are filled with water periodically, and according to field observations, they tend to outburst every 9–10 years on average. The most important event in the area dates back to 1953, and another important event occurred on July 31, 2012. Other smaller outbursts have been recorded as well. Our study shows that the recent GLOF in 2012 was caused by a combination of intense precipitation during the days preceding the event and a rapid rise in air temperatures. Analyses of features in the entrainment and depositional zones point to a total debris flow volume of about 200,000 m3, with discharge ranging from 145 to 340 m3 s?1 and flow velocities between 5 and 7 m s?1. Results of this study are key for a better design of sound river corridor planning and for the assessment and mitigation of potential GLOF hazards and risks in the region.  相似文献   

We evaluated the concentration, size and distribution, and temporal variation of insoluble dust micro-particles in the snow, rainfall and water taken from the areas surrounding the Mt. Yulong to define the characteristics of modern atmospheric dust deposition and the contributions of different dust sources. The mean mass concentration (4511 μg kg−1) of micro-particles with 0.57 < d < 26 μm, and the diameter (11.5 μm) of dust contained in the water bodies of the Mt. Yulong are roughly similar to those observed in other sites, implying that dust is primarily supplied through short-range transport from proximal source regions (several or hundreds of km distances). The mean mass concentrations of micro-particles with 0.57 < d < 26 μm is lower in the rainfall than in the snow and the river water, suggesting the rain water is an ideal source/carrier for detecting the characteristics of modern atmospheric micro-particles. Volume size distributions of micro-particles in the snow and water showed single modal structures having volume median diameters from 3 to 26 μm. Number concentrations of micro-particles in the snow were higher than that in the rainfall, the river water contains the least amount of micro-particles. Vertical profiles of the snowpits show that there is a strong lateral correlation among the dust peaks, indicating a regional uniformity of dust deposition and suitability of snow analysis for dust deposition. In addition, the bare rock of snow-free terrain in the Mt. Yulong region and the mineral particles from local rock weathering are also important sources for the dust deposition.  相似文献   

中国东北地区蛇绿岩   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
我国东北地区位于中亚造山带的东段,经历了复杂的增生造山过程,其所属微陆块的基底属性及拼贴位置、洋-陆转换一直是地学界研究的热点。根据近年来的研究进展,我们将东北地区微陆块划分为额尔古纳地块、兴安增生地体、松嫩-锡林浩特地块和佳木斯地块。同时综述了东北地区蛇绿岩/蛇绿混杂岩带的时空分布、年代学及地球化学的新资料,讨论了其构造背景及俯冲-增生过程。东北地区增生造山不仅涉及古亚洲洋和古太平洋,还可能与泛大洋有关,包括早奥陶世-晚三叠世古亚洲洋主洋盆及古亚洲洋分支——新元古代-晚寒武世新林-喜桂图洋、早寒武世-晚石炭世嫩江洋、新元古代-晚志留世黑龙江洋和晚二叠世-中侏罗世牡丹江洋的演化。早石炭世末-晚石炭世初,东北地区古亚洲洋分支洋盆全部闭合,所有微陆块完成聚合形成统一的东北陆块群。晚二叠世-早三叠世时期,古亚洲洋主洋盆沿索伦-西拉木伦-长春-延吉缝合带自西向东从早到晚以剪刀式最终闭合,完成东北陆块群与华北板块的拼接。晚三叠世-早侏罗世时期古太平洋板块俯冲启动,东北地区进入古太平洋俯冲增生构造体系。  相似文献   

高海拔雪冰可以记录源自于地球表面的各种化学物质信号.从2002年9月到2005年10月3年的时段内,在天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川积累区采集积雪样品,运用比较法、相关分析法等方法,对其中主要离子、不溶粉尘、痕量金属和δ18O等特征及其季节变化进行了分析研究.分析结果表明,积雪离子浓度大小顺序依次为:Ca2+>SO42->NO3->Cl->NH4+>Mg2+>Na+>K+,其中Ca2+是主要的阳离子,SO42-是主要的阴离子.离子相关性分析表明,除NO3-之外,其他离子浓度之间均存在较好的正相关.积雪中δ18O值随时间变化表现出与大气温度变化相反的规律.积雪中不溶粉尘和主要化学离子浓度具有明显的季节变化特征,春季期间浓度明显高于其他季节,表明沙尘活动对冰川区化学物质输入有较大贡献;此外,痕量金属(Cd、Pb、Zn、Al、Fe)季节变化特征表明,人类活动的污染物对于研究区雪冰中的化学特征亦有重要影响.   相似文献   

程松林 《地质与勘探》2010,46(6):1015-1018
在新疆东天山库姆塔格新发现了辉长岩中钼元素的超常富集,超过了目前的工业品位。从野外产状看,与钼矿化直接相关的岩石均为辉长岩,共两类:一是规模较小但全岩矿化的辉长岩脉;二是规模较大但没有矿化的辉长岩体;矿化的辉长岩脉穿插于非矿化的辉长岩体之中。虽然辉长岩体矿区东侧有中酸性岩浆岩存在,但野外产状和现有的物化探工作尚未发现钼矿化与中酸性岩浆岩有直接关系。无论辉长岩的形成与钼的富集是否属于同一次地质作用的产物,这都可能是一种尚未被认识的、全新的钼矿床(矿化)类型,具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

The total suspended particle (TSP) samples were collected from seven urban cities in Gansu province in the periods of dust storms from January to April 2001. These dust events were characterized by about 1-3 days duration, NNW-, NW-, WNW-dominant wind directions, ~15.0 m/s 1-h average wind speeds and ~62.53 mg/m3 TSP levels. In the January-April period, the dust events in northwestern China were mainly induced by the high pressures over Xinjiang or over northwestern Mongolia and by depressions over eastern Asia. TSP samples were analyzed using a JSM-5600LV scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a KEVEX EDX and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry for examining morphologies and major components. In addition, soil samples, collected from 11different sites, were analyzed using X-ray fluorescence for their chemical components. The morphology of the dust particles showed a wide variety of types such as spherical shapes, irregular and sharp-edged shapes, etc., and contained crustal element oxides such as SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O, and TiO2, similar to the chemical components in the desert/Gobi areas. However, the concentrations of elements such as Cu, V, Pb, Zn and As were wider and higher than those in the soils of the desert/Gobi areas, and their ratios for TSP/desert and TSP/Gobi were about 3~14. The levels of these elements in the urban cities may not be influenced by the dust storms in the desert/Gobi areas, but may be contributed to by anthropogenic sources such as industrial tailings and some polluted materials.  相似文献   

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